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Business English

Business English
Unit 1 .............................................................................................................7
Pre-Reading Tasks......................................................................................7
Ways with words........................................................................................9
Grammar Reference .................................................................................13
The ver to e.......................................................................................13
The demonstrative !rono"n and ad#ective............................................13
$"estion forms......................................................................................13
%ontro&&ed !ractice ...................................................................................1'
Unit ( ...........................................................................................................17
Pre-reading tasks.......................................................................................17
Ways with words......................................................................................19
Grammar reference ..................................................................................('
The !ersona& !rono"n...........................................................................('
)ood* tense and as!ect.........................................................................(+
Present ,im!&e......................................................................................(+
Present %ontin"o"s...............................................................................(-
%ontro&&ed !ractice ...................................................................................(7
Unit 3 ...........................................................................................................3(
Pre-reading tasks.......................................................................................3(
Ways with words......................................................................................3'
Grammar reference ..................................................................................'/
0ers which do not take a contin"o"s as!ect in 1ng&ish......................'/
The 2m!erative......................................................................................'/
The !ossessive !rono"n and the !osessive ad#ective...........................'1
%ontro&&ed !ractice ...................................................................................'1
Unit ' ...........................................................................................................''
Pre-reading tasks.......................................................................................''
Reading 1..................................................................................................''
Ways with words 1...................................................................................'+
Business English
Reading (..................................................................................................'-
Ways with words (...................................................................................'7
Grammar Reference..................................................................................+/
%&assification of no"ns.........................................................................+/
3"mer of no"ns..................................................................................+1
The Genitive.........................................................................................+1
%ontro&&ed !ractice....................................................................................+(
Unit + ...........................................................................................................-/
Pre-reading tasks.......................................................................................-/
Ways with words......................................................................................-1
Grammar Reference .................................................................................-4
Past ,im!&e...........................................................................................-4
Past %ontin"o"s....................................................................................7/
Past ,im!&e and Past %ontin"o"s.........................................................71
15!ressions of 6"antity.........................................................................71
The 7d#ective........................................................................................7(
The order of ad#ectives in a series........................................................73
%ontro&&ed !ractice ...................................................................................7'
Unit -............................................................................................................4-
Pre-Reading Tasks....................................................................................4-
Ways with words......................................................................................91
Grammar Reference .................................................................................9'
Present Perfect ,im!&e..........................................................................9'
Present Perfect ,im!&e and Past ,im!&e...............................................9+
The Pre!osition.....................................................................................9-
Pre!ositions of time..............................................................................97
%ontro&&ed !ractice ...................................................................................97
Unit 7..........................................................................................................1/3
Pre-reading tasks.....................................................................................1/3
Business English
Universitatea 8vidi"s %onstan9a : ;ac"&tatea de <itere ...........................1/3
7&eea Universit=9ii nr. 1 %onstan9a 47//....................................................1/3
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................1/7
Present Perfect %ontin"o"s.................................................................1/7
)oda& 0ers.......................................................................................1/4
Pro&ematic !re!ositions of movement and !&ace..............................1/9
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................1/9
Unit 4 .........................................................................................................113
Pre-reading tasks.....................................................................................113
W7>, W2T? W8R@,......................................................................11'
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................11+
The %ardina& 3"mera&........................................................................11+
Past Perfect ,im!&e.............................................................................11-
Past Perfect %ontin"o"s......................................................................11-
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................117
Unit 9..........................................................................................................1((
Pre-reading tasks.....................................................................................1((
W7>, W2T? W8R@,......................................................................1(3
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................1('
;"t"re ,im!&e......................................................................................1('
%om!arative and ,"!er&ative 7d#ectives............................................1(+
%om!arative ,entences.......................................................................1(7
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................1(7
Unit 1/ .......................................................................................................13+
Pre-reading task......................................................................................13+
Ways with words....................................................................................134
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................1'3
Ae going to ;"t"re..............................................................................1'3
Business English
;"t"re ,im!&e or Ae Going ToB..........................................................1''
;irst %onditiona&.................................................................................1''
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................1'+
Unit 11........................................................................................................1'9
Pre-Reading Task....................................................................................1'9
Ways with words....................................................................................1+1
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................1+4
The 8rdina& 3"mera&..........................................................................1+4
The ;ractiona& 3"mera&......................................................................1+4
The )"&ti!&icative 3"mera&...............................................................1+9
,econd %onditiona&.............................................................................1+9
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................1-/
Unit 1(........................................................................................................1-(
Pre-reading tasks.....................................................................................1-(
Ways with words....................................................................................1-+
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................17/
The 7rtic&e..........................................................................................17/
Third %onditiona&................................................................................17(
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................173
Unit 13 .......................................................................................................174
Ways with words....................................................................................143
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................149
The 7dver.........................................................................................149
The Passive 0oice ..............................................................................19/
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................191
Unit 1' .......................................................................................................197
Ways with words....................................................................................(//
Business English
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................(/'
The 2nfinitive......................................................................................(/4
The Partici!&e......................................................................................(/9
The Ger"nd.........................................................................................(/9
%ontro&&ed !ractice..................................................................................(11
Unit 1+........................................................................................................(1'
Reading ..................................................................................................(1'
Ways with words....................................................................................(1-
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................((/
The %on#"nction ................................................................................((/
%oordinating %on#"nctions.................................................................((/
,"ordinating %on#"nctions...............................................................((1
Grammar Reference ...............................................................................((1
@irect and indirect Cre!ortedD s!eech.................................................((1
,e6"ence of tenses..............................................................................(('
%ontro&&ed !ractice .................................................................................((+
7!!endi5 1.................................................................................................(3'
7!!endi5 (.................................................................................................('(
7!!endi5 3.................................................................................................(+(
Business English
Unit 1

In this unit you will learn:

Social English
The English Alphabet
The Verb to be
The Demonstrative Pronoun and the Demonstrative Adjective
uestion !orms

Pre-Reading Tasks
WhatEs yo"r nameB
?ow o&d are yo"B
Where do yo" &iveB
What do yo" s!ecia&ise inB
Read the fo&&owing te5t ao"t )ihae&a 0&ad* a
st"dent in Romania.
)y name is )ihae&a 0&ad and 2 am a st"dent in the ;ac"&ty of 1conomic
,ciences at FPetro&e"m-GasG University of P&oieHti. 2 come from 7rad* a
town in the West of Romania. 2 came here to st"dy eca"se 2 have a&ways
een keen on economics and 2 rea&&y ho!e to &earn many "sef"& things here.
2Em st"dying ,!anish and 1ng&ish* and 2 can s!eak ,!anish we&& and a &itt&e
1ng&ish. 2 im!roved my ,!anish when 2 went on a two-month ho&iday to my
Business English
a"nt in ,!ain. 2 a&so ho!e that in a short time 2 wi&& im!rove my 1ng&ish* as*
on the one hand* it is very "sef"& to s!eak foreign &ang"ages and on the
other hand* 2 might need it for my f"t"re #o. 2n Romania there are &ots of
foreign com!anies where 2 can work if 2 am f&"ent in one or two foreign
Today* when 1ng&ish is one of the ma#or &ang"ages in the wor&d* it doesnEt
re6"ire too m"ch effort of o"r imagination to rea&ise that this is a re&ative&y
recent thing - that !eo!&e started to im!ort 1ng&ish in the seventeenth
cent"ry* with the first sett&ements in 3orth 7merica. 7s 2 co"&d read in an
artic&e* one !erson in seven of the wor&dEs entire !o!"&ation s!eaks 1ng&ish
nowadays and most of them are 6"ite f&"ent in it. 2ncredi&y eno"gh* d"e to
the e5tension of com!"teriIed systems and software which are most&y in
1ng&ish* 7+J of the wor&dEs mai& and -/J of the wor&dEs te&e!hone ca&&s are
in 1ng&ish. 7gain incredi&y* yet tr"e is the fact that (// mi&&ion !eo!&e
s!eak 1ng&ish and every year there are twenty mi&&ion eginners.
2nternationa& &iterary* scientific and economic !"&ications are very often
!rinted in 1ng&ish.
,o* the 6"icker 2 &earn it* the more o!!ort"nities 2 may have to read
interesting materia&s connected to my fie&d and to get a good #o in the
Everyday English
Practise saying the &etters of the a&!haet according to the vowe& so"nds.
KeiK Ki.K KeK KaiK
K".K Ka.K
a f i o 6 r
h c & y "
# d m w
& e n
k g s
! 5
t I
Business English
Ways with words
1. %an yo" kee! a conversation going with someone for two or three
min"tesB %hoose a !artner who yo" donEt know we&&* or imagine yo"r
!artner is a stranger. Work in sma&& gro"!s and find o"t things ao"t yo"r
2. ,!e&& the name of )ihae&a 0&ad. Then work in !airs. ,!e&& yo"r name in
1ng&ish to yo"r deskmate. Then find o"t how to s!e&& hisKher name.
3. What do yo" think a good &ang"age &earner can doB %hoose eginnings
from 7 and s"ita&e endings from A. There are many !ossi&e answers.
7 good &ang"age &earner.
7 A
orrows ooks witho"t a teacher.
writes things down in every way !ossi&e.
g"esses words witho"t eing to&d to.
tries to st"dy in rea& sit"ations.
tries to &earn every day !ossi&e.
!ractises s!eaking from fi&ms* T0 and records.
4. Social Exchanges
,"!!&y the est word or words.
1. >o" are &ate for an a!!ointment* so yo" say* LMMMMMM.2Em
aD ,orryK2Em sorry
D 15c"se me
cD ;orgive me
dD Pardon me
2. >o" fai& to hear what someone says to yo"* so yo" say*
aD 15c"se me
D Pardon
cD ;orgive me
dD Pardon me
Business English
3. 7 !assenger on a "s com!&ains yo" are standing on his footN yo"
aD ,orry
D ;orgive me
cD 15c"se me
dD Pardon me
4. ?ere is yo"r a!o&ogy for ad ehavio"r. LMMMM..for my awf"&
ehavio"r &ast night.E
aD P&ease !ardon me
D P&ease forgive me
cD 2 eg yo"r !ardon
5. >o" answer the !hone and yo" say* LMMMMMMM..OE
aD ,!eak
D ?e&&o
cD 1nter
dD ,ay
6. >o" are introd"ced to a stranger* so yo" say* LMMMMMM..BE
aD ?ow are yo"
D ?ow do yo" do
cD What do yo" do
7. >o" are &eaving* so yo" say* LMMMM.OE
aD 7die"
D Goodye
cD ;arewe&&
8. >o" are ref"sing food that is offeredN yo" say* LMMMMMME
aD Thank yo"
D 3o* thank yo"
cD Thanks
9. >o" thank me for ho&ding the door o!en and my res!onse may e*
aD 2tEs nothing
D -
Business English
cD P&ease
dD 3othing
10. >o" meet a friend at the air!ort on arriva& and yo" may say*
aD We&come to
D Ae we&come to
cD We&come in
dD 2 wish yo" we&come to
11. ,omeone asks yo" how yo" are and yo" answer* LMMMMM*
aD Good
D 0ery good
cD ;ine
dD 0ery fine
12. >o"r friend is waiting for yo" to finish what yo" are doing and
yo" say* LMMMMMM..E
aD 8ne moment
D 7 moment
cD 8ne min"te
dD P"st a min"te
13. >o" are attending an interview and the interviewer says*
aD ,it yo"rse&f
D Take a seat
cD ,it
dD ,it yo"
14. The c&ass stands "! as yo" enter the room and yo" say*
aD ,it yo"rse&ves
D Take a seat
cD ,it down
dD ,it
Business English
15. This is what yo" say to a friend on Pan"ary 1
LMMMMMM.3ew >earOE
aD <"cky
D ?a!!y
cD )erry
dD Good
5. 2n the te5t ao"t )ihae&a 0&ad* yo" &earned the e5!ression on the one
hand """" on the other hand which means pe de o parte """ pe de alt# parte.
<etEs &earn more e5!ressions containing the !re!osition on.
to e on d"ty Q a fi de servici"N
on acco"nt of Q !e aIa* din ca"IR cR* &"Snd Tn considera9ie cRN
on and on Q fRrR Tntrer"!ere* &a nesfSrHitN
and so on Q Hi aHa mai de!arteN
on this gro"nd Q din acest motivN
to t"rn onK to switch on Cthe &ight* the radio* etc.D Q a deschideK a a!rinde
C&"mina* radio"&*etc.DN
on this ass"m!tion Q !e aIa acestei !res"!"neriN
on the asis of Q !e aIaN
on eha&f of s. Q Tn n"me&e c"iva* din !artea c"ivaN
on the contrary Q din contrRN
on record Q c"nosc"tN
on the score of Q ca reI"&tatN
on the verge of Q !e !"nct"& de* !e ca&e* Tn !rag"&N
on the who&e Q Tn genera&* Tn TntregimeN
on demand Q &a cerereN
on condition that Q c" condi9iaN
on !"r!ose Q dinadins* inten9ionatN
on !rinci!&e Q din !rinci!i"N
on the first attem!t Q &a !rima TncercareN
on a s"dden Q r"sc* deodatR* !e neaHte!tateN
on tria& Q de !roR.
Business English
Grammar Reference
he ver! to !e
7ffirmative 2nterrogative 3egative
2 a" 2Em a" 2MB 2 a" not 2Em not
>o" are >o"Ere are yo"MB >o" are not >o"Ere not K >o"
?e is ?eEs is heMB ?e is not ?eEs not K ?e isn#t
,he is ,heEs is sheMB ,he is not ,heEs not K ,he isn#t
2t is 2tEs is itMB 2t is not 2tEs not K 2t isn#t
We are WeEre are weMB We are not WeEre not K We
>o" are >o"Ere are yo"MB >o" are not >o"Ere not K >o"
They are TheyEre are theyMB They are not TheyEre not K They
,hort answer
Are you a student in $anagement%
&es' I am" (o' I)m not"
Is she an accountant%
&es' she is" (o' she isn)t"
he de"onstrative $rono%n and ad&ective
Reference ,ing"&ar P&"ra&
FnearG reference this these
FdistantG reference that those
Question forms
<ook at the fo&&owing 6"estion words.
*hat do yo" do for a &ivingB - 2Em an acco"ntant.
Business English
*ho is yo"r teacher of 1ng&ishB : Poan ,mith is.
*here is )adridB - 2n ,!ain.
*hen do yo" start the meetingB - 8n ;riday* )ay* (nd.
*hy are yo" &earning 1ng&ishB - Aeca"se 2 need it for my #o.
+ow do yo" come to P&oieHtiB - Ay train.
*hose are these !a!ersB - They are 0ictorEs.
*hat and which can e fo&&owed y a no"n.
*hat time is itB
*hat kind of chemistry do yo" st"dyB
*hich !en do yo" want* the &"e one or the green oneB
+ow can e fo&&owed y an ad#ective or an adver.
+ow o&d are yo"B
+ow often do yo" !&ay foota&&B
Controlled practice
1. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. 1" s"nt contai&. 1& este eng&eI.
!. 7ce&ea s"nt co&ege&e ta&eB 3"* acestea s"nt co&ege&e me&e* )onica
Hi 7ndra.
c. 7cesta este "n casetofon.
d. 7ce&a este "n te&eviIor.
e. 3oi s"ntem st"den9i.
'. ,"nt ei s!ecia&iHti franceIiB 3"* n" s"nt.
g. ,"nte9i voi economiHtiB 3"* noi n" s"ntem* noi s"ntem ingineri.
h. %ine este aiciB Pohn este aici. 1& este ce& mai "n st"dent din gr"!a
noastr=. 1& are note foarte mari.
i. %ine n" este aiciB )aria n" este aici Hi nici George n" este.
&. 1&e s"nt chimiste. %"rs"ri&e acestea s"nt a&e &or. 7cestea s"nt
c"rs"ri&e me&e.
2. T"rn these sentences into 6"estions and answer them.
Business English
e"g" ,anterbury is a town" Is ,anterbury a town% &es' it is"
a. <ondon is a town in 1ng&and.
!. >o" are an acco"ntant.
c. )y father is a doctor.
d. 1&iIaeth 22 is the 6"een of 1ng&and.
e. We are st"dents.
3. %om!&ete the fo&&owing te5t "sing the a!!ro!riate !rono"ns.
a. M.... is PohnEs !enci&. 2t m"st e his eca"se itEs got his name on it.
!. 7re M...!enci&s yo"rs* PohnB >es* they are. Thanks. They havenEt got my
name on them* "t they e&ong to me.
c. MM. is a ho"se. 2tEs over here. MM. is a car. 2tEs over there.
d. 2s .MM an e&ectric heaterBG F3o* that is an e&ectric generator. MM. is an
e&ectric heater.G
e. M... are meta&s. Those are s"stances.
4. Trans&ate the fo&&owing te5t into 1ng&ish.
a. @e "nde eHtiB ,"nt din 7rad.
!. %Snd ai venit !rima oarR Tn P&oieHtiB 7n"& trec"t.
c. %S9i ani aiB @o"RIeci Hi no"=.
d. %e mai faciB ,"nt ine* m"&9"mesc.
e. @e ce te grReHtiB
5. %hoose the a!!ro!riate 6"estion form in the fo&&owing sentences.
a. WhatKWhich time is the !&ane d"e to arriveB
!. WhatK ?ow are yo" todayB
c. WhereK When are yo" going nowB
d. WhoK?ow are yo"B 2 am )ary Pones.
e. WhatK Which of these !aintings do yo" &ike estB
6. 7sk short 6"estions on these statements* "sing who' what' where:
e"g" I)ve just received a letter"- *ho !rom%
Business English
a. 2 want to take this noteook with me. CforD
!. Wi&& yo" !&ease o!en this o5B CwithD
c. 2Em going to ,!ain ne5t week. CyD
d. P&ease* get me a g&ass of water. CfromD
e. Pohn is very angry. CwithD.
Business English
Unit 2

In this unit you will learn:

A ,ase Study
The Personal Pronoun
Present Simple
Present ,ontinuous

Pre-reading tasks
?ave yo" ever written a case st"dyB What !arts does it inc&"deB
Read the fo&&owing case st"dy on ;o"rnier
et %21. Then read and trans&ate the artic&e
on ;o"rnier et %21 !"&ished in an
economic magaIine. Pay attention to the
!resent tenses.
;o"rnier et %21 is a medi"m-siIed com!any !rod"cing for e5!ort hand-
made shoes and g&oves in nat"ra& materia&s. They otained good !rices for
their fashiona&e designs. >et c"stomers are dissatisfied with the standard of
the materia&s which seem to e too &oose&y woven. 7nother com!&aint is that
de&iveries are not !rom!t* which makes im!ossi&e for the c"stomers to
maintain satisfactory stock &eve&s and f"&fi& their sa&e sched"&es.
Business English
2n order to so&ve their !ro&ems* they had a meeting with one of their most
im!ortant c&ients* )r. Pacoson. The genera& manager was not !resent d"e
to hea&th !ro&ems.
?ere is the min"tes of the meeting.
Today* 7!ri&* (-* (//(* we had a short meeting in order to so&ve the
!ro&em of de&ivery and the com!&aints concerning the standard materia&s.
)r. Pacoson e5!&ained that the moment his com!any saw the sam!&es of
o"r hand-made &ines* he was a"thoriIed to disc"ss the terms of an order with
"s and negotiate a contract. >et the 6"a&ity of the standard materia&s was
m"ch etter at that time* as he showed "s two different ty!es of g&oves and
shoes* and conse6"ent&y the difference in te5t"re.
)rs. ?iggins* o"r !rod"ction manager e5!&ained that d"e to the e5tended
needs of materia&s* we changed the s"!!&ier of materia&s* yet )r. Pacoson
had een to&d ao"t this two months efore this change* and he had een
a&so sent the standard materia&s at that time* when he a!!roved their 6"a&ity.
)r. Pacoson mentioned that de&ivery order no. 3'(+ had a !ro&em* in the
sense that the materia& of the s"mmer shoes seemed to e too &oose&y woven
and was inc&ined to !"&& o"t of sha!e. ?e said that his re!resentatives re&ied
on the high 6"a&ity of the materia&s we sent them and they were a&& the more
disa!!ointed in the case eca"se we s"!!&ied the c&oth to new c"stomers.
)rs. ?iggins ass"red him of a etter 6"a&ity in the f"t"re.
The !ro&em of de&ivery wi&& a&so e so&ved* as we had to so&ve o"t
!ro&ems of c&oth de&ivery &ast week. 7s we co"&dnEt !ossi&y a&&ow this
sit"ation to contin"e* we had to make o"r s"!!&ier "nderstand that "n&ess
they co"&d g"arantee to de&iver s"!!&ies y the dates s!ecified in f"t"re
orders* we wo"&d e forced to &ook for another s"!!&ier.
3o &onger e5ce&&ent merchandise for their c"stomersB
,evera& weeks ago we !"&ished an incredi&e story of a medi"m-siIed
com!any !rod"cing for e5!ort hand-made shoes and g&oves in nat"ra&
Business English
materia&s which amaIing&y s"cceeded in attracting c"stomers* d"e to their
e5ce&&ent !rod"cts.
>et it seems that every dream is over sooner or &ater. ;o"rnier et %21
e5!eriences diffic"&ties with their iggest c"stomer* RUT <ines. Today they
otained good !rices for their fashiona&e designs. 2n a meeting today* the
re!resentative of RUT <ines e5!&ained that his staff is dissatisfied with the
standard of the materia&s which seem to e too &oose&y woven. ?ow co"&d
this ha!!enB ?iggins* the one in charge of !rod"ction seems not to know.
>et the answer is very sim!&e. the moment ;o"rnier et %21 e5tended* they
rea&iIed that they needed more s"!!&iers of materia&s* and d"e to good !rices
they a&so acce!ted &ower offers* as we&& as &ower 6"a&ity. The tr"th is
somewhere in the midd&e* as Pacoson answered o"r 6"estions in a very
amig"o"s manner. &es' I .new about the change o! the supplier. ?e a&so
admitted that he had a!!roved the standard materia& for order no 3'(+.
>et it seems that indeed they are e5!eriencing !ro&ems* as this is not the
on&y "nsatisfied c"stomers. The !ro&em of de&ivery wi&& e so&ved*
according to ?iggins. *e had to solve out problems o! cloth delivery last
wee.. >et* sho"&d we rea&&y e&ieve thatB %&ients are 6"ite fed "! with
!romises. They want facts. 2t seems that the great oon the com!any had in
the eginning has changed a &ot nowadays* "nfort"nate&y. Proa&y they
need a new com!any !o&icy and a new oard.
Ways with words
1. ?ow do yo" trans&ate the sentence. As we couldn)t possibly allow this
situation to continueMB . <etEs &earn some e5!ressions containing the word
as com!ared with Q Tn com!ara9ie c"N
as a conse6"ence of Q ca o consecin9R aN
as ifK as tho"gh Q ca Hi c"mN
as far as Q Tntr"cSt* !e cSt* Tn mRs"ra Tn careN
as far as it goes Q Tn ceea ce !riveHteN
Business English
as fo&&ows Q !rec"mK d"!R c"m "rmeaIRN
as &ong as Q atSt tim! cStN
as regards Q Tn ceea ce !riveHteN
as a r"&e Q de reg"&R* Tn !rinci!i"N
as seen Q d"!R c"m se vedeN
as shown in Ta&e. ( Q c"m s-a arRtat Tn Tae&"& (N
as soon as !ossi&e Q cSt de c"rSnd !osii&
as s"ch Q ca atareN
as we&& Q deo!otrivR* de asemeneaN
as we&& as Q cSt Hi* tot aHa caN
as when Q ca at"nci cSnd* ca Tn caI"& Tn careN
as yetK so farK "! to nowK "! to the !resent Q !SnR Tn !reIentN
s"ch as Q astfe& ca* ca de e5em!&".
2. Read the fo&&owing sentence taken from the same te5t.
?ow do yo" trans&ate they were all the more disappointed in the caseB 3ow
&earn some e5!ressions with the ad#ective all.
eyond a&& do"t Q Tn afarR de orice Tndoia&RN
a&& at once Q dintr-o datRN
a&& the etter Q c" atSt mai ineN
a&& in a&& Q Tn Tntregime* c" tot"&N
a&& in good time Q toate &a tim!"& &orN
a&& the more as Q c" atSt mai m"&t c" cStN
a&& over Q !este totN
first of a&& Q Tnainte de toateN
of a&& kinds Q de toate fe&"ri&eN
that is ao"t a&& Q ca* asta-i totN
it is a&& one to them Q &e este tot "naN
once for a&& Q o datR !entr" totdea"na.
3ow !ractise these e5!ressions in sentences of yo"r own.
3. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. ,lients are /uite !ed up with
Business English
promises" ?ow do yo" trans&ate to be !ed up with somethingB 3ow &earn
some !hrasa& vers containing the !artic&e "!. Use yo"r dictionary in order
to trans&ate them.
(eigh %$ !ring %$
ta)e %$ Cthree meaningsD dra( %$
ste$ %$ $ic) %$
3ow re!&ace the words in ita&ics in the fo&&owing sentences with the
fo&&owing !hrasa& vers.
a. Aefore preparing the contract* may 2 go over one or two !oints
again* !&easeB
!. We have to increase o"r work-rate if we are going to get the
acco"nts finished in time.
c. 2f 2Em going to have any chance of ecoming a memer of the
Aoard* 2E&& have to start playing go&f.
d. 2Ed &ike to mention the s"#ect of e5!ense c&aims at o"r ne5t
e. C%hairman* at a meetingD.>o"r !oint is interesting* @onna* "t 2Ed
&ike to discuss it &ater* if 2 may.
'. We m"st consider a&& the !ossii&ities efore we decide which
market to enter.
g. 2 start my new a!!ointment ne5t month.
h. We didnEt get many orders &ast 6"arter "t now sa&es have
4" %hoose the co&o"r Cyo" wi&& need to "se some words more then onceD
&ack green red
&"e grey white
rown !ink ye&&ow
a. 2n most co"ntries* goods that are scarce are "s"a&&y free&y avai&a&e
on the MMMMMM market : !rovided yo" have the money to !ay
for them.
Business English
!. >o" can arg"e with her "nti& yo"Ere MMMMMMM in the face*
"t once sheEs made "! her mind she wonEt &isten to yo"* no matter
what yo" say.
c. 7fter severa& weeks of disc"ssions* the gro"! were given the
MMMMMM. &ight* and co"&d fina&&y go ahead with the new !ro#ect.
d. ThereEs no !oint in asking my oss for a day off ne5t week. 2Em in
her MMMMMM. ooks at the moment so sheEs o"nd to say no.
e. ,he had on&y recent&y had &"nch with her co"sin* so the news of his
death came as o&t from the MMMMM
'. 7&tho"gh we got a &ot of nice wedding !resents* we a&so got one or
two MMMMMM e&e!hants.
g. There is a common !re#"dice that gir&s who are very ea"tif"& m"st
a"tomatica&&y e &acking in MMMMMM. matter : so-ca&&ed Fd"m
h. 3e5t ;riday is a MMMMMM.-&etter day for my sister and her
h"sandN itEs their (+
i. 7fter s"nathing for two ho"rs every day* Poanna was as
MMMMMMMM as a erry.
&. The managing directorEs reference to the forthcoming sa&es
conference was a MMMMM. herring. ?e #"st wanted to get off the
s"#ect of this monthEs !oor sa&es fig"res.
). ,he went as MMMMMM. as a sheet when she heard ao"t the
l. 2f there was a war* 2 donEt think 2Ed fight. 2Eve got too m"ch of a
MMMMM.. streak. 2Ed e terrified of getting ki&&ed.
". 2Em sorry* Pames* 2 ref"se to e&ieve it "n&ess yo" can show it to me
n. 1ver since Tom got that h"ge order with ,a"di-7raia heEs een
the ossEs MMMMM..-eyed oy.
o. @onEt mention the !resent government in front of my fatherN itEs
&ike a MMMMMMM. rag to a "&&.
Business English
$. 2 was MMMMMM with envy when my neigho"r drove "! in a
rand-new Pag"ar.
*. Ay the way* Poyce* my h"sand was tick&ed MMMMMMM.. at
yo"r asking him to #"dge the f&ower show.
r. ;or some reason* ,wedish fi&ms are often synonymo"s with
MMMMMMM. fi&ms* which is very strange as there is re&ative&y
&itt&e !ornogra!hy in ,weden.
s. ,ometimes it is etter to te&& a MMMMMMM. &ie than to h"rt
someoneEs fee&ings.
t. )y wife a&ways goes right MMMMMMM whenever she gets
5. P"t each of the fo&&owing !hrases in its correct !&ace in the sentences
out o! the blue in blac. and white
once in a blue moon a blac. sheep
to have green !ingers green with envy
in the red to catch someone red0handed red tape
a. The offer of a #o so"nded very good on the !hone "t 2 wonEt
e&ieve it ti&& 2 have it MMMMMMM
!. 2 m"st remind yo" that this is a non-smoking office. 2 s"s!ect that
some of yo" have een smoking. 2f 2 ha!!en MMMMMMMM 2Em
afraid it wi&& mean dismissa&.
c. To im!ort firearms into Aritain yo"E&& have to fi&& in a &ot of forms.
ThereEs a &ot of MMMMMMM
d. 2f yo" want to e a s"ccessf"& gardener* of co"rse yo"Eve got
e. The rest of the fami&y were res!ecta&e* honest !eo!&e "t he was
a&ways in tro"&e. 2Em afraid he was MMMMMMMM.
'. When 2 saw him in his new s!orts car* 2
Business English
g. To"rists often go to the <o"vre* "t most Parisians on&y go
h. The firm is MMMMMMMM. . 2t owes a &ot of money.
i. 2 had &ost to"ch with Pake* and then one night he arrived at my f&at
right MMMMMMMMM What a s"r!riseO
Grammar reference
The personal pronoun
The nominative. ;orm
Person ,ing"&ar P&"ra&
;irst !erson + (e
,econd !erson yo% yo%
Third !erson he - masc"&ine
she - feminine
it - o#ects and
Business English
The acc"sativeKThe dative. ;orm
Person ,ing"&ar P&"ra&
;irst !erson ,to- "e ,to- %s
,econd !erson ,to- yo% ,to- yo%
Third !erson ,to- hi"
,to- her
,to- it
,to- the"
Mood, tense and aspect
)ood* tense and as!ect are grammatica& categories of the ver. Ro"gh&y
s!eaking* mood !resents the attit"de of the s!eaker towards an action or a
state e5!ressed y the ver* tense gives an indication of when the action
ha!!ens and as!ect ref&ects the stat"s of action referring to d"ration* res"&t*
Present Simple
Present ,im!&e is "sed to e5!ress.
a re!eated action or hait Cit is often "sed with advers of fre6"ency
s"ch as. always' constantly' continually' ever' !re/uently' !orever'
hardly' never' normally' occasionally' o!ten' rarely' regularly' seldom'
sometimes' usually* etc.D.
I usually get up at 1"23"
4apanese people li.e to travel"
$ost evenings we stay in"
a fact which is a&ways tr"e Cgenera& tr"ths and statesD.
*ood !loats on water"
The Earth moves round the Sun"
The Danube !loats into the 5lac. Sea"
a fact which is tr"e for a &ong time
Business English
I live in Ploiesti"
She wor.s in a ban."
Present ,im!&e is "sed in e5!&anations* demonstrations and stage directions.
+er drawing shows two parts o! a hyperbolic curve"
I add !lour to the egg yol.s and place the basin into the oven"
The door bell rings" She listens /uietly" A window opens and a mas.ed man
enters the room"
7ffirmative 2nterrogative 3egative
2 wor. /o 2 wor.B 2 do not ,don#t- wor.
>o" wor. /o yo" wor.B >o" do not ,don#t- wor.
?e wor.s /oes he wor.B ?e does not ,doesn#t- wor.
,he wor.s /oes she wor.B ,he does not ,doesn#t- wor.
2t wor.s /oes it wor.B 2t does not ,doesn#t- wor.
We wor. /o we wor.B We do not ,don#t- wor.
>o" wor. /o yo" wor.B >o" do not ,don#t- wor.
They wor. /o they wor.B They do not ,don#t- wor.
Short ans(er
Do you li.e spring%
&es' I do"
Does he spea. 6rench%
(o' he doesn)t"
Present Continuous
Present %ontin"o"s is "sed to e5!ress.
an activity ha!!ening now or aro"nd now
They are watching TV in their bedroom now"
I am living with my parents this wee."
a !&anned f"t"re arrangement.
I)m meeting them at 77 o)cloc. tomorrow"
Business English
Present %ontin"o"s is formed with the !resent tense of the a"5i&iary ver be
fo&&owed y the indefinite !artici!&e of the main ver Cverb80ingD.
7ffirmative 2nterrogative 3egative
2 a" 0" 2 wor.ingB 2 a" not
>o" are 0re yo" wor.ingB >o" are not ,aren#t-
?e is +s he wor.ingB ?e is not ,isn#t-
,he is +s she wor.ingB ,he is not ,isn#t-
2t is +s it wor.ingB 2t is not ,isn#t-
We are 0re we wor.ingB We are not ,aren#t-
>o" are 0re yo" wor.ingB >o" are not,aren#t-
They are 0re they wor.ingB They are not ,aren#t-
Short ans(er
Are you coming%
&es' I am" (o' I)m not"
Is she watching TV%
&es' she is" (o' she isn)t"
Controlled practice
1. Trans&ate the fo&&owing sentences into 1ng&ish.
a. 1& este contai& &a o com!anie im!ortant=.
!. 1i n" voresc eng&eIa* dar noi Ti !"tem a#"ta.
c. Pe ea o v=d &a c"rs* dar !e e& n" T& v=d.
d. Vmi ofer=o carte de contai&itate* !entr" cR e& are do"R e5em!&are.
e. V& strig !e 0ictor* dar n" m= a"de.
2. %hoose the a!!ro!riate forms of the !ersona& !rono"n.
a. ?e is st"dying 1ng&ish as heKwe intends to #oin an 7merican
ins"rance com!any.
!. 2 gave herKhim that &a!to! as he needed it.
c. ,he to&d meK to me that she needed five days off.
d. 2 think 2 saw himK he in the ank yesterday.
e. ?ave yo" to&d theyK them ao"t yo"r !ro#ectB
Business English
3. P"t the vers in rackets into the Present ,im!&e or Present %ontin"o"s.
a. ?e "s"a&&y CdrinkD coffee "t today he CdrinkD tea.
!. 2t CrainD now. 2t often CrainD in s"mmer.
c. ?e CcomeD to see me tonightN we CgoD on a tri! to ,inaia ne5t week
and we CwantD to make !&ans for it.
d. 2 C&iveD in P&oiesti* "t this week* as 2 CattendD a co"rse in A"charest*
2 CstayD with my "nc&e in %a&ea ;&oreasca.
e. Pardon me* sir* "t 2 CthinkD yo" CstandD on my feet.
'. )aria CcomeD from ,!ain this week.
g. ,he Cs!eakD ;rench* 1ng&ish and 2ta&ian.
h. 2 Cc"tD two s&ices of read and she C!re!areD an om&ette.
i. What yo" CdoD hereB 2 C&ookD for my g&asses.
&. Where yo" C&iveDB 2 C&iveD in ,cot&and.
4. %om!&ete this !ostcard "sing the correct form of the vers on the right.
Greetings from ,cot&andO Pohn and 2 M.....
something different this year. WeEre at the
1din"rgh 7ctivity %entre* where we MM.. a
good time and at the same time we MM..
different things. Peo!&eMM.. here every
s"mmer to &earn more ao"t their hoies and
2 MM.. !hotogra!hy and tennis this week do
and Pohn MM.. ao"t com!"ters. We MM.. "!
at ha&f !ast eight every morning
&earn* get
and MM.. &essons from ten to ha&f !ast twe&ve.
We MM.. &"nch at one* and then there are more
,o itEs hard work. A"t 2 MM.. it here. We M.....
a !ost-office in front of the %entre. The weather
is good. ,ee yo" soon.
<ove* Wate
&ike* have
Business English
5. 1hat do yo% do in these sit%ations2
a. When yo" miss a "s or a train* do yo".
0. wait ha!!i&y for the ne5t oneBN
3. sho"t angri&yBN
4. &ame someone e&seB
!. When yo" think ao"t the f"t"re* do yo".
0. dream of im!ossi&e s"ccess or wea&thBN
3. !&an yo"r f"t"re career caref"&&yBN
4. worry ao"t what wi&& go wrongB
c. When someone asks yo" a 6"estions and yo"Ere not s"re of the
answer* do yo".
0. admit yo" donEt knowBN
3. give an answer yo" think may e rightBN
4. try to change the s"#ectB
d. When yo" forget to do something im!ortant for a friend or a
memer of yo"r fami&y* do yo".
0. ho!e they wonEt noticeBN
3. try to do something e&se for themBN
4. fee& g"i&tyB
e. When yo"r oss or teacher is away* do yo".
0. start &a"ghing and #okingBN
3. work hard as "s"a&BN
4. do not work at a&&B
2f most of yo"r answers are 7 it means yo" are a very o!timistic
!erson. 2f yo" chose most&y A* it means yo" are an amitio"s !erson*
and if yo" chose most&y %* it means yo" are a !essimistic !erson.
6. P"t the vers in rackets into the !resent sim!&e or contin"o"s
a. ?e C&iveD in <ondon at !resent "t he Cho!eD to move to 1din"rgh
ne5t year.
!. 2 Cho!eD they Crea&iIeD what a diffic"&t #o they C"ndertakeD.
Business English
c. )ike and Pack Cs!endD a fortnight at the seasideN they CcomeD ack
ne5t week.
d. Who Cta&kD to the !retty gir& in the &"e dressB
e. The teacher CsayD that yo" "s"a&&y CmakeD a &ot of mistakes.
'. 7nyody who C&ookD at his !assenger whi&e he CdriveD is a danger on
the roads.
g. )ary Cs&ee!D in the sitting room this week eca"se her edroom
CeD redecorated.
h. The !ath C&eadD to the ig ho"se that yo" CseeD on the hi&&.
i. )y son CworkD very hard. ?e Cst"dyD for an e5amination now.
&. F>o" ChearD anythingBG F2 C&istenD hard "t 2 canEt hear anything.G
). @addy C&eaveD a&ways &ighted cigarettes a&& over the ho"se. WeE&&
"rn down one day.
l. )ary C&eaveD for <ondon in a fortnight.
". They Cc&ean "!D the who&e town in !re!aration for the s"mmer.
n. )r Green a&ways Cget "!D ear&y.
o. )y h"sand "s"a&&y C&eaveD his office at 3.// !.m.* "t this month
he CworkD &ate.
$. Pack often CgoD to the theatre "t his wife Cnot goD very often. ?e
C&ikeD a&& sorts of !&ays. ,he C!referD comedies.
*. Professor Arown CeD the !erfect &ing"ist. ?e a&ready Cs!eakD seven
foreign &ang"ages. 3ow he C&earnD an eighth.
r. )y dog a&ways CarkD at the !ostman. A"t &ook at thatO ;or once*
he CeD friend&y to the !oor man.
s. They &eft for <ondon an ho"r ago. 2 CwonderD whether they Ctrave&D
y air!&ane or y train.
t. ?e Cwa&kD very s&ow&y eca"se the ott&e he CcarryD Cho&dD nitro-
g&ycerine and nitro-g&ycerine Ce5!&odeD if it CeD shaken.
v. <et me e5!&ain what yo" have to do. ;irst yo" CtakeD the !hotos and
CsortD them into categories. Then yo" Cfi&eD them according to s"#ect.
Business English
(. The !&ay is set in <ondon in 149/. The action CtakeD !&ace in
)aryEs &iving-room. When the c"rtain CgoD "!* the hero and heroine
CsitD down. They Carg"eD.
x. @ear Pane* sorry to hear ao"t yo"r !ro&em at work. 2 CthinkD yo"
CdoD the right thing* "t 2 Cdo"tD whether yo"r oss rea&&y CknowD his
#o from what yo" Cte&&D me.
y. The ho"se is a mess eca"se weEve got the workmen in. The
!&"mer C!"tD in a new ath. The e&ectricians CrewireD the system and
the car!enter C"i&dD "s some new ookshe&ves.
7. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. 3" cred c= te !ot a#"ta.
!. )ama g"st= ciora s= vad= dac= mai e nevoie de sare.
c. 3" ea" cafea de oicei* dar ast=Ii fac o e5ce!9ie.
d. 1& merge c" a"to"I"& &a Hcoa&= Tn fiecare Ii.
e. 3oi n" Tnv=9=m decSt vinerea* sSm=ta Hi d"minica.
Business English
Unit 3

In this unit you will learn:

A presentation o! the distance learning department
Verbs which do not ta.e a ,ontinuous Aspect in English
The Imperative
The possessive pronoun and adjective

