DC Machines: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Department of Electrical Engineering

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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE 306: Electromechanical Devices

Second Semester 2005 (042)

Term Project:
DC Machines

Student Name: Hatem A!"hannam

Student #D $: 2%42&5

Pre'ared (or: Dr) Sh*ehdi+ Mohamed H

BA!K'$U"D #"F$MAT#"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&
#% D! MT$(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&
A. GENERAL INFORMATION.........................................................................................
!. "ON#TR$"TION........................................................................................................%
". D" MOTOR O&ERATION..........................................................................................3
D. D" MOTOR E'$I(ALENT "IR"$IT........................................................................3
##% D! 'E"E$AT$(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)
A. GENERAL INFORMATION.........................................................................................)
!. "ON#TR$"TION........................................................................................................)
". *O+ D" GENERATOR +OR,#................................................................................)
D. D" GENERATOR O&ERATION................................................................................-
E. D" GENERATOR E'$I(ALENT "IR"$IT.................................................................6
Electric Motors an. Generators/ 0ro12 o3 .evices 1se. to convert mechanical
ener04 into electrical ener04/ or electrical ener04 into mechanical ener04/ 54
electroma0netic means. A machine that converts mechanical ener04 into electrical ener04
is calle. a 0enerator/ alternator/ or .4namo/ an. a machine that converts electrical ener04
into mechanical ener04 is calle. a motor. In this re2ort 6e 6ill ta7e a 5rie3 loo7 a5o1t D"
motors an. 0enerators.
T6o relate. 2h4sical 2rinci2les 1n.erlie the o2eration o3 0enerators an. motors.
The 3irst is the 2rinci2le o3 electroma0netic in.1ction .iscovere. 54 the !ritish scientist
Michael Fara.a4 in 83. I3 a con.1ctor is move. thro10h a ma0netic 3iel./ or i3 the
stren0th o3 a stationar4 con.1ctin0 loo2 is ma.e to var4/ a c1rrent is set 12 or in.1ce. in
the con.1ctor. The converse o3 this 2rinci2le is that o3 electroma0netic reaction/ 3irst
o5serve. 54 the French 2h4sicist An.r9 Marie Am2ere in 8%0. I3 a c1rrent is 2asse.
thro10h a con.1ctor locate. in a ma0netic 3iel./ the 3iel. e:erts a mechanical 3orce on it.
The sim2lest o3 all .4namoelectric machines is the .is7 .4namo .evelo2e. 54
Fara.a4. It consists o3 a co22er .is7 mo1nte. so that 2art o3 the .is7/ 3rom the center to
the e.0e/ is 5et6een the 2oles o3 a horseshoe ma0net. +hen the .is7 is rotate./ a c1rrent
is in.1ce. 5et6een the center o3 the .is7 an. its e.0e 54 the action o3 the 3iel. o3 the
ma0net. The .is7 can 5e ma.e to o2erate as a motor 54 a22l4in0 a volta0e 5et6een the
e.0e o3 the .is7 an. its center/ ca1sin0 the .is7 to rotate 5eca1se o3 the 3orce 2ro.1ce. 54
ma0netic reaction.
The ma0netic 3iel. o3 a 2ermanent ma0net is stron0 eno10h to o2erate onl4 a
small 2ractical .4namo or motor. As a res1lt/ 3or lar0e machines/ electroma0nets are
em2lo4e.. !oth motors an. 0enerators consist o3 t6o 5asic 1nits/ the 3iel./ 6hich is the
electroma0net 6ith its coils/ an. the armat1re/ the str1ct1re that s122orts the con.1ctors/
6hich c1t the ma0netic 3iel. an. carr4 the in.1ce. c1rrent in a 0enerator or the e:citin0
c1rrent in a motor. The armat1re is 1s1all4 a laminate. so3t;iron core aro1n. 6hich
con.1ctin0 6ires are 6o1n. in coils.
A. General Information
A D" motor is 1se. to .rive a mechanical loa.. In this la5/ a se2aratel4 e:cite.
D" 0enerator 2rovi.es the loa.. The loa. on the motor is a.<1ste. 54 var4in0 the
0enerator 3iel. c1rrent. !4 increasin0 the 3iel. c1rrent o3 the D" 0enerator/ the loa. on
; ;
the D" motor increases an. th1s the armat1re
c1rrent increases. In 0eneral/ D" motors are
characteri=e. 54 their tor>1e;s2ee. c1rves as sho6n
in Fi01re ?.. #ince the meas1rin0 e>1i2ment 3or
sha3t tor>1e is not availa5le in the la5 it is necessar4
to 1se alternative means o3 characteri=in0 the D"
motor. One alternative is to 2lot sha3t s2ee. vers1s
armat1re c1rrent since tor>1e is .irectl4
2ro2ortional to the armat1re c1rrent@ a d a
I K T =
6ith a constant 3iel. c1rrent s122lie. to the motor.
#ha3t s2ee. is also a 31nction o3 the 3iel. c1rrent in
a D" motor 6hile maintainin0 a constant armat1re

