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Clinical Immunology (2008) 128, 199–204

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y c l i m

Association of interleukin-6 (− 174G>C) promoter

polymorphism with risk of squamous cell esophageal
cancer and tumor location: An exploratory study
Rohit Upadhyay a , Meenu Jain a , Shaleen Kumar b ,
Uday Chand Ghoshal c , Balraj Mittal a,⁎
Department of Genetics, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareilly Road, Lucknow-226014, India
Department of Radiotherapy, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareilly Road,
Lucknow-226014, India
Department of Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareilly Road,
Lucknow-226014, India

Received 28 January 2008; accepted with revision 26 March 2008

Available online 27 May 2008

KEYWORDS Abstract Chronic inflammation plays a role in transformation from normal cell to malignant
Interleukin-6 gene state. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) regulates inflammation and various physiological processes. IL-6
polymorphism; promoter polymorphism (−174GNC) is associated with transcription differences in vitro and in
Inflammation; vivo. High expression of IL-6 may result in oxidative DNA damage and enhance risk of
Cancer risk; carcinogenesis. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate association of IL-6 −174GNC polymorphism with
Esophageal cancer; predisposition to esophageal cancer (EC) in 369 subjects (168 patients with EC and 201 controls).
Cancer susceptibility We observed significant association of IL-6 − 174C non-carrier genotype with risk of EC,
(OR = 2.29; P = 0.001), with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) histology (OR = 2.26; P = 0.001) and
tumor at upper and lower anatomical locations (OR = 5.97; P = 0.009 and OR = 2.34; P = 0.034).
Patients having IL-6 −174C non-carrier genotype were at elevated risk of metastasis (OR = 2.49;
P = 0.005). In conclusion, IL-6 −174GNC gene polymorphism may confer high risk for EC and its
clinical characteristics.
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction incidence is rising [1]. Epidemiological studies have shown

a role of tobacco carcinogens and alcohol intake in etiology
Esophageal cancer (OMIM number 133239) (EC) has wide var- of EC [2]. In addition, various low penetrance genes have
iation in incidence at different geographical areas and overall been identified to be involved in modulation of cancer risk
including EC but still many candidate genes are unexplored
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +91 522 2668017x2668074. Some of the low penetrance genes encoding inflammatory
E-mail addresses:, proteins are believed to be associated with development
(B. Mittal). of cancer [4]. Progressive inflammation leads to activation of

1521-6616/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
200 R. Upadhyay et al.

inflammatory cytokines, recruitment of inflammatory cells, its clinical phenotypes and modulation of risk after
generation of free radicals, and ultimately malignant trans- interaction with environmental exposures.
formation. The degree of inflammation may be influenced by
the inter-individual genetic variations and thus the risk for Materials and methods
Interleukin-6 (IL6) or Interferon, BETA-2; IFNB2 (OMIM
During a four year period (from August 2003 to June 2007), all
number 147620) is an immunoregulatory pleiotropic cyto-
histopathologically confirmed esophageal cancer patients
kine that activates a cell-surface signaling assembly com-
(n = 168) were recruited from the outpatient clinics of
posed of IL6, IL6RA, and the shared signaling receptor
Radiotherapy and Gastroenterology (Gastromedicine and
gp130 [5]. The cytokine is involved in different physiological
Gastrosurgery) Departments of a tertiary care hospital,
and pathophysiological processes, such as inflammation,
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences
bone metabolism, synthesis of CRP (C-reactive protein), and
(SGPGIMS), Lucknow. Histopathology was confirmed by two
carcinogenesis (Fig. 1a) [6–7]. The gene encoding IL-6 is
independent pathologists and was found to be squamous cell
localized at chromosome 7p21–14.1. It is a glycoprotein
carcinoma (SCC) in 90% of patients. The patients' demogra-
consisting of 212 amino acids. Fishman et al. [8] identified a
phy, clinical characteristics at the time of diagnosis and
promoter region polymorphism in IL-6 gene (GNC) at position
environmental details were taken from the medical records
−174 (rs1800795) and showed that construct containing
and personnel interview through a questionnaire as described
−174C allele had 0.62 ± 0.15-fold lower expression (P b 0.005)
previously [20]. At the same time, a total of 201 unrelated,
than −174G allele. Previous studies have also reported high
age and gender-matched healthy controls were selected who
IL-6 concentrations (N 10 fold) in serum of patients with
were visiting routine check-up at hospital and residing in
primary esophageal tumor [9–10]. Furthermore, the ele-
adjoining areas of northern India. Selection criteria for con-
vated level was associated with poor prognosis of disease
trols included no evidence of any personal or family history of
cancer or other malignant conditions. All patients and con-
Association of IL-6 − 174 GNC polymorphism with risk of
trols gave written informed consent and the study protocol
several malignancies and inflammatory diseases has been
was approved by ethical committee of SGPGIMS.
reported [8,11–18]. In EC, an earlier study in high risk-
Chinese population showed b 1% IL-6 variant allele fre-
quency in control population but did not determine the risk Genotyping
for cancer patients [19]. Therefore, in view of limited data
of IL-6 polymorphism in EC, we aimed to investigate the DNA was extracted from white blood cells of all enrolled study
association of IL-6 −174GNC polymorphism with risk of EC, subjects, using salting out method [21]. Genotyping of IL-6

