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Dialog Malin Kundang :) (English)

by elisabethdianaks
Teringat masa-masa EC SMP eman-eman kalau tak simpen sendiri :) Semoga aja inggrisnya gak parah-parah
amat ya.. :D Selamat membaca.
Addo Hernando (01) => Narator,Skipper, Local People.
Elisabeth Diana (12) => Mande Rubayah.
Hillary Bernassa (19) => Malin Kundang, Narator.
Pascalis Satya (26) => Narator, Wife, Crew, Physician.
Long, long time ago in Padang Sumatra Barat. There live a widow her name was Mande Rubayah. She has a
son, his name was Malin kundang. Mande Rubaya very loved his son.
One day, Malin Kundang was sick. His body became very hot. Mande Rubayah really confused and scared.
MR: Malin! Malin! Are you alright?
MK: mom
MR: Wait, I will buy a medecine to you.
Mande Rubayah work very hard to save his son. She call the physician to heal his son.
MK: please, heal my son. Hes the only one I have.
Because Mande Rubayah hard work, Malin can recovered. Mande Rubayah really happy. She loved her son
more, and more.
One day when Malin was grow up. He want to go wander
MK: Mom, this is my chance. I promise I will change our fate. We will be very rich.
MR: But its very dangerous!
MK: I promise Mom, I will be okey.
Although she reluctantly allowed Malin to go.

MR: see you my son. I hope God always bless you.
Day after day was so slow. Every morning and evening Mande Rubayah always looked to the sea.
MR: where are you, my son? Are you alright?
Mande Rubayah always pray to his son.
MR: God, please bless my son. I hope he can arrive safely
MR: oh, theres a ship!
MR: excuse me master, do you have something to me from my son?
Skipper & all crew: Im sorry mam.
Thats the answer that Mande Rubayah always get. When she ask all the crew and skipper.
Many years passed he became increasingly weak and old.
MR: Now Im very weak and old, can my son recognize me?
LP: Mande Mande!
MR: Yes?
LP: A big Ship come!
MR: a big Ship?
LP: yeah!
Mande Rubiyah was very happy. She ran away to see the ship.
MK: who are you?
MR: Im your mother!
Wife: Shes your mother? You say that your mother was very beautyful and rich, the same as us!
MK: Whos say shes my mom? I dont know who is she.
MR: MALIN! Im your mom! MALIN!
Malin ignored her mothers words.
MK: Hey, old woman! my mom doesnt like you! Destitute and filthy!
Mande Rubayah was shock! She cried. She doesnt think that her son can do that.
MR: Oh, GOD! If hes not my child. I will forgive him. But if hes really my son. I need a justice!
Malin kundang sunddenly became a stone.
And sentences that will always be spoken by people who heard this story is Do not rebel against your
Cerita Malin Kundang dalam bahasa Inggris

Once upon a time, lived a very poor family in West Sumatra and this was a family of Malin
Kundang. To provide a living for his family, his father went to sea but never returned home. People
talked about his fathers death and made his mother so anxious in each day. Furthermore, he was
still very young and had not been able to help his mother.

However, life must go on. His mother did not want continuing to grieve and doing nothing. His
mother chose to work hard and did a lot of jobs every day. However, his family financial had not
improved since the money was only to meet their daily needs without being able to be saved.

Seeing his mother continued to work in each time, he did not have the heart and intended to help
his mother. He asked his mother to sail and made money as much as possible. At first, his mother
was not banned because of fear that Malin did not come back like his father. Nevertheless, he kept
pressing until his mother allowed him to go.

He immediately set to sail because it has been allowed by his mother, and his departure was
accompanied by his mothers sobs. On board, he continued to learn and began to know the ins and
outs of the ships and commerce.

Many years after the initial voyage, he had not had the opportunity to visit his mother in the
hometown. Indeed, he was eager to go home but there were so many jobs to be done. In one time,
he asked for permission to skipper of the vessel and allowed to go home. Malin was very excited
and with the whole of crew, he returned to his hometown.

But, fate has not given him permission to go home. In the ocean, his ship was intercepted by pirates
and all crew were massacred. He was very lucky because could hide and survived from the
massacre. He ended up stranded on an island and worked hard to be a wealthy merchant.
Fortunately, he was success. His wealth is so abundant because of hard working to build a wealth.
He also married a girl who was very pretty and rich so that they could live happily.