Pre-reading tasks
?ow did yo" hear ao"t the distance &earning de!artmentB Why have yo"
chosen this s!ecia&isationB
Read the fo&&owing !resentation which was !art of a !ro#ect y which o"r
"niversity ina"g"rated co"rses within the distance &earning de!artment. Pay
attention to the as!ect of the vers Csim!&eK contin"o"s as!ectD. Trans&ate the
te5t into Romanian.
The s!ecia&isations in the Distance09earning Department within Petro&e"m-
Gas "niversity of P&oiesti are.
1conomic engineering in the mechanica& fie&d
;iai&ity of Petro&e"m and Petrochemica& 16"i!ment
@ri&&ing-Prod"ction and Reservoir 1ngineering
1ngineering of 1nvironment Protection and %hemica& and
Petrochemica& 2nd"stry
Petro&e"m Techno&ogy and Petrochemistry
Romanian <ang"age and <iterat"re- 1ng&ish <ang"age and
7cco"ntancy and 7dministration 2nformatics
Business English
Primary ,choo&- Teachers. 1ng&ishK;rench
;or the aove-mentioned s!ecia&isations we identified three categories
of !otentia& candidates.
!ersons who want to im!rove their know&edge in the fie&d of
!etro&e"m ind"stry and refining* yet the dai&y work !rogramme
and the distance from the on&y !etro&e"m-gas "niversity in
Romania does not a&&ow them to enro&& in a training !rogramme
Cday co"rses* evening co"rsesD
!ersons who want to s!ecia&ise in very im!ortant fie&ds s"ch as
acco"ntancy* informatics* foreign &ang"ages
!rimary schoo&-teachers who* in order to com!ete with the new
"ndergrad"ate ed"cationa& system* com!ati&e with the 1"ro!ean
system* m"st attend the s!ecia&isation Primary ,choo&- Teachers.
Within o"r "niversity we co"&d say that we have e5!erience in s"ch
!rogrammes d"e to the fact that we had a !ro#ect <eonardo da 0inci* in
which we worked with o"r co&&eag"es from )inho University from
2n the eginning the @istance-<earning @e!artment wi&& make "se of the
reso"rces offered y the new 2T %entre Cdeve&o!ed within the !ro#ect
7-K1999D which offers internet access* video-conference systems
Part of the co"rse-ooks for o"r f"t"re st"dents is a&ready on magnetic
s"!!ort* as a res"&t of the grant %3;2, 39-91K(///. ,ome ooks which
were !revio"s&y !"&ished were "!-dated &ast year. This wi&& a&&ow "s to
start s"ch a !ro#ect in a"t"mn. 7t the same time on the we
www.ttr.& Cwithin the !ro#ect of distance-&earning trainersE
trainingD we e&aorated a co"rse on informatics and comm"nicationa&
techno&ogies which are necessary in the training !rocess as we&& as a
co"rse on !edagogica& strategies which may e ada!ted to s"ch distance-
&earning. 7 P&eiXd Programme has een recent&y e&aorated y a
"niversity from %37)* 3antes* ;rance.
Business English
There is a &ega& asis on distance &earning organiIation and f"nctioning.
Romanian Government @ecision no. 1(1'K/7.1(.(///. 7t the same time
the standards for 7"thoriIing the f"nctioning of distance &earning are
e&aorated y %.3.1.77 C3ationa& %o"nci& of 7"thoriIing and
7cademic 7ssessmentD* standards which may e f"&fi&&ed y o"r
Ways with words:
1. 2n the sentences e&ow* "se one s"ita&e word from the &ist that fo&&ows.
3ot a&& the words are !ossi&e.
a. 2 sent in my ...... to the address given in the advertisement.
!. They to&d me 2 &acked ...... as 2 had never had that kind of #o
c. The manager to&d me he co"&dnEt wait as he had ...... to do.
d. 3ot many !eo!&e en#oy sitting at aKan ...... a&& day &ong.
e. Aefore 2 &eft that oi& com!any* 2 handed in my ......
'. When 2 a!!&ied for this !osition* 2 asked my !revio"s oss for a ......
g. >o" have to e we&&-dressed and !"nct"a& to s"cceed in aKan ......
h. )y first ...... was he&!ing in a sho! at weekends.
i. 2n o"r com!any every ...... receives a monthEs sa&ary.
&. >o" co"&d ...... over (*/// a month as a sa&es re!resentative in this
/uali!ications: re!erence: e;periences: application: wor.: employer:
interview: gain: resignation: job: diploma: department: applicant:
earn: wages: o!!ice: gain: des.: salary: employee"
2. Read the sentence *e had a project 9eonardo da Vinci' in which we
wor.ed with our colleagues !rom $inho <niversity again. 3ow &earn some
e5!ressions containing the !re!osition with.
with d"e regard forK with a&& d"e deference to Q c" tot res!ect"& c"venitN
with an eye to Q "rmRrind* fRrR a !ierde din vedereN
Business English
with the e5ce!tion of Q c" e5ce!9ia cRN
with reason Q !e dre!t* !e "nR dre!tateN
with referenceK res!ect to Q Tn !rivin9a* referitor* c" !rivire &aN
with a view of Q Tn sco!"& de aN
as with Q &a fe& ca HiN
together with Q Tm!re"nR c"N
to do away with Q a Tn&Rt"ra* a termina c".
3. <ook at the fo&&owing sentences e&onging to this "nit: *ithin our
university we could say that we have e;perience in such programmes due to
the !act that we had a project 9eonardo da Vinci. 7s yo" can see these are
two meaning of the word that. 2n the first sentence it introd"ces a direct
o#ect c&a"se and in the other it introd"ces a re&ative c&a"se. ?ere are some
e5!ressions containing the word that.
that far Q atSt de de!arteN
that is the !oint Q aceasta-i !ro&emaN
that m"ch Q cam atStN
thatEs how it ha!!ened Q aHa s-a TntSm!&atN
that is why CthatEs whyD Q de aceea* din aceastR ca"IRN
that is to say Q adicRN
"t for that Q dacR n" ar fi fost astaN
for a&& that Q c" toate acesteaN
in order that Q !entr" ca* sRN
&ike that C#"st &ike thatD Q aHaN
3ow !ractise these e5!ressions in sentences of yo"r own.
4. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. Some boo.s which were previously
published were up0dated last year. ?ow do yo" trans&ate to "!-dateB 3ow
e5!&ain the meaning of the words and !hrases in ita&ics in the fo&&owing
a. To date' we havenEt received a sing&e order for o"r new !rod"ct.
!. 8"r advertising is eginning to &ook very dated"
Business English
c. We try to "se up0to0date methods in o"r Prod"ction @e!artment.
d. 8"r !ro&ems date !rom the time we &ost that R"ssian contract.
e. %om!"ter sa&es !eo!&e have to constant&y up0date their know&edge.
'. They are "sing out0dated !&ant and machinery to man"fact"re their
5. 1ord !%ilding
%om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with the correct form of the words in
1 rely
a. ?e is a very reliable worker.
!. ?er main 6"a&ity is her MMMMMM .
c. )y assistant is someone who can e MMMMMM on.
2 criticise
a. The re!ort has een received veryMMMMM.. y to!
!. The Personne& @irector is an o"ts!okenMMMMMM of o"r
c. 2 tho"ght herMMMMMM were "nfair and not ased on fact.
3 skill
a. The %hairman wasMMMMMMM at avoiding answering
awkward 6"estions.
!. The MMMMMM workers in the Prod"ction @e!artment are we&&
c. To e a good manager* yo" need many MMMMMM .
d. The MMMMMMM workers in o"r com!any are the &owest !aid
eca"se they need no training for their #os.
4 employ
a. )ost MMMMMMMin an organisation can enefit from training.
!. MMMMMMMMM is a&most 4J in my co"ntry Y thatEs far too
c. TheMMMMMMM are entit&ed to vario"s socia& sec"rity
Business English
d. ?eEs fair&y o&d and hasnEt had a #o for years. 2Ed say heEs virt"a&&y
5 sure
a. Performance a!!raisa&s he&! to MMMMMMM that !romising
staff are not over&ooked for !romotion.
!. 7t my interview* my oss MMMMMMM me that 2 had a
right f"t"re in the com!any.
c. MMMMMMM yo" agree sheEs one of the high f&iers in the
6 able
a. This yo"ng trainee has considera&e MMMMMMMM
!. @"e to o"r MMMMMMM to get certain s"!!&ies* we &ost the
c. Aeca"se of a !rod"ction ho&d-"!* we are MMMMMMM to
!rovide the !rod"ct.
7 decision
a. Aeing a c"rrency dea&er in a ank* she has to make 6"ick decisions
and e very MMMMMM at a&& times.
!. Aeca"se we were MMMMMMwe wasted time and &ost the
c. 2 am sti&&MMMMM..whether to &eave my !resent #o "t 2 m"st
make "! my mind soon.
6. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with s"ita&e forms of the words from
the &ist e&ow.
authori=e' authority' control' !unction' autonomy' innovate' innovative'
delegate' delegation' initiative
a. 2n many de!artment store gro"!s* "ying and finance are two
MMMMMM which are hand&ed y ?ead 8ffice.
!. )anagers who &ike !ower find it diffic"&t to MMMMMM
Business English
c. To stay com!etitive* high techno&ogy firms m"st constant&y
MMMMMMM or e&se their !rod"cts ecome o"t of date.
d. When yo" de&egate a"thority in a "siness* yo" &ose a degree of
MMMMMMM over certain f"nctions.
e. 2n some m"&tinationa& organisations* s"sidiaries are given a great
dea& of MMMMMM - they rare&y have to cons"&t ?ead 8ffice.
'. ;irms often make the mistake of not concentrating eno"gh on
marketing MMMMMMM
g. 2n o"r factory* the Genera& )anager is MMMMMMM to s!end
"! to Z1*/// a month on re!airs and maintenance.
h. 2 &ike my staff to make decisions for themse&ves* "t they seem
afraid to show any MMMMMMM .
7. ,"!!&y the most s"ita&e words from the &ist on the right.
1. hard to find nowadays. a- oss
2. The 6"a&ity of the food in a resta"rant de!ends on
itsMM. !- cha"ffe"r
3. 2 work in a garage as a car MMMMMM c- chef
4. 3ancy has started a newMMMM.. d- co&&eag"e
5. )rs. Wi&ks is the MMMMof this sho!* not the
owner. e- co&&ege
6. 2f yo" want to know the way* ask a MMMM.. '- cond"ctor
7. WhoEs the MMMMof the Aoston ,ym!hony
8rchestraB g- doctor
8. Arenda was a "niversity MMMM.. at the age
of 3-. h- engineer
9. ?e has a car with a "niformed MMMMM i- #o
10. ?is MMMM.. at schoo& has given him a good
re!ort. &- manager
11. WhatEs the name of the MMM..of yo"r
com!anyB )- mechanic
12. 7n MMMM..designs ridges or roads. l- medicine
Business English
13. The MMMMMof o"r sho! is !"tting "! the
rent. "- owner
14. There had een a "rg&ary* so we ca&&ed
the MMMM n- !o&ice
15. 2 went into "siness after 2 &eft MMMM. o- !o&iceman
16. 2 canEt "se a MMMM* never mind a word
!rocessor. $- !rofessor
17. Gordon is a MMMMat the &oca& hos!ita&. *- teacher
18. ?as the n"rse given yo" yo"r MMMMM r- ty!ist
19. ,mithers is a MMMMof mine at the office. s- ty!ewriter
20. 2tEs "sef"& to e a good MMMMif yo" "se a
com!"ter. t- work
8. ,"!!&y the est word or words.
1. The !erson in charge of a "siness is informa&&y known as the
a- chef !- chief c- oss
2. The !erson who is in charge of a car is the MMMMMM
a- g"ide !- &eader c- motorist d- driver e- cond"ctor
3. 7 !erson who !re!ares food is a MMMMMM
a- cook !- cooker
4. 7 !erson who works in an office is an MMMMMM
a- officer !- office worker
5. 7 woman who &ooks after other !eo!&eEs chi&dren is a
a- nanny !- n"rse
6. The !erson who is in charge of a resta"rant is the MMMMMM
a- !atron !- manager
7. 7 !erson who st"dies the origins of the "niverse is a MMMMMM
a- !hysician !- !hysicist c- !hysics
8. 7nother word for LdoctorE is MMMMM
a- !hysician !- !hysicist c- medicine
Business English
9. 2f yo" are one of the !eo!&e waiting to e served in a sho! yo" are a
a- c&ient !- c"stomer c- !atient d- g"est
10. 2f serve !eo!&e who come into a sho!* yo" are MMMMMM
a- an officia& !- a sho! assistant c- a ank c&erk
Grammar reference
Verbs which do not take a continuous aspect in English
There are vers in 1ng&ish which genera&&y are not "sed in the contin"o"s
vers of the senses Cvers of !erce!tionD. see' hear' smell' taste' notice'
recogni=e' etc.
2 sme&& gas.
vers of thinking. thin.' reali=e' .now' understand' suppose' e;pect'
remember' !orget' mind' etc.
2 donEt rememer yo"r name.
vers of having and eing. have' own' owe' belong to' possess' be'
contain' matter' hold' etc.
The ho"se e&ongs to my mother.
2 have a very good &athe.
vers of emotion. love' hate' li.e' disli.e' re!use' want' wish' !orgive*
2 hate !eo!&e ca&&ing me &ate at night.
?e wants to "y a new too&.
The Imperatie
The im!erative is a mood which e5!resses an order* a command* a wish* a
greeting* a !iece of advice* a threat.
,ome here>
Business English
9eave me alone>
*atch your step>
9et)s go>
The im!erative has forms on&y for the second !erson sing"&ar and !&"ra&.
7ffirmative 3egative
Get readyO
,tart workingO
@onEt get readyO
@onEt start workingO
The possessie pronoun and the posessie ad!ectie
The !ossessive !rono"n. ;orm
Person ,ing"&ar P&"ra&
;irst !erson mine o"rs
,econd !erson yo"rs yo"rs
Third !erson his
The !ossesive ad#ective. ;orm
Person ,ing"&ar P&"ra&
;irst !erson my o"r
,econd !erson yo"r yo"r
Third !erson his
Controlled practice
1. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. 7ceastR stic&R con9ine a!= minera&=.
!. %reion"& Rotring este a& )ariei.
c. UrRsc sR mi se cearR sR fac o &"crare de aIi !e mSine.
d. 1a are doar "n c"rs de statistic= Hi do"= de finan9e.
e. 7cest c"rs con9ine 1' ca!ito&e.
Business English
2. @ecide which is the most a!!ro!riate form of the ver in the fo&&owing
a. 2Em thinkingK 2 think of yo".
!. ,he sme&&sK is sme&&ing gas.
c. )other is tastingK tastes the so"! to see if it needs more sa&t.
d. We haveK are having dinner now.
e. %o"&d yo" ca&& him ack in twenty min"tes as he hasK is having a
ath right now.
3. Trans&ate the fo&&owing into 1ng&ish.
a. ,erveHte-te Hi serveHte-i Hi !e cei&a&9iO
!. 0ino* te rog* &a noi sR ne a#"9i sR reIo&vRm o !ro&emR de statisticR.
c. Vi dai "n deget Hi T9i ia toatR mSnaO
d. ,crie t" !roiect"& &a ca&c"&ator* !entr" cR d"!R aceea tre"ie sR-&
fo&osesc Hi e".
e. <"a9i &oc* vR rog* doamnRO
'. 3" !&eca* !entr" c= n" am terminat !roiect"&O
g. 3" te a!ro!ia de fire&e ace&ea !entr" c= s"nt s" tensi"ne.
h. 3" Tncerca s= m= faci s= m= r=IgSndesc* !entr" c= o faci degeaa.
i. @"-te Hi veIi dac= a" terminat c"rs"&.
&. Gr=eHte-te* mai ai doar cinci min"teO
4. )ake the fo&&owing sentences negative.
a. %ome hereO
!. Get ready as we are in a h"rryO
c. Ae on time* eca"se 1ng&ish !eo!&e are never &ate.
d. Go home and weE&& finish this tomorrow.
e. Work faster as we need to finish this "nti& two oEc&ock.
5. %hoose the a!!ro!riate !ossessive !rono"ns or ad#ectives.
a. )yK mine fatherEs car is new. )ineKmy is very o&d and "g&y.
Business English
!. We have een &ooking for these magaIines. ,omeone took them
from yo"rKo"r room. They e&ong to "s. WeEre "sing the !ict"res for a
!ro#ect of o"rsKyo"rs.
c. There are five i&&ion !eo!&e in o"rKhis wor&d and they &ive in a&&
different corners of it.
d. This is herKhers car. ,he o"ght it two months ago.
e. )y res"&ts are etter than yo"rsKyo"r.
'. 2s that ook yo"rsKyo"r as 2 think 2 saw yo" when yo" &ent it to
yo"rKyo"rs friend* Tom.
g. 2 donEt think this is one of 1mmaEs !ens. 2 know she has &ost
herKhers ca&c"&ator* "t 2 havenEt heard her say she has &ost a !en .
What do yo" thinkB
h. )yKmine s!ecia&ity is acco"ntancy.
i. 7fter we have ac6"ired some know&edge ao"t the oi& ind"stry and
the kind of work that is invo&ved* we wi&& !rove o"rsKo"r know&edge
&. >o"rKyo"rs artic&e on wor&d economy is a good one.
Business English
Unit 4

In this unit you will learn:

*riting a ,V
*riting a letter o! application
,lassi!ication o! (ouns
(umber o! (ouns
The ?enitive

Pre-reading tasks:
What information sho"&d yo"r %0 containB
What information sho"&d yo"r &etter of a!!&ication containB
Reading 1
Read the fo&&owing %0. %an yo" find any im!rovementsB Work with yo"r
mates and re!ort yo"r findings to the rest of the c&ass.
4U55+4U6U7 8+0E
P1R,837< @1T72<,
3ame. 7ihaela 8lad
7ddress. (3 Avd. A"c"reHti
P&oieHti (/// Prahova
Te&e!hone. /''1-+3'(
@ate of irth. 1 Pan"ary 197'
3ationa&ity. Romanian
<ang"ages. ;&"ent 1ng&ishN %onversationa& ;rench
Business English
%om!"ter &iteracy. Word!erfect* <ot"s 1-(-3* Windows (///* )ath-%adN
(///-(//(. )aster of A"siness and 7dministration - GPetro&e"m-GasG
University of P&oieHti- %37) Paris
199+-(///. FPetro&e"m-GasG University of P&oieHti- ;ac"&ty of 1conomic
F7G &eve&s. )athematics* 1conomy
W8RW ?2,T8R>
,e!t. (///-,e!t. (//1. acco"ntant at GP, 7rad
,"mmer 1999-,"mmer (///. co&&ege !osition. re6"ired to !re!are acco"nts
,"mmer 1994. A"charest %hemica& ,ervices - assistant
23T1R1,T,. cinema* theatre* reading
R1;1R13%1,. avai&a&e on re6"est.
Ways with words 1
1. ?ere are some !ieces of advice for yo" when yo" write yo"r %0.
a. Ao&d is "sed se&ective&y. >o"r name is ovio"s&y im!ortant* so yo"
sho"&d make s"re it stands o"t.
!. When yo" state the &ang"ages yo" can s!eak* conversational and
!luent are the on&y words to "se ao"t them. @onEt "se 6"a&ifications
s"ch as well* very well* etc. 2f they rea&&y want to find o"t ao"t yo"r
&ang"age ski&&s* they wi&& s"re&y test yo".
c. 1d"cation and 6"a&ifications sho"&d e &isted together. The F7G
&eve&s are im!ortant* as they may show that yo" are s"ita&e for that
#o* as yo" had the est degrees in those o#ects which are of ma#or
im!ortance for yo"r f"t"re #o.
d. ;or the *or. +istory section* it is vita& to high&ight yo"r st"dent
Business English
e. @onEt make "! a &ist of names and addresses in yo"r reference
section. >o" sho"&d mention references on&y if they are very
Reading 2
?ere is the &etter of a!!&ication )ihae&a 0&ad has written. ,kim thro"gh the
&etter and see what information the a!!&icant is conveying ao"t himse&f.
(3 Avd A"c"reHti
P&oieHti (// Prahova
)r 7. @. 0&ad
Personne& )anager
Petrom A"c"reHti 5e'.9 chie' acco%ntant vacancy
@ear )r. 7. @. 0&ad
2 am writing to a!!&y for the !osition of chief acco"ntant that yo" advertised
in 5ursa on + 8ctoer (//1* as 2 e&ieve it offers the career cha&&enge which
2 am seeking.
7s yo" wi&& see from my enc&osed %"rric"&"m 0itae* 2 grad"ated from
FPetro&e"m-GasG University of P&oieHti &ast year* and then 2 have had a
s"ccessf"& year working in a scientific environment with GP, 7rad.
2 wo"&d &ike to high&ight the fo&&owing ski&&s which 2 e&ieve wo"&d add
va&"e to yo"r organiIation.
:rgani;ational s)ills - deve&o!ed in my c"rrent #o with GP, 7rad.
0cco%nting s)ills - deve&o!ed in my ro&e as "niversity officer where 2
!re!ared ann"a& re!orts and acco"nts and 2 was res!onsi&e for a "dget of
1*///*///*/// &ei !er ann"m.
+nter$ersonal s)ills - deve&o!ed thro"gh working in a team environment in
my c"rrent ro&e and thro"gh a n"mer of ho&iday !ositions when 2 was a
Business English
2 have a keen interest in acco"ntancy and wo"&d a!!reciate the o!!ort"nity
of an interview to disc"ss why 2 e&ieve 2 am good match for yo"r
2 &ook forward to hearing from yo".
>o"rs sincere&y*
)ihae&a 0&ad
Ways with words 2
1. ?ere are some &ines from different &etters of a!!&ication of severa&
candidates for this #o. %hoose the most a!!ro!riate and convincing
sentence in each gro"!. What do yo" think is wrong with some of the
sentences &isted e&owB
a. 2 am fami&iar with this ty!e of work.K 2 am tota&&y know&edgea&e
ao"t this ty!e of work.K 2 know this ty!e of work.
!. 2 am we&&-&iked y everyody and 2 am very convincing.K 2 can
maintain friend&y re&ationshi!s with !eo!&e.K 2 am a friend&y and
tactf"& !erson.
c. 2 can make decisions when it is rea&&y necessary and 2 am very
res!onsive.K 2 a&ways make the est decisions in my office* as 2 am a
re&ia&e !erson.K 2 am not afraid to make decisions if necessary.
d. 2 fee& s"re my st"dies recommend me for this #o.K 2 ho!e 2 am right
for this sort of work.K 2 am s"re 2 am the most s"ita&e !erson for this
e. 2 am 6"ite interested in this kind of work.K 2 have a gen"ine interest
in this kind of work.K 2 am e5treme&y interested in this ty!e of work.
2. ?ere is an advertisement which was !"&ished in 5ursa on ' 7!ri& (//1.
<ook at it and write yo"r %0. Then write the &etter to cover yo"r %0
a!!&ying for the vacancy.
Business English
%83,TRU%T <td.
Romanian-%anadian com!any !roviding
e5!ertise* h"man reso"rces and e6"i!ment
for the constr"ction ind"stry
?"man Reso"rce 8fficers
7!!&ications are acce!ted from recent grad"ates of ,ocio&ogy or A"siness
,t"dies with some ackgro"nd in income ta5 &aws and com!"ter &iteracy* or
com!any management.
7!!&icants sho"&d e wi&&ing to work in teams and sho"&d e a&e to meet
dead&ines. 7!!&icants sho"&d e f&"ent in 1ng&ish and ;rench.
<lease enclose a c%rrent 48 and yo%r letter o' a$$lication addressed to
7r +on <o$= >%"an 5eso%rces 7anager= 4onstr%ct ,5o"ania- 6td.=
13= <ia?a 5o"an@= 3%charest.
3. 0oca"&ary "i&ding
7n antonym is a word that means the o!!osite of another. ;or e5am!&e* the
o!!osite of short is long* the o!!osite of old is young.
%om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with words o!!osite in meaning to the
words in ita&ics.
e.g. interesting ?e does not &ike his #o eca"se it is uninteresting"
a. satis!ied Workers ecomeMMMMMMMMM if their #os
offer no cha&&enge.
!. conclusive ,ince the re!ort was soMMMMMMM no
recommendations were made.
c. responsible @@@@@@@ ehavio"r y staff can e cost&y to
an organisation.
d. popular )anagers ecomeMMMMMMMMM if they fai&
to !ay on"ses.
e. respect 3o manager &ikes a s"ordinate to eMMMMMMMM
Business English
'. secure 7 worker who fee&sMMMMMMM. in his #o wi&&
!roa&y not e committed to the firm he works for.
g. social Peo!&e who work MMMMMMM ho"rs* for e5am!&e
at night-time* genera&&y receive e5tra : !ay.
h. e!!icient 3owadays* it is not easy to get rid of an em!&oyee who
4. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with one s"ita&e word meaning the
o!!osite of the word in ca!ita& &etters.
a. Pack m"ch !refers eing 1)P<8>1@ to eing .MM..M.
!. 7&e5 did a n"mer of T1)P8R7R> #os efore he managed to
find a MM..M.. !osition.
c. The first sho! he o!ened was a ig ,U%%1,, "t the second was a
tota& MM..M..
d. )any !eo!&e wo"&d rather work MMMM.than ;U<<-T2)1.
e. The management said sa&aries had 23%R17,1@* "t officia&
re!orts showed that as a matter of fact they had .MMMM.
5. 1ord sets. Try to think of the word time. 3ow think of words connected
to time. 2n this way yo" may create a word set which may inc&"de among
other words. day' month' year' century' year' etc. 3ow com!&ete the
fo&&owing sentences with one a!!ro!riate word connected with the s"#ect
of money.
a. They ref"sed to acce!t a che6"e so 2 had to !ay in MMM....
!. When she started with the com!any her MMMM. was on&y
[1//// a year. 3ow itEs at &east fo"r times that.
c. When )r )ichae& retired he received a .MMMM of [3// a month.
d. Pierre is very worried eca"se he is in MMM.... 3oody wi&& &end
him any money.
e. 2f yo" want a new car why not go and see yo"r ank manager ao"t
a MMM....
Business English
6. ?ere is a &ist of words and e5!ressions to do with money. Use yo"r
dictionary and divide them into the fo&&owing categories.
-orrowing moneyN saving and investing moneyN having a !ersona& ank
,ometimes the same word wi&& fit different categories.
-to withdraw moneyN a "i&ding societyN a c"rrent acco"ntN a che6"e cardN a
mortgageN to cash a che6"eN to "y shares in a com!anyN the ,tock )arketN
to !"t money inN a month&y statementN a de!osit acco"ntN to earn 1+J
Grammar Reference
Classification of nouns
%o"nta&e no"ns Unco"nta&e no"ns
a gir&
a man
a too&
a c"!
an a!!&e
a g"itar
a !o"nd
a car
a we&&
oi&K !etro&e"m
We can say two cups' !our girls' ten pounds' twenty cars. We can co"nt
them. We cannot co"nt s"gar* water or oi&.
%o"nta&e no"ns can e sing"&ar or !&"ra&.
This cup is empty"
These cups are !ull"
Unco"nta&e no"ns can on&y e sing"&ar.
The water is cold"
The weather is !ine"
The coal has a good /uality"
Business English
"umber of nouns
0aria&e no"ns form the !&"ra& in the fo&&owing way.
0s is added to the sing"&ar.
ooks-ooks* too&-too&s
0es is added to the sing"&ar no"ns ending in 0s' 0=' 0;' 0ch' 0sh' no"ns
ending in 0y !receded y a consonant C0y changes to iD* no"ns ending in
bus0buses' bo;0bo;es' match0matches' brush0brushes' city0cities: potato0
potatoes CA"t. photo0 photosD
0AeBs is added to no"ns ending in 0!AeB Cwhich changes to 0vD.
.ni!e0.nives' lea!0leaves' shel!0shelves CA"t. roo!0roo!sD
2rreg"&ar !&"ra& no"ns.
man0men' woman0women' !oot0!eet' tooth0teeth' goose0geese' louse0lice'
mouse0mice' child0children' o;0o;en
;oreign !&"ra&s
stimulus0stimuli' larva0larvae' stratum0strata' basis0bases' criterion0
criteria' phenomenon0phenomena' datum0data' etc.
The #enitie
The ana&ytica& genitive is "sed with the !re!osition o!* "sed with ne"ter
the tower o! 9ondon' the colour o! oil' the cover o! the boo.' etc.
The synthetica& genitive CLs genitiveD is "sed after.
no"ns denoting !ersons or other eings.
4ohn)s lecture' my parents) advice
no"ns denoting meas"rement* time* s!ace* 6"antity* va&"e.
a two months) practice' yesterday)s newspaper' a pound)s worth o! pears
co&&ective no"ns.
Business English
the governement)s decisions' the Parliament)s laws
geogra!hica& names* vehic&es* nat"ra& !henomena* etc..
England)s mountains' the spaceship)s crew' the a!ternoon)s heat"
Controlled practice
1. %om!&ete this news!a!er artic&e. %hoose the correct sing"&ar or !&"ra&
form in the rackets.
Pohnson ;actory for )i&chester
The Pohnson %&othing %om!any is going to "i&d a new factory in
)i&chester. CThisKTheseD news CwasKwereD anno"nced y com!any
chairman )r @avid Pohnson yesterday. )r Pohnson s!ent the morning
in )i&chester efore ret"rning to the Pohnson head6"arters at
The Pohnson com!any ChasKhaveD een in e5istence for 1// years and
CisKareD famo"s for its C!rod"ctK!rod"ctsD. The s&ogans F>o"Ere never
a&one with a !air of Pohnson Ctro"serK tro"sersDG and FPohnson
C#eanK#eansD CisKareD the ConeKonesD for yo"G are we&& known. The
com!anyEs !rofit &ast year of two mi&&ion !o"nds CwasKwereD the
highest in the c&othing "siness.
)r Pohnson wi&& not say how Cm"chKmanyD new C#oK#osD there wi&&
e* "t the information that there wi&& e CworkKworksD CisKareD hard to
find at the moment* and (*/// "nem!&oyed !eo!&e CisKareD a high
fig"re for a sma&& town.
2. %om!&ete the fo&&owing !assage with the correct form of the words in the
o5 e&ow.
strategy right venture personnel
!inance s.ill planning drawbac.
e;pertise set up delegate innovative
trust segment
Business English
The !ro&ems of sma&& high-tech firms have attracted a &ot of
attention recent&y. Research shows that many of these firms are
MMMMMMMM C1D y ta&ented* creative scientists. Their owners have
no tro"&e coming "! withMMMMMMM C(D !rod"cts "t they often
canEt "i&d on their ear&y s"ccess.
8ne reason for this is that they donEt have m"ch management
MMMMMM..C3D. Therefore* they are "na&e to deve&o! the
MMMMMMMMC'D which are necessary for their com!anyEs growth.
They are in a r"sh to deve&o! !rod"cts* and donEt think eno"gh ao"t how to
market them. When they do try to se&& their !rod"cts* they s!end too m"ch
time trying to gain theMMMMMMM C+D of !otentia& c"stomers. 7nother
mistake they make is to "nder!rice their !rod"cts so that they have no
MMMMMMMM C-D for f"t"re deve&o!ment.
8nce the firms egin to grow* their owners "nderestimate the f"t"re
costs of deve&o!ing and marketing new !rod"cts. <ack of financia&
MMMMMMM C7D is a ma#or weakness of s"ch com!anies. 2t is diffic"&t
for the high-tech firm to attract the rightMMMMMMM C4D eca"se it
cannot offer the same #o sec"rity as a &arge organisation.
The high-tech firm can get ro"nd some of these !ro&ems y
deve&o!ing a s!ecia&ist image. 2t can aim at a !artic"&ar MMMMMMMM
C9D of the market. %"stomers then start seeking o"t the firm* so its marketing
costs are red"ced. The on&y MMMMMMM C1/D is that it may take some
time efore c"stomers acce!t the firmEs new techno&ogy.
7s soon as the high-tech "siness has reached a certain siIe* it wi&&
e a good idea to ring in !rofessiona& management. The fo"nder of the firm
can thenMMMMMMMC11D res!onsii&ity for activities &ike marketing
and finance. 2f a high-tech firm needs money very ad&y* it may arrange a
&ink-"! with a &arger com!any. 2t wi&& offer that com!any e5c&"sive
MMMMMMM C1(D to its techno&ogy.
1nth"siasm* right ideas MMMMMMMMC13D ca!ita& and
techno&ogy are not eno"gh to ens"re s"ccess. Aasic
managementMMMMMMM. C1'D - es!ecia&&y financia& and marketing
Business English
ones - are a&so vita&.
3. %om!&ete the fo&&owing !assage* "sing the s"ita&e forms of the words
given e&ow.
achieve reach report !eedbac. objective
progress per!ormance role stage view
)y oss ca&&ed me into his office to disc"ss my MMMMMMMM
C1D d"ring the &ast si5 months. ,he said that 2 had made good
MMMMMMMMMC(D and had had no diffic"&ty in
MMMMMMMM C3D my goa&s. ,he made it c&ear that she was
going to give me a goodMMMMMMMMM C'D.
2 s"!!ose 2 sho"&d have een gratef"& to her. ?owever* one thing
othered me. 2 wondered why she didnEt ask me what 2 fe&t ao"t the
#o. Why didnEt she get some MMMMMMM. C+D from meB 2
tho"ght that was one of the main MMMMMMMC-D of the
,ince my MMMMMMMC7D was ovio"s&y to sit 6"iet&y and say
nothing* 2 did #"st that. 7t this MMMMMMMM C4D of my career* 2
canEt afford to "!set my oss. A"t if 2 everMMMMMMMMM C9D
her !osition* 2 sha&& hand&e these interviews different&y. 2n
myMMMMMMMMC1/D* itEs vita& to &isten to em!&oyees.
4. Rewrite the fo&&owing sentences* "sing the word in ca!ita& &etters* so that
the meaning stays the same.
a. )y co"sin is someody 2 can rea&&y tr"st. %83;2@13%1
!. 2 can recite 1minesc"Es !oems from memory. ?17RT
c. >o"r office is eing redecorated at the moment* so tem!orari&y yo"
wi&& have to share one with Pohn. A123G
d. ?e was going to &eave for <ondon when he heard his f&ight has
een cance&ed. P823T
e. 2t was !ro!osed that a new ch"rch sho"&d e "i&t. ;8RW7R@
Business English
'. 8nce the res"&ts of the e5!eriment are made !"&ic* the Government
wi&& make a decision. 8P13
g. ?er answer took the a"dienc y s"r!rise. 7A7%W
h. 8"r manager want "s to ca&& him \,irG. 7@@R1,,1@
5. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. 2nventator"& te&eviIi"nii !rin ca&" a fost "n om ogat.
!. ,-a" fRc"t !rogrese semnificative Tn acest domeni" a& c"noaHterii.
c. 1& fo&oseHte m"&te co&i !entr" a scrie "n %0.
d. <a Tnce!"t"& seco&"&"i ]]* n" era" foarte era" m"&te st"dente Tn
e. TatR& st"dent"&"i a venit &a "niversitate sR voreascR c" !rofesor"&
de economie.
'. %"noHtin9e&e de eng&eI= s"nt foarte vagi.
g. ,fat"& !e care mi &-ai dat m-a a#"tat foarte m"&t.
h. 7H vrea s= c"m!=r trei !Sini* do"= cioco&ate Hi trei s=!"n"ri.
i. 3" Hti" dac= vom avea ani s= c"m!=r=m Hi moi&a !e care ne-o
dorim Cdo"= d"&a!"ri Hi trei foto&iiD.
&. ;"&ger"& a fost "rmat de "n t"net as"rIitor.
). P=rin9ii !rietenei me&e s"nt !&eca9i Tn %anada.
l. 3e Tntre=m dac= vom !"tea !rocesa atStea informa9ii.
". 3" am !rimit niHte Htiri foarte Tm"c"r=toare.
n. )i-e team= c= ea are s!eran9e mai mari decSt ar tre"i.
o. 7 c"m!=rat "n "chet de f&ori care a costat (//./// &ei.
6. ;i&& each s!ace in the sentence with the correct form of the word in
ca!ita&s !rint ao"t it.
a. They tried to MMMMM. him to !artici!ate in that contest.
!. >o"r so&"tion seems to e the most MMMMMM. 7nd* as we are
rather short on money* weE&& decide in favo"r of it. 1%838)>
c. ?is o!inion is MMMMM.. from mine. We seem never to agree on
this iss"e. @2;;1R13%1
Business English
d. Unti& yo" have so&ved yo"r hea&th !ro&ems* it is MMMMMM
not to trave& to Paris. 7@02%1
e. 7&& the time he !roved to e very MMMMMM. 2 canEt !"t "! with
his co&eric attit"de. 7RGU1
'. %hoosing this co"rse is entire&y vo&"ntary. There is no MMMMM..
whatsoever. %8)P1<
g. 1verytime he starts s!eaking ao"t her scientific research he kee!s
on s!eaking ao"t modernism. 2 think 2 know her sentences y heart
now. 2tEs very MMMMM.. R1P17T
h. They rea&&y MMMM.. over my idea and threw themse&ves into
creating the data asis. 13T?U,27,)
i. To MMM.. the a&&oon they had to throw away their &"ggage.
&. 2n chi&dhood she was MMMMMM y )ira who he&!ed her a &ot.
). This is the P)Es MMMMM R1,2@1
l. The doctor gave me !"&& to MMM.. the !ain in my ack. @17@
". ?is writing sty&e is rea&&yMMMM.. 2)2T7T1
n. ?is disa!!earance is MMMM 1]P<723
7. ,"!!&y the &anks with s"ita&e no"ns from those in rackets. Use the
!&"ra& forms.
a. ?e threw a stone at the rock and ..... came ack. C!iano* vo&cano*
!. The shi! was s"nk y we&&-aimed ..... C!otato* tor!edo* dynamoD
c. Winter fodder for catt&e is ke!t in ..... Cca&ico* casino* si&oD
d. The o!era com!any was advertising for ..... Coctavo* so!rano*
e. The de&egates carried their ..... C!ortfo&io* !hoto* !ianoD
'. The ..... hit the is&and with tremendo"s force.Ctornado* hoo* a&inoD
Business English
g. They threw rotten ..... to show their disg"st. Ctomato* canto* ha&oD
h. ?e was itten y ..... and got ma&aria. Chero* so!rano* mos6"itoD
i. There are h"ndreds of ..... a&ong the )editerranean coast. Chero*
&. ?ow many...Chero* cargo* ki&oD of ..... Ctomato* !iano* !hotoD do yo"
need to make 1 &iter of #"iceB
8. ;i&& in the correct forms of the no"ns in rackets.
a. The CdeerD have &eft their "s"a& !ast"res.
!. They donEt even try to h"nt C&ionDN it is too dangero"s.
c. There is no CmeanD of &earning what is ha!!ening.
d. They say CfishD are good for the rain.
e. They raise &ots of Cd"ckD on their farm.
'. @es!ite their siIe CgiraffeD are harm&ess creat"res.
g. The C3avahoD were a&most com!&ete&y destroyed.
h. ?e made a &iving y raising CgooseD.
i. 7 CseriesD of "ne5!ected events !revented him from going on
ho&iday to ,cot&and.
&. 2tEs not a&&owed to h"nt CearD. A"t sti&& many CearD are ki&&ed.
9. ;i&& in the correct !&"ra& form of the words in rackets.
a. @o other !&anets revo&ve on their ..... &ike the 1arthB Ca5isD
!. 2t can e dangero"s if chemists make mistakes in their .....
c. ...... are rare in the desert. CoasisD
d. 7 great dea& of ..... was co&&ected y the scientist. Cdat"mD
e. 7&& good reference ooks contain ..... Cinde5D.
'. The cons"& sent severa& ..... ack to <ondon. Cmemorand"mD
g. ?e s!ent his time !&aying with mathematica& ..... Cform"&aD.
h. Geo&ogists search the rock ..... for va&"a&e minera&s. Cstrat"mD
i. There are not many ty!es of ..... aro"nd the Aritish coast. Ca&gaD
Business English
&. There have een many internationa& ..... since the war. CcrisisD
). The ..... of these &enses are !erfect for distance !hotogra!hy. Cfoc"sD
l. What are the ..... of s"ccessB CcriterionD
". 2Eve a&ways fo"nd the idea of ..... in a&gera rather diffic"&t.Cinde5D
n. There are many ..... of anima&s. Cgen"sD
o. ..... are e5act !ositions of things. C&oc"sD
$. The ..... of theorists m"st conform to the rea& wor&d. Chy!othesisD
*. Post-grad"ate st"dents have to write ..... to otain their Ph.@.s
r. The o!tician fo"nd that oth his !atientEs eyes had defective .....
s. They were a&& we&& trained and so they res!onded &ike .....
t. Two ..... to the reso&"tion were !ro!osed. Caddend"mD
10. @ecide which of the two ver forms sho"&d e "sed in the fo&&owing
a. Physics CwasKwereD my most diffic"&t s"#ect in high schoo&.
!. Aa&&istics CisKareD the st"dy of the motion of !ro#ecti&es.
c. 7th&etics ChasKhaveD een virt"a&&y ao&ished from sma&&er schoo&s.
d. ?is motives may e good* "t his tactics CisKareD de!&ora&e.
e. 2n every gro"!* !o&itics CisKareD a s"#ect that aro"ses interest.
'. Radica& !o&itics CwasKwereD offensive to the ;edera&ists.
g. 7co"stics CisKareD a ranch of science that is growing fast.
h. The aco"stics of this room CisKareD not a&& they might e.
i. 1conomics CdoesnEtKdonEtD re6"ire e5tensive know&edge of
&. ?is ethics C&eaveK&eavesD a &ot to e desired.
). %&assics CtakeKtakesD a ack seat these days.
l. 1insteinEs mathematics CwasKwereD a reve&ation.
". Tactics CisKareD rea&&y short term strategy.
n. >o"r heroics CisKareD worthy of a etter ca"se.
Business English
o. ?er hysterics CdoesKdoD not move anyody that knows her.
11. What are the feminine forms of the fo&&owing words. actor* son* &ord*
ache&or* mar6"is* d"ke* master* negro* hero* cha"ffe"r* cIar* e5ec"tor*
driver* c&own* wiIard* aviator* widower* &and&ord* sta&&ion* drake* gander*
ram* drone* !eacock* fo5
12. What are the masc"&ine forms of the fo&&owing words. madam* 6"een*
co"ntess* doe* hind* tay cat* itch* wife* maidservant* she-wo&f* #enny-ass*
cIarina* governess* heir* niece* n"rse* aess* cha"ffe"se
Business English
Unit 5

In this unit you will learn:

5usiness letters
Past Simple
Past ,ontinuous
E;pressions o! /uantity
The Adjective

