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More Quality = Less Wasted Time .................................................................................. 5
Day 1: Chicen !r "##$ ......................................................................................................%
&ecommended 'L& resources............................................................................................ (
)ey*ord research.............................................................................................................. 1+
Day 2: Creatin# The 'roduct.............................................................................................. 1(
Do it
.se so,t*are.......................................................................................................................21
/ire 0reelancer ............................................................................................................. .22
Day 1: 2ettin# .3 4our 2ite .............................................................................................. 21
4our domain name 5 *e6hostin# ................................................................................. .21
Creatin# 5 3u6lishin# your *e63a#es................................................................................2(
Modi,yin# the sales 3a#e .................................................................................................. 2(
The do*nload 3a#e....................................................................................................... .1%
4our 7s8uee9e: 3a#e .......................................................................................................... 1%
;oin# li<e............................................................................................................................1(
Day =: Dri<in# 0ast Tra,,ic ................................................................................................. =+
0ind a,,iliates...................................................................................................................=+
'aid ad<ertisin# ..............................................................................................................=+
Day 5: ;et Writin#...............................................................................................................=1
Day >: ?ein# We6 2.+ 72a<<y:........................................................................................... .==
Start a blog............................................................................................................................. .44
Tell your friends about it.... ................................................................................................46
Get Digging and Stumbling............................................................................................... 46
Set up a forum.. .................................................................................................................... .47
Day 7: Dont Guess Know!.. ............................................................................................. .48
Conlusion .................................................................................................................................... 50
!eommended !esoures........................................................................................................51
"ou may not #a$e onsidered t#is before% but if you #a$e e$er boug#t any
&ind of digital produt online software or an e'boo&% for e(ample% ' t#en t#at
produt ame wit# some &ind of )rig#ts atta#ed to it w#en you did so. *n
ot#er words% in buying t#e produt% you also boug#t t#e rig#t to use it in some
+ost ommonly% you would ,ust get w#at are alled )personal user rig#ts
wit# your pur#ase% so you an use it but you annot% for e(ample% sell it
to someone else.
-owe$er% t#ere are many produts t#at you will buy online w#ere you are
gi$en additional rig#ts wit# your pur#ase. Some produts are pa&aged wit#
!esell !ig#ts% meaning t#at you an use t#e produt yourself and sell it to
ot#ers. T#en t#ere are +aster !esell .roduts w#i# gi$e you t#e liense not
only to sell t#e produt yourself% but also to pass on t#at rig#t to sell t#e
produt to your ustomer too. /inally you #a$e produts t#at ome wit#
.ri$ate 0abel !ig#ts or .0!. T#is is ontent 1most ommonly artiles% e'boo&s
or reports2 t#at an be used as is% or #anged and modified before usage
entirely as t#e pur#aser desires% in ompliane wit# t#e produts .0!
liense. 3it#in t#is .0! produt )ategory t#ere are e$en a ouple of
subategories t#at are defined by t#e e(at )le$els of .0! rig#ts t#at are
granted by t#e produt liense. /or e(ample% t#ere are some .0! produts
t#at allow t#e pur#aser to resell t#e produt but t#ey annot laim aut#ors#ip
of it w#en t#ey do so. -owe$er% t#e $ast ma,ority of .0! produts t#at you
are li&ely to ome aross or buy ome wit# totally unrestrited .0! rig#ts%
meaning t#at you an essentially do w#ate$er you want wit# t#em. /or t#e
rest of t#is boo&% t#is is t#e &ind of .0! produt t#at * will be tal&ing about.
So% wit# su# unrestrited .0! rig#ts to a partiular e'boo&% speial report or
artile% you an:
Change the title of or headline above the product
Modify or edit the content by adding to it
Changing it or cutting pieces out wherever and however you want
Claim authorship or creation credits
Use the finished product you create in any way you like
Give it away
Sell it from a sales page or a membership site etc
Use it as website content materials or in a newsletter
!dd your own affiliate links into the finished product
Claim Copyright to it.
/rom t#is% it s#ould be lear t#at #a$ing unrestrited .0! rig#ts to a produt
t#at you buy offers you a #uge range of different opportunities and
*ndeed% it would e$en be possible to ,ust ta&e t#e produt t#at you #a$e
boug#t% add your name to it and t#en publis# it )as is wit#out doing any more
to it t#an t#at.
T#is is ne$er li&ely to be a smart mo$e% #owe$er% as 1unless you are t#e first
person w#o #as e$er used t#is .0! ontent2 somebody else #as probably
already done t#is before you. So% t#e &ey to using .0! effeti$ely is to
#ange it enoug# to ma&e it your own. Do t#at and utili4ing .0! materials an
be your &ey to #uge online profits% and per#aps e$en more attrati$ely% t#ese
will be profits t#at you s#ould start to see $ery 5ui&ly! * #a$e been using
.0! produts in my own online business for 5uite some time now. * do t#is
beause using .0! is one of t#e 5ui&est ways of going from an empty piee
of paper 1or blan& .C monitor2 to profits for any online entrepreneur.
T#is boo& is going to s#ow you e(atly #ow to do t#is in se$en days or
per#aps e$en less!
More Quality = Less Wasted Time
T#e first t#ing to say about .0! materials is t#at t#ey are not all t#e same.
T#ere is some superb .0! ontent out t#ere in t#e mar&etplae% but t#ere is
also an awful lot of ,un&! "ou mig#t see some online ommentators or
e(perts w#o suggest t#at% as you are going to #a$e to signifiantly modify
t#e materials in any e$ent% t#e 5uality of t#e original .0! materials is
irrele$ant and does not matter.
* fundamentally disagree wit# t#is for a ouple of reasons:
/irstly% t#e .0! materials t#at you use are t#e )foundations upon
w#i# you build your final ontent materials. *f you start off wit# poor
5uality foundations% t#en it is e(tremely unli&ely t#at your finis#ed
produt is going to be strong or of a #ig# 5uality eit#er.
Seondly% * #a$e diso$ered t#at many poorer 5uality .0! materials
are often fatually wrong% or seriously out of date. 6n 5uite a few
oasions% * #a$e seen su# poor 5uality materials 5uote )fats t#at
were ne$er anyt#ing of t#e sort% or statistis t#at are years out of
*t would t#erefore follow t#at any produt t#at you produed from su# .0!
materials would be fundamentally flawed% and t#at is going to do not#ing
w#atsoe$er to #elp your reputation or your business. *n partiular% be aware
t#at free .0! materials are generally being gi$en away free for a reason. *n all
probability% t#e reason is t#at it is impossible to sell t#em beause of t#eir la&
of 5uality and t#e fat t#at t#ey t#erefore #a$e little or no $alue at all. 6f
ourse t#is is a generali4ation% and no doubt it is sometimes possible to pi& up
free .0! ontent t#at is wort# #a$ing. *n fat t#ere is one $ery good free
soure t#at * will #ig#lig#t later t#at definitely merits onsideration% but it is
probably t#e e(eption t#at pro$es t#e rule! As a general guideline, PLR
content is no different from most other things in life - you get what
you ay for! T#e 5uality of your )foundation .0! materials does matter% of
t#at you s#ould be in no doubt. To 5uote an old p#rase% )you annot ma&e a
sil& purse out of a sows ear% and trying to do so will be a massi$e waste of
your time and effort. 7nd you only #a$e 7 days to start ma&ing money% so time
is not somet#ing t#at you #a$e got a lot of ,ust at t#is moment. T#e differene
between good 5uality and bad .0! ontent materials8 3ell% in my e(periene%
using good 5uality materials basially means t#at you need to do some
rewriting and t#at is about it.
3it# poor 5uality ontent% on t#e ot#er #and% you #a$e to #e& e$ery )fat for
auray% you probably need to update a lot of t#e statistis and t#en you need
to rewrite it from t#e $ery first word to t#e last. *n fat% if t#e base .0!
ontent t#at you are wor&ing wit# is poor% t#en you mig#t as well #a$e started
from srat# and written t#e w#ole t#ing by yourself!
"es% t#ere $ery probably will be t#at mu# wor& in$ol$ed!
7nd time is of t#e essene #ere. So% wit#out any furt#er delay% lets get started
"ay #$ %hic&en 'r (gg)
-ere is a broad outline of #ow * am going to ta&e you from now#ere to
#a$ing your own profit ma&ing website and business in t#e spae of t#e ne(t
se$en days:
/ind suitable .0! materials from w#i# you an reate a produt
Create it
9uild a website wit# opt'in page and
sales page to sell t#e produt
+ar&et and promote it
Sell it by t#e tru&'load!