d a a
K E =
A as 3iel. c1rrent is .irectl4
2ro2ortional to the .irect a:is 3l1: 2ro.1ce. in the machine.
B. Construction
The stator o3 the .c motor has 2oles/
6hich are e:cite. 54 .c c1rrent to 2ro.1ce
ma0netic 3iel.s. In the ne1tral =one/ in the
mi..le 5et6een the 2oles/ comm1tatin0
2oles are 2lace. to re.1ce s2ar7in0 o3 the
comm1tator. The comm1tatin0 2oles are
s122lie. 54 .c c1rrent. "om2ensatin0
6in.in0s are mo1nte. on the main 2oles.
These short;circ1ite. 6in.in0s .am2 rotor
oscillations. The 2oles are mo1nte. on an
iron core that 2rovi.es a close. ma0netic
circ1it. The motor ho1sin0 s122orts the iron
core/ the 5r1shes an. the 5earin0s. The rotor
has a rin0;sha2e. laminate. iron core 6ith
slots. "oils 6ith several t1rns are 2lace. in
the slots. The .istance 5et6een the t6o le0s o3 the
coil is a5o1t 80 electric .e0rees. The coils are
connecte. in series thro10h the comm1tator
se0ments. The en.s o3 each coil are connecte. to a
comm1tator se0ment. The comm1tator consists o3
ins1late. co22er se0ments mo1nte. on an ins1late.
t15e. T6o 5r1shes are 2resse. to the comm1tator to
2ermit c1rrent 3lo6. The 5r1shes are 2lace. in the
ne1tral =one/ 6here the ma0netic 3iel. is close to
=ero/ to re.1ce arcin0. The rotor has a rin0;sha2e.
laminate. iron core 6ith slots. The comm1tator
consists o3 ins1late. co22er se0ments mo1nte. on an ins1late. t15e. T6o 5r1shes are
2resse. to the comm1tator to 2ermit c1rrent 3lo6. The 5r1shes are 2lace. in the ne1tral
=one/ 6here the ma0netic 3iel. is close to =ero/ to re.1ce arcin0. The comm1tator
; % ;
s6itches the c1rrent 3rom one rotor coil to the a.<acent coil/ the s6itchin0 re>1ires the
interr12tion o3 the coil c1rrent. The s1..en interr12tion o3 an in.1ctive c1rrent 0enerates
hi0h volta0es. The hi0h volta0e 2ro.1ces 3lashover an. arcin0 5et6een the comm1tator
se0ment an. the 5r1sh.
C. DC Motor Operation
In a .c motor/ the stator 2oles are s122lie. 54 .c
e:citation c1rrent/ 6hich 2ro.1ces a .c ma0netic
3iel.. The rotor is s122lie. 54 .c c1rrent thro10h
the 5r1shes/ comm1tator an. coils. The
interaction o3 the ma0netic 3iel. an. rotor c1rrent
0enerates a 3orce that .rives the motor. The
ma0netic 3iel. lines enter into the rotor 3rom the
north 2ole @NA an. e:it to6ar. the so1th 2ole @#A.
The 2oles 0enerate a ma0netic 3iel. that is
2er2en.ic1lar to the c1rrent carr4in0 con.1ctors.
The interaction 5et6een the 3iel. an. the c1rrent
2ro.1ces a Lorent= 3orceB the 3orce is
2er2en.ic1lar to 5oth the ma0netic 3iel. an.
con.1ctor. The 0enerate. 3orce t1rns the rotor
1ntil the coil reaches the ne1tral 2oint 5et6een the 2oles. At this 2oint/ the ma0netic 3iel.
5ecomes 2racticall4 =ero to0ether 6ith the 3orce. *o6ever/ inertia .rives the motor
5e4on. the ne1tral =one 6here the .irection o3 the ma0netic 3iel. reverses. To avoi. the
reversal o3 the 3orce .irection/ the comm1tator chan0es the c1rrent .irection/ 6hich
maintains the co1ntercloc76ise rotation. !e3ore reachin0 the ne1tral =one/ the c1rrent
enters in se0ment an. e:its 3rom se0ment %.
There3ore/ c1rrent enters the coil en. at slot a
an. e:its 3rom slot 5 .1rin0 this sta0e. A3ter
2assin0 the ne1tral =one/ the c1rrent enters
se0ment % an. e:its 3rom se0ment / this
reverses the c1rrent .irection thro10h the rotor
coil/ 6hen the coil 2asses the ne1tral =one.
The res1lt o3 this c1rrent reversal is the
maintenance o3 the rotation.
D. DC Motor Equivalent
; 3 ;
N #