Figure 1 (a): Showing IL-6 pathway and hypothesis of study. (b): Representative gel picture ofIL-6 −174GNC polymorphism, Lane 1:
50 bp DNA ladder; Lane 2: G/G (C non-carrier) genotype; Lane 3: G/C genotype; Lane 4: C/C genotype.
Interleukin-6 promoter polymorphism and squamous cell esophageal cancer 201

(− 174GNC) polymorphism (rs1800795) was done using ARMS Table 1 Association of IL-6 −174GNC genotypes with risk of
(Amplification refractory mutation system) polymerase chain esophageal cancer
reaction (PCR) [22]. Briefly, the PCR conditions of IL-6
Patients Controls Odds ratio⁎
(−174GNC) amplification were as follows: initial denaturation
(95% CI), P-value
at 95 °C for 3 min, denaturation at 95 °C for 1 min, 63 °C (n = 168) (n = 201)
annealing for 1 min and 72 °C extension for 1 min for IL-6 − 174GNC genotypes
34 cycles. IL-6 alleles (−174 G and C) were separated on 10% C+ 33 70 1 (Reference)
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. DNA fragments were (19.6%) (34.8%)
visualized by UV illumination. Genotypes were assigned C− 135 131 2.29 (1.401–3.724)
based on band-sizes: IL-6 −174G allele (205 bp), IL-6 −174C
(80.4%) (65.2%) 0.001
allele (176 bp) and outer primer's control product (326 bp).
Since IL-6 −174C allele has been shown to be associated with IL6 −174GNC alleles
low expression, so genotypes were subsequently grouped as C+ C allele 38 76 1 (Reference)
(C carriers or C/C+C/G) and C− (C non-carriers or G/G) (Fig. (11.3%) (18.9%)
1b) [8]. G allele 298 326 1.86 (1.216–2.848)
(88.7%) (81.1%) 0.004
Statistical analysis
Males Patients Controls
χ2 (Chi-square) goodness of fit test was used for comparison
(n = 125) (n = 150)
of observed and expected genotype frequencies in controls
and to analyze the deviation from Hardy Weinberg Equili- C+ 26 51 1 (Reference)
brium. Binary logistic regression was used to explore risk (20.8%) (34.0%)
factors of EC in which the independent variables of interest C− 99 99 2.027 (1.164–3.530)
(predictors) were tested individually against the binary (79.2%) (66.0%) 0.013
dependent variable (disease outcome). Risk was defined as
Odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI), using age, Females Patients Controls
and gender as covariates and IL-6 − 174C+ genotype as (n = 43) (n = 51)
reference. Gene–environment interactions were examined
between IL-6 (− 174GNC) genotypes and environmental C+ 7 (16.3%) 19 1 (Reference)
exposure using case-only analysis [20]. All tests of signifi- (37.3%)
cance were two-sided and taken as significant when P-value C− 36 32 3.230 (1.139–9.159)
was b 0.05. In case of cell size below 5, Fisher's exact test was (83.7%) (62.7%) 0.027
performed. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS
software version 15.0 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Squamous cell Patients Controls
(n = 154) (n = 201)
Results C+ 31 70 1 (Reference)
(20.1%) (34.8%)
There was no significant difference between mean age of C− 123 131 2.26 (1.37–3.73)
patients (56.8 yrs ± 12.8) and controls (53.7yrs ± 11.3). The (79.9%) (65.2%) 0.001
gender distribution was comparable among patients (males:
74.4%; females: 25.6%) and controls (males: 74.6%; females: Adenocarcinoma Patients Controls
25.4%). Among the clinical characteristics of patients, 91.7%
(154/168) had SCC and 8.3% (14/168) had adenocarcinoma (n = 14) (n = 201)
(ADC). In majority of the patients, tumors were located in C+ 2 (14.3%) 70 1 (Reference)
middle third (53.2%, 82/154) as compared to other two (34.8%)
locations (lower and upper third) of the esophagus. A large C− 12 131 3.17 (0.69–14.64)
proportion of patients (64.1%, 82/128) had lymph node (85.7%) (65.2%) 0.148£
metastasis. Majority of patients (81.5%, 121/152) used
tobacco in some form (smoking, chewing, snuff, or both).
Lymph Controls
Alcohol drinkers were 37.0% (50/135); among them 66.0%
(33/50) were frequent drinkers. About thirty one percent of
patients had occupational exposure, mainly from household (n = 82) (n = 201)
combustible fuels [23]. C+ 15 70 1 (Reference)
(18.3%) (34.8%)
Association of IL-6 (−174GNC) polymorphism with C− 67 131 2.49 (1.31–4.72)
risk of esophageal cancer (81.7%) (65.2%) 0.005
⁎Age and gender adjusted odds ratio; C− (C non-carrier) represents
In controls, IL-6 (−174GNC) genotype frequencies were in G/G genotype and C+ (C carrier) represents combination of G/C
Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (P = 0.863). Comparing the IL-6 and C/C genotypes, £Fisher's exact test P-value.
genotype distribution, frequency of − 174C non-carrier
genotype was significantly different between patients
202 R. Upadhyay et al.

