The Germs of The Waqifi

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Brother requested me to respond on the issue of the Waqifi sect (Those who believe in

Imam Musa Kazim been the last Imam who went into occulation, and reject later
Imams, so here is m! short note on them" #lease feel free to contribute further"
$irst of all, we need to understand most of the %adiths which are used are rare reports
and not authentic" &bout '() of the %adith come from one source which is *+usrat &l
Waqefa* for &li ibn &hmad &l &lawi &l Musawi, (Bio,raph! not -nown" If .hei-h &l Tusi
did not narrate from this boo-, we would not have heard an! of these %adith"
In terms of Imam Musa Kazim (as been the Mahdi and the /aim, is not problematic
since all the Imams (as are /aims and Mahdis who carr! the sword" %ere are two
authentic %adiths re,ardin, this0
&l Kula!ni0
*& number of our companions from &hmad b" Muhammad b" 1Isa from 1&li b" al2%a-am
from 3a!d &bu4l %asan from al2%a-am b" &bu +u1a!m" %e said0
I went to see &bu 5a1far when he was in Medina, so I said to him: Upon me
is a vow [that I made] between the rukn and maqam that I would meet you and that I
would not leave Medina until I knew that you were the Qaim of the amily of
Muhammad or not! "e did not reply with anythin#! $o I remained [in Medina] for thirty
days! %hen, he met me on the road and said: & "akam, are you still here' $o I said: (es
) I informed you of what I set for *llah upon myself, and you did not +ommand nor
prohibit anythin#, nor did you answer me in anythin#! $o he said: ,isit me early
tomorrow! $o I visited him the ne-t mornin#, and he said: *sk what you
need! I said: I set upon myself for *llah a vow, fastin#, and +harity between the rukn and
maqam so that I may meet you and not leave Medina until I knew that you were the
Qaim of the amily of Muhammad or not! If you are he I will +lin# to you, and if not I will
#o into the land to seek a livin#!
$o he said: & "akam, we are all .isers in the /ommand of *llah 0Qaim bi *mrillah1! I
said: %hen are you the Mahdi'
"e said: 2e are all #uiders to *llah! I said: %hen are you the owner of the sword' "e
said: 2e are all owners of the sword and heirs of the sword! I said: %hen are you the one
who will kill the enemies of *llah, throu#h whom the awliyya of *llah are #lorified and
with whom the reli#ion of *llah be+omes foremost' $o he said: & "akam, how +an I be
he when I have already be+ome forty3five years of a#e, while the 4atron of this *ffair will
be mu+h youn#er than I and li#hter for the ba+k of a +reature'5
0sahih1 01
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*l 6ulayni:
5Muhammad b! (ahya from *hmad b! Muhammad from ibn Mahbub from "isham b!
$alim from 7abir b! (a8eed al37u9fi from *bu 7a9far ! "e said: * question was
asked about the Qaim , so he tapped *bu 9*bdillah with his
hand! %hen, he said: %his, by *llah, is a Qaim of the amily of Muhammad
-$ ! 9*nbasa said: $o when *bu 7a9far had passed away, I entered
upon *bu 9*bdillah and I informed him of that! $o he said: 7abir told the
truth! "e then said: :est you think that every Imam [that +omes] after the pre+edin#
Imam is not the Qaim!5
0sahih1 01
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2e also have a "adith that support this idea, where Imam *l 6a8im 0as1 told his
+ompanion that Imam *l .a8a 0as1 is the Qaim after him! <ut the +ompanion said that
Imam *l $adiq 0as1 said that you 06a8im1 are the Qaim! Imam Musa 6a8im 0a!s1 replied
by sayin# that all of us are Qaims!
$our+e: *l =haybah for *l %usi 4#! >?@ AB:
5 '< N<] %&'( " ^$7$
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$in+e we believe all of the Imams are Qaims and Mahdis who +arry the sword, then we
also believe that all of them have the ability to spread Custi+e! 2e do not believe that any
of the Imams has more or less ri#ht than another to start a war towards spreadin#
Custi+e! "owever, we believe that the matter is determined a++ordin# to the situation they
live in!