T#e first t#ing to appreiate is t#at if you plan to reate a new produt from
.0! materials% you #a$e to do t#ings a little differently from t#e way t#at you
mig#t in ot#er areas of online business. T#at is% if under more usual
irumstanes you were loo&ing to ma&e money on t#e net% t#e first ad$ie
would be to )find #ungry buyers w#o are loo&ing for somet#ing and t#en
supply it to t#em. 3#ilst t#at is still true to an e(tent% you also #a$e to wor&
wit# t#e .0! materials t#at are a$ailable to you. /or e(ample% t#ere mig#t be a
mar&et t#at is desperately #ungry for more information about underwater pan
pipe playing. * seriously doubt% #owe$er% t#at you would be able to find .0!
materials on t#at partiular topi! T#erefore% you initially need to be doing two
t#ings almost onurrently. "ou need to find your #ungry buyers% but you also
need to &now t#at t#ere are .0! produts t#at you an wor& wit# and modify
w#i# will t#en sell in a finis#ed format to t#ose #ungry buyers. 3#at you
s#ould initially do t#erefore is establis# t#at t#ere is a mar&et for a partiular
type of produt in t#e broadest terms. T#en you an #e& w#et#er t#ere are
.0! materials t#at you an wor& wit# before beoming too in$ol$ed in resear#
and do too mu# wor&. *f% #owe$er% you establis# t#at t#ere are good 5uality
materials t#at you an use% t#en and only t#en do you want to start doing t#e
serious wor&! T#ere is one ot#er option open to you% w#i# is to #a$e .0!
materials reated e(lusi$ely for you. T#is mig#t% for e(ample% be wort#
onsidering if you find a mar&et ni#e t#at is wide open and totally )#ot. T#ese
&inds of ni#es are% #owe$er% $ery few and far between% and you would need to
be $ery sure t#at it was going to be wort# it before spending a few #undred
dollars getting .0! materials )tailor made. Su# a situation would be t#e
e(eption rat#er t#an t#e rule. /or t#at reason% * am going to assume t#at you
are going to use pre'e(isting
.0! materials% as t#is is undoubtedly going to be #eaper and 5ui&er for you
1t#ere are only 7 days% after all!2. 7s t#e #apter title probably suggests%
w#et#er you #oose to sear# for a ni#e and t#en loo& for suitable .0!
materials or do it t#e ot#er way around is really up to you.
-owe$er% beause * li&e to use only a #andful of .0! sites w#ere * &now t#at
t#e materials a$ailable are of t#e #ig#est 5uality% * tend to loo& at t#em first
to soure my .0! produts before loo&ing for ni#es. * would reommend
t#at you do t#e same% at least until you beome more familiar and
omfortable wit# w#at you are doing.
Recommended PLR resources
7s suggested% w#en loo&ing at .0! materials t#at you an wor& wit#% you
generally get w#at you pay for.
T#ere is% #owe$er% one free .0! site t#at * #a$e used w#ere * would say t#at
t#e 5uality of t#e materials is abo$e a$erage% espeially w#en you onsider
t#at e$eryt#ing is free. T#is site an be found at
.roper:boo& and you s#ould definitely ta&e a loo& to see w#at is
a$ailable t#at you an use. *t offers ; types of +embers#ips. T#e produts are
good for bot# types of members% but aess to .0! produts is limited unless
you upgrade. !emember you get w#at you pay for.
6ne &ey feature of 5uality .0! t#at is often underrated is rarity $alue% and
ontent t#at is gi$en away to all and a sundry #as no rarity $alue w#atsoe$er.
T#erefore% onsidering using free materials is all $ery well in t#eory. 9ut if you
want to reate somet#ing t#at #as real long'lasting $alue% t#en using free
materials as your )foundations is not a $ery smart mo$e. 9eause of t#e
onept t#at rarity adds to t#e $alue of .0! materials% most of t#e best
members#ip type sites #a$e stritly limited members#ip numbers as well.
.erfet e(amples are my two fa$ourite members#ip sites% bot# of w#i# * an
t#oroug#ly reommend% to be found at !esell'!ig#ts'3ee& and
!esell'!ig#ts'3ee& is my fa$ourite site t#at you an gain trial aess to for only
<=.>>. T#e site wor&s on t#e basis of a new .0! e'boo& 1or sometimes more t#an
one2 being made a$ailable e$ery mont# as part of a pa&age t#at omes wit#
e$eryt#ing t#at you need to start selling it straig#t away. /or e(ample% as you will
see from t#e following sreens#ot% in addition to t#e e'boo& you get ready made
sales% download and s5uee4e pages% grap#is% #eaders% footers and so on. 9asially%
it is a ready'to'go )business in a bo( e$ery mont#. 0et us t#erefore begin by ta&ing a
loo& at !esell!ig#ts3ee&ly to see w#at is a$ailable and #ow you would start using it:
7s an be seen% t#e produt t#at is a$ailable from !esell!ig#ts3ee&ly is an e' boo&
t#at deals wit# /aeboo&% w#i# is t#e seond most popular soial
networ&ing website on t#e net.
7nd% more importantly% /aeboo& is a free site t#at urrently attrats around
one million new o$er';? year old 1i.e. non'student2 users e$ery mont#% so
/aeboo&s popularity is learly on t#e up'and'up! /urt#ermore% t#e
referene in t#e title to Googles immensely popular .ay'.er'Cli& ad$ertising
program 7d3ords suggests t#at it is a .0! guide onerned wit# ma&ing
money from /aeboo&.
6&ay% wit# all t#ose new members ,oining% t#is is ob$iously an e(tremely
popular website. T#is produt would t#erefore appear to be well wort# using in
your efforts to start ma&ing money from .0! materials wit#in t#e ne(t wee&.
T#e ne(t onsideration is ' if you do deide to reate your own e'boo& produt
using t#is partiular .0! manual% #ow and w#ere would you promote it8 "ou
are% after all% not going to ma&e any money if t#ere is no mar&et of people
w#o are willing to pay to learn #ow to ma&e money using /aeboo&.
"ou must t#erefore do your resear# to establis# w#et#er t#ere is any
demand for su# a produt% and in order to do so% you need to start w#at is
&nown as )&eyword resear#.
*eyword research
Keyword resear# is not#ing more t#an finding t#e words or p#rases t#at
people use w#en t#ey are loo&ing for somet#ing on t#e net using sear#
engines li&e Google or "a#oo. So% in t#is ase% you would be loo&ing for words
or p#rases t#at people will use w#en t#ey are loo&ing for information related
to /aeboo&. 3#ile it sounds remar&ably simple and per#aps e$en a little
mundane% &eyword resear# is a fundamental ornerstone of any suessful
online mar&eting ampaign.
T#is is beause &eywords are t#e learest and most effeti$e indiator of w#at
people are loo&ing for w#en t#ey surf. *n ot#er words% &eywords tell you
e(atly w#at people want or need. So% if you an ta&e t#is information and
reate a produt t#at satisfies t#ose wants and needs before putting t#e
finis#ed produt in front of t#ese #ungry onsumers% you #a$e an almost
perfet sales situation. 7not#er point to understand about &eyword resear# is
t#at you need to build a good list of &eywords t#at will dri$e $isitors w#o are
potential ustomers to your sales page. 7s an e(ample% if you are selling a
/aeboo& related produt% t#en t#ere is no point in #a$ing people w#o are
interested in a$iation $isiting your sales page. "our urrent ob,eti$e is%
t#erefore% to ompose a list of /aeboo& related &eywords t#at you an build
your sales pages around t#at will% in turn% send $isitors to your site.
*t was mentioned abo$e t#at /aeboo& is t#e seond most popular soial
networ&ing site% wit# +ySpae being number one. 9eause of its popularity%
many people #a$e already found ways of moneti4ing t#eir +ySpae aounts%
and produts about #ow to do t#is are relati$ely ommon.
.roduts about #ow to do t#is wit# /aeboo& are #owe$er far less ommon. *
would suggest t#at t#e ma,ority of /aeboo& users are not yet aware t#at t#ere
are money ma&ing opportunities a$ailable on t#eir fa$ourite soial networ&.
Conse5uently% for many /aeboo& users% t#e idea t#at t#ey an ma&e money
t#roug# t#eir onnetion wit# t#e site mig#t ome as somet#ing of a surprise.
1"ou will see proof of t#is t#eory later.2
/or t#is reason% * would not reommend t#at you s#ould limit your &eyword
resear# to finding words or p#rases related to ma&ing money wit# /aeboo&%
as t#is ould potentially limit your e$entual mar&et. Gi$en t#e irumstanes%
it would ma&e mu# more sense to start wit# t#e single word /aeboo&% and
go from t#ere. T#ere are many free &eyword resear# tools t#at you an use%
but t#e best one t#at * #a$e found 1in ot#er words% t#e most aurate one2
an be found at 3ordtra&er% so lets go t#ere and start resear#ing.
