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Grand Duke, Tai Sui, Sui Po, Three killings in 2014 year of Horse

Wu Wei
Find out ho you !an "rote!t yourself and a#oid the rath of Tai Sui, Grand Duke,
Three Sha, year $reaker, % killings, Sui Po, Three &illings and all other Feng Shui
'nnual affli!tions in the year of the (ang Wood Horse )*ia Wu+ in 2014
Written by Michael Hanna 2014
Are you really prepared for 2014?
We post updates all year round on our Feng Shui blog and Facebook so bookmark them
now below and keep checking back
At the beginning of every year, it sees !e have a never ending list of "obs that need doing
around the house and office to iprove and renovate the house, office, shop and garden and
!e need to a#e sure that !e are careful !hen doing any ground brea#ing or aintenance
during 2014 in order to avoid the fury of $ai %ui &'rand (u#e), %ui *o, the $hree +illings
and ore in 2014, -f you are doing any !or# in the north or south this year, you !ill need
to ta#e e.tra care as this is !here they are located during the year of the /ang Wood Horse,
We get a lot of people as#ing ho! to calculate
or foresee these afflicted areas in the upcoing
years so that they !ill be able to plan ahead for
both inor and a"or pro"ects0 especially for
renovation, /ou !ill find this inforation
belo!, /ou ay be interested to #no! that
our Feng Shui 2014 softare !ill calculate
for every year ahead and any other features
too long to list here,
$he $hree +illings &a#a three sha) is a direct translation fro the 1hinese 2%an %ha3,
Although the perception of $he $hree +illings is associated !ith three earthly branches, its
position is defined according to one of the four cardinal copass directions, naely 4orth
&!ater), 5ast &!ood), %outh &fire) and West &etal),
$he t!elve earthly branches are put in to four groups of haronious alliances &trinities), -f
!e are to establish the location of $he $hree +illings, !e ust e.plore the trinities of the
earthly branches and their phases first, $he four trinities are6
7at, Mon#ey and (ragon &Water phase) to the 4orth
%heep, 7abbit and 8oar &Wood phase) to the 5ast
$iger, (og and Horse &9ire phase) to the %outh
%na#e, 7ooster and :. &Metal phase) to the West
$hese earthly branches are not $he $hree +illings0 they siply indicate the position of $he
$hree +illings, $he $hree +illings sits in the opposite cardinal direction &spanning ;0
degrees) of the phase represented by the year3s earthly branch,
For e,a-"le.
$he 2004 earthly branch !as the Mon#ey, $he Mon#ey belongs to the trinity of the !ater
phase to the north, As such, $he $hree +illings sits in the south, - e, 1<=> to 22=> ,Another
$he 200= earthly branch !as the 7ooster belonging to the trinity of the etal phase to the
!est !hich eans that $he $hree +illings sat in the east during the year 200=,
$he best thing you can do !here the $hree +illings is located in 2014 is to not disturb the
ground !here the $hree +illings is present in 2014 and any other year for that atter, /ou
should ta#e special care !ith this area if the house or office facing position is the sae
direction as the $hree +illings for the year, -f the location of the $hree +illings is disturbed
by noisy renovation or digging activities, there ay be un!anted conse?uences for the
residents of the property !hich could ean poor health, loss of !ealth, ishap, in"ury and,
in e.tree cases, the occupants could face fatalities so please read belo! for inforation
ho! to avoid these probles in 2014,
-f your front door is located in the in the north in 2014 !hich is !here the $hree +illings3
direction is located, this is considered a disturbance due to the constant opening and closing
of the door and heavy noise levels and could cause the probles that - spo#e about above,
/ou should ta#e a lot of care as to not sla the door as the $hree +illings can be a lot ore
settled if the door is opened and shut cally or if you are able to, it !ould be uch better to
use a side door or bac# door, $he traditional cure is to place a pair of 1hi @in
&$eple@ionsA 9u (ogs) "ust inside the door facing out!ards,
%o in 2014 if your door is in the north or south, you should follo! our annual ad#i!e and
place a pair of 9u (ogsB$eple @ions by your door and try to avoid using the door if this is
possible although - can appreciate that this is easier said than done,
/an 0 still !ut the grass in -y garden1
$he traditional cure to place !hen doing
garden !or# is to place a si. rod hollo!
etal !ind chie bet!een the property
and the garden &or the place of
disturbance), -f you !ish, you can use any
etal ob"ect but the ideal cure !ould be to
place a etal !ind chie !ith si. hollo!