(80.4%, 135/168) and controls (65.2%, 131/201) (OR = 2.28; Table 3 Interaction of environmental factors with IL-6
95% CI = 1.40–3.72, P = 0.001) (Table 1). Distribution of alleles − 174GNC genotypes and modulation of risk for esophageal
also showed distinct difference in the frequency of IL-6 cancer
−174G allele between patients (88.7%, 298/336) and con-
IL6 − Tobacco users Non-users Odds Ratio⁎ (95% CI),
trols (81.1%, 326/402) (OR = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.22–2.85,
174GNC P-value
P = 0.004) (Table 1). After stratifying the study subjects
(n = 121) (n = 31)
according to gender, both male and female patients with IL-6
−174C non-carrier genotypes were at significantly high risk C+ 22 (18.2%) 7 (22.6%) 1 (Reference)
of EC (OR = 2.32; 95% CI = 1.42–3.78, P = 0.001 and OR = 3.230; C− 99 (81.8%) 24 (77.4%) 1.29 (0.46–3.66)
95% CI = 1.139–9.159, P = 0.027) (Table 1). 0.631
Smokers Non-smokers

Association of IL-6 (−174GNC) polymorphism with (n = 72) (n = 81)

clinical characteristics C+ 16 (22.2%) 13 (16.0%) 1 (Reference)
C− 56 (77.8%) 68 (84.0%) 0.57 (0.23–1.39)
After evaluation of frequency of genotypes in two histological 0.215
subtypes, SCC and ADC, significant differences were found in Tobacco- Non-tobacco
patients with SCC having IL-6 −174C non-carrier genotypes chewers chewers
(OR = 2.26; 95% CI = 1.37–3.73, P= 0.001) (Table 1). When esoph- (n = 91) (n = 62)
ageal tumor anatomical location was considered, association
C+ 16 (17.6%) 13 (21.0%) 1 (Reference)
of IL-6 −174C non-carrier genotype showed significant high
C− 75 (82.4%) 49 (79.0%) 1.34 (0.58–3.10)
risk for developing the tumor in upper and lower third locations
(OR = 5.97; 95% CI= 1.35–26.28, P = 0.009 and OR = 2.34; 95%
Drinker Non-drinker
CI= 1.06–5.121, P= 0.034) (Table 2).
(n = 50) (n = 85)

