Masterclass Program Notes

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The Man I Love Music: George Gershwin (1898-1937)

Lyrics: Ira Gershwin (1896-1983)
Sonatine Maurice Ravel (187-1937)
I! Mo"#r#
II! Mouve$en% "e $inue%
III! &ni$#
The Man I Love Music: George Gershwin (1898-1937)
Lyrics: Ira Gershwin (1896-1983)
'his (o(ular )a** s%an"ar" +irs% a((eare" in %he sa%irical $usical, -.%ri/e u( a 0an"1 in 1927 in %he +irs% ac% o+
%he (er+or$ance! I% was originally (ar% o+ %he $usical -La"y, 0e goo"1 (1923) un"er %he %i%le The Girl I Love.
'his (iece is a very ro$an%ic 0alla"e o+ wai%ing +or one4s -5rince 6har$ing1 wi%h %he s%ylis%ic +ea%ures o+ %he
(iece 0eing in+luence" 0y )ero$e 7ern, ano%her &$erican co$(oser! & (ro$inen% +ea%ure o+ %his (iece is %he
$elo"y 0eing e8(resse" %hrough %he sa$e rhy%h$ic (a%%ern while an e8%enuous range o+ har$onic changes
occur giving %he $elo"y a very chorus li/e e++ec%! In a""i%ion %o %hese wi"e har$onies, a call an" answer
e++ec% is (resen% a+%er each line o+ %he $elo"y is e8(resse"! 9aving 0een (er+or$e" 0y +a$ous )a** $usicians
such as Miles :avis, .arah ;aughan, &ni%a <4:ay, =illie 9oli"ay an" >lla ?i%*geral", %his 0alla"e $a/es you
i$agine %he (erson o+ your "rea$s!
Sonatine Maurice Ravel (187-1937)
I! Mo"#r#
II! Mouve$en% "e $inue%
III! &ni$#
Maurice Ravel, +rench co$(oser an" (ianis% has co$(ose" $any uni@ue (ieces in his %i$e wi%h in+luence
+ro$ o%her grea% $usicians such as Ga0riel ?aur# an" 6lau"e :e0ussy! 9is (ieces woul" o+%en 0e co$(are" %o
:e0ussy as i+ he i$i%a%e" :e0ussy an" in $any cases he woul" reAec% %hese acoun%s %hough he loo/e" u( %o
:e0ussy 0ecause he "i"n4% wan% %o 0e calle" a co(y ca%! Ravel en%ere" $any co$(osing co$(e%i%ions in his
early years 0u% %o his "is$ay, was "is@uali+ie" or "i"n4% (lace very high o+%en! 'hough %hese "isa((oin%$en%s
were sa""ening, Ravel4s co$(osi%ions +lourishe" an" were unli/e %hose o+ $os% co$(osers o+ his %i$e!
'his .ona%ine re@uires e8%re$e "e8%eri%y in %he +ingers as 0o%h %he +ingers an" han"s cross 0e%ween each
o%her a% grea% s(ee"s! In %he +irs% $ove$en%, %he $elo"y carries %hroughou% %he 0ars o+ $usic as a +as% $irage
o+ no%es is (laye" one a+%er %he o%her giving %he i$(ression o+ rain +alling! ?or %he $aAori%y o+ %he .ona%ine,
0o%h han"s (lay in %he higher regis%er o+ %he (iano giving a very ligh% an" ni$0le %e8%ure %o %he (iece +or %he
$os% (ar%! ;ir%uosic e8ecu%ion o+ ar(eggios, changes in %onali%y, synco(a%e" rhy%h$s an" +an%asy li/e
har$onies gives %his (iece a uni@ue soun" %ha% $a/es %his .ona%ine co$(le%e in i%s "rea$-li/e en%ire%y!

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