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Both these races originate from the classic Navajo Origin myth, the Din Bahan. The
Din is actually the name the Navajo refer to themselves as, and the word means, The
People, or Our People. In Greyplains, the culture that relates most to the Navajo are the
Nahati, a greater tribe in eastern NiHodisxsos. For the purpose of the game, the Din now refer
to the Cat People of the 2nd World. Both of these races are most prevalent in the Campaign
line, The Five Ants and the King. They can appear, however, in either the primary campaign
Rats Under the Sun, or in The Jester and his Things as either PCs, NPCs, or villains. These
are rare races in all campaign settings, much like Dragonborn or Kinder, and should not be
introduced into the campaign unless it makes absolute sense. These races can create slight
imbalances in the game play if allowed out of context. They should always be slightly lower level
than the rest of the party, if introduced at all.
Just because they can, does not necessarily mean they should be introduced as PCs.


The Cuicuizcatls are race of Swallow-like humanoids who originate from the 2nd world, a
plane known colloquially to the Nahati as, the blue world. The Cuicuizcatls are a proud race,
and in their home plane they have built strong, closely knit societies. The Cuicuizcatls are
regarded as arbiters in their homeworld. They build their kingdoms high above the land and
watch the world below live on. They intervene in, what they refer to as, Landling Affars when
they feel a particular issue might cause their race harm, either physically or ethically. The Great
War, for example, was fought over hurt pride, but not over any physical threat the original
Greenskin Orcs posed. Whereas certain actions taken by the Cuicuizcatls during the events of
The Five Ants and the King derive more from a sense of self preservation.
The Cuicuizcatls are a fairly non-magical race, much like Dwarves in most any fantasy
worlds. Some Cuicuizcatls dabble in Clerical and Druidic magic, but of all the forms of magic,
Bardic is actually the most common. Cuicuizcatls use their powerful singing voices to produce
this magic. Wizard magic is scorned in Cuicuizcatl society for its abuse during the great war.
Wizards discovered in Cuicuizcatl society are usually executed, and their children sacrificed to
ensure the wizardry does not continue to further generations.
The Cuicuizcatls traditionally live in rocky mountains in their traditional blue teepees,
high above the rest of civilization. However, since their unexpected migration to the 4th world,
the Cuicuizcatl tend to thrive in the most high up places they can find, thus two colonies have
formed in NiHodisxsos: one in the far southern mountains, and one in the northern redwood
forests. Though separated, the colonies still operate under a united leadership. The
Cuicuizcatls political structure is a monarchy ruled by Tshchozhii. He is referred to as Chief,
but he is more of a Monarch.
The Cuicuizcatl speak their own language of clicks and song notes, known as
Cuicuizcatl. The Cuicuizcatl are well known for their ability to speak a variety of tongues, using
their sophisticated vocal cords to produce more sounds than is physically possible of humans.
They can speak languages even as exotic as Thri-Kreen and Aarakocra. The Cuicuizcatl are
well known for their ability to quickly grasp language and communicate with others in rapid time.

The Cuicuizcatl have many human features as well as swallow features. They can grasp
weapons with their hands like a human, but are built too birdlike to wear human clothes and
armor. The Cuicuizcatl can only carry a certain amount equipment and maintain flight.

Ability Score Adjustment: Constitution +1, Charisma +1
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 land, 45 flight
Vision: Normal
Alignment: Most Cuicuizcatl are Lawful Neutral, but can be any non-chaotic.
Flight: The Cuicuizcatl can use their move action to fly. Actions can be made while flying, but
attacks cannot be made, or anything that prevents the continual need to flap the wings.
Magic Resilience: The Cuicuizcatl gains +1/ every 4 points in constitution to saving throws
versus spells that would do damage to the Cuicuizcatl or affect their state of mind.
Cantrip: The Cuicuizcatl gains 1 bonus bard cantrip.
Languages: The Cuicuizcatl have their own language, Cuicuizcatl.

The Din are a race of clever and powerful cat people from the 2nd world. The Din survive in
small tribes in Nihodisxos continent, and tend to find themselves at opposite ends of most other
creatures. They are fair and graceful people, averaging at around 56. They boast a number of
dexterous talents as well as powerful sorcery. In their homeland, the 2nd world, they are much
more populous than in the 4th world. When the original Nahatis came through their world, they
began a war with the Nahatis over the scarce resources available. Together, the Din fought off
The Greenskin Elves and their gods, forcing them to retreat to the 3rd world. However, the war
costed many valuable resources to run dry and continued to fuel their hatred to humanity. When
the chance came to destroy the human world, they took it, and the Din sent a horde of their
kind to finish the Greenskin Elves off.
The Din share a number of traits with their lesser evolved, loosely related kin, cats. For
one, the Din always seem to land on their feet when falling from most any height. They also
are very good at concealing the sound of their footsteps (if not wearing any footwear) and have
enhanced senses of hearing. Like cats, the Din are ruthless predators who seek killing things
to cure boredom and satisfy genetic instincts.
The Din, unlike their kin, cats, are highly intelligent creatures. Before the arrival of the
Greenskin Elves, the Din had very little interaction with magic, and never arcane magic. This
began as a huge disadvantage in the early years of the war, but quickly the Din copied and
memorized the techniques of their enemys greatest weapon and used it against them, without
any formal training. Magic is now used commonly, possibly to abuse, by the Din.
Most Din are Lawful Evil. They survive in organized societies to kill off other races
simply to satisfy their genetic urges to kill. Some of the population varies in alignment to Neutral
Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral. However, Din that flee from their society can turn out
most any alignment except Lawful Good.

Ability Score Adjustment: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Vision: Darkvision
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Grace: The Din are naturally graceful creatures. When falling, they take half damage from any
height. When trying to sneak, they re-roll any natural 1.
Stealth Casting: A Din can cast spells while sneaking. Doing so gives a +1/spell level to the
opponents perception check to find the caster in the next round.
Magic Memory: The Din does not keep a spellbook in the technical sense of a physical manual
with all their known spells written on it. Instead they keep all their spells in their mind. The same
rules of magic apply, however to a Din caster, and she must select what spells are to be cast
during the memorizing period (she is not a sorcerer). The Din cannot learn spells from books
and scrolls, but learns them by studying other casters. Whenever a spell is cast by a wizard, the
Din can attempt to memorize the spell, with a -5 proficiency modifier. This action can only be
done as a reaction to the wizard or in the very next round as the Dins action.
Languages: The Din speak their own language, Din. It is a mixture of meows, hisses, and
purrs. Din born away from the society may learn any language, however.

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