T#e first t#ing to say about t#e free 3ordtra&er tool is t#at it only s#ows t#e
top =>> &ey words or p#rases t#at are returned by any sear# t#at you do. 7s
you an see from t#e sreens#ot% t#ere are o$er ==@%>>> different sear#
terms t#at t#e program #as found prompted by t#e word )/aeboo&.
So% if you an afford 1or already use2 a paid &eyword resear# tool% t#en you
will #a$e far more information a$ailable to wor& wit#. "ou an get full aess to
e$eryt#ing on t#e 3ordtra&er site <AB a mont#% w#i# may be somet#ing to
onsider. To ma&e your life easier * #a$e anot#er alternati$e for you. 7nd you
s#ouldnt pay mont#ly fees% only = time payment for great &eyword resear#
software: #ttp:CCpropereboo&s.omC&eywordsear#C * added /!:: bonuses for
you t#ere. So% dont miss it J
-owe$er% from t#e free &eyword sear# results abo$e% t#en per#aps
unsurprisingly t#e most popular &eyword sear# term for /aeboo& related
information is ' /aeboo&! 3ordtra&er suggests t#at t#ere will be nearly
=>D%>>> sear#es for t#at one &eyword e$ery day. T#e ruial t#ing to
understand% #owe$er% is t#at t#e number of sear#es an only be $iewed in a
meaningful manner by omparing it to t#e number of websites t#at refer to t#e
partiular &eyword t#at you are sear#ing for% as t#ey represent your
ompetition. *n ot#er words% you need to &now #ow many ot#er websites are
going to s#ow in t#e sear# engines if you ,ust typing t#e single word
-ere are t#e results from Google% by way of a demonstration:

3#ilst t#ere may well be =>D%>>> people w#o type in t#e single word
)/aeboo& to t#e ma,or sear# engines e$ery day% t#ey will be presented wit#
a #oie of nearly E; million websites by Google w#en t#ey do so!
*n s#ort% t#ere is absolutely no point trying to build your sales pages around
t#e single word /aeboo& ' t#e ompetition is way too fiere! 3#at you really
need to find are )long tail &eywords w#i# are usually t#ree or four word
p#rases t#at relate to your topi or mar&et ni#e. Su# long tail &eyword
p#rases will often en,oy relati$ely small daily sear# numbers% but t#ere will
not be massi$e ompetition eit#er. !emember #ow * suggested t#at w#at you
are loo&ing for are potential ustomers w#o #a$e a want or a need t#at your
new produt an satisfy8 3ell% t#e way * try to find su# people is by using
)want or )need words w#en * am sear#ing for suitable &eywords or p#rases.
/or e(ample% try running anot#er 3ordtra&er sear# but add )#ow to%
)w#ere% )w#at or )want in front of your primary sear# term. "ou will often
generate some $ery interesting results by doing t#is. 7lternati$ely% you an
e$en try adding )buy or )pur#ase as eit#er of t#ese words will speifially
target your sear# towards people w#o are willing to spend money to find t#e
answer to t#eir problems.
So% by using )#ow to /aeboo& 1grammatially inorret t#oug# it is2 you an
generate some sear# terms t#at are far more interesting! 0ets ta&e t#e first
of t#ese terms and sear# Google to see #ow many ompeting websites t#is
*nidentally% w#en doing t#is you s#ould inlude t#e p#rase in 5uotation
mar&s or in$erted ommas 1FG2 as t#is s#ows t#e results for t#e e(at term%
w#i# is w#at you need to find.
How% t#at is more li&e it! T#ere are ;= potential sear#es e$ery day for t#is
term% but t#ere are only E@ websites returned by Google. So% it follows t#at if
you use t#is partiular term w#en you build your sales pages later% you s#ould
be able to grab t#e number one spot in Google for it fairly 5ui&ly and easily.
6&ay% w#at you now need to do is build a list of at least ?> similar long tail
&eyword p#rases t#at you an ma(imi4e your web pages for. 6f ourse% t#e
more &ey words you an find t#at s#ow t#e same #arateristis as )#ow to
unfilter faeboo& 1i.e. some sear#es and little ompetition2 t#en t#e better
t#at will be. T#ese &eyword p#rases will be t#e ornerstone around w#i# you
build your website. T#is is% in turn% your entral strategy for dri$ing $isitors to
your website to buy your produt% and t#us earn money for you. 7s pre$iously
suggested% t#ere are t#ousands if not millions w#o are already ma&ing money
from +ySpae% but /aeboo& as a money ma&er is still relati$ely )$irgin
territory. 7nd% if you want proof:
T#ere are only ;A>> results in Google for a p#rase t#at you would e(pet to be
one of t#e most popular for t#ose people loo&ing for ways of moneti4ing t#eir
/aeboo& aount. -eres anot#er:
:$en t#ese )primary p#rases are ones t#at we an use and reasonably e(pet
to be appearing in t#e top => sear# engine results in Google wit#in a mont#
to si( wee&s at t#e outside. 3#et#er t#at will get us any site $isitors% #owe$er%
is anot#er 5uestion entirely! * will return to t#is point a little later.
"ay +$ %reating The Product
9efore you go reating your own produt% you s#ould download it first. 7nd as
my gift and my )T#an& you for subsribing to my list * am gi$ing you free
download of F/aeboo& Soial 7dsG .0! eboo&. Download it #ere:
"ou now #a$e w#at appears to be a $ery solid foundation for your new e'boo&
produt% somet#ing t#at s#ould position you perfetly in a mar&et t#at is
learly e(tremely popular. 7t t#is point% you basially #a$e e$eryt#ing you
need to laun# your e' boo& onto t#e mar&et wit# $ery little wor&% by simply
using e$eryt#ing as you reei$ed it. "ou ould% for e(ample% start selling t#e
boo& e(atly as you downloaded it% using e(atly t#e same #eader and footer
grap#is% from t#e same sales page% and so on. T#is is e(atly w#at 5uite a
few ot#er people will do too% and t#at is t#erefore li&ely to restrit your
#anes of suess onsiderably. *t is far better if you do a little more wor&
and use t#e .0! materials t#at you #a$e got your #ands on in t#e way t#ey
are supposed to be used ' t#at is% as t#e basis of your own fres#% uni5ue
produt. T#e ne(t t#ing you must do is ta&e t#e .0! $ersion of t#e /aeboo&
e' boo& and reate your uni5ue $ersion of it. 6ne piee of good news is t#at
all produts from t#e sites t#at * #a$e already #ig#lig#ted are good 5uality and
only a$ailable in limited numbers 1t#e paid members#ip sites2. T#is means
t#at you will probably not need to waste time #e&ing all t#e fats or statistis
s#own in t#e )foundation .0! materials t#at you are going to use from t#ese
paid sites% nor do you #a$e to rewrite e$ery single word 1but be onsiderably
more autious using free .0!2. -a$ing said t#at% w#at you are about to do is
not original% and t#ere will be ot#er people doing e(atly t#e same as you. *n
ot#er words% t#ere may be a ouple of #undred people w#o are wor&ing wit#
e(atly t#e same foundation materials as you to reate t#eir own )ma&e money
wit# /aeboo& e'boo& produts.
"ou may still be tempted to use t#e foundation .0! materials as your finis#ed
produt% but doing so will be an utter waste of time. Ho matter #ow good t#e
original materials mig#t be% selling t#em )as is will ne$er ma&e you good
money. "ou will only ma&e money by offering somet#ing t#at ot#ers offer too.
"ou need to offer a produt t#at is uni5uely yours. T#ere are se$eral ways
t#at you an go about generating su# a uni5ue produt.
"o it yourself
T#e first way is to ma&e t#e #anges by yourself. T#is #as t#e lear ad$antage
t#at it is free in monetary terms% and gi$es you omplete ontrol o$er #ow t#e
finis#ed produt ends up. T#e disad$antage is t#at it will mean t#at you #a$e
some wor& to do% and t#at may be wor& t#at you #a$e neit#er t#e time nor t#e
inlination to do. *t may e$en be t#at you do not feel t#at you #a$e t#e ability
to rewrite t#e materials e$en if you wanted to% and t#at doing t#e ,ob yourself
is not a realisti option.
* do not t#in& t#at * #a$e e$er met anyone w#o was atually inapable of
rewriting .0! materials suffiiently well to generate t#eir own produt.