Pre-reading tasks
?ave yo" ever written a "siness &etterB What are the asic r"&es in
com!osing a "siness &etterB
Read this te5t ao"t com!osing "siness &etters. <ook at the tenses of the
vers. Trans&ate the te5t into Romanian.
3%siness letters
A"siness &etters are "s"a&&y ty!ed on note!a!er earing a s!ecia&&y designed
heading which !rovides the reader of the &etter with the essentia&
information ao"t the organisation sending it. 3orma&&y the heading wi&&
inc&"de the com!anyEs name and address* its te&e!hone n"mers and
te&egra!hic addresses* the ty!e of "siness it is engaged in* its te&e5 code
and 0.7.T. n"mer* and in many cases the names of the directors. 2t is
ecoming increasing&y common for firms to !rint an em&em or trademark
on their stationery.
Read the fo&&owing "siness &etter and try to disting"ish the !arts it contains.
Business English
a. GR7P8 <11@,
<eeds 974-+3
GR7@13 UP831, <2)2T1@
?ome and 8verseas )erchants
@irectors. U!!er Aridge ,treet
<. <. Graden* P.G. Pones <eeds (
!. P7,K@, c. 13 P"ne (//3
d. 8&iver Green and %o.* <imited^(+ Wing 1dward 022. ,t.
)anchester )(' + A@
e. @ear ,irs
We "nderstand from severa& of o"r trade connections in Ao&ton that yo"
are the Aritish agents for Petro" and Ga&ito!o"&o"s 71 of 7thens.
Wi&& yo" !&ease send "s !rice-&ists and cata&og"es for a&& !rod"cts
man"fact"red y this com!any* together with detai&s of trade disco"nts
and terms of !ayment*
We &ook forward to hearing from yo".
'. >o"rs faithf"&&y*
Graden and Pones <td.
g. P.7. ,tevens
%hief "yer
Ways with words
1. he $arts o' the letter
a. The heading"
!. The re!erence
This is ty!ed on the same &ine as the date* "t on the &eft* and consists of
the initia&s of the !erson who signs the &etter and those of the ty!ist.
,ometimes other initia&s or fig"res are added* according to whatever
may s"it the fi&&ing system of the firm in 6"estion. 2t is "s"a& to 6"ote the
reference initia&s of the addressee com!any in a re!&y.
Business English
c. The date
The form in which the date is written in this &etter -13 P"ne (//3 is
!roa&y the sim!&est and c&earest of a&& the c"rrent forms "sed in the
1ng&ish-s!eaking wor&d* "t there are a&ternative ways of writing the
P"ne 13 (///3
P"ne (//3* and
P"ne 13
d. The inside address
7 few !oints concerning the name and address of the firm written to
need to e made. ;irst&y* they are ty!ed on the &eft* norma&&y against the
margin. The diagona& granding of the name and address is rare
nowadays* and the sty&e shown in the e5am!&e is neater* as we&& as eing
6"icker for the ty!ist.
e. The salutation
Ae&ow the address a do"&e s!ace at &east is &eft* and the words F@ear
,irsG are ty!ed. This is the "s"a& sa&"tation in Aritish "siness &etters
addressed to a com!any rather than to an individ"a& within the com!any.
0ery often a comma is ty!ed after the sa&"tation* "t an increasing
n"mer of firms are e&iminating this* considering the s!acing to f"&fi& the
f"nction of traditiona& !"nct"ation.
'. The com!&imentary c&ose
This is ty!ed aove the name of the firm sending the &etter* then a s!ace
is &eft for the signat"re. 2f the sa&"tation is F@ear ,irsG or F@ear ,irG* the
com!&imentary c&ose wi&& read F>o"rs faithf"&&yG or* &ess common&y*
F>o"rs tr"&yG. 2f the corres!ondent is addressed y his or her name*
F@ear )r. ArownG* F@ear )iss PrismG etc. the com!&imentary c&ose wi&&
take the form F>o"rs sincere&y.G
g. The signat"re
2t often ha!!ens that the !erson who has dictated a &etter is "na&e to
sign it as soon as it has een ty!ed. ,ince it is often essentia& to send a
&etter as soon as !ossi&e* the ty!ist or some other em!&oyee connected
Business English
with the &etter in 6"estion wi&& sign it instead. in s"ch cases he or she
wi&& write the word FforG or the initia&s F!.!.G immediate&y efore the
ty!ed name of the em!&oyee res!onsi&e for the &etter* The name of the
!erson signing the &etter is ty!ed e&ow the s!ace &eft for the signat"re*
and is fo&&owed on the ne5t &ine y his !osition in the com!any or y the
name of the de!artment he re!resents.
Traditiona&&y the com!&imentary c&ose and signat"re have een ty!ed in
the midd&e of the !age* "t it is ecoming more and more common for
firms to !&ace them against the &eft-hand margin.
2f an enc&os"re accom!anies the &etter* this fact is indicated oth in the
te5t itse&f and y the word 1nc&os"re Coften red"ced to 1nc. or 1nc&.D
ty!ed against the &eft-hand margin some distance e&ow the signat"re.
There are other ways of referring to enc&os"res : the "se of adhesive
&ae&s* for instance* or the ty!ing of &ines in the &eft-hand margin eside
the reference in the te5t to the doc"ment or doc"ments enc&osed : "t
ty!ing the word 1nc&os"re at the ottom of the &etter is y far the most
Business English
3ow &ook at the fo&&owing &etters and try to write a re!&y.
Business English
Business English
Business English
Grammar Reference
Past Simple
Past ,im!&e is "sed to e5!ress
a finished action in the !ast Cit is often "sed with !ast time e5!ressions.
last year- month- wee.-' !ive years- two days- !our wee.s ago' yesterday'
yesterday morning- evening' in 7CDE* etcD.
They protested against that law in the late eighteenth century"
The chemists reported the results obtained yesterday"
hait"a&* re!eated actions in the !ast Cwith vers denoting a !ermanent
She always wore red"
I met him every day on my way to the o!!ice"
Past ,im!&e is "sed to descrie a series of actions which fo&&ow one
another in a story Cnarrative !astD
Tom came into the room" +e too. o!! his shirt' put on a T0shirt and sat down
in the armchair" Suddenly he remembered something" +e stood up and went
out o! the room"
The form of the Past Tense ,im!&e is the same for a&& !ersons.
The !ositive of reg"&ar vers ends in -ed.
There are many common irreg"&ar vers. 2n order to create this tense yo"
need the second form of the ver Csee the &ist on !age X : 7!!endi5 1D
Business English
went to ,inaia
The negative of the Past Tense ,im!&e is formed with the a"5i&iary did8not
did not CdidnEtD arrive
did not CdidnEtD go to ,inaia
The 6"estion in the Past Tense ,im!&e is formed with the a"5i&iary did.
When did
Where did
,hort answer
Did you go to wor. yesterday%
Business English
&es' I did" (o' I didn)t"
Did she report the results obtained%
&es' she did" (o' she didn)t"
Past Continuous
Past %ontin"o"s is "sed to e5!ress.
an action in !rogress at some time in the !ast
*hat were you doing at 73 o)cloc. yesterday%
I was calculating the balance sheet when you came"
*hen she arrived' he was sleeping"
!ast activity ha!!ening over a !eriod of time
I was reading !rom F to G"23 yesterday"
wasK were C!ast tense of to eD_ ver_-ing C!resent !artici!&eD
7ffirmative and negative
was not CwasnEtD
were not
Business English
What was 2
were yo"
,hort answer
*ere you at this time yesterday%
&es' I was" (o' I wasn)t"
*as she studying when you entered the room%
&es' she was" (o' she wasn)t"
Past Simple and Past Continuous
I was doing my homewor. at 1 o)cloc. last night" AI was in the middle o! the
I did my homewor. yesterday" AI started and !inished"B
She was at the pictures when her husband came into the room"
C is a &ong activity. ,omething ha!!ened in the midd&e to interr"!t
E$pressions of %uantit&
some-any: much-many' a lot o!- lots o!' !ew Aa !ewB- little Aa littleB
1. %o"nta&e no"ns are "sed with some8 a plural noun in affirmative
sentences* and any8 a plural noun in negative and interrogative sentences.
I)ve got some tools"
Are there any boo.s o! Economy in the house%
*e don)t need any apples !or this pie"
Unco"nta&e no"ns are "sed with some in affirmative sentences and any in
interrogative and negative sentences* "t on&y with a sing"&ar no"n.
Business English
There is some in. in this pen"
Is there any paper in the printer%
*e haven)t got any butter in the house"
2. %o"nta&e no"ns are "sed with many in interrogative and negative
+ow many lawyers wor. !or this company%
*e haven)t discovered many interesting data"
Unco"nta&e no"ns are "sed with much in interrogative and negative
+ow much money have you got%
There wasn)t much sugar le!t in the jar"
3. Aoth co"nta&e and "nco"nta&e no"ns are "sed with a lot o! and lots o!.
*e)ve got a lot o! uni!orms"
There are lots o! letters here"
There)s a lot o! paper in this printer"
+e)s got a lot o! money"
4. %o"nta&e no"ns are "sed with !ew- a !ew* whi&e "nco"nta&e no"ns are
"sed with little- a little.
I)ve got a !ew problems at the moment"
*e only need a little money to buy this"
The 'd!ectie
7d#ectives are words that descrie or modify another !erson or thing in the
Position of ad#ectives
7d#ectives a!!ear efore the no"n or no"n !hrase that they modify Ce.g. an
interesting co"rse* a di!!icult e5ercise* a strange coincidenceD. ,ometimes
they a!!ear in a string of ad#ectives* and when they do* they a!!ear in a set
order according to category. 7s after yo" finish this co"rse yo" may write
artic&es on economy or management in 1ng&ish it is of ma#or im!ortance for
yo" to know the correct order of ad#ectives in a sentence.
Business English
The order of ad!ecties in a series
2t wo"&d take a &ing"istic !hi&oso!her to e5!&ain why we say little yellow
house and not yellow little house or why we say blue Italian sports car and
not Italian blue sports car. The order in which ad#ectives in a series sort
themse&ves o"t is !er!&e5ing for !eo!&e &earning 1ng&ish as a second
&ang"age. 2t takes a &ot of !ractice with a &ang"age efore this order
ecomes instinctive* eca"se the order seems 6"ite aritrary. There is
however a !attern.
The categories in the fo&&owing ta&e can e descried as fo&&ows.
Ty!es of ad#ectives 15am!&es
2. @eterminers artic&es and other &imiters
Cn"mera&s* !ossessive
ad#ectives* demonstrative
ad#ectives* etc.D
fo"r !eo!&e* the si5th
cha!ter* her story*
this too&
22. 8servation !ostdeterminers and
&imiter ad#ectives
ad#ectives s"#ect to
s"#ective meas"re
rea&* !erfect
interesting* ea"tif"&*
222. ,iIe and sha!e ad#ectives s"#ect to
o#ective meas"re
&arge* sma&&* short*
ro"nd* s6"are
20. 7ge ad#ectives denoting age yo"ng* o&d* new*
0. %o&o"r ad#ectives denoting
red* &ack* ye&&ow*
&"e* green* rown*
orange* vio&et
02. 8rigin denomina& ad#ectives
denoting so"rce of no"n
;rench* 1ng&ish*
7merican* ,!anish*
Po&ish* Romanian
022. )ateria& denomina& ad#ectives
denoting what something
is made of
wooden* meta&&ic*
0222. $"a&ifier fina& &imiter* often
regarded as !art of the
h"nting cain*
!assenger car* ook
Business English
no"n cover
Controlled practice
1. @ecide which is the correct ver form.
a. 2 sawKwas seeing a very good !rogramme on T0 &ast night.
!. Whi&e 2 was &earningK &earnt for my 1conomy e5am* someody was
knockingK knocked at the door.
c. ?ow did yo" hearK were yo" hearing ao"t their weddingB Whi&e 2
was &isteningK &istened to the news on the radio* it str"ckK was striking
me as odd to hear their names.
d. 2 was &isteningK &istened to the news on the radio when the !hone
was startingK started to ring.
e. 7n 7merican #et !i&ot was taking offK took off from Washington*
"t the #etEs engines wentK were going wrong.
'. We !rod"cedK were !rod"cing 1/ different ty!es of &eather #ackets
&ast year.
g. 7gric"&t"re !&ayedK was !&aying an essentia& !art in the
deve&o!ment of the Romanian economy (/ years ago.
h. 8"r crew inc&"dedK was inc&"ding an acco"ntant* two 6"a&ity
s"!ervisers and one soft engineer.
i. When the !rogramme was com!&eted* the crew movedK was moving
&. The first im!ortant commercia& !rod"ct from cr"de !etro&e"m was
kerosene* which 6"ick&y was re!&acingK re!&aced wha&e oi& in the
kerosene stoves in the +/Es.
2. ;ind the correct action for each !erson and make a sentence.
,opernicus0 studying the planets
,opernicus studied the planets"
Peo!&e 7ctions
Business English
)ichae& Packson going to the moon
)ar&owe inventing the e&ectric &ight
Picasso writing F@octor ;a"st"sG
3ei& 7rmostrong singing !o! m"sic
7merico 0es!"cci !&aying tennis
7rt"r 7ish discovering 7merica
)artin <"ther Wing !ainting FG"ernicaG
%har&es @ickens working for A&ack !eo!&eEs rights
1dison creating nove&s
3. ,"!!&y the sim!&e !ast tense or the contin"o"s !ast tense of the vers in
2 Cwa&kD a&ong Piccadi&&y when 2 Crea&iIeD that a man with a ginger eard*
whom 2 had seen three times a&ready that afternoon* Cfo&&owD me. To make
6"ite s"re* 2 Cwa&kD on 6"ick&y* Ct"rnD right* then &eft and Csto!D s"dden&y at a
sho! window. 2n a few min"tes the man with the eard Ca!!earD and Csto!D
at another sho! window. 2 CgoD on. Whenever 2 Csto!D* he Csto!D* and
whenever 2 C&ookD ro"nd he CeD sti&& there. ?e C&ookD a very res!ecta&e ty!e
and CwearD very conventiona& c&othes and 2 CwonderD if he was a !o&iceman
or a !rivate detective. 2 CdecideD to try and shake him off. 7 7' "s CstandD
at the "s sto! #"st eside me. Then the cond"ctor CcomeD downstairs and
CringD the e&&N #"st as the "s CmoveD off* 2 C#"m!D on it. The man with the
eard CmissD the "s "t CgetD into another 7'* which Cfo&&owD the first. Aoth
"ses Ccraw&D very s&ow&y a&ong Wnightsridge. 1very time the "ses C!"&&D
at a sto!* the man C&ookD o"t an5io"s&y to see if 2 CgetD off. ;ina&&y* at some
traffic &ights* he CchangeD "ses and CgetD into mine. 7t G&o"cester Road
Undergro"nd* 2 C&eaveD the "s and C"yD a ticket at a ticket machine. 7s 2
CstandD on the !&atform waiting for a %irc&e <ine train* my !"rs"er CcomeD
down the stairs. ?e CcarryD a news!a!er and when we CgetD into the same
com!artment* he CsitD in one corner reading it* and 2 CreadD the
advertisements. ?e C&ookD over the to! of the news!a!er at every station to
see if 2 CgetD o"t. 2 CecomeD rather tired of eing shadowed &ike this* so
fina&&y 2 CgoD and CsitD eside the man and CaskD him why he fo&&ow me. 7t
first he CsayD he Cnot fo&&owD me at a&& "t when 2 CthreatenD to knock him
down* he CadmitD that he was. Then he Cte&&D me he CeD a writer of detective
Business English
stories and CtryD to see if it was diffic"&t to fo&&ow someone "nseen. 2 Cte&&D
him he hadnEt een "nseen eca"se 2 had noticed him in Piccadi&&y and 2
CadviseD him to shave off his ginger eard if he Cnot wantD his victim to
know he CeD fo&&owed.
Peter and 7nn CdecideD to redecorate their sitting-room themse&ves.
They CchooseD cream !aint for the woodwork and a!ricot for the wa&&s.
When Pohn C&ookD in to see how they CgetD on* 7nn Cmi5D the !aint* and
Peter CwashD down the wa&&s. They CeD g&ad to see Pohn and CaskD if he CdoD
anything s!ecia& that day. ?e hasti&y Cre!&yD he CdoD to the theatre and CgoD
away at once* eca"se he CknowD they C&ookD for someone to he&! them.
They CeginD !ainting* "t CfindD the wa&&s CeD too wet. Whi&e they
CwaitD for the wa&&s to dry* 7nn CrememerD she Cte&e!honeD* and CdoD a
who&e wa&& efore 7nn CcomeD ack. ?e Cgr"m&eD that she a&ways
Cte&e!honeD. 7nn CretortD that Peter a&ways Ccom!&ainD.
They CworkD in si&ence for some time. P"st as they CstartD the third
wa&&* the doore&& CringD. 2t CeD a friend of PeterEs who CwantD to know if
Peter C!&ayD go&f in the fo&&owing weekend. ?e CstayD ta&king to Peter in the
ha&& whi&e 7nn CgoD on !ainting. 7t &ast he C&eaveD. Peter Cret"rnD* e5!ecting
7nn to say something ao"t friends who CcomeD and CwasteD va&"a&e time
ta&king ao"t go&f. A"t 7nn no&y CsayD nothing.
Then Peter CthinkD he wo"&d do the cei&ing. ?e #"st Cc&imD the ste!
&adder when the doore&& CringD again. 7nn CsayD she CgetD tired of
interr"!tions "t CgoD and Co!enD the door. 2t CeD the !ostman with a &etter
from her a"nt )ary* saying she CcomeD to s!end the weekend with them and
CarriveD that evening at -.3/.
4. P"t the vers in rackets in the sim!&e or contin"o"s !ast tense according
to the meaning.
a. ?e CrecogniIeD the voice that Csho"tD the &o"dest as that of the
Business English
!. 2 CgoD to ask yo" to he&! me* "t yo" Cs&ee!D so !eacef"&&y when 2
C&ookD into yo"r room that 2 CdecideD to do it a&one.
c. ?e Cnot kee!D his a!!ointment with yo" &ast T"esday morning
eca"se at the time of the a!!ointment he Ce seenD y the Personne&
)anager ao"t a new #o.
d. When the dog CiteD )ary again* mother C!re!areD dinner and we
C&istenD to the radio. )ary Csho"tD &"e m"rder and ChaveD hysterics
e. We ChaveD to go ro"nd the ack door eca"se Grandfather ChaveD
his front door !ainted.
'. 2 CseeD that the Arowns ChaveD a &ot of a&terations made to their
ho"se* "t 2 Cnot knowD if the !arents CgoD to !ay for them.
g. 2 Cwa&kD down the street some min"tes ago when 2 CseeD a c"rio"s&y
dressed man. ?e CwearD a s!orts-coat with &ack tro"sers* and one of
his shoes CeD &ack and the other CeD rownD.
h. When they Cget marriedD he CfindD a #o as a caretaker on a &arge
i. ,he CwearD green and it Cs"itD her very we&&. ?er face CeD mi&d&y
!retty "t* eca"se she CcryD and mascara Cr"nD down her cheeks* she
Cnot seemD as attractive as 2 Ce5!ectD.
&. The !erson who CdriveD the car on the day of the accident Cno eD
). Whi&e she CwonderD whether to "y the s"it or not* someone e&se
CcomeD and C"yD it.
l. 7nn CworkD in the ranch where the ig roery CtakeD !&ace. ,he
act"a&&y CworkD there at the time of the raidB
". Whi&e the schoo&master CwriteD on the &ackoard* he Cnot noticeD
that the oys in the ack row Cstea& o"tD of the room on ti!toe.
n. ?e CcomeD into the room* C&ightD a cigarette* Co!enD the window and
C&eanD o"t.
Business English
o. 7 traffic warden #"st CstickD a !arking ticket to my windscreen
when 2 CcomeD ack to the car. 2 CtryD to !ers"ade him to tear it "! "t
he Cref"seD.
5. P"t the vers in the rackets into the sim!&e !ast and the !ast contin"o"s.
a. 2 &it the fire at -.// and it C"rnD right&y when Tom came in at
!. When 2 arrived the &ect"re had a&ready started and the !rofessor
CwriteD on the overhead !ro#ector.
c. 2 CmakeD a cake when the &ight went o"t. 2 had to finish it in the
d. 2 didnEt want to meet Pa"& so when he entered the room 2 C&eaveD.
e. Unfort"nate&y when 2 arrived 7nn #"st C&eaveD* so we on&y had time
for a few words.
'. ?e CwatchD T0 when the !hone rang. 0ery "nwi&&ing&y he Ct"rnD
down the so"nd and CgoD to answer it.
g. ?e was very !o&ite. Whenever his wife entered the room he CstandD
h. The admira& C!&ayD ow&s when he received news of the invasion.
?e CinsistD on finishing the game.
i. )y dog Cwa&kD a&ong 6"iet&y when )r. PittEs Pekinese attacked him.
&. When 2 arrived she ChaveD &"nch. ,he a!o&ogiIed for starting
witho"t me "t 2 said that she a&ways C&"nchD at 1(.3/.
). ?e a&ways CwearD a raincoat and CcarryD an "mre&&a when he
wa&ked to the office.
l. 2 C&ikeD it very m"ch.
". 2 CshareD a f&at with him when we were st"dents. ?e a&ways
Ccom!&ainD ao"t my "ntidiness.
n. ?e s"dden&y Crea&iIeD that he Ctrave&D in the wrong direction.
o. ?e C!&ayD the g"itar o"tside her ho"se when someone o!ened the
window and CthrowD o"t a "cket of water.
$. 2 #"st Co!enD the &etter when the wind C&owD it o"t of my hand.
Business English
*. The "rg&ar Co!enD the safe when he ChearD footste!s. ?e
immediate&y C!"tD o"t his torch and Ccraw&D "nder the ed.
r. When 2 C&ookD for my !ass!ort 2 CfindD this o&d !hotogra!h.
s. >o" &ooked very "sy when 2 CseeD yo" &ast night. What yo" CdoDB
t. The oys C!&ayD cards when they ChearD their fatherEs ste!s. They
immediate&y ChideD the cards and CtakeD o"t their &esson ooks.
6. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with some or any.
a. Wo"&d yo" &ike .MM. more teaB
!. %o"&d yo" give me .MM. information ao"t the train timesB
c. 2f yo" have MM.. tro"&e* #"st give me a ring.
d. ?ave yo" attended MM.. good conferences recent&yB
e. 2 tried to "y MM.. Rotring !enci&s* "t 2 co"&dnEt find M......
2. P"t much* many* or a lot o! into each ga!.
a. ?ave yo" got MM... homeworkB
!. We donEt need MM. oi&.
c. There are MM.. economy ooks in o"r &irary.
d. 2 want MM.. !enci&s eca"se 2Em going to draw a he&i5.
e. 2s there MM.. !etro& in the carB
7. Which words in co&"mn 7 can comine with words from co&"mn AB
7 A 7 A 7 A
ta&& !erson heavy m"sic ?a!!y 3ew >earO
high tree strong noise )erry 7nniversaryO
mo"ntain &o"d traffic %hristmasO
wa&& smoker AirthdayO
"i&ding wind
8. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. 1a avea o maHinR s!ort a&astr=.
!. 3oi am citit "n artico& interesant de + !agini Tn F1conomy TodayG.
c. 1& co&ec9ioneaI= vase vechi* fr"moase din !or9e&an.
d. 7i Tncercat s= refaci ca&c"&e&e &a casa cea no"= c" eta#B
e. 1& ca&c"&eaI= rata !rofit"&"i !entr" o com!anie mic= !rivat=.
Business English
9. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with the correct word or !hrase Ca* or
1Peo!&e work harder if they know that someone is MMMMMMM
in their !rogress.
a enth"siastic ! interesting c interested
23othing has een anno"nced "t weEve heard MMMMMMMthat
the %om!any ,ecretary has resigned.
a forma&&y ! officio"s&y c "nofficia&&y
&onger e5ist etween memers of the sa&es de!artment eca"se some
got on"ses and others didnEt.
a re&ations ! contacts c connections
4MMMMMMMin the Prod"ction @e!artment is &ow eca"se the
workers have heard ao"t the !&ans to red"ce the work-force.
a mora&e ! fee&ing c mora&
5This is a "sef"& MMMMMMMMMM .
a e6"i!ment ! machine c machinery
6 We have carried o"tMMMMMMinto the effect of &ighting on o"r
workersE !rod"ctivity.
a a research ! some research c researches
7 ,trikes can e avoided if managers areMMMMMMM to the
fee&ings of their em!&oyees.
a aware ! sensi&e c sensitive
8,ome !eo!&e &ike to work at their own MMMMMMMMM .
a eat ! motion c !ace
9We have severa& !ro!osa&s for increasing sa&es. We
m"stMMMMMMMM the merits of each of them.
a cost ! va&"e c eva&"ate
10 ?as the change in e5change rates had any MMMMMM on the
cost of yo"r raw materia&sB
a res"&t ! affect c effect
Business English
10. Write the ad#ectives
a. coat : white : ;rench : second-hand : handmade
!. !o&ished : ea"tif"& : anti6"e : dining-ta&e : oak : Pa!anese
c. cotton : dress : &ong : s"mmer : fashiona&e
d. shoes : &eather : eye-catching : 2ta&ian : handmade
e. canvas : tennis : shoes : 7merican : grey and red
11. 2nsert the indefinite artic&e in the &ank s!aces* if necessary.
a. There is ...... &etter for yo" on the desk.
!. We had ...... fish and ...... chi!s for &"nch.
c. Peter and Pack are m"ch of ...... siIe.
e. ?e conf"sed the !ositive and negative termina&s* ...... serio"s
'. Airds of ......feather f&ock together.
g. .... oyEs first toy is very im!ortant. 2t co&o"rs his who&e after-&ife.
h. Under the circ"mstances ...... norma& gir& wo"&d e heart-roken.
i. F>o" were !retty confident "! to ...... !oint* werenEt yo"BG he asked.
&. ...... is&and is s"rro"nded on a&& sides y water.
). ...... )r. ,mith ca&&ed whi&e yo" were o"t. ?e wants to make ......
com!&aint ao"t ...... artic&e in the !a!er.
l. F@o yo" take ...... s"gar in ...... coffeeBG F2 "sed to* "t now 2Em
on ...... diet. 2Em trying to &ose weight.G
". ...... co&d drink on ...... hot day is acce!ta&e.
n. ...... tr"th is ...... virt"e. ...... se&f-righteo"sness is certain&y ...... vice.
o. 2t is diffic"&t to get ao"t in that region witho"t ...... car.
$. ...... drowning man catches at ...... straw.
12. ,"!!&y the when necessary.
a. ...... ooks are necessary for a st"dent. ..... ooks for this co"rse are
not e5!ensive.
Business English
!. ...... si&ver is a&most as !recio"s as ...... go&d. 2 wo"&d not do it for
a&& ...... go&d in the wor&d.
c. ... art e&ongs to ...!eo!& of !"&ic s!eaking m"st e &earnt.
d. ...... fashion has a&ways e5isted in ...... art as we&& as in ...... dress.
Those f"r hats are a&& ...... fashion.
e. ?e had an "nsatisfied h"nger for ...... know&edge. ,he married
witho"t ...... know&edge of her !arents.
'. ...... history is ...... record of events. ...... 1"ro!ean history 2 st"died
at schoo& he&!ed me a great dea& in my f"rther st"dies.
g. ...... !o&icy is ...... science of the !ossi&e and ...... art of the
im!ossi&e. ...... money !o&icy of this ank is very strict.
h. ...... anima&s are content to eat and s&ee!. ?e wanted to see a&& ......
anima&s on the farm.
i. F@o yo" &ike ......1ng&ish &iterat"reBG F>es* 2 do. A"t 2 !refer ......
1ng&ish &iterat"re of the eighteenth cent"ry.G
&. Which wo"&d yo" !refer ...... tea or ...... coffeeB ...... coffee yo" are
drinking comes from AraIi&.
). ?e was conscio"s of ...... im!ending danger. ...... danger he was in
didnEt make him &ose heart.
l. ,he !"t ...... roses that 2 ro"ght her in a vase. ...... roses are her
favo"rite f&owers.
". ...... honesty is the est !o&icy. ...... honesty of Pane is admira&e.
n. F...... ea"ty is ...... tr"thG is a &ine from a !oem y Weats. 2tEs m"ch
easier to te&& ...... tr"th than &ies.
o. 2 was overcome y ...... anger. ?e feared ......anger of his wife.
13. Use the !ositive* com!arative and s"!er&ative degrees of the ad#ectives
in rackets to fi&& in the &ank s!aces.
a. Peter is a .......... oy. ?is e&der rother* who is a asketa&& !&ayer*
is ............* "t* s"re eno"gh* his yo"nger rother is the ............ of
them. Cta&&D
Business English
!. The %ar!athians are ............... . The 7&!s are ................* yet the
?ima&ayas are the ................. mo"ntains in the wor&d. ChighD
c. 7"t"mn days are MM....... * rainy a"t"mn days are .............* "t we
have the ............... weather of a&& on c&ear* windy days in winter.
d. 7 d"ckEs egg is .................. com!ared to that of an ostrichN a henEs
egg is even MMM..... * "t a roinEs egg is the MMM....... of them
a&&. Csma&&D
e. Pane was very ................. * "t she was not the .............. in her c&ass.
7nne was ................. . Cyo"ngD
'. >o"r street is ................* "t that a&&ey is ............... and the !ath
&eading to yo"r ho"se is the ............... of them a&&. CnarrowD
g. The armchair in my room is ...............* the desk is MMM....* "t
the ookcase is the MMM....... of them. CheavyD
h. Pohn is ..MMM....* "t his yo"nger rother is ................ than he is.
i. ?e is insincere. 2n fact he is the MMMM..... !erson 2 have ever
met. CinsincereD
&. ?is !osition is a ................. one. 2t is ................. than 2 tho"ght.
14. 2nsert the a!!ro!riate form of the two ad#ectives in rackets
a. ,he is the MM..... gir& 2 have ever met. >o" donEt often meet s"ch a
MMM.. gir&. ,heEs ............... than other gir&s 2Eve known. C!retty*
!. The ho"se was ............... than "s"a& with everyone away. ...............
of a&& was the em!ty !&ayroom. ?e didnEt &ike the ................ ho"se.
C6"iet* !eacef"&D
c. ?e knew the sit"ation was .............. * "t it seemed even ...............
when he saw his fatherEs face. Cgrave* serio"sD
Business English
d. 2t is very ................ for the c&ass. This &esson is MM...... than
anything we had efore. 2tEs the ............ 2 have seen yet. Chard*
e. WhatEs the ................. ro"te to )i&&townB We&&* the road thro"gh
@"5erry is !retty MMM....* "t the ,ma&&town road is MMM.....
Cstraight* directD
'. 2t was a MMM...... !erformance. 2Eve on&y seen one !erformance in
my &ife that was ................ than this. That was <a"rence 8&ivierEs
?am&etN it was the MMM..... 2Eve ever seen. Cgreat* wonderf"&D
g. That was a .............. thing to do. 2Eve never seen a ................ action.
The MMM..... so&dier in the wor&d co"&dnEt have done more. Crave*
h. They have een very MM...... since )rs. Wenyon fe&& i&&. )r.
Wenyon &ooks....every day* and the &itt&e oy is theMMMM. of a&&.
Csad* "nha!!yD
15. ;i&& in the ade6"ate form of the ad#ective.
a. ,ometimes food eaten at home is ,a- the etter* ,!- etter than food
eaten in a resta"rant.
!. ;rom these two !hotogra!hs the sma&&er is ,a- the est* ,!- the
c. 7 igger dictionary is a&ways ,a- com!&eter* ,!- more com!&ete than
a sma&&er one.
d. ,tratford-"!on-7von is the irth !&ace of one of the ,a- est known*
,!- the most we&&-known 1ng&ish !oet.
e. ?e needs ,a- some* ,!- any months of training.
'. Those &itt&e !eo!&e have ,a- a &ot of ,!- m"ch energy.
g. %an yo" s!eak ,a- some ,!- any foreign &ang"ageB
h. ?e doesnEt fee& ,a- no* ,!- any etter today.
i. 3ot ,a- a &ot of ,!- m"ch ink is s!i&&ed.
&. They have invited 6"ite ,a- a &ot of* ,!- many !eo!&e.
). ?e has retired and ,a- few* ,!- &itt&e friends visit him now.
Business English
16. ;i&& in the ade6"ate form of the ad#ectives in rackets.
a. >o"r first !a!er was MM..M "t this one is even MM..M CgoodD.
!. ?er chi&dren are a&& MM.MN the first orn* the MMM is y far
MM..M of a&&. Cc&ever* o&d* c&everD
c. Wi&& yo" switch the &ight onB The room has grown MMM. and 2
canEt see any &onger. CdimD
d. 2s this tie MMMMM than the o&d oneB CecomingD
e. Which is the MMMM of these two st"dentsB ChardworkingD
'. ,he is m"ch MMM.. than 2 had e5!ected. CgayD
g. 2s this the MMM.. and the MM.M room in yo"r hote&B C!&easant*
h. @onEt e hard on that gir&. ,he is MMMM of a&& the gro"!.
i. ,he is a&ways h"nting for MM.M things. Cchea!D
Business English
Unit 6

In this unit you will learn:

Present Per!ect Simple
Present Per!ect Simple and Past Simple

Pre-Reading Tasks
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having o!en-!&an officesB
Read this te5t on %omm"nication in "siness. 2dentify the Present Perfect
,im!&e of the vers.
2n recent years* few ooks on management have een more acc&aimed
than In Search o! E;cellence" Written y two "siness cons"&tants* Thomas
Peters and Roert Waterman* the ook identified factors which have
acco"nted for the s"ccess of some of 7mericaEs est-r"n com!anies. ;orty-
three to! com!anies were st"died. )any e5am!&es of the e5!eriences of
these organisations are given in the ook. These !rovide "sef"& &essons for
a&& managers.
8ne of the !oints made y the writers is that comm"nications in 1/
e5ce&&ent com!anies are different from those in other com!anies. 15ce&&ent
com!anies have a Lvast network of informa&* o!en comm"nicationsE. Peo!&e
working in them kee! in contact with each other reg"&ar&y. They meet often*
and have many "nsched"&ed meetings. 2n the est-r"n "sinesses* few
arriers e5ist to !revent !eo!&e ta&king to each other. The com!anies do
everything !ossi&e to ens"re that staff meet easi&y and fre6"ent&y.
Business English
The a"thors give many e5am!&es to ack "! their view. ;or instance*
one day* they visited the )innesota )ining and )an"fact"ring %om!any
C3)D. They soon noticed that there were a &ot of cas"a& meetings going on
with Lsa&es!eo!&e* marketing !eo!&e* man"fact"ring !eo!&e Y even
acco"nting !eo!&e Y sitting aro"nd* chattering ao"t new !rod"ct
!ro&ems. 2t went on a&& day Y !eo!&e meeting in a seeming&y random way
to get things done.E 8ne of the 3) e5ec"tives to&d the a"thors* LWe #"st
!&ain ta&k to each other a &ot witho"t a &ot of !a!er or forma& rigmaro&e.E
The ook is f"&& of e5am!&es of com!anies who e&ieve in kee!ing in
to"ch firms &ike 2A) where the %hairman !ersona&&y answers any com!&aint
which is addressed y memers of staffN other com!anies where managers
are enco"raged to get o"t of the office and wa&k aro"nd and some which
make a !oint of informa&ity* &ike Wa&t @isney Prod"ctions* where everyone
wears a name-tag with hisKher first name on it.
8ne !ro&em with comm"nication is that !eo!&e think they have got
their message across when in fact they have not. We do not* in fact*
comm"nicate as effective&y as we think we do. ,evera& st"dies have shown
this. 2n 194'* a st"dy was made of a !rod"ction de!artment in a Aritish
com!any. The de!artment manager e&ieved he had given Linstr"ction or
decisions in 1-+ o"t of (3- e!isodes* "t his s"ordinates considered they
had received instr"ction on on&y 4' occasions. Research done y Rensis
<ikert in 1991 Csee ;ig"re 1D showed that 4+J of the s"!ervisors tho"ght
their s"ordinates fe&t free to disc"ss im!ortant things with them. ?owever*
on&y +1 J of the em!&oyees agreed with this o!inionO
Business English
EBEA : 1>+4> SU3:5/+A0ES .EE6 .5EE : /+S4USS +7<:50A >+ACS 03:U
>E D:3 1+> SU<E5+:5S E 0S SEEA 3F SU<E5+:5S 0A/ SU3:5/+A0ES
Top sta!! says about
Supervisors say about
Supervisors say about
say about
;ee& very free to
disc"ss im!ortant
things ao"t the #o
with my s"!erior
9/J -7J 4+J +1J
;ee& fair&y free 1/J (3J 1+J (9J
3ot very free 1/J 1'J
3ot at a&& free -J
Source. Rensis <ikert* (ew Patterns o! $anagement' !. '7. 3ew >ork. )cGraw- ?i&& Aook %om!any* 1991
This finding is im!ortant for managers. 2t s"ggests that* when giving
instr"ctions* managers m"st make s"re that those instr"ctions have een
"nderstood and inter!reted correct&y.
7 reakdown in comm"nication is 6"ite &ike&y to ha!!en if there is
some kind of Lsocia& distanceE etween !eo!&e. 2n organisations* !eo!&e may
have diffic"&ty comm"nicating if they are different in stat"s* or if one !erson
has a m"ch higher !osition than the other. ;or e5am!&e* a co"!&e of
!rod"ction workers wi&& !roa&y s!eak frank&y to each other ao"t things
that are going wrong in their de!artment. A"t if the %hief 15ec"tive of the
com!any !asses y and asks how things are going* theyE&& !roa&y say*
LP"st fine* thank yo".E 2t is risky to te&& the tr"th to someone higher "! in the
hierarchy they may not &ike what they hear and ho&d it against yo".
;or this reason* staff often Lfi&terE information. They de&ierate&y a&ter
the facts* te&&ing the oss what heKshe wants to hear. They do not want to
give ad news* so they give their s"!erior too good an im!ression of the
sit"ation. LThe !ro#ectEs coming a&ong fine*E they say* when in fact it is a
month ehind sched"&eO ThereEs nothing new ao"t a&& this. 8ne thinks of
%&eo!atra and the !ro&em she had in her mi&itary cam!aigns. ,he "sed to
give go&d to messengers ringing good news* "t e5ec"ted those ringing
ad news. 2t is not s"r!rising* therefore* that the information she received
was "nre&ia&eO
8ne way of red"cing socia& distance Y and im!roving
Business English
comm"nications Y is to c"t down on stat"s symo&s. 2t is !ossi&e* for
e5am!&e* to have a common dining-room for a&& staff. 2t is worth noting* too*
that in Pa!anese com!anies* it is common for a&& the staff to wear "niforms.
Physica& s"rro"ndings and !hysica& distance &imit or enco"rage
comm"nication. ,t"dies show that the f"rther away a !erson is* the &ess
heKshe comm"nicates. 7t the )assach"setts 2nstit"te of Techno&ogy C)2TD*
Thomas 7&&en st"died the effect of &ocation on comm"nication in
engineering and research de!artments. ?e showed that if !eo!&e were more
than ten metres a!art* the !roai&ity of comm"nicating at &east once a week
was ao"t 4J. When they were five metres a!art* the !roai&ity was (+J.
The !hysica& &ayo"t of an office m"st e caref"&&y !&anned. 8!en-!&an
offices are designed to make comm"nication easier and 6"icker. ?owever* it
is interesting to note that em!&oyees in s"ch offices wi&& often move
f"rnit"re and other o#ects to create mini-offices.
15ce&&ent com!anies "se s!ace to create good comm"nications. 9/
The %orning G&ass %om!any in the United ,tates insta&&ed esca&ators* rather
than &ifts* in their new engineering "i&ding eca"se they wanted to increase
the chances of em!&oyees meeting face-to-face.
,o* another im!ortant arrier to comm"nication is se&ective
!erce!tion. P"t sim!&y* this means that !eo!&e !erceive things in different
ways. The wor&d of the sender is not the same as the wor&d of the receiver.
Aeca"se their know&edge and e5!erience is different* sender and receiver are
a&ways on s&ight&y different wave&engths. Therefore* a manager wi&& say
something* "t the em!&oyee wi&& inter!ret his meaning incorrect&y. The
message ecomes distorted. 7n e5am!&e of this is given in ;ig"re (.
;ig"re (
>:1 4:77UA+40+:AS 35E0G /:1A
What the manager said What the manager meant What the subordinate
Business English
2E&& &ook into hiring another
!erson for yo"r de!artment
as soon as 2 com!&ete my
"dget review.
WeE&& start interviewing for
that #o in ao"t three
2Em tied "! with more
im!ortant things. <etEs
forget ao"t hiring for the
indefinite f"t"re.
>o"r !erformance was
e&ow !ar &ast 6"arter. 2
rea&&y e5!ected more o"t of
>o"Ere going to have to try
harder* "t 2 know yo" can
do it.
2f yo" screw it "! more
time* yo"Ere o"t.
2Ed &ike that re!ort as soon
as can get to it.
2 need that re!ort within the
@ro! that r"sh order yo"Ere
working on and fi&& o"t that
re!ort today.
2 ta&ked to the oss* "t at
the !resent time* d"e to
"dget !ro&ems* weE&& e
"na&e to f"&&y match yo"r
com!etitive sa&ary offer.
We can give yo" 9+ !ercent
of that offer* and 2 know
weE&& e a&e to do even
more for yo" ne5t year.
2f 2 were yo"* 2Ed take that
com!etitive offer. WeEre
certain&y not going to !ay
that kind of sa&ary to a
!erson with yo"r
We have a #o o!ening in
<os 7nge&es that we think
wo"&d e #"st yo"r c"! of
tea. WeEd &ike yo" to go o"t
there and &ook it over.
2f yo"Ed &ike that #o* itEs
yo"rs. 2f not* of co"rse* yo"
can stay here in @enver.
>o" e the #"dge.
>o" donEt have to go o"t to
<.7. if yo" donEt want to.
?owever* if yo" donEt* yo"
can kiss good-ye to yo"r
career with this firm.
>o"r !eo!&e seem to e
having some !ro&ems
getting their work o"t on
time. 2 want yo" to &ook into
this sit"ation and straighten
it o"t.
Ta&k to yo"r !eo!&e and find
o"t what the !ro&em is.
Then get with them and
#oint&y so&ve it.
2 donEt care how many heads
yo" "st* #"st get me that
o"t!"t. 2Eve got eno"gh
!ro&ems aro"nd here
witho"t yo" screwing things
"! too.
,8UR%1. Richard ). ?odgetts and ,teven 7&tman* Hrgani=ational 5ehaviour*
C3ew >ork. ?o&t* Rinehart * U WinstonD* 1979* !. 3/+.
%omm"nication !ro&ems wi&& arise* from time to time* in the est-r"n
com!anies. ?owever* to minimise s"ch !ro&ems* managers m"st rememer
one thing. %omm"nication sho"&d e a two-way !rocess. )anagers sho"&d
enco"rage staff to ask 6"estions and to react to what the managers are
saying. ;eedack is essentia&. The most "sef"& 6"estion a manager can ask is
L@id yo" "nderstand thatBE.
Business English
Ways with words
1. Understanding the "ain $oints
3"mer the fo&&owing ideas 1Y4* de!ending on the order in which they
a!!ear in the te5t.
a. 2n In Search o! E;cellence the a"thors give many e5am!&es of the
ways in which organisations try to reak down the arriers etween
management and em!&oyees.
!. ,"ordinates are often re&"ctant to te&& their s"!eriors when things
are not going we&&.
c. 2n the most s"ccessf"&&y managed organisations comm"nications
are e5treme&y good eca"se staff meet to disc"ss things o!en&y and
d. %omm"nication !ro&ems sometimes occ"r when em!&oyees
misinter!ret what their managers te&& them.
e. Aetter comm"nications etween managers and em!&oyees can e
achieved y trying to red"ce the socia& divisions etween them within
the com!any.
'.The !"r!ose of the ook was to i&&"strate the good management
techni6"es which are "sed in to! 7merican com!anies.
g. 8ne of the !ro&ems faced y managers is that their staff do not
a&ways fee& that they are a&e to come and disc"ss im!ortant matters
free&y with them.
h. ,taff comm"nications are m"ch easier if work !&aces are designed
in s"ch a way that !eo!&e fre6"ent&y come into contact with each
2. ,"!!osing yo" were %omm"nications )anager in a &arge organisation*
what advice wo"&d yo" give managers to avoid comm"nications !ro&emsB
3ote down a few of the s"ggestions yo" wo"&d make.
3. Read the sentence. So' another important barrier to communication is
selective perception" So is a word which is genera&&y "sed in conversations
Business English
instead of there!ore which is "sed in written 1ng&ish. 3ow &etEs &earn some
e5!ressions containing the word so.
so asK that Q aHa TncSt* astfe& TncStN
so far Q !SnR ac"m* !SnR Tn !reIentN
so far as Q Tntr"cSt* Tn mRs"ra Tn careN
so it seems Q aHa se !areN
so m"ch Q atSt de m"&tN
so to sayK so to s!eak Q aHa IicSnd* ca sR Iicem aHaN
in a week or so Q cam Tntr-o sR!tRmSnRN
so on and so forth Q Hi aHa mai de!arteN
in so doing Q !rocedSnd astfe&K aHaN
in so far asM is concerned Q Tntr"cSt !riveHte.
3ow !ractise these e5!ressions in sentences of yo"r own.
4. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. ,ommunication problems will arise'
!rom time to time' in the best0run companies" ?ow do yo" trans&ate to ariseB
3ow com!&ete the fo&&owing !assage with the correct forms of the fo&&owing
arise ,v.- rise ,n.- rise ,v.- raise ,v.-
7 serio"s !ro&em hasMMMMMMM C1D in my com!any. Aeca"se
the cost of &ivingMMMMMMM.C(D y -J &ast year* management
decided to MMMMMC3D the sa&aries of a&& the staff. ;or this reason*
they gave everyone a MMMMMMC'D of Z1/ a week.
?owever* &ater on* they had to !ay for this y MMMMMMMC+Dthe
!rices of a&& o"r !rod"cts y1/J. ,"ch a &arge MMMMMMM. C-Din
!rices made o"r !rod"cts "ncom!etitive. ,o now* management is
ta&king of &owering o"r sa&aries againO
5. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences "sing s"ita&e items from the &ist
product range sales revenue growth0rate product0line share production capacity resources productivity
Business English
a. 7 we&&-known advertising agency aims to achieve a
MMMMMMM..of (/J a year.
!. This MMMMMMMM is "n!rofita&e. WeE&& have to discontin"e
c. %om!anies &ike Uni&ever and 2A) have h"ge financia&
d. Ay re-organising the work of office staff* yo" can often increase
e. WeEre a sma&& firm* so we arenEt a&e to offer a wide
'. )ost of ,he&& 8i&Es MMMMMMMMMcomes from overseas
g. Ay e5tending o"r factory* we have een a&e to e5!and o"r
h. With the he&! of their chea!* high-6"a&ity word-!rocessor* the
7mstrad com!any were a&e to great&y increase their
6. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. The authors give many e;amples to
bac. up their view" ?ow do yo" trans&ate to bac. upB 3ow &earn some
!hrases containing the word ack. )atch these sentences with the
e5!&anations on the right.
1. 2 acked my friend in that arg"ment. a. hid the tr"th
2. 2 see that he was acked from the !osition he
took &ast week.
!. e sit"ated at
3. ?e !romised to he&! me "t then acked o"t. c. s"!!orted him
4. 8"r garden acks theirs. d. ref"sed me
5. The wind acked. e. gave "! a c&aim
6. ?e acked the car into the garage. '. withdraw from
7. ?e t"rned his ack on me. g. change direction
8. 2 took my ho"se ack. h. made the wrong
9. They ke!t ack the tr"th. i. restored to its owner
10. ?e acked the wrong horse. &. enter Cwith the ackD
Business English
Grammar Reference
Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect ,im!&e re&ates !ast actions and states them to the !resent.
Present Perfect ,im!&e is "sed to e5!ress.
a !ast action when its res"&t can e seen at the !resent time and is sti&&
having an effect CPresent Perfect of Res"&tD.
I have already seen that movie" Ai"e" I can tell you the storyB"
+e has !i;ed his car" Ai"e" +e can drive it nowB"
activities com!&eted in the immediate !ast.
She has just met him in the laboratory" CA"t. She met him there a !ew
minutes ago"D
+as oil only been used by man.ind in the last hundred years% A5ut: *hy
was oil used on such a large scale in 7CCC%B
activities at any time in a !eriod "! to now CPresent Perfect of
I have been to Scotland once"
+e has never seen such a big computer touch screen"
an action or state which egan in the !ast and contin"es to the !resent
I)ve .nown you !or !ive years- since 7CCG" CSince means !rom a de!inite
point in the past till now* and !or e5!resses a d"rationD.
+ow long have you wor.ed as an economist%
+ow long has it ta.en the oil industry to grow to its present si=e%
haveKhas_ver_C!ast !artici!&eD
The !ast !artici!&e of reg"&ar vers ends in -ed. There are many common
irreg"&ar vers Csee the &ist on !age X : 7!!endi5 1D.
7ffirmative and negative
have CLveD
have not ChavenEtD
worked in the h"man reso"rces
Business English
has CLsD
has not ChasnEtD
?ave 2
een to the United WingdomB
?as he
,hort answer
+ave you ever been to 6rance%
&es' I have" (o' I haven)t"
+as she ever wor.ed as a lawyer%
&es' she has" (o' she hasn)t"
Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple
<ook at the "se of the Present Perfect and the Past ,im!&e in the fo&&owing
2Eve &ived in this f&at for si5 months C2 sti&& do.D
2 &ived in this f&at for two years. C3ow 2 &ive somewhere e&se.D
;. 3eag" has written very good short stories. C?e is sti&& a&ive.D
,hakes!eare wrote very good !&ays. C?e is dead.D
?e has worked in this com!any for fo"r years. CA"t. ?e started working in
this com!any in 1997.D
?ave yo" fo"nd yo"r ooksB C"ncertaintyD
>es* 2 have.
Where did yo" find themB CcertaintyD.
2 fo"nd them ehind a co"!&e of other ooks* on the to! she&f.
Business English
The Preposition
Pre!ositions are connecting words that show re&ationshi!s etween words in
a sentence. 7 !re!osition fo&&owed y a com!&ement Co#ectD forms a
!re!ositiona& !hrase. 3o"ns* !rono"ns* no"n !hrases* ger"nds or no"n
c&a"ses can e com!&ements Co#ectsD of !re!ositions.
3ote that in 1ng&ish* !re!ositions "s"a&&y !recede their o#ects.
Put it on the chair and leave>
9oo. at him"
5ecause o! you' I canIt get any wor. done"
A!ter telling the whole story' he disappeared. 7s the !re!osition in 1ng&ish
may e different from the !re!osition in Romanian* here is a te5t in which
yo" may &earn ao"t the "se of the !re!osition in 1ng&ish. C7&so see the &ist
with !re!ositions which are "s"a&&y mistaken y Romanian st"dents on !age
X : 7!!endi5 (D
3ow read the fo&&owing te5t and !ay attention to the "se of the !re!osition
in 1ng&ish.
2t seems genera&&y acce!ted that )athematics is indeed f"ndamenta&
!or a&& engineering ed"cation* and !or most schoo&s a&& engineering st"dents
take the same mathematics se6"ence.
Two areas of mathematics seem road&y asic to engineering. name&y*
the ca&c"&"s as "sed in the &inear constant coefficient differentia& e6"ation*
and statistica& theory. The &inear differentia& e6"ation is a genera& form*
"sef"& to engineering eca"se we can otain answers !rom it. Therefore*
where this form a!!&ies to the !hysica& wor&d* the "se o! mathematica&
!rediction is increasing over the e5!erimenta& a!!roach. 3e5t is the area o!
the !artia& differentia& e6"ation* rigoro"s&y so&va&e in on&y a few s!ecia&
cases a&tho"gh a!!ro5imation methods e5ist. ?ere the &aoratory sti&&
de!ends on many so&"tions where ana&ytic methods are not yet f"&&y
Business English
Prepositions of time
In the morningK afternoonK eveningN Pan"ary* ;er"ary* etc.N s"mmer*
winter* etc.N 1944N the 193/sN two weeksN two weeksE timeN yo"r free Cs!areD
timeN goodK ad weather
At si5 o Lc&ock* etc.N midnightN 1asterK %hristmasN the weekendN the moment
Hn ,at"rday* )onday* etc.N T"esday morning* etc.N 11-th Pan"ary* etc.
6or seven min"tes* etc.N a &ong timeN ages
Since P"ne* (+-th* etc.N my &ast irthdayN 2 came here
During` the fi&mN the c&assN the warN my ho&idaysN s"mmer
` 2n a sentence containing a s"#ect and a ver* during is re!&aced y while.
Whi&e 2 was coming to yo"...
Controlled practice
1. P"t the vers in rackets in the !resent !erfect.
a. ?e #"st C"yD a second-hand car.
!. 2 a&ways CwantD to meet Professor <eech.
c. What Cha!!enD to the keys of the carB 2 canEt find them anywhere.
d. 2 CfinishD my &etters and am going to the !ost-office.
e. We CeD to Arighton twice this year.
'. We CookD seats for tomorrowN here they are.
g. This !arce& CarriveD for yo"N do yo" want me to take it into yo"r
h. ,omeone CtakeD away the "mre&&a that "sed to hang ehind the
i. 2 CgetD a &etter from my rother today.
&. %ome and see the new f"rnit"re 2 C"yD.