&ne important point here is that su++eedin# in spreadin# Custi+e and rulin# the world
does not have dire+t influen+e in the number of the Imams needed! $o, theoreti+ally
speakin#, if Imam "ussain 0as1 su++eeded in winnin# his battle and rulin# the world this
does not mean that we do not need Imam Dain *l *bideen 0as1 and the rest of the
Imams 0as1! %his is be+ause there are still duties the Imams are required to +arry out
besides spreadin# Custi+e!
If we understand this issue, then we +an understand the "adiths are used in referen+e to
Imam 6a8im 0as1 are a +han#e E<adaE in *llah 0swt1 divine will! If we analy8e lour "adith
we +an see some narrations that say a movement by the Imams towards spreadin#
Custi+e was meant to happen in year FB *!"! "owever *llah +han#ed it be+ause Imam
"ussain 0as1 murdered! *lso, another movement was supposed to take pla+e in year
?>B *!", but *llah 0swt1 +han#ed it be+ause the $hia spread the se+ret! "ere is an
*uthenti+ "adith as an e-ample from *l 6afi 0?GHIJ @?1:
5 $ R CB< $
: '< *+ e F U"; '(
: %3 8# +$ 46 + ')$ a7;) 45 = *" %&'(
M7] C# ') PYG 0I D" C0+ 4 ';
C'A $ %0 f+ 0&@ ` 0c> 6= !.$ $ '7 5 X%2>
U0 X$ ;e$ T@ "$ , 0+$ /c ' !
: : /86 46 + * ; /8 = F " *+5!
Kue to all of these "adiths, we believe that Imam *l Musa al 6a8im 0as1 was also +lose
to makin# a move toward spreadin# Custi+e! "owever, somethin# had happened whi+h
prevented him, like some of the previous Imams, and for+ed him to +han#e his plan!
*ll of this e-plains the "adiths that are used by *l 2aqifi whi+h are:
?3 *basseen were not #oin# to rea+h Imam *l 6a8im 0=haybat *l %usi @LJ1!
"owever, this +han#ed and the Imam was +au#ht by *l *baseen!
A3 Imam *l 6a8im was #oin# to return from his o++ultation after J months 0=haybah *l
%usi @ F>1!
"owever, this +han#ed and the Imam did not show up after J months!
H3 Imam *l 6a8im was meant to kill *l *baseen 0=haybah *l %usi @H?1!
"owever, this +han#ed and the Imam did not kill anybody!
%his reality pushes us to believe that a +han#e in plan 0<ada1 did indeed happen!
Unfortunately, the plan did +han#e, the Imam 0as1 was +au#ht and everybody saw him
die and many witness his funeral
$our+e: =haybah $heikh *l %usi "adiths @ ?3A>!
%he question that remains is what a+tually did happen that ruined the Imams 0a!s1 plan
and +han#ed it +ompletely'
I personally believe that it all started with *li ibn Ismail ibn 7affar ibn Muhammad! "e was
a poor man who knew all the se+rets of Imam *l Musa 6a8im 0a!s1, 0sin+e he was his
relative and one of his $hias1! "owever, "aroon *l .ashid paid *li ibn Ismail ABB,BBB
Kirhams and took the se+rets, then arrested Imam *l Musa 6a8im 0a!s1! %he whole story
+an be found in =haybah *l %usi 04#! AI " @I1!
$ummary of the points:
?3 %he 2aqfi ar#uments are based on Marrations that +ame from one sour+e whi+h is
the book of *li ibn *hmad *l *lawi *l Musawi!
A3 *li Ibn *hmad is MaChool, 0unknown1 whi+h weakens all of his narrations!
H3 Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1 is Qaim and Mahdi, owner of the sword Cust like the rest of the
Imams 0a!s1!
>3 Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1 was meant to make a move, but the situation +han#ed and
for+ed him to +han#e his plan! %he same issue happened to other previous Imams as
L3 Mo matter how the events happen, this was not #oin# to +han#e the fa+t that there will
be ?A Imams 0a!s1 whom we have to follow in the end!
I3 %he "adith of ?A Imams are a#reed upon both by $unnis and $hias
F3 %hereEs is no <ada 0+han#e of *llahEs divine will1 of how many Imams they are meant
to be, however they +an be <ada in terms of the duties +arried out by the Imams 0as1
I hope this post has been of benefit!