He$ert#eless% if you are not onfident t#at you #a$e t#e basi s&ills neessary%
#ere are a few tips t#at mig#t #elp you. T#e first one is read it! * ne$er
ease to be ama4ed by #ow many people belie$e t#at t#ey an rewrite .0!
materials wit#out &nowing t#e o$erall main )t#rust of t#e boo& or artile t#at
t#ey are wor&ing wit#. *t is li&e a good ,o&e or a mo$ie t#e pun# line or
t#e onlusion always omes at t#e end% rig#t8
Good PLR materials are generally the same. Starting to rewrite by opening
the book at page one and diving right involves a very serious risk of getting to
the end, only to find that you have rewritten the whole thing from the wrong
angle or viewpoint. Secondly, once you have read the book, think about what
else you know about the subject matter. Perhaps you can take a look at some
of the top web sites that are thrown up by your key word research, and see
what they have to say.
Can you inlude any of t#ese )e(tras into t#e boo&8
-ow about sear#ing some ommon information sites li&e 3i&ipedia or
Google to see w#at else you an find out t#ere. C#e& out "a#oo 7nswers to
see if anyone t#ere is as&ing 5uestions about your ni#e.
T#ese sites are an e(ellent resoure for finding out e(atly w#at it is t#at
people really want to &now about your sub,et and gi$es you a perfet
indiation of t#e best additional materials to inlude in your finis#ed
9oo&mar& any 5uestions t#at you an answer too.
0ater on% one your site is built and ready to go% you an ome ba& to "a#oo
and answer t#ese 5uestions% w#i# is a great way of sending e(tremely well
targeted traffi to your site.
So% again using t#e /aeboo& e(ample% t#ere are o$er ;>>>> 5uestions about
/aeboo& on t#e "a#oo 7nswers site. T#at is a lot of information about w#at
people need to &now about /aeboo&. 3#y not loo& at t#e most popular
5uestions and answers% to see #ow you an inlude t#em in your finis#ed e'
Try a similar t#ing wit# some of t#e most popular soial boo&mar&ing sites
li&es Digg% StumbleIpon and "ou will most li&ely find lots of
interesting information on t#ese sites t#at you an eit#er inlude in your
finis#ed produt% or use to s#ow you w#at &ind of produt t#e mar&et really
wants or needs.
/or e(ample% t#is #eadline grabbed from Digg mig#t set you t#in&ing about
t#e /aeboo& produt t#at you s#ould be produing:
9asially% any additional information t#at you an find and t#en inlude is
going to gi$e you a 5ui& and easy resoure for ma&ing your finis#ed produt
T#ere is% #owe$er% still more to be done!
6ne you #a$e found lots of new ideas or information t#at you an inlude in
your finis#ed produt% you still need to #ange t#e base .0! materials if you
want to #a$e a uni5ue finis#ed produt. "ou need to go ba& and rewrite t#e
original .0! e'boo& in your own words. T#at mig#t sound diffiult% but it really
neednt be% as t#ere are lots of free online resoures t#at an #elp you. T#e
first 5uestion is ' are you going to do t#e w#ole re'write ,ob by yourself8 *f so%
t#en% as a general rule of t#umb% to ensure t#at t#e finis#ed produt is uni5ue%
you must ma&e sure t#at you do not lea$e any se5uene of more t#an se$en
or eig#t words un#anged. 7ny un#anged p#rase t#at is longer is li&ely to be
pi&ed up by online dupliate filters% assuming t#at someone #as publis#ed t#e
w#ole .0! )foundation produt as t#eir finis#ed e'boo&. *f t#ere are any
bullet pointed lists in t#e .0! soure materials% #ange t#e order of t#e
$arious points around. 7s you are going to add additional materials in% do not
be afraid of utting setions out eit#er% espeially if t#e new produt #as a
slig#tly different )angle to t#e original .0! )soure materials. 9asially% you
need to ma&e #anges w#ere$er you an and if you are doing t#e ,ob
manually% is a free resoure tool t#at mig#t #elp you. *ts t#e
largest and most trusted free online ditionary w#i# 5ui&ly finds synonyms
and antonyms.
,se software
7n alternati$e idea is to use software to #elp you. T#ere are programs out
t#ere t#at are designed to ta&e .0! materials and )spin t#em for you into new
ontent wit# a few pus#es of a button. 7 ouple of e(amples an be found at
Jet Spinner 1a free resoure2 and
Seret 7rtile Con$erter 1a paid members#ip site2.
-owe$er% t#e name of t#e seond program s#ould gi$e you a lue as to an
important fat about bot# t#ese programs. T#ey 1and most ot#er similar
programs2 are mainly designed for altering artiles of a few #undred words% rat#er
t#an an e'boo& of se$eral t#ousand.
T#is is not to say t#at t#ese programs will not #andle a full e'boo& rewrite% but
using t#em will ertainly ta&e a long time to generate your new uni5ue boo&.
* doubt w#et#er spending a #uge amount of time using a program to do w#at
you ould do yourself in a few #ours is time well spent. -a$ing said t#is% su#
artile spinner programs will ome in #andy later% but for your own e9oo&
rewriting t#ey are probably not going to be a great deal of #elp.
-ire freelancer
T#ere are 5uite a few plaes w#ere you s#ould be able to find people w#o an
do t#e rewrite ,ob for you% at an affordable prie. T#ere are always people
loo&ing for writing wor& at plaes li&e Digital .oint% Sriptlane% :lane or
!ent'7'Coder% for e(ample.
*n general% w#en using freelane writers from t#ese sites% you will get a good
,ob done but you need to be a little areful as t#e 5uality will $ary. 0i&e most
t#ings in life% unless you are e(tremely fortunate you will get e(atly w#at you
pay for. So% if you ollet a few prie 5uotations and t#en plump for t#e
#eapest% you are probably not going to get t#e most professional ,ob done.
7lso% using someone else to do t#e rewrite ,ob for you means t#at your )$oie
will not be so prominent% and integrating additional materials 1of t#e type
t#at you found from Digg and StumbleIpon earlier% for e(ample2 is not going
to be 5uite so easy. He$ert#eless% if you really do not #a$e t#e time or t#e
ability to rewrite t#e original .0! materials yourself% t#en use t#e ser$ies of
someone else to do t#e ,ob for you by all means. -owe$er you get t#e ,ob
done% and w#oe$er does it% t#e most important t#ing is t#at is gets done.
T#is is your primary money ma&er% and it needs to be rewritten as 5ui&ly as
possible so t#at you an start ma&ing money 5ui&ly too.
"ay .$ /etting , 0our /ite
0our domain name 1 we2hosting
"ou #a$e already seen t#at w#en you get t#e /aeboo& )pa&age it inludes
e$eryt#ing you need to get your website online and selling as 5ui&ly as
So% t#e first t#ing t#at you need is somew#ere to )#ost t#e sales site and a
name t#at ta&es people to your pages% more ommonly &nown as a domain
name or I!0.
T#e first t#ing to note about a domain name is t#at it s#ould #elp tell bot#
your site $isitors and t#e sear# engines w#at t#e site is about. *n t#is
e(ample% you s#ould try to find a domain name t#at indiates t#at you offer a
/aeboo& related produt% and possibly indiate t#at t#e produt speifially
relates to ma&ing money from /aeboo&. *t will also #elp if your domain
name ties in wit# t#e name of your produt% remembering t#at you an gi$e
your new produt any name you want.
0et us imagine t#at you are going to all your new produt )T#e
/aeboo& Cas# Geyser. T#us% your ideal domain name would be
/aeboo& Go to a domain name registrar li&e and #e& out w#et#er t#at name is a$ailable:
Great% t#e .om domain name is a$ailable at <B.BB for t#e full year! 9ut%
before paying t#e full prie% ta&e a loo& at Deal Ta&er to see w#et#er t#ey
#a$e any disount odes a$ailable t#at you an use t#e redue t#e prie still
Copy and paste t#e Coupon Code into t#e last page of t#e GoDaddy order
form and refres# t#at page to get t#e disount applied before ma&ing your
payment *t is a $ery 5ui& and simple way of sa$ing yourself ,ust o$er <E!
T#e ne(t t#ing you need is a web#osting aount% a plae w#ere you an put
your web pages so t#at t#ey an be seen by t#e world. T#ere are literally
t#ousands of plaes t#at offer web#osting ser$ies% but in terms of $alue for
money% it is #ard to beat -ostgator3s 9aby aount at <7.B? a mont#:
3it# t#e domain name grabbed and a web#osting aount in plae% t#at is
e$eryt#ing ready to go. T#e ne(t ,ob is to tie your domain name and #osting
aount toget#er% so t#at w#en someone types in 4ace2oo&%ash5eyser!com%
t#ey will be ta&en to your site.
3#en you registered -ostgator aount% you will #a$e reei$ed an e' mail
#eaded )"our -ostgator 7ount *nformation. *n t#is mail% you will see
somet#ing li&e t#is:
"our name ser$ers:
Go ba& to your GoDaddy aount% #o$er your ursor o$er t#e green
)Domains tag at t#e top left of t#e opening page and t#en li& on )+y
Domains from t#e drop down menu t#at opens up beneat# it:
3#en you see your new domain name listed in blue% double left li& on it.

