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Alexis L.

5605 Old Wake Forest Road, Apt. C, Raleigh, NC 27609 (919 !6!" 01!2
PC Technician
#ol$tio% orie%ted, highl& a%al&ti'al a%d reso$r'e($l 'a%didate )ith 6 &ears o( te'h%i'al
tro$*leshooti%g a%d e%d" $ser ser+i'e. ,-pertise i% so(t)are 'o%(ig$ratio% a%d the testi%g a%d
repair o( +ario$s hard)are appli'atio%s. .ea/ pla&er )ith a rep$tatio% (or pro+idi%g e-'elle%t
'$sto/er ser+i'e to all 'lie%tele.
Associates in Applied Science, Electronics Engineering Technology
ECPI University, aleigh, !C

Certi"icate, #igital A$dio Prod$ction
%iving Arts College, aleigh, !C

Associates in Applied Science, Comp$ter Electronics Technology
ECPI College o" Technology, aleigh, !C
Technical Skills
Certi"ications& Co/p.ia A0
Hardware& hdd, mother'oards, ram, processor, video cards
Operating Sste!s& #os, (indo)s *+, *,, -E, .///, 0P, 1, 2ista
So"tware& -S 3""ice, Symantec 4host ,, Admin, 5it#e"ender, Sonic (all
Technical Experience
6elpdes7 Analyst Astadia #$rham, !C
PC Technician W.1.N.R A$to Repair aleigh, !C
Upgrades and per"orms daily maintenance on comp$ter systems
esponds to any re8$ests made 'y employees "or so"t)are installs or hard)are
Ser#er C&press Cl$* o( Raleigh aleigh, !C ./1.
4reet and assist mem'ers as they enter the dining room
Prepare "ood items s$ch as so$ps, salads, sand)iches and 'everages
-a7es s$re trays has all items ordered 'e"ore delivering to mem'ers9 rooms
olls silver)are "or next day set$p
Tier $ Ad#isor Apple, aleigh, !C ./11
esponded to telephone in8$iries and complaints $sing standard proced$res. Also
in"ormed c$stomers o" di""erent services availa'le to them and comm$nicated appropriate
options "or resol$tion in a timely manner
PC Technician Credit #$isse :. month contract; -orrisville, !C ./1/
Per"ormed asset inventory o" every )or7station 'eing moved
elocated pc<s to desired location and tro$'leshooted any net)or7ing errors

%esktop Support Wake .e'h :. month contract; aleigh, !C .//*
Installed and maintained m$ltiple comp$ter la's )hile also responding to in ho$se tro$'le
Per"ormed data 'ac7$p and system re=imaging $sing Symantec 4host ,
&ield Technician 2o/ero& 1. #ol$tio%s, -orrisville, !C .//1= .//,
Per"ormed site s$rveys o" the credit $nion to determine )hat e8$ipment needed to 'e
replaced. Team meetings )ere called to disc$ss pro'lems at installation and resol$tions
>ept trac7 o" inventory and asset tag n$m'ers
PC Technician Aerotek #ta((i%g Age%'&, #$rham, !C .//1
#iagnosed and repaired damaged parts on vario$s 6P laptops. Con"irmed replaced parts
)ere in )or7ing condition 'e"ore shipping 'ac7 to the c$stomer
%esktop Support Reside%tial 3a%age/e%t #&ste/s, aleigh, !C .//?
(or7ed as the main point o" contact "or any hard)are@ so"t)are tro$'leshooting and
Assisted in the constr$ction o" the -S data center
Per"omed daily maintenance o" the 2-(are console and deployed (SUS $pdates to all

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