With wealth and a prosperous life, he forgot to return home in order to meet his mother. However,
inadvertently Malin had to go to his hometown for commercial affairs. He set off with his wife and
children to come back home.

Arrived at his hometown, Malin Kundang met his mother and his mother hugged him very close.
However, he even scolded his mother and pushed up a heap. He actually recognized his mothers
face, but there is a huge shame because there are crews as well as his wife. In front of them, he did
not acknowledge that a woman who fell down was his mother. He even told her that her mother
was so despicable and he did not recognize it.

After completing his business, he got out of his hometown. His heart had hardened into stone. With
his wife and his children, he went sailing back. His mother was her sad and inwardly, he prayed
that Malin changed into stone.

Instantly, the sky became overcast, lightning, and rain was falling. His ship hit rocks and was
crashing. Malin bodies swayed to the opposite shore and the magic happened. He slowly turned to
stone and it was known as Malin Kundang stone.

Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was called Malin
Kundang. They didnt earn much as fishing was their only source of income. Malin Kundang grew up as a
skillful young boy. He used to help his mother to earn some money. However, as they were only fishermans
helper, they still lived in poverty. Mother, what if I sail overseas? asked Malin Kundang one day to his
mother. Her mother didnt agree but Malin Kundang had made up his mind. Mother, if I stay here, Ill always
be a poor man. I want to be a successful person, urged Malin kundang. His mother wiped her tears, If you
really want to go, I cant stop you. I could only pray to God for you to gain success in life, said his mother
wisely. But, promise me, youll come home.

In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the successful ships
crew. Malin was offered to join him. Take a good care of yourself, son, said Malin Kundangs mother as she
gave him some food supplies. Yes, Mother, Malin Kundang said. You have to take a good care of yourself,
too. Ill keep in touch with you, he continued before kissing his mothers hand. Before Malin stepped onto the
ship, Malins mother hugged him tight as if she didnt want to let him go.

It had been three months since Malin Kundang left his mother. As his mother had predicted before, he hadnt
contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She wished to see the ship that brought Malin
kundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to the God for her sons safety. There was so much prayer that
had been said due to her deep love for Malin Kundang. Even though its been a year she had not heard any
news from Malin Kundang, she kept waiting and praying for him.

After several years waiting without any news, Malin Kundangs mother was suddenly surprised by the arrival
of a big ship in the pier where she usually stood to wait for her son. When the ship finally pulled over, Malin
Kundangs mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a ladder along with a beautiful woman. She
could not be wrong. Her blurry eyes still easily recognized him. The man was Malin Kundang, her son.

Malin Kundangs mother quickly went to see her beloved son. Malin, youre back, son! said Malin
Kundangs mother and without hesitation, she came running to hug Malin Kundang, I miss you so much.
But, Malin Kundang didnt show any response. He was ashamed to admit his own mother in front of his
beautiful wife. Youre not my Mother. I dont know you. My mother would never wear such ragged and ugly
clothes, said Malin Kundang as he released his mother embrace.

Malin Kundangs mother took a step back, MalinYou dont recognize me? Im your mother! she said
sadly. Malin Kundangs face was as cold as ice. Guard, take this old woman out of here, Malin Kundang
ordered his bodyguard. Give her some money so she wont disturb me again! Malin Kundangs mother cried
as she was dragged by the bodyguard, Malin my son. Why do you treat your own mother like this?

Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundangs mother sat alone in
the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. Dear God, if he isnt my son, please let him have a save
journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone, she prayed to the God.

In the quiet sea, suddenly the wind blew so hard and a thunderstorm came. Malin Kundangs huge ship was
wrecked. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, and fell on a small island. Suddenly, his whole body
turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his own mother.

Malin Kundang

Pada suatu waktu, di pantai utara Sumatera tinggal seorang wanita miskin dan anaknya. Anak itu bernama
Malin Kundang. Mereka tidak memperoleh banyak uang dari memancing satu-satunya sumber pendapatan
mereka. Malin Kundang tumbuh menjadi seorang anak muda terampil. Dia selalu membantu ibunya untuk
mendapatkan uang. Namun, karena mereka hanya pembantu nelayan, mereka masih hidup dalam kemiskinan.
"Ibu, bagaimana jika aku berlayar ke luar negeri?" Tanya Malin Kundang suatu hari kepada ibunya. Ibunya
tidak setuju tetapi Malin Kundang telah membulatkan tekadnya. "Ibu, kalau aku tinggal di sini, aku akan selalu
menjadi orang miskin. Aku ingin menjadi orang yang sukses", desak Malin Kundang. Ibunya menyeka air
matanya, "Jika kamu benar-benar ingin pergi, ibu tidak bisa menahan mu. Ibu hanya bisa berdoa kepada Allah
untuk mu agar mendapatkan kesuksesan dalam hidup, "kata ibunya bijak. "Tapi, berjanjilah pada ibu, kau akan

