Competence Development and Training Services: Course Catalogue

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Course Catalogue

Competence Development and Training Services
Product Courses
Author: Adam Moore
Version: V3
Status: Approved

Sec. Class: Commercial in confidence

Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 2 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

1 Service Portfolio ..................................................................................................................3
1.1 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Administration Courses .......................................................3
1.2 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Courses ..............................................................3
1.3 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Course Combinations .........................................3
2 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Administration Courses ................................................................4
3 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Courses .......................................................................9
4 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Course Combinations............................................... 19

Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 3 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

1 Service Portfolio
Whether you use one or more of AIRCOMs engineering tools to assist with your
daily functions, or work as a system administrator, the successful attendance of
the relevant courses are an absolute must to get the most out of the AIRCOM
ENTERPRISE suite of tools. These hands-on courses use real-life scenarios
which are simulated within the class-room environment, resulting in a thorough
understanding of the AIRCOM tools in use. If you a new to the AIRCOM tool suite,
or have just performed a new release upgrade, the successful attendance of these
courses is vital to you and your organisation.
1.1 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Administration Courses
E110 ENTERPRISE administration
E151 I-VIEW LIVE PLAN Administration
A400 Oracle Fundamentals
E103 OPTIMA client administration
E124 OPTIMA System Administrator
E119 WEBWIZARD administration
A402 Unix Fundamentals
1.2 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Courses
E116 ADVANTAGE tool user
E101 ASSET for GSM/GPRS tool user
E109 ASSET for UMTS FDD tool user
E203 ASSET for WiMAX tool user
E111 ASSET for LTE tool user
E165 Capesso User
E170 I-VIEW Dimension Tool User
E152 I-VIEW LIVE PLAN Tool user
E142 MYRIAD Explained
E141 MERIT Tool User
E106 CONNECT tool user
E126 ARRAYWIZARD tool user
E125 ASSET ACP tool user
E104 ILSA tool user
E140 SONORITY tool user
A500 OPTIMA E2E Fundamentals
E105 OPTIMA tool user
E121 OPTIMA Advanced User
E118 WEBWIZARD tool user
1.3 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Course Combinations
E108 ASSET multi-technology tool user (E101, E109)
Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 4 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

E150 OPTIMA Power User (E103, E105, E121)
2 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Administration Courses

Title ENTERPRISE administration
Code E110
Duration 2 days
Designed For
Administrators, who will install, manage and upgrade the AIRCOM
ENTERPRISE suite for their organisation.
Familiarity with the basic concept of relational database management would
beneficial as well as some working knowledge of the ENTERPRISE tool suite.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand the purpose of the ENTERPRISE suite
Create and configure an Oracle database
Install the ENTERPRISE software
Understand the process of licensing
Use the ENTERPRISE administrator module
Set up and configure a project
Set up and manage permissions via users, groups and objects
Create fields and filters
Import and export project data
Perform backups using simple database dumps

Title I-VIEW LIVE PLAN Administration
Code E151
Duration 2 days
Designed For
I-VIEW Live Plan System Users, Trainers and Technical (or other interested)
Good knowledge of AIRCOM ASSET, AIRCOM Common Mediation Layer,
Good knowledge of Oracle Enterprise
Nice to have: Delegates may have a good understanding of any Unix flavor (i.e
Red-hat, HP-UX, AIX, Sun, Linux) and SQL, Databases, Programming language
as an optional advantage.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Create and set up the Storage repository (IVLP Schema)
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Date: Oct. 2012

Understand the Configuration of IVLP (dot ) .Ini Files
Understand the Overview of the Mediation Server
Configure and Manage the ASSET Update feature
Use the Scheduler to automatically run Reports
Install and configure I-VIEW Live Plan
Create Reports and Report groups
Use the Administrator Module
Use the Navigation Panel

