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Source #1

Notecard #1
Source APA Citation (2009, September 29). University of Florida; Scientists cure color blindness in
monkeys. Virus Weekly, 140, Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) Possible color blindness treatments.
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) "Although color blindness is only
moderately life-altering, we've shown we can cure a cone disease in a primate, and that it can be done very
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Scientists from the University of Florida and the University of Washington have managed to cure primate of
color blindness.

Source # 1
Notecard #2
Source APA Citation (2009, September 29). University of Florida; Scientists cure color blindness in
monkeys. Virus Weekly, 140, Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) How many people have color blindness?
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) The finding is also likely to
intrigue millions of people around the world who are colorblind, including about 3.5 million people in the
United States, more than 13 million in India and more than 16 million in China.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
There are 3.5 million people in the US, 13 million in India, and 16 million in China that are color blind.

Source # 1
Notecard #3
Source APA Citation (2009, September 29). University of Florida; Scientists cure color blindness in
monkeys. Virus Weekly, 140, Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) How scientists plan on treating color
blindness in humans.
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) Likewise, decades were spent
by Hauswirth and colleagues at the University of Florida to develop the gene-transfer technique that uses a
harmless adeno-associated virus to deliver corrective genes to produce a desired protein.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction) Many
years were spent by scientist at the University of Florida to create a technique that uses a harmless virus to
deliver a specific protein to the eye.

Source #2
Notecard #4
Source APA Citation Nelson, Jennifer (2002, January 01). Color me blind. Pediatrics for Parents,
(11), 5, Retrieved from

Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) How children live with color blindness
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) Until color blind children learn
to make adjustments, a host of activities like these can trip them up. In the beginning, coloring maps might
be difficult at school. Later, telling a friend at the beach whether or not he is sun burnt, knowing when meat is
raw or well done or deciphering between ripe and green tomatoes, ketchup or chocolate syrup, all offer a
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction) Until
children learn how to live with their color deficiency simple everyday tasks can be a struggle.

Source # 4
Notecard #5
Source APA Citation Bryan D. Ness (2004). Color Blindness. Color Blindness. Salem Press. Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) Describes what S M and L cones are.
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) People with normal vision are
trichromats, meaning that they have three types of cones: L, M, and S, named for particular sensitivities to
light of long, medium, and short wavelengths.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
People who have normal vision and are called trichromats, this means that they have three type of healthy
cones: S, M, and L, named for their sensitivities towards short, medium, and long wavelengths.

Source # 4
Notecard #6
Source APA Citation Bryan D. Ness (2004). Color Blindness. Color Blindness. Salem Press. Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) Different types of color blndness
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source)
people who lack the second kind of color receptor, the M cone, and thus are more sensitive to green
people whose eyes have only two of the three cones
people who lack the first kind of color receptor, the L cone, and thus are more sensitive to red
people whose eyes have all three color receptors, or cones
people who lack the third kind of color receptor, the S cone, and thus are more sensitive to blue

Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Deutranopes are those who lack M cones, they are more sensitive to green. Dichromats only have two of the
three cones. Protanopes lack the L cone so they are more sensitive to red. Trichromats are those with
healthy vision. Finally, tritanopes dont have S cones, they are more sensitive to blue.

Source #4
Notecard #7
Source APA Citation Bryan D. Ness (2004). Color Blindness. Color Blindness. Salem Press. Retrieved from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) Inheritance of color blindness
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) The fact that far more males
than females have some degree of red-green color blindness implies that the genetic information for the
pigments in L and M cones lies on the X chromosome.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Since more males than females have red-green colorblindness we can infer that the gene for M and L cones
reside in the X chromosome.

Source #5
Notecard #8
Source APA Citation Flck, D. (2006, April 6). Daltonism Named after John Dalton. Daltonism Named
after John Dalton. Retrieved January 13, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) John Dalton: first person to research
color blindness
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) He postulated that shortage in
color perception was caused by discoloration of the liquid medium of the eyeball called aqueous humour.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
John Dalton thought that color blindness was caused by discoloration of a liquid in the eye called aqueous

Source # 6
Notecard #9
Source APA Citation Kenney, C., & Harris, B. (2014, February 1). What Is an Ishihara Test?. WiseGeek.
Retrieved January 13, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) the ishihara test
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) An Ishihara test uses colored
plates to test the type and seriousness of color vision deficiencies... A plate in an Ishihara test has a circle
filled with colored dots. Usually there are background dots of one color and a figure made out of dots of
another color. If the person taking the test cannot make out the figure, he probably has a vision deficiency.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
The Ishihara test consists of pictures made up of differently colored dots. Someone who has normal color
vision can easily make out certain numbers and patterns in the dotted picture. If the person cannot make out
anything from the picture then they have a color deficiency.

