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The "Rosy Cross" - It's Not As Rosy As You Might Think!

They may claim to be Christian Mystics and may refer to Master Jesus in
their literature, but they are far from Christian!
Please keep in mind Jesus Himself said simply saying youre a Christian doesnt
make you one!
Mat "#$% &'ot e(eryone )ho says to Me, *ord! *ord! shall enter the kingdom of
Hea(en, but he )ho does the )ill of My +ather in Hea(en! &
,imply calling oneself a Christian or claiming Jesus is an ascended master isnt
enough! There are certain re-uirements of Christians! Jesus )anted people to li(e
.odly li(es#
John %/#%0 1f you lo(e Me, keep My commandments!
2cts %3#%45%" &2nd certain from the strolling Je)s, e6orcists, undertook to
name the name of the *ord Jesus o(er those ha(ing e(il spirits, saying, 7e ad8ure
you by Jesus )hom Paul preaches!
2cts %3#%/ 2nd there )ere se(en sons of ,ce(a, a Je)ish chief priest, )ho did
so! 9ut ans)ering the e(il spirit said, Jesus 1 kno), and 1 comprehend Paul, but
)ho are you: 2nd the man in )hom the e(il spirit resided leaped on them, and
o(ercoming them he )as strong against them, so that they fled out of the house
naked and )ounded! 2nd this )as kno)n to all the Je)s and .reeks )ho li(ed
at ;phesus, and fear fell on all of them, and the name of the *ord Jesus )as
CH<1,T12' <=,;'><?T@ Ain(ented in %B$4 but allegedly b! %4"C 5 d! %/C/D
Credited for creating the occult society kno)n as <osicrucian =rder! There ha(e
been doEens of groups calling themsel(es &<osicrucian& throughout the centuries,
and there are se(eral in e6istence today! The most )ell5kno)n one today is
probably the 2ncient Mystical =rder of the <osy Cross based out of ,an Jose,
California! Christian <oEenkruts, supposedly changed lead into gold, disco(ered
e(er5burning lamps, li(ed for %FB years, had amaEing po)ers!!!and in reality
ne(er actually e(en e6isted!!! Christian <oEenkrutE )as a hoa6 that has gotten a
lot of milage since its creation!

The <osicrucian order first came to the attention of the
)orld in Paris in %B$4, )hen anonymous leaflets )ere
distributed around the city announcing the in(isible
college coinciding )ith a ne) book published by a
bookseller titled Fama Fraternitatis )hich detailed the
life of the pre(iously5unkno)n Christian <osenkrutE!The
book claimed <oEenkrutE had tra(eled to Turkey,
Moroco, and ;gypt to study alchemy!!!a trip that )ould
ha(e been unlikely for a lone ;uropean Christian at that
time in Muslim controlled lands! The book claimed
Paracelcus had learned his secrets from an earlier book by
<osenkrutE!!!but in reality Paracelsus had no po)ers, and
he certainly ne(er heard of <osenkrutE since the hoa6
came about years after Paracelsus died! Paracelsus makes
no mention of a Christian <osenkrutE in any of his
)ritings, )hich doesnt come as a surprise! Fama Fraternis said the <osicrucians
)ere going to gi(e millions of dollars )orth of gold to rebuild the <oman
;mpire, since they could easily manufacture large -uantities of gold and had no
use for it! 1ts not hard to see )hy people )ould be attracted to such an
order!!!)hy, for strictly spiritual purposes of course!

The )hole <osicrucian legend )as started as a 8oke to make fun of occultists
by a *utheran minister named Galentin 2ndrea, )ho later admitted to the hoa6!
2ndreas family crest is a cross )ith four roses, )hich is )here he got the idea
for the rose H cross symbol of <osicrucianism! Historians )ho e6amined the
book in our times ha(e said the book is clearly a political tract )ritten in the form
of a satire! 2ndrea )as depressed o(er the de(astation brought about by the 4F
years )ar, and )rote a tract of political satire, and also to poke fun of people
)ho belie(ed in the occult and alchemy! 1n fact, most of the material for Fama
Fraternis, is actually plagiariEed from a book published in %B%0
titled Reformation of The World, )ritten by Tra8ano 9occalini! AThe History of
Magic and The Occult by >urt ,eligmann, p!$C"D! 2nd )hile scholars of history
recogniEe Fama Fraternis as a book of political satire, the problem )ith satire is
that it often goes o(er the heads of the intended audience!