Title Oracle Fundamentals
Code A400
Duration 2 days
Designed For
Any Analyst, Programmers, Developers, Testers, Trainers and Technical (or other
interested) persons.
Delegates may have a good understanding of any SQL, Databases, Programming
language as an optional advantage.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have SQL increased confidence.
Understand general database concept
Understand Oracle database architecture.
Be able to manipulate Oracle session to own preference
Know SQL syntax & be able to construct basic SQL queries
Use data dictionary table and Oracle built-in SQL functions
Perform SQL query utilising any or all Oracle built in functions
Be able to format, summarise and write Oracle SQL*Plus Report
Understand Oracle core command groupings (i.e. DML, DDL, TCL).
Understand the advantage and importance of Table Partitions & Indexes
.Familiarity with Oracle Security and Know how to grant (roles and privileges)
Best practices and pitfalls in SQL (i.e. null handling, manipulating dates and
Create Tablespaces, use constraints and create Schemas, tables, views &
materialized views etc

Title OPTIMA client administration
Code E103
Duration 2 days
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Date: Oct. 2012

Designed For
The AIRCOM OPTIMA Administration course is designed for engineers who will
administer and manage the AIRCOM OPTIMA software tool after the installation.
The purpose of this course is to provide AIRCOM OPTIMA Administrators with the
skills required to administer AIRCOM OPTIMA's frontend.
It is advisable that course delegates have a very good knowledge of various BSS
and UTRAN parameters used for monitoring and optimising GSM and UMTS
A good understanding of Oracle database creation and administration procedures
and should be comfortable writing and coding basic SQL SELECT statements,
including the use of the WHERE clause with basic filters and simple joins. This can
be obtained by attending Oracle Fundamentals course A400 class.
Previously attended the AIRCOM OPTIMA Tool User course
Familiarity with data retrieval / processing concepts and techniques is also
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
At the end of the course, delegates should have enough knowledge to administer
the AIRCOM OPTIMA tool and also perform a number of application
administration tasks:
Delegates will also be able to complete the following objectives:
Administer the AIRCOM OPTIMA sandbox, for example, defining expiry
options and managing promotion requests
Set a variety of general administrator options, such as the module/report
auditing and email client options
Manage the demands for multiple parallel database connections, and the
viewing of large datasets
Administer groups, users, roles and profiles using RBAC (Role-Based
Access Control)
Configure LDAP authentication and define 'single sign on' users
Define network events - holidays and maintenance windows
Utilise RBAC and LDAP with regards to Security
Configure the application database
Administer the data dictionary
Create favourite groups
Administer alarms

Title OPTIMA System Administrator
Code E124
Duration 5 days
Designed For
Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 7 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

The AIRCOM OPTIMA System Administration Training Course is especially
designed for engineers who will administer and manage the AIRCOM OPTIMA
Delegates should ideally have taken the AIRCOM OPTIMA frontend Administrator
training course, but need not have done so, particularly if they are only to be
involved in the administration of the AIRCOM OPTIMA backend.
It is also advisable that course delegates have a very good knowledge of various
BSS and UTRAN parameters used for monitoring and optimising GSM and UMTS
For this course, it is also assumed that AIRCOM OPTIMA has been installed and
the system administrator has configured a suitable Oracle database.
Some basic Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus experience is required. e.g., you should be
comfortable writing and coding basic SQL SELECT statements, including the use
of the WHERE clause with basic filters and simple joins. This can be obtained by
attending Oracle Fundamentals course A400 class.
Familiarity with data retrieval / processing concepts and techniques is also
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
At the end of course delegates should have gained enough knowledge to become
totally familiarized with the AIRCOM OPTIMA back-end tool set. The course will
guide the delegates through the following main objectives:
Understand what OPTIMA is, its architecture and benefits
Understand the AIRCOM OPTIMA system architecture
Review data quality and administration reports
Appreciate how the backend programs work
Review ETL Alarms and Alarms Forwarding
Administer the AIRCOM OPTIMA sandbox
Understand the AIRCOM ETL standards
Administer, Define and Customise Alarms
Configure the application database
Administer the data dictionary
Review data acquisition tools
Review the Report Scheduler

Title WEBWIZARD administration
Code E119
Duration 3 days
Designed For
Engineers (or users) in charge of any WEBWIZARD administration.
Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 8 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