Interaction of IL-6 (−174GNC) polymorphism with C+ 9 (18.0%) 19 (22.4%) 1 (Reference)

environmental exposures C− 41 (82.0%) 66 (77.6%) 1.16 (0.46–2.96)
Occupational Non-
In a case-only analysis, interaction of IL-6 (− 174GNC) exposure occupational
genotypes with tobacco use (smoking or smokeless tobacco); exposure
alcohol or occupational exposure was analyzed to observe
influence on EC risk. Frequency of IL-6 − 174C non-carrier (n = 42) (n = 92)
genotype was slightly increased in tobacco users than non- C+ 6 (14.3%) 18 (19.6%) 1 (Reference)
users (81.8% vs. 77.4%) with no significance (OR = 1.29; 95% C− 36 (85.7%) 74 (80.4%) 1.31 (0.439–3.933)
CI = 0.46–3.66, P = 0.631) (Table 3). Distribution of IL-6 − 0.626
174C non-carrier genotype within subgroups of tobacco ⁎Age and gender adjusted odds ratio; C− (C non-carrier) represents
G/G genotype and C+ (C carrier) represents combination of G/C
and C/C genotypes.
Table 2 Association of IL-6 −174GNC genotypes with tumor
location and risk of esophageal cancer chewers, drinkers and occupational exposure showed dis-
IL-6 Upper Controls Odds ratio⁎ (95% CI), tinct difference in patients (Odds ratios N 1) but was not
−174GNC P-value statistically significant (Table 3).
(n = 24) (n = 201)
C+ 2 (8.3%) 70(34.8%) 1 (Reference) Discussion
C− 22 (91.7%) 131(65.2%) 5.97 (1.35–26.28) 0.009£
The gastrointestinal malignancies are a heterogeneous group
Middle Controls of diseases with significant variability in etiology, genetics,
(n = 82) (n = 201) demographics, presentation, and clinical behavior. In the
present study, IL-6 promoter region polymorphism (−174GNC)
C+ 20 (24.4%) 70(34.8%) 1 (Reference)
was undertaken as it possess functional significance [8]. If we
C− 62 (75.6%) 131(65.2%) 1.79(0.99–3.26) 0.055
look at frequency distribution of IL-6 −174 genotypes in
different ethnic control populations, higher variant allele
Lower Controls
frequency was observed in UK Caucasians (40.3%), moderate in
(n = 48) (n = 201) India (15%–18%), low in Afro-Caribbean (5.0%), and Southern
Chinese population (b 1%) [19,24–26]. In the present study, IL-6
C+ 9 (18.8%) 70(34.8%) 1 (Reference)
genotype frequencies were similar to that of previously
C− 39 (81.3%) 131(65.2%) 2.34(1.06–5.121) 0.034
described Indian reports. We observed that individuals with
⁎Age and gender adjusted odds ratio; C− (C non-carrier) represents IL-6 −174C non-carrier genotype were at higher risk of EC
G/G genotype and C+ (C carrier) represents combination of G/C (OR 2.28; P= 0.001). On stratifying study subjects according to
and C/C genotypes, £Fisher's exact test P-value.
gender, both genders with IL-6 −174C non-carriers were at
Interleukin-6 promoter polymorphism and squamous cell esophageal cancer 203

increased risk for EC. Thus, it seems that −174C non-carriers of the polymorphism in EC especially in biopsy samples of
may not have gender specific risk. Several other studies have specific locations of tumor are required to draw definitive
also confirmed that IL-6 −174C non-carrier genotype is conclusions. The results of the study need to be reconfirmed
associated with risk and poor prognosis of malignancies in a larger sample size from other populations to establish
[12,14,17]. It has been shown that IL-6 C non-carrier genotype real association of IL-6 genotypes with risk of esophageal
is associated with high levels of circulating IL-6. Elevated levels cancer.
of IL-6 in serum and malignant tissues have also been shown to
be associated with poor prognosis of EC [9,10]. The reason Acknowledgments
behind the association of IL-6 genotype with susceptibility of
EC may be due to blocked cytotoxic function of tumor-infil-
The study was supported by research grants from DST and
trating lymphocytes by high local IL-6 concentrations at tumor
Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi.
sites [27]. Thus, it is possible that increased IL-6 production in
−174C non-carriers may lead to escape of esophageal tumor
cells from immune surveillance and promote oncogenesis [9].
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