N #
B v
@aA Rotor c1rrent 3lo6 3rom se0ment to % @slot a to +A
N #
v v
@5A Rotor c1rrent 3lo6 3rom se0ment % to @slot + to aA
.c E

2o6er o1t
2o6er in
D" &o6er
The 3ollo6in0 3i01res sho6 the e>1ivalent circ1it o3 a se2aratel4 e:cite. .c
motor. E>1ivalent circ1it is similar to the 0enerator onl4 the c1rrent .irections are
.i33erent. The o2eration e>1ations are:
Armat1re volta0e e>1ation
The in.1ce. volta0e an. motor s2ee. vs an01lar 3re>1enc4
The com5ination o3 the e>1ations res1lts in
The c1rrent is calc1late. 3rom this e>1ation. The o1t21t 2o6er an. tor>1e are:
A. General Information
Most common electrical a22liances @e.g./ electric li0ht;51l5s an. electric heatin0
elementsA 6or7 3ine on ac electrical 2o6er. *o6ever/ there are some sit1ations in 6hich
.c 2o6er is 2re3era5le. For instance/ small electric motors @e.g./ those 6hich 2o6er 3oo.
mi:ers an. vac11m cleanersA 6or7 ver4 6ell on ac electricit4/ 51t ver4 lar0e electric
motors @e.g./ those 6hich 2o6er s156a4 trainsA 0enerall4 6or7 m1ch 5etter on .c
electricit4. Let 1s investi0ate ho6 .c electricit4 can 5e 0enerate..
B. Construction
The constr1ction o3 the D" Generator is the same li7e the D" Motor. #o 4o1 can
re3er to that 2art to see the constr1ction.

C. How DC Generator Works
I3 an armat1re revolves
5et6een t6o stationar4 3iel.
2oles/ the c1rrent in the armat1re
moves in one .irection .1rin0
; ) ;
brush a am am dc
V R I E V + + =
n % =
m am dc am f m
R I V E I K = =
am am out
I E P =
f am m
T = =