This course should be taken immediately after the E118 WEBWIZARD tool user
course. Delegates should have a good understanding of SQL and databases,
whilst Crystal Reports knowledge is optional.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand and Installing the WEBWIZARD database architecture
Install WEBWIZARD and the software associated
Perform layer creation and manage using WEBWIZARD GIS
Perform region creation and manage using WEBWIZARD GIS
Report publication and modification within the WEBWIZARD database
Use of Crystal/Excel/PDF Reports for dynamic reports in WEBWIZARD
Whats new in WEBWIZARD

Title Unix Fundamentals
Code A402
Duration 2 days
Designed For
Any Analyst, Programmers, Developers, Testers, Trainers and Technical (or other
interested) persons.
Nice to have: Delegates MAY have a good understanding of any Unix flavor (i.e
Red-hat, HP-UX, AIX, Sun, Linux) and SQL, Databases, Programming language
as an optional advantage.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand Unix architecture (Directory creation, navigation, ls, cd, cp, mv,
Create users, groups, password management, security control / access,
chmod, chown
Increased confidence in understanding Unix commands and unpopular
Create symbolic (soft) links, / Hard Links, Mount points (NFS) mount, Ln
Have a good grasp of Unix Syntax, Pipes, Program Error codes, etc
Write own shell scripts and cron (schedule) same using crontab
Use aliases, profiles, environment variables, echo, export, stty
Analysis (diskspace, disk usage, cpu usage etc.) find, ps, du
Run processes (background, foreground, nohup, stop)
Scripting (vi, grep, cut, sort, uniq, pipe, for, sed)
Compression (tar, gzip, compress, unzip)
Know shell types and differences
Use man pages, ftp, netrc
Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 9 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012


Title ADVANTAGE tool user
Code E116
Duration 3 days
Designed For
This course is intended for competent radio optimisation engineers who want to
understand how to use the ASSETs ADVANTAGE module.
Delegates should have a good knowledge of planning and optimizing networks, as
well as familiarity with the AIRCOMs ASSET radio planning tool.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a basic understanding of the ENTERPRISE database
Define new projects or use existing projects
Understand the key features and benefits of ADVANTAGE
Set actions-constraints
Set up thresholds and parameters for the optimisation
Create and manage plans and delta plans
Run the optimiser and interpret feedback and reports
Perform an analysis/evaluation of one or more plans, and rollout planning

Title ASSET for GSM/GPRS tool user
Code E101
Duration 3 days
Designed For
Engineers who will use the AIRCOM ASSET tool in the design of GSM/GPRS
Its suggested that delegates should have previously attended AIRCOMs courses
on cell planning principles and GSM technology for engineers or equivalent.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a basic understanding of the ENTERPRISE database
Define new projects or use existing projects
Understand how to use the Geographic Information System (GIS)
Create and use vectors and polygons
Set up a GSM network
Use fields, filters and visualisers
Carry out coverage planning
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Set up traffic and capacity planning
Perform neighbour planning
Create interference tables and perform tasks for frequency planning
Generate reports
Carry out candidate planning
Understand how to plan multi-layered (dual-band) networks
Understand GPRS functionality within ASSET

Title ASSET for UMTS FDD tool user
Code E109
Duration 3 days
Designed For
Competent radio planners who will use the AIRCOM ASSET tool in UMTS FDD
network design.
Delegates should have attended AIRCOM's training on UMTS FDD technology for
engineers and preferably cellular radio network planning, or its equivalent. They
should have a good knowledge on WCDMA radio technology.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a basic understanding of the ENTERPRISE database
Define new projects or use existing projects
Understand how to use the Geographic Information System (GIS)
Create and use vectors and polygons
Set up a UMTS Network
Use fields, filters and visualisers
Perform coverage planning
Model and spread traffic
Perform neighbour planning
Use the Simulator
Generate reports
Plan scrambling codes
Configure HSPA in ASSET
Gain awareness of the location-related planner wizards

Title ASSET for WiMAX tool user
Code E203
Duration 3 days
Designed For
Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 11 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

Engineers who will use the AIRCOM ASSET tool in the design of WiMAX
Delegates should have previously attended AIRCOM's course on WiMAX
technology and applied planning, or equivalent.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a basic understanding of the ENTERPRISE database
Define new projects or use existing projects
Understand how to use the Geographic Information System (GIS)
Create and use vectors and polygons
Set up a Mobile WiMAX Network
Use fields, filters and visualisers
Perform coverage planning
Model and spread traffic
Perform neighbour planning
Use the Simulator
Generate reports
Plan for PN Code Indexes
Perform frequency planning using an Interference Table
Use the planning wizards