;(en though the tract )as meant to mock people )ho belie(ed in alchemy,
se(eral people )ho read the tract took it seriously! People began to earnestly look
for this <osicrucian =rder! ,ome )ere )illing to oblige the seekers! There are
numerous police records of scams that took peoples money in e6change for the
hope of 8oining this order! Garious &<osicrucian& groups arose to meet the
demands of the nai(e and greedy, hoping to find the secrets of changing lead into
gold and ha(e eternal youth!
Many )ere simply outright scams )here people ga(e money to confidence
men in e6change for information to be delie(ered later!!!and ne(er heard from
them again! 1n the years follo)ing the publication of Fama Fraternis, the Paris
police recorded se(eral incidents of such scams )here people )ere )illingly
separated from their money in hopes of learning mystical <osicrucian secrets!
,ome modern day occultists, in order to sa(e face, ha(e begun to say
Christian <oEenkrutE )as merely &symbolic&, and not an actual person! 2nyone
)ho follo)s <osicrucianism pro(es 2ndreas 8oke right!!!that occultists )ill
belie(e anything! 'e(ertheless, many people e(en today belong to one of the
(arious <osicrucian orders!!!each one claiming to be the only true order and all
the others fake! The truth is, theyre all fakes, since its all based on a hoa6, and
)as ne(er really intended to be taken seriously!
The largest <osicrucian =rder today is the 2ncient Mystical =rder of the
<osy Cross based out of ,an Jose, California! ,ome close ri(als include the
<osicrucian +ello)ship in =ceanside, California, the 9uilders of the
2dytum, and the <osicrucian ,ociety of 'e) Iork A)hich claims the orderJs
founder )as Jesus Christ reincarnated as a )oman, apparently taking a cue from
the ,hakersD! ;ach <osicrucian ,ociety considers itself the only real
<osicrucian order, and the rest are fakes! *ike the +reemasons, they claim they
helped build ,olomons Temple! Most offer mail order or internet courses in the
occult and it is possible to be a member )ithout e(er lea(ing ones home as long
as the membership dues are paid! =f course, one )onders )hy they need money
if theyJre able to change lead into gold!
The 2M=<C group claims it has been in e6istence for thousands of years
A)hich of course it cant pro(eD, claiming the ;gyptian Pharo 2monhotep 1G )as
its founder! Members keep an altar in their home )ith busts of 2monhotep and
'efertiti on their altars along )ith an alchemical cross! The Pharo 2menhotep
)as a proponent of sun )orship )hom *e)is called the ,on of the ,un! ,orry
guys, but ,un )orshippers and people )ho keep an altar )ith ;gyptian idols on it
cannot be Christians!

The real founder of this order )asnt an ;gyptian Pharo, but rather a
marketing genius named H! ,pencer *e)is! *e)is started the order in %3F4 )ith
a press conference claiming the order had resurfaced after %FC years of
dormancy, and pro(ed his po)ers by changing lead into gold Aby slight of
hand, no doubtD! The bar *e)is claimed )as gold )as allo)ed to be passed
around for the reporters to e6amine!!!but no scientists )ere present! =f course,
the e6periment has never been duplicated since! Thanks to this publicity stunt
and massi(e ad(ertisement in ne)spapers and magaEines, 2M=<C -uickly
grabbed many follo)ers Ano doubt hoping they too could change lead into goldD,
egar to plunk do)n a fe) dollars each month for monthly pamphlets supposedly
gi(ing secrets of the occult! The order has a grade system similar to +reemasonry!
.rades %5C can be earned through mail order study! .rades 3 %F and %% are called
the 1lluminati and the members of these le(els are said to meet out of the body
on the astral plane! This is the cl(erest gimick of all, making members think they
can be part of the legendary 1lluminati! 9ut of course, in(itations are gi(en on
the astral plane by members )ho can tra(el out of their body! ,ince no
<osicrucian can really tra(el out of their body Aalso called 2stral Pro8ectionD,
the last three degrees e6ist only in the minds of deluded <osicrucians!