.e#ardin# Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1 bein# Qaim:
*s I mentioned previously, based on our "adiths we believe that all of the Imams are
Qaim 0a!s1, and all of the ?A Imams 0a!s1 work toward spreadin# Custi+e! "owever, due to
the +ir+umstan+es, none of them were su++essful! &ther "adiths say that A spe+ifi+
Imams 0Imam "ussain N Imam *l 6a8im1 were so +lose in a+hievin# that, but a#ain due
to the +ir+umstan+es they, as well, were not su++essful! %his fa+t +an even be
established from the narrations that have been used by the 2aqefa, whi+h speak about
the future s+enario of Imam *l 6a8imEs 0a!s1 plan and movement! *s you +an see, reality
shows that what was suppose to happen a+tually +han#ed, and that proves that <aEdaE
took pla+e! or e-ample:
?3 2aqefa narrates that *basseen were not #oin# to rea+h Imam *l 6adhem 0=haybat *l
%usi 4#!@ LJ1!
O "owever, this +han#ed and the Imam was +au#ht by *l *baseen!
A3 2aqefa narrates that Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1 was #oin# to return from his o++ultation
after J months 0=haybat *l %usi 4#! @ F>1!
O "owever, this +han#ed and the Imam did not show up after J months!
H3 2aqefa narrates that Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1 was suppose to kill *l *baseen 0=haybat *l
%usi 4#! @ H?1!
O "owever, this +han#ed and the Imam 0a!s1 did not kill anybody!
%his reality pushes us to believe that <adEa took pla+e! It also e-plains the narrations
that said Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1 was not #oin# to die! Unfortunately the Imam was +au#ht
and everybody saw him died in his funeral 0+he+k =haybat *l %usi "adiths 4#!@ ?3A>1!
$o, all the "adiths, in+ludin# the one mentioned in the response, that say Imam *l
6a8im 0a!s1 is Qaim a#rees with the Imami ideolo#y that Imam *l 6a8im 0a!s1, like the
other Imams, was #oin# to spread Custi+e! %he only differen+e is that he was +loser than
the rest in a+hievin# that =oal as was e-plained in the previous response!
*s for the "adith you have mentioned all ti says is Imam *l <aqir 0a!s1 is not the Qaim
and Imam 6a8im 0a!s1 is!%his was indeed true, Imam al <aqir 0a!s1 was *l Qaim in the
be##in#, but +ir+umstan+es +han#ed and *l 6a8im 0a!s1 be+ame Qaim but same issue
repeated a#ain and someone else was nominated! %his also e-plains why earlier se+ts
had emer#ed who believed in the =aybah of the previous Imams 0a!s1 before Musa
6a8im 0a!s1, they also used various proofs!
Mow .e#ardin# your +laim about the ?A ImamEs "adith:
It +an be refuted by simply knowin# that:
%he "adith of the ?A Imams by their names is narrated by over >B "adiths in+ludin#
$aheeh, Muthaq and "assan 0refer to *l *rbaEoon "adith for $heikh *hmad *l Mahoo8i1,
whi+h makes it indisputably Mutawatir;
%he s+holars who narrated this "adith P-isted before *l "ayra, and here is a sample of
their names:
O $ulaym ibn Qais FF *! "
O *ban ibn *bi *yash ?HJ *!"
O Umar ibn Uthaina ?IJ *!"
O Ibraheem ibn Umar 0*live durin# Ibn UthainaEs time1
O *bdullah ibn Maskan 0*live durin# Ibn UthainaEs time1
O "amad ibn Isa ABQ *!"
O Muhammad ibn *bi Umair A?F *!"
O "assan ibn Mahboob AA> *!"
O *hmad ibn *bi *bdullah AL? *!"
%he ?A Imams "adith from $unni books was not +reated hundred years after the
4rophet, but was narrated from $unni s+holars who e-isted before!
%he +riterias that were mentioned in that "adith does not mat+h with the $unni Imams!
Instead it +an only mat+h with the Imams of the Imamis 0refer to my book %he ?A /aliphs
between $unnis N $hias1!

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