etal rods as the chies resonate a sound
!hich helps !ea#en the ill effects, $here is
another traditional school of thought that
advises placing a sybolic statue of
deities, :ne faously used deity is the
'od of !ealth C$sai %hen /ehD,
Tsai Shen (eh is one of the ost po!erful and popular 1hinese
'ods of Wealth !ho is norally depicted !earing a dragon robe and
sitting on a tiger, He is also #no!n at ties as @u Hsing the %tar 'od
of Wealth,
$he $sai %hen /eh carries a gold ingot and a s!ord on hi, After he
returned fro a forest after studying the $ao, he !as seen riding on
the bac# of a blac# tiger in all directions and carrying a s!ord to !ard
off evil influences, He is not eant to be !orshipped but is actually there to syboliEe
oney and !ealth and attracts the sae into the house,
Another thing to note is that you should never sit !ith your bac# to the $hree +illings
direction and should al!ays it facing the direction of the $hree +illings, 5very year, !e
receive hundreds of eails fro clients as#ing about the positioning of sofa chairs in the
living roo !ith regards to the $hree +illings0 !e al!ays advise that you do not sit !ith
your bac# to the $hree +illings but this doesn3t refer to isolated incidents as uch0 this rule
refers to prolonged periods of tie spent in this position that affect you ore, Avoid having
your bac# to the south in 2014,
9or e.aple6 if you sit at your office des# !ith your bac# to the $hree +illings &north in
2014), this could affect your relationship !ith !or# colleagues and can also affect your
perforance of !or#, $hese effects brought on by the $hree +illings can cause poor
presentation, coplications, lac# of focus or loss of concentration so try to reeber this
and chec# bac# if any of this coes to light in 2014, $here ay also be ruours and bac#
stabbing, -f it is not possible for you to ove your des# so that you are not sitting !ith your
bac# to the $hree +illings direction, your best option is to place a pair of 1hi @in on your
des# facing the $hree +illings direction,
$ai %ui !hich is also #no!n as 'rand (u#e of Fupiter is also naed the /ear %tar and its
position is represented by the earthly branch of the year, $he positions of the t!elve earthly
branches are6 7at &north), :. and $iger &northeast), 7abbit &east), (ragon and %na#e
&southeast), Horse &south), %heep and Mon#ey &south!est), 7ooster &!est) and (og and
8oar &north!est),
2004 !as the year of the on#ey and $ai %ui sat south!est,
200= !as the rooster year and $ai %ui sat in the !est &2G2,= A 2HH,=),
200G !as the dog year and $ai %ui sat north!est &2;2,= A <0H,=)
200H $ai %ui sat in the north!est &<22,= A <<H,=)
200I !as the year of the 7at so $ai %ui sat north &<=2,= A H,=)
200; !as the year of the :. so $ai %ui 'rand (u#e sat in the northeast &22,= A <H,=)
201< !as the year of the %na#e so $ai %ui 'rand (u#e sat in the southeast,
Jnli#e %an %ha $hree +illings, it is not advisable to sit facing $ai %ui for prolonged
periods of tie, /ou ay sit !ith your bac# to $ai %ui for support but the ideal solution
!ould be to avoid sitting or facing $ai %ui all together if possible, -f you have a front door
or office des# that faces the direction of $ai %ui in 2014 or any other year, the traditional
cure is to place a (ragon *i /ao or (ragon headed $ortoise in the north!est sector of your
hoe or office facing southeast to settle its pressure, - ust strongly advise you not to
disturb the ground of the location !here $ai %ui sits for the year !hich is south in 2014,
9or the best protection in 2014, ta#e a loo# at the 2014 1ures and 5nhancers +its,
The 2014 'nnual Feng Shui 'ffli!tions.
The Three &illings 2 is a direct translation fro the 1hinese 2%an %ha3, $his annual
affliction is ostly in the north &=2,=> to 12H,=>), -t is iperative that you do not underta#e
any for of noisy renovations or reKdecorative !or# in the north part of your house or
office bet!een 9ebruary 4th 2014 and 9ebruary <rd 201=, /ou should also not disturb the
ground by digging holes, digging foundations or conduct any aintenance !or# !ith any
noisy e?uipent in this area inside or outside your property or garden, -f you have no
option but to perfor !or# in the north, it is advised that you place a G hollo! rod etal
Wind 1hie in the north in 2014, :nce disturbed, this affliction can bring about three types
of isfortunes A financial loss, sic#ness and arguents, $his is the !orst out of all the
annual afflictions and in our hoe and business !e ta#e this very seriously as in our <<
years3 e.perience !ith 9eng %hui !e have seen soe pretty nasty events fro this energy
!hen disturbed,
Apart fro not disturbing its ground, there are t!o other rules that you should follo!
regarding the $hree +illings in 2014, 9irstly, if you are oving your des# around this year,
never sit !ith your bac# to this direction &north), %econdly, it is better to face &north) this
direction, especially if this is one of your four favourable personal directions,
With the very inauspicious L< @u 1hun star also visiting
the north palace in 2014 it can cause bad luc# and legal
probles and needs very specific cures and of course
!hen you cobine all this destructive energy !ith the
even ore destructive three #illings you need the best
cure available in the north in 2014, /ou need a special
cure A this special cure coes standard !ith all our 2014
annual cures and enhancers #its,
-f your front door faces the north in 2014, - !ould
advise placing a pair of 9u (ogs "ust inside the house
loo#ing out!ards as protective guardians for the year,
/ou can also place a 8a 'ua irror outside in the north,
-f you have to carry out
!or# or eergency repairs
in the north during the year
of the /ang Wood Horse,
you should place a si.
