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CEIs mission is to provide creative tools that empower our clients to excel in the welding and pressure
vessel industry. Our expert knowledge bridges the gap between what budgets require and what safety
demands. From pressure vessel design to welder continuity tracking to form submittal, our goal is to
provide tools that make your job easier. Smart software, serious service its what we do.
General Assistance 1
The CEIPortal 1
Troubleshooting:Licensing 2
Troubleshooting Reports: Report Fonts are Crowded 4
Tips:File Extensions 8
How To: Change the Data Path 9
Verify Chemistry on Filler Metals 10
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 11
WPS Processes: Minimum Deposit Thickness 11
Methodology: Automatic WPS Number 11
Tutorial: Creating a Preliminary WPS 12
Troubleshooting:WPS Creation 13
Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) 15
Tutorial:Creating a PQR from a Preliminary WPS 15
Welder 16
How To: Adjust the Continuity Reports 16
Tutorial: Entering a Welder 16
1 | Page
Knowledge Base
The CEIPortal
This article will familiarize you with CEI's software update portal. The portal provides
notifications of upcoming expirations and makes downloading updates quick and easy.
Detailed Information:
The software portal is installed with your CEI software. It runs minimized in the taskbar and
regularly checks for updates. When an update for your installed software is available, the portal
provides notification. Downloading the update is as simple as clicking the link in the portal
interface. Release notes that detail the content of each update are also available.
The Software Update view displays the status of your installed CEI products. You will be able to
see which products need updating: the Portal displays which version you have installed and the
most recent version available. Updates and release notes can be accessed by clicking the links
in the Portal.
If you have purchased a new license or have updated your subscription, you can check for your
new license by clicking the Check for License Updates button. This will look for any new
licenses on CEIs license server and automatically apply them to your key.
Details about your CEIsoftware licenses can also be accessed through the portal. On the
Software License view, you can see which licenses are expired and how much time you have
left on the others. The portal will notify you of upcoming expirations. You can choose to not be
reminded until after a certain date by selecting the checkbox on the bar near the bottom that
says "Don't remind me..." and entering a date. The software portal will not send any reminders
until after the date entered even if licenses expire during this period. To ensure uninterrupted
productivity, we recommend that you do not turn off the portal reminders.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
The software portal makes updating and licensing your software simple and straightforward. If
you do have difficulty, you can use the portal to contact CEI through our online chat.
Occasionally we may ask that you send us a specific license file - the portal also makes this
easy. Click the "Email C2V License Files to CEI" button or the Upload C2V License Files to CEI
button and you're done.
Our flexible licensing model increases the benefits of our software. Because the license can be
placed anywhere on a network, the software can be used by those who need it on any computer
in the network. Occasional issues do appear, however, so this article aims to walk you through
those issues and their solutions.
Detailed Information:
Software is running in Demo mode
Check to be sure that your subscription has not expired. Access the CEIPortal (show me) and
click on My Software Licenses. Green flags indicate current licenses, yellow flags indicate
licenses that will expire soon, and red flags indicate licenses that have expired. If your license
has expired, you may click the link at the bottom of the Portal and visit the CEI online store, or
you may email our sales department to purchase a new license.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
Only part of the software is available/working
If your company has an unequal number of licenses to certain modules, some users may find
themselves operating in a partial demo mode. For example, if you have two licenses for
DesignCalcs Basic but only one license for the Skirt Module, the first user to launch the program
will use a license for DesignCalcs Basic and the license for the Skirt Module. The second user
will only have access to the DesignCalcs Basic license, so the Skirt Module will operate in
Demo mode.
To remedy this situation, both users should exit the program and the user that needs the Skirt
Module license should then launch the software first.
Software was working when launched but is now in Demo mode/not working
Check the CEIPortal to make sure your subscription has not expired (show me). If your license is
still valid, it may have timed out. If the software is launched but not used for an extended
period of time, the license will be released back to the key so others may access it. Close and
reopen the software to obtain another license from the key.
License key is plugged in locally but no licenses are visible
If your license key is plugged into your physical machine and no licenses are visible in the
CEIPortal, you may need to install the HASP drivers. Click the link below and save the file.
Locate and open the downloaded file on your computer. Double-click "HaspUserSetup.exe" and
select Run to install the drivers.