The 4 courses they offer are an astrology course, a A(ery inaccurateD occult
9ible course, and a philosophy course, )hich is really 8ust Theosophy! ;6pect
to spend a couple hundred bucks on the books for these courses Aunless youJre
smart enough to a(oid themD! Iou may ha(e a hard time finding them, but )hat a
coincidence, the order 8ust happens to sell them all! 2M=<C publishes about 4
doEen books for sale )ith catchy titles Afor boring booksD like Mental
Poisoning, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, and Mastering the Cycles of Fate!
*e)is, like Heindel, borro)ed a lot of ideas from 9la(atsky, including the idea
that he )as in telepathic communication )ith a being called &Coot Hoomi&!
*e)is decided to spell it >huthumi to make it look more ;gyptian! 1n any e(ent,
&Coot Hoomi& )as later determined to be 9la(atskyJs play on )ords for &Col!
=lcott&, a naie(e, but de(oted follo)er of 9la(atskyJs! There is no real &Coot
Hoomi&, no matter ho) you spell it!

*e)is claims <osicrucianism came to 2merica )ith the early settlers! The
introductory pamphlet, The Mastery of *ife e(en sho)s an early settlers (illage
and claims it is a <osicrucian settlement! 1n reality, the settlement )as that of
Kuakers, not <osicrucians! The booklet also -uotes se(eral famous people 5 5
from 9en8amin +ranklyn to ,ocrates 5 5and indicates they )ere <osicrucians
Athey )erentD! *ike 7iccans, +reemasons, and 'eopagans, <osicrucians
created a fake history for themsel(es! 2lso like these groups, they claim to teach
ho) to de(elop occult po)ers! Psychometry, telepathy, astral pro8ection, and
spirit communuication are some of the po)ers they claim to teach!
=ne of the lesser kno)n groups, the <osicrucian +ello)ship, )as founded by a
Ma6 Gan .rass! .rass later changed his name to Ma6 Hiendel Anot much of an
impro(ementD after a trip to .ermany )here Hieldel claims he )as intiated into
the <osicrucian =rder! HeindelJs occult system seems to be nothing more than
9la(atskys Theosophy )ord for )ord! The order boasts it doesnt sell its
lessons like itJs chief comprtitors, those a)ful 2M=<C <osicrucians, but gi(es
them a)ay instead! The catch $$ is you ha(e to by the orders books to take the
This order claims it goes all the )ay back to the 9abylonian Mystery schools
and sho)s a To)er of 9abel on their literature! =ne )onders ho) e6actly they
can be a Christian Mystery ,chool if this )ere the case! 1n the orders
magaEine, Heindel )rote an article that said that <osicrucians )orship the ,olar
*ogos, or in other )ords, they )orship the ,un! 2M=<C also seems to
entertain the idea of sun )orship, and at one time offered rose incense for sale in
their catalog )ith the note that in ancient ;gypt incense )as offered at morning
noon and e(ening to the sun god!

