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The Greek word OKEANS [sic] "seems related to
Sanskrit O'GAN (alb. UJE) water, (and in the strict sense juice,
vital humor), to which Bournouf, Schenkl and Heyse replace Sanskrit
GHA, meaning reunion, mass, multitude, as well as body of water,
gushing out river (root UKH- to move off, Sanskrit khmi to gather,
ucymi). Others see as an etymon Vedic Sanskrit AYNA (vritra
epithet), meaning containing, enveloping (the falling rain): and this
etymology is very reliable, because it offers the explanation of the
desinence [ending]too, that others have justified with Sanskrit root NI-
to move, or with Greek N, I flow".

Based on Magdalenian and Azilian permutation groups I dare
propose a new - and, if correct, deeper - etymology of Okeanos,
namely AC EON NOS --- mind, soul (nos) of the shore (eon) land
(ac, an expansoe of land with water), a spirit ruling the shores.
Okeanos was the Greek god of the river that encircles the world,
which was understood as a coherent land mass (cf the world maps
according to Hekataios and Eratosthenes). Sumerian Ea for water
would once have been the same god of the shores, linguistically
an abbreviation of EON for shore, and the same may hold for
Sanskrit o'gan for water, streams being the vital humor (humidity)
of a country. Also acayana, containing the falling rain, might have
the same root. Greek okys nao 'I swim fast' may have been folk
etymology for a very ancient word combination that was no longer
understood. The Egyptians considered the River Nile an ocean,
which is consistent with my explanation, as Egypt is in fact
a shore land, at least in German, where Ufer means both bank
(of a river or lake) and shore (of the sea).

Regards Franz Gnaedinger

oXXo, 6gXov ro+tv +o, 6r op0c, ytvcokouot r6gXov o+t ukrovo, ro+tv o o(p, ogp 6r Zru,
okouv r(oo+o +ov Zvo t+rpo, Zru, oXX' o+o, o+ct o0rvo, ryo. ol 6'
o ytvcokov+r, +ov ukrovov o+oov 6oko0otv rlvot o+t rpu prov+o poor0gkrv.
o 6r ogolvrt +gv o+o0 yvcgv rv +o, Xryorv[o]t, ko vot(orvot, p(oot.
ko yop +cv ov[0]pccv +ou, ryo 6uvo+[o0]v+o, ryoXou, oo pujvot. +o 6' r_orvov

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