hollo! etal rod !ind
chie bet!een the
buildings and !here the
!or# is being carried out
and ideally you should contact a professional 9eng %hui 1onsultant to select an auspicious
date to start the !or# or you can use our $ong %hu soft!are,
Tai Sui )The Grand Duke of *u"iter+ 2 resides bet!een 142,=> A 1=H,=> southeast,
(o not ta#e this affliction lightly in 2014, (o not disturb the ground in the south at all
-f you have a south facing property !ith your front doors to the south, you ust be careful
not to allo! the doors to sla and do not renovate or dig in this area for 2014,
%ui *o year brea#er occupies the division directly opposite $ai
%ui 'rand (u#e, !hich for 2014 is north, /ou should treat this
area the sae as the other annual afflictions !ith no groundK
brea#ing !or#, renovations or any noisy activities, -f disturbed
this area can and norally !ill cause iediate health
probles especially for the elderly, so please be very careful,
$raditionally to appease %ui *o in a Horse year you need to
display a sheng chi cure, !e have included one in our 2014
cures #it,
-f you have to carry out !or# or eergency repairs in the north
place a si. hollo! etal rod !ind chie bet!een the buildings
and !here the !or# is being carried out and ideally you should
contact a professional 9eng %hui *ractitioner to select an
auspicious date to start the !or# or consult our Tong Shu date
sele!tion softare,
$he annual five yello! has flo!n to the north!est in 2014 and because the centre has no
gender this is not good and the reason !hy so any specialist cures are needed in 2014, -t
is highly recoended not to disturb the north!est of your hoe or business !ith noisy
activities, renovations or aintenance !or# this year, When disturbed, the 9ive /ello! can
bring disaster, sic#ness, la!suit and a"or loss of !ealth so please be very careful in the
north!est in 2014 as it is very afflicted,
*lease do not start !orrying if your bedroo or office are located in the north or south in
2014, "ust start preparing to place your 2014 cures and enhancers #it to ensure a trouble free
year and also cleanse any old cures that you !ill be reusing this year, and of course a#e
sure you sign up for our free -onthly nesletter so you are #ept up to date !ith the
onthly flying stars giving you even ore control of your destiny, $o give you even better
control, use our advanced recently updated Feng Shui 2014 softare as this gives
advanced analysis of every hoe or office facing any direction in any part of the !orld,
Ho far do e take the ad#i!e e gi#e1
-n 2014, !e !ill be placing the relevant Annual 2014 1ures and enhancers in the south to
help dissipate the negative energy that is here for the year, A - concerned about the south
this year? 4ot at all0 having good 9eng %hui is e?ually about being a!are of potential
dangers and a#ing allo!ances and by doing this and also placing cures, you can and !ill
avoid any probles,
What !an 0 do if 0 344D to re"air a dri#eay or ha#e a si-ilar reno#ation1
-f your garden is in the south or north in 2014, obviously you should avoid disturbing the
ground this year but soe things "ust can3t be left !hich could be soething li#e an
overgro!n hedge or a collapsed pipe in the ground, -f you can3t avoid building !or# or
digging, use the follo!ing rules to reduce any har that ay result,
-n 200I !e had to replace our large drive!ay that fell in the north, north!est and northeast
and !hilst soe of these areas !ere affected, 200I !as the best year to do the !or# and if
!e left it till 2014 it !ould have caused us any probles as the north is !here the $hree
+illings and %ui *o are located this year, We eployed e.tra builders &G in total) to ensure
the !or# !as done over G days as even the onthly stars can have an influence, With
placing all the cures in 200I and also placing a si. rod !ind chie in the 4W !e had no
probles at all so do not !orry too uch if you can3t avoid !or# in the north or south,
*lace a si.Krod etal !ind chie bet!een your house and building !or# !hilst the
!or# is being done
%tart triing or o!ing fro a different corner of the garden, @et us say your
garden is in the south of the property, /ou should reeber to start your garden
!or# fro the north or south corner of the garden as this carries an auspicious
energy in 2014,
$he siple thing to reeber is '560D doing heavy !or# here and no digging or
brea#ing ground, - have seen soe nasty repercussions created fro disturbing
these afflictions in a year !ay too any ties,

5isit the "ages $elo for further details on 2014 /hinese 3e (ear et!7
/hinese 3e (ear 2014 88 Ho to -ake your on 'ng Po 88/hinese Talis-ans for
2014 88 /hinese ani-al "redi!tions for 2014 88 Flying star 9uan &ong 2014 88 '#oid
the fury of the Grand Duke, three killing 201488 /hinese 3e (ear orld ti-e
!on#erter 201488 2014 /ures and enhan!ers kits 88 Ho to take a !o-"ass
reading 88 Ho to deter-ine your fa!ing dire!tion 88 Feng Shui softare 88 Feng
Shui resour!e 88 2014 Tong Shu 'l-ana! Softare 88 Feng Shui :log 88 /hinese
!ulture 88
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9eng %hui %tore Michael Hanna 2014
K %ee ore at6

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