Cli& on )Hameser$ers and on t#e ne(t page simply fill in t#e -ostgator
details from t#eir e'mail li&e t#is:
Cli& on t#e orange )6K button on t#e far rig#t% and t#ats anot#er ,ob done.
"ou #a$e now tied t#e domain and #osting aount toget#er% and wit#in t#e
ne(t ;@'@D #ours or earlier% t#e )lin&'up s#ould be li$e. "our final ,ob is to set
up wit# an )/T. Client% w#i# is a software program t#at enables you to upload
your website from your omputer to your #osting aount one it is ready to let
loose on t#e world! Download t#e e(ellent 1free2 Smart /T. and install it on
your ma#ine.
6pen t#e program and #it FCtrl K HG &eys at t#e same time% and a small panel
will open up #eaded )Hew !emote 9rowser.
"ou ,ust need to omplete t#ree areas of t#is form. T#e )-ost is eit#er your
domain name 1wit#out t#e #ttp:CCwww part2 or t#e *. address s#own in t#e e'
mail t#at you got from -ostgator. :it#er is fine.
7dd your username and password w#ere indiated and li& )6K. "ou s#ould
now see t#at t#e Smart /T. sreen splits into two% wit# your .C and all your
files being on one side and t#e new remote ser$er on t#e ot#er.
Close Smart /T. down again% as you are not going to use it ,ust yet%
and mo$e on to getting your website ready to upload.
%reating 1 u2lishing your we2ages
7s suggested% one of t#e ma,or ad$antages of using !esell!ig#ts3ee&ly is t#at
e$eryt#ing t#at you need to start selling your new produt omes pa&aged
toget#er. "ou already #a$e a ready made sales page% a )s5uee4e page and a
download page made for you. *f #owe$er you are not using
!esell!ig#ts3ee&ly and t#erefore do not #a$e t#ese pages ready made% t#en
t#e $ery least you will need to start promoting your produt is a sales page
and a download page w#ere your ustomer an get aess to t#eir produt.
T#e seond of t#ese pages an be a $ery simple affair but t#e sales page is
not 5uite so easy to reate% so * #a$e inluded a great little software program
t#at an do t#is ,ob for you. "ou an use t#is program to reate pretty
reasonable sales pages in a matter of only a few minutes by ma&ing
appropriate #oies from all of t#e )multiple #oie options t#at you are
gi$en. 9ut you were supposed to download /aeboo& .0! pa&age #ere. 7nd%
e$en t#oug# you still need to ma&e a bit of effort to ma&e t#e sales page t#at
you publis# different% espeially as t#e produt name #as been #anged. T#e
first t#ing you need to do is go t#roug# all of t#e webpages t#at you
downloaded and replae t#e old produt title wit# t#e new one w#ere$er it
appears in t#e body te(t% titles et.
Modifying the sales age
"ou an modify t#e sales page opy as mu# as you want% 1in ot#er words
you ould rewrite t#e page!2 but t#at is going to represent 5uite a bit of wor&
and is not really neessary. "ou an edit t#e pages in a plain te(t editor li&e
Hotepad% but it is generally far easier to do so using an #tml 1webpage2
editor. *f you do not #a$e one already% download )+y /ree 3ebsite 9uilder
#ere: #ttp:CCbudurl.omCwebsitebuilding and install it. Go to your /aeboo&
sales page 1)inde(2 and open it wit# )+y /ree 3ebsite 9uilder.
6pen t#e page up in t#e )Hormal mode 1bottom left orner2 and t#is is #ow
your sreen loo&s.
T#e first problem to deal wit# is t#e )-eader banner grap#i it is t#e wrong
produt name and it is t#e same as e$eryone else will be using w#en t#ey
promote t#is produt.
So it needs #anging. 9ut% dont worry% t#is is far easier t#an it sounds.
/or t#is purpose you need to get Gimp software. * am also using it. *ts free
and easy to use. Download it #ere: #ttp:CCwww.gimp.orgC
"ou s#ouldnt e$en reate a banner by yourself. T#ere are banner templates
ready made and an be edited easily at !esell!ig#ts3ee&ly. Just download
t#em% #oose one t#e most appropriate and edit it wit# Gimp.
T#en sa$e your banner as )#eader in t#e )images folder of t#e )/aeboo&
pa&age t#at you downloaded.
Go ba& to t#e open page in )+y /ree 3ebsite 9uilder and li& on t#e )soure
tab at t#e bottom of t#e page% left #and side.
"ou will now see t#e ode t#at loo&s li&e t#is.
Sroll down to line ;7 1in t#is ase2 and #ange )imagesC#eader$=.,pg to
)imagesC#eader.,pg. Cli& ba& to t#e )Hormal page $iew and t#is is w#at you
see. T#e #ange is done!
*nidentally% you may need to #ange t#e si4e of your new #eader to fit t#e
page% but you an do t#at using Gimp as well. "ou an t#en do a similar t#ing
wit# t#e page footer if you want to% and again it s#ould ta&e no more t#an a
few minutes. 3it# e(periene% you will be able to &no& new banner #eaders
li&e t#is out in a matter of seonds% rat#er t#an minutes!
7not#er grap#i t#at will need altering is t#e e'boo& o$er t#at you are
s#owing on your sales page. !at#er t#an trying to edit t#e e(isting e' boo&
o$er% you an download a free e'boo& o$er ma&er program #ere
#ttp:CCpropereboo&s.omCrC8eo$erreator and t#en follow t#e tutorial t#at
leads you step by step t#roug# the e'o$er reation proess.
7lternati$ely% you mig#t want to outsoure t#is ,ob% as an attrati$e
professional loo&ing e'o$er on your sales page is definitely a plus sales wise.
T#is mig#t t#erefore be a ,ob t#at you would be better off lea$ing to
professionals! !un a Google sear# for )e'boo& o$er artists or designers% and
youll find 5uite a few w#o an #elp you. T#e final ,ob t#at you need to do is
possibly t#e most important one of all. "ou need to set up a payment system
t#at wor&s% and put a )9uy How button on your sales page.
T#e /aeboo& pa&age omes wit# )9uy How buttons inluded% but t#ese are
speifially for t#e old produt% rat#er t#an t#e new one t#at #a$e ,ust reated.
So% you need somet#ing different and #ere you #a$e two #oies.
/irstly% you an sear# t#e net for free )9uy How button images% and you an
download t#em and use t#em. 7lternati$ely% if you are going to use as
your payment proessor 1w#i# is almost ertainly t#e best idea2 t#en you an
use t#e )standard buttons.
.ersonally% * would reommend t#at you follow t#e latter route in t#e
interests of speed and simpliity. BBL of people w#o are in$ol$ed in
ma&ing money on t#e net t#e people w#o are going to be most
interested in your produt% in ot#er words are familiar wit# and trust t#e )brand image.
Creating your own )9uyHow button is probably not going to be a big #elp
to you% so w#y waste your time doing so8 So% open your aount%
and li& on )+er#ant Ser$ies t#en )3ebsite .ayments Standard. "ou
t#en need t#e )9uy How 9uttons .age to begin reating t#e button for
your new sales page. 6n t#e first page% t#ere are a ouple of areas t#at
need your input:
/ill in t#e *tem Hame% and your .rie. C#oose t#e button t#at you want
to use% and ma&e sure t#at )9utton :nryption is #e&ed. Sroll to t#e
bottom of t#e page and li& )7dd +ore 6ptions.
6n t#e ne(t page you need to input a )download page address to w#ere your
ustomer will automatially be ta&en by t#e system after payment
Do H6T lea$e your download page wit# t#e default address
)download.#tml T#ere are lots of people out t#ere w#o would be more t#an
#appy to steal your produt if t#ey ould. +any su# indi$iduals will try to
do so by ,ust typing in /aeboo&Cas#Geyser.omCdownload.#tml in an
attempt to do t#is% so dont let t#em get away wit# it.
C#ange t#e name to somet#ing diffiult to guess li&e t#e )gibberis# address
s#own abo$e. T#en add in anot#er I!0 w#ere t#ey will be ta&en if t#ey
deide to anel t#e pur#ase at t#e last minute. 9eing ta&en ba& to your
#ome page% to your )s5uee4e page 1more about t#is later2 or to anot#er
sales'enabled page somew#ere on your site would all wor& well #ere. C#e&
t#at t#ere is )Ho .ostage Heeded% sroll to t#e bottom of t#e page and li&
)Create 9utton How. "ou will t#en see a bo( wit# a lot of enrypted ode in
it. T#is needs opying and pasting to a te(t file on your .C for safe &eeping
before you do anyt#ing else 1use t#e )Selet 7ll tab2.
