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i-trim (interaktif-tuisyen rakyat satu malaysia)

UniCLIQ Sdn Bhd is the leading School Based Content Provider for Primary and
Secondary schools in Malaysia. We have more than 2000 titles of Mltimedia
Interactive Corse!are for s"#ects sch as Bahasa Malaysia$ %nglish$ Mathematics$
Science$ Biology$ &dditional Mathematics and more. 'r content is "ased on the
(ational Crriclm of the Malaysian Ministry of %dcation )M'%* and comes
com+lete !ith local vales or nilai murni for the Malaysian mar,et.

Since -...$ UniCLIQ Sdn Bhd )formerly ,no!n as /ele,om Smart School Sdn Bhd*
has gone on to !in other ma#or +ro#ects from the Malaysian P"lic and Private
sectors$ as !ell as 0igher Learning Instittions$ !ith s+ecial focs on %dcation.
Unicli1 Sdn Bhd is staffed !ith s+er smart +eo+le !ho have years of e2+erience
develo+ing e3content$ Learning Management Systems$ +ro#ect management and
+romoting e3Learning +rodcts and services.

'r ma#or +ro#ects for year 20-2 and 20-4 !as the delivery of or school "ased
content via or 'nline %dcation Portal. /he +rogram called i-tr1m (interaktif
Tuisyen Rakyat 1Malaysia) !as lanched "y the 0onora"le Prime Minister of
Malayisa$ and ran in the states of Selangor$ 5edah and 5elantan. /he +rogram
+rovides mltimedia interactive corse!are and +ast year 1estions for stdents
ta,ing the e2aminations UPS6$ PM6 and SPM.

Besides the delivery of 7Malaysian School Based8 content$ UniCLIQ is also an
aggregator for other e3Learning contents sita"le for the school environment as !ell
as for higher edcation. 'r aim is to +rovide online corses for 7Life3Long Learning8
to the 9igital Commnity.
UniCLIQ also +rovides 9.I.:. soltions for e3Learning im+lementations. We carry
ra+id e3Learning &thoring tools$ 'nline &ssessment Systems as !ell as Learning
Management Systems. Since 20-0$ !e have "een the Sole 9istri"tor in Malaysia for
9alsoft +rodcts$ a ma#or +layer in the e3Learning indstry in Soth 5orea.

With the tagline A lifetime commitment to the community with world class
education based content services UniCLIQ ho+es to transform the contry to
"ecome a 0igh %conomy (ation !ith 1ality edcation.
Latar belakang
i3tr-m is an 7&fter3School Learning8 +rogram s+ecifically for stdents !ho !ill "e ta,ing
their UPS6 and SPM e2ams.
Stdents are given access to UniCLIQ edcation +ortal to do;
o Self3Learning and revisions$ sing mltimedia interactive edcation contents<
o Self3&ssessment and +ractice$ "ased on to+ical and s"#ect 1estion3sets
o /his online tition is given free to selected stdents from the rral schools and
stdents from lo!3income families.
Stdents can learn anytime$ any!here$ 2=h 2 >d all year rond< as long as they have
access to the internet.
Under the +rogram$ stdents are trained to inclcate the cltre of self3learning and to "e
/his online learning +rogram is meant to s++lement !hat the stdents learnt in their
classrooms at school.
With i3tr-m$ the stdents learning and achievements can "e trac,ed and monitored "y the
varios re+orts generated "y the system.
/his +rogram is s+ecially fnded "y the ?ederal @overnment to im+rove the academic
+erformance of stdents from the rral schools as !ell as the 7lo!3+erforming8 schools.
/he corse!ares in +ortal !ere develo+ed together !ith A@r +a,arA
or s"#ect3matter3e2+erts from the Malaysian Ministry of %dcation )M'%*$ !ho
!ere seconded to the com+any from year -... to 2002 dring the develo+ment of the
corse!ares for the Smart School Pilot Pro#ect. &s sch$ the contents !ere "ased on
the (ational crriclm for Malaysian Schools at that +oint in time.
/he teaching and learning +rocesses relating to crriclm$ +edagogy$ assessments$
and teaching B learning materials !ere designed to hel+ stdents learn more
effectively and efficiently.
/he corse!ares ena"le stdents to +ractice self3assessed and self3directed learning
at their o!n learning +ace.
While there may have "een some changes to the s"#ect sylla"s over the years$ the
s"#ect matter and learning otcomes remain relevant to this day.
Certain s"#ects !ere develo+ed in Bahasa Malaysia.
/hey are;
i. Science 3 :ear = $ :ear C$ :ear D$ ?orm = and ?orm C
ii. Mathematic 3 :ear = $ :ear C$ :ear D$ ?orm = and ?orm C

&ll other s"#ects are develo+ed in %nglish.
While the corse!ares remain the Intellectal Pro+erty of the Malaysian
@overnment$ UniCLIQSdnBhd )formerly ,no!n as /ele,om Smart School SdnBhd*
!as given the mar,eting rights to the corse!ares "y the @overnment for a C0 years
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