2. ,"!!&y 'or or since in the fo&&owing sentences.
Business English
a. We havenEt seen )ary ...... Cthe accidentKthree monthsD.
!. 2 havenEt s!oken 2ta&ian ...... C194+Kthree yearsD.
c. We have had two reakdowns ...... Cwe o"ght the carK&ast weekD
d. Pohn hasnEt !aid any i&&.... Che moved hereK eighteen monthsD.
e. 2Eve asked the same 6"estion....Ca weekKthe eginning of the yearD.
'. @r. Arown has een here twice ...... Cyo" went o"tK&"nch-timeD.
g. We havenEt had s"ch a &ot of snow here ...... Cthe warKten yearsD.
h. The Pamesons have not een away from %rew ...... Cthey were
marriedK &onger than they can rememerD.
i. They have known each other ...... Ctheir chi&dhoodKtwenty yearsD.
&. 2t hasnEt rained ...... Ca monthK)archD.
3. Re!hrase the fo&&owing sentences* "sing the !resent !erfect tense with 'or
and since* according to the mode&.
The last time I was abroad was in the summer o! 7CD2" ecomes I haven)t
been abroad since 7CD2"
a. ?e &ast shaved &ast )onday.
!. 2tEs years since Pane visited "s.
c. ?e &ast ate snai&s when he was a st"dent in Paris.
d. 2tEs years since 2 &ast had a rea&&y good nightEs s&ee!.
e. 2tEs ages since 2 &ast wrote a &etter.
'. ,he &ast went to the hairdresserEs for her rotherEs wedding.
g. 2 &ast skated in my chi&dhood.
h. 2tEs more than ten years since that ho"se was &ived in.
i. 2 &ast met her the day when she got a #o.
&. 2tEs 6"ite a &ong time since he rode a motorcyc&e.
4. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct tense. !resent !erfect or sim!&e
a. Peter C"yD a new car &ast month* "t he Cnot se&&D his o&d car yet* so
at the moment he has two cars.
Business English
!. When we CmoveD into o"r new f&at we CaskD for a te&e!hone. The
Te&e!hone %om!any Cte&&D "s to wait* "t we CwaitD a year now and
o"r !hone sti&& Cnot comeD.
c. When 2 CeD on my way to the "s sto! it CstartD to rain. 2 Cr"nD ack
home for my "mre&&a* "t this CmakeD me &ate for the office. )y oss
C&ookD "! as 2 CenterD the office. F>o" CeD &ate twice this weekG* he
d. 7nn CthinkD the garage CeD em!ty and Ct"rnD off the &ights. F?eyG*
Csho"tD Pa"& from "nder the car. F2Em sorry* Pa"&G*CsayD 7nn* F2 Cnot
knowD yo" CeD there.G
e. Tom CmeetD Pa"& at &"nch time and CsayD. F2 Cnot seeD yo" at the "s
sto! this morning. >o" CmissD the "sBG F2 Cnot missD itG* Cre!&yD Pa"&*
F2 Cnot missD a "s for years. A"t this morning George CgiveD me a
'. Peter CtryD to come in 6"iet&y "t his mother ChearD him and Cca&&D
FWhere yo" CeDB >o"r s"!!er CeD in the oven for an ho"r.G
g. F2 #"st C"yD a co!y of L@avid %o!!erfie&dE. >o" CreadD itBG
F7s it ha!!ens it is the on&y one of @ickensEs ooks that 2 Cnot
readD. 2 Cnot even seeD the fi&m.G
h. F>o" CeD to ,cot&andBG
F>es* 2 CeD there &ast s"mmer.G
i. F>o" CeD to the theatre &ate&yBG
F>es* 2 CgoD to L8the&&oE &ast week.G
F>o" C&ikeD itBG F>es* "t 2 Cnot seeD we&&. 2 CeD right at the ack.G
&. F?ow &ong yo" CeD in yo"r !resent #oBG
F2 CeD there for si5 months.G
F7nd what yo" CdoD efore thatBG
FAefore that 2 CworkD for Pones and %om!any.
). 2 CsmokeD forty cigarettes a day ti&& the doctor CwarnD me ao"t the
Business English
l. 2 CworkD as a civi& servant from 194+ ti&& 1949. ;or + years 2 CworkD.
,ince 1949 CworkD in a hos!ita&. 2t is now 199+. This means 2 CworkD
in a hos!ita& for - years.
5. %om!&ete this conversation y !"tting the vers in rackets into the
!resent !erfect or sim!&e !ast.
)aria. ?e&&o* @an.
@an. ?e&&o. 2 Cnot hearD from yo" for a &ong time.
)aria. 2 CseeD yo" in town two or three weeks months* "t yo" Cnot
seeD me. 2 CeD on a tram.
@an. We&&* how are yo"B 2 rememer that yo" were &earning for yo"r
chemistry test. M. yo" C!assD it yetB
)aria. >es* 2 have. 2 C!assD in @ecemer. 2 Cnot !assD my )athematics
e5am yet. A"t what ao"t yo"* @anB 7nything e5citing Cha!!enD to
yo" &ate&yB
@an. 3o* not rea&&y. )y rother is sti&& o"t of work.
)aria. ?e Cgrad"ateD from schoo& in a"t"mnB
@an. >es. ?e Cnot doD very we&& in his e5ams and he Cnot findD a #o
)aria. 7re yo" sti&& working at ,cottEsB
@an. >es. They #"st CgiveD me a !ay rise.
)aria. We&&* thatEs one !iece of good news.
6. 2magine that yo" are ta&king on the !hone to an o&d friend who yo"
havenEt seen for ao"t two or three weeks. Write down three of fo"r items
of news ao"t yo"rse&f that yo" can te&& yo"r friend.
7. ,"!!&y the right !re!osition.
a. ,he is very fond ... chi&dren.
!. The new teacher is very !atient... "s.
c. We are &eaving to ,inaia ... P"&y* 3-rd.
d. 2 was interested ... management.
Business English
e. What are yo" afraid ...B
'. 2Em !ro"d ... yo"r s"ccess.
g. ,he has never een s"ccessf"& ... anything she has done so far.
h. We are going there ear&y ... the morning* yet donEt e5!ect "s "nti&
&ate ... night.
i. The res"&ts de!ended ... the reven"es we otained.
&. 7n acco"ntant is a !erson who has s!ecia&ised ... acco"ntancy.
8. P"t one of these !re!ositions in each em!ty s!ace.
These am"&ance men are making !re!arations M. taking a man to
hos!ita&* on acco"nt M. his having een knocked down y a car.
These yo"ng doctors are having a disc"ssion M. o!erating on the
wo"nded man. They take a &ot of !ride M. doing their #o as !erfect&y
as !ossi&e. This n"rse is giving the man an in#ection as a !rotection
M getting tetan"s. The man is we&& again now. The doctor says he has
no o#ection M his going home tomorrow.
9. Write this story. P"t !or' on' to or nothing in each em!ty s!ace.
7. 2 have arranged M someone to &ook after the sho! whi&e 2 am
A. 8hB WhoB
7. Pames. 2 can a&ways co"ntM him to he&!.
A. ThatEs wonderf"&. ?ave yo" remindedM him that he can ca&&M me
to come if he needs meB
7. >es* thanks* "t he canEt earM anyone to fee& that he owes him
A. ?ow sadO 2 a&ways &ong M someone to owe something toO
7. What do yo" meanB
A. 2 was on&y #oking. A"t it seemsM me to e a sign of something
strange if one wantsM anyone to he&! one.
7. We&&* 2 &ookM yo" to he&! Pames if he needs it : witho"t forcingM
him to ref"se.
Business English
A. 8f co"rse.
10. ,"!!&y at' by' on' in' !or' to' with* or A0B where necessary.
a. @id yo" come a&& this way MMMMMfootB
!. 2 didnEt wa&k. 2 came here MMMMMMthe "s.
c WhereEs ?arryB : 2 think heEs gone MMMMed.
d. 7renEt the chi&dren MMMMMed yetB
e. What time did yo" go MMMMhome &ast nightB
'. >o" may work hard a&& week* "t yo" do nothing when yo"Ere
g. 2 donEt think itEs m"ch chea!er to go MMMM"s.
h. WhoEs the woman MMMM.the &ack handagB
i. What time do the chi&dren go MMMMMschoo& in the morningB
&. 2 donEt mind eing a&one MMMMMthe ho"se.
). Where did yo" hear ao"t thisB 2 saw it MMM.T0.
l. >o" canEt s!eak to him now. ?eEs MMMMc&ass.
". ?ow &ong have yo" een waiting MMM.. the "sB
n. 2tEs no good raising yo"r voiceN he canEt hear MMMMMyo".
o. TheyEve re!&ied MMMMMo"r &etter on ;er"ary 1+
11. ,"!!&y the est word in the fo&&owing sentences.
1. 2E&& see yo" MMMMten min"tes.
a- in !- after
2. 2 arrived first and Tom arrivedMMMM.
a- after !- &ater
3. ,he invited "s* so we m"st invite herMMMM
a- again !- ack
4. What ha!!ened MMMMthe end of the storyB
a- in !- at
5. We missed the train and MMMMwe got a ta5i.
a- in the end !- at &ast
6. The e5!erience was not so ad MMMM .
a- fina&&y !- after a&&
Business English
7. 2 canEt wait to get to the MMMMMcha!terO
a- &ast !- &atest
8. ,he !honed me MMMM)onday.
a- &ast !- the &ast
9. )y name comes MMMMMin the &ist.
a- &ast !- &ast&y
10. We havenEt seen m"ch of yo" MMMM.
a- &ate !- &ate&y
Unit 7

In this unit you will learn:

6illing in a con!erence call !or papers
Present Per!ect ,ontinuous
$odal verbs
Prepositions o! place

Pre-reading tasks
?ow many conferences have yo" attended so farB
2magine yo" are !artici!ating in a conference at University 8vidi"s
%onstanta. ?ere is the information they have sent yo" y mai&. Read the ca&&
for !a!ers caref"&&y and !re!are to fi&& in the registration form.
Universitatea :vidi%s 4onstan?a E Facultatea
de Litere
Business English
%a&& for Pa!ers
,1%83@ A7<W73 %83;1R13%1
A7<W73 %U<TUR7< 2@13T2T21,
8vidi"s University* %onstanta* Romania
8ctoer 1'-1-* (//'
This conference aims at sing&ing o"t LaE !ossi&e Aa&kan* among so many*
identities in the wor&d of &ate modernity. %ommon&y regarded as a asic
iss"e of interdisci!&inary a!!roaches to identity* c"&t"ra& s!ecificity has een
&ooked into as &oca&* nationa&* regiona& or continenta& !artic"&arism. 2n the
&ight of c"rrent research in the fie&d* the !artic"&ar and the "niversa& ho&d a
tense* if dia&ectica&* re&ationshi!. LAa&kan identityE is s"ch a !ro&ematic
category. 2t is the &oose nat"re of this identity that we invite co&&eag"es from
the region and from the academies at &arge to 6"estion* ana&yse* and deate
at o"r forthcoming event.
To!ics s"ggested.
- identity etween se&f and other* centre and margin* mainstream and
a&ternative c"rrents* metro!o&is and co&ony* etc.
- theories of identity and imago&ogy
- c"&t"ra& identity. !orma mentis or determinismCsDB
- one or vario"s Aa&kan identitiesB Cwhys and whereofsD
- narratives of Aa&kan identity C&iterary* m"sica&* vis"a&* choreogra!hic*
historica&* geogra!hic* economic* !o&itica&* etc.D
Business English
- the Aa&kan region* !ast and !resent Cco&onia& and !ostco&onia& traces*
!atterns of !rivate and !"&ic &ife* se&f-assertion vs. the im!eria&
- the &ing"ist !ath to Aa&kan identity C&ang"age : dia&ect : socio&ect :
idio&ect* asic stock and &oans* the onomastic factor* to!onyms* terms of
endearment and swearwords* etc.D
- the c"&t-&it !ath to Aa&kan identity Cnationa& &iterat"re at home and
aroad* minority gro"! &iterat"res and c"&t"res* nationa& c&assics*
home&and and dias!ora* second home and e5i&e* my se&f : my friend :
my foe* "s and them* etc.D
- Aa&kanism : 8rienta&ism : 8ccidenta&ism* theories of modernity
P&ease consider the registration form !rovided and ret"rn it y 0$ril 30=
2004 to 0lina <o$esc% H +leana 4hir%IDitar% H 7ona 7o"esc% H Aicoleta
Stanca at the fo&&owing e-mai& addresses.
ba&ina!o!esc"X"niv-ovidi"s.roc and ba&inad!o!esc"Xyahoo.comc
bi&eanachir"X"niv-ovidi"s.roc and b#itar"i&eanaXrds&ink.roc
bnico&etastancaX"niv-ovidi"s.roc and bnico&etastancaXyahoo.comc
2)P8RT73TO <05+4+<0AS 05E 0SGE/ : ,13@ T?12R
7PP<2%7T283 ;8R), : A8T? 1-)72< 7@@R1,,1, :. E04>
:. >E 03:8E 4:A04S.
5egistration 'ee. R8< '//./// for Romanian !artici!ants K 1UR8
(+ for foreign !artici!ants* to e !aid "!on arriva&. ;"rther detai&s on the
!rogram wi&& e made avai&a&e at a &ater date to those who wi&& have fi&&ed
in and ret"rned the registration form e&ow.
Business English
5EC+S50+:A .:57
<E5S:A06 /E0+6S
itle K7s= 7rs= 7r= /r= <ro'L9JJJJJJJJJ
0ddress ,Mtele$honeH'ax-9
Presentation detai&s
Pa!er tit&e Kto!ic for !ane& disc"ssion ds!ecify whiche.
,"ggestedK!referred fie&dKsection.
7stract Cao"t +/ wordsD.
7"5i&iaries needed C!&ease tickD.
cassette $layer JJJJJ
video M 8 JJJJJ
other E $lease s$eci'y JJJJJ
,end this registration form as an e-mai& Cthe fi&e wi&& ecome an attachment
to yo"r messageD.
Business English
Grammar Reference
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect %ontin"o"s is "sed to e5!ress.
an activity eg"n in the !ast and sti&& in !rogress at the moment of
They have been creating new jobs !or several years"
I)ve been waiting !or an hour and he still hasn)t turned up"
an activity eg"n in the !ast which has on&y #"st finished and is re&evant
to the c"rrent sit"ation.
Sorry I)m late" +ave you been waiting long%
3ote. 2n oth these "ses a !resent !erfect sim!&e can e a&so "sed* es!ecia&&y
with those vers which are not norma&&y in the contin"o"s as!ect* in
negative sentences* and when reference is made to the n"mer of things that
have een done. They have createdK have een creating new !etro&e"m
!rod"cts for severa& years.
a re!eated activity* in which case a n"ance of re!roach* irritation* etc.
can e !resent.
I)ve been calling you !or the past twenty minutes" *hy don)t you answer the
2ts form consists of the !resent !erfect of the a"5i&iary be and the indefinite
!artici!&e of the main ver Cver_-ingD.
7ffirmative and negative
have een
have not een ChavenEt eenD
has een
has not een ChasnEt eenD
Business English
What have 2
have yo"
have we
have they
een doingB
has he
has she
Modal Verbs
The moda& vers are a s!ecia& kind of a"5i&iary vers which e5!ress the
moda&ity of the action and have some s!ecific feat"res. The fo&&owing are
moda& vers.
can- must- - may- need- shall- will- would- should
They have the fo&&owing in common.
1. They Fhe&!G another ver. The ver form is the infinitive Cwitho"t toD
She can drive"
+e can spea. English' 6rench and Italian"
I must go"
J$ay I open the window%K J&es' you may"K
2. $"estions are formed y !"tting the moda& ver in front of the s"#ect.
There are no a"5i&iaries s"ch as do-does-did* etc.
,an you type /
,ould you give me an e;ample%
Should I go home now%
(eed I invite them too%
3. The form is the same for a&& !ersons. )oda&s do not inf&ect CThere is no 0s
in the third !erson sing"&ar* and there are no -ing or 0ed forms.D
She should learn more"
+e can spea. three !oreign language well"
+e insisted that 4ac. must go and see it himsel!"
Business English
4. 3egatives are formed y !"tting a negative word s"ch as not- n)t
immediate&y after the moda& ver. There are no a"5i&iaries s"ch as don)t-
doesn)tK didn)t* etc.
I can)t spell your name"
She wouldn)t li.e to become a teacher li.e me"
Problematic prepositions of moement and place
)ovement P&ace
to at
"sed wih vers of movement. go*
come* etc.* even when the
meaning is different. She goes to
not "sed with vers of
movement. I arrived at the
intoKo"t of in CQcontained yK insideD
"sed with changes of !&ace. She
wal.ed out o! the shop"
"sed with towns. I arrived in
9ondon" A"t. I arrived at
9ondon Airport" CQ!&aceD
across CQfrom one side to the
other. She went across the
y CQat the side ofD
towards CQin the direction of. 2Em
going towards %&"#.D
Controlled practice
1. Trans&ate the fo&&owing sentences into 1ng&ish. Use Present Perfect
,im!&e or Present Perfect %ontin"o"s.
a. Te ca"t de o orR. Pe "nde ai "m&atB
!. @e at"nci n-am mai !rimit nici o veste de &a e&.
c. %Ste dischete ai fo&osit !SnR ac"mB
d. <oc"im Tn RomSnia de trei ani.
e. 3-am mai vRI"t-o de cSnd a terminat fac"&tatea.
Business English
2. ,"!!&y the sim!&e !resent !erfect or the contin"o"s !resent !erfect of the
vers in rackets.
a. 2Em tired. 2 CreadD a&& day.
!. U! to now 2 CvisitD twenty co"ntries.
c. 2 saw her in 7"g"st* "t Cnot seeD her ever since.
d. ?ow &ong yo" C&earnD %hineseB
e. >o"Ere o"t of reath. >o" Cr"nDB
'. ,he sti&& Cnot writeD the re!ort.
g. What she CdoD a&& afternoonB
h. They a&ready Cs!eakD to me ao"t that e5!eriment.
i. >o"r eyes are red. >o" CcryD.
3. %hoose the correct ver form.
a. ?ow &ong have yo" een &ivingK have yo" &ived in this ho"seB
!. 7nge&a workedK has een working in this com!any for ten years
and a ha&f.
c. 7&an has eenK has gone to ,o"th 7merica.
d. ?eEs tired eca"se he has workedK has een working on the oi& fie&d
a&& day.
e. ?ow &ong have yo" een &earningK have yo" &earned 1ng&ishB
4. Trans&ate the fo&&owing into 1ng&ish.
a. 1a tre"ie sR !&ece.
!. 1& n" !oate sR scrie Tn eng&eIR.
c. Pot sR Tnchid geam"&B
d. 1a ar tre"i sR se strRd"iascR mai m"&t &a e5amene.
e. 3" Hti" sR Tnot* dar Hti" sR schieI Hi sR !atineI.
'. 1i n" Hti" eng&eIa* dar a" Tnce!"t "n c"rs an"& acesta.
g. 0rei sR te cRsRtoreHti c" mineB
h. F%hiar tre"ie sR ne d"cem &a c"rs &a ora !atr"BG F@a* chiar
i. 3" vrem sR venim c" tine* !entr" cR n" ne !&ace &a mare.
Business English
&. T" vei sta "nde T9i s!"n* dacR n"* o sR te !ede!sesc.
5. %hoose the est variant which com!&etes these sentences.
a. ,he canKmayK m"st go* otherwise she wi&& miss the train.
!. 2 canEtK co"&dnEtKmay not he&! yo" at that time* as 2 was e5treme&y
c. ,ho"&dK %o"&dK Wi&& 2 attend this o!tiona& co"rseB
d. ?e cannotK m"stnEtK may not come to this wedding* as he is in
e. 2Em afraid she may notK canEtK m"stnEt he&! yo" at the moment* "t 2
am free now so co"&dK sho"&dK may yo" te&& me yo"r !ro&emB
6. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. 1& tre"ie c= a !&ecat.
!. )= Tndoiesc c= e& a !"t"t face aHa ceva.
c. 1" Hti" s= voresc franceIa de cSnd aveam !atr" ani.
d. 3oi tre"ie s= ne gr=im* a&tfe& TntSrIiem &a c"rs"& de econnomie Hi
n" mai !"tem intra Tn sa&a de c"rs.
e. 1& !oate s= vin= mai tSrIi"* s!"nea c= n" Hi-a terminat &"crarea &a
'. 3oi vom vota s= se schime constit"9ia.
g. 1i n" vor s= mearg= Tn e5c"rsie* &i se !are !rea sc"m!.
h. 1 necesar s= Tmi &as aga#e&e aiciB
i. 7H !"tea s= T& a#"t* dar aHte!t s=-mi cear= e& a#"tor"&.
&. 3" ai voie s= dai dr"m"& &a c"rent de aici. 2nsta&a9ia este defect= Hi
se !oate TntSm!&a vre"n accident.
7. %om!&ete each sentence with the a!!ro!riate !re!osition.
a. 2 "sed to e interested M. Physics when 2 was a chi&d.
!. ?e stro&&ed care&ess&y .MM. the road.
c. They arrived &ate .MM. the station.
Business English
d. ,he ran a&& the way MM.. the sho!.
e. 2 went MM.. Paris &ast year.
'. 2 met her MM.. the rock concert.
g. The ay craw&ed MM.. the kitchen.
h. ThereEs a strike MM.. o"r factory.
i. ,he has &eft. ,he m"st e MM.. work.
&. The money fe&& ... my !ocket.
8. P"t in the missing !re!ositions.
MM.. a )onday evening M..... ,e!temer 1931* MM.. ao"t eight
oEc&ock* the shi! F0oyagerG sank. The shi! had een sai&ing MM.. the
end of ,e!temer* when she &eft <ondon* and was on her way MM..
1ng&and .MM. 7"stra&ia. The on&y s"rvivor was an 1ng&ishman ca&&ed
Wi&fred Aatty* who saved himse&f MM.. swimming two mi&es. ?e
s!ent three years MM.. an is&and MM. the midd&e of the 2ndian
The is&and was 6"ite sma&&* and he co"&d wa&k M..... the who&e of it
MM.. an ho"r. ?e c&imed MM.. the one hi&& and !"t a f&ag M.... it
MM.. a signa&. MM. night Aatty s&e!t .MM. a cave* where he fe&t
6"ite MM.. home MM.. the day* he often fished M..... a home-made
net. ?e cooked the fish MM.. a wood fire.
Aatty stayed MM.. the is&and MM... a&most three years. MM..
7"g"st 193'* a shi! was sai&ing MM. the is&and* and the ca!tain saw
AattyEs signa&. The sai&ors fo"nd a man .MM. a &ong &"e coat MM..
dark hair and a eard* &ooking rather M..... a gori&&a. Aatty was soon
home* and a few years &ater he fina&&y arrived in 7"stra&ia MM.. air.
Business English
Unit 8

In this unit you will learn:

<se!ul tips !or businessmen who do business in Lomania
The ,ardinal (umeral
Past Per!ect Simple
Past Per!ect ,ontinuous

Pre-reading tasks
2f yo" decide to start any kind of "siness do yo" know what yo" are
s"!!osed to doB
What wo"&d yo" advise a foreigner who wants to start doing "siness in o"r
Read this te5t containing "sef"& ti!s for those who want to do "siness in
o"r co"ntry. 2dentify the cardina& n"mera&s.
,o yo" have decided to make the great &ea! and try to do "siness in
Romania. ;or whatever reason : career advancement* e5!erience*
o!!ort"nity for fantastic !rofits or sim!&y for &osing a et* yo" are s"re&y in
for one he&& of a rideO
8ne way or another* whi&e working here* yo" wi&& fee& every emotion
: fr"stration* anger* fr"stration* #oy* fr"stration* &one&iness* fr"stration. ;or
this reason yo" have two choices after + !.m. : the first choice wo"&d e.
deve&o! a good sense of h"mo"r* and the second. deve&o! a drinking
7ny !re-conceived ideas of Romania yo" might have sho"&d e !"t
aside. The co"ntry is h"ge&y wea&thy* tho"gh e5treme&y "nder-deve&o!ed.
The ga! etween the rich and the !oor is immense and easi&y recogniIa&e.
Business English
7&most everyody "nder the age of 3+ years o&d is "niversity ed"cated and
s!eaks at &east two &ang"ages. 7&so the idea of making 6"ick !rofits have
een tho"ght and tried y many and they a&most never work. )any
i&&ionaires have come here and &eft as mi&&ionairesO
The "rea"cracy is the hardest n"t to crack. 2t doesnEt matter the siIe
of yo"r com!any yo" may have more than one h"ndred em!&oyees* the
money in yo"r ank acco"nt or how ig or inf&"entia& yo" are in yo"r
co"ntry* yo" are a ig Iero here. @onEt e5!ect to find any FfriendsG for at
&east two or three years. ;riends donEt come chea!. Those two or three years
wi&& e the most fr"strating of yo"r &ife. With yo"r &oca& em!&oyees* donEt
ass"me that any directive has een carried o"t. %heck and do"&e-check
everything not done direct&y y yo". 7&tho"gh immense&y &aorio"s* it is
necessary and saves yo" agony &ater.
(')S (IT* (+,-S
Special terms:
<reIconceived9 don&y efore no"ne !reconceived ideas* o!inions* etc are
formed efore yo" rra&&y have eno"gh know&edge or e5!erience
UnderIdevelo$ed9 a co"ntry* region that is !oor and where there is not
m"ch modern ind"stry or not having grown or deve&o!ed as m"ch as is
"s"a& or necessary
3%rea%cracy9 a com!&icated officia& system which is annoying or conf"sing
eca"se it has a &ot of r"&es* !rocesses or the officia&s who are em!&oyed
rather than e&ected to do the work of a government* "siness
6a!orio%s9 a #o or !iece of work that is diffic"&t and needs a &ot of effort
or seeming to e done s&ow&y and with diffic"&ty

Business English
Grammar Reference
The Cardinal "umeral
The form of the cardina& n"mera&
1 one 11 e&even (1 twenty-one 1// a ConeD
1*/// a ConeD
( two 1( twe&ve (( twenty-two 1/3 a ConeD
h"ndred and two
1*//3 a ConeD
h"ndred and
3 three 13 thirteen (3 twenty-three 3/- three
h"ndred and si5
3*'7- three
tho"sand fo"r
h"ndred and
' fo"r 1' fo"rteen 3/ thirty 7'' seven
h"ndred and
'*+74 fo"r
tho"sand five
h"ndred and
+ five 1+ fifteen '/ fo"rty 999 nine
h"ndred and
ninety nine
1*///*/// one
- si5 1- si5teen +/ fifty
7 seven 17 seveteen -/ si5ty
4 eight 14 eighteen 7/ seventy
9 nine 19 nineteen 4/ eighty
1/ ten (/ twenty 9/ ninety
The n"mera&s hundred and thousand do not take the !&"ra& form. E33 sheets
o! paper 0 !ive hundred sheets o! paper"
1. When yo" read !hone n"mers* yo" sho"&d read them fig"re y fig"re.
;or e5am!&e. $y phone number is 7FM2E10 $y phone number is one !our
two three !ive seven"
2. When yo" read years* yo" sho"&d read them in !airs of two fig"res.
;or e5am!&e. +e died in 7CD1. - +e died in nineteen eighty0seven"
Business English
Past Perfect Simple
Past Perfect ,im!&e is "sed to e5!ress.
an action com!&eted efore another action or moment in the !ast.
*hat happened to the o!!icer who had been rude to the company)s clients%
+e had read his lecture be!ore he went to university"
an action which egan efore another moment in the !ast and contin"ed
"! to that time or into it.
In 7CCC we had composed about E333 business letters !or !ive years"
+e had lived in this !lat since he was born"
2ts form consists of had fo&&owed y the !ast !artici!&e of the main ver.
7ffirmative and negative
?eK ,he
had not ChadnEtD
What had 2
,hort answer
+ad you read the novel be!ore we saw the !ilm%
&es' I had" (o' I hadn)t"
+ad he spo.en English be!ore he started the English course%
&es' he had" (o' he hadn)t"
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect %ontin"o"s is "sed to e5!ress.
Business English
an action in the !ast eg"n efore the time of s!eaking in the !ast and
sti&& going on that time or !ossi&y after.
5y that time we had been on the project !or two years"
They had been living !or generations in that house"
2ts form consists of the !ast !erfect of the a"5i&iary be and the !resent
!artici!&e of the main !erfect.
7ffirmative and negative
Ay that time 2
had een
had not ChadnEtD
working for a year.
What had 2
een working on y that time*
&ast yearB
,hort answer
+ad you been on that project by that time !or a year%
&es' I had" (o' I hadn)t"
Controlled practice
1. @ecide the order in which these things ha!!ened. Then write two
sentences "sing after and the !ast !erfect.
The ban. cler. gave it to me"- She loo.ed at my che/ue"- She counted out
the money"
Business English
A!ter the ban. cler. had loo.ed at my che/ue' she counted the money"
A!ter she had counted the money' she gave it to me"
a. The to"rists got o"t of the coach.K They got ack in the coach.K
They took !hotos.
!. The !risoner ran across the yard.K ?e #"m!ed o"t of the window.K
?e c&imed over the wa&&.
c. The re!orter wrote a re!ort on the accident.K ,he interviewed the
!eo!&e there.K ,he went to the scene of the accident.
d. The mechanic !"t a new tyre on.K ?e !"t the whee& ack on.K ?e
took the whee& off the car.
e. The sho!-assistant asked me which my siIe was.K ,he wra!!ed it.K
,he showed it to me.
2. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. ,e c"noHtea" de trei ani.
!. PSnR at"nci &"crasem &a !roiect"& ace&a de do"R &"ni.
c. %e s-a TntSm!&at d"!R ce am !&ecatB
d. V& aHte!tam de o orR* cSnd am af&at cR av"sese "n accident de
e. @es!re ce vorea9i cSnd ne-am TntS&nitB
'. 3oi c"noHteam adev=r"& Tn moment"& Tn care te-ai decis t" s= ni-&
g. 7ia se terminase !&oaia c= a Hi Tnce!"t "n vSnt TngroIitor.
h. @e Tndat= ce a terminat tema* a s"nat te&efon"&.
i. 1i se c"nosc"ser= c" Iece ani Tn "rm=* &a o conferin9= de !etro&.
&. 3" creI"se c= o s= i se TntSm!&e tocmai &"i s= n"-Hi aminteasc= aHa
niHte no9i"ni e&ementare de eng&eI=.
3. Use the sim!&e !ast* or the sim!&eK contin"o"s !ast !erfect form of the
vers in rackets to com!&ete the sentences e&ow.
Business English
a. >esterday afternoon Poan CgoD to schoo& and Chand inD the !a!er she
!. 7s soon as they ChaveD &"nch they C&eaveD the resta"rant.
c. 2t was getting &ate* so we CdecideD to go to ed.
d. ,he CsayD that she Cst"dyD for two ho"rs.
e. The man Cse&&D fifty news!a!ers for five min"tes* as everyody CeD
interested in the story of the !rime minister.
'. ,he CchangeD from %hanne& 1 to %hanne& 3 as she Ca&ready seeD the
movie on %hanne& 1.
g. ?ow &ong )onica CwatchD T0 y 1( oE c&ockB
,he CwatchD T0 for an ho"r.
h. We Csit downD to dinner when the doore&& CstartD to ring.
i. ?ow &ong yo" CworkD o"tside when it CstartD to rainB
&. 2t Ce midnightD. 2 CwriteD for five ho"rs. 3o wonder 2 CeD so tired.
4. +nversion
e.g. No sooner has he hung up than 3ill dro$s !y his o''ice 'or a chat.
When the fo&&owing words and !hrases egin a sentence* the s"#ect and
ver are inverted.
%nder no circ%"stances hardly seldo"
no sooner scarcely only
at no ti"e rarely little
not %ntil never ,!e'ore-
,t"dy the fo&&owing !airs of sentences.
a >o" sho"&d not smoke in this area "nder any circ"mstances.K <nder
no circumstances should yo" smo.e in this area.
! The com!any has never had s"ch a s"ccessf"& year.K (ever has the
com!any had s"ch a s"ccessf"& year.
(ote that the second sentence o! each pair is more emphatic than the
!irst and that the subject and au;iliary verb are inverted" Inversion is
used mainly in !ormal English.
0 )ake a&& the changes and additions necessary to !rod"ce correct
Business English
sentences from the fo&&owing sets of words and !hrases.
e"g" (o sooner-I start-write-report-someone-telephoned-me"
3o sooner had 2 started to write the re!ort when someone te&e!honed
a. ?ard&yK2 finishK!honeKmy ossKdro! intoKmy office.
!. Under no circ"mstancesKmanagerKre&y onKmemoryK&ogKtime.
c. 3ot "nti&Ktwo years agoKcom!anyKeginKmakeK!rofits.
d. 8n&yKafter three ho"rs negotiationsKwe s"cceedKreach agreementKthe
fina& contract.
e. Rare&yKo"r com!anyKfai&KmeetKde&ivery dates.
3 P"t the fo&&owing words in the correct order* so as to make correct
sentences. Aegin each sentence with the word "nder&ined.
e.g. have efficient 2 met a more rare&y manager
Rare&y have 2 met a more efficient manager.
a. een se&dom after so 2 meeting have tired a
!. 2 my office sooner no in arrive rang did te&e!hone the than
c. dist"red no 2 e m"st circ"mstances "nder
d. on did a on&y of &ot the market !"t research after they the !rod"ct
e. any to re&a5 does she rare&y have time
'. 194- not factory o"r a&e to "nti& were we "y own
g. &itt&e red"ndant that soon he e made he rea&ise does wi&&
h. my oss dro!!ed my hard&y re!ort started had the 2 when
5. ,"!!&y !ast !erfect sim!&e or contin"o"s forms and !ast tense where
a. ?e Cho!eD to find Pohn and was very disa!!ointed when he didnEt.
!. We CcookD a&& day for the !arty and y 4 oEc&ock we sti&& werenEt ready.
c. ?e CwaitD for that &etter for weeks when at &ast arrived.
Business English
d. 2 CworkD for ao"t two ho"rs when Pohn came with a &etter
e. )ark &ooked at his watch. 2t was twenty min"tes to three and he CwaitD
since two oEc&ock.
'. Their hands were 6"ite n"m eca"se they CmakeD a snowman.
g. 1veryone C!ackD "nti& the &ast min"te and no time Ce &eftD to take the dog
ro"nd to their neigho"rs.
h. They a&& C&ook forwardD to the e5c"rsion and were disa!!ointed to hear it
Ce cance&&edD.
i. ,he CeD "! for three ho"rs when the rest of the ho"seho&d awoke.
&. When we CreachD the air!ort* we CfindD that the !&ane CcrashD.
). ,he Cte&&D me that she on&y once CseeD a kangaroo in her &ife.
l. When the !o&ice CenterD the ank the roers a&ready Cesca!eD.
". ?e CwonderD where he C&oseD his keys.
n. When 2 CgetD on the train 2 Crea&iIeD that 2 CforgetD my !ass!ort.
o. They CringD in a !atient who Cswa&&owD a diamond ring.
$. ,he CknowD ao"t the accident eca"se someone from the office C!honeD
her efore 2 CarriveD.
*. ?e Cnot "nderstandD a word "nti& they CringD an inter!reter.
r. When 2 CseeD her 2 CeD s"re that we CmeetD efore.
Business English
Unit 9

In this unit you will learn:

A Short Presentation o! the Lomanian Economy Today
6uture Simple
,omparative and Superlative Adjectives
,omparative Sentences

Pre-reading tasks
What do yo" "nderstand y economyB
What do yo" know ao"t yo"r co"ntyEs economyB
Read this te5t ao"t Romanian economy.
<ook at the tenses of the vers. Trans&ate
the te5t into Romanian. Pay attention to
the "se of tenses. Past Tense for actions
which were com!&eted in the !ast C!rior
to 1949D and ;"t"re for actions which
wi&& take !&ace &ater.
Prior to 1949* RomaniaEs economy was organiIed on the comm"nist
mode&. it was hy!er-centra&iIed and nationa&iIed. The forced
ind"stria&iIation of the co"ntry had serio"s socia& re!erc"ssions. a great !art
of the !o!"&ation migrated to ind"stria& areas. 7fter 1949* the &ack of
com!etitiveness of domestic !rod"cts on western markets and the co&&a!se
of the comm"nist economic system ca&&ed for a tota& reorganiIation of
ind"stry* which invo&ved high h"man and materia& costs.
Business English
The agric"&t"re a&so "nderwent essentia& changes d"ring comm"nism.
%o&&ectiviIation and state ownershi! of &arge estates &ed to a nationa&iIed*
inefficient agric"&t"re.
,oon after the comm"nist regime was overthrown in 1949* RomaniaEs
main o#ective was to ring rea& estate ack into !rivate ownershi! and to
re-&a"nch the freemarket economy.
The genera& !o&itica& trend after the Revo&"tion Cthe end of 1949D
started to e and wi&& sti&& e the stateEs a&most com!&ete withdrawa& from
the economy and constr"ction of a freemarket economy* ased on free
com!etition and !rivate initiative. 8ne of the most im!ortant economic
achievements wi&& re!resent the reviving of the credit system y
reorganiIing the anking system. The !rere6"isites for deve&o!ment of a
modern anking system are an inde!endent 3ationa& Aank and !rivatiIation.
Thinking of the f"t"re* we ho!e the Romanian economy wi&& go on
deve&o!ing and meet 1"ro!ean standards.
(')S (IT* (+,-S
Special terms:
:(nershi$. the fact of owning something. a dispute over the ownership o!
the land
Estate. a &arge area of &and in the co"ntry* "s"a&&y with one owner or a&& of
someoneEs !ro!erty and money* es!ecia&&y everything that is &eft after they
0chieve"ent. something im!ortant that one s"cceeds in doing y hisKher
own efforts or the act of achieving something
<rere*%isite. something someone m"st have efore they can e a&&owed to
do something* or which m"st e5ist efore something e&se can ha!!en
2n the sentence. Soon a!ter the communist regime was overthrown in 7CDC'
Lomania)s main objective was@ the !re!osition in introd"ces an 7dveria&
of time Cin 7CDCD. 3ow &etEs &earn some e5!ressions containing the
!re!osition in.
Business English
in a&& !roai&ity Q d"!R toate !roai&itR9i&eN
in a&& together Q Tn tota&N
in the eginning Q &a Tnce!"tN
in contrast toKwith Q Tn contrast c"N
in common with Q Tn com"n c"N
in itse&f Q Tn sineN
in order toK that Q ca sR* !entr" caN
in !artic"&ar Q Tn s!ecia&N
in the !&ace ofK in &ie" of Q Tn &oc deN
in !rogress Q Tn c"rs deN
in ret"rn for Q Tn schim"& aN
in 6"antity Q Tn cantitateN
in search of Q Tn cR"tare deN
in s!ite of Q Tn ci"da fa!t"&"i cRN
in s"ch a manner Q Tn aHa modN
Grammar Reference
.uture Simple
;"t"re ,im!&e is "sed to e5!ress.
actions to e !erformed in the f"t"re.
I shall be thirty ne;t year"
*hen will you graduate !rom university%
She will wor. !or our company i! we give her a good salary"
1. We "se wi&& and sha&& in many other ways* a!art from !redicting the
f"t"re. e.g..
-intentionsK !romises CI)ll buy you a bi.e !or your birthday"B
-re6"estK invitations C*ill you hold the door open !or me' please%B
-offers CShall I help you solve this problem%B
-s"ggestions CShall we go to see that movie tomorrow%B
Business English
-threats A4ust wait and see> &ou)ll regret this>B
-decisions AI)ll stop and as. the way"B
2. ;"t"re is not a&&owed in conditiona& and tem!ora& c&a"se.
I! you help me' I)ll be grate!ul to you"
*hen it rains' we stay inside.
7ffirmative and negative
sha&& CL&&D
sha&& not CshanEtD
?eK ,he
wi&& CL&&D
wi&& not CwonEtD
When sha&& 2
he&! himB
wi&& yo"
,hort answer
*ill you help me !inish my project%
&es' I shall.
3ote. (o' I won)t is not common eca"se it is im!o&ite* it may mean I don)t
want to help you. That is why a !o&ite answer wo"&d e. I)m a!raid I can)t"
Comparatie and Superlatie 'd!ecties
7d#ectives Positive %om!arative ,"!er&ative
,hort ad#ectives chea!
o&derK e&der
the chea!est
the sma&&est
the iggest
the fattest
the o&destK the e&dest
7d#ectives that f"nny f"nnier the f"nniest
Business English
end in 0y ear&y
the ear&iest
the heaviest
7d#ectives with
two sy&&a&es
not ending in -y
or more than
two sy&&a&es
more caref"&
more e5!ensive
more diffic"&t
more interesting
more ra!id
the most caref"&
the most e5!ensive
the most diffic"&t
the most interesting
the most ra!id
manyK m"ch
fartherK f"rther
the est
the worst
the most
the &east
the farthestK the
the foremostK the
the &atestK the &ast
the nearestK the ne5t
f ,hort ad#ectives with one vowe& and one consonant do"&e the consonant.
fatK fatterK the fattest* hotK hotterK the hottest* etc.
ff Elder and the eldest are "sed on&y attri"tive&y* in fami&y re&ationshi!s
C$y elder brother is twenty !ourD.
` 6artherK the !arthest are "sed to re&ate to distance AI live !arther than
you.DN !urther- the !urthest are "sed in re&ation to time* 6"antity. The &atter
has a&so an astract meaning. C?ive me !urther details in order to
understand it better"D
`` 6ormer means o! an earlier period or the !irst o! two CIn !ormer times'
people used whale oil !or lamps.DN the !oremost means chie! CThe !oremost
welder in this !actory is 4ohn.DN the !irst means initial CAmericans claim that
the !irst underground oil well was drilled in the <nited States.D.
``` 9ater means the second o! two CI)ve met 4ohn and ,indy: the !ormer is
a student in $anagement' the latter is a student in 6oreign 9anguagesDN the
latest means the most recent C+e bought the latest novel by 4" 6owles.DN the
last means !inal. C Sha.espeare)s last play was probably lost.D.
Business English
````The nearest is "sed for distance C,ould you tell me the way to the
nearest oil pump%DN the ne;t refers to order. CThe ne;t bus comes in an
There are two !orces 6
and 6
' the !ormer is the greater"- This welder is the
!oremost in our"- This is (ewton)s !irst law o! motion"
This is a good conductor o! electricity"- *e need a better conductor"- This is
the best machine in the e;hibition by !ar"
There is little advantage in using rotary drilling on this !ield"- There is less
oil in this tan. than in the other one"- 6orces are not o! least importance !or
an engineer"
Comparatie Sentences
2n re&ation with the degrees of com!arison* there are idiomatic e5!ressions
with two com!aratives which are very common in technica& 1ng&ish te5ts.
the_ com!arative ...... the_ com!arative ...
The !aster you are in typing' the bigger your salary will be"
The more e!!icient you become' the less time you will need"
Controlled practice
1. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. Te voi chema cSnd voi a#"nge acasR.
!. V& voi vedea sR!tRmSna viitoare.
c. 7Ii avem re!eti9ie &a ora do"R.
d. 0a deveni necesar sR gRsim noi res"rse de energie.
e. %reIi cR ve9i avea tim! face9i !roiect"& &a contai&itateB
2. )atch the sentences on the &eft with the f"nctions on the right.
0 3
Business English
1. WeE&& have a th"nderstorm tonight*
2Em s"re. - .
a. stating a !&anned arrangement
2. Wi&& there e a genera& strikeB !. making a !rediction
3. 2E&& send yo" a card from Paris c. making a re6"est
4. Wi&& yo" send me an e-mai&B d. e5!ressing f"t"re ho!e
5. ,ha&& 2 go to the &irary for yo"B e. e5!ressing f"t"re "ncertainty
6. ,ha&& we take a drive into the
co"ntry &aterB
'. offering
7. 2E&& re!ort yo" to the !o&ice ne5t
g. !romisingK stating an intention
8. The wedding wi&& take !&ace ne5t
h. making an invitation
9. 2 ho!e yo"E&& come and see "s on
i. asking for a !rediction
10. 15!&ain it to them again. Perha!s
theyE&& "nderstand.
&. threatening
11. Wi&& yo" have dinner with "s on
i. making a s"ggestion
3. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. %" cSt mai re!ede TnvR9Rm eng&eIa* c" atSt mai ine.
!. 1i fac Tn contin"are investiga9ii.
c. Presi"nea este mai mare Tn a& doi&ea caI decSt Tn !rim"&.
d. %" cSt Tnve9i s= faci ca&c"&e&e mai re!ede* c" atSt mai "Hor T9i va fi
Tn viitor.
e. 7vem nevoie de mai m"&te ca&c"&atoare ca s= fim mai eficien9i.
'. %ontai&"& acesta este ce& mai tSnRr dintre to9i.
g. Pro&ema aceasta este cea mai difici&R c" care m-am confr"ntat
h. 2deea ta e mai "nR* dar so&"9ia mea este mai ieftinR decSt a ta.
i. 7ceastR ofert= devine din ce Tn ce mai tentant=.
&. @intre ce&e do"R ra!oarte* !rim"& este mai mic* iar a& doi&ea este mai
4. ,"!!&y the com!arative or s"!er&ative form of the ad#ective in rackets.
a. ?e is C&aIyD st"dent in the c&ass.
Business English
!. ,he is &ooking for a CigD com!any than the one she is working for
c. ?e was "na&e to get CfarD information.
d. The !ress"re in s"ch working conditions was CigD than e5!ected.
e. Today* CgreatD care is taken to !revent accidents.
'. C@iffic"&tD !ro&em was so&ved y means of com!"terised
g. ,he fo"nd C&itt&eD errors in PohnEs !rogramme than in )aryEs one.
5. ;i&& in the ga!s with one of the !hrases e&ow.
$issing phrases. environmenta&&y friend&yN the most e5!ensiveN too
e5!ensiveN the &argestN more environmenta&&y so"nd
2f one of yo"r criteria in choosing a car is its design* the )ercedes is
far more attractive than any others. >et at the same time yo" sho"&d
think that* even if their cars are very e&&egant and MM..* they are
MM.. for common !eo!&e. The 1&ectro&ite is ..MM.. than the others
as it is e6"i!!ed with a fi&ter fitted to remove to5ins from the waste
water that esca!es from it. The &atest )ercedes mode& is of co"rse
MM.. and MM. yet if yo" want to have a car for a &ife save yo"r
money and "y it.
6. 2n this "nit yo" have &earnt ao"t com!arison. 3ow &earn a few idioms of
com!arison. ;i&& in the &anks with one s"ita&e word Ca* * c or dD.
1. Where is everyoneB 2tEs as si&ent asMMMMMin hereO
a ,"nday ! the grave c death d a tom
2. PimmyEs fee&ing a it "nder the weather today* "t 2 e5!ect heE&&
e as right asMMMMy the weekend.
a an ath&ete ! s"nshine c rain d roses
3. 2E&& never eat and drink as m"ch as that againO 2 was sick as a
MMMMMMon the way home.
a dog ! horse c !ig d !ood&e
Business English
4. 7sk @avid to give a hand moving the f"rnit"re. ?eEs as strong
a an e&e!hant ! a mo"ntain c a gori&&a d a horse
5. >o"Ere not getting eno"gh to eat* WarenO <ook at yo"O >o"Ere as
thin as a MMMMM.
a stick insect ! rake c finger d wire
6. We canEt eat this meat-itEs as to"gh asMMMMMM..
a canvas ! o&d oots c r"er d sta&e read
7. >o" sho"&dnEt have frightened her &ike that. Poor thingO ,he went
as white asMMMMM.O
a a sheet ! snow c mi&k d whitewash
8. 3othing ever seems to other %o&&in. 3o matter what ha!!ens* he
a&ways seems to remain as coo& asMMMMMMM
a co&d feet ! ice-cream c a c"c"mer d an 1skimo
9. >o"E&& have to sho"t* 2Em afraid. )y fatherEs as deaf
a a &eaf ! a !ost c a !o&itician d a stone
10. 2tEs hard to e&ieve Arian and ,te!hen are rothers* isnEt itB
TheyEre as different asMMMMM.
a )ars from P"!iter ! mi&k from honey c cha&k from cheese d
margarine from "tter
11. 7&tho"gh we had een to&d that the fi&m was very e5citing* oth
my wife and 2 fo"nd it to e as d"&& asMMMMMM.
a ditchwater ! a don c a d"ngeon d a m"se"m
12. ?onest&y* Pam* ever since 2Eve given "! smoking 2 fee& as fit
a a fighter ! a fidd&e c a frog d an ath&ete
13. 8"r dog &ooks very ferocio"s* "t donEt worry* <iI* ;idoEs as
gent&e asMMMMMMM-es!ecia&&y with chi&dren.
a a !ony ! snowf&akes c a &am d washing-"! &i6"id
14. F2 ho!e chi&dren didnEt !&ay yo" "!* @oreenBG
Business English
F3o* not at a&&* )rs Gardener. TheyEve een as good
a re&igion ! go&d c God d rass
15. FThe s"itcase isnEt too heavy* is itBG
F3o* itEs as &ight asMMMMMMG
a d"st ! &ighting c a feather d a fish
16. 2 wish the new secretary wo"&d cheer "!O ,heEs een as
misera&e asMMMMMMfor the !ast week.
a a monk ! death c a anker d sin
17. FAy the way* have yo" heard the one ao"t the We&shman* the
2rishman and the !igBG
F>es* we have. The #okeEs as o&d asMMMMMM.G
a ,o&omon ! the hi&&s c a dinosa"r d P"!iter
18. 8f co"rse he &oves yo"O 2tEs as !&ain as MMMMMM
a a !ancake ! the kno of yo"r door c the nose on yo"r face
d a e&&
19. Wathy was as !&eased asMMMMMMwhen she heard she had
!assed the e5am.
a !"nch ! a !o!!y c a s"nf&ower d !o"nd notes
20. 2 ho!e the com!"ter co"rse starts this term. WeE&& a&& as keen as
MMMMMM to get going.
a coffee ! m"stard c a gigo&o d cornf&akes
Business English
2. %hoose the est variant.
1. >o" MM.. an essay when 2 MM.. the room.
0. wroteK enteredN 3. were writingK enteredN 4. were writingK was entering.N
/. wroteK entered.
2. ,he since she MMM 1'.
0. hasnEt eenK wasN 3. wasnEtK wasN 4. wasnEtK has eenN /. hasnEt een.
3. ?e MM.. to schoo& y tram* "t &ast week there was a strike of the tram
workers and he MM.. the "s.
0. doesnEt goK has takenN 3. doesnEt goK takesN 4. isnEt goingK tookN
/. doesnEt goK took.
4. Where MM.. B 2 MM.. for yo" everywhere.
0. have yo" eenK have &ookedN 3. have yo" eenK have een &ookingN
4. were yo"K &ookedN /. were yo"K was &ooking.
5. 2 MM. there M. the nick of time.
0. arrived K onN 3. was arrivingK inN 4. arrivedK inN /. was arrivingK on
6. What e5act&y are yo" &ookingMM..B
0. inN 3. ao"tN 4. onN /. for
7. 2 MM.. what decision to make* so 2 MM.. ask my s"!ervisor.
0. didnEt knowK have toN 3. havenEt knownK m"stN 4. donEt knowK had toN
/. didnEt knowK had to
8. 2f this !ro!osa& is MM.. than o"rs* we donEt mind. The MM.. one wi&& e
a!!reciated y everyody.
7. goodK goodN 3. etterK etterN 4. etterK estN /. etterK good.
9. 2 MM.. !ossi&y acce!t his offer* as it was MM. than the other one.
0. co"&dnEtK worseN 3. canK the worstN 4. wo"&dnEtK adN /. wonEtK worstN
10. The MM.. 2 arrive home* the MM. 2 am.
0. soonK ha!!yN 3. etterK ha!!ierN 4. soonerK ha!!ierN /. etterK ha!!y.
11. What are yo" &ooking MM..B 2 MM.. my g&asses and 2 canEt find them
0. forK have &ostN 3. atK &ostN 4. inK have &ostN /. ofK &ost.
Business English
12. Where MM. &ast s"mmerB 2 MM.. to the seaside.
0. did yo" goK wentN 3. have yo" goneK wentN 4. did yo" goK have goneN
/. have goneK have gone.
13. ?e was !reocc"!ied MM so&ving that !ro&em* so he MM. what 2 was
0. forK hasnEt heardN 3. withK didnEt hearN 4. inK hasnEt heardN /. forK didnEt
14. The train is MM.. than the "s* "t the !&ane is MM.. of a&&.
0. fasterK the fastestN 3. fasterK fasterN 4. fasterK the fasterN /. the fasterK the
15. When MM.. to PohnB 8h* 2 MMM to him for ages.
0. did yo" &ast writeK havenEt writtenN 3. have yo" &ast writtenK havenEt
writtenN 4. did yo" &ast writeK wroteN /. have yo" &ast writtenK wrote.
16. ?ow m"ch did yo" se&& yo"r car MM..B
0. atN 3. withN 4. ofN /. for.
17. MMM the nove& efore we MM.. the fi&mB
0. ?ad yo" readK sawN 3. ?ave yo" readK sawN 4. @id yo" readK sawN
/. ?ad yo" readK had seen.
18. The trans&ation of ,u cNt mai repede Onv#P#m engle=a' cu atNt mai
bine. is .
0. The 6"ick&ier we teach 1ng&ish* the etter it isN 3. The 6"ick&ier we &earn
1ng&ish* the etter it is.N 4. The sooner we &earn 1ng&ish* the etter it is.N
/. The 6"ick we &earn 1ng&ish* the etter it is.
22. P"t each of the fo&&owing !hrases in its correct !&ace in the sentences
red0carpet treatment a white0collar job
a red herring a white lie
blue0eyed boy rose0coloured spectacles
to see red a green belt
blac. sheep
a. 3at"ra&&y the PresidentEs wife received the MMMM on her visit.
Business English
!. ?e said he didnEt want to have MMMMMMand sit in an office a&&
c. 7&& ro"nd the city there is MMMMM. of o!en co"ntry where
"i&ding is restricted.
d. ,he &oves anima&s and tends MMMMM.. when she sees one eing
ad&y treated.
e. ?e to&d avoid h"rting his wifeEs fee&ings.
'. 1veryone thinks heE&& e @irector of the firm one day. ?eEs the
g. Ae rea&istic. >o" canEt go thro"gh &ife &ooking at the wor&d thro"gh
h. 2n c&ass* !"!i&s sometimes introd"ce MMMMMM. to distract the
teacher from correcting their homework.
i. 1veryody in the fami&y knows that he is the MMMM.
0ns(er )ey9
1. AN 2. 7N 3. @N 4. AN 5. %N 6. @N 7. @N 8. %.N 9. 7N 10. %N 11. 7.N 12. 7.N
13. A.N 14. 7.N 15. 7.N 16. @N 17. 7.N 18. A.
a. red car!et treatmentN !. a white-co&&ar #oN c. a green e&tN d. to see redN
e. a white &ieN '. &"e-eyed oyN g. rose-co&o"red s!ectac&esN h. a red herringN
i. &ack shee!.
1 !oint _ /*+/ !oints !er each good answer
1 !oint _ 1 !oint !er each good answer
Business English
Unit 10