Title ASSET for LTE tool user
Code E111
Duration 3 days
Designed For
This course is intended for competent radio planners who want to understand how
to use the ASSET tool for LTE network planning.
Delegates should have previously attended AIRCOMs LTE technology for
engineers or equivalent.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a basic understanding of the ENTERPRISE database
Define new projects or use existing projects
Understand how to use the Geographic Information System (GIS)
Create and use vectors and polygons
Set up an LTE Network
Use fields, filters and visualisers
Perform coverage planning
Model and spread traffic
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Perform neighbour planning
Perform frequency planning
Plan the Physical Cell IDs
Use the Simulator
Generate reports

Title Capesso User
Code E165
Duration 2 days
Designed For
Radio network planning and optimisation engineers who will use Capesso and
Capesso Drive Test to dimension, plan and optimise radio networks.
Basic knowledge of radio network planning and optimisation for the
applicable radio standards; and
Basic knowledge of ASSET and its use in radio network planning.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Use Capesso;
Use Capesso Inspector, the GIS supplied with Capesso;
Use Capesso Drive Test Measurement converter; and
Understand and operate at the user level the Wibu Codemeter software
protection system.

Title I-VIEW Dimension Tool User
Code E170
Duration 3 days
Designed For
Engineers who will use the AIRCOM DIMENSION network visualization and
capacity management and planning tool.
Delegates must have a reasonable knowledge of mobile network architecture and
capacity planning.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Set up the DIMENSION tool
Define a new project
Understand how to use the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Define equipment details
Import project data
Build network topologies from the GUI
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Date: Oct. 2012

Visualise the project data in different layers
Configure and load traffic
Perform capacity analysis and dimensioning for the mobile layer
Create paths and route traffic
Evaluate the planning results and the hotspots
Generate reports
Create plots
Perform scenario planning
Work with multiple users

Title I-VIEW LIVE PLAN Tool user
Code E152
Duration 1 day
Designed For
I-VIEW Live Plan System Users, Trainers and Technical (or other interested)
Good knowledge of AIRCOM ASSET, AIRCOM Common Mediation Layer,
Good knowledge of Oracle Enterprise
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Create, Copy, Edit and Delete I-VIEW Live Plan Reports and Report Groups.
Use the I-VIEW Live Plan Functionality Explorer and Workspace
Understand and Use the I-VIEW Live Plan Dashboard
Understand the I-VIEW Live Plan User Interface
Configure and View Elements on Map View
View Elements Settings and Relationship
Understand the I-VIEW Live Plan Tree

Title MYRIAD Explained
Code E142
Duration 1 day
Designed For
RF Planners and Optimisation engineers involved in the modelling of the Cell
Planning Tool Asset.
Delegates should have a good knowledge of planning and optimising networks
(separate theory courses are available), knowledge of CW Measurements,
knowledge Propagation Calibration as well as familiarity with the ASSET radio
planning tool.
Author: Adam Moore Competence Development and Training Services Page 14 of 20
Date: Oct. 2012

At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Overview of the MYRIAD Propagation Model.
Explain key features of the MYRIAD Propagation Model.
Understand the Benefits of the MYRIAD Propagation Model.
Configure the MYRIAD Propagation Model.
Calibrate the MYRIAD Propagation Model

Title Merit ACP Tool User
Code E141
Duration 3 days
Designed For
This course is intended for competent radio optimisation engineers who want to
understand how to use Merit ACP tool in conjunction with Aircom Asset.
Delegates should have a good knowledge of planning and optimising networks, as
well as familiarity with the AIRCOMs ASSET radio planning tool.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a good understanding of the Merit ACP concepts
Understand the key features and benefits of Merit ACP
Install and setup Merit ACP software
Export Network configuration into Merit ACP
Setup and configure the Optimiser
Run the optimiser and interpret reports
Work with the Interactive Design User Interface
Analyse the network performance
Understand various types of Optimisation Scenarios

