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Ang Mo Kio
Nee Soon
Chao Chu Kang
Major City
Capital City
Country Prole
5.6 million
697 sq km
1 Singapore dollar (SGD) = 100 cent
US$ 339 billion (2013 est.)
Mandarin (ofcial), English (ofcial),
Hokkien, Tamil (ofcial), Cantonese,
Teochew, Malay (ofcial), other
Chinese dialects, other
Ethnic Groups
Chinese 74.2%, Malay 13.3%,
Indian 9.2%, other 3.3%
Source: CIA World Factbook
Number of Service Centres: 4
DHL Delivery Zone: 8
Vehicle Fleet: 253
Singapore is the fourth-largest global fnancial centre
with one of the worlds busiest ports a key fnancial,
shipping and trade hub for the Asia-Pacifc region. Due to
strong pro-business economic and trade policies, strong rule
of law (including IP protection) and low taxation, the World
Bank has again ranked Singapore as the best place to do
business for 2014.
Singapores economy is one of the worlds most open with
over 30 free trade partners. While this does expose the
city-state to global downturns, Singapore experienced 4.1
per cent GDP growth in 2013 and the economy is expected
to grow by 3 to 4 per cent annually over the medium term.
Singapores infrastructure is highly advanced and new projects
are underway in the railway, airport and shipment port sector.
Te city-states economy is continuing to diversify with a
new focus on developing the creative sector.
Singapore is an especially attractive business partner for
UK companies. Te city-state was founded as a British
trading colony in 1819; English remains the business language
and Singapores legal system (including company law) is based
on that of the UK. Today, Singapore is Britains largest trade
partner in Southeast Asia. Over 1,000 UK companies have a
presence in Singapore, and 30,000 British residents live in
the city-state.
Since 2011, the UK-Singapore Economic and Business
Partnership has served as a platform for regular dialogues
in business, R&D and policy cooperation. Trade relations
between Singapore and the UK are expected to further
deepen once Singapores Free Trade Agreement with the
EU is ratifed in 2015.
Sources: The Economist, European Commission, GOV.UK, International Monetary Fund,
UKTI, World Bank
DHL Singapore Fact Sheet 2
Source: DHL, CIA World Factbook
UK to Singapore Transit Times
The times provided for dutiable shipments are based on the time expected
for Customs in Singapore to clear the shipment. This is contingent upon the
value of the shipment.
Singapore (all destinations) Non-Dutiable: 4 days Dutiable: 4 days
Singapores General Sales Tax rate is based on 7%
of commercial invoice value for all shipments with a
Cost Insurance Freight (CIF) value exceeding SGD 400.
Import duty only applies to intoxicating liqueurs, tobacco
products, motor vehicles and petroleum products. Excise
duty applies on excisable goods, i.e. alcohol and tabacco.
Document shipments weighing over 30 kg and printed
materials with a commercial value or meant for mass
distribution must be shipped as goods.
Certain items will be subject to inspection by and/or
require approval from the following Singapore government
bodies/agencies: Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA),
Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Infocomm Development
Authority (IDA), Media Development Authority (MDA)
Prohibited Items
The list below is in addition to DHLs standard list of
prohibited items.
Chewing gum, except for medical purposes
Chewing tobacco
Cigarette lighters if pistol / revolver shaped
Dangerous goods, hazardous or combustible materials
Electronic cigarettes
Endangered animals / plants
Firearms, or parts of
Precious metals & stones, including rough diamonds
Rhinoceros horn
Exports from Singapore
US$ 442.9 billion (2013 est.)
Export commodities
Machinery and equipment
(including electronics and
pharmaceuticals and other
chemicals, refned petroleum
products, food and beverages.
Top Export Destinations
USA, Malaysia, Australia,
India, Germany, China, Czech
Republic, Hong Kong, UK,
Imports into Singapore
US$ 380.3 billion (2013 est.)
Import commodities
Machinery and equipment,
mineral fuels, chemicals,
foodstufs, consumer goods.
Top Import Origins
USA, Germany, China,
Australia, UK, Malaysia,
Taiwan, Tailand, Hong Kong,
New Zealand.
For an estimate of landed costs (duties, taxes and
other import fees) for shipments going to Singapore,
use the free DHL Express Trade Automation Services
(TAS) tool. TAS also provides information
on regulation compliance and trade documentation.
DHL Singapore Fact Sheet 3
Restricted Items
Alcoholic beverages
Dutiable regardless of CIF. Invoice must
state bottles per shipment, alcohol
strength, brand name, bottle volume.
Wine: specify if sparkling or still.
Animal skins
If unprocessed: provide Convention
on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
certicate from country of origin.
Audio cassette tapes, hardback or
paperback books for non-commercial
use, journals, magazines, newspapers
& periodicals
Provide title list. May be inspected by
Singapores MDA.
Cash letters (NI), cheques (NI):
blank/cancelled/cashier, credit cards
(NI) & credit card blanks (NI)
Not acceptable if activated and/or in
bearer form.
Diplomatic mail
Can be shipped as documents regardless
of weight.
Cologne and perfume, soil samples
& telecommunications equipment
Approval from Singapores AVA and
proper packaging required.
Communications equipment including
phones & modems, radar equipment
including transmitters & receivers
Subject to approval from Singapores
IDA. Mass distribution: importer to
provide import licence.
Cosmetics, drugs: prescription,
including oral dental chewing gums
& drugs: non-prescription
Receiver to obtain approval/import
license from Singapores HSA. Private
individuals: provide doctors prescription
for contents. Drugs/medicines: invoice
must state name, brand, quantity per
bottle, weight of each capsule, reason
for import & product composition.
Electronic games
Receiver to conrm the item is on
Singapores MDA approved list of games.
Films, including entertainment
lms: 8mm, 16mm & 35mm, video
cassettes, DVDs & laser discs
Submit title list to Singapores
MDA for approval.
Films: promotional / training,
including industrial advertising
and promotion materials for
internal company use
Receiver to provide declaration to
Singapores MDA.
Animal products & foodstuffs,
including grain samples
Receiver to obtain import licence/
approval from Singapores AVA.
Medical samples
For personal consumption: receiver
to provide doctors prescription. For
retail purposes: receiver to obtain
import licence from Singapores Drug
Administration Department.
Oil products, bunker oil samples
(for analysis), coal & rewood
Flashpoint must be above 60.5C.
Contact DHL Customer Services
before shipping.
Receiver to obtain import permit from
relevant government authorities prior to
shipping. Contact DHL Customer Services
before shipping.
Plants & plant products including
seeds & cotton seeds
Shipper to provide Phytosanitary Certicate.
Dutiable regardless of CIF but not
controlled. Invoice must state number
of packages in shipment or weight per
shipment, brand name and numbers of
sticks per package.
Toy guns / pistols / revolvers
Import controlled by Singapores State
Police, Arms & Explosives Licensing
Division. State TOY GUNS on Waybill
and commercial invoice. Provide
document proof by manufacturer
conrming the product is a toy
and not a replica of a real rearm.
X-ray machines
Destination importer or receiver to obtain
licenses from Singapores HSA.
For military equipment and strategic
goods & technology (including
dual-use goods with both civilian
and sensitive military applications)
please contact DHL Customer Services
before shipping.
Valid from: 06/2014
For more information
If you need support or advice on trading
with Singapore, help is available.
Contact the DHL Express team on
0844 248 0675
DHL Customer Services is also
available on 0844 248 0844
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