7lso ma&e sure to plae t#e new I!0 address of your download page% if you
#a$e not already done so or #anged it. T#e final ,ob is to return to your open
sales page in 3eb:ditor ' sroll down t#e page until you ome to t#e )9uyHow
button you want to replae.
*n )Hormal 3:b:ditor mode% li& on t#e )9uy How button to #ig#lig#t it.
T#en swit# to )Soure mode to loate t#e ursor amidst t#e ode.
6$erwrite t#e two lines of ode s#own wit# t#e enrypted ode and your
new )9uy How button will appear in t#e plae of t#e old one. Sa$e your new
sales 1inde(2 page wit# t#e replaed grap#is plus t#e new )9uy How 9utton
and its ready to go.
The download age
He(t% ma&e sure t#at your )download page is set up properly. *t needs to #a$e
its new name added if t#at #as not already been done. T#en you need to add
an address into t#e download page to ta&e t#e ustomer to w#ere your produt
is stored for download. *t is most ommon to do t#is in a 4ip file t#at you plae
somew#ere on your ser$er pro$ided by -ostgator% and gi$e your produt a
diffiult'to'guess name as well. *t s#ould be in a 4ipped folder alled somet#ing
li&e A"n9?!ddw;.4ip% rat#er t#an faeboo&as#geyser.4ip or e$en fbg.4ip.
T#ose are e(atly t#e &ind of names t#at an intending yber't#ief would begin
t#eir 5uest to steal your produt by #a$ing a guess at!
0our 6s7uee8e3 age
T#e final page t#at you need to do somet#ing wit# before you are ready to go
li$e is t#e )s5uee4e page or opt'in page or landing page. T#is is t#e page t#at
you will use to apture peoples names and e'mail addresses% so t#at you an
add t#em to your mailing list.
T#is gi$es you t#e ability to mail t#em wit# all of t#e produts t#at you deide
to reate in t#e future% plus any offers from ot#er mar&eters t#at you mig#t
deide to sell as an affiliate. "our mailing list is ultimately going to be wort#
far more t#an a few single produt sales% as t#e fat t#at you an mail time
and again means t#at your list will% o$er time% beome a terrifi soure of
ontinued repeat business.
6n t#e s5uee4e page you need to add a name and mail address apture form%
and t#e easiest way of doing t#is is t#roug# an autoresponder aount.
:$ery serious internet mar&eter #as an auto responder aount% and if you do not have
one yet you will need to get one organized as soon as ossi!le.
*f you are not sure w#at an autoresponder is% t#ere is a s#ort but fairly
aurate desription in 3i&ipedia.
7nd% if at all possible% it really will ser$e your business to #a$e a paid aount
from t#e start% wit# t#e two most prominent ompanies in t#e mar&et being
7weber and Get!esponse.
*f% #owe$er% you annot afford a paid ser$ie rig#t
at t#is moment% t#en you an get a reasonable free ser$ie from t#at will get you up and running and not ostly ser$ie
Inselfis# Contator offers E free autoresponders wit#out any E
. party
ad$ertising in your outgoing emails. Definitely wort# a loser loo&. 3#i#e$er
of t#ese t#ree ser$ies you use% t#ey all enable you to reate )name apture
forms so use t#em to do so. Copy and t#en paste t#e form ode t#at t#ey
generate into t#e /aeboo& s5uee4e page )template and sa$e it to your .C.
*nidentally% * would reommend #anging t#e name from )s5uee4e page% as it
does not sound $ery pleasant% but t#at is entirely up to you! 6ne you #a$e
reated t#e form% you must t#en add somet#ing else to t#e page before going
li$e. *n general% most people are not ,ust going to gi$e you t#eir name and
address wit#out good reason. "ou must gi$e t#em somet#ing in return t#at is
of suffiient $alue to ,ustify t#eir deision% normally in t#e form of some &ind of
$aluable free gift. !emember t#at w#en we were trying to find good long tail
&eywords t#ere were 5uite a few p#rases t#at s#owed in our sear#es t#at
referred to )unblo& and )pro(ies8 T#is tells me t#at t#ere are many people
w#o want to gain aess to /aeboo& w#o are pre$ented from doing so by
filters or blo&s put on t#eir ma#ines by parents% employers% olleges and
s#ools. So% * would try to reate a report about #ow to get around t#ese
filters and blo&s and gi$e t#at away.
T#en% w#en using any of t#e long tail &ey p#rases t#at refer to t#ese types
of t#ings in your promotional efforts% you s#ould send people to t#e s5uee4e
page instead of diretly to your sales page 1t#ey an always be direted
t#ere later2.
T#is s#ould be an effeti$e way of generating many new mailing list sign'
ups wit#out losing too many potential sales.
5oing li9e
:$eryt#ing is now ready% so it is time to ta&e t#e site li$e.
6pen up t#e Smart /T. Client again. Get all of t#e /aeboo& files t#at you
want to upload to your web #osting aount s#owing on your F0oal 9rowserG
1i.e. your omputer2 wit# your F!emote 9rowserG 1your website ser$er2 ready
to reei$e t#em on t#e opposite side of your .C sreen.
-ig#lig#t all of t#e files t#at you want to mo$e aross to your site 1as s#own
below2 and t#en simply )li& and drag e$eryt#ing aross to t#e publiM#tml
folder in t#e !emote 9rowser window.
7nd t#at s#ould be it.
How% w#en you open your web browser and type in your domain name% you
s#ould see your new sales page. 7t t#is stage% dont be la4y #e& t#at
e$eryt#ing wor&s by following all of t#e lin&s% #e& t#at w#en you #it t#e
)9uy How button t#at t#e appropriate page opens up% and so on. 6f
ourse% #a$ing got so far today% it is tempting to ,ust bas& in t#e glow of a ,ob
well done% assuming t#at e$eryt#ing wor&s properly% but dont do it.
6dds on% if you do not #e& t#en t#ere will be some sort of problem. 3#y
ris& annoying potential ustomers or 1e$en worse2 ta&ing a #ane t#at people
w#o are trying to buy annot atually ma&e payment beause you did not 5uite
set up orretly8
"ay :$ "ri9ing 4ast Traffic
"our site is ready to start ma&ing sales% so now you need to bring people to
$iew w#at you #a$e to offer% beause if no'one &nows about your new
s5uee4e page% #ow an t#ey sign up8
4ind affiliates
T#e first way t#at you an start getting 5ui& traffi is by in$iting ot#er
internet mar&eters to be an affiliate for your produt. *n ot#er words% you as&
ot#ers to start promoting for you in return for a s#are of t#e sales proeeds
T#e easiest way to do t#is is to ,oin a site li&e Cli&ban&.om% w#ere t#ere are
o$er =>%>>> affiliate produts a$ailable for anyone to promote. "ou pay a one
time registration fee of <@B to enrol wit# t#e site% and you an t#en list your
produt and in$ite people to be affiliates for you. "our produt is fres# and
uni5ue% so it s#ould beome reasonably popular pretty 5ui&ly. "ou s#ould
t#erefore be optimisti about finding new affiliates ,oining your program almost
immediately after /aeboo&Cas#Geyser goes li$e on t#e Cli&ban& website.
*nidentally% it #elps attrat affiliates if you gi$e t#em lots of selling tools to
wor& wit#% so t#at t#ey do not #a$e to do all of t#e wor& t#emsel$es. /or
e(ample% you s#ould reate ad$ertising banners and write promotional e'mails
t#at your affiliates an use% beause t#is &ind of t#ing definitely ma&es it easier
to attrat more affiliates. -owe$er% su# promotional materials ta&e time to
reate% so dont let t#e fat t#at you do not #a$e t#em rig#t now stand in t#e
way of getting started sear#ing for affiliates. 7 good affiliate )team an be
one of t#e 5ui&est and easiest ways of starting to generate signifiant sales
wit# minimum delay% and one you #a$e paid t#e initial Cli&ban& registration
fee t#ere are no ot#er signifiant osts to onsider.
+a&e t#is one of t#e first tas&s t#at you deal wit#.
Paid ad9ertising
T#e ne(t t#ing t#at you s#ould onsider in order to get a good )&i&' start
for your sales efforts is paid ad$ertising. /or t#is% you s#ould be loo&ing at
using Google 7d3ords w#i# is a program w#erein Google will plae t#ree
line te(t ad$erts on websites and sear# results pages t#at are laser
targeted at t#ose people w#o s#ould be most interested in t#e produt being
*n our e(ample% you would want your new ad$ert to appear on pages w#ere
people are sear#ing for information about /aeboo&. +ore speifially% in an
ideal world% you would probably want to appear on pages t#at are related to
ma&ing money wit# /aeboo&. T#e 7d3ords site tells you e$eryt#ing t#at you
need to &now about #ow to atually use t#e site% reate your ads and ma&e
payment% so you an read all about t#at t#ere.
