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English Banana.

Test Your Reading Skills

Meet Arnold Palmerstone -
the most boring man on earth
A -
Hello there. My name is Arnold Palmerstone and ! "ork in a bank. ! li#e in a small bungalo"
in $or"ich "ith my "i%e &eirdre and our t"o daughters 'lorence ("ho is eight) and Prudence
("ho is si*). ! get u+ e#ery morning at si* o,clock and do my daily e*ercises be%ore break%ast. !
like to kee+ %it because my -ob at the bank is #ery di%%icult and re.uires a lot o% energy.
1. /here do ! li#e0
a) $or"ich b) $ortham+ton c) The $orth Pole
2. /hat is my "i%e called0
a) &arlene b) &eidre c) &eborah
3. /hy do ! need to do my e*ercises e#ery morning0
a) Because !,m training %or the 1lym+ics
b) Because my t"o daughters "ant me to kee+ %it
c) Because my -ob re.uires a lot o% energy
B -
! ha#e break%ast at si* thirty "ith my "i%e and ! al"ays say 2good morning3 to my daughters
be%ore ! go to "ork. /e ha#e t"o cars - a bright red Mini and a blue 4olks"agon Polo. My
"i%e dri#es the Polo and ! go to "ork in the Mini. My "i%e is a teacher in a +rimary school
"hich is about %i%teen miles a"ay. 'lorence and Prudence both go to the same school as her
so they can all tra#el together - "hich is nice.
1. /hat time do ! ha#e break%ast0
a) At se#en o,clock b) At si* thirty c) At si* %orty
2. /hat colour is my "i%e,s car0
a) Blue b) 5reen c) Red
3. /hat -ob does my "i%e do0
a) She,s a doctor
b) She teaches in a +rimary school
c) She teaches in a secondary school
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6 English 7889
Test Your Reading Skills

Meet Arnold Palmerstone -
the most boring man on earth
C -
!t takes a long time to get to "ork. The tra%%ic in $or"ich is terrible: ! hate tra%%ic -ams because
you ha#e to dri#e so slo"ly. &ri#ing to "ork is so boring: /hen ! get to "ork ! hang u+ my coat
on the usual hook and go into the sta%% canteen to make a cu+ o% tea. ! usually see my %riends
Rodney and Penelo+e in there and "e chat about the "eather. Rodney is a ;ustomer
Ser#ices Assistant and Penelo+e is one o% our managers.
1. /hy do ! hate tra%%ic -ams0
a) Because they make you late %or "ork
b) Because the tra%%ic in our to"n is terrible
c) Because you ha#e to dri#e so slo"ly
2. /hat drink do ! make "hen ! get to "ork0
a) A cu+ o% tea
b) A cu+ o% co%%ee
c) A large Malibu and lemonade
3. Rodney is one o% our managers. True or %alse0
a) True b) 'alse
D -
! "ork in a small o%%ice "ith three other +eo+le - Brenda Smith Mer#in Holmes and Hank
&olomites. ! s+end all day "orking on my com+uter sorting out credit card a++lications that
ha#e gone "rong. ! don,t "ork "ith the general +ublic and ! don,t "ant to. !,m .uite shy and
don,t like meeting ne" +eo+le. ! ha#e "orked "ith Brenda and Mer#in %or about eight years
no". Hank is the ne" boy - he -oined the team eighteen months ago.
1. /hat are the names o% the +eo+le that ! "ork "ith0
a) Brenda Mer#in and Henry
b) Martin Hank and Brenda
c) Brenda Mer#in and Hank
2. ! "ork "ith the general +ublic e#ery day. True or %alse0
a) True b) 'alse
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6 English 7889
Test Your Reading Skills

Meet Arnold Palmerstone -
the most boring man on earth
3. /hy don,t ! "ant to "ork "ith the general +ublic0
a) Because ! don,t think ! could be +olite all day
b) Because !,m .uite shy and don,t like meeting ne" +eo+le
c) Because ! +re%er "orking "ith Brenda Mer#in and Hank
E -
Yesterday "as Brenda,s %i%tieth birthday. She brought in a cake that she,d made. !t "as #ery
nice - ! had t"o +ieces. /e all get on #ery "ell in our o%%ice. /e ha#e some %un but "e "ork
hard too. Sometimes ! get carried a"ay and am so busy on my com+uter ! don,t realise it,s
%i#e o,clock and time to go home again. My "i%e &eidre is a "onder%ul cook so ! look %or"ard
to ha#ing my tea at si* o,clock e#ery e#ening. My li%e is .uite a ha++y one really.
1. Ho" old "as Brenda yesterday0
a) 'i%ty %i#e
b) 'i%ty
c) 'i%teen
2. My "i%e can,t cook. True or %alse0
a) True
b) 'alse - she,s a "onder%ul cook
c) She can cook beans on toast but that,s all
3. 1n the "hole my li%e is .uite...
a) Ha++y
b) <onely
c) 1dd
Are these statements true or false?
=. ! "ork in a su+ermarket
7. My daughters are called 'lorence and Prudence
9. My "i%e teaches in a school "hich is about ten miles a"ay
>. !t takes a long time to get to "ork
?. My %riends at "ork are called @eremy and Penelo+e
A. Penelo+e is a ;ustomer Ser#ices Assistant
B. ! "ork in a small o%%ice "ith %our other +eo+le
C. !,m .uite a shy +erson
D. Brenda is %i%ty years old
=8. ! ha#e my tea at si* thirty e#ery e#ening
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6 English 7889
Test Your Reading Skills

Meet Arnold Palmerstone -
the most boring man on earth
A= a
A7 b
A9 c
B= b
B7 a
B9 b
;= c
;7 a
;9 b
&= c
&7 b
&9 b
E= b
E7 b
E9 a
= %alse
7 true
9 %alse
> true
? %alse
A %alse
B %alse
C true
D true
=8 %alse
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6 English 7889

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