M2L H;1'M;* +ounder of the <osicrucain +ello)ship! 9orn Ma6 Gon .ross
to a Mutch noble family, he gre) up in po(erty, 8ust the same! 7hile his family
)ere blue bloods, they didnt ha(e the green stuff! His mother scrimped and
managed to get he and his siblings a good education! 2s an adult, Gan .ross
immigrated to the ?nited ,tates and got a 8ob as an engineer! Gon .ross became
enamored )ith the occult and racial hog)ash of 2rinosophy on a trip to
.ermany and later changed his name to Ma6 Heindel! ,)allo)ing the )hole
racist 2ryan nonsense of Theosophy and 2rinosophy, he )anted his name to
sound more .erman! He claimed to ha(e been initiated into <osicrucianism
)hile in ;urope and started the <osicrucian +ello)ship in =ceanside, California!
The +ello)ship became a ri(al of sorts to the more )ell kno)n 2M=<C! The
+ello)ship claims to gi(e free lessons in ;soteric 9ible ,tudies A)hich are
)oefully inaccurate!D, 2strology, and 7estern Philosophy A)hich is actuality 8ust
a course in TheosophyD! The catch to the free lessons is that you ha(e to buy
the te6tbooks for the courses!!!all of )hich are published and sold e6clusi(ely by
the <osicrucian +ello)ship!
2lthough the <osicrucian +ello)ship claims to be a Christian outfit, the
e(idence speaks other)ise! The group used to feature the To)er of 9abel
@iggurat on their literature!!!an ob8ect the 9ible records as ha(ing been offensi(e
to .od! *ike all occult societies, The +ello)ship claims to be much older than it
really is, and says its origins go back to the 9abylonian Mystery schools
although it offers no actual proof Ait cant since its a lieD, )hich )ould certainly
be a strange claim for a Christian outfit! Heindel taught *ucifer )as a
benefactor to mankind, rather than a de(il, )ho ga(e man kno)ledge! Heindel
re(ealed in a %344 edition of <ays +rom The Cross magaEine that the god
<osicrucians )orship is The ,olar *ogos, or in other )ords, a sun god, )hich
)ould certainly mean they are 'eopagans rather than Christians! <osicrucians
claim to able to heal people )ith occult po)ers at a distance Acalled absent
healingD and push a (egetarian diet! *ucifer apparently )asnt much of a
benefactor to Gan.orssNHeindel, and he )as said to ha(e spent the last decade of
his life in both poor health and dire straights financially!!!as do most occultists it
Ma6 Heindel He simply rehashed pre(ious occult teachings and died broke and
sick any)ay!