Source # 8
Notecard #10
Source APA Citation College of Optometrists. (n.d.). John Dalton. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) how Dalton discovered he was
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) During these discussions he
had mistaken for red a coat which was grassy green and described a pink flower as 'sky blue' in daylight but
'red' by candlelight.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Dalton had mistaken a grassy green coat for red and he described a pink flower as sky blue in daylight but
red by candlelight.

Source # 8
Notecard #11
Source APA Citation College of Optometrists. (n.d.). John Dalton. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) How we were able to disprove daltons
first theory.
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) In order to test his theory he
graciously donated his own eyes to medical science after his death. The doctor Joseph Ransome removed
the eyes the day after he died and quickly disproved the colouration theory. Dalton had been in error!
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction) After
he died, Dalton donated his eyes to medicine. Examining Daltons eyes, Dr. Ransome was able to disprove
the discoloration theory.

Source # 9
Notecard #12
Source APA Citation Living with Colour Vision Deficiency. (n.d.). Colour Blind Awareness. Retrieved
January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) food judgment for those who are
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) Some food can look repulsive if
you are colour blind, and colour blind children can seem particularly fussy over green vegetables.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Colorblind people sometimes find food unappealing because of its color to them

Source # 9
Notecard #13
Source APA Citation Living with Colour Vision Deficiency. (n.d.). Colour Blind Awareness. Retrieved
January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) how colorblindness is regarded around
the world
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) In the UK colour blindness is
not considered to be a disability, but in other cultures colour blindness is regarded as a defect. In Japan, for
example, colour blind people are excluded from a number of careers and in many communist countries
colour blind people are not permitted to drive because they are not always able to read coloured lights
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Colorblind people are treated differently depending on where they are in the world. In the UK it is not seen as
a disability, however, in some communist countries colorblind people are not allowed to drive.

Source # 8
Notecard # 14
Source APA Citation Inherited Colour Vision Deficiency. (n.d.). Colour Blind Awareness. Retrieved January
26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) inheritance of colorblindness
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) Colour blindness is usually
passed from mother to son on the 23rd chromosome, which is the sex chromosome
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Color blindness is usually inherited from the mother

Source # 8
Notecard #15
Source APA Citation Treatment. (n.d.). Colour Blind Awareness. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) treatments for color blindness
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) There is currently no treatment
for inherited colour blindness. Colour filters or contact lenses can be used in some situations to enhance the
brightness between some colours and these are occasionally used in the workplace, but many colour blind
people find these actually confuse them further rather than help.

Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
People who are color blind can use special lenses or contacts that can allow them to better distinguish

Source # 8
Notecard #16
Source APA Citation Types of Colour Blindness. (n.d.). Colour Blind Awareness. Retrieved January 23,
2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) monochramy
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) People with monochromatic
vision can see no colour at all and their world consists of different shades of grey ranging from black to
white, rather like only seeing the world on an old black and white television set
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
People who are monochromatic can see no color at all

Source # 10
Notecard #17
Source APA Citation Colorblindness-Tritanopia. (n.d.). A DATABASE OF HEREDITARY OCULAR DISEASE.
Retrieved January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) Inheritance of tritanopia
Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) Tritanopia is caused by
mutations in a non-sex chromosome and therefore is found in equal frequency among males and
females. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern and passed directly from parent to child with a
50% probability.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Tritanopia is found equally among males and females because the defective gene is not locate on a sex

Source # 10
Notecard #18
Source APA Citation Colorblindness-Tritanopia. (n.d.). A DATABASE OF HEREDITARY OCULAR DISEASE.
Retrieved January 26, 2014, from
Main Point (Why do you need this information for your paper?) Progressiveness of color blindess

Direst Quotation (copy and paste exact words from text of the source) This is a stable disorder
present at birth with no evidence that the retinal disease is progressive.
Paraphrase (put the quotation in your own words, changing the sentence structure and diction)
Inherited color blindness does not progressively worsen.

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