Title CONNECT tool user
Code E106
Duration 3 days
Designed For
Engineers who will use the AIRCOM CONNECT microwave and backhaul
planning tool.
Delegates should have attended AIRCOM's microwave link planning course (or its
equivalent) Delegates must have a reasonable knowledge of link planning.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Set up the CONNECT tool
Define a new project
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Understand how to use the Geographic Information System (GIS)
Define transmission equipment details and link parameters
Automatic Frequency and Capacity Planning
Use the height profile and visibility tools
Add network elements and create filters
Create and configure physical links
Create and configure passive repeaters
Perform LOS analysis
Perform interference analysis
Implement routes and capacity
Creation of Primary and Secondary Routes
Understand the link budget and performance indicators
Generate reports

Title ARRAYWIZARD tool user
Code E126
Duration 1 day
Designed For
RF Engineers in charge of coverage design and optimization, who will use
AIRCOM ASSET in huge areas, or multiple resolution maps.
Understanding of ASSET for UMTS, GSM, CDMA2000, WiMAX or LTE
technologies. Knowledge of path loss calculations and coverage arrays
generation is essential.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand ARRAYWIZARD features and workflow
Create coverage and statistics using ARRAYWIZARD tool
Distribute and monitor processing load for predictions and analysis arrays
Configure parameters sets to control the generation of arrays
Programming arrays and their outputs
Handle UTM border areas

Title ASSET ACP tool user
Code E125
Duration 1 day
Designed For
Competent radio engineers who want to understand how to use the AIRCOM
ASSET ACP module for network optimizations.
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Date: Oct. 2012

Ideally, delegates should have a good knowledge of planning and optimizing
networks, as well as familiarity with the ASSET radio planning tool.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand the key features and benefits of ASSET ACP
Set up thresholds and parameters for the optimisation
Create and manage plans and delta plans
Run the Optimiser and interpret feedback and reports
Perform an analysis/evaluation for a plan
Set Actions-Constraints

Title ILSA tool user
Code E104
Duration 1 day
Designed For
The course is aimed at radio planning engineers with AIRCOM ASSET
familiarity, who requires further knowledge on ASSETs ILSA module.
Delegates should have a good knowledge on GSM radio technology and
frequency planning principles.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Carry out basic Frequency Planning with ILSA
Improve an existing Frequency Plan
Re-plan with new sites
Plan a network using Frequency Groups
Implement a Frequency Plan with Frequency Hopping
Plan a network with Multiple Re-use Patterns

Title SONORITY tool user
Code E140
Duration 1 day
Designed For
The course is aimed at radio planning engineers already familiar with AIRCOM
ASSET but requiring more knowledge on ASSETs SONORITY module.
Delegates should have a good knowledge of frequency planning concepts and
familiar with the ASSET radio planning tool.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand SONORITY features and workflow
How to generate constraint
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Perform optimization process
Benchmark and evaluate results

Title OPTIMA E2E Fundamentals
Code A500
Duration 1 day
Designed For
At the end of course delegates will be able to:

Title OPTIMA tool user
Code E105
Duration 2 days
Designed For
Engineers using the AIRCOM OPTIMA tool.
It is advisable that course delegates have a very good knowledge of various BSS
and UTRAN parameters used for monitoring and optimising GSM and UMTS
Some basic Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus experience is required. e.g., you should be
comfortable writing and coding basic SQL SELECT statements, including the use
of the WHERE clause with basic filters and simple joins. This can be obtained by
attending Oracle Fundamentals course A400 class.
Familiarity with data retrieval / processing concepts and techniques is also
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
View Modules and Combinations with the OPTIMA Inspector
Understand what OPTIMA is, its architecture and benefits
Correctly configure an AIRCOM OPTIMA work area
Visualise performance data using the GIS
Create filters using the Filter Explorer
Create Favourites and Work Areas
View and create report schedules
View and create data reports
Create performance reports

Title OPTIMA Advanced User
Code E121
Duration 2 days
Designed For
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Date: Oct. 2012

