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Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key A

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

1 1 havent finished
2 have been feeling
3 wont be decided
4 will have finished / will
5 dont see
6 was talking
7 have done / do
8 have you been sitting
9 had been clibing
1! have "al#eady$ s%oken
11 will be doing
12 had left
13 knows
14 is thought
15 to be sent
16 to have stolen
2 1 &he soone# we sta#t the ea#lie# well a##ive'
2 (ll %#obably be hoe by 8'3!'
3 ( was so ti#ed ( went to bed'
4 )ould you tell e whe#e the station is*
5 +ont you like %laying tennis*
6 (ll call you as soon as ( a##ive'
7 ,hat a#e you thinking about*
8 &he woan is said to be in he# 3!s'
9 -o#tunately we a##ived in tie fo# the wedding'
1! &ess is wea#ing a nice new s%otted d#ess'
11 &he woan wasnt badly in.u#ed in the accident'
12 ,ed been d#iving fo# hou#s befo#e we #ealised we we#e lost'
3 1 +id she
2 &he #ich
3 neithe# do (
4 the young
5 likely
6 always late
7 it #ains
8 /n (#ish an
9 did tell
1! does
11 so is his wife
12 such good
4 1 astha
2 wa#
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key A
3 stitches
4 b#ee0e
5 s%otted
6 evidence
7 cotton
8 iatu#e
9 luggage
1! ve#dict
5 1 %#oof
2 s%ecially
3 afte#
4 ha#d
5 still
6 tie
7 u%
8 at the end
9 d#ess u%
1! advantage
6 1 chee#ful
2 out
3 atches
4 conscientious
5 cold
6 kidna%%ed
7 stubbo#n
8 t#endy
9 ugge#
1! glove
7 1 ache
2 fog
3 custos
4 alle#gic
5 bleeding
6 flight
7 heatwave
8 seat
9 %#essu#e
1! soaked
8 1 eccent#ic
2 te%e#atu#e
3 bad1te%e#ed
4 in.ection
5 und#essed
6 sli%%e#y
7 te##o#ist
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key A
8 investigate
9 stylish
1! onsoon
9 1 back%ack
2 caught
3 nylon
4 hi.ack
5 d#ought
6 bliste#
7 f#ee0ing
8 cal
9 c#ew
1! infection
Reading and (riting
1 1 /
2 2
3 )
4 2
5 /
6 /
7 2
8 /
9 /
1! 2
2 1 anecdotal
2 isleading
3 asce#tain
4 co%iles
5 i##efutable
3tudents own answe#s'
Task completion: &he task is fully co%leted and the answe# easy to unde#stand'
"4 a#ks$
Grammar: &he student uses a%%#o%#iate st#uctu#es to achieve the task' 4ino# e##o#s do
not obscu#e the eaning' "3 a#ks$
Vocabulary: &he student uses a sufficient #ange of wo#ds and %h#ases to counicate the
essage clea#ly' "3 a#ks$
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key A
$istening and +,ea-ing
1 1 2
2 )
3 /
4 )
5 )
2 1 /
2 /
3 )
4 2
5 2
Interactie communication an! oral pro!uction: &he student counicates effectively
with his / he# %a#tne#5 asking and answe#ing si%le 6uestions5 and whe#e necessa#y
initiating conve#sation5 and #es%onding' &he student uses a%%#o%#iate st#ategies to
co%lete the task successfully' "1! a#ks$
Grammar an! Vocabulary: &he student uses a sufficient #ange of vocabula#y and
st#uctu#e to counicate clea#ly' 4ino# occasional e##o#s do not i%ede counication'
"5 a#ks$
"ronunciation: &he students intonation5 st#ess5 and a#ticulation of sounds ake the
essage clea# and co%#ehensible' "5 a#ks$
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key "
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
1 1 such good
2 always late
3 so is he# husband
4 the young
5 likely
6 &he #ich
7 it #ains
8 / -#ench an
9 did tell
1! does
11 neithe# do (
12 +id she
2 1 to have stolen
2 knows
3 wont be decided
4 will have finished / will
5 dont see
6 was talking
7 have done / do
8 have you been sitting
9 had been clibing
1! have "al#eady$ s%oken
11 will be doing
12 had left
13 ve been feeling
14 is thought
15 to be sent
16 havent finished
3 1 &ess is wea#ing a nice new s%otted d#ess'
2 ,ed been d#iving fo# hou#s befo#e we #ealised we we#e lost'
3 +ont you like %laying tennis*
4 )ould you tell e whe#e the station is*
5 &he woan is said to be in he# 3!s'
6 ( will call you as soon as ( a##ive'
7 ,hat a#e you thinking about*
8 ( was so ti#ed ( went to bed'
9 -o#tunately we a##ived in tie fo# the wedding'
1! &he soone# we sta#t the ea#lie# well a##ive'
11 &he woan wasnt badly in.u#ed in the accident'
12 (ll %#obably be hoe by 8'3!'
4 1 u%
2 tie
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key "
3 afte#
4 ha#d
5 advantage
6 s%ecially
7 %#oof
8 at the end
9 d#ess u%
1! still
5 1 s%otted
2 luggage
3 stitches
4 b#ee0e
5 astha
6 evidence
7 cotton
8 iatu#e
9 wa#
1! ve#dict
6 1 alle#gic
2 ache
3 bleeding
4 fog
5 custos
6 flight
7 soaked
8 seat
9 %#essu#e
1! heatwave
7 1 t#endy
2 out
3 atches
4 glove
5 kidna%%ed
6 cold
7 stubbo#n
8 chee#ful
9 ugge#
1! conscientious
8 1 bliste#
2 caught
3 c#ew
4 hi.ack
5 d#ought
6 back%ack
7 f#ee0ing
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key "
8 cal
9 infection
1! nylon
9 1 sli%%e#y
2 investigate
3 bad1te%e#ed
4 stylish
5 und#essed
6 onsoon
7 te##o#ist
8 te%e#atu#e
9 in.ection
1! eccent#ic
Reading and (riting
1 1 2
2 /
3 /
4 /
5 )
6 )
7 )
8 2
9 2
1! 2
2 1 d#awing conclusions
2 the no#
3 untold
4 co%elled
5 uneven
3tudents own answe#s'
Task completion: &he task is fully co%leted and the answe# easy to unde#stand'
"4 a#ks$
Grammar: &he student uses a%%#o%#iate st#uctu#es to achieve the task' 4ino# e##o#s do
not obscu#e the eaning' "3 a#ks$
Vocabulary: &he student uses a sufficient #ange of wo#ds and %h#ases to counicate the
essage clea#ly' "3 a#ks$
Progress Test Files 13 Answer Key "
$istening and +,ea-ing
1 1 2
2 2
3 /
4 2
5 2
2 1 /
2 2
3 /
4 /
5 /
Interactie communication an! oral pro!uction: &he student counicates effectively
with his / he# %a#tne#5 asking and answe#ing si%le 6uestions5 and whe#e necessa#y
initiating conve#sation5 and #es%onding' &he student uses a%%#o%#iate st#ategies to
co%lete the task successfully' "1! a#ks$
Grammar an! Vocabulary: &he student uses a sufficient #ange of vocabula#y and
st#uctu#e to counicate clea#ly' 4ino# occasional e##o#s do not i%ede counication'
"5 a#ks$
"ronunciation: &he students intonation5 st#ess5 and a#ticulation of sounds ake the
essage clea# and co%#ehensible' "5 a#ks$

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