Pada pagi berikutnya, Malin Kundang sudah siap untuk pergi. Tiga hari lalu, ia bertemu salah satu dari awak
kapal yang sukses. Malin ditawarkan untuk bergabung dengannya. "Jaga dirimu baik-baik, nak," kata ibu
Malin Kundang sambil ia memberinya beberapa persediaan makanan. "Ya, Ibu," kata Malin Kundang. "Ibu
juga harus jaga diri sendiri baik-baik. Saya akan tetap menghubungi ibu", lanjutnya sebelum mencium tangan
ibunya. Sebelum Malin melangkah ke kapal, ibu Malin memeluknya erat-erat seolah-olah dia tidak ingin
membiarkan dia pergi.

Sudah tiga bulan sejak Malin Kundang meninggalkan ibunya. Seperti ibunya telah prediksi sebelumnya, ia
tidak menghubunginya lagi. Setiap pagi, dia berdiri di dermaga. Dia ingin melihat kapal yang membawa Malin
Kundang pulang. Setiap hari dan malam, ia berdoa kepada Allah untuk keselamatan anaknya. Ada begitu
banyak doa yang telah dipanjatkan karena cinta yang mendalam untuk Malin Kundang. Meskipun sudah
setahun ia tidak mendengar berita dari Malin Kundang, ia terus menunggu dan berdoa untuknya.

Setelah beberapa tahun menunggu tanpa berita, ibu Malin Kundang tiba-tiba terkejut dengan kedatangan
sebuah kapal besar di dermaga di mana ia biasanya berdiri menunggu anaknya. Ketika kapal itu akhirnya
menepi, ibu Malin Kundang yang melihat seorang pria yang tampak kaya melangkah menuruni tangga
bersama dengan seorang wanita cantik. Dia tidak mungkin salah. Mata kabur nya masih mudah mengenalinya.
Pria itu Malin Kundang, anaknya.

Ibu Malin Kundang dengan cepat pergi menemui putra kesayangannya. "Malin, kau sudah kembali, nak!" Kata
ibu Malin Kundang dan tanpa ragu-ragu, ia berlari untuk memeluk Malin Kundang, "Ibu sangat
merindukanmu." Tapi, Malin Kundang tidak menunjukkan respon. Ia malu mengakui ibunya sendiri di depan
istrinya yang cantik. "Kau bukan Ibu saya. Saya tidak kenal Anda. Ibuku tidak akan pernah mengenakan
pakaian compang-camping dan jelek seperti itu, "kata Malin Kundang sambil melepaskan pelukan ibunya.

Ibu Malin Kundang melangkah mundur, "Malin ... Kau tidak mengenali ibu? Aku ibumu "katanya dengan
Sedihnya. Wajah Malin Kundang sedingin es. "Pengawal, bawa wanita tua ini keluar dari sini," perintah Malin
Kundang kepada pengawalnya. "Beri dia uang sehingga dia tidak akan mengganggu aku lagi!" Ibu Malin
Kundang menangis seraya ia diseret oleh pengawal, "Malin ... anakku. Mengapa kamu memperlakukan ibumu
sendiri seperti ini? "

Malin Kundang mengabaikan ibunya dan memerintahkan awak kapal untuk berlayar. Ibu Malin Kundang yang
duduk sendirian di dermaga. Hatinya begitu terluka, ia menangis dan menangis. "Ya Tuhan, jika dia bukan
anak saya, semoga perjalanannya aman. Tetapi jika ia anakku, aku mengutuknya menjadi batu", dia berdoa
kepada Allah.

Di laut yang tenang, tiba-tiba angin bertiup begitu kencang dan badai datang. Kapal besar Malin Kundang itu
rusak. Ia terlempar keluar dari kapalnya oleh gelombang, dan jatuh di sebuah pulau kecil. Tiba-tiba, seluruh
tubuhnya berubah menjadi batu. Ia dihukum karena tidak mengakui ibunya sendiri.

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