In this unit you will learn:

Planning and Strategy
5e going to 6uture
6uture Simple or be going to%
6irst ,onditional

Pre-reading task
?ow im!ortant do yo" consider !&anning an action efore act"a&&y
!erforming itB WhyB
Business English
com!any is going and how it wi&& get there. ;or e5am!&e* to! managers m"st
decide which markets to enter and which to !"&& o"t ofN how e5!ansion is to
e financedN whether new !rod"cts wi&& e deve&o!ed within the
organisation or ac6"ired y "ying other com!anies. These and other s"ch
decisions sha!e a com!anyEs f"t"re.
Aefore doing any kind of strategic !&anning* the management m"st e
s"re of one thing. They m"st decide what is the mission and !"r!ose of their
"siness. They a&so need to decide what it sho"&d e in the f"t"re. 2n other
words* they m"st know why the "siness e5ists and what its main !"r!ose
is. @eciding the mission and !"r!ose is the fo"ndation of any !&anning
Two e5am!&es wi&& make this !oint c&ear Y one Aritish* the other
7merican. )ost !eo!&e have heard of )arks and ,!encer* one of the
iggest and most s"ccessf"& retai&ers in the wor&d. )ichae& )arks o!ened
his first !enny aIaar in 144'* in <eeds* 1ng&and. Ten years &ater there were
nine market stores* and )arks had taken into !artnershi! Tom ,!encer* the
cashier of one of his s"!!&iers. 2n 19(- )arks and ,!encer ecame a !"&ic
com!any. 7t that !oint* they co"&d have rested on their &a"re&sO ?owever*
aro"nd that time* they deve&o!ed a c&ear idea of )arks and ,!encerEs
mission and !"r!ose. Their &ater s"ccess was fo"nded on this idea. They
decided that the com!any was in "siness to !rovide goods of e5ce&&ent
6"a&ity* at reasona&e !rices* to c"stomers from the working and midd&e
c&asses. Providing va&"e for money was their mission and !"r!ose. 8ne of
the strategies they "sed was to concentrate on se&&ing c&othing and te5ti&es.
<ater on* food !rod"cts were added as a ma#or &ine of "siness.
The second e5am!&e concerns the 7merican Te&e!hone and Te&egra!h
%om!any. They decided on their mission some si5ty or so years ago. The
head of the organisation at that time* Theodore 0ai&* rea&ised that a
!rivate&y-owned te&e!hone and te&egra!hic com!any might easi&y e
nationa&ised. 2f the com!any didnEt !erform we&&* the !"&ic wo"&d ca&& for
its nationa&isation. To avoid this fate* it had to give efficient service to its
c"stomers. 0ai& and his co&&eag"es decided that giving service wo"&d e the
Business English
mission and !"r!ose of the organisation. This ecame the overa&& o#ective
of the com!any* and has remained so ever since.
?aving decided on its mission and !"r!ose* an organisation wi&& have
worked o"t certain more s!ecific o#ectives. ;or e5am!&e* a car firm may
have the o#ective of !rod"cing and marketing new mode&s of cars in the
medi"m-!rice range. 7nother o#ective may e to increase its market share
y 1/J in the ne5t five years. 7s soon as it has esta&ished its more
s!ecific* medi"m-term o#ectives* the com!any can draw "! a cor!orate
!&an. 2ts !"r!ose is to indicate the strategies the management wi&& "se to
achieve its o#ectives.
?owever* efore deciding strategies* the !&anners have to &ook at the
com!anyEs !resent !erformance* and at any e5terna& factors which might
affect its f"t"re. To do this* it carries o"t an ana&ysis* sometimes ca&&ed a
,W8T ana&ysis Cstrengths* weaknesses* o!!ort"nities and threatsD. ;irst* the
organisation e5amines its c"rrent !erformance* assessing its strengths and
weaknesses. 2t &ooks at !erformance indicators &ike market share* sa&es
reven"e* o"t!"t and !rod"ctivity. 2t a&so e5amines its reso"rces Y financia&*
h"man* !rod"cts and faci&ities. ;or e5am!&e* a de!artment store chain may
have stores in good &ocations Y a strength Y "t sa&es reven"e !er
em!&oyee may e &ow Y a weakness. 3e5t* the com!any &ooks at e5terna&
factors* from the !oint of view of o!!ort"nities and threats. 2t is trying to
assess techno&ogica&* socia&* economic and !o&itica& trends in the markets
where it is com!eting. 2t a&so e5amines the activities of com!etitors. The
de!artment store chain* for e5am!&e* may see the o!!ort"nity to increase
!rofits y !roviding financia& services to c"stomers. 8n the other hand*
increasing com!etition may e a threat to its very e5istence.
?aving com!&eted the ,W8T ana&ysis* the com!any can now eva&"ate
its o#ectives and !erha!s work o"t new ones. They wi&& ask themse&ves
6"estions s"ch as. 7re we !rod"cing the right !rod"ctsB What growth rate
sho"&d we aim at in the ne5t five yearsB Which new markets sho"&d we
reak intoB
The remaining task is to deve&o! a!!ro!riate strategies to achieve the
Business English
o#ectives. The organisation decides what actions 4/ it wi&& take and how it
wi&& !rovide the reso"rces to s"!!ort those actions. 8ne strategy may e to
"i&d a new factory to increase !rod"ction ca!acity. To finance this* the
com!any may deve&o! another strategy* the iss"ing of new shares to the
%om!any !&anning and strategic decision-making are key activities of
to! management. 8nce they have een carried o"t* o#ectives and targets
can e set at &ower &eve&s in the organisation.
Ways with words
1. Understanding the "ain $oints
3"mer the fo&&owing ideas &Y4* de!ending on the order in which they
a!!ear in the te5t.
a. The 7merican Te&e!hone and Te&egra!h %om!any decided that its
!rinci!a& o#ective was to !rovide c"stomers with an efficient service.
!. The first ste! in !&anning the C&ong-termD f"t"re of a com!any is to
decide on its overa&& o#ective.
c. 7fter ana&ysing its strengths* weaknesses* o!!ort"nities and threats*
an organisation may re-consider its o#ectives.
d. The !"r!ose of a cor!orate !&an is to state how management intends
to achieve the o#ectives.
e. The second !&anning stage is to esta&ish more s!ecific Cmedi"m-
termD o#ectives.
'. ;ina&&y* management needs to decide what actions it sho"&d take in
order to achieve its o#ectives.
g. 2t is necessary for management to ana&yse the com!anyEs c"rrent
!erformance as we&& as e5terna& factors affecting its f"t"re efore they
can draw "! a cor!orate !&an.
h. )arks and ,!encerEs aim to !rovide e5ce&&ent va&"e for money has
&ed to their ecoming one of the wor&dEs most s"ccessf"& retai&ers.
Business English
2. Read this sentence again. (e;t' the company loo.s at e;ternal !actors'
!rom the point o! view o! opportunities and threats. ?ow do yo" trans&ate
!romB 3ow &earn some e5!ressions containing this !re!osition.
from first to &ast Q de &a 7 &a g* de &a Tnce!"t !SnR &a sfSrHitN
from this !oint of view Q din acest !"nct de vedereN
from... to Q de &a... !SnR &aN
from e5!erience Q din e5!erien9RN
a!art from Q Tn afarR de* se!arat deN
far from it Q de!arte de acest &"cr"N
far e it from me Q de!arte de mine.
3. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. Hnce they have been carried out'
objectives and targets can be set at lower levels in the organisation" ?ow do
yo" trans&ate to setB 3ow &earn some !hrasa& vers and com!o"nd no"ns
with set" Use an 1ng&ish-Romanian dictionary in order to trans&ate their
0 )atch the fo&&owing vers and no"ns with the correct definitions.
1 set "! Cv.D a kee! for a s!ecia& !"r!ose
2 set-"! Cn.D ! esta&ish a "siness or organisation
3 set ack Cv.D c something that s&ows or im!edes !rogress
4 set-ack Cn.D d an organisation or arrangement
5 set ao"t Cv.D e start to do* or dea& with* something
6 set in Cv.D ' !"t ack or de&ay the deve&o!ment of something
7 set o"t Cv.D g egin an "ndertaking of some kind* e.g. a #o"rney
8 set against Cv.D h start and !roa&y contin"e
9 set aside Cv.D i a&ance against
10 set down Cv.D & write* make a record of
3 %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences* "sing s"ita&e vers and no"ns from
the &ist aove.
1 When the )anaging @irector MMMMMMMM to change the
Business English
management str"ct"re* no one tho"ght he had a chance of s"cceeding.
2 The strike of o"r sho! f&oor workers MMMMMMMM. !rod"ction
at &east three months.
3 2t &ooks as if a recession is ao"t to MMMMMMMMMMM .3o
one seems to have any money at the moment.
4The new )arketing )anager doesnEt "nderstand the of o"r
de!artment yet.
5 2t is a common !ractice of com!anies to MMMMMM... certain
"siness &osses MMMMMMta5es.
6 8ne of o"r com!etitors has MMMMMMMMa distri"tion
network covering the who&e co"ntry. ?ow annoyingO
7 ?ow on earth are we going to MMMMMMMMM red"cing o"r
8 )ost com!anies MMMMMMMM a !art of their !rofits for f"t"re
The money is ke!t in their reserves.
9 We had a ig MMMMMM.. &ast year when o"r wareho"se ca"ght
fire and o"r stock was destroyed.
10 2f an em!&oyee has an accident at work* he or she has
toMMMMMMMM. what ha!!ened in a re!ort.
4. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. Hne o! their .ey tas.s is to ma.e
major decisions a!!ecting the !uture o! the organisation" To ma.e a decision
is ca&&ed a co&&ocation. 7 co&&ocation refers to words which are fre6"ent&y
gro"!ed together. 8ther e5am!&es co"&d e. to ta.e into account' to solve a
problem* etc.
3ow com!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with a!!ro!riate vers.
a. 7&tho"gh o"r com!any wants to e5!and ra!id&y* we
m"stMMMMM in mind that we have &imited cash to do so.
!. 2t is im!ortant to MMMMMMMinto acco"nt a&& o!tions to
MMMMMMM a decision.
c. The ;inancia& @irector hasMMMM.M the conc&"sion that we m"st
Business English
red"ce costs y 1/J.
d. ;ina&&y* the %hairman MMMMMMMMhis o!inion ao"t the
matter. 7fter we had &istened to him* we were a&e to
MMMMMMM to an agreement.
e. Patricia MMMMMMMM an interesting s"ggestion at the
'. 2f we donEt come "! with new !rod"cts* we MMMMMMMM the
risk of fa&&ing ehind o"r com!etitors.
g. 8"r chairman is too o&d for the #o. ,ome of the directors
MMMMMM !ress"re on him to resign.
h. The writer has MMMMMMM some recommendations in his
i. What conc&"sion have yo" MMMMMMMM from the facts given
in his &etterB
&. 2 have MMMMMMMM a great dea& of tho"ght to o"r financia&
). 7fter five ho"rsE negotiation* we fina&&y MMMMMMMM
l. 2 donEt want to MMMMMMMMM action "nti& 2Eve heard
everyoneEs o!inion.
5. Read the fo&&owing sentence again: +aving completed the S*HT
analysis' the company can now evaluate its objectives and perhaps wor. out
new ones. ?ow do yo" trans&ate to wor. outB 3ow &earn more !hrasa& vers
containing the !artic&e out. <ook them "! in the dictionary and trans&ate
pull out carry out wor. out
brea. into draw up
7nswer the fo&&owing 6"estions in any way yo" wish "sing the vers in
a. What does a firm often have to do if it is not s"ccessf"& in a marketB
C!"&& o"tD
Business English
!. What do yo" do if yo"r main com!etitor is doing etter than yo" in
the marketB Cwork o"tD
c. 7fter yo" have made a dea& with an overseas agent* what do yo"
"s"a&&y doB Cdraw "!D
d. ?ow can yo" find o"t if there wi&& e a demand for a !rod"ct yo"
wish to deve&o!B Ccarry o"tD
e. What can yo" do if the demand for yo"r !rod"cts in yo"r home
market is sat"ratedB Creak intoD
6. 3ow &earn more !hrasa& vers containing the !artic&e out. %om!&ete the
fo&&owing sentences* "sing the s"ita&e forms of the vers given e&ow.
point out have out
hold out stand out
ma.e out Atwo meaningsB cut out Atwo meaningsB
a. ,hei&a wants toMMMMMMMMM the training sessions she r"ns
on ;riday afternoon. ,heEs too "sy to ho&d them then.
!. When reviewing my !erformance* )r PonesMMMMMMMMM
severa& weaknesses.
c. 2Em a va&"a&e memer of the organisation* so at my ne5t sa&ary
review* 2 sha&& MMMMMMMfor a &ot more money.
d. 2 think 2 MMMMMMMM among a&& the candidates eca"se my
6"a&ifications for the #o were so good.
e. >o( did yo" MMMMMMMMM in the interview* PatriciaB
'. ?e said that 2 was not MMMMMMM for a career in anking.
g. 2Em fed "! with my oss criticising me a&& the time. 2Em going to
h. %an yo" read @avidEs writingB 2 canEt MMMMMMMM what
heEs !"t on this re!ort.
Business English
Grammar Reference
/e going to .uture
Ae going to ;"t"re is "sed
to e5!ress a f"t"re decision* intention* or !&an made efore the moment
of s!eaking
*e)re going to move to 5ucharest"
+ow long are they going to stay in 5rasil%
She isn)t going to attend this optional Economy course"
The Present %ontin"o"s can e "sed in a simi&ar way for a !&an or
arrangement* !artic"&ar&y with the vers go and come.
She)s coming on $onday"
I)m going home"
when we can see or fee& now that something is certain to ha!!en in the
9oo. at those grey clouds> It)s going to rain"
*atch out> The bo; is going to !all"
2ts form consists of the ver to e in Present_to_infinitive
7ffirmative and negative
2 am CLmD
am CLmD not
going to work.
is CEsD
is not CisnEtD
are CLreD
are not CarenEtD
When am 2 going to arriveB
is heK sheK it
are weKyo"K they
Business English
,hort answer
Are you going to attend his lecture%
&es' I am" (o' I)m not"
.uture Simple or /e #oing To0
<ook at the "se of ;"t"re ,im!&e and to be going to in the fo&&owing
I)m going to improve my English" C2 decided that and 2 may have o"ght
ooks to im!rove my know&edgeD.
*hat language shall I learn% Er""" I .now" I)ll learn some English> That)s a
good idea" C2 decided to &earn 1ng&ish at the moment of s!eaking.D
.irst Conditional
The first conditiona& is "sed to e5!ress a !ossi&e condition and a !roa&e
res"&t in the f"t"re.
I! my che/ue comes' I)ll buy this car"
*e)ll destroy the environment i! you don)t loo. a!ter it"
I! he passes the baccalaureate' he)ll go to university.
3o f"t"re tense occ"rs in the conditiona& c&a"se. This is re!&aced y the
)ain %&a"se 2f %&a"se
PresentK ;"t"re Present
7ffirmative and negative
2f 2 work hard* 2 E&&
!ass my e5ams.
she has eno"gh money*
"y that new ook on
we donEt h"rry "!* we e &ate
yo" are &ate* we wait for yo".
yo" are not !o&ite* she ta&k to yo" anymore.
Business English
she doesnEt &earn* she !ass her e5ams in
What wi&& yo" do if yo" donEt go to any "niversityB
Where wi&& she go she canEt find a #oB
Controlled practice
1. @ecide which is the correct ver form.
a. F)y s"itcase is so heavyOG
FGive it to me. 2E&&K2Em going to carry it for yo".G
!. 2 o"ght some warm oots eca"se 2E&& goK2Em going on tri! to
c. WeE&& goK WeEre going to a conference ne5t week.
d. 2 hear yo" and )ike wi&& getK are going to get marriedO
e. Where wi&& yo" goK are yo" going on ho&iday this yearBG
F;rance. What ao"t yo"BG
FWe donEt know yet. )aye we wi&& goK we are going to ,!ain.G
2. Use the !e going toIform with the vers in rackets.
a. >o" CmissD the train if yo" carry on &ike this.
!. The !ress"re cooker Ce5!&odeD.
c. That man with the tomato in his hand CthrowD it at the singer.
d. The man in the he&ico!ter CtryD to resc"e the man in the water.
e. Those swans CeatD a&& o"r sandwiches.
'. The <ord )ayor is standing "!. ?e CmakeD a s!eech.
g. 2 Csto!D here for a moment to get some !etro&.
h. 2Eve &ent yo" my car once. 2 Cnot doD it again.
i. 2 have seen the !&ay. 3ow 2 CreadD the ook.
3. Use e going to or sha&&Kwi&& f"t"re with the vers in rackets.
a. F@id yo" rememer to ook seatsBG F8h* no 2 forgot. 2 Cte&e!honeD
for them right now.G
Business English
!. FWhere are yo" off with that &adderBG F2 ChaveD a &ook at the roofN
itEs &eaking and 2 think a ti&e has s&i!!ed.G
c. F?e has #"st een taken to hos!ita& with a roken &eg.G F2Em sorry to
hear that. 2 CsendD him some gra!es.G
d. We o"ght o"r new garage in sections and we Cassem&eD it
o"rse&ves.G FThat so"nds rather interesting. 2 CcomeD and he&! yo" if
yo" &ike.G
e. FWhy do yo" want a&& the f"rnit"re o"t of the roomBG FAeca"se 2
Csham!ooD the car!et. 2tEs im!ossi&e to do it "n&ess yo" take
everything o"t.G
'. F2 canEt "nderstand this &etter.G F2 Cca&&D my son. ?e Ctrans&ateD it for
g. F?ere are the matchesN "t what do yo" want them forBG F2 CmakeD
a onfire at the end of the gardenN 2 want to "rn that ig hea! of
r"ish.G FWe&&* e caref"&. 2f the fire gets too ig it C"rnD the a!!&e
h. F>o" CwearD that nice dress in a dinghyBG F8f co"rse notO 2 CsitD on
the !ier and CwatchD yo" a&& sai&ing. 2 Cnot getD a&& wet and m"ddy and
!retend that 2Em en#oying it.G
i. F2Eve come o"t witho"t any money.G F3ever mind* 2 C&endD yo"
some. ?ow m"ch do yo" wantBG
&. FWhy have yo" ro"ght yo"r cameraB >o" CtryD to take
!hotogra!hsB 2tEs not a&&owed* yo" know.G F3o* 2 CtryD to se&& the
camera.G FThatEs not a&&owed* either. 2f a !o&iceman sees yo"* he
CconfiscateD the camera.G
4. 7nswer the fo&&owing 6"estions with conditiona& sentences of the rea&
a. What ha!!ens if yo" donEt !ass this e5amB
!. What !resents wi&& yo" "y if yo" go to that !artyB
c. What grade do yo" e5!ect to get if yo" write a good !a!erB
Business English
d. What do yo" need to &earn if yo" want to get that #oB
e. What wi&& yo" te&& him if he asks yo" ao"t yo"r accidentB
5. Trans&ate the fo&&owing sentences into 1ng&ish.
a. @acR voi !"tea* te voi a#"ta &a !roiect"& de an.
!. @acR voi Hti rRs!"ns"&* o sR 9i-& s!"n.
c. @acR vrei sR ne Tnso9eHti* eHti inevenit.
d. 0oi !&eca Tn vacan9R dacR voi avea ani.
e. 0ei TnvR9a mai ine dacR acce!9i sR te a#"t.
'. 0oi s!R&a !ahare&e Tn a!R fierinte.
3"* n" face asta. @acR &e vei !"ne Tn a!R fierinte se vor s!arge.
g. @acR T& vei TntS&ni !e Perry &a fac"&tate* s!"ne-i sR-mi te&efoneIe.
h. @acR aHte!ti o c&i!R* vin si e" c" tine.
i. 7re doar Hais!reIece ani* Hi vrea sR ren"nte &a Hcoa&R &a sfSrHit"&
semestr"&"i. @acR va face asta* o sR-i !arR rR" mai tSrIi".
&. @acR voi !rimi !ermis de &"cr"* voi mai sta "n an aici.
). %Sine&e n" te va ataca dacR vei sta &iniHtit.
l. @acR tot faci remarci ne!otrivite* n"-i de mirare cR &"mea te
". @acR c"mva aceste mRs"ri n" vor restai&i ordinea* vom im!"ne
mRs"ri Hi mai severe.
n. @acR n" mR creIi* TntreR-& !e tatR& tR".
o. @acR voi fi acce!tat &a co&egi"* voi Tnce!e st"dii&e Tn toamnR.
6. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct tense.
a. 2f he CeD &ate weE&& go witho"t him.
!. 2f 2 see him 2 CgiveD him a &ift.
c. 2f yo" eat a&& that yo" CeD i&&.
d. 2f the !o&ice catch him they CarrestD him.
e. 2f yo" read in ad &ight yo" Cr"inD yo"r eyes.
'. 2 C&endD yo" my car if yo" !romise to take care of it.
g. 2f he Cnot startD at once heE&& e &ate for the train.
Business English
h. Un&ess yo" work very hard yo" Cnot eD s"ccessf"&.
i. 2f yo" heat ice it Ct"rnD to water.
&. Un&ess 2 have a 6"iet room 2 Cnot e a&eD to do any work.
7. P"t i!* when* or as soon as into each ga!* and !"t the vers in rackets in
the correct tense.
Pohn. Aye* dar&ing. ?ave a good tri!.
)aria. Thanks. 2 CringD yo" MMM.. 2 CarriveD at the hote&.
Pohn. Good* "t rememer 2Em going o"t.
)aria. We&&* MM.... yo" CeD o"t MMM.. 2 CringD* 2 C&eaveD a
message on the answer !hone so yo" know 2Eve arrived safe&y.
Pohn. Great. What time do yo" e5!ect yo"E&& e thereB
)ary. MMM... the !&ane CarriveD on time* 2 CeD at the hote& at ao"t
1/.//. ThatEs 4.// yo"r time.
Pohn. 7&& right. 7nd rememer. Give me a ring MMM... yo" know
the time of yo"r f&ight ack* and 2 C!ickD yo" "!.
)aria. Thanks* dar&ing. AyeO
Business English
Unit 11

In this unit you will learn:

The uality o! * 9i!e
The Hrdinal (umeral
The 6ractional (umeral
The $ultiplicative (umeral
Second ,onditional

Pre-Reading Task
Which is the est way to increase workersE efficiencyB Work in !airs and
make a few s"ggestions.
Read the fo&&owing te5t on the 6"a&ity of working &ife. Pay attention to the
ordina&* fractiona& and m"&ti!&icative n"mera&s.
he N%ality o' 1or)ing 6i'e
8ver the &ast thirty years* a new a!!roach to management has een
deve&o!ing. Those favo"ring it say that the way to increase workersE
efficiency is to im!rove their #o satisfaction and motivation. ;o&&owers of
the $"a&ity of Working <ife movement C$W<D have een trying o"t vario"s
methods of making work more interesting. These inc&"de #o en&argement*
#o enrichment and new forms of gro"! work.
With #o en&argement* the worker is given additiona& tasks to !erform.
Th"s* the o!erator of a word-!rocessor may e asked to do fi&ing d"ties as
Business English
we&&. Po enrichment invo&ves giving e5tra res!onsii&ities to workers s"ch
as !rod"ction !&anning* 6"a&ity contro& and technica& deve&o!ment of
e6"i!ment. 2n some organisations* s!ecia& ty!es of work gro"!s have een
formed where workers share res!onsii&ity for certain tasks. ;or e5am!&e* at
the 0o&vo car !&ant in Wo&mar* ,weden* assem&y workers do not work on a
moving !rod"ction &ine. They are organised into thirty teams of fifteen to
twenty memers. They have their own tasks* &ike assem&ing heating and
e&ectrica& systems* and they work in their own !art of the factory.
7s it can e seen* the asic idea of $W< is that a worker sho"&d have
an interesting* even cha&&enging #o. $W< enco"rages managers* therefore*
to e sensitive to the needs of em!&oyees.
The roots of the $W< movement can e traced ack to the 19(/s and
193/s. 2t was at this time that the famo"s ?awthorne ,t"dies were carried
o"t. These were he&d at the ?awthorne !&ant of the Western 1&ectric
%om!any in %hicago* U,7* from 19(7Y3(. )ost of the st"dies were
directed y Professor 1&ton )ayo* a ?arvard University !sycho&ogist. Their
aim* initia&&y* was to eva&"ate the factors inf&"encing !rod"ctivity. ?owever*
the researchers soon directed their attention towards st"dying !eo!&e*
es!ecia&&y their socia& re&ationshi!s at work.
2t a&& egan when the ?awthorne %om!any investigated the effect of
factory &ighting on !rod"ction and workersE mora&e. They fo"nd o"t that the
gro"!s of workers who were st"died increased their o"t!"t whether the
&ighting was im!roved or not. This &ed them to &ook for the h"man factor
inf&"encing efficiency. To he&! them in their search* they ro"ght in
Professor 1&ton )ayo and his co&&eag"es.
?e directed a series of e5!eriments on how working conditions
affected o"t!"t. 2n the ear&y e5!eriments* his s"#ects were a gro"! of gir&s
who assem&ed te&e!hone e6"i!ment. ,"ch things as &ighting* &"nch times*
rest !eriods* wa&& co&o"rs* !ay and tem!erat"re were varied to see how they
affected !rod"ctivity. The researchers genera&&y disc"ssed the changes with
the gir&s efore !"tting them into effect. 8nce again* it was fo"nd that there
was an increase in !rod"ctivity whether conditions were made etter or
Business English
The researchers egan &ooking for other factors which wo"&d e5!&ain
the increased !rod"ctivity. They rea&ised that their st"dy was a&so ao"t
workersE attit"des and va&"es. 2t was c&ear that the gir&s had deve&o!ed a
high mora&e d"ring the e5!eriment and had een motivated to work hard.
This high mora&e was !"t down to severa& factors. ;irst* the gir&s had
en#oyed fee&ing they were es!ecia&&y se&ected for the st"dy and were
receiving a &ot of attention from management. ,econd&y* they had deve&o!ed
good re&ationshi!s with each other and with their s"!erior d"ring the
e5!eriment. This was eca"se they had een fair&y free to work at their own
!ace and to divide their work "! amongst themse&ves. <ast&y* the good
re&ationshi!s and socia& contacts had made their work more en#oya&e.
This e5!eriment was fo&&owed y many others. The researchers came
to the conc&"sion that socia& re&ations* among workers and etween workers
and their osses* affect o"t!"t* the 6"a&ity of work and motivation. 7nother
im!ortant finding was that a worker needs more than money and good
working conditions to e !rod"ctive. The fee&ing of e&onging to a gro"!*
and hisKher stat"s within that gro"!* strong&y affect hisKher ehavio"r Y
even if the gro"! is an "nofficia& or informa& one.
2t is said that 1&ton )ayo fo"nded the ?"man Re&ations ,choo& whose
offs!ring is the $"a&ity of Working <ife movement. ?e directed and
!"&iciIed the ?awthorne e5!eriments which have een so inf&"entia& to this
day. The conc&"sions of the st"dy cha&&enged the theory of ,cientific
)anagement !"t forward y ;rederick W. Tay&or. Aoth men* however*
changed the co"rse of management thinking.
Ways with words
1. Understanding the "ain $oints
@ecide whether the fo&&owing statements are tr"e or fa&se.
a. )anagers who e&ieve in $W< are e5!erimenting with new ways
or organising work.
Business English
!. The idea of #o en&argement is to make work more satisfying for an
c. Po enrichment invo&ves giving workers more tasks of the same
&eve& of diffic"&ty.
d. The Wo&mar car !&ant is efficient eca"se workers s!ecia&ise in one
e. The $W< a!!roach makes managers more aware of their workersE
2. Read this sentence again. Hnce again' it was !ound that there was an
increase in productivity whether conditions were made better or worse"
<etEs &earn some e5!ressions in which the ver to ma.e occ"rs.
to make an attem!t Q a face o TncercareN
to make the est of Q a trage cSt mai m"&t !rofit de !e "rma* a !rofita &a
ma5im"m deN
to make e&ieve Q a face sR creadRN
to make it c&ear Q a c&arificaN
to make it !ossi&e Q a face !osii&N
to make for Q a contri"iN
to make o"t Q a Tn9e&ege* a demonstra* a redactaN
to make over Q a transfera* a cedaN
to make ready Q a fi gata* a CseD !regRtiN
to make a stand Q a se o!"neN
to make s"re of Q a se asig"ra deN
to make short work ofK sth Q a sc"rta* a face ceva re!ede* a termina* a
to make tight Q a ermetiIa* a etanHeiIa* a Tnchide etanHN
to make "! oneEs mind Q a se hotRrTN
to make "! for oneEs &osses Q a-Hi rec"!era !ierderi&eN
to make "! for &ost time Q a recSHtiga tim!"& !ierd"tN
to make as ifK tho"gh Q a !Rrea ca Hi c"m* a !retinde ca Hi c"m* a face ca Hi
Business English
to make "se of Q a Tntre"in9aN
to make way forK to make room for Q a face &oc !entr".
3. 1ven if to do and to ma.e are genera&&y trans&ated in the same way* there
are severa& e5!ressions in which yo" cannot "se the ver to ma.e.
e.g. to do oneEs est Q a face tot ce-i !osii&N
to do the donkey work Q a m"nci din gre"N
to do sd. a good t"rnK a favo"r Q a face c"iva o favoareN
to do sth. with yo"r eyes c&osed Q a Hti ceva foarte ine* a face ceva c" ochii
to do harm Q a face rR"N
to do wonders Q a face min"niN
to have sth. to do with Q a avea de-a face c".
3ow !ractise these e5!ressions in sentences of yo"r own.
4. P"t make or do efore the fo&&owing no"ns.
MM.. a !hone ca&&N .MM. a messN MM.. my homeworkN MM.. a
mistakeN ...M..a noiseN .MM. the sho!!ingN MM.. yo"r estN MM.. a c"! of
teaN .MM. yo"r edN .MM. someone a favo"rN M..... an e5c"seN M.....
senseN M....."! yo"r mindN .MM. an a!!ointmentN .MM.s"re.
5. ;i&& in with @8 or )7W1.
2 MMMMit my way.
?e MMMM his own way in &ife.
Why do yo" MMMM a &ot of adoB
2tEs co&d in hereN yo"Ed etter MMMM the fire.
What sha&& 2 MMMM witho"t herB
?e MMMM a name for himse&f.
?ow did yo" MMMM this !ro&emB
?e recogniIed that he had MMMM a mistake.
They work hard. 8h* MMMM theyB
They had to MMMM away with it.
Business English
MMMM hasteO
7re yo" MMMMscience at schoo&B
2 canEt MMMM this s"m.
@onEt MMMM a foo& of himO
Go and MMMMyo"r hair.
?e MMMM a gest"re of disg"st.
Te&& the ho"semaid to MMMM the edrooms.
2 have a &ot of corres!ondence to MMMM .
P&ease* donEt MMMM s"ch a f"ss.
2E&& MMMM a&& 2 can.
?e MMMM an interesting discovery.
2E&& MMMM a man of yo".
?e MMMM his est to he&! "s.
>o"E&& MMMM it a start.
ThatEs a !ractice that sho"&d e MMMM away with.
8&d )r. Arown has een MMMM for me since my wife died
C!erform domestic servicesD
Poor fe&&ow* 2 am s"re he is MMMM for. Cr"inedD
This room needs MMMM o"t. Cc&eanD
?e MMMM a co!y of his irth certificate.
%an yo" MMMM the differenceB
?e MMMM a s!eech in my hono"r.
We are o"nd to MMMM !rogress in this fie&d.
?e MMMM a s"ccess in a!!earing on T0.
?e MMMM eyes at me.
6. 2n the te5t yo" have read there are some !hrasa& vers containing out. to
!ind out' to carry out" ?ow do yo" trans&ate themB
3ow com!&ete the fo&&owing sentences* "sing s"ita&e forms of the vers in
the o5 e&ow.
sort out $%ll out carry out t%rn out
Business English
"a)e out s$ell out sell out
!ring out !%y out so%nd out
a. The firmMMMMMMMMM.. ao"t five h"ndred s!orts cars a
!. We ho!e to MMMMMMM.o"r !rod"ction !ro&ems soon.
c. 2f the firm doesnEt make a !rofit* the owners wi&& !roa&y
d. 2Em wi&&ing to consider introd"cing f&e5itime* "t wo"&d yo"
firstMMMMMMM the advantages of the system* !&easeB
e. Givenchy have MMMMMMMM an e5citing new !erf"me.
'. Wo"&d yo" MMMMMMMM the che6"e to @avid %otton* !&easeB
g. 2n order to deve&o! new !rod"cts* !harmace"tica& com!anies have
to MMMMMM..M a &ot of research.
h. ,evera& &eading anks s"ch as Aarc&ays haveMMMMMMMMM
of ,o"th 7frica.
i. 7 gro"! of senior managers want to take over the firm y
&. WeEre &ooking for a new chief e5ec"tive. 2 "nderstand one or two
!ossi&e candidates have a&ready een MMMM....
Use some of the vers aove in sentences of yo"r own.
6. %om!&ete the fo&&owing !assage* "sing the s"ita&e words and !hrases
given e&ow.
asse"!ly line 'ore"an sched%le *%ality control
!on%s lay o'' incentive ro!ot
ca$acity layo%t overti"e
co"$onent red%ndant shi't
L2 "sed to work in a com!any which made MMMMMMMM C1D for cars.
Things &ike s!ark !&"gs* car"rettors* and so on. We were we&& !aid and we
Business English
had a !rod"ctivity MMMMMM. C(D too. 7nd if yo" needed e5tra money
for a ho&iday* yo" "s"a&&y had the chance to do a it of MMMMMMM..
C3D. The management was genero"s. They gave !riIes* s"ch as car radios* to
workers who attended reg"&ar&y. That was a rea&MMMMMMMMC'D for
"s not to e sickO We worked twoMMMMMMC+D at the factory Y 2
"s"a&&y worked at night. 2 &iked the MMMMMMMC-D a &ot. ?e &et yo" get
on with the #o.
Things changed two years ago. We got severa& ig orders at once and #"st
co"&dnEt co!e. The Prod"ction )anager got rea&&y "!set when we got
ehindMMMMMM. C7D. The MMMMMM C4D !eo!&e werenEt too
!&eased either eca"se a n"mer of car"rettors had fa"&ts* so they were
thrown away. 2n the end* the com!any ro"ght in some management
cons"&tants. They st"died o"r methods of work* then recommended
a"tomating !art of the !&ant. That meant changing the who&e
MMMMMMM C9D of the factory.
We&&* we did as they said. 2 m"st say* o"r !rod"ction MMMMMMM
C1/D did increase and stock &eve&s ecame high again. The tro"&e is* the
management decided to c"t down the work-force. 7t first* on&y a few
workers were MMMMMM C11D* "t &ater staff from a&& de!artments were
3owadays* 2Em working on an MMMMMMM C13D in a car
man"fact"ring factory. 2 s!ray the car odies. Wo"&d yo" e&ieve it* 2 hear
theyEre ringing in MMMMMM..C1'D to do my #oO ,o 2E&& e o"t of a #o
again soon.E
7. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. It was at this time that the !amous
+awthorne Studies were carried out" ?ow do yo" trans&ate at this timeB
3ow com!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with the correct word or !hrase Ca* *
c or dD.
1. 2t is on&y aMMMMMMMMM efore the firm c&oses down.
a matter of time
! co"rse of time
Business English
c &ength of time
d stage of time
2. There is "s"a&&y aMMMMMMMMMetween when yo" se&&
goods and when yo" get !aid y yo"r c"stomer.
a time-&og
! time-de&ay
c time-ho&d
d time-&ag
3. )eetings are necessary* "t they can e veryMMMMMMMMM
a time-cons"ming
! time-saving
c time-&osing
d time-costing
4. The fact that many sma&& sho!s are c&osing down is a
MMMMMMMMM of the times.
a mark
! image
c sight
d sign
5. 2t is im!ortant that we get theMMMMMMMM of o"r sa&es
cam!aign right. We m"st not have it too ear&y or too &ate.
a moment
! !oint
c timing
d time
6. ,ome workers &ike to MMMMMMMMMM doing a #o.
a wait their time
! s!are their time
c s!end their time
d take their time
7. When 2 visited o"r s"sidiary in West Germany* 2 had
MMMMMMM - everyone was most hos!ita&e.
Business English
a wonderf"& e5!eriences
! the est of times
c good times
d the time of my &ife
8. 2 "m!ed into a former co&&eag"e recent&y. We had a drink together
a for the sake of good times
! for o&d times sake
c in memory of good o&d times
d for the good o&d days
Grammar Reference
The +rdinal "umeral
The form of the ordina& n"mera&
1st the first 11th the e&eventh (1st the twenty-first
(nd the second 1(th the twe&fth ((nd the twenty-second
3rd the third 13th the thirteenth (3rd the twenty-third
'th the fo"rth 1'th the fo"rteenth 3/th the thirtieth
+th the fifth 1+th the fifteenth '/th the fo"rtieth
-th the si5th 1-th the si5teenth +/th the fiftieth
7th the seventh 17th the seveteenth -/th the si5tieth
4th the eighth 14th the eighteenth 7/th the seventieh
9th the ninth 19th the nineteenth 4/th the eightieth
1/th the tenth (/th the twentieth 9/th the ninetieth
1//th the ConeD h"ndredth 1*///th the ConeD tho"sandth
-((nd the Csi5D h"ndredth
and twenty-second
1*///*/// the ConeD mi&&ionth
The .ractional "umeral
The forms of the fractiona& n"mera&
%ommon fractions @ecima& fractions
1K( a ConeD ha&f 3'.77 thirty-fo"r !oint seventy-seven
3K- three si5ths +-.94 fifty-si5 !oint ninety-eight
Business English
(K3 two thirds /./' Cno"ghtD !oint no"ght fo"r
4 -K+ eight si5 fifths 1./- one !oint no"ght si5
The Multiplicatie "umeral
The forms of the m"&ti!&icative n"mera&
15 sing&e* once
( do"&eK twiceK twofo&d
35 tri!&eK threefo&d* three times
'5 fo"rfo&d* fo"r times
1/5 tenfo&d* ten times
1//5 a h"ndredfo&d* a h"ndred times
Second Conditional
The second conditiona& is "sed to e5!ress an "nrea& or im!roa&e condition
Chy!othetica& conditionD and its !roa&e res"&t in the !resent or f"t"re. The
condition is "nrea& eca"se it is different from the facts that we know. We
can always say 5ut"""
I! I were Prime $inister' I)d increase ta;es on properties such as castles'
palaces' ranches' etc" A5ut I)m not Prime $inister"B
I! I lived in a big house' I)d have a party" A5ut my house is very small"B
The ver in the main c&a"se is in the !resent conditiona& Cwo"&d_infinitiveDN
the ver in the conditiona& c&a"se is in the !ast s"#"nctive which is simi&ar
to the !ast sim!&e with the e5ce!tion of the ver to e which ecomes were
for a&& the !ersons.
)ain %&a"se 2f %&a"se
Present %onditiona& Past ,"#"nctive
7ffirmative and negative
2f 2 had more money* 2 wo"&d CEdD "y a new com!"ter.
she knew the answer* she te&& it to "s immediate&y.
2 didnEt have dets* 2 wo"&dnEt have to work so hard.
Business English
What wo"&d yo" do if yo" were meB
Which co"ntries wo"&d yo" visit yo" trave&&ed ro"nd the
Controlled practice
1. Trans&ate the fo&&owing sentences into Romanian.
a. 2f 2 knew it* 2 wo"&d have to&d yo" the tr"th.
!. 2f she he&!ed me 2 wo"&dnEt e &ate to work.
c. 2f it rained* we wo"&d go inside.
d. 2Ed &ike to hear her news if she were here.
e. 2f yo" co"&d do it* yo" wo"&dnEt ask me to te&& yo" how to do it.
2. Trans&ate the fo&&owing sentences into 1ng&ish.
a. @acR aH Hti mai m"&te amRn"nte des!re acest antic&ina&* 9i &e-aH
!. @acR ai vrea* m-ai !"tea a#"ta sR termin !roiect"& acestaB
c. @acR ar fi aici am termina treaa mai re!ede Hi am !"tea ieHi &a o
d. <-ar asc"&ta dacR ar avea "rechi de a"Iit.
e. 3e-ar face !&Rcere sR venim &a !etrecerea ta de terminare a fac"&tR9ii
dacR n" am avea a&tceva de fRc"t.
'. @acR am m"nci toatR noa!tea am !"tea termina &a tim!. @ar sR-9i
s!"n cinstit n-am chef sR &"creI toatR noa!tea.
g. ,tR &a ?ote&"& F,avoyG &a <ondra. 1 asa de ogatB
@acR n-ar fi ogat* c" sig"rantR cR n-ar sta &a F,avoyG.
h. @e-am avea o &"minR. 1 aHa de!rimant sR aHte!ti Tn Tnt"neric.
i. @acR n-ar fi aHa timidR* ar !"tea sR se afirme mai m"&t.
&. @acR am avea chirite am !"tea face foc"&.
). @acR i-as Hti adresa i-aH !"tea scrie.
l. 3-aH vinde acest ta&o" !entr" tot a"r"& din &"me. 1ste moHtenire de
&a "nic"& me".
Business English
". %e-ai face dacR te-ai TntS&ni c" o stafieB
n. @acR mi-ar s!"ne ce necaI"ri are* !oate aH !"tea face ceva sR o
o. @acR aH fi Tn &oc"& tR"* n-aH s!"ne nimic des!re asta.
3. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct tenses.
a. 2f 2 had a ty!ewriter 2 Cty!eD it myse&f.
!. 2f he worked more s&ow&y he Cnot makeD so many mistakes.
c. 2 C"yD shares in this com!any if 2 had some money.
d. 2 co"&d te&& yo" what this means if 2 Cs!eakD 7ra.
e. 2 CofferD to he&! if 2 tho"ght 2Ed e of any "se.
'. 2f yo" CchangeD yo"r #o wo"&d it affect yo"r !ensionB
g. 2f yo" Cs!eakD more s&ow&y he wo"&d "nderstand yo".
h. 2f yo" C&ookD at the engine for a moment yo" wo"&d see what is
i. >o" CsaveD me a &ot of tro"&e if yo" to&d me where yo" are going.
4. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct form.
a. 2f 2 knew his address 2 CgiveD it to yo".
!. 2f he knew that it was dangero"s he Cnot comeD.
c. 2f 2 ChaveD a degree 2 co"&d get a #o easi&y.
d. 2f 2 CwinD a ig !riIe in a &ottery 2Ed give "! my #o.
e. 2f 2 CknowD ;rench 2 co"&d te&& yo" what this means.
'. 2f 2 tho"ght that 2Ed e any "se 2 CofferD to he&!.
g. 2 Cnot goD there if 2 were yo".
h. 2Ed ask him to dinner more often if he CeD more am"sing.
i. 2f yo" saw someody drowning* what yo" CdoDB
&. 2f he worked more s&ow&y he Cnot makeD so many mistakes.
Business English
Unit 12