hal3 o3 each revol1tion an. in the other .irection .1rin0 the other hal3. To 2ro.1ce a
stea.4 3lo6 o3 1ni.irectional/ or .irect/ c1rrent 3rom s1ch a .evice/ it is necessar4 to
2rovi.e a means o3 reversin0 the c1rrent 3lo6 o1tsi.e the 0enerator once .1rin0 each
revol1tion. In ol.er machines this reversal is accom2lishe. 54 means o3 a comm1tator/ a
s2lit metal rin0 mo1nte. on the sha3t o3 the armat1re. The t6o halves o3 the rin0 are
ins1late. 3rom each other an. serve as the terminals o3 the armat1re coil. Fi:e. 5r1shes
o3 metal or car5on are hel. a0ainst the comm1tator as it revolves/ connectin0 the coil
electricall4 to e:ternal 6ires. As the armat1re t1rns/ each 5r1sh is in contact alternatel4
6ith the halves o3 the comm1tator/ chan0in0 2osition at the moment 6hen the c1rrent in
the armat1re coil reverses its .irection. Th1s there is a 3lo6 o3 1ni.irectional c1rrent in
the o1tsi.e circ1it to 6hich the 0enerator is connecte.. D" 0enerators are 1s1all4
o2erate. at 3airl4 lo6 volta0es to avoi. the s2ar7in0 5et6een 5r1shes an. comm1tator
that occ1rs at hi0h volta0e. The hi0hest 2otential commonl4 .evelo2e. 54 s1ch
0enerators is -00 (. In some ne6er machines this reversal is accom2lishe. 1sin0 2o6er
electronic .evices/ 3or e:am2le/ .io.e recti3iers.
D. DC Generator Operation
The N;# 2oles 2ro.1ce a .c ma0netic 3iel.
an. the rotor coil t1rns in this 3iel.. A t1r5ine
or other machine .rives the rotor. The
con.1ctors in the slots c1t the ma0netic 3l1:
lines/ 6hich in.1ce volta0e in the rotor coils.
The coil has t6o si.es: one is 2lace. in slot a/
the other in slot 5. In Fi01re a/ the con.1ctors
in slot a are c1ttin0 the 3iel. lines enterin0
into the rotor 3rom the north 2ole/ the
con.1ctors in slot 5 are c1ttin0 the 3iel. lines
e:itin0 3rom the rotor to the so1th 2ole. The
c1ttin0 o3 the 3iel. lines 0enerates volta0e in the con.1ctors. The volta0es 0enerate. in
the t6o si.es o3 the coil are a..e.. The in.1ce. volta0e is connecte. to the 0enerator
terminals thro10h the comm1tator an. 5r1shes. In Fi01re a/ the in.1ce. volta0e in 5 is
2ositive/ an. in a is ne0ative. The 2ositive terminal is connecte. to comm1tator se0ment
% an. to the con.1ctors in slot 5. The ne0ative terminal is connecte. to se0ment an. to
the con.1ctors in slot a. +hen the coil 2asses the ne1tral =one:
"on.1ctors in slot a are then movin0
to6ar. the so1th 2ole an. c1t 3l1:
lines e:itin0 3rom the rotor
"on.1ctors in slot 5 c1t the 3l1: lines
enterin0 the in slot 5.
This chan0es the 2olarit4 o3 the in.1ce.
volta0e in the coil. The volta0e in.1ce. in a is
; - ;
N #
B v
@aA Rotor c1rrent 3lo6 3rom se0ment to % @slot a to +A
N #
v v
@5A Rotor c1rrent 3lo6 3rom se0ment % to @slot + to aA
no6 2ositive/ an. in 5 is ne0ative. The sim1ltaneo1sl4 the comm1tator reverses its
terminals/ 6hich ass1res that the o1t21t volta0e @(.cA 2olarit4 is 1nchan0e.. In Fi01re 5:
The 2ositive terminal is connecte. to comm1tator se0ment an. to the
con.1ctors in slot a.
The ne0ative terminal is connecte. to se0ment % an. to the con.1ctors in slot 5.
E. DC Generator Equivalent circuit
The ma0netic 3iel. 2ro.1ce. 54 the stator 2oles in.1ces a volta0e in the rotor @or
armat1reA coils 6hen the 0enerator is rotate.. This in.1ce. volta0e is re2resente. 54 a
volta0e so1rce. The stator coil has resistance/ 6hich is connecte. in series. The 2ole 3l1:
is 2ro.1ce. 54 the D" e:citationE3iel. c1rrent/ 6hich is ma0neticall4 co12le. to the
rotor. The 3iel. circ1it has resistance an. a so1rce. The volta0e .ro2 on the 5r1shes
re2resente. 54 a 5atter4. The 3ollo6in0 3i01re e>1ivalent circ1it o3 a se2aratel4 e:cite.
.c 0enerator.
The ma0netic 3iel.
2ro.1ce. 54 the stator
2oles in.1ces a volta0e in
the rotor @or armat1reA
coils 6hen the 0enerator
is rotate.. The .c 3iel.
c1rrent o3 the 2oles
0enerates a ma0netic
3l1:. The 3l1: is
2ro2ortional 6ith the 3iel. c1rrent i3 the iron core is not sat1rate.:
The rotor con.1ctors c1t the 3iel. lines that 0enerate volta0e in the coils.
The motor s2ee. an. 3l1: e>1ations are :
The com5ination o3 the three e>1ation res1lts the
in.1ce. volta0e e>1ation:

GThe e>1ation is sim2li3ie..
; 6 ;
.c E

2o6er in
2o6er o1t
f ag

v B N E
g r ag
% =
v =
g g ag
D B =
( )
ag r g g r
g r g r ag
B N v B N E = =

= =
% %

f m f r ag r ag
I K I K N N E = = =

+hen the 0enerator is loa.e./ the loa. c1rrent 2ro.1ces a volta0e .ro2 on the rotor
6in.in0 resistance. In a..ition/ there is a more or less constant H3 ( volta0e .ro2 on the
5r1shes. These t6o volta0e .ro2s re.1ce the terminal volta0e o3 the 0enerator. The
terminal volta0e isB
In this st1.4 an. search o3 this 2o6er technolo04 6e 3o1n. that it is not 1se.
6i.el4 5eca1se o3 its cost com2arin0 6ith A" machine an. I ho2e that this 2o6er
technolo04 6ill 5e .evelo2e. an. 1se. ver4 commonl4 in the 31t1re.
. Microso3t Enc4clo2e.ia Encarta %00)
%. htt2:EE666.eas.as1.e.1EI7ara.4E360Dst133ELect1resEL
3. htt2:EE666.ee.n1i0al6a4.ieEs15<ectsEee30%Elect1resEL
). htt2:EE666.1sace.arm4.milEinetE1sace;
-. htt2:EE666.3ac1lt4.1a3.e.1E33r66Eee303EFall%00ELa5
; F ;
brush a ag dc ag
V R I V E + + =
6. htt2:EE666.t215.comEneetsE5oo7-E-.htm
F. htt2:EE=one.ni.comE.ev=oneE.ev=one6e5.ns3EO2en.ocK
8. htt2:EE3arsi.e.2h.1te:as.e.1Eteachin0E30%lElect1resEno.
; 8 ;

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