This course is designed for Network Optimisation Engineers who will be using
AIRCOM OPTIMA - a performance monitoring facility that monitors and identifies
problems in the network.
It is advisable that course delegates have a very good knowledge of various BSS
and UTRAN parameters used for monitoring and optimising GSM and UMTS
Some basic Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus experience is required. e.g., you should be
comfortable writing and coding basic SQL SELECT statements, including the use
of the WHERE clause with basic filters and simple joins. This can be obtained by
attending Oracle Fundamentals course A400 class.
Familiarity with data retrieval / processing concepts and techniques is also
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand how to use Report Builder within AIRCOM OPTIMA
Create moderate to advanced AIRCOM OPTIMA modules
Understand the concept of AIRCOM OPTIMA modules
Check Advanced Filter and Data Explorer Options
Create KPIs and global KPIs, and recreate views
Use the AIRCOM OPTIMA sandbox
Create AIRCOM OPTIMA reports
Define and Customise Alarms
Create Sandbox Objects

Title WEBWIZARD tool user
Code E118
Duration 1 day
Designed For
Engineers and general users who will access coverage layers and performance
data from any planning, or OSS tool and display within a GIS environment
Delegates should have a general understanding of web systems, performance
network data (KPIs) and GIS.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Understand the architecture of WEBWIZARD
How to display different layers
How to display performance data (KPIs)
How to create filters
How to open reports
WEBWIZARD New Functionalities
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4 AIRCOM ENTERPRISE Tool User Course Combinations

Title ASSET multi-technology tool user (GSM/UMTS)
Code E108
Duration 5 days
Designed For
Engineers who will use the AIRCOM ASSET tool in the design of GSM/GPRS
and UMTS FDD networks.
Delegates should have previously attended AIRCOMs courses on cell planning
principles and GSM/UMTS FDD technology for engineers, or equivalent. They
should have a good knowledge on GSM and WCDMA radio technology.
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Have a basic understanding of the ENTERPRISE database
Define new projects or use existing projects
Understand how to use the Geographic Information System (GIS)
Create and use vectors and polygons
Set up a GSM Network
Use fields, filters and visualisers
Perform GSM coverage planning
Set up GSM traffic and capacity planning
Create interference tables and perform tasks for GSM frequency planning
Understand how to plan multi-layered (dual band) networks
Understand the GPRS functionality in ASSET
Set up a UMTS Network
Perform UMTS coverage planning
Model and spread UMTS traffic
Perform neighbour planning
Use the Simulator
Generate reports
Plan scrambling codes
Configure HSPA in ASSET
Gain awareness of the location-related planner wizards

Title OPTIMA Power User (E103, E105, E121)
Code E150
Duration 5 days
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Date: Oct. 2012

Designed For
Performance engineers who will use AIRCOM OPTIMA and are interested in the
internal procedures for database and data retrieving.
It is advisable that course delegates have a very good knowledge of various BSS
and UTRAN parameters used for monitoring and optimising GSM and UMTS
Some basic Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus experience is required. e.g., you should be
comfortable writing and coding basic SQL SELECT statements, including the use
of the WHERE clause with basic filters and simple joins. This can be obtained by
attending Oracle Fundamentals course A400 class.
Familiarity with data retrieval / processing concepts and techniques is also
At the end of course delegates will be able to:
Administer the AIRCOM OPTIMA sandbox, for example, defining expiry
options and managing promotion requests
Set a variety of general administrator options, such as the module/report
auditing and email client options
Manage the demands for multiple parallel database connections, and the
viewing of large datasets
Administer groups, users, roles and profiles using RBAC (Role-Based
Access Control)
Understand how to use Report Builder, View and create report schedules
Understand and Create moderate to advanced AIRCOM OPTIMA modules
Configure LDAP authentication and define 'single sign on' users
View Modules and Combinations with the OPTIMA Inspector
Define network events - holidays and maintenance windows
Understand what OPTIMA is, its architecture and benefits
View and create data reports and performance reports
Create Favourites, favourite groups and Work Areas
Check Advanced Filter and Data Explorer Options
Utilise RBAC and LDAP with regards to Security
Create KPIs and global KPIs, and recreate views
Administer, Define and Customise Alarms
Visualise performance data using the GIS
Create filters using the Filter Explorer
Configure the application database
Administer the data dictionary

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