In this unit you will learn:

The Inde!inite Article
The De!inite Article
Qero Article

Pre-reading tasks
7nswer the fo&&owing 6"estions* then* in gro"!s of two or three* com!are
yo"r answers.
a. What sort of things motivates !eo!&e to do their #o we&&B 9ist all
the things you can thin. o!"
!. 2f yo" won a great dea& of money* for e5am!&e in a &ottery* wo"&d
yo" contin"e workingB
2f not* do yo" think yo" wo"&d &ose anything y giving "! workB
Read the fo&&owing te5t on motivation. Pay attention to the "se of artic&es.
%om!are the artic&e in 1ng&ish with the artic&e in Romanian.
The work of managers is to ens"re that staff work efficient&y in an
organisation. To achieve this* it is c&ear that managers m"st know what
motivates !eo!&e. Ay "nderstanding the factors inf&"encing motivation* they
can create the conditions in which em!&oyees wi&& !erform to their
ma5im"m !otentia&.
8ne of the est known theories of motivation was !"t forward y an
7merican !sycho&ogist* 7raham )as&ow* in a ook entit&ed $otivation
and Personality C19+'D. 2n his theory* he !resents a hierarchy of needs. ?e
Business English
identified certain asic h"man needs and c&assified them in an ascending
order of im!ortance. Aasic needs were at the ottom of the hierarchy* higher
needs at the to!.
Physio&ogica& needs
These were things re6"ired to s"stain &ife &ike food* water* air* s&ee!
etc. Unti& these needs are satisfied* )as&ow e&ieved* other needs wi&& not
motivate !eo!&e.
,ec"rity needs
They are the needs to e free from danger* !hysica& !ain and &oss of a
#o. They inc&"de the need for c&othing and she&ter.
,ocia& needs
7 h"man eing needs to e&ong to a gro"!* to e &iked and &oved* to
fee& acce!ted y others and to deve&o! affi&iations.
1steem needs
7fter !eo!&e have satisfied their socia& needs* they want to have se&f-
res!ect and to e esteemed y others. They have a need for !ower* stat"s*
res!ect and se&f-confidence.
,e&f-act"a&isation needs
These are the highest needs* according to )as&ow. They are the desire
to deve&o!* to ma5imise !otentia& and to achieve oneEs goa&s.
)as&ow said that !eo!&e satisfied their needs in a systematic way.
When a need had een met* it sto!!ed eing a motivating factor. ;or
e5am!&e* if a !erson was starving* he wo"&d not e too concerned ao"t
sec"rity and socia& needs. A"t once he had eno"gh food* he wo"&d start
thinking ao"t those other needs.
Research into )as&owEs theory has not een very conc&"sive. ,t"dies
have tended to show that needs vary great&y among individ"a&s. 7t the
higher &eve&s in a com!any* se&f-act"a&ising needs may e very strong
whereas at &ower &eve&s* socia& and sec"rity needs may e dominant.
7nother theory of motivation* which has een very !o!"&ar with
managers* is ;rederick ?erIergEs Ltwo-factorE theory. ?erIerg cond"cted
a n"mer of st"dies in the region of Pitts"rg* U,7* in the &ate 19+/s. ?e
Business English
conc&"ded that at work there are certain factors which ca"se #o satisfaction
whi&e others &ead to dissatisfaction.
The gro"! of factors ringing ao"t satisfaction were ca&&ed
motivators. They inc&"de things &ike a cha&&enging #o* res!onsii&ity*
advancement* recognition etc. These factors give rise to !ositive
satisfaction. ?erIerg ca&&ed the other gro"! of factors LhygieneE or
LmaintenanceE factors. These inc&"de com!any !o&icy and administration*
sa&ary and fringe enefits* #o sec"rity* stat"s and !ersona& &ife. These
factors are considered to e on&y LdissatisfiersE* not motivators. 2f they do
not e5ist* they ca"se dissatisfaction. 2f they do e5ist in 6"a&ity and 6"antity*
they do not* however* give increased satisfaction.
?erIergEs two-factor theory is shown in the fo&&owing diagram. 2t is
worth noting that the hygiene factors refer to the conte;t of the #o - the
conditions of work - whi&e the motivators refer to #o content"
>er;!erg#s "otivationIhygiene theory
)otivators. achievement* cha&&enging work* the work itse&f* career
!ros!ects* res!onsii&ity recognition.
?ygiene factors. com!any !o&icy and administration* sa&ary and fringe
enefits* 6"a&ity of s"!ervision* re&ationshi! with co&&eag"es* #o sec"rity*
stat"s* !ersona& &ife* work conditions.
?ygiene factors are essentia& if workers are to e motivated. 7s one
writer has a!t&y !"t it* they dea& with the 6"estion. LWhy work hereBE. The
motivators dea& with the 6"estion LWhy work harderBE.
2f ?erIergEs theory is tr"e* it means that managers m"st !ay great
attention to #o content. They m"st find ways of making #os more
cha&&enging and interesting. 7s a res"&t* managers in the U,7 and e&sewhere
have recent&y een showing great interest in #o enrichment !rogrammes.
The idea of s"ch !rogrammes is to make #os more cha&&enging and to give
the worker a sense of achievement.
,weden has een &eading the way in this res!ect. 7t one car !&ant* for
e5am!&e* 0o&vo workers assem&e the who&e of a car rather than do a few
sim!&e o!erations. 2n a g&ass factory* !rod"ction workers have com!&ete
Business English
contro& over the work !rocess in the grinding and !o&ishing de!artment.
8ther workers have he&!ed to "i&d and design !a!er mi&&s. Po enrichment
is "ndo"ted&y catching on fast in ,weden.
Ways with words
1. Understanding the "ain $oints
@ecide whether the fo&&owing statements are tr"e or fa&se.
a. 7ccording to )as&ow !eo!&e are not concerned ao"t achieving
their !ersona& goa&s in &ife "n&ess they have satisfied their
!hysio&ogica& needs.
!. ,enior managers who want to ecome com!any directors have se&f-
act"a&isation needs which they wish to satisfy.
c. ?erIerg* &ike )as&ow* e&ieves that !eo!&e satisfy their needs
d. ?erIerg e&ieved that workers wo"&d not necessari&y work harder
if they earned more money.
e. Po sec"rity is one of the most im!ortant factors that motivates
'. The !"r!ose of #o enrichment !rogrammes is to increase worker
2. 8oca!%lary 'oc%s
;ind words or !hrases in the te5t which mean the same as the fo&&owing.
a. the most someody or something is ca!a&e of C!aragra!h 1D
!. system of &ower and higher ranks C!aragra!h (D
c. res!ected* admired C!aragra!h (* Esteem needsB
d. a !ersonEs !osition in re&ation to others C!aragra!h M' Esteem needsB
e. fina&N !"tting an end to "ncertainty C!aragra!h 'D
'. fee&ing C!aragra!h 9D
g. ecoming !o!"&ar or fashiona&e C!aragra!h 1/D
Business English
3. ?ow do yo" trans&ate the sentence A human being needs to belong to a
group" <etEs &earn some more containing the !re!osition to.
to advantage Q c" !rofitK fo&osN
to the est of oneEs !owerK ai&ity Q d"!R !"tereaK ca!acitatea c"ivaN
to c"t the matter short Q !e sc"rtN
to date Q &a IiN
to the dot Cof an iD Q !SnR Tn ce&e mai mici amRn"nteN
to this effect Q Tn acest sco!N
to a fraction Q !SnR &a mi&imetr"N
to and fro Q Tnainte Hi Tna!oi* ici Hi co&oN
to hand Q &a TndemSnRN
to &itt&e !"r!ose Q c" !"9in efect* mai degeaaN
to my know&edge Q d"!R cSte Hti"N
to oneEs mind Q d"!R !Rrerea c"ivaN
to the &etter Q Tntocmai* ad &itteramN
to the "tmost Q C!SnRD &a ma5im"m* Tn cea mai mare mRs"rRN
to the very moment Q chiar !SnR Tn c&i!aN
short and to the !oint Q sc"rt Hi &a oiect.
4. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. Hne o! the best .nown theories o!
motivation was put !orward by an American psychologist. ?ow do yo"
trans&ate the !hrasa& ver to put !orwardB 3ow &earn some !hrasa& vers
with !"t.
<hrasal ver!s and idio"atic ex$ressions (ith put
!"t down to attri"te* e.g. I put his mista.e down to ine;perience"
!"t forward s"ggest* !ro!ose Can idea* schemeD
!"t across e5!&ain or comm"nicate c&ear&y
!"t ack move to a &ater date
!"t off !ost!one or de&ay
!"t on to give someone information ao"t* e.g. &ou
need e;pertadvice about this" I can put you on
Business English
to a very good lawyer"
!"t thro"gh connect y te&e!hone
!"t "! invest* !rovide money for* e.g. They)ve put up
RE3'333 !or the project"
!"t o"t a !"t someone o"t - inconvenience him or her.
! !"t onesel! o"t - make a s!ecia& effort
!"t "! with to&erate* end"re
!"t oneEs finger on find the ca"se of the tro"&e
!"t oneEs foot in say the wrong thing or make an awkward
!"t !aid to destroy* r"in com!&ete&y* e.g. +is accident put
paid to his chances o! being promoted"
!"t in a good word for recommend someone
0 Re-write the fo&&owing sentences* re!&acing the words in ita&ics with
!hrasa& vers or idiomatic e5!ressions from the &ist aove. )ake any other
necessary changes.
a. 2 think weEd etter hold the meeting a week later"
!. 7!!arent&y a foreign investor has provided [&m to finance the
c. 7t s"ch short notice* 2 canEt postpone my visit.
d. )y oss wonEt accept any inefficiency from his staff.
e. ,he knows a &ot ao"t the "se of com!"ters "t she canEt seem to
e;press her ideas clearly to the rest of "s.
'. 8"r chairman has presented a !ro!osa& for a !rofit-sharing scheme.
g. 2Em not s"r!rised y o"r !oor financia& !erformance. 2 thin. it was
caused by ineffective &eadershi!.
h. 2Eve een trying to discover why the mora&e of the sa&es de!artment
is so &ow "t 2 #"st canEt understand what the problem is"
3 %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with !hrasa& vers and idiomatic
e5!ressions from the &ist aove. )ake any other necessary changes.
a. 8"r sa&es have een &ow this 6"arter. ThatEs MMMMMMM to
Business English
my chances of a on"s.
!. Con the !honeD ?e&&o ... yes* it is ... )r ,mithB %ertain&y. ?o&d on a
second. 2E&&MMMMMyo" MMMMMM. .
c. 2tEs very kind of yo" to ask me to dinner. 2 ho!e 2Em not
d. When senior managers from head office come to visit "s we
rea&&yMMMMMMo"rse&ves MMMMMto make their stay
e. >o" want to know the !rices of ho"ses in the United ,tatesB ,orry*
2 canEt he&!* "t 2 can MMMMM.... yo" MMMMMMM to
someone who can.
'. 2 MMMMMMMM it when 2 asked )r Pohnston how his wife
was. 7!!arent&y* sheEs #"st &eft himO
g. >o"Ed &ike to transfer to the Personne& @e!artment* wo"&d yo"B
Perha!s 2 can MMMMMMMM for yo" when 2 see the Personne&
5. Read the fo&&owing sentence again: The group o! !actors bringing about
satis!action were called motivators)" ?ow do yo" trans&ate to bring aboutB
3ow match the fo&&owing vers with the correct definitions.
1 ring "! a red"ce Ca !riceD
2 ring o"t b !ers"ade someone to change hisKher o!inion
3 ring ao"t c raise* mention a matter
4 ring ro"nd to d ca"se to ha!!en
5 ring down e !"t on the market
6. %om!&ete the fo&&owing !assage with s"ita&e vers from the &ist aove.
7t o"r management meeting* the )arketing )anager
MMMMMMM C1D the s"#ect of o"r new &awnmower* the P](
mode&. ?e mentioned that sa&es had een disa!!ointing. The
Business English
Prod"ction )anager said that !ro&ems with the P]( had een
MMMMMMM C(D y ad timing. We had !"t the mower on the
market at the wrong time of the year. ?owever* he a&so tho"ght the
mower was too e5!ensive. We sho"&d MMMMMMM C3D its !rice*
he tho"ght. ?e !resented his arg"ments we&& and* in the end a&most
everyone MMMMMC'D to his !oint of view. ;ina&&y* the %hairman
gave his o!inion. ?e advised "s to forget ao"t the P](. 2n his view*
it was a &emonO ?e tho"ght we sho"&d MMMMMMM C+D an
entire&y new mode& - something that wo"&d e a rea& reakthro"gh*
techno&ogica&&y s!eaking.
Which words in the aove !assage mean.
a not as good as e5!ectedB
! to introd"ce a new !rod"ctB
c a fai&"re Cs&angDB
d an im!ortant deve&o!ment or discoveryB
7. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. 4ob enrichment is undoubtedly
catching on !ast in Sweden" ?ow do yo" trans&ate to catch onB 3ow &earn
some idiomatic "ses of catch. )atch the fo&&owing with the correct
1 catch sight of Cv.D a attract attention
2 catch on Cv.D ! !&easant and easi&y rememered
3 catch o"t Cv.D c draw &eve& with
4 catch "! with Cv.D d start to "rn
5 catch ones eye Cv.D e notice s"dden&y
6 catch Cn.D ' a hidden or "ne5!ected diffic"&ty
7 catch-!hrase Cn.D g ecome !o!"&ar or fashiona&e
8 catchy Cad#D h tra! someone in an errorN show
someone to e at fa"&tN find someone
9 catch fire Cv.D i ecome invo&ved in
Business English
10 ecome ca"ght "! in Cv.D & a !hrase which ecome !o!"&ar for a
Grammar Reference
The 'rticle
The "se of artic&es in 1ng&ish is com!&e5* and there are a &ot of e5ce!tions
that need to e known.
?ere are the asic r"&es.
The Indefinite Article. a Cefore a word eginning with a consonant or
semi-vowe&D- an Cefore a word eginning with a vowe&D is "sed
to refer to a sing"&ar co"nta&e no"n which is indefinite Ceither we donEt
know which one* or it doesnEt matter which oneD.
They live in a !lat"
I)m reading a course !or my e;am now"
to descrie what something or someone is Ca !rofession* re&igion* c&assD.
That)s an instrument !or measuring distance"
She is an engineer"
+e is a ,hristian"
in !hrases.
to be in a hurry' to have a headache' as a matter o! !act' to develop a
disease' to have a good time' to ta.e a seat' etc"
The Definite Article. the is "sed.
efore a sing"&ar or !&"ra& no"n* when oth the s!eaker and the &istener
know which s!ecific o#ect is eing referred to.
They live in the blue house on top o! the hill"
The course I)m reading is very interesting"
$ind the baby>
Business English
efore no"ns e5!ressing certain !"&ic !&aces* es!ecia&&y when referring
to them in a genera& way.
I went to the cinema last night"
I have to go to the ban. to pay my bills"
efore !ro!er no"ns denoting a fami&y Cin the !&"ra&D* co"ntries Cif they
are in the !&"ra&* or if they re!resent a "nionD* denoting gro"!s of
is&ands* chains of mo"ntains* deserts* oceans* seas* rivers* channe&s*
hote&s* sho!s* instit"tions* means of trans!ort* news!a!ers and
The 4ohnsons' the (etherlands' the <nited States' the 5ahamas' the Alps'
the Sahara' the Paci!ic' the Sue= ,anal' the +ilton' the Hrient E;press' the
Time' etc
efore no"ns converted from ad#ectives* denoting a c&ass* nationa&ity* or
an astraction.
The rich should help the poor"
The English are very polite"
in !hrases.
to tell the time' by the way' at the moment' on the whole' on the one hand"""
on the other hand' etc.
Zero Article. - is "sed with.
!&"ra& and "nco"nta&e no"ns when ta&king ao"t things in genera&.
$oney is the root o! all evil"
?as is cheaper than electricity"
!ro!er no"ns denoting !ersons* continents* co"ntries* regions* towns*
mo"ntains* &akes* streets* magaIines and !eriodica&s* months* festiva&s*
days of the week* etc..
$ary- $ount Everest' Europe' H;!ord Street' Paris' 4anuary' Sunday'
no"ns &ike school' church' prison* when we im!&y the "se made of the
+e goes to school Ato learnB"
Business English
in !hrases.
at night' at dawn' day by day' by sea' to be in trouble' by mista.e' to ma.e
!riends' to sha.e hands' to ta.e place' etc.
Third Conditional
The third conditiona& is "sed to e5!ress im!ossi&e condition referring to the
!astN it contradicts rea&ity* which can no &onger e changed. The condition is
high&y hy!othetica&.
The ver in the main c&a"se is in the !astK!erfect conditiona& Cwo"&d_ have_
the third form of the verD* whi&e the ver in the conditiona& c&a"se is in the
!ast !erfect s"#"nctive Ca form simi&ar to !ast !erfectD.
)ain c&a"se 2f c&a"se
PastKPerfect conditiona& Past !erfect s"#"nctive
7ffirmative and negative
2f 2 had had more money* 2 wo"&d CLdD
have o"ght
this e&&egant car.
she had known the answer* she wo"&d have
the e5am.
2 hadnEt made so many mistakes* 2 wo"&dnEt have
the driving
&icence test.
What wo"&d yo" have
if yo" had seen s"ch a
wonderf"& movieB
Which co"ntries wo"&d yo" have
yo" had trave&&ed ro"nd
the wor&dB
Business English
Controlled practice
1. @ecide which answer 7* A or % est fits each s!ace.
a. ?e is s!eaking to .... a"thority.
0. anN 3. - N 4. the
!. 2n order to s"rvive* !&ants need ... water.
0. - N 3. aN 4. the
c. 2n order to fi5 the armchair he needs ... hammer and ... nai&s.
0. theK theN 3. aK theN 4. aK some
d. 2 took ... seat and waited for ... director to come.
0. - KtheN 3. aKtheN 4. theK a
e. 2 tho"ght yo" had !assed ... e5am "t it seems that it was ... hardest
of a&&.
0. - KtheN 3. anKtheN 4. theKthe
'. They had ... e5ce&&ent dinner and had ... very good time at ... ?i&ton.
0. - KaKtheN 3. anKtheK - N 4. anKaKthe
g. ?e had ... degree in ... Physics and one in ... )athematics* so he was
one of ... est teachers in o"r highschoo&.
0. - K - K - KtheN 3. aK - K - KtheN 4. aKtheKtheKthe
h. 2 did my homework and then went direct&y to ... ed as 2 was very
0. - N 3. aN 4. the
i. 1veryone was im!ressed y ... sincerity with which he s!oke* yet
not everyone admires .... sincerity in s"ch ... way.
0. - K - K - N 3. aK - K - N 4. theK - Ka
&. ... ,miths are at ... home now* yet they are "sy at the moment.
0. - K - N 3. theK - N 4. - Kthe
2. Work in !airs to find one mistake in each of the fo&&owing sentences.
a. ?eEs geo&ogist* so he st"dies the !hysica& feat"res of the earth.
!. 2 want a government to do something ao"t the !ro&em of
Business English
c. Aig cities are "s"a&&y e5citing when yo" see them for the first time.
for e5am!&e* in <ondon* yo" can have tea at the RitI and then go to
the theatre in evening.
d. 2 m"st go to a ank to see my ank manager. 2 want to orrow one
h"ndred !o"nds.
e. ,he goes to the work in the %ity y train every day. ?er office is in
the Aaker ,treet.
3. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct tense.
a. 2f 2 CknowD this from the eginning* 2 wo"&dnEt have asked yo" to
do it for me.
!. 2f it had rained it CeD a disaster.
c. 2f she CgoD to "niversity so &ate* she wo"&dnEt have had these
!ro&ems in her career.
d. 2f yo" CstayD on that dri&&ing rig and Ce confr"nted withD s"ch
storms* 2 donEt think yo" wo"&d arg"e against my &eaving that !&ace.
e. 2f 2 had known how to so&ve the !ro&ems in economy* 2 C!assD the
e5am in the winter session.
4. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. @acR aH fi !"t"t sR te a#"t* aH fi fRc"t-o TncR de at"nci.
!. @acR ar fi Hti"t rRs!"ns"ri&e &a toate TntreRri&e* n" ar fi &"at o notR
aHa de micR.
c. @acR aH fi TnvR9at mai ine* n" aH fi !icat acest e5amen.
d. @acR n" ar fi nins* n" am fi !&ecat &a m"nte de %rRci"n.
e. 0-a9i fi distrat mai ine* dacR n" a9i fi av"t aceastR !ro&emR de
reIo&vat Tn ace&aHi tim!.
'. %hiar dac= aH vrea s= m= a!"c de &"cr"* n-aH !"tea* !entr" c= s-a
Tntrer"!t c"rent"&.
g. ,e "it= &a mine ca Hi c"m n" ar Tn9e&ege o iot= din ce s!"n.
h. 7H fi venit Hi e" &a !etrecere* dar n" am av"t tim!.
i. 3" Hti" dac= aH mai Tncerca o dat= s= a&erg atS9ia ki&ometri.
Business English
&. @ac= aH c"noaHte am=n"nte* te-aH !"tea a#"ta.
5. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct tenses.
a. 2f 2 had known that yo" were in danger 2 Che&!D yo".
!. 2f yo" CarriveD fifteen min"tes ear&ier yo" wo"&d have got a seat.
c. 2 sho"&dnEt have e&ieved yo" when te&&ing me ao"t that dri&&erEs
accident if 2 Cnot seeD it with my own eyes.
d. 2f he had asked yo" to do that #o* yo" Cacce!tDB
e. A"t for the fog we CreachD o"r destination ages ago.
'. 2f 2 CeD ready when he ca&&ed he wo"&d have taken me with him.
g. 2f she &istened to my directions she Cnot t"rnD the &ights off.
h. 2f yo" had to&d me that he never !aid his dets 2 Cnot &endD him the
i. >o" wo"&dnEt have had so m"ch tro"&e with yo"r car if yo" ChaveD
it serviced reg"&ar&y.
&. 2 CtakeD a ta5i to the "niversity if 2 had rea&iIed that it was s"ch a
&ong way.
6. ;inish these sentences* taking care to "se the correct tense. These are
mi5ed conditiona& sentences.
a. 2f he had taken my advice...
!. The s"stance wo"&d &ook etter if...
c. 2Ed have ro"ght my com!ass if...
d. 2f yo" had asked his !ermission...
e. 2f 2 "y this machine ...
'. 2f she !ractised more...
g. 2f the river rises any higher...
h. 2 wo"&d &end it to yo" if...
i. 2f the fire had een noticed ear&ier...
&. 2f she rings whi&e 2Em in the t"nne&...
Business English
7. P"t the vers in rackets into the correct form.
a. 2f yo" had arrived ten min"tes ear&ier yo" CgetD a seat.
!. 2 sho"&dnEt have e&ieved it if 2 Cnot seeD it with my own eyes.
c. 2f he had asked* yo" Cacce!tDB
d. 2f 2 CknowD that yo" were coming 2Ed have met yo" at the station.
e. 2f 2 had known what a ad driver yo" were 2 Cnot comeD with yo".
'. 2f he had known that the river was dangero"s he Cnot tryD to swim
across it.
g. 2f 2 CeD ready when he ca&&ed he wo"&d have taken me with him.
h. 2f she had &istened to my directions she Cnot t"rnD the wrong street.
i. 2f yo" CreadD the instr"ctions caref"&&y yo" wo"&dnEt have answered
the wrong 6"estions.
&. 2f the !i&ot CmakeD one mistake the shi! wo"&d have r"n aro"nd.
8. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. @acR ai fi TnvR9at mai m"&t* ai fi re"Hit c" sig"rantR sR treci
!. @acR aH fi av"t tim!* aH fi viIitat mai m"&te m"Iee din <ondra.
c. 3" ai fi fost aHa de oosit dacR ai fi fost mai oiHn"it c" m"nca Tn
d. 3" te-aH fi invitat sR !etreci vacan9a c" noi dacR n" ne-ar fi fRc"t
mare !&Rcere.
e. @acR aH fi Hti"t ieri* !oate mai !"team face ceva.
'. @acR ar fi "rmat sfat"& mRt"Hii Aetty* ar fi ac"m "n om ogat.
g. @acR ai fi &Rsat Tn !ace vies!ea* n" te-ar fi Tn9e!at.
h. @acR n-ar fi fost f"rt"na* am fi !"t"t a#"nge mai re!ede.
i. @acR ai fi "rmat instr"c9i"ni&e* n" s-ar fi TntSm!&at nimic din toate
&. @acR i-as fi Hti"t n"mRr"& de te&efon* i-aH fi te&efonat Hi n-ar fi tre"it
sR fac atSta dr"m !e #os.
Business English
Business English
Unit 13

In this unit you will learn:

