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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module


After completing this learning module you should:
1. Understand the functions of calendaring software in the law office.
2. Know how to enter dates in a calendaring system
3. Understand the importance of calendar maintenance in a law office
4. Understand how calendaring software can be used to monitor critical dates in a law
Using the Learning Module
To use the demonstration videos to learn the features and how to use AbacusLaw you
will need to obtain and install files from the Demo CD of AbacusLaw.
Insert the CD in your computer; it should start automatically and show you this screen of

Installing AbacusLaw Software
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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module
To use the tutorials and trial version of AbacusLaw you must install the necessary files
on your computer. The AbacusLaw demo disk has all the files you will need.
You may want to download and print a copy of the Getting Started Guide or you may
view it from the CD. For those who desire, the Reference Guide may also be printed out,
but is does exceed 300 pages and may always be viewed on your computer.
To install the AbacusLaw program click on the top button Install AbacusLaw Programs.

You will see a number of screens and be asked to make some decisions.
Choose Accept the EUL (end user license).

Choose which programs to install. We recommend installing only the AbacusLaw option
at this time.
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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module

Choose the destination for installing the software. Typically on a single user system it is
the C drive.

A warning will appear about installation for network installations, which may be ignored
for most users. Click on Yes.

Ready to install. Click on Next.
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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module

Wait while the screen shows Copying file to:

Once you have installed the program you can access AbacusLaw from the icon on your
desktop or from the Windows Start Menu.
You can also restart the Demo CD from the Windows Start Button and Run Option.
Substitute the letter of your CD drive for the E in the following example.

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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module

Overview of the AbacusLaw Program
Select Practice Manager Training.
Under Fundamental Training, select Overview.
When the Overview screen comes up, select Start Here. This will give you a perspective
on how AbacusLaw can be used as a law office management tool.

To learn about the calendar options shown on the following screen, select Using Calendar
under Fundamental Training.
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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module
AbacusLaw Calendar screen.

Hands-on Exercise
Start your copy of AbacusLaw.
Open the Daily Calendar and add a new Appointment and a Note to Things to Do.
For example: 7:00 a.m. appointment with a law teacher.
Print the Daily Calendar where you added the new appointment

Hands-on Exercise
Select New Data and enter your personal information.
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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module

Use the input screen for entering the information.

Enter your calendar entries for the next 90 days and then print out a copy.
Enter New Event.
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ABACUSLAW 2006 Learning Module
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