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British Forum for Ethnomusicology

Front Matter
Source: British Journal of Ethnomusicology, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2003)
Published by: British Forum for Ethnomusicology
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Accessed: 06/01/2009 19:55
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British Journal of
1 2 / 2
2 0 0 3
Editorial policy
The British Journal of Ethnomusicology, renamed EthnomusicologyForumf rom2 0 0 4, is
a ref ereed journal published biannuallybythe British Forumf or Ethnomusicology(BFE).
Membership of BFEis open to all without restriction. Likewise, the Journal welcomes all
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should not have previouslyappeared in print, nor should theyhave been simultaneously
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For back numbers of the BFE/ ICTM (UK) Newsletter, enquiries should be addressed to
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Reviews correspondence should be sent to Dr Kevin Dawe, School of Music, Universityof
Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England; e-mail:
All other correspondence concerningthe journal should be sent to the Editors, Dr Janet Topp
Fargion and Dr Caroline Bithell (f or addresses see inside back cover).
British Journal of
Volume 1 2 / ii 2 0 0 3
Caroline Bithell Janet Topp Fargion
Reviews Editor
Kevin Dawe
Editorial Board
Martin Clayton Simon Frith
Susanne Firniss Svanibor Pettan
Suzel ReilyHenryStobart
Jonathan Stock Martin Stokes
Reinhard Strohm
British Forumf or Ethnomusicology
f ormerlyInternational Council f or Traditional Music
UK Chapter
Published byBritish Forumf or Ethnomusicology
The publishers wish to thank the Open UniversityResearch Development
FundingSub-Committee f or their f inancial support.
Enquiries regardingannouncements and advertisingshould be addressed to
the Editors, Dr Caroline Bithell and Dr Janet Topp Fargion (f or addresses see
inside back cover).
Enquiries regardingreviews, and review copies of publications, should be sent
to the Reviews Editor, Dr Kevin Dawe, School of Music, Universityof Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT, England;
The British Forumf or Ethnomusicologyis the UK National Committee of the
International Council f or Traditional Music.
British Forumf or Ethnomusicology, 2 0 0 3
ISSN 0 968-1 2 2 1
Cover illustration: Storycloth (paj ntaub) made byMrs YongYia Lor in
a ref ugee camp in Thailand, 1 980 s. Fromthe collection of Mrs Julianne
Sweeney, Innisf ail, Queensland, Australia and reproduced with kind permission
of Dr Maria Wronska-Friend. See page 1 2 f or f ull description.
Copy-editingand page layout: Special Edition Pre-press Services, London
Design: Pamela Higgins
Printed byHobbs the Printer Ltd, Totton, Hampshire, S0 40 3 YS.
"If you have good knowledge, close it well tight":
concealed and f ramed meaningin the f uneral
musicof the Hmongqeej Catherine Falk
Forgotten histories and (mis)remembered
cultures: the Comback partyof Curacao Nanette de Jong
Are we global yet? Globalist discourse,
cultural f ormations and the studyof
Zimbabwean popular music Thomas Turino
Barbadian tuk music: colonial development
and post-Independence recontextualization Sharon Meredith
Special f eature: New books and compact discs
in Mexican music
Olsen Musicof El Dorado: the ethnomusicology
of ancient South American cultures
Waxer The cityof the musical memory:
salsa, record grooves, and popular culture in
Cali, Colombia
ReilyVoices of the Magi: enchanted journeys
in Southeast Brazil
Abbas The f emale voice in Suf i ritual:
devotional practices of Pakistan and India
Braun Musicin ancient Israel/ Palestine:
archaeological, written, and comparative sources
Montagu Reed instruments: the Montagu
collection: an annotated catalogue, Vol. 4 part 2
Seeger The musicof American f olk song
Editorial policyand subscriptions
Notes f or contributors
Ruth Hellier-Tinoco
Carolina Santamaria
Elizabeth Travassos
Veronica Doubleday
1 0 7
1 1 5
1 1 8
1 2 0
1 2 3
1 2 6
Stephen Cottrell 1 2 8
VicGammon 1 3 0
1 3 5
Inside f ront cover
Inside back cover
3 5

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