Lomania seen by !oreigners
The Adverb
The Passive Voice

<ook at the way others see "s. %omment on Pess )ackenIieEs im!ressions.
Romania is great : yo" can meet fantastic !eo!&e* see fantastic sights*
and have a fantastic time : and most&y at fantastic !rices. 3egative iss"es
and incidents are very rare* "t as in every co"ntry* one sho"&d e aware of
the &oca& !it : fa&&s and traditions.
1 Immigration!"ustoms
0isas can e otained from Romanian emassies aro"nd the wor&d*
"t most !eo!&e !ay on : arriva&. This isnEt so m"ch easier* "t interesting.
7s soon as yo" have fo"ght yo"r way off the "s that takes yo" from the
air!&ane to the termina& "i&ding* gra a cream and a red co&o"red
immigration form and fi&& it in with a !en that yo" had !re!ared. R"n to the
co"nter advertising 02,7,K1]%?73G1 and give yo"r immigration form
and !ass!ort to the cheerf"& &ooking !erson on the other side of the window.
7fter receiving yo"r visa* head towards the !ass!ort contro& ooths sign :
!osted L8ther 3ationa&sE Cie* not RomaniansD* LRomanian Pass!ortsE* and
L@i!&omaticE. There are two ways of trying to get thro"gh the L@i!&omaticE
ooth. - 1. yo" are a di!&omat* or (. yo" shove on a !air of s"ng&asses* a
swagger and an attit"de* and when confronted* gas! in mock s"r!rise F@o
yo" rea&iIe who yo" are ta&king toBG* "t this &atter attem!t rare&y works*
and tends to &eave yo" wa&king ack to the L8ther 3ationa&sE 6"e"e fee&ing
ridic"&o"s and eing stared at y a&& the L8ther 3ationa&sE. 7t yo"r arriva& at
Business English
the !ass!ort contro& ooth* !resent the Cagain e5treme&y cheerf"& &ookingD
gent&emanK&ady with yo"r !ass!ort and visa. 2f heKshe finishes the constant
stam!ing of yo"r !ass!ort witho"t a arrage of e5traordinari&y irre&evant
6"estions and within 1+ min"tes* then e incredi&y s"r!rised and make
yo"r way to the &"ggage caro"se&. ,ho"&d yo" not e a&e to see yo"r
&"ggage* this wi&& e d"e to one of two reasons. 1. it hasnEt arrived yet* or (.
the air!ort staff have gotten ored and hidden yo"r &"ggage for a &a"gh.
@onEt fear* yo"r &"ggage wi&& either arrive 6"ite 6"ick&y or yo" wi&& find
where the staff have hidden it : "s"a&&y in 6"ite sim!&e !&aces. 8nce with
yo"r &"ggage and senses* make yo"r way !ast the c"stoms staff witho"t
othering their im!ortant magaIine- reading time* and down the ais&e to
meet yo"r friendsKfami&yKdriver.
# Language
,ho"&d yo" not s!eak Romanian* either eca"se yo" have #"st arrived
Cor eca"se yo" are ty!ica&&y 1ng&ishD* it is a good idea to carry a Romanian
!hrase ook on yo" at a&& times. 7s in a&& co"ntries an attem!t* however
sma&&* to s!eak the L&ingoE wi&& a&ways go down we&&. 2t is a&so a good idea*
when !ractising the "se of &ang"age* to ask the advice of a &oca& friend or
co&&eag"e. ,ome Romanian words seem im!ossi&e to !rono"nce* and some
are a&so very simi&ar to each other : it can e a it emarrassing asking for a
&arge dog when in a akery. 8ne thing to e wary of tho"gh* when asking
advice : make s"re it is from someone yo" tr"st. 7sking a stranger to make
&ove to yo" on the s!ot* when yo" tho"ght yo" were asking the time can get
a it awkward. 7nother !&ace where yo" wi&& find a grammar ook "sef"& is
when visiting resta"rants. ,ome of the &oca& !&aces do not have 1ng&ish-
written men"s and it is good to know what yo" are eating.
$ Transport
2n recent years* !"&ic trans!ort has come "! to good Western
standards and added to that* it is very chea!. A"s* metro and tram timeta&es
can e ro"ght from kiosks a&ong a&& the main streets of the city. 8ne !iece
of advice : d"ring r"sh ho"rs a&& forms of !"&ic trans!ort get very !acked*
therefore a hand s6"ashed against yo"r ottom is most !roa&y
Business English
"nintentiona&. 7s in every city aro"nd* ta5is do come with their safety
!ro&ems. 2n A"charest* instances have een few and far etween* "t one
sho"&d e wary #"st in case Ces!ecia&&y* of co"rse* if yo" are a sing&e
womanD. 7&ways : agree on a !rice efore getting in* make s"re the driver
has a ta5i &icense n"mer that &ooks officia&.* kee! a &it cigarette or &ighter in
yo"r hand thro"gho"t the #o"rney as a form of defence if yo" do not fee&
com!&ete&y safe Cthis so"nd !athetic "t does make yo" fee& as tho"gh yo"
have some kind of wea!onD* know where yo" are going or have a ma! on
yo"* if not* "se yo"r common sense.
The est advice is to get to know a friend&y ta5i driver and "se the
same one as often as !ossi&e or* more im!ortant&y* "se a ta5i com!any
where yo" te&e!hone in advance. 7sk an o&d : timer to recommend one :
most are e5treme&y chea!* safe and !&easant Cthe ta5is* not the o&d :
% &oney
Unti& recent years* it was seen as necessary to have some amo"nt of
hard c"rrency on yo" when in Romania* which wo"&d e changed into <ei at
the n"mero"s e5change offices. 3ow that a"tomatic cash machines and to!
: standard internationa& anks are the norm in most ma#or cities in Romania*
this may not seem as necessary* "t it is sti&& a very good idea. ;irst&y*
a&tho"gh a"tomatic cash machines seem to e !o!!ing "! everywhere* they
do reg"&ar&y r"n o"t of cash Cor sho"&d 2 ca&& my ank managerBDN second&y*
if yo" do not know yo"r ankEs dai&y working ho"rs may reg"&ar&y find
yo"rse&f staring at L23%?2,E signN third&y* yo" may e in the midd&e of
nowhere. 15change offices are a"ndant in Romania* every street corner has
one. 2f yo" need to change hard c"rrency* make s"re yo" "se an officia&
&iking esta&ishment. 7s yo" may e changing an amo"nt of money in one
day that the average &oca& earns in one month* e aware of the fo&&owing.
15change offices are not r"n y very nice &itt&e men sim!&y wanting to
make yo" ha!!y - make s"re yo" check the rate of e5change is correct* that
yo" get a stam!ed recei!t* and that yo" co"nt yo"r money efore &eaving the
Business English
Wee! yo"r e5changed money in a safe* sec"re !&ace when &eaving :
even the most st"!id of !otentia& !ick : !ockets wi&& know that yo" are not
wa&king o"t of the door with em!ty !ockets.
3ever change money on the street. 7&& yo" wi&& get from the nice
&ooking man !romising a m"ch etter rate than the e5change offices is one
1/*/// <ei note wra!!ed aro"nd +/ !ieces of toi&et !a!er Cand not very nice
toi&et !a!er at thatD. 2t is a&so i&&ega& to change money on the street and yo"
wi&& e arrested and fined y the eag&e : eyed !o&icemen* who are seen on
the streets. 7s with !"&ic trans!ort* instances s"ch as the aove are few and
far etween* "t yo" sho"&d e wary. )ost services are ha!!y to acce!t U.,.
do&&ars instead of <ei* so it is "sef"& to take some on yo" #"st in case yo"
need it.
' (ealth
;or non-emergencies* Western standard !harmacies Cmany o!en ('
ho"rsD can e fo"nd on most main streets and stock most things s"ch as
!&asters and first-aid !rod"cts* tam!ons* contrace!tives* c&eansing !rod"cts*
and asic dr"gs* "t sho"&d yo" e taking reg"&ar medicine* a good s"!!&y
sho"&d e ro"ght with yo" as a s"!!&y here cannot e g"aranteed. ,ho"&d
yo" need emergency care* yo" can either try yo"r &"ck at the state
emergency hos!ita&s* or contact one of the !rivate c&inics which are
e5!ensive "t to!-standards are g"aranteed. ,ho"&d yo" fee& advent"ro"s
and try the first o!tion* there are some things yo" sho"&d know.
- @octors and n"rses in Romania have very good 6"a&ifications* "t
d"e to a h"ge &ack of f"nds* hos!ita&s rare&y have the e6"i!ment and
techno&ogy that yo" may e "sed to.
- ;or the same reasons doctorsE and n"rsesE sa&aries are so ridic"&o"s&y
&ow that many of the medica& staff take "nder-the-ta&e !ayments to make
"! the difference. Therefore* do not e s"r!rised or angered if it is made
ovio"s that cash is wanted : this may a&so hasten medica& attention
Business English
- @is!osa&e need&es are now "sed a&most 1// !ercent* "t it is a good
idea to ring some with yo" #"st in case* or check what is eing st"ck into
) Dogs
They are a ig !ro&em that wi&& e ovio"s after a matter of ho"rs in
A"charest. <atest fig"res show that in A"charest a&one* there are at &east 1.+
mi&&ion stray dogs : and this n"mer is ever : increasing. )any of the dogs
are Lsort : of ownedE y the &oca&s* meaning they are thrown scra!s of food
and given corner in ha&& ways. @"e to this* they are 6"ite harm&ess as &ong as
yo" &eave them a&one. AUT A1W7R1 : the odd stray dog ha!!ens to think
heKshe is the Romanian version of GodIi&&a CGodIi&&esc"BD
7!art from the !hysica& !ro&ems invo&ved with stray dogs in
Romania* e !re!ared for the 382,1O : Romanian dogs seem to &ike to
s&ee! most of the day and then !arty a&& night "nti& ao"t 7 a.m.N that &eaves
yo" with ao"t one ha&f ho"r of s&ee! efore yo"r a&arm c&ock goes off.
* +ypsies
2n genera&* to ca&& most Romanians into&erant of gy!sies : wo"&d e an
"nderstatement. The fee&ing is so strong that to make even a &ight : hearted
#oke aimed at a &oca& friend s"ch as F<ook* yo"r mother has come to !ick
yo" "!G* when a woman on a gy!sy cart !ast wi&& res"&t in a h"ge si&ence*
even from very c&ose friends. Tr"st me. When driving* gy!sy carts sho"&d e
overtaken with great care : their tendency to stay in the midd&e of the road
wi&& one day win awards. ;or the same reason e e5treme&y caref"& when
driving on the co"ntry roads after dark. ,treet &ightning is non-e5istent* as is
&ightning on the carts.
, (omose-uality
7t the time of writing* homose5"a&ity is sti&&* "nfort"nate&y* an i&&ega&
offence in Romania. There are "nofficia& c&"s that cater for the gay
!o!"&ation* "t d"e to ovio"s reasons these are few and often change
ven"es* and are hard to get information ao"t. ;or these reasons* it is a good
idea to kee! a &ow !rofi&e in this as!ect* "nti& the &aw #"m!s into this decade
and changes. 7&so* d"e to &ack of ed"cation* some &oca&s can have a negative
Business English
attit"de regarding this s"#ect so it is est to kee! yo"r o!inions to yo"rse&f
: or at &east not e s"r!rised or angered y what yo" may find to e archaic
. /atience
Gain some.
10 A 1ense of (umour
Get one.
Ways with words
1. S$ecial ter"s
sta'' : the !eo!&e who work for an organiIation* es!ecia&&y a schoo& or
"siness or the memers of s"ch a gro"!N
stray I an anima& that is &ost and cannot find its home or has no homeN
to s$ea) the Olingo# E to s!eak a &ang"age* es!ecia&&y a foreign one* or at
&east to know some "sef"& !hrasesN
%nderstate"ent I a way of descriing things as eing &ess good* ad*
im!ortant etc than they rea&&y are or a statement that is not strong eno"gh to
e5!ress how good* ad im!ressive etc something rea&&y is.
2. 2n this te5t there are severa& occ"rrences of the !re!osition a!ter and of
the ver to ta.e. 3ow &earn more !hrases containing the !re!osition a!ter
and the ver to ta.e.
after a&& Q &a "rma "rme&orN
after a whi&e Q d"!R cStRva vremeN
day after day Q Ii&e Tn HirN
to &ook after Q a avea gri#R deN
soon after Q c"rSnd d"!R.
to take advantage of Q a "ti&iIa* a va&orifica* a se !reva&a de* a se fo&osi de
to take an active !art in Q a &"a !arte activR &aN
Business English
to take acco"nt of Q a 9ine seama deN
to take care ofK to take charge of Q a-Hi as"ma rRs!"nderea* a avea gri#R deN
to take contro& of Q a-Hi as"ma contro&"&N
to take its co"rse Q a-Hi "rma c"rs"&N
to take for granted Q a &"a dre!t sig"r* a considera indisc"tai&N
to take an interest in... Q a manifesta interes fa9R de...N
to take the &ierty of C_-ing formD Q a-Hi &"a &iertatea de aM Ce.g. She too.
the liberty o! doing it in her own way.DN
to take into acco"ntK consideration Q a &"a Tn considera9ieN
to take noteK notice of Q a 9ine seama deN
to take oneEs own way Q a-Hi "rma ca&ea !ro!rieN
to take on Q a &"a as"!ra sa* a se TnsRrcinaN
to take over Q a !re&"aN
to take a stand Q a ado!ta "n !"nct de vedere* a &"a o !oIi9ieN
to take warning Q a fi !revenitN
to take a view of Q a considera* a !riviN
to take a weight off someodyEs mind Q a e&"cida o !ro&emR.
3ow !ractise these e5!ressions in sentences of yo"r own.
3. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. a stranger to ma.e love to you
on the spot' when you thought you were the time can get a bit
aw.ward" ?ow do yo" trans&ate on the spotB Ae&ow there are some !hrases
each containing the word spot. )atch the !hrases with the correct
1 on the s!ot a at the centre of !"&ic attention
2 in the s!ot ! 6"ick* random e5amination
3 in the s!ot&ight c cash on de&ivery
4 s!ot-on d as!ect of a character*
sit"ation or organisation that
can e criticised
5 s!ot-check e immediate&y or at the !&ace of
Business English
6 !"t someone on the s!ot ' o"tstanding moment
7 s!ot-cash g ask someone a diffic"&t
6"estion or !"t someone in a
diffic"&t sit"ation
8 high s!ot h e m"ch etter than
9 weak s!ot i in a diffic"&t sit"ation
10 knock s!ots off & e5act&y right
4. 3ow com!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with s"ita&e !hrases from the &ist
a. WeEre MMMMMM MM at the moment eca"se one of o"r
iggest c"stomers has gone ankr"!t. ?e owed "s a &ot of
!. Recent&y* The @isti&&ers com!any has een MMMMMMMMM .
Two com!anies have een fighting to take it over* and everyone has
een ta&king ao"t the takeover att&e.
c. The forecasts of o"r )arketing @e!artment have
eenMMMMMMMMM . 2 donEt know how they manage to e so
d. 8"r terms for this consignment of r"er areMMMMMMMMM
e. 2 donEt want to wait for an answer. %anEt yo" give me a decision
'. P %an we give yo" twenty machines for immediate de&iveryB
h 3ow* yo"Ere rea&&y MMMMMMme MMMMMM 2 donEt know
how many we have in stock.
g. The income ta5 officia&s often do a MMMMMMM on ta5!ayers
to make s"re they are giving acc"rate information.
h. The MMMMMMMM of o"r year is o"r staff !arty. 1ven the
%hairman &ets his hair down.
i. 8"r distri"tion system doesnEt cover certain areas of the co"ntry.
2tEs the MMMMMM in o"r "siness.
Business English
&. 2n my o!inion* o"r com!"ter !rod"cts MMMMMMMMM those
of o"r com!etitors.
5. Read the fo&&owing sentence again. As soon as you have !ought your way
o!! the bus that you !rom the airplane to the terminal building@ ?ow
do yo" trans&ate to !ight your way o!! the busB What is the difference
etween of and offB
3ever "se 8; and 8;; in !&ace of each other. Use a no"n or !rono"n o#ect
after 8; and "se an o#ect after 8;;* or "se it on its own to s"ggest
se!aration. 8;; may indicate.
- distance. it is a mi&e o!!
- de!art"re. o!! with itO
- se!aration. his head was c"t o!!
- com!&etion. have yo" finished it o!!%
- disconnecting. t"rn it o!!
3ow fi&& in with o! or o!!.
a. ?eEs MM to <eeds.
!. The door hand&e has come MM .
c. ?ow kind MM yo" to he&! him.
d. 2tEs time 2 was MM or 2 m"st e MM .
e. ?e&! her MM with her coat.
'. 2E&& have to get rid MM it.
g. Why donEt yo" have that f"nny eard MM B
h. 7 shi! anchored MM the entrance to the haro"r.
i. ThatEs the city MM @"&in.
&. ;inish MM one #o efore yo" start another.
). 2 think we&& MM them.
l. ?eEs een smoking MM whi&e he had the f&".
". What is a )aster MM 7rtB
n. The att&e was fo"ght MM %a!e Trafa&gar.
o. This man is hard MM hearing.
$. 7re yo" s"re MM itB
r. We&&* whatEs MM itB
Business English
s. ?e is a man MM h"m&e origin.
t. We m"st !ay MM o"r dets efore we "y a new car.
v. Their engagement is MM .
(. ?e was acc"sed MM crime.
x. 2E&& go to the theatre on my ne5t MM day.
y. ,he married at thirty years MM age.
;. 2E&& do it in my MM time Cfree from d"tyD.
6. 2n this te5t yo" have read ao"t stray dogs in Romania. 3ow &ean some
idioms with anima&s. %hoose the anima&
ird "&& cat cow
crocodi&e dog donkey fish
goat goose horse kitten
&ion !ig rat stag
a. T"rning "! ha&f an ho"r &ate for the interview rea&&y cooked
!. We were ho!ing to kee! the wedding a secret* "t my rother soon &et the
MMMMMM.o"t of the ag.
c. >o"Ere f&ogging a dead MMMMM.trying to get ?arry to change his
d. 2 donEt think 2Ed recogniIe her nowN itEsMMMMMMEs years since 2 &ast
saw her.
e. ?arry has rea&&y gone to the MMMMMMsince his wife died. <ooking at
him now* itEs hard to e&ieve he was once a s"ccessf"& arrister.
'. 2tEs not that 2 mind giving her a &ift home every T"esday* "t what gets
my MMMMMis the fact that sheEs never once offered to !ay for the !etro&.
g. 7s 2 had to go to ,wansea on "siness* 2 decided to ki&&
twoMMMMM.with one stone and visit my o&d schoo& as we&&.
h. 7&tho"gh he had on&y known her for two weeks he decided to take the
MMMMMy the horns and asked her to marry him.
i. ,he &oved tennis and co"&d watch it "nti& the MMMM..came home.
Business English
&. >o"Ere "!set now* 2 know. A"t yo"E&& soon forget her-after a&&* there are
!&enty moreMMMMMMin the sea.
). ThatEs the &ast time 2 invite ,teve for a mea&. ?e rea&&y made a
MMMMM..of himse&f &ast night.
l. @onEt e foo&edO ,heEs not a it sadN theyEre #"st MMMMMMMtears.
". When their grandfather died* Roert and his sister got theMMMM..Es
share of his money.
7. ;i&& in the ga!s with words from the &ist at the end of the te5t.
7 market economy is ased on !rivate C1D
MMMMMMMMMMMM in contrast to !&anned economy where
C(DMMMMMMMMMMMMownershi! !revai&s. 2n a free market
economy efficiency is the key word* whi&e on the other hand
command economy most &ike&y &eads to C3D
MMMMMMMMMMMMM . 2n a free market economy
inefficient "sinesses go C'DMMMMMMMMMMMM * whereas in
a command economy "sinesses are C+DMMMMMMMMMMM *
th"s a&&owing them to s"rvive in s!ite of their non-satisfactory
economic !erformance. This ena&es the &atter ty!e of economy to
resort to C-DMMMMMMMMMMMM* that is em!&oying more
!ersonne& than act"a&&y re6"ired. )arket economy &eads to high C7D
MMMMMMMMM of goods and services* whi&e on the other hand
!&anned economy wi&& not foc"s on offering high 6"a&ity goods and
services to C4DMMMMMMMM . This is d"e to the fact that in the
&atter ty!e of economy there is act"a&&y no C9DMMMMMMM* as
there are state C1/D MMMMMMMMMM and the o!tions of
c"stomers are severe&y restricted.
ban.rupt' competition' customers' ine!!iciency' monopolies' oversta!!ing'
ownership' /uality' state' subsidi=ed
Business English
Grammar Reference
The 'derb
The adver shows a characteristic of an event or state* a 6"a&ity thereof.
2t can modify.
a ver. We are ta&king ao"t yo"r re!ort today.
an ad#ective. ?e was bitterly disa!!ointed.
a no"n. Hnly Pohn knows the who&e tr"th.
a !rono"n. )e too.
another adver. ,he s!oke e;tremely &o"d.
a c&a"se. $aybe 2 wi&& come to yo"r !arty.
@erived advers %om!o"nd advers 7dveria&
;ar &ikewise everywhere at &east
fast af&oat o"tdoors at once
here homewardCsD o"tside y the way
&ate re!eated&y therey y a&& means
near hard&y therefore in f"&&
now month&y today in genera&
Then itter&y tomorrow in a&& !roai&ity
Today ha!!i&y wherein now and then
We&& e5ce&&ent&y wherefore of o&d
7dvers of manner. ad&yN caref"&&yN e5ce&&ent&yN fast
7dvers of !&ace. awayN aoardN aoveN anywhere
7dvers of time. a&readyN afterN afterwardsN ear&y
7dvers of 6"antity* meas"re* degree and a!!ro5imation. awf"&&yN
e5treme&yN eno"ghN &itt&e
7dvers of fre6"ency. a&waysN everN every timeN againN forever
7dvers of ca"se* reason* res"&t and concession. conse6"ent&yN foreN for this
reasonN henceN so that
Business English
2nterrogative advers. howN whereN whenN whereforeN why.
The Passie Voice
What voice are the "nder&ined vers in the sentence. 2t is a&so i&&ega& to
change money on the street and yo" wi&& e arrested and fined y the eag&e :
eyed !o&icemen* who are seen on the streets.
This is the !assive voice. Trans&ate it into Romanian. 3ow &earn ao"t the
!assive voice in 1ng&ish.
The vers which can acce!t the !assive voice are transitive vers and some
!re!ositiona& vers s"ch as. to acco"nt for* to attend to* to &ook at* to &ook
after* to send for* to s!eak to* etc.
There are some transitive vers which cannot acce!t the !asive voice s"ch
as. to have* to ho&d* to !ossess* to resem&e* etc.
2ts form consists of the res!ective tense of the a"5i&iary ver to be _ the !ast
!artici!&e of the &e5ica& ver.
The indicative mood
,im!&e Present 2 am ca&&ed
Present %ontin"o"s 2 am eing ca&&ed
Present Perfect 2 have een ca&&ed
,im!&e Past 2 was ca&&ed
Past %ontin"o"s 2 was eing ca&&ed
Past Perfect 2 had een ca&&ed
,im!&e ;"t"re 2 sha&& e ca&&ed
The im!erative mood <et me e asked
2t is not "sed in the !resent !erfect contin"o"s* the !ast !erfect
contin"o"s or the f"t"re contin"o"s.
When the receiver of the action is more im!ortant than the !erformer
of the action.
When the !erformer of the action is not someone s!ecific.
The local cinema was closed down three years ago"
Business English
7 way of avoiding !&acing res!onsii&ity on any s!ecific !erson or
I am sorry that your letter was mislaid
To avoid a change of s"#ect in the sentence.
I went by train and was met at the station by my aunt"
2t is often "sed with vers of saying and e&ieving in these
+t _ passive _ that clause: It is e-pected that many people will die
!rom starvation in the ne;t decade"
here M passive M to !e9 There are belie2ed to be many homeless
teenagers living on the streets"
S%!&ect M passive M toIin!initive: 1he is considered to be the best
singer in the group"
Cet is often "sed with certain !ast !artici!&es. get engaged' get
married' get lost' get .illed' get dressed' get elected' get hit' get
We can "se !y M the $er'or"er o' the action after a ver in the
!assive if we want to say who or what did it.
Controlled practice
1. )aria is writing to her friend )ary in 1ng&and. ,heEs rather tired* and
sheEs &eft some of the words o"t y mistake. Rewrite )ariaEs &etter to )ary
!"tting in the advers and adver !hrases on the right.
@ear )ary*
Thank yo" for yo"r &etter. 2s it five months
since 2 &ast wroteB
2Em sorry* "t 2Eve een very "sy. &ate&y
2Em working for my e5ams. a&ready
2Eve !&anned my revision. caref"&&y
2 work "nti& ao"t ten oEc&ock in the evening. "s"a&&y
2Eve finished for today. #"st
2 donEt kee! my !&an. of co"rse
2 saw a marve&&o"s fi&m. yesterday
2t was ca&&ed FThe 1ng&ish PatientG. ?ave yo" yet
Business English
seen itB
2 donEt go o"t. act"a&&y* often
,"Ianne comes ao"t once a week. here
We ta&k. a &ot
2 ho!e to visit 1ng&and again. ne5t year
2 had a &ove&y time &ast year. there
2t wo"&d e great to see yo". again
2Em trying to save some money. hard
?ow are yo"B 2s yo"r a!artment a&& rightB
P&ease re!&y.
<ove* yo"rs*
2. %hoose the correct word Cad#ective or adverD according to the meaning.
a. That was a ...... mo"ntain. Chigh* high&yD
!. Treat him ...... . Cfair* fair&yD
c. Airds can f&y ...... in the sky. Chigh* high&yD
d. ,ti&& waters r"n ..... . Cdee!* dee!&yD
e. ?e was ...... shocked. Cdee!* dee!&yD
'. ,he swam ...... in the &ake. Cdee!* dee!&yD
g. The ook cost ...... . Cdear* dear&yD
h. ?e &oves his son ...... . Cdear* dear&yD
i. ?e acted ...... . Ccoo&* coo&&yD
&. This is a ...... task. Chard* hard&yD
). ?e works ...... for the e5ams. Chard* hard&yD
l. ?e has ...... worked this week. Chard* hard&yD
". ?e was ...... to me. Ckind* kind&yD
n. Ao5ers are not a&&owed to hit ...... . C&ow* &ow&yD
o. ?is !osition is ...... . C&ow* &ow&yD
$. That was a ...... good attem!t. C!retty* !retti&yD
*. 2E&& se&& yo" the car ...... . Cchea!* chea!&yD
r. ,end this &etter ...... . Ce5!ress* e5!ress&yD
s. >o" !&ayed me ......N yo" sha&& !ay for it. Cfa&se* fa&se&yD
t. 2 did notN yo" acc"sed me ...... . Cfa&se. fa&se&yD
%. 2 got off first in the race "t managed to come... C&astK&ast&yD
Business English
v. 7nd* ... 2Ed &ike to thank a&& those who he&!ed me. C&astK&ast&yD
x. WeEve een receiving a &ot of #"nk mai&...C&ateK&ate&yD
y. 2 donEt think yo"Eve een treated very...C#"stK#"st&yD
;. 2 ... fe&& off the edge of the !&atformO CnearKnear&yD
3. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. )-am !"rtat !rosteHte* te rog iartR-mR.
!. 7 dat "n rRs!"ns oraInic.
c. @e-aia mi-am dat seama des!re ce vorea.
d. 3" e caI"& sR mR !riveHti atSt de ne!rietenos.
e. 0oi cere sR vRd acte&e Tn c"rs"& acestei dimine9i.
'. ,e !are cR tot n" a !rice!"t.
g. 3" voi !"tea a#"nge decSt &a +.
h. 3" voi !"tea a#"nge &a + ci doar &a -.
i. 3" &-am vRI"t de foarte m"&t tim!* dacR mR gSndesc ine n" &-am
vRI"t de cSnd am terminat fac"&tatea. @eci &-am vRI"t "&tima oarR
ac"m 1+ ani.
&. Vn tim!"& disc"rs"&"i s-a ridicat si a !&ecat.
). Tot n" a terminat sR se aran#eIe !entr" !etrecere.
l. )R TntS&nesc c" Pohn tot a do"a Ii.
". ,istematic "itR sR stingR &"mina &a aie.
n. ,-ar !rea !"tea sR aiR dre!tate.
o. 3" mi-e de&oc fricR.
4. Write the sentences with the adversKadveria& !hrases in rackets in the
correct !osition. 2f the advers can go in more than one !osition* !"t them in
the more "s"a& !osition"
a. 2Eve een working Cin my officeKa&& morningKhardD
!. ?e s!eaks to me Cin the morningsKneverKnice&yD
c. We were &istening Ca&& eveningKcaref"&&yD
d. ,heEs een s&ee!ing Cin that chairKa&& afternoonKso"nd&yD
e. ?e is Cat this time of dayK"s"a&&yKat the co&&egeD
'. The !ostman comes Cin the morningKvery ear&yD
Business English
g. 2 tho"ght yo" s!oke Cin that meetingKvery we&&KyesterdayD
h. We go swimming Con ,at"rdaysKgenera&&yKat the &oca& !oo&D
i. 2 o"ght these #eans Cin the sa&esKvery chea!&yK&ast weekD
&. ?eEs een Cto a dentistKneverKin his &ifeD
5. Trans&ate the fo&&owing sentences into 1ng&ish.
a. T" vei fi chematR de director mSine sR e5!&ici deciIia ta.
!. 1& este Tntreat dacR este vegetarian.
c. ,o&"9ia a fost gRsitR de frate&e me".
d. )i s-a" f"rat anii.
e. Pro&ema a fost reIo&vatR recent !rin introd"cerea internet"&"i.
'. @octor"& a fost chemat.
g. 1& a fost a&es !reHedinte&e com!aniei Tn 1997.
h. %o!iii s"nt Tntrea9i dacR Hti" Tn ce constR com!oIi9ia acestei
i. ,e constr"iesc foarte m"&te case Ii&e&e acestea.
6. P"t the fo&&owing sentences into the Passive.
a. Who drew this asym!toteB
!. Peo!&e in my town "i&t this hos!ita& &ast year.
c. Pohn canEt have done this.
d. The so&diers sha&& hand in a&& their wea!ons.
e. %hi&dren had cast stones.
7. Transfer these !assive sentences into active ones. When no agent is given
s"!!&y one.
a. )y drawings were shown at the art e5hiition in (///.
!. When was yo"r car sto&enB
c. 72@, is tho"ght to e c"ra&e.
d. The gir& has een made to recite the !oem and everyody has given
her a ig hand.
Business English
e. The !risoners were foridden to smoke when they were transferred
into the new "i&ding.
8. P"t the fo&&owing into the !assive. )ention the agent each time.
a. <ightning str"ck the o&d oak.
!. Thirst and fatig"e overcame the e5!&orers.
c. 7 #e&&yfish st"ng her.
d. 1dison invented the e&ectric "&.
e. The A.A.%. wi&& roadcast this !&ay again ne5t week.
'. ;a&&ing rocks ki&&ed two of the c&imers.
g. Aeavers make these dams.
h. <ast nightEs storm &ew those te&e!hone !o&es down.
i. 7 !o&iceman ca&&ed ,teward ca"ght the thief.
&. )r. West !inned "! the notice.
9. 2n this e5ercise the sentences contain a ver _ !re!ositionKadver
comination. The !re!osition or adver m"st e retained when the
comination is !"t into the !assive.
T"rn these sentences into the !assive voice Csometimes the agent is
a. They threw him o"t.
!. 7&& the ministers wi&& see him off at the air!ort.
c. 1veryone &ooked "! to him.
d. ?e hasnEt s&e!t in his ed.
e. ?er story didnEt take them in.
'. A"rg&ars roke into the ho"se.
g. They took down the notice.
h. ;og he&d "! the trains.
i. We ca&&ed in the !o&ice.
&. They didnEt &ook after the chi&dren !ro!er&y.
). Peo!&e often take him for his rother.
l. 3o one has taken o"t the cork.
Business English
Business English
Unit 14

In this unit you will learn:

