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--------1 School of Education and Human Services

Office of School and Field Services
38i Pau4ey Hall
t].rkl.rnfl Rochester, Michigan 48309-4494
Final Assessment of Student Teacher
Student Name: Brian Michael Student Number: G00039968
Building: L'Anse Creuse High School District: L'Anse Creuse Public Schoois State: Michigan
Winter / 201.4 Assignment: English 11, Creative Writing 12, (Speech 12)
Temr Year
Cooperating Teacher: Ms. JM Ethridge University Supervisor: Mr' Dan Majeske
(community district; rrnique characteristics of school, staff, students)
I have been privileged to have completed my student-teachi:rg internship this semester at L'Anse
Creuse High School. I feei honored and blessed to have been welcomed and accepted into 'Lancer
Country', as the school commurrity affectionately refers to tlemselves. LCHS, made up of over 1,500
students from different areas and demographics of Macomb County, is both a school-of-choice school and
a home for outstanding instruction and leaming. The school's 80 staffmembers
teachers, administrators,
counselors, secretaries, and paraprofessionals
serve as dynamic roie models aad are working with
enthusiasm and passion to adapt, refine, and implement their curricula around Common Core standards
and skills-based learning. Students have access to numerous extracurricular clubs, activities, and athletics,
while emphasizing community serviceJearni:rg, as well.
L'A:rse Creuse High School, as noted in the school's mission statement, " a community
where all stakeholders are accepted. valued, and respected as individuals. Stakeholders demonstrate the
core beliefs of Learning, Community, Honor, and Service daily in order to shape educational plans,
actions, and programs." In my time here, I have come to see how each and every staffmember, student,
6fl sdministrator work tirelessly to execute and carry out that mission. Perhaps more than I've seen in any
other placement or school, L'Anse Creuse High School and Lancer Country is a true community where
people genuinely care for and help one another in becoming successful learners and leaders.
The students and staff here at LCHS are a true family and I feel privileged to have been part of
and engrossed in Lancer Country. I leave here more confident and prepared with what it means to be a
teacher a:rd more importantly, with lifelong memories and experiences that I'11 value and cherish forever.
(attach additional pages if necessary)
Student Name: Brian Michael
Brian is able to forge relationships with students in a quick fashion. He is always taiking to them
about their weekends or future plans and is genuinely interested in what the students have to tell him. He
isn't afraid to show his weaknesses in the classroom and is brave enough to admit that he has
embarrassments and triumphs, just like they do. Though he is very close ia age to
some of the students, he maintains his adult presence and behaves appropriately in class.
With staff members, he is a little more-shy, but that is understandable, since he has only been here a few
months and doesn't know most of the building's occupants.
Brian never has issues with management. He is able to quell any potential problems and is able
to get the class back on track if the leaming train derails. He creates a casual, calm climate in which
srudents are able to express themselves without recrimination.
Brian is becoming very adept at planning lessons. At first, I felt he was too technology-oriented,
but now I understand that I'm more "old school" and he is using technology very well to enhance (not
repiacel) his teaching.
He is aiso learning how to fit units into set time periods; it is a little daunting to figure out timing
far in advance, and he's becoming better at frguring out when things need to be done.
(See above) Brian is a technology master. He is able to incorporatePrezt, film clips, audio flles,
etc. into his lessons, which the students enjoy. We are in a new era and need to meet the needs of "video
kids" and Brian has taught me a lot about new technology and how I can use it in the classroom.
Student Name: Brian Michael
Brian uses standard curriculum and tests, so he doesn't have to create his own evaluations, test-
wise. When he grades papers, he does so very welI, offering suggestions for improvement rather than just
noting errors.
Brian is not afraid to admit he doesn't know something, and is even more unafraid to find the
atswers. He is able to use resources and ask questions to make sure he's on the right track. He tries to
make sure he knows what he's talking about before he gets in front of the ciass.
Brian has a great sense of humor. I enjoy him playing along with my banter and the students
think he's a hoot. His quick wit helps him counter any arguments and work with students positively. He
accepts criticism and doesn't take it personally when corrected.
Brian attends all meetfurgs for the staffand makes himself as professional as possible in those
situations. He contributes to our deparhent meetings and has worked closely with the English 11
teachers to cement our curriculum for that course.
He is always dressed professionally and spends time on his personai appearance
Brian Michael
Brian has completed his student teaching internship in the L'Anse Creuse School District at
L'Arse Creuse High School teaching English.
Brian has an excellent personal presence inside and outside of the classroom. His interpersonal skills are
effective with students and peers. He is friendly, warm, caring, and respectful. He projects himself with
ease and confidence, listens to students, and has reasonable expectations for student accomplishments
and growth. Brian communicates with clarity and seeks to build positive relationships with his students,
peers, parents, and administration. Brian exhibits energy and enthusiasm for his profession and pre-
plans his student learning activities to allow for reflection and revision by his students and for his own
lesson planning. Brian seeks to use Best Practice teclrniques and support from his cooperating teacher.
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Brian displaljs a stong cotnmaud o1 1-,1t sglrjeci nlafter. \Vhether delir,ering literature. gratlltuar. or
\\,riting skills, Brian conducts student-centered or teacher-centered class discussions employitlg
appropriate meihodology and content. He accesses prior knowledge. niotivates, tries to pique curiosiqv.
and use stimulating strategies. He clarifies. adjusts. and reteaches where necessary.
Brian's interpersonal skills, personalitv. professionai demeanor, and command of his subject matter
contribute to a healtliy academic and positive climate very conducive to learning. Classroom
mallagement issues are minimal. A rvarm atmosphere, banter $,ith students. and smooth transitions
engage his students in meaningfui activities. He uses multicultural and gender equitable practices with
positive feedback to motivate students tou'ard qualit), rvork and creativity resulting in no loss of
instructional time.
It is my pleasure to highly recommend Brian Michael for certification. He wiil be effective in education
or any other occupation he should choose. Brian and I have formed a good supervisor-student
relationship and I now consider him a friend. I itope he keeps me updated on his educational progress.
Additional questions or comments are welcome at:
Certifi cation Recomm endations :
X Recommended for certification
Not recommended for certification
Universi s Siguature Date
KR""o.-ended for certification
recommended for certification
recommendations have been shared with me.
m U
ilut"-] student teacher are attached.
Please provide 4 copies oftbe assessment and distribute to the Cooperating Teacher, Student Teacher,
University Supervisor, Office of School and Field Services
perating Teacher's

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