P2,CH2* 9;G;<*I <2'M=*PH A%C$05%C"0D He )rote many books about
se6 magic A)hich he called the rites of ;lusisD, and ho) it could enlighten
people! .ood luck trying to decipher his con(oluted )ritings )ritten in a
muddled %3th century collo-uial ;nglish! His )orks inspired people like 2leister
Cro)ley, the members of the =!#T!#=!#!, and Henri .amache, and are still in
<andolph )as the illegitimate son of a plantation o)ner and a barmaid
A<andolph once remarked his parents &did not stop to pay fees to the 8ustice or to
the priest!&D! His mother died from smallpo6 )hen he )as 0, and he )ent to li(e
)ith a half5sister! He ran a)ay from home at %0 and became a sailor! 7hen the
spiritualist mo(ement kicked off, <andolph 8umped on the band)agon,
appearing on stage as a medium and ad(ertising his ser(ices!
There ha(e been legends and claims about <andolph that ha(e arisen that ha(e
been -uestionable! =ne is his supposed friendship )ith President 2braham
*incoln, and being denied to ride on the train carrying *incolns body because he
)as a 'egro! He claimed to ha(e been a medical doctor, although ho) and )hen
he recei(ed his training is unclear! 2n early ad(ocate of free lo(e, in +ebruary
%C"$ <andolph )as 8ailed for promoting immoral se6, although later ac-uitted!
He married his second )ife, >ate, )hile still legally married to his first )ife,
meaning <andolph )as a bigamist!
2pparently <andolphs se6 magic didnJt bring happiness, because he
committed suicide at age /3, lea(ing his )ife and son to li(e in po(erty! ,e6
magic doesnJt get you anything e6cept perhaps a (enereal disease! ,e6 magic
isnt magic!!!its nothing more than an e6cuse to ha(e se6 and a )ay for gullible
people to be seduced! 7hen you realiEe this, you )ill be a step closer to a better
life! 7ould you )ant to )ind up like poor Mr! <andolph:
P!9! <andolph 9igamist and fake )ho committed suicide!
<?;9;' ,71';9?<' C*IM;< A%C"C5%3BBD 2 <osicrucian ri(al to H!
,pencer *e)is!!!and more or less, Ma6 Heindel! Clymer )as an unlikely follo)er
of P!9! <andolph! 2s mentioned, Clymer made public the charge that H! ,pencer
*e)is )as initiated by 2leister Cro)ley! =ne group of ClymerJs <osicrucians
e(entually merged )ith another <osicrucian group that has ties to 2leister
Cro)leyJs Thelema!!!ironically coming full circle and becoming a sort of
cousin to the 2M=<C A)ell, technically, at leastD
Clymer bought P!9! <andolphs occult archi(es from his )ido), and kept
<andolphs books in print! Clymer claimed he succeeded ;d)ard H 9ro)n
Akno)n as J;ulisJD as head of a <osicrucian order, but this has been pro(en false!
Clymer created his J+raternitas <osae CrucisJ in %3$F, t)o years before 9ro)n
actually died, and simply in(ented the story of being 9ro)nJs sucessor! His
official biography boasts that 4,FFF,FFF people recei(ed Clymers teachings
during his lifetime, )hich sounds (ery unlikely! My guess is the number is
probably closer to a fe) hundred!!!and that number )ould be stretched out o(er
more than half a century! Had his audience rose to 4,FFF,FFF, his organiEation
)ould d)arf the 2M=<C!!!)hich is hardly a house hold name, either! Clymers
group ne(er achie(ed the commercial success or membership numbers of his
ri(al, the 2M=<C, or e(en the <osicrucian +ello)ship!
Clymer had his o)n biEEare (ie)s of Christianity and race, )hich makes it so
unusual he chose to follo) <andolph! ,)iburne claimed Jesus )as an 2ryan in
)hose (eins flo)ed 2ryan blood OHandboo of Today!s ReligionsP, e(en though
his idol <andolph )as black! Clymer )as said to ha(e a portrait of Jesus on his
)all, depicting him as a blond haired, blue eyed man!!!an impossibility since
Jesus )as a middle eastern Je)! Jesus certainly didnt appear different from other
people since he )as able to blend into a cro)d and since Judas had to point him
out to the <omans Oref! 9ible (ersesP and could escape cro)ds by blending in,
impossible of a blue eyed 2ryan O9ible (ersesP
,ome of his teachings sound chillingly similar to those ideas espoused by
'aEis! Clymer )as a strong belie(er that e6pectant mothers should follo) an
occult regimen of diet and meditation to bring about a race of ,upermen! 2
biography )ritten by the <osicrucians Aprobably ghost )ritten by Clymer
himselfD from %300 states &Mr! Clymer is con(inced more firmly than e(er that
racial or blood purity is an absolute essential to the attainment of the highest
degree of de(elopment not only for the indi(idual, but also for the country alike!!!
He felt that the man )ho loses his race pride begins to deteriorate! This applies to
all races as )ell as indi(iduals!& ,o Clymer )as 8ust yet another 'eo5'aEi )olf
in Theosophist sheep clothing!
=ddly enough, ClymerJs hero )as Paschal 9e(erly <andolph, )hoJs father )as
said to be )hite and his mother )as of 'egro, 1ndian, and a little )hite ancestry!
This )ould seem to fly in the face of his racially pure hog)ash hate teaching!
The <osicrucians dispute <andolphJs 'egro ancestry!!!e(en though <andolph
seems to ha(e identified himself as one in his o)n )ritings, and claimed he )as
denied riding on the train carrying *inoclnJs body because of his dark skin!
Claiming he )as trained as a medical doctor, Clymer )as a actually strong
belie(er in many -uack forms of medicine like =steopathy! He )as considered a
-uack during his lifetime! This is probably )hy he ne(er
attained the financial )ealth most doctors )ould ha(e!
<! ,)inburne Clymer, -uack, fraud, and racist!
2M=<CJs success didnt go unnoticed by <osicrucians of ri(al
groups )ho didnt like it one bit! <! ,)ineburn Clymer sued
,pencer in court and re(ealed some (ery big skeletons
in ,pencerJs closet! =ne of these skeletons )as 2leister
Cro)ley! 1t seems the 2scended Master that supposedly initiated *e)is )as
none other than Cro)ley, )ho initiated *e)is in a ritual that took placed
behind closed doors for 4 days Aand kno)ing Cro)ley, could ha(e in(ol(ed gay
se6 andNor drugs andNor animal sacrifice, considering )hat his biographers )rote
of himD! Clymer seemed to think ,pencer only spent % day and not the )hole
three days supposedly re-uired for the ritual! Clymer also found inconsistencies
in ,pencers story, and later published them in a book!
;(en though Clymer didnt get the dough he )as hoping to get from 2M=<C
through his la)suit, he did succeed in embarrassing his ri(al, at least a little bit!
Clymer, ho)e(er, )as no schoolboy himself! 2 look at Clymers )ritings re(eals
some pretty unflattering things he himself belie(ed and taught#
Jesus )as born of .entile parents through )hose (eins flo)ed 2ryan blood&
<egardless of the <osicrucian group, '='; of them conforms to )hat is taught
about Jesus in the 9ible! Clearly the 9ible says Jesus )as born of Je)ish parents!
1f he had been a &blond haired blue eyed 2ryan& as Clymer taught, he )ould not
ha(e been hard to distinguish from the masses! The 9ible re(eals Jesus looked so
ordinary that the ,anhedrin paid Judas 1scariot 4F pieces of sil(er to point him
out! 1t also says Jesus )as able to blend in )ith a cro)d )hen a mob )anted to
kill him! ThatJs not something he could ha(e done if he looked like a member of
the "FJs Misco band 2992!