5ritain)s trade with the world
The In!initive
The Participle
The ?erund

What does Aritain im!ortB
What does Aritain e5!ortB
What ao"t RomaniaB
3ritain#s trade (ith the (orld
Aritain is too sma&& and crowded to !rod"ce a&& the food its !eo!&e
need. Aritish farms !rod"ce &arge 6"antities of wheat* s"gar eet* dairy
!rod"cts* eef and &am* "t more than ha&f of AritainEs foodst"ffs are
o"ght aroad. Aritish ind"stry re6"ires raw materia&s. )ost of these* too*
have to e o"ght aroad. 2nd"stries which need si&icon* co!!er* Iinc* cotton
can on&y get them from foreign co"ntries. %oa& and 3orth ,ea oi& and gas
are the great e5ce!tions.
7&& AritainEs im!orts m"st e !aid for y e5!orts. ,cotch whisky*
Ro&&s Royce carsO ;amo"s Aritish e5!ortsO A"t Aritain a&so e5!orts
com!&ete aircraft* as we&& as e&ectric and e&ectronic e6"i!ment s"ch a s
com!"ters and comm"nications systems* !&astics* chemica&s and* of co"rse*
7&& e5!orts which the eye can see* !rod"cts &ike whisky and cars* are
ca&&ed Lvisi&eE e5!orts. A"t Aritain otains +/J of its earnings aroad from
Linvisi&eE e5!orts* main&y from the !rofits of investments in other co"ntries
Business English
and from LservicesE : trans!ort* to"rism* and financia& services &ike anking*
ins"rance and so on.
These financia& services* so vita& to AritainEs economy* are
concentrated in a sma&& area of centra& <ondon ca&&ed Lthe %ityE. The %ity
ho"ses the wor&dEs greatest concentration of anks* the wor&dEs iggest
ins"rance market* and the wor&dEs most advanced stock e5change* foreign
e5change market and commodities market.
8n&y two co"ntries* the U,7 and ;rance* earn more from invisi&e
e5!orts than Aritain.
4hanges= develo$"ent and ne( directions
Working &ife today is very different from the way it was in the midd&e
of this cent"ry. 2n 19+/ '/J of the working !o!"&ation worked in
man"fact"ring ind"stry. 3ow the fig"re had dro!!ed e&ow (+J. 7 few of
the o&d factories have even een t"rned into m"se"ms.
,o where do the ma#ority of !eo!&e work nowB )ore than -+J work
in service ind"stries. Aanking* finance and ins"rance have een the fastest
growing areas* then hote&s and catering* medica& and other hea&th services
and distri"tion service. There are many reasons for this growth in the
demand for services. )ore !eo!&e have more money to s!end than they "sed
to. Peo!&e a&so have more &eis"re time and &onger ho&idays so more
entertainment and trave& services are needed. 7t the same time* new
techno&ogy is making !ossi&e many services that were not !ossi&e efore.
?owever* a&tho"gh these changes have een good for Aritain* the &oss
of #os in man"fact"ring ind"stry has made &ife very hard for some !eo!&e.
@"ring the 194/s* as in many other co"ntries* there were more !eo!&e
o"t of work in Aritain than ever efore. 2n fact* in 194-* 1(J of the working
!o!"&ation were "nem!&oyed. The !ro&em is !artic"&ar&y ad in the
ind"stria& areas of northern Aritain where most workers once earned their
&iving in factories.
Peo!&e sometimes ask* LWhy donEt they go and &ook for work
somewhere e&seBE
Business English
8ne man who fo"nd work somewhere e&se is @on Wing* an engineer
from >ork. ?e trave&s 3(/ ki&ometres every ,"nday evening to work in
<ondon. ?e on&y sees his fami&y at weekends. They cannot a&& move to
<ondon eca"se a ho"se in <ondon costs three times as m"ch as a ho"se in
>ork and they co"&dnEt !ay for it. A"t @on considers to e a &"cky !erson*
as most !eo!&e cannot afford s"ch e5!ensive #o"rneys and there are not
eno"gh #os in the so"th anyway.
Covern"ent and ind%stry
The government of the 4/s changed the re&ationshi! etween
government and ind"stry. The %onservatives e&ieved that !revio"s
governments interfered too m"ch in the economy. They e&ieved that new
#os wo"&d a!!ear if contro&s and restrictions on "sinesses were taken
away. 7&tho"gh the first res"&ts of their !o&icy were h"ge increases in
"nem!&oyment* AritainEs s&ow economy was growing faster than any other
co"ntry in the 1"ro!ean %omm"nity.
8ther res"&ts of %onservative !o&icies were more se&f-em!&oyed sma&&
"siness owners* fewer !eo!&e em!&oyed y the state* !rivatiIation of many
ind"stries that had e&onged to the state* e.g. Aritish 7irways and Aritish
Te&ecom* and a h"ge increase in the n"mer of ordinary !eo!&e who owned
shares in com!anies.
The government a&so decided to fight the !ower of the trade "nions.
rade %nions
Today more of AritainEs workers e&ong to a trade "nion than in other
ma#or Western co"ntry* "t this may e tr"e for m"ch &onger eca"se d"ring
the 194/s the "nions &ost m"ch of their strength and !o!"&arity. ,ometimes
there was great itterness and even fighting etween workers who decided
to strike and those who ref"sed to.
@"ring the &ast h"ndred years the "nions have he&!ed to make Aritain
a more democratic* more civi&ised and fairer co"ntry y re!resenting and
!rotecting the interests of working !eo!&e.
Business English
Ways with words
1. S$ecial ter"s
co""odities "ar)et Q a !&ace where s"gar* oi&* meta&s* etc can e
traded. 8n&y the trading is done hereN the act"a& commodities do not
need to !ass thro"gh Aritain.
distri!%tion Q the trans!orting of goods to and from factories* !orts*
sho!s* etc.
'oreign exchange "ar)et Q a !&ace where &arge amo"nt of c"rrencies
can e o"ght and so&d
the stoc) exchange Q the !&ace where stocks and shares can e
o"ght and so&d. 8ther famo"s stock e5changes are Wa&& ,treet in
3ew >ork and <a Ao"rse in Paris.
trade %nions Q the nationa& organisations which re!resent workers in
their negotiations with em!&oyers ao"t !ay and conditions of work
2. %om!&ete the sentences.
a. )i&k* cheese and yogh"rt are e5am!&es of MMMMMM .
!. Wood* si&icon* co!!er and cotton are e5am!&es of MMMMMM .
c. Profits on investments in other co"ntries* trans!ort services and
ins"rance are e5am!&es of MMMMMM .
d. Trans!ort* to"rism and anking are e5am!&es of MMMMMM .
e. Aanking* ins"rance and foreign e5change are e5am!&es of
3. Which of the fo&&owing have increased in Aritain in recent decades and
which have decreasedB
a. the n"mer of !eo!&e who work in factories
!. the n"mer of ind"stria& m"se"ms
c. em!&oyees in service ind"stries
d. the n"mer of hote&s and resta"rants
e. se&f-em!&oyed !eo!&e
'. state-owned ind"stries
g. the !ower of trade "nions
Business English
4. Trans&ate the fo&&owing te5t into Romanian.
The %ommercia& Aank 2on Tiriac C%.A.2.T.D is the &argest Romanian
!rivate ank and was esta&ished after 1949.The ank is the res"&t of the
co"rage and the vision of its fo"nding memers F2on Tiriac Gro"! of
%om!aniesG. ,ome ++// individ"a&s and com!anies #oined this initiative as
The %.A.2.T. ecame o!erationa& in 7!ri& 1991 with an initia& share
ca!ita& of 3 i&&ion that s"ccessive&y increased* tota&&ing !resent&y R8<
,ince the eginning* the ank has enefited from an e5ce&&ent
internationa& re!"tation which was f"rther en&arged when the 1"ro!ean
Aank for Reconstr"ction and @eve&o!ment C1AR@D ecame a shareho&der
of the ank in 7!ri& 1993 : 1AR@Es first !artici!ation in a %entra& and
1astern 1"ro!ean ank.
,ince its esta&ishment the ank has evo&ved into a !owerf"&
instit"tion co"nting !resent&y for 1/// em!&oyees and -1 ranches agencies
and !oints of sa&e which cover a&most a&& the im!ortant economic centres in
Romania Cat the end of (//3D.
The im!&ementation of the !&an FAanca Tiriac (/// : (//(G has
!"shed the ank "! to the &adder of est !erforming financia& instit"tions
acting in Romania. 7s recognition of the ankEs achievements* in @ecemer
(//( the %ommercia& Aank 2on Tiriac has een !resented with FAank of the
>earG award y the !restigio"s &oca& magaIine F%a!ita&G. ;itch 2A%7*
which "!graded the ankEs rating for two years in a row* a&so reconfirmed
the !ositive trend of the ankEs deve&o!ment.
The %.A.2.T. was &isted for the first time in year (/// among the first
7+ anks in %entra& and 1astern 1"ro!e* according to the c&assification
made y the !restigio"s internationa& rating agency ,tandardUPoors. The
%.A.2.T. a&so ranks among the first five Romanian commercia& anks &isted
in to! 1// in %entra& and 1astern 1"ro!e y FThe AankerG magaIine.
Business English
The %.A.2.T. is !ermanent&y engaged to esta&ish corres!ondent
re&ationshi!s with vario"s ankEs the deve&o!ment of its o!erations as we&&
as !roviding high 6"a&ity anking services to a&& its c&ients.
The %ommercia& Aank 2on Tiriac is a memer of. ,W2;T* 02,7*
)7,T1R%7R@* 7)1R2%73 1]PR1,* @231R,* P%A* R1UT1R, and
5. .alse .riends
2n each !air of words e&ow* the first word is the fa&se friend and the second
is the word it is often conf"sed with. P"t each word in its correct !&ace in the
sentences which fo&&ow each !air.
act%al Crea&D
$resent Cc"rrent* e5isting nowD
a- %arter and A"sh are former 7merican !residents. Who is the
!- 2Eve known many rich men* "t he is the on&y MMMMMMM
mi&&ionaire 2Eve met.
"orale Cs!irits* state of mindD
"oral Cright* !ro!er* virt"o"sD
a- 2t was a good move financia&&y* "t from the MMMMMM!oint
of view 2 have my do"ts.
!- 7s we ecame aware of the diffic"&ties* o"r MMMMMM
're*%ent Cgo to oftenD
attend Cgo to a schoo&* co"rse* e !resent atD
a- P&ease state the name and address of the co&&ege yo"
!- %rimina&s are known to MMMMMMMthe c&"s and ars
in this street.
ade*%ate Ceno"gh* s"fficientD
s%ita!le Cright for the !"r!oseD
Business English
a- )ake s"re yo" have MMMMMMMMmoney for the tri!.
1/*/// !esetas sho"&d e eno"gh.
!- @o yo" think this dress is MMMMMMMfor tonightEs
!arty* or is it too forma&B
arg%"ent Ci. disagreement ii. s"!!orting reasonD
s%!&ect Csomething ta&ked or written ao"t or st"diedD
a- )y favo"rite MMMMMMat schoo& was geogra!hy.
!- The est MMMMMMMagainst smoking is its effect on
c- ?e and his wife had a heated MMMMMMMMao"t
which car to "y.
ex$erience Ci. !revio"s know&edge or work ii. eventD
ex$eri"ent Ctest carried o"t to see res"&tsD
a- )eeting the !resident was an MMMMMMM2E&& never
!- WeE&& try an MMMMMMMwith these chemica&s and see
what ha!!ens.
c- This is a very res!onsi&e #o* so we want someone with a
&ot of MMMMMM .
'a!ricate Cinvent* make "! something fa&seD
"an%'act%re Cmake* !rod"ce in a factoryD
a- To avoid s"s!icion* he decided to MMMMMMM a
com!&ete&y fa&se story.
!- This is the factory where they MMMMMMMthe new
$ass Ce s"ccessf"& in test* e5amD
ta)e Cattem!t test* e5amD
a- 2f 2 MMMMMM.. the e5am* 2E&& ce&erate y giving a
!- 2 MMMMMMMmy driving test tomorrow. 2 ho!e 2
re%nion C gathering of o&d friends* co&&eag"es after se!arationD
Business English
"eeting C gathering of !eo!&e for socia& or forma& disc"ssionD
a- We have a MMMMMMMat the office every ;riday to ta&k
ao"t !&ans and !ro&ems.
!- 2 havenEt seen my o&d schoo& friends for 1+ years. 2tEs time
someone organiIed a MMMMMMM .
re"ar) Csay* make a commentD
notice Cha!!en to seeD
a- ?e en#oyed his stay with "s* "t he did MMMMMMthat he
hadnEt s&e!t we&&.
!- 2 tho"ght 2 saw a strange-&ooking man o"tside the ho"se. @id
yo" MMMMMMhimB
Grammar Reference
There is a considera&e amo"nt of variation in !"nct"ation !ractices. 7t one
e5treme are writers who "se as &itt&e !"nct"ation as !ossi&e. 7t the other
e5treme there are writers who "se to m"ch !"nct"ation in an effort to o
make their meaning c&ear. ?ere are some !"nct"ation r"&es.
1. ,entence - <eve& P"nct"ation
G"ide&ines 15am!&es
. ordina&y and
inde!endent c&a"se is
made into a sentence y
eginning it with a
ca!ita& &etter and ending
it with a $eriod.
,ome of "s think we sho"&d
invest in this com!any.
8thers think it is "se&ess.
= 2nde!endent c&a"ses
may e comined into
one sentence y "sing
The forecast !romised
ea"tif"& weather on the coast
of the 3orth ,ea* "t it rained
Business English
the words and* but* yet*
or' nor' and so. The
first c&a"se is "s"a&&y
fo&&owed y a co""a.
every day.
@raw the fig"re and so&ve the
Q The writer can indicate
that inde!endent
c&a"ses are c&ose&y
connected y #oining
them with a se"icolon.
,ome of "s think we sho"&d
invest in this com!anyN others
think it is "se&ess
9 When one inde!endent
c&a"se is fo&&owed y
another that e5!&ains or
e5em!&ifies it* they can
e se!arated y a colon.
The second c&a"se may
or may not egin with a
ca!ita& &etter.
ThereEs on&y one so&"tion. we
m"st red"ce ne5t yearEs
The conference addresses a
asic 6"estion. ?ow can we
take ste!s needed to !rotect
the environmentB
2 ,entences that ask a
6"estion sho"&d e
fo&&owed y a *%estion
7re they sti&& dri&&ing in that
What !ercentage of oi& have
yo" recovered hereB
R ,entences that e5!ress
strong fee&ing may e
fo&&owed y an
excla"ation "ar).
Watch o"tO
ThatEs a r"de thing to sayO
2. ,e!arating 1&ements in %&a"ses
When one of the e&ements in a c&a"se is com!o"nded* that is* when there are
two or more s"#ects* !redicates* o#ects* and so forth* !"nct"ation is
G"ide&ines 15am!&es
When two e&ements
are com!o"nded*
they are "s"a&&y
T"ition may e !aid y check or
charged to a ma#or credit card.
2Em taking %hemistry and
Business English
#oined together
with a words s"ch
as and* or or
witho"t any
8ccasiona&&y more
than two e&ements
are #oined in this
Physics and )aths this semester.
= %om!o"nds that
contain more than
two e&ements are
ca&&ed series.
4o""as are "sed
to se!arate items in
a series* with words
s"ch as and or or
"s"a&&y occ"ring
etween the &ast
two items.
1ng&and* ,cot&and* and Wa&es
share the is&and of Great
1nvironmenta&&y conscio"s
"sinesses "se recyc&ed !a!er*
!hotoco!y on oth sides of a
sheet* and "se ceramic c"!s.
Q When the items in
a series are very
&ong or have
se!aration y
commas can e
conf"sing* and
se"icolons may e
"sed instead.
,t"dents were se&ected on the
asis of gradesN test of
voca"&ary* memory* and
readingN and teacher
3. Word - <eve& P"nct"ation
The !"nct"ation covered so far is "sed to c&arify the str"ct"re of sentences*
There are a&so !"nct"ation marks that are "sed with words.
Business English
G"ide&ines 15am!&es
O The a$ostro$he is
"sed with no"ns to
show !ossession.
The com!anyEs management
resisted the "nionEs demands.
7n a!ostro!he is "sed
in constr"ctions to
show where &etters or
n"mers have een
?eEsN didnEtN &etEN )aEamN fo"r
'+EsN 7A%Es.
. 7 $eriod is "sed to
mark shortened forms
&ike areviations and
Prof. P. W. <awrenceN (' ft.* './/
I 7 hy$hen is "sed to
end a &ine of te5t when
!art of a word m"st e
carried over the ne5t
... insta -
?y!hens are
sometimes "sed to
form com!o"nd words
twenty-fo"r* se&f-confidence
When two modifiers
containing hy!hens
are #oined together*
common e&ements are
often not re!eated.
The st"dy inc&"ded first- and
second-year st"dents.
8ther "ses of P"nct"ation )arks
G"ide&ines 15am!&es
S When writers "se the e5act
words of someone e&se* they
m"st "se *%otation "ar)s to
set them off from the rest of
2n 14'1* Ra&!h Wa&do
1merson wrote F2 hate
6"otations. Te&& me what
yo" know.G
Business English
the te5t.
2f !art of a 6"otation is
omitted* the omission m"st e
marked with $oints o' elli$sis.
When the omission comes in
the midd&e of a sentence* three
!oints are "sed. When the
omission inc&"des the end of
one or more sentences* fo"r
!oints are "sed.
,he to&d him the
fo&&owing. F2f yo" want
to sett&e down* to get a
!ro!er #o* to find the
!ro!er wife... yo" sho"&d
give "! yo"r se&fish
FWork of the tyre that
A.W.R.7. is doing is of
greatest va&"e when
carried o"t in a
com!rehensive !attern*
and it is m"ch to e
ho!ed that the framers of
codes wi&& give it f"&&
weight .... There are
many factors which
affect a !ress"re vesse& of
the ty!es common&y
K L When writers insert something
within a 6"oted !assage* the
insertion sho"&d e set off with
F2n a fa"&t* it dthe cr"st of
the earthe has cracked
and ca"sed different
&ayers of rock to s&i!.G
The dash can e "sed to
indicate hesitations in s!eech.
FWe&& "h 2Ed &ike to
try again if yo" &et meG*
he offered.
The Infinitie
The infinitive is considered to e the ase form of the ver.
Business English
2t a!!ears as long in!initive C!receded y the !artic&e toD. 2 didnEt want to tell
yo" that. or as short in!initive Cnot !receded y the !artic&e toD. ,he made
me do it event"a&&y.
7 s!ecia& "se of the infinitive is the split in!initive* where the adver which
modifies the ver is inserted etween the !artic&e to and the ver !ro!er. ?e
was too disa!!ointed to rea&&y care ao"t the circ"mstances of the accident.
The Participle
There are two !artici!&e forms in 1ng&ish.
the -ing participle which denotes a contin"o"s action or state.
2 saw smoke coming thro"gh the door of the chemistry &aoratory.
the past participle Cthe third form of the verD which denotes the action
as a res"&t.
The !o&ice wanted the &aw respected.
;orm 7ctive 0oice Passive 0oice
asking eing asked
Perfect Partici!&e having asked having een asked
The #erund
denotes an action sim"&taneo"s with the !resent* !ast or f"t"re e5!ressed
y the finite ver.
2 thanked him for letting me know.
e5!resses anteriority after vers as e;cuse' !orgive' remember' than.*
Thank yo" for letting me know.
has a !assive meaning after vers as desire' need' re/uire' want' etc.
>o"r hair needs cutting.
The Ger"nd is formed ith the he&! of the -ing s"ffi5 added to the ver.
Business English
;orm 7ctive 0oice Passive 0oice
2ndefinite Ger"nd he&!ingN reading eing he&!edN
eing read
Perfect Ger"nd having he&!ed having een he&!ed
having read having een read
2n order to im!rove yo"r know&edge ao"t Ger"ndK 2nfinitive* yo" may &ook
at 7!!endi5 3 C!age 149D.
Structures: gerunds and in!initives
When the 0 ing form of the ver is "sed as a no"n it is ca&&ed the Cer%nd. 2t
is "sed in the fo&&owing sit"ations.
aD with vers and vera& e5!ressions.
1. The Ger"nd m"st e "sed after the fo&&owing vers. admit'
anticipate' avoid' consider' de!er' delay' detest' enjoy' e;cuse' !ancy'
!inished' .eep AScontinueB' mind ASobjectB' prevent' stop ASceaseB' suggest'
understand' etc"
(. with certain !hrasa& vers. be !or-against' care !or' give up' .eep on'
loo. !orward to' see about
3. with certain e5!ressions. can)t help' can)t stand' it)s no good-use'
don)t mind' be accustomed to' be used to"
D with !re!ositions. 2f a ver fo&&ows a !re!osition the Ger"nd forms m"st
e "sed.
e. g. *hat about swimming to the island and bac. be!ore lunch%
cD as the s"#ect of the sentence* when the action is eing considered in a
genera& sense or as a hait.
e.g. Swimming underwater is easy i! you remember to breathe deeply
be!ore going down"
Swimming everyday is good e;ercise !or your physical condition"
dDwith ad#ectives. !%sy and (orth and a few ad#ectives accom!anied y
!re!ositions* s"ch as. )een on= $ro%d o'= acc%sto"ed to= %sed to= exe"$t
Business English
%ertain vers are fo&&owed y to_2nfinitive* others y the 2nfinitive witho"t
to* and others y an o#ect _to_2nfinitive
aD vers fo&&owed y to_2nfinitive. a!!ord' arrange' decide' demand'
!ail' have ASbe obligedB* hope' learn' prepare' promise' seem' etc"
D vers fo&&owed y o#ect _to_2nfinitive. advise' order' invite'
remind' re/uest' teach' tell' warn' etc"
cD vers fo&&owed y the 2nfinitive witho"t to. the a"5i&iaries will'
shall' should' would' can' do' may' must as we&& as let' ma.e help Cfo&&owed
y an o#ectD
To _ 2nfinitive can e a&so "sed after ad#ectives of emotion s"ch as. ama=ed'
angry' ashamed' delighted' disappointed' happy' pleased' sad' di!!icult'
easy' hard' possible' etc"
Controlled practice
1. P"t the vers in rackets into either a Ger"nd or 2nfinitive form.
a. The chi&dren are &ooking forward to CrowD on the &ake in the
!. Rememer C!honeD him in the evening.
c. What do en#oy most* CdriveD or Csai&DB
d. 2t isnEt worth Cre&yD on him* hees very "nre&ia&e.
e. ,he wanted CgoD to the coast* "t her h"sand !referred the hi&&s.
'. 2 canEt afford C"yD a new car as they are sti&& owing me some
g. ?e sim!&y cannot give "! CsmokeD* donEt waste yo"r time anymoreO
h. ?e was very keen on Csai&D and went to the coast most weekends.
i. They were de&ighted CseeD their father standing on the deck.
&. @onEt !retend C&ikeD him* yo" know yo" donEt rea&&y.
2. %ertain vers can e fo&&owed y either Ger"nd or 2nfinitive* sometimes
with a different meaning. 15!&ain the meaning of the vers in ita&ics in the
fo&&owing sentences.
Business English
a. ?e tried to sail across the ay "t there wasnEt eno"gh wind.K ?e
tried sailing across the ay first.
!. ,he proposes to live on a ho"seoat a&& winter. 2 think sheEs mad.K 2
propose going to the theatre on ,"nday.
c. 2 mean to !ind o"t who sto&e the c&" f"nds.K 2E&& &earn how to "se a
com!"ter even if it means practising a&& day.
d. 2 stopped to spea. to the teacher as 2 wanted his advice.K I stopped when 2 started to train for the 8&ym!ics.
e. The s!eaker* having finished his main theme* went on to tal. ao"t
minor !ro&ems of sai&ing.K The s!eaker went on ao"t sai&ing
a&tho"gh most of his a"dience had gone home.
'. 2 used to live on a ho"seoat.K 2 am used to sailing sing&e-handed* 2
donEt need any he&!.
g. 2 regret to in!orm yo" that yo" were t"rned down.K 2 rea&&y regret to Pack &ike thatO
h. 2E&& remember to tell him ao"t the fair when 2 see himOK 2
remember telling him ao"t the fair on ,at"rday.
i. )y father taught me to swim"- )y father taught me swimming"
&. 7&ice has learnt to coo."- ?e&en has been learning for
3. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences "sing a s"ita&e Ger"nd or 2nfinitive
form of a ver and any necessary !hrases
a. ?e enco"raged the chi&dren MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
!. 7nswer the !hone* it kee!s on MMMMMMMMMMMMM
c. P&ease* sit down* !eo!&e are not a&&owedMMMMMMMMMMM
d. The man with the &ack eyes and roken nose
e. That fisherman is very !atient* he is "sed to
Business English
4. Trans&ate into 1ng&ish.
a. ,!er sR termin de TnvR9at "&tim"& c"rs.
!. 1& vrea sR !&ece mai re!ede* !entr" cR are o treaR im!ortantR de
c. Te-a r"gat sR scrii "n ra!ort* motivSnd de ce gSndeHti aHa.
d. 2atR cSteva form"&e !e care sR &e TnvR9a9i.
e. ,t"dent"& a dovedit cR este foarte "n &a matematicR.
'. @acR n" faci maHina sR !orneascR* ne stricRm "na dis!oIi9ie.
g. P&oaia o!rind"-se* !"tem !&eca &a "niversitate.
h. Te deran#eaIR dacR TnchiIi fereastraB
i. V9i m"&9"mesc !entr" cR m-ai a#"tat sR reIo&v acest e5erci9i" &a
5. P"t the vers etween rackets in ger"nd or !ast !artici!&e.
a. Thank yo" for Cto te&&D me the tr"th.
!. 7fter Cto waitD for yo" for ha&f an ho"r* 2 &eft the hote&
c. We need to have o"r roof ti&es Cto re!&aceD
d. They sto!!ed Cto c"tD the !i!es* when they discovered that they had
some short ones too.
e. 2 donEt mind yo"r Cto stayD here and Cto waitD for my da"ghter.
'. >o" are a&ways &ateN yo" certain&y m"st have yo"r watch Cto
g. 2 sho"&d &ike the Wor&d %ham!ionshi! Cto winD y the Romanian
h. Why are yo" &oking at meB Go on Cto workDO
i. 2E&& make them Cto answerD a&& my 6"estions ao"t %anadian dri&&ing.
Business English
Unit 15
)ake a short !resentation of the distance &earning !rogramme within the
;ac"&ty of 1conomics. What were yo"r e5!ectations when yo" came hereB
?ere is a !resentation of <ancaster )anagement ,choo&. Pay attention to the
"se of con#"nctions in 1ng&ish.
he 7anage"ent School
<ancaster has one of the &argest and most e5!erienced management
schoo&s in the United Wingdom. There are over 4/ memers of the fac"&ty
covering the f"&& range of management s"#ects with a commitment to high
6"a&ity and innovative teaching. 8"r st"dents enefit from contri"tions of
staff who are researching and "ndertaking s!ecia&ist teaching at the forefront
of their s"#ects.
2n the 199- Research 7ssessment 15ercise* <ancaster was one of on&y
three A"siness ,choo&s in the UW to have een awarded the to! rating : +`-
signifying internationa& e5ce&&ence research. 2n the most recent ?igher
1d"cation ;"nding %o"nci& assessment we were a&so rated 15ce&&ent for o"r
teaching of A"siness and )anagement. We are therefore one of the three
UW A"siness ,choo&s to have achieved the to! rating for oth o"r teaching
and o"r research.
)anagement teaching and research have a high !rofi&e at <ancaster.
The )anagement ,choo& has ao"t (/J of the who&e UniversityEs staff and
their de!artments were among those which he&!ed fo"nd the University in
7s yo" wo"&d e5!ect from a ,choo& of s"ch distinction and siIe* we
have a a&anced !ortfo&io of teaching. over 3// st"dents grad"ate with
Aache&orEs degrees in management s"#ects every year and 3+/ with
)asterEs degrees. We a&so have ao"t 1// active research st"dents.
Business English
%o-ordinated thro"gh o"r )anagement @eve&o!ment @ivision* there
are over +// !ractising managers fo&&owing o"r ,enior 15ec"tive
!rogramme* o"r 15ec"tive )A7* o"r 2nternationa& )asterEs or Postgrad"ate
@i!&oma !rogrammes. These !rogrammes are s"!!orted y a wide range of
organisations* inc&"ding Aritish 7irways* Aritish 7eros!ace* 3orth West
Water and Roya& )ai&. <ancaster is a&so "n"s"a& among UW grad"ate
"siness schoo&s in !roviding oth a &eading )A7 !rogramme and a range
of )asterEs co"rses covering the management s!ecia&isms.
Grad"ates from a&& o"r !rogrammes are nota&y s"ccessf"& in
otaining e5ce&&ent !ositions to &a"nch or enhance their careers. We are a&e
to maintain strong &inks with man"fact"ring* services and !"&ic a"thorities
thro"gh o"r &ong e5!erience of co&&aorative research* in-com!any !ro#ects
"ndertaken y o"r st"dents* !ost-e5!erience teaching and* of co"rse* the
achievements of o"r a&"mni.
We have strong internationa& &inks* chief&y into networks of the
&eading west 1"ro!ean "siness schoo&s* "t a&so with &eading researchers in
3orth 7merica "siness schoo&s and with the Peo!&eEs Re!"&ic of %hina
and other ,1 7sian co"ntries. These &inks have een reinforced y the
&a"nch in 199- of o"r !restigio"s 2nternationa& )asterEs !rogramme ta"ght
co&&aorative&y y &eading staff at 23,17@* )cGi&& University*
?itots"ashi University CPa!anD* 2nstit"te of )anagement CAanga&ore* 2ndiaD
and <ancaster.
8"r commitment to !ostgrad"ate !rogrammes is ref&ected in o"r
decision to "i&d a new* we&&-e6"i!!ed Grad"ate )anagement ,choo&. This
!rovides first c&ass faci&ities for o"r growing n"mer of )asterEs and
research st"dents* com!&ementing the )anagement ,choo&Es main "i&ding.
2t is c&ose to the centre of the <ancaster cam!"s and com!rises &ect"re*
seminar and t"toria& rooms* offices* com!"ting &aoratories and common
The ,choo& has a ma#or c&"ster of termina&s and P%s connected to the
UniversityEs main com!"ting network and to others eyond the University.
Business English
7n e5tensive co&&ection of management ooks and #o"rna&s is ho"sed in the
centra&&y &ocated University <irary.
Ways with words
1. S$ecial ter"s
s$ecialis" Q concentration on or s!ecia&iIation in a ranch or fie&d of
a st"dy* !rofession* etc.
al%"n%s= !&. -ni Q a !erson* es!. a oy or man* who has attended or is
a grad"ate of a !artic"&ar schoo&* co&&ege* etc. al%"na= !&. -nae Q a
gir& or woman a&"mn"s
to enhance Q to im!rove the 6"a&ity or condition of something
to la%nch Q to start Ca !ersonD on some co"rse or career
to %nderta)e= Itoo)= Ita)en T to make onese&f res!onsi&e forN take
over as a charge
cl%ster Q a n"mer of things of the same sort gathered or gro"!ed
2. 7n antonym is a word that means the o!!osite of another. ;or e5am!&e*
the o!!osite of short is long* the o!!osite of old is young. %om!&ete the
fo&&owing sentences with one s"ita&e word meaning the o!!osite of the
word in ca!ita& &etters.
a. Pack m"ch !refers eing 1)P<8>1@ to eing .MM..M.
!. 7&e5 did a n"mer of T1)P8R7R> #os efore he managed to
find a MM..M.. !osition.
c. The first sho! he o!ened was a ig ,U%%1,, "t the second was a
tota& MM..M..
d. )any !eo!&e wo"&d rather work MMMM.than ;U<<-T2)1.
e. The management said sa&aries had 23%R17,1@* "t officia&
re!orts showed that as a matter of fact they had .MMMM.
Business English
3. 1ord sets. Try to think of the word time. 3ow think of words connected
to time. 2n this way yo" may create a word set which may inc&"de among
other words. day' month' year' century' year' etc. 3ow com!&ete the
fo&&owing sentences with one a!!ro!riate word connected with the s"#ect
of money.
a. They ref"sed to acce!t a che6"e so 2 had to !ay in MMM....
!. When she started with the com!any her MMMM. was on&y
[(//// a year. 3ow itEs at &east fo"r times that.
c. When )r )ichae& retired he received a .MMMM of [(// a month.
d. Pierre is very worried eca"se he is in MMM.... noody wi&& &end
him any money.
e. 2f yo" want a new car why not go and see yo"r ank manager ao"t
a MMM....
?ere is a &ist of words and e5!ressions to do with money. Use yo"r
dictionary and divide them into the fo&&owing categories.
-orrowing moneyN saving and investing moneyN having a !ersona& ank
,ometimes the same word wi&& fit different categories.
-to withdraw moneyN a "i&ding societyN a c"rrent acco"ntN a che6"e cardN a
mortgageN to cash a che6"eN to "y shares in a com!anyN the ,tock )arketN
to !"t money inN a month&y statementN a de!osit acco"ntN to earn 1+J
4. 1ord !%ilding
%om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with the correct form of the words in
a 8"r $rod%ction of washing-machines increased y +J &ast year.
We have recent&y !"t on the market two new MMMMMMMM .
c MMMMMMMM !er worker wi&& increase with the introd"ction
of the new machines.
d Word !rocessors have he&!ed to make office workers more
Business English
e The com!any is we&& known in the agric"&t"ra& ind"stry. 2t se&&s
main&y farm MMMMMMMM - eggs* "tter* mi&k* etc.
a %oca %o&aEs main MMMMMMMMis the Pe!si-%o&a com!any.
We try to stayMMMMMMMMM y investing heavi&y in
advertising and !romotion.
c 8"r com!anyEs main o#ective is to kee! ahead of the
a The meeting did not go as MMMMMMM.
,ome !ro#ects take years of MMM..MMMM. .
c Aefore asking a ank manager for money* it is wise to show him a
"siness MMMMMMM.
a )anagers needs to have an MMMMMMMmind.
8"rMMMMMMM.showed that we needed to !"t more em!hasis
on marketing.
c We m"st &ook at the !ro&emMMMMMMM
5. 4o"$o%nd no%ns and $hrases (ith time 1hat do the 'ollo(ing
c. time-and-motion st"dyMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
e. time-switch Creferring to a machineDMMMMMMMMMMMM..
g. time-sharing Creferring to a com!"terDMMMMMMMMMMMM
3ow* if yo" are sti&& "ns"re of the meanings of any of the aove* check them
Business English
in yo"r dictionary.
)ake sentences of yo"r own "sing five of the aove.
6. Rewrite the fo&&owing sentences* re!&acing the words in ita&ics with words
and !hrases from e&ow. )ake any other necessary changes.
for the time eing at one time
in no time at a&& from time to time
in good time work against time
ahead of its time efore oneEs time
a. The sa&esman decided to get to the meeting !airly early so that he
co"&d !re!are his !resentation.
!. 2 can get these roch"res and !rice &ists off to yo" almost
c. 2 m"st stay with my com!any !or the moment eca"se #os are hard
to find.
d. We have little time le!t to com!&ete the !ro#ect.
e. 2 am going to retire earlier than e;pected"
'. The techno&ogy "sed in the <ot"s car is very advanced indeed"
g. 6ormerly 2 worked on the sho! f&oor of the factory. 3ow* 2Em
)anaging @irector. Times have changedO
h. We check the machines at intervals"
7. %om!&ete the fo&&owing sentences with the correct word or !hrase Ca* * c
or dD.
1 3owadays* 2 eat o"t at resta"rants reg"&ar&y and often go aroad for
ho&idays. )y MMMMMMMis m"ch higher than it "sed to e.
astandard of &iving ! cost of &iving c &ifesty&e d way of &ife
2 Writing re!orts is not a MMMMMMMMthat everyone en#oys.
ad"ty ! work c #o d f"nction
3 This machine "ses m"ch &ess f"e& than the !revio"s one. 2t is far
more MMMMMM.
a s!aring ! economic c effective d economica&
Business English
4 The management has worked o"t a MMMMMMMM to im!rove
o"r market share.
a strategy ! !o&icy c target d !&anning
5 )any of the MMMMMMM in the Personne& @e!artment are !art
: time workers.
a staff ! staffs c em!&oyers d !ersona&
6 8ne of the com!anyEs main MMMMMMMM is to increase sa&es
y 1/J !er year.
a designs ! !&ans c !"r!oses d o#ectives
7 ,evera& machines have roken down. We wonEt e a&e to im!ortant order.
a fi&& ! meet c make d do
Grammar Reference
The Con!unction
%on#"nctions #oin words* !hrases and c&a"ses.
+e slipped and !ell on the !loor"
Please watch my baggage 3hile I buy my train
Coordinating Con!unctions
%oordinating con#"nctions #oin "nits that are e6"a& grammatica&&y
C have the same f"nction in the sentenceD.
+e slipped and !ell on the !loor. CAnd #oins two versD
+e moved / but /uietly" C5ut #oins two adversD
%on#"nctions both"""and' not only""" Abut alsoB' either"""or'
neither"""nor make the connection more intense. They are a&so ca&&ed
corre&ative con#"nctions.
5oth 9isa and I will go to the party"
(either money nor power can ma.e him happy"
Business English
Subordinating Con!unctions
,"ordinating con#"nctions #oin e&ements of "ne6"a& rank. ?ere are
some common s"ordinating con#"nctions. a!ter' although' as' as
much as' because' be!ore' how' i!' since' that' unless' what' when'
where' who' whom
She never saw him a!ter he le!t town"
She has been very ill since her operation"
Grammar Reference
-irect and indirect 1reported2 speech
+ndirect s$eech is the term "sed to refer to the means of e5!ressing what a
!erson has said y re!rod"cing either the e5act words "ttered or the essence
of the "tterance.
2. The changes invo&ving the tense of the ver are those mentioned in
connection with the se6"ence of tenses* when the re!orted "tterance is
introd"ced y a ver in the !ast tense. The r"&es are the fo&&owing.
@2R1%T ,P11%? 23@2R1%T ,P11%?
Present Past
Present %ontin"o"s Past %ontin"o"s
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect %ontin"o"s Past Perfect %ontin"o"s
Past Past Perfect
Past %ontin"o"s Past Perfect %ontin"o"s
;"t"re ;"t"re-in-the-Past
;"t"re %ontin"o"s ;"t"re-in-the-Past
;"t"re Perfect ;"t"re Perfect in-the-Past
;"t"re Perfect %ontin"o"s ;"t"re Perfect %ontin"o"s in-
Business English
The Past Perfect and the Past Perfect %ontin"o"s remain "nchangedN the
%onditiona& and the ,"#"nctive "s"a&&y remain "nchanged if the time
reference and the !&ace are the same.
e.g" JI !eel di==yK' she said" She said that she !elt di==y"
JI)m a ca.eK" She in!ormed him that she was a ca.e"
JI have already answered these letters>K' she e;claimed" She e;claimed that
she had already answered those letters"
JI tal.ed to him yesterdayK' she answered" She answered that she had
tal.ed to him the day be!ore"
JI will do it' I promise"K She promised she would do it"
JI! he had time' he would do it now"K She said that i! he had time' he would
do it now"
These r"&es are not oserved in certain cases.
3o change of the !resent tense occ"rs in the re!orted c&a"se when the
statement contains a nat"ra& &aw* a "niversa& assertion* an eterna& tr"th.
e.g. JEnglish is an analytic language"K The teacher told them that English
is an analytic language"
3o change of the !ast tense occ"rs when the time of the main c&a"se is fi5ed
y an adveria& c&a"se of time.
e.g. JI was at home when the TV news started"K She insisted that she was at
home when the TV news started"
Wo"&d* ,ho"&d* 8"ght CtoD* Used CtoD* m"st Ces!ecia&&y in its !rohiition
senseD do not change.
e.g. J&ou should be more care!ul"K I advised her that she should be more
J&ou mustn)t smo.e in the classroom"K +e told us that we mustn)t smo.e in
the classroom"
22. 7dvers or adveria& !hrases of time and !&ace a&so change to s"ggest
?ereN this ThereN that
2n this !&ace 2n that !&ace
3ow Then
Today ConD that day
Business English
>esterday ConD the !revio"s dayKthe day
<ast nightKweek The !revio"s nightKweek
Tomorrow 3e5t dayKthe fo&&owing day
7go Aefore
3e5t dayKweek The fo&&owing dayKweek
222. The word order of indirect s!eech is the same with that of a statement.
there is no s"#ect-a"5i&iary inversion. Re!orted 6"estions are introd"ced y
if or whether* e5ce!t for the re!orted s!ecia& 6"estions* which are
introd"ced y the 6"estion words Cwho* what* how* when* which* where*
e.g. JDoes she always wear hats%K +e as.ed i! she always wore hats"
J*hat are you doing here%K +e wondered what I was doing there"
20. 2m!eratives or direct orders ecome infinitive c&a"ses Cacc"sative with
the infinitive constr"ctionsD in re!orted s!eech or* after certain vers* they
may ecome finite o#ect c&a"ses with the ver in the s"#"nctive mood.
e.g. JShut the door a!ter you>K She as.ed- ordered me to shut the door a!ter
me" She as.ed-ordered that I AshouldB shut the door a!ter me"
0. Re!orted e5c&amations are fre6"ent&y !ara!hrases of direct e5c&amations
or are o#ect c&a"ses.
e.g. J+ow nice to meet you again>K She said-e;claimed she was delighted
to meet me again"
J*hat a terrible noise>K She complained o! the noise"
J?ood morning>K She greeted me" She wished me a good morning"
JDarling I love you>K +e called her JdarlingK and pro!essed his love !or
Business English
Se%uence of tenses
2. When the ver of the main c&a"se is in one of the !resent tenses or in one
of the f"t"re tenses* the tense of the ver in the secondary c&a"se is
conditioned e5c&"sive&y y conte5t and y the s!eakerEs intention.
e.g. I suppose he .nows about it - he .new about it - he will !ind out about it"
22. When the ver of the main c&a"se is in one of the !ast tenses* the
fo&&owing r"&es are a!!&ied.
2f the action of the secondary c&a"se ver is sim"&taneo"s with the action of
the main c&a"se ver* the !ast tense of the main c&a"se is fo&&owed y a !ast
tense in the secondary c&a"se.
e.g. That was what I thought"
It was certain that he wor.ed well"
2f the action of the secondary c&a"se ver is anterior or !revio"s to the !ast
action of the main c&a"se ver* the !ast !erfect is "sed in the s"ordinate
e.g. I .new that she had been very upset"
That was what I had been doing until then"
2f the action of the secondary c&a"se ver is !osterior or s"se6"ent to the
!ast action of the main c&a"se ver* the f"t"re-in-the-!ast is "sed in the
secondary c&a"se.
e.g. It was certain that we would have guests again"
I .new that they would not agree"
222. 1ven if the main c&a"se ver is in the !ast* the ver of the secondary
c&a"se may e in any tense re6"ired y the &ogic of comm"nication or
dictated y the moment when the "tterance is madeN the same ha!!ens if the
secondary c&a"se e5!resses some genera& tr"th or refers to some &asting
sit"ation. When this is the case* the r"&e given "nder 22 may not e oserved
in the fo&&owing ty!es of c&a"ses.
2n o#ect c&a"ses.
e.g. +e insisted that the earth moves around the sun"
2n attri"tive or re&ative c&a"ses.
e.g. She bought the ring which she is wearing when he was away"
Business English
2n adveria& c&a"ses of com!arison Cafter as M as* thanD.
e.g. +er grades were better last year than they will be ne;t term"
2n adveria& c&a"ses of res"&t.
e.g. She sang beauti!ully' that I shall remember her !or a long time"
2n adveria& c&a"ses of ca"se.
e.g. I had to tal. to her' because I am leaving soon"
20. 3o f"t"re can e "sed in the adveria& c&a"ses of time after a f"t"re
tense in the main c&a"se.
The sim!&e !resent is "sed to e5!ress sim"&taneity* and the !resent !erfect to
e5!ress anteriority.
e.g. +e will call you as soon as he has a spare moment"
&ou will be my !riend again a!ter you have proved more loyalty.
2f the ver of the main c&a"se is in the f"t"re-in-the-!ast* sim"&taneity is
e5!ressed with the he&! of the !ast tense* and anteriority y the !ast !erfect.
e.g. +e promised he would call you as soon as he had a spare moment"
+e said that they would meet when he had !inished his wor."
Controlled practice
1. %om!&ete each sentence with an a!!ro!riate coordinate or s"ordinate
7 #o"rney to the 3ationa& Parks of the United ,tates is a rare and
"nforgetta&e wa&k on the wi&d side. 2t is to fee& once more the !ower of the
o&d myths* to once again know that the &and is the crad&e of &ife* a. MMM.
nat"re is the hand setting !. MMM cradd&e end&ess&y rocking.
To the west* on the 8&ym!ic Penins"&a* is the rooding* !rimordia& coast&ine
of 8&ym!ic 3ationa& Park. The great rocks rising from the sea were once a
!art of the &andmass. c. MM.. the re&ent&ess sea chise&ed away the softer
stone* creating the ha"nting mono&iths rising from the tides. 7&ong this
coast* and eyond* into the 8&ym!ic )o"ntains* is one of the most diverse
wi&derness areas in 3orth 7merica. Within the !ark are a&!ine meadows*
ma#estic white-roed !eaks* d. MM.. some si5ty active g&aciers s&ow-
Business English
s&iding their re&ent&ess way down from the heights. 8n the western s&o!es of
the mo"ntains* there is a remarka&e rainforest. 2n Wyoming are the r"gged*
ma#estic att&ements and s!ires of the Teton )o"ntains. e. MM.. most
mo"ntain ranges* the Tetons have no foothi&&s. They rise dramatica&&y to a
height of a&most 1'*/// feet. 7&tho"gh re&ative&y sma&&* the %o&orado River
m"st s"re&y e the most !owerf"& river of them a&&. ;or the %o&orado River
carved the Grand %anyon. To trave& from one end of the canyon to the other
wo"&d e a #o"rney of (77 ser!entine mi&es. ,ometimes the wa&&s of the
canyon are &ess than a ha&f mi&e wide.
;ar to the so"th and the east of the %o&orado are the gent&e waters of '.
MM.. may e the most "n"s"a& river in the wor&d. The ,emino&es ca&&ed it
iPa-hay-okee*i g. MM.. iGrassy Water.i ?ere is the centra& feat"re of
1verg&ades 3ationa& Park. 7 river that is 1// mi&es &ong* +/ mi&es wide* and
averages on&y - inches dee!. ,&ow&y f&owing thro"gh the entire so"thern
reaches of the ;&orida Penins"&a* the 1verg&ades teems with an e5traordinary
variety of &ife. Within its &ayrinth of cy!ress swam!s* hammocks* is&ands
and hyacinth !oo&s* &ive more than 3+/ s!ecies of irds.
,ea. )o"ntain. River. 1ach has had a !owerf"& im!act on h"man
e5!erience. h. MM.. !erha!s the most ancient inf&"ence has een the forest.
Within the 3ationa& Parks of 3orth 7merica there are vast reaches of forest.
8n the s&o!es of the ,ierra 3evada* the giant se6"oias are the s"rvivors of a
forest rea&m that has end"red for mi&&ennia. ,ome of these !atriarchs have
stood for more than (/// years. They are the &argest &iving things on earth.
;ar to the east* there is a more gent&e forest. 2n the ancient mo"ntains of
so"thern 7!!a&achia* in ,henandoah 3ationa& Park i. MM.. in Great ,moky
)o"ntains 3ationa& Park* are seeming&y end&ess groves of oak* hickory*
ma!&e and other hardwoods. To wa&k these coo&* serene* va"&ted yways is
to fee& an intimacy with nat"re rare&y fo"nd in this modern wor&d where man
and nat"re are too often strangers. These are softer mo"ntains* &aying
comforta&y on the earth as if s&ee!ing within their co"nter!anes of mist.
The %herokee ca&&ed these wood&ands iThe P&ace of A&"e ,moke.i Aryce
%anyon seems &ike an enchanted city "i&t y mythica& giants &ong de!arted.
Business English
There are cast&es and whimsica& sky&ines* arches* minarets* towers* a&& c"t
from stone y the de&icate* &. MM.. !owerf"& hand of water* time and wind.
,ome of the wa&&s are -// feet &ong and (// feet high. Within the aven"es
of the city are magnificent si&ent sha!es ). MMM seem to have once een
1ighty mi&es west of Aryce %anyon are the massive wa&&s and towers of
gion 3ationa& Park. l. MM.. the formations of Aryce are de&icate&y carved*
the tem!&es of gion seem to have een hacked from the earth with o&d*
!owerf"& strokes. 0ertica& canyon wa&&s rise tho"sands of feet from the
va&&ey f&oor.
". MM.179'* n. MM..%a!tain George 0anco"ver first e5!&ored these
shores* the g&acier has receded more than 7+ mi&es. 3o &onger shro"ded in
ice* the ay is a theater where one of nat"rejs most s!ectac"&ar dramas is
!erformed. ?ere is where g&aciers come to die.
The &ands and &andsca!es of >osemite are a an6"et for the eye o. MM..for
the so"&. ?ere within the va&&ey and in the high co"ntry are stone c&iffs
towering ta&&er than anything man has made. Waterfa&&s dance in the heights
&ike ange&s in &ace and then fa&& th"ndering thro"gh the s"n&ight into the &a!
of the va&&ey. ?ere are g&acia& &akes and a&!ine meadows and streams of
&i6"id crysta&. 7mong the marve&s of >osemite are two so !owerf"& they
wi&& dwe&& in the eye of the mind forever.
2. P"t the fo&&owing sentences into re!orted s!eech.
a. F2 sha&& ask them what they have een doingG* said Tony.
!. F2 havenEt fo"nd my ag yetG* said ,arah.
c. F2 didnEt want to wash my face* motherG* said the &itt&e oy.
d. FWhen Pohn comes ack* he wi&& ring "! at onceG* his sister
e. F2 canEt think where my "mre&&a isG* said Peggy.
'. FThe highest mo"ntain in Aritain is ,nowdonG* )r. ?o&mes to&d the
Business English
g. FThe engine has een r"nning for more than ten min"tesG* Pack said
to the mechanic.
h. )ary said* FThe go&dfish has #"m!ed o"t of its ow& and 2 canEt
find it anywhere.G
i. F2f yo" are short of money 2 can &end yo" fifty !o"ndsG* said my
a"nt* Fand yo" can take yo"r time ao"t !aying it ack.G
&. ?e said* F2 am 6"ite a good cook and 2 do a&& my own washing and
mending* too.G
). F2f yo" give me some wire* 2E&& mend the f"se for yo"G* said my
l. F2 have something to show yo"G* 2 said to her.
". F2 am &iving with my !arents at !resentG* she said* F"t 2 ho!e to
have a f&at of my own short&y.G
n. F;rom one of the windows of my f&at 2 can see the TowerG* said 2.
3. %hange the ver in the main c&a"se into the Past Tense ,im!&e. )ake a&&
the other necessary changes.
a. 1veryody is s"re that* after his fatherEs ret"rn to <ondon* he wi&& not &ag
ehind his gro"! and wi&& st"dy m"ch etter.
!. 2 know that the meeting has a&ready een he&d.
c. ,he !romises that y the end of the month they wi&& have finished their
d. ?e knows that if he te&&s his friends ao"t it* they wi&& not e s"r!rised.
e. >o" te&& me yo" have read this !&ay in trans&ation. 2 advise yo" to read it
in 1ng&ish.
'. )other has said 7dam is coming on ,at"rday and wi&& stay for a very
short time.
g. ?e te&&s me that two min"tes are &eft efore the train &eaves.
h. 2 fee& s"re that when he goes home he wi&& not fai& to te&& his father
everything he has done at schoo&* and what ho!es he has ao"t going to the
"niversity where he can contin"e his st"dies.
Business English
Business English
%hoose the est variant.
1. 2 went to MM.. cinema &ast night.
0. -N 3. theN 4. aN /. an.
2. ?e wo"&d have he&!ed yo" if he MMM
0. had een a&e toN 3. co"&dN 4. has een a&e toN /. wanted.
3. 2f it MMM tomorrow weE&& !ost!one o"r "sinees tri!.
0. rainedN 3. rainsN 4. wi&& rainN /. had rained.
4. 2f 2 MMM. in yo"r !&ace* 2 wo"&d g&ad&y ace!t his invitation.
0. wasN 3. had eenN 4. wereN /. has een.
5. 8n MM.. one hand 2 wo"&d &ike to start s"ch a !ro#ect* on MMM other
2 think 2 shanEt have the time to finish it.
0. theK aN 3. theK theN 4. -N -N /. aK the.
6. 2 saw smoke MMM thro"gh the door of MM.. chemistry &aoratory.
0. comeK theN 3. comeK -N 4. comingK -N /. comingK the.
7. ?ave yo" MM.. finished yo"r homework MMMB
0. -K yetN 3. #"stK -N 4. a&readyK -N /. -K a&ready.
8. MMM the tr"th* 2 wo"&d have to&d it to yo".
0. ?ave 2 knownN 3. @id 2 knowN 4. ?ad 2 knownN /. ,ho"&d 2 know.
9. 2 co"&dnEt make MMM a story* so 2 had to te&& them the tr"th.
0. "!N 3. inN 4. o"tN /. of.
10. MM.. had 2 entered the door MM.. the !hone started to ring.
0. ?ard&yK whenN 3. scarce&yK thenN 4. hard&yK thanN /. hardK when.
11. 3o sooner MM.. on that dri&&ing rig when he MMM. !romoted.
0. had he movedK has eenN 3. had he movedK wasN 4. was he movedK wasN
/. he had movedK was.
12. The doctor MM.. severa& ho"rs ago.
0. has een sent forN 3. had een sent forN 4. was sent forN /. was eing
sent for.
13. 2n case yo" MMM my advice* ca&& me at this n"mer.
0. wi&& needN 3. needN 4. has neededN /. needed.
Business English
14. @o yo" think we MMM ca&& him so &ateB
0. sho"&dN 3. needN 4. had toN /. m"st.
15. The !a!er addresses a asic 6"estionMM.. ?ow can we take ste!s
needed to !rotect the environmentB
0. 9 Q 3. .Q 4. =Q /. I .
16. ,he took the &ierty MMM it in her own way.
0. of doingN 3. to doN 4. of to doN /. to doing.
17. ,he s!okeMMM
0. e5treme &o"dN 3. e5treme&y &o"dN 4. e5treme&y &o"d&yN /. e5treme
18. ?e was &ooking at me as if he MMM that easy e6"ation.
0. didnEt "nderstandN 3. hasnEt "nderstoodN 4. hadnEt "nderstoodN
/. "nderstood.
0ns(er )ey9
1. AN 2. 7N 3. AN 4. %N 5. AN 6. @.N 7. 7N 8. %N 9. 7.N 10. 7N 11. AN 12. %N
13. A.N 14. 7.N 15. 7N 16. 7N 17. AN 18. %.
1 !oint _ /*+/ !oints !er each good answer
Business English
1. What have yo" &earnt from this ookB
2. What did yo" en#oy ao"t itB
3. What didnEt yo" en#oy ao"t itB
Business English
4. Write down two or three recommendations or s"ggestions for doing it
Business English
0$$endix 1
+rreg%lar ver!s
Aase form Past ,im!&e Past
to e wasKwere een a fi
to eat eat eaten a ate
a &ovi
a Tnvinge
to ecome ecame ecome a deveni
to end ent ent a CseD Tndoi
to egin egan eg"n a Tnce!e
to id id
a ordona
a !or"nci
a oferi
to ind o"nd o"nd a "ni
a &ega
a o&iga
to &ow &ew &own a s"f&a
a arde Cf"Iii&"& "nei
to reak roke roken a s!arge
a r"!e
a sfRrSma
a concasa
a degrada
to ring ro"ght ro"ght a ad"ce
a !rod"ce
to "i&d "i&t "i&t a c&Rdi
a constr"i
to "rn "rnt "rnt a arde
a ca&cina
a ataca
to "rst "rst "rst a iI"cni
a e5!&oda
a crR!a
to "y o"ght o"ght a c"m!Rra
Business English
to cast cast cast a ar"nca
a t"rna
to catch ca"ght ca"ght a !rinde
a ca!ta
a &oca
a co&ecta
to choose chose chosen a se&ecta
a a&ege
to c&eave c&eft
a CseD des!ica
a CseD scinda
a se!ara
to come came come a veni
a a#"nge
to cost cost cost a costa
to cree! cre!t cre!t a CseD tSrT
a a&"neca
a se a&"ngi
to c"t c"t c"t a tRia
a fasona
a sec9iona
a o!ri C"n motorD
to dea& dea&t dea&t a se oc"!a Cc"D
a contracta
a distri"i
a re!artiIa
to dig d"g d"g a sR!a
a e5cava
a e5!&ora
to do did done a face
to draw drew drawn a desena
a schi9a
a atrage
to dream dreamt dreamt a visa
to drink drank dr"nk a ea
to drive drove driven a ac9iona
a cond"ce
to eat ate eaten a mSnca
Business English
to fa&& fe&& fa&&en a cRdea
a da &a re"t
to feed fed fed a a&imenta
a hrRni
a a!roviIiona
to fee& fe&t fe&t a CseD sim9i
to fight fo"ght fo"ght a comate
a CseD &"!ta
to find fo"nd fo"nd a gRsi
a desco!eri
a constata
to f&ing f&"ng f&"ng a &ansa
a ar"nca
a iI"cni
to f&y f&ew f&own a I"ra
a &ansa
to forecast forecast forecast a !revedea
to forid forade foridden a interIice
to forget forgot forgotten a "ita
to freeIe froIe froIen a Tnghe9a
a refrigera
to get got got a o9ine
a !rimi
a deveni Ca a#"ngeD
to give gave given a da
a acorda
a transmite
a aviIa
a !reda
to go went gone a merge
a f"nc9iona
a circ"&a
to grow grew grown a se mRri
a deIvo&ta
to hang h"ng h"ng a s"s!enda
a agR9a
a !"ne rece!tor"& Tn f"rcR
Business English
to have had had a avea
to hear heard heard a a"Ii
to hew hewed hewed
a cio!&i
a degroHa
a tRia
to hide hid hidden a asc"nde
to hit hit hit a &ovi
a ciocni
a iIi
to ho&d he&d he&d a 9ine
a &oca
a o!ri
a fi5a
a c"!rinde
to h"rt h"rt h"rt a rRni
a &ovi
a avaria
to kee! ke!t ke!t a 9ine
a re9ine
a men9ine
a Tntre9ine
to knit knit knit a Tnnoda
a tricota
a Tmina
to know knew known a Hti
a c"noaHte
to &ay &aid &aid a !"ne
a aHeIa
a Tntinde
to &ead &ed &ed a cond"ce
a avansa
a comanda
to &ean &eant &eant a Tnc&ina
a CseD a!&eca
a se s!ri#ini
to &earn &earnt &earnt a TnvR9a
to &eave &eft &eft a !&eca
Business English
a !RrRsi
to &end &ent &ent a Tm!r"m"ta
to &et &et &et a &Rsa
a !ermite
to &ie &ay &ain a se af&a
a consta Tn
to &ight &it &it a a!rinde
to &ose &ost &ost a !ierde
to make made made a farica
a face
to mean meant meant a Tnsemna
a vrea s= s!"nR
to meet met met a CseD TntS&ni
a intersecta
a Tncr"ciHa
to !ay !aid !aid a !&Rti
a achita
to !"t !"t !"t a !"ne
a aHeIa
to read read read a citi
to ride rode ridden a cR&Rri
to ring rang r"ng a s"na
a chema C&a te&efonD
to rise rose risen a CseD ridica
a CseD "rca
a rRsRri
to r"n ran r"n a a&erga
a f"nc9iona
a administra
to say said said a s!"ne
to saw sawed sawn a tRia c" ferRstrR"&
to see saw seen a vedea
to seek so"ght so"ght a cR"ta
a cerceta
to se&& so&d so&d a vinde
to send sent sent a trimite
to set set set a reg&a
a a#"sta
a stai&i
to shake shook shaken a ate
Business English
a sc"t"ra
a vira
to shear sheared shorn a tRia
a mRrgini
a forfeca
to shed shed shed a ar"nca
a dif"Ia
a vRrsa
to shine shone shone a strR&"ci
a !o&isa
to show showed shown a arRta
a manifesta
to shoot shot shot a Tm!"Hca
a fi&ma
to shrink shrank shr"nk a se contracta
a freta
to sh"t sh"t sh"t a Tnchide
to sing sang s"ng a cSnta
to sink sank s"nk a CseD sc"f"nda
a Tngro!a
to sit sat sat a sta #os
to s&ee! s&e!t s&e!t a dormi
to s&ide s&id s&id a a&"neca
a g&isa
to s&ing s&"ng s&"ng a ar"nca
a &ansa
to sme&& sme&t sme&t a mirosi
to smite smote smitten a iIi
to s!eak s!oke s!oken a vori
to s!eed s!ed s!ed a acce&era
to s!e&& s!e&t s!e&t a scrie &iterR c" &iterR
a si&aisi
to s!end s!ent s!ent a !etrece
a che&t"i
a Tntre"in9a
to s!i&& s!i&t s!i&t a vRrsa
a risi!i
a t"rna
to s!&it s!&it s!&it a c&iva
Business English
a scinda
a des!ica
a disocia
to s!in s!"n s!"n a centrif"ga
a roti
a !resa
to s!read s!read s!read a rRs!Sndi
a aco!eri
a e5tinde
to s!ring s!rang s!r"ng a sRri
a iIvorT
a se arc"i
to stand stood stood a sta Cvertica&D
a reIista
a s"!orta
to stea& sto&e sto&en a f"ra
to stick st"ck st"ck a CseD &i!i
a se fi5a
to strike str"ck str"ck a &ovi
a iIi
to string str"ng str"ng a TnHira
a &ega
a Tncorda
to strive strove striven a se strRd"i
a se &"!ta
to swear swore sworn a #"ra
to swe&& swe&&ed swo&&en a CseD "mf&a
a creHte
to swim swam sw"m a Tnota
to swing sw"ng sw"ng a osci&a
a CseD a&ansa
a !end"&a
to take took taken a &"a
a ca!ta
a necesita
to teach ta"ght ta"ght a !reda
to tear tore torn a r"!e
to te&& to&d to&d a s!"ne
Business English
to think tho"ght tho"ght a ref&ecta
a gSndi
a socoti cR
to throw threw thrown a ar"nca
to thr"st thr"st thr"st a Tm!inge
a Tnfige
a a!Rsa
to "nderstand "nderstood "nderstood a Tn9e&ege
to wake woke woken a CseD treIi
to wear wore worn a !"rta
a "Ia
a toci
to wee! we!t we!t a !&Snge
a !ic"ra
a se !re&inge
to win won won a cSHtiga
to wind wo"nd wo"nd a rRni
to wring wr"ng wr"ng a stoarce
a rRs"ci
a sm"&ge
to write wrote written a scrie
Business English
0$$endix 2
1:5/M<5E<:S++:A Cs.Q someodyN sth.Q somenthingD
Creak sth.D y accident
according to Cthe weather forecastD
to acco"nt for sth.
an advertisement for sth
afraid of CstormsD
at the age of CtwentyD
to agree with s. on sth.
to a!!&y for Ca #oD
a!!ro!riate for sth.
to arg"e with s. ao"t sth.
to arrive at Cthe rai&way stationD
to arrive in C1"ro!eD
as a res"&t
to ask for sth.
to assist in sth.
attentive at sth.K s.
at the eginning of sth.
in the eginning
to e afraid of. s.K sth.
to e at home
to e aware of sth.
to e ored with sth.Ks.
to e caref"& ao"t sth.
to e fed "! with sth.
to e f"&& of CenergyD
to e fond of s.
to e good at sth.
to e in charge of sth.
to e in &ove with s.
Business English
to e in a mess
to e interested in sth.
to e im!ressed y sth.
to e married to s.
to e on strike
to e o"t of order
to e !atient with s.K sth.
to e !ro"d of sth.K s.
to e simi&ar to sth.
to e tired of sth.
to e&ieve in sth.
to e&ong to s.
to enefit from sth.
to go y "sK trainK!&ane* etc.
in the C(/-thD cent"ry
certain of sth.
change for Ca do&&arD
to come from 1ng&andK Romania
to com!are sth. with sth. e&se
to com!&ain ao"t sth.
in CgoodKadD condition
inK "nder these conditions
in contrast with sth.K s.
to coo!erate with s.
to co!e with sth.
to dea& with sth.
to deate on sth.
deficiency in sth.K deficient in sth.
to de!end on s.K sth.
to deve&o! into sth.
to die of sth.
to e different from s.Ksth.
Business English
in the distance
to disting"ish sth. from sth. e&se
to dream ao"t s.Ksth.
in the end
at the end of sth.
to a CcertainKgreatD e5tent
to fight against s.K sth.
to fight against s.K sth.
on a f&ight to CParisD
to fight against s.Ksth.
to find !"t ao"t sv.K sth.
to forget ao"t s.Ksth.
to get in to"ch with s.
to get on Cwe&&D with s.
to go o"t with s.
to go home
to have a degree in sth.
to have an interview for a #o
to invite s. to Ca !artyD or for CdinnerD
in the 3orthK ,o"th* etc.
to &a"gh at s.K sth.
to &isten to sth.K s.
to &ive on the thirdKfo"rth f&oor
to &ook after s.
to &ook at sth.
to &ook for sth.
to &ook forward to doing sth.
to merge with sth.
y mistake
at theKthat moment
to o!erate on s.
to originate in sth.
Business English
owing to sth.
to !artici!ate in sth.
to !ay C[+///D for sth.
to !oint at s.K sth.
to !oint sth. Ca g"nD at s.
!reocc"!ation with sth.
to re&y on s.K sth
re!resentative of s.K sth.
resistance to sth.K s.
to search for sth.K s.
to se&& sth. for C[3//D
to share sth. with s.
simi&ar to s.K sth.
to s!eak to s. ao"t sth.
to s!ecia&ise in sth.
to s!end money on sth.
a story ao"t sth.
to s"ffer from sth.
to ta&k to s. ao"t sth.
thanks to s.K sth.
on te&evision
to think ao"t CWhat are yo" thinking ao"tBD
to think of CWhat do yo" thinf of von <a"eBD
to throw sth. at s.
a ticket for sth.
in view of sth.
to wait for s.K sth.
on the way Cto schoo&D
to work as Ca teacherD
to work for Can organiIationD
to worry ao"t sth.K s.
to write Can e-mai&* a &etterD to s.
Business English
8er!s (ith :!ligatory <re$osition9
arg"e* com!&ain* do"t* fret* grieve* know* say* see* set* s!eak* ta&k* te&&*
think* worry* write.
as!ire* crave* hanker* h"nger* h"nt* &ook* take* yearn.
c&amo"r* defend* e5c&aim* fight* g"ard* indemnify* ins"re* m"rm"r* m"tter*
!rotect* revo&t* th"nder* warn.
aim* assess* "yKse&& CsthD at a !rice* ca&&* drive* fire a shot* gaIe* g&ance*
knock* &a"gh* mock* !oint* !"ff* rage* re#oice* re!ine* r"sh* shoot* smi&e*
sneer* stay* strike* throw* work.
egin* "y K se&& CsthD y the !o"nd etc* divide* finish* !ass* !rofit* !"&&*
swear* wa&k.
acco"nt* answer* ask* atone* argain* ca&&* care* cry* die* do* fa&&* fish* ho!e*
&ament* &ang"ish* &eave* &ong* &ook* &ast* !ay* !ine* !re!are* reach* sai&*
search* send* sigh* stand* start* strive* take* wait* wish.
aso&ve* anish* orrow* cry* derive* descent* differ* differentiate*
disting"ish* ens"e* e5act* e5cer!t* e5!ect* e5tricate* f&ee* &earn* man"fact"re*
otain* !"rchase* !"rge* receive* recover* refrain* se&ect* s!ring* s"ffer*
ao"nd* e&ieve* confide* consist* dea&* em!&oy CsD* entang&e* hammer*
insert* interfere* !aint* s"cceed* write.
a&ter* reak* change* divide* &ook* merge* !itch* !"t* thr"st* t"rn.
Business English
acc"se* ac6"it* a&&ow* a!!rove* avai& Conese&fD* ecome* eware* com!&ain*
consist* c"re* de!rive* die* disa!!rove* dis!ose* do"t* dream* hear* &earn*
re&ieve* remind* s!eak* s"s!ect* ta&k* think.
act* agree* et* comment* concentrate* congrat"&ate* co"nt* de!end* emark*
g&oat* inc"&cate* insist* #ar* o!erate* re&y* st"m&e* tatt&e* te&&.
rood* cry* e5"&t* m"se* 6"arre&* r"&e* r"minate.
ada!t* adhere* ad#"st* agree* a&&"de* amo"nt* anno"nce* a!o&ogise* a!!ea&*
as!ire* attach* attend* attest* e&ong* c&ing* come* com!are* com!&ain*
consent* corres!ond* drink* entit&e* e5!&ain* give* go* he&! Conese&fD* &ead*
&isten* nod* o#ect* o!!ose* !oint* !rove* refer* re!&y* resort* res!ond* ret"rn*
seem* set Cto workD* s!eak* stick* s"scrie* s"cceed* take* tend.
agree* comine* com!are* com!&y* connect* contend* contrast* corres!ond*
dea&* differ* disagree* do* fight* interfere* intermedd&e* #oin* meet
Chhardshi!sD* ming&e* 6"arre&* 6"iver* reconci&e* rhyme* shiver* side*
sym!athiIe* ta&k* trem&e* trif&e* vie.
act* ear* ca&&* chance* de!end* enter* fa&&* fi5* force* frown* im!ose* insist*
&ook* !&ay ChoneEs fee&ingsD* rest* smi&e Cao"t fateD* tram!&e.
Business English
0d&ectives (ith :!ligatory <re$osition9
7ddicted to
ade6"ate for Csmth.D
ade6"ate to Csm.D
adverse to
affected y
amaIed at
amitio"s after
annoyed at
an5io"s ao"t Csmth.D
an5io"s for Csm.D
a!!a&&ed y
a!!rehensive of Ci.e. worried ao"tD
a!t for
ashamed of
averse to
ad at
eneficia& to
ent on
"sy with
ca!aa&e of
certain of
charmed at Csmth.D
charmed with Csm.D
c&ever at CmathematicsD
com!ati&e with
concerned ao"t Kwith
concerned for CsmD
connected with
consistent with
contended with
Business English
convenient for Csmth.D
convenient to Csm.D
craIy ao"t
cr"e& to
deficient in Csmth.D
de&ighted at
derogatory to
devoid of
de5tero"s at
diffident in
disa!!ointed at
disg"sted y Csmth.D
disg"sted with Csm.D
dis!&eased at
dissatisfied with
do"tf"& of Csm.D
dying for
eager forKao"t
earnest ao"t
enraged y
essentia& for
e5cited atKover
fit for
frightened at
f"&& of
good at
greedy of
hosti&e to Csm.D
h"ngry for
identica& toKwith
ignorant of
immersed in CdetsD
Business English
imm"ne against
imm"ne from
im!o&ite to
inade6"ate for smthKto sm
incensed atKwith
inc&ined to Kfor
inconceiva&e to
inde!endent of sm
indignant atKwith
infat"ate with
intent on
irritated at
offended at
o!!osite from
!ara&&e& to
!ara&yIed with
!artia& to
!artic"&ar ao"t
!&eased at smth
!re!ared for
!roficient in
!rone to
reso&ved on
r"de to
sec"re of
ski&&f"& atKin
s&ow at
so&icito"s ao"t
sorry ao"t smth* sorry for sm
s"#ect to
s"ffering from
s"fficient for
Business English
s"ited to
s"re ao"t smth
s"re of sm
sym!athetic to
tired with
tr"e to
"nfit for
"n#"st to
ve5ed at smth* ve5ed with sm
Business English
0$$endix 3
0ers which are a&ways fo&&owed y a G1RU3@.
The dri&&ing engineer denied e;periencing a g"sher.
admit defer dis!"te find miss reca&&
a!!reciate de&ay enoy finish !ardon risk
avoid deny esca!e forgive !ost!one s"ggest
ce&erate detest e5c"se mention !ractice "nderstand
consider dis&ike e5!&ain mind !revent
0ers wich are a&ways fo&&owed y an 23;232T201.
The regiona& 1&ectricity com!anies e5!ect to earn an additiona& (3J !rofit
this year.
afford decide intend !&an ref"se
agree e5!ect need !retend seem
a!!ear ho!e offer !romise want
0ers which are fo&&owed y either an 23;232T201 or a G1RU3@
3owadays many co"ntries !refer to generate-generating e&ectricty from
renewa&e so"rces of energy.
egin contin"e !refer start
Business English
Business English
1. @Rni&R* 0iorica* Engle;a tehnic@* 1dit"ra tehnicR* A"c"reHti* 194(
(. @Rni&R* 0iorica* Engle;a $entr% ingineri Ui tehnicieni* 1dit"ra tehnicR*
A"c"reHti* 19-7
3. @eighton* <ee %.* 8oca!%lary /evelo$"ent* )acmi&&an* 3ew >ork*
'. 1astwod* P.* 0 3asic English Cra""ar. Exercises* 85ford University
Press* 85ford* 194'
+. ?a&&* 1"gene P.* he 6ang%age o' the <etrole%" +nd%stry in English*
Prentice ?a&& 2nc* 3ew Persey* 197-
-. ?i&&* <.7.* 0dvanced Stories 'or 5e$rod%ction* 85ford University
Press* 85ford* 1977
7. <o"gheed* <in* he Creat <re$osition 7ystery* Grammar Review for
2ntermediateK 7dvanced ,t"dents of 1;<* 1ng&ish Teaching @ivision*
A"rea" of 1d"cationa& and %"&t"ra& 7ffairs* Washington* @.%.* 194+
4. )istIa&* )ari"s* est Fo%r English Cra""ar* Teora* A"c"resti* 199-
9. ,anford* 7drian A* Aisho!* Watherine 0.* 5eading 4o"$rehension*
)acmi&&an* 3ew >ork* 194'
1/. ,oars* Pohn U <iI* >ead(ay= $reIinter"ediate* ,t"dentEs Aook*
85ford University Press* ?ong Wong* 1991
11. ,oars* Pohn U <iI* >ead(ay= %$$erIinter"ediate* ,t"dentEs Aook*
85ford University Press* ?ong* 1991
1(. Thomson* 7.P.* 7. 0. )artinet* 0 <ractical English Cra""ar=
Exercises 1= 85ford University Press* 85ford* 194-
13. 0ince* )ichae&* Excel at .irst 4erti'icate* ,t"dentEs Aook*
?einemann* 85ford* <ondon 1din"rgh* 1949
1'. gdrenghea* )* Greere* 7* 0 <ractical English Cra""ar* 1d.
%&"si"m* %&"#* 1997
1+. ```* English 'or Science and echnology* %ava&&ioti P"&ishing
?o"se* The Aritish %o"nci&* A"charest* 199-
1-. ```* Sinte;e Ui exerci?ii $entr% exa"enele de !acala%reat Ui
ad"itere* 1dit"ra 7marcord* TimiHoara* 1994
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17. htt!.KKccc.commnet.ed"KgrammarKad#ectives.htm
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