3#at * want to fous on is #ow you an reate ads t#at are going to dri$e
traffi to your site and start generating sales as 5ui&ly as possible.
7d3ords is t#e premier e(ample of ).ay'.er'Cli& ad$ertising on t#e net. *n
ot#er words% you plae an ad to try to get people to li& on it and $isit your
site. :$ery time someone li&s% you #a$e to pay. *t is t#erefore important
t#at you try to attrat li&s on your ads from t#ose people w#o are most li&ely
to buy w#at it is t#at you #a$e to sell. *deally% as you are selling a produt
t#at s#ows people #ow to ma&e money using /aeboo&% t#ose are t#e people
you really want to target. -owe$er% as you saw earlier% t#ere are not many
results in a Google sear# for t#e p#rase Fma&ing money wit# /aeboo&G% and
a loo& at t#e free 3ordtra&er &eyword tool to see #ow many people are li&ely
to sear# t#at p#rase is e$en more illuminating:

7#. Ho'one is t#e answer!
/or t#is reason% * would fous my efforts on dri$ing t#ose users w#o are
sear#ing long tail &eywords ontaining )unfilter or )pro(ies to my s5uee4e
page% rat#er t#an trying to send 1non'e(istent2 )ma&e money wit# /aeboo&
sear#ers diretly to my sales page. T#is will still generate sales% wit#out any
doubt. /or e(ample% t#ose t#at download t#e free report are added to my list
and are automatially redireted by my autoresponder to t#e sales page1"our
Speial 6ffer2. T#ose t#at do not download t#e free report 1w#i# would be a
small minority2 will also see a message on t#e s5uee4e page t#at sends t#em
to a plae w#ere t#ey an find =>undiso$ered ways of oining it in from
/aeboo& 1i.e. your sales page2. So% t#e #eadline of your 7d3ords ad s#ould
feature t#e long tail &eyword as near to t#e beginning as possible. Somet#ing
li&e )-ow To Infilter /aeboo& T#e /ats! would do it% for e(ample. +ention
t#at it is a free report in t#e body of t#e ad. T#en% at t#e end of t#e ad% you
need to inlude two I!0s. 6ne is t#e )real one t#at will atually send your
$isitors to t#e s5uee4e page 1atually unseen in t#e publis#ed ad2 and t#e
ot#er is for display only% but is t#e I!0 t#at t#e $isitor will li& on.
Ise your long tail &eyword p#rase for t#e display I!0 as well as t#e Title
#eadline 1#ow'to'unfilter'faeboo&.om2 as t#is ma&es it e$en more li&ely
t#at someone using t#is e(at p#rase in a sear# engine sear# would be
s#own your ad.
T#e prie t#at you pay for 7d3ords ads is deided by a bidding system and *
would reommend t#at for t#ese p#rases you s#ould be loo&ing to pay t#e
minimum per li& of <>.=>. Depending on your finanes% * would suggest t#at
you pre'pay <=>> to 7d3ords and t#en see w#at &ind of results you are
getting one t#at money #as been spent.
"ay ;$ 5et Writing
*t is not always a 5ui& met#od% but ne$ert#eless% one of t#e most effeti$e
ways of reating a steady flow of web site $isitors t#at will &eep going wee&
after wee& and mont# after mont# is by writing artiles and submitting t#em to
t#e leading diretories. Hot only does t#is send real people to your site t#ey
read your artile% li&e w#at t#ey see and want to &now more but e$ery time
t#at artile appears anyw#ere on t#e net% it reates in$aluable ba& lin&s to
your site as well% and t#at #elps you signifiantly wit# t#e ma,or sear#
So% again% fous on writing uni5ue artiles of @>>'7>> words t#at are based
around t#e long tail &eywords t#at you are trying to gain traffi from. Ise t#e
&eyword in t#e Title% two or t#ree times in bot# t#e first and last paragrap#s
and t#en a few times in t#e rest of t#e artile body. 7dd a resoure bo( to t#e
artile to tell t#e reader all about you and send t#em ba& to your site.
/or t#e reasons #ig#lig#ted abo$e% * would try to send t#ese readers to your
s5uee4e pages so t#at t#ey an grab t#e free report. To do t#is most
effeti$ely% you would use )an#or te(t in your resoure bo(. *f for e(ample
t#e free report is alled FInblo&ing /aeboo& 7nd Ising .ro(iesG t#en t#is is
t#e te(t t#at would be #yperlin&ed in your resoure bo( ba& to t#e page to
w#i# you want to send traffi. T#ere are appro(imately ?>> artile diretories
on t#e net% but you really do not need to submit your artiles to more t#an a
#andful. -a$ing said t#at% e$en underta&ing only a limited submission li&e
t#is% you will still en,oy far better results if you ma&e sure t#at e$ery artile
t#at is submitted is uni5ue.
* would t#erefore suggest t#at you go ba& to t#e artile rewriter software
programs t#at * s#owed you earlier to see #ow t#ey an #elp you in t#is
-eres t#e list of t#e )&ey diretories t#at * would reommend e$eryone s#ould
submit t#eir artiles to 1after ma&ing ea# )$ersion uni5ue% of ourse2:
<esides you can send your articles to the u2lishers of newsletters in
your mar&et 6niche3 as well, 2ecause if they include them in their
newsletters, that is another way that you can attract further 9isitors
and 2ac& lin&s!
-a$e a loo& at to see w#at publiations t#ere are in your
ni#e t#at you mig#t be able to wor& wit#.
"ay =$ <eing We2 +!> 6/a99y3
/tart a 2log
*n order to en,oy ma(imum traffi to your opt'in and sales sales pages% you
need to ma&e sure t#at t#e sear# engines &now t#at you e(ist and t#at
t#ey are following w#at you do.
Infortunately% sear# engines li&e Google and "a#oo are not #uge fans of sites
t#at do not#ing but sell a produt to online ustomers% as t#ey feel 1wit# some
,ustifiation% * guess2 t#at t#is does not gi$e anyt#ing of $alue to t#e a$erage
net surfer. T#e sear# engines are loo&ing for ontent or information of some
&ind t#at #as intrinsi $alue to t#e e$eryday web surfer.
T#is is a potential problem for you% beause if t#e sear# engines do not loo&
at and t#en list your site% you will potentially lose $ast amounts of traffi w#i#
you would ot#erwise en,oy for free. T#is is ob$iously not somet#ing t#at you
want to miss out on. So% you need to gi$e t#e sear# engines somet#ing to
&eep t#em #appy in t#e form of $aluable% informati$e ontent. 3#at you must
t#erefore do is add a ouple more pages to your site% speifially a blog and
t#en 1per#aps a little later2 a forum. T#is is in fat remar&ably easy to do. Go
ba& to your -ostgator aount. 7ess your panel and sroll to t#e bottom
of t#e page. 0oo& for t#e /antastio Delu(e )smiley:
Cli& it% and t#en loo& for )3ord.ress on t#e top left #and side of t#e page:
Cli& on )3ord.ress% omplete ea# page t#at you see in turn and t#at is your
3ord.ress blog set up on your site! T#ere are lots of t#ings t#at you an do
wit# t#is blog #ange t#e loo& by installing a new t#eme% add in free t#ird
party software plug'ins for additional funtionality and so on.
T#e main t#ing t#at you #a$e ,ust a#ie$ed is t#at% abo$e all else%
installing3ord.ress will gi$e you a plae to post regular updates about
/aeboo& related matters somew#ere on your site. T#is is e(atly t#e &ind of
t#ing t#at t#e sear# engines want to see% and s#ould &eep t#em oming ba&
for more on a regular basis! So% as soon as t#e blog is )li$e you s#ould start
posting% again using your long tail &eywords in t#e blogs title #eadings and
t#e body te(t. 7nd e$ery time you ma&e a new posting% you s#ould tell t#e
world about it by )pinging t#e ma,or blog diretories to tell t#em about your
update. -ead o$er to .ingoat% fill in t#e re5uested details on t#e page% #e&
all of t#e blog diretories so t#at our )ping goes to e$eryone and #it )Go
.ingoat at t#e bottom of t#e page.
:$ery time you ma&e a posting t#ereafter% ma&e sure t#at you do t#e same.
9e areful not to o$erdo it two or t#ree postings a day is about t#e
aepted ma(imum. 9ut% e$ery time you send a ping li&e t#is% you are
ma&ing sure t#at t#e sear# engines are made aware t#at somet#ing is
#appening on /aeoo& T#at is #ow you e$entually get your
site notied in t#e sear# engine natural sear# results and start limbing t#e
results pages. Nery soon% as long as you remember to use your long tail
&eyword p#rases in your blog post Titles and body te(t% you an realistially
e(pet to appear near t#e top of t#e results tables for some or many of your
long tail &eywords.