Jesus taught He )as the only )ay to Hea(en, not that there )ere many different
)ays! 'o )here did Jesus teach all religions )ere true or that all religious
)ritings )ere e-ual! 'o )ere is there any record that Jesus retired to a

The <osicrucians are fakes and fruads! 1f they )ant people to think other)ise, let
them change lead into gold under cheat proof conditions! 1f they can change lead
into gold, )hy do they need your money e(ery month: 1f the members of their
1lluminati le(el meet by tra(eling out of their bodies at )ill as they claim, let
them pro(e it! *ets set up a test# Ha(e them astrally pro8ect and describe the
contents of a locked room under cheat proof conditions! 7hy didnt they use
their gifts of mental po)ers or the science of astology to forsee the 7orld
Trade To)ersNPetagonN+light %3 attack on 35%%5$FF%:

1n %330 in the +rench 2lps, a mass suicide of a <osicrucian group calling itself
The =rder of the ,olar Temple took place! The occult ritual suicide ocurred on
the 7inter ,olstice, a time sacred to the sun god in 'eopagan religions and
Thelema! 2ccording to Ma6 Heindel of the <osicrucian +ello)ship, <osicrucians
)orship &The ,olar *ogos& as god, in other )ords, theyJre sun )orshipers! The
=rder =f The ,olar Temple .roup must ha(e similar beliefs!
=n Mecember $4, on a remote plateau of the +rench 2lps police found %B charred
bodies arranged in a star formation )ith their feet pointing to the ashes of a fire!
2 year earlier another ,olar Temple group committed a similar suicide ritual!
*ike the rituals of %33/, they all died by stabbing, asphy6iation, shooting andNor
poisoning! Their bodies )ere burned to a crisp as part of a &cleansing ritual&!

1n %33" in ,tolkholme, ,)eden yet another ,olar Temple group killed
themsel(es in a mass suicide claiming /C members! +are)ell letters left by the
belie(ers stated that they belie(ed they )ere lea(ing to escape the &hypocrisies
and oppression of this )orld!& and that they )ere going to the star ,irus! 1ts top
44 members )ere kno)n as the ;lder 9rothers of the <osy Cross Aan alternati(e
name for the <osicruciansD, and )ere head-uartered in @Qrich, ,)itEerland!
,)iss police )ere on a heightened state of suicide )atch in anticipation to the
summer solstice on June $%!

.erard <amseyer, the top 8ustice official in .ene(a, said police )as maintaining
a &discreet sur(eillance& of %F people belie(ed to be kno)n members of the
suicidal ,olar Temple ,ect! T)o of the %F under sur(eillance are belie(ed to be
children! 2ll the suicideNmurders and attempts occurred around the dates of the
e-uino6es and solstices )hich are occult holidays to 7iccans, 'eopagans, and
Thelemites! Police think there are at least %FF people in ,)itEerland )ho )ere
formerly close to or had been members of the suicidal cult!

1t is belie(ed that The ,olar Temple group continues to e6ist, )ith thirty
sur(i(ing members in Kuebec at the ,t52nne5de5la5PRrade center, )ith from %/F
to 0FF members remaining )orld)ide! AThe +lorida Times ?nion, July $$,
%33"D A'=T;# 2 <osicrucian occult is hardly Christian, but this group is
misidentified as a &Christian& group by the so5called &=ntario Consultants for
<eligious Tolerance&! The group is run by t)o 'eopagans and an 2thiest, and
seems to ha(e tolerance for anything but Christians! D

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