Tell your friends a2out it
+a&e sure t#at all of your +ySpae and /aeboo& friends &now about t#is
fantasti new money'ma&ing produt t#at you #a$e ,ust reated. T#e people
at +ySpae are going to li&e it beause it gi$es t#em t#e #ane to ma&e
money from )t#e enemy 1yes% online ommunity members really are t#is
proteti$e of t#eir )#osen networ&!2 7nd most /aeboo& members are ,ust
not going to be aware t#at su# an opportunity e(ists% so some of t#em are
bound to be interested. -owe$er% be areful in bot# situations% and ma&es
sure t#at you do not ome o$er as being too )pus#y. Do not diretly send
people to your sales pages% for e(ample% as t#is would probably result in
people omplaining about you% and t#at may ause you problems wit# your
So% to begin wit# at least% ,ust tell people about t#e opportunity t#at you #a$e
ome aross% and in$ite t#em to $isit eit#er t#e s5uee4e pages or 1e$en safer2
t#e blog.
9e espeially areful w#en trying to tell your /aeboo& buddies about w#at you
are doing. 6ne of t#e reasons t#at t#ere #a$e been so few effeti$e ways of
ma&ing money from t#e site so far is t#at /aeboo& members an often be
$ery proteti$e of w#at t#ey see as t#eir )baby!
5et "igging and /tum2ling
Digg and StumbleIpon are ,ust two e(amples of )soial boo&mar&ing sites
and% alt#oug# all of t#ese sites are slig#tly different% t#e basi priniple is
always t#e same. 3#en you find a website or blog posting t#at you li&e% you
)boo&mar& it to t#e site in 5uestion% and beause your )boo&mar& is generally
a publi one% e$ery ot#er $isitor to t#at boo&mar&ing site an #e& out t#e
site or blog if t#ey want to.
*f t#ey li&e it% t#ey an t#en $ote it up 1or down if t#ey do not!2 and t#e more
people w#o say t#ey li&e it% t#e more prominently t#e site or posting
beomes wit#in t#e site listings. 7 front page listing at Digg% for e(ample%
an easily dri$e =>%>>> new $isitors to your site in ;@ #ours or less% so do not
ignore t#e opportunity presented by sites li&e Digg% StumbleIpon and
Some of t#ese sites allow you to post your own sites and blogs% so if t#ey do%
e$ery time t#at you ma&e a new blog post you s#ould submit it to t#e site.
T#is an be 5uite a time onsuming operation well wort# it% but a bit labor
intensi$e. "ou s#ould t#erefore #e& out 6nly3ire and Soial+ar&er% two
sites w#i# bot# enable you to post to se$eral soial boo&mar&ing sites at
t#e same time 1alt#oug# t#e first is more )automati t#an t#e seond2.
7nd% as suggested% not e$ery soial boo&mar&ing site is #appy about you
submitting your own site or blog posting% so ,ust as& someone else to do t#e
,ob for you% in return for you doing t#e same for t#em!

/et u a forum
7lt#oug# t#ere is no uni$ersally agreed definition of w#at 3eb;.> atually is%
most people would agree t#at an element of interati$ity is a &ey feature. So%
for e(ample% w#en you post on your blog site% you ati$ely in$ite ot#ers to
ma&e omments in response. "ou an add a disussion /orum to your site
t#at would gi$e people w#o buy your produt a plae to s#are ideas% tips%
suggestions and maybe e$en t#eir gripes!
T#is will rapidly build up into an ati$e ommunity% all t#e members of w#i#
are t#ere beause of an interest in your produt. *t would also allow you to
build your own reputation as a /aeboo& e(pert and put you in a terrifi
position w#en you #a$e your ne(t produt ready to go.
*nstalling su# a /orum is a simple matter of aessing t#e /antastio Delu(e
program suite in your -ostgator panel and loo&ing down t#e list below
3ord.ress for p#p9;9.
7fter you #a$e found it% t#e installation proedure is pretty mu# t#e same
as it was for 3ord.ress.
6ne t#ing t#at you will most probably diso$er is t#at no'one e$er wants to be
t#e first poster in a new /orum. To get around t#is% you an eit#er pay
someone else to do t#e first few postings for you% or reate a )dummy aount
for yourself and start t#e first few t#reads yourself.
"ay ?$ "on3t 5uess - *now@
-opefully by now you will be seeing traffi to your site pages and maybe you
#a$e e$en landed one or two sales. *f so% t#at is great news% but let me as&
you a 5uestion. Do you &now e(atly w#ere your $isitors are oming from
and w#ere t#e sales t#at you #a$e made already were generated8 *f not%
t#en you are literally t#rowing money away and will ontinue to do so until
you an answer t#ese 5uestions.
/or e(ample% if you #a$e ,ust two 7d3ords ads running% t#en one will be
performing better t#an t#e ot#er. So w#y would you waste money by paying
for e$ery li& on an ad t#at you &now is not as effeti$e as an alternati$e8
*n ot#er words% it is ritially important t#at you tra& w#at is #appening
wit# your site% t#at you &now e(atly w#ere e$ery $isitor is oming from
w#en t#ey arri$e on your site and w#ere your sales are originating.
So% for t#is final day% * want you to ta&e as long as it ta&es to set up systems
t#at will ma&e sure t#at you &now e$eryt#ing t#at it is possible to &now about
e$ery $isitor w#o e$er lands on any page of your site. *n t#is way% you an
redue t#e money t#at you are wasting% w#i# effeti$ely means t#at will be
spending not a single ent more on ad$ertising t#an neessary% w#ile seeing
inreasing sales at t#e same time.
*f% for e(ample% you &now w#i# of your paid ads are wor&ing best% t#en you
s#ould drop t#e ones t#at do not do so well. T#en% ta&e t#e most suessful
ad and #ange it by ,ust one word% before publis#ing it again in t#e )modified
format. See if it performs better or worse t#an your pre$ious best
performer. *f it is worse% t#en drop t#at ad too and try again. "es% it is a
tedious and time onsuming proess% but it will ma(imi4e t#e effiieny of your
business o$er time% and t#at will ultimately put e$er' inreasing amounts of
profit straig#t into your po&et. Go ba& to your -ostgator aount and open
up t#e panel one again. 0oo& down t#e page until you find t#e )3ebC/T.
Cli& on t#is and you are presented wit# a page of se$eral different stats
programs inluding 7wstats and t#e e$er popular 3ebali4er:
3ebali4er in partiular will tell you e$eryt#ing t#at you ould e$er need to
&now about t#e $isitors w#o ome to your site% and w#ere your buyers ome
*t may be neessary for you to add )identifier tags to $arious pages or e$en to
your ads% for e(ample% but you s#ould not ut orners #ere. *n fat% most
leading internet entrepreneurs suggest t#at tra&ing w#ere your $isitors ome
from is ,ust about t#e single most important t#ing t#at any online business
person an e$er do% so do not be tempted to neglet t#is final but $ital step.
7lso% do not ignore t#e built in tra&ing t#at you an set up as part of your
7d3ords ad$ertising program% beause t#e more information t#at you #a$e%
t#e better it is% and t#e more aurate t#e information t#at you will e$entually
ome to rely on will gradually beome.
+ost internet mar&eting e(perts and )gurus will tell you t#at t#e 5ui&est
and best way of ma&ing a real name for yourself in t#e world of online
business 1as well as a pot of money2 is to suessfully laun# your own
uni5ue produt.
"et for many beginners and e$en some people w#o #a$e been in$ol$ed in
internet mar&eting for a little w#ile% t#at seems li&e some &ind of impossible
*f t#ey are starting from not#ing more t#an a blan& .C sreen% t#en *
an see #ow t#at mig#t well be t#e ase. * t#erefore #ope t#at% after reading
t#is boo&% you understand t#at by using #ig# 5uality .0! materials as your
produt )foundations% it is more t#an possible to bot# reate and start
mar&eting a top 5uality uni5ue internet mar&eting produt in less t#an se$en
7nd you #a$e also seen one or two plaes w#ere * an guarantee t#at you will
always find t#e #ig# 5uality )starter materials t#at you must use if you are to
#a$e any #ane of going from not#ing to #a$ing your own money ma&ing
produt in su# a s#ort time span. So% as always% an e'boo& su# as t#is an
s#ow and tell you e(atly w#at you must do.
-owe$er% it is up to you to ta&e t#e ations t#at must be ta&en if you are to
turn your dreams into reality.
* #ope you en,oyed t#e reading
" Nataliya Piterova
"ecommended "esources
I highly recommend you to get Pac&ages of Quality PLR e<oo&s, so
called AMini 2usiness in a 2oBC!ThatDs what you will use as your
foundations to set u your sales-funnel $

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