License key is plugged in locally but a "404" error appears when accessing the
HASPAdmin Control Center
If your license key is plugged into your physical machine and your browser returns a
"404"(page not found) error when you click the Sentinel HASP Admin Control Center button in
the CEIPortal, you may need to install the HASP drivers. Follow the instructions above to do
Advanced Troubleshooting - HASP ACC configuration &Firewalls
The primary functionality available within the ACC is the configuration of access to CEI's Flex
License Keys. By default, the keys will "broadcast" licenses to all systems on a network so any
system on that network with CEIsoftware and the Sentinel HASP driver installed will be capable
of using the licenses. In a large network with multiple sub-networks or in the case of users
remote accessing the network, additional configuration may be necessary.
Click the Sentinel HASP Admin Control Center (ACC) button at the bottom of the CEIPortal;
on the page that loads, select Configuration from the Administration Options.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
To connect to a license on another machine, select the Access to Remote License Managers
tab. "Allow Access to Remote Licenses" and "Broadcast Search for Remote Licenses" should be
selected. Select "Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses" to allow access to licenses blocked
by Firewalls.
Enter the IP address of the system which has the physical key plugged into it. Press Enter and
then type the machine name of that computer. Once the desired changes have been made,
click Submit.
Hardware and software firewalls should be checked to verify that Port 1947 is open and
accessible as well.
Troubleshooting Reports: Report Fonts are Crowded
Occasionally the font on a report will appear smashed together when you create a PDF. This
article will take you through the steps to adjust your computer's DPI and Display settings to
resolve this issue.
Detailed Information:
Please check your Display DPI and Resolution Settings. The DPI should be set at 100% or 96
DPI. The text size should be set to "Smaller" or 100%. Either one or both of these settings can
cause the creation of the PDF to be skewed or misaligned.
Windows 7/Vista
Right click on your Desktop and select the screen resolution option, then click the "Make text
and other items larger or smaller" link.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
Select "Smaller-100%" and click Apply. You may need to restart your machine for the changes
to take effect.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
You will need to recreate any PDFs that were problematic. If the fonts are still crowded, return
to the screen above and click the "Set custom text size (DPI)" link in the blue sidebar. This
setting should also be at 100%.
Windows XP
Right click on your desktop and select Properties. Click the Advanced button on the Settings
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
On the General tab, change the DPI setting to "Normal size (96 DPI)".
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
You will need to recreate any PDFs that were problematic.
Tips:File Extensions
This article lists the file extensions for the CEIprograms that use a flat file system (instead of a
single file database) and gives the most common/default location for the files. Your settings
may place your files elsewhere.
Detailed Information:
*.DesignCalcs - Vessel files are stored with this extension. They are often located in C:\CEI
Data\DesignCalcs 2011.
DcSupport.adb - This is a supporting database that is often located in C:\CEI
Data\DesignCalcs 2011.
*.DesignDocs - Design files are stored with this extension. These files are often located in the
My Documents folder.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
The following file types are used for WeldDocs files. These files are often located in the My
Documents folder.
*.welder *.BS_EN_ISO_15609_1
*.API1104 *.BS_EN_281_1
*.AWS_D1_1_PQR *.Section9WPS
*.AWS_D1_1_WPS *.Section9WPQ
*.AWS_D1_1_WPQ *.Section9WOPQ
*BS_EN_ISO_15614_1 *.Section9PQR
The following file types are used for WeldToolbox files. These files are often located in the My
Documents folder.
*.wtcad *.bmp
*.whclc *.wtest
Temporary Folder
Occasionally a program will use the Windows Temp folder to store files (e.g., ProWrite export
tables). This location typically looks like C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\temp.
How To: Change the Data Path
How do Ichange the data path in ProWrite?
Save any changes to the open forms. ProWrite will need to restart to apply the new data path
and any unsaved changes will be lost.
Click the Tools button on the main toolbar and select Change Datapath from the menu. The
program will notify you that it must close to change the data path. Click the OK button to
Navigate to the folder that contains the data file and click OK. If the selected folder does not
contain the ProWriteData.adb file, the explorer dialog will reload. You may select Cancel to
leave the data path unchanged. ProWrite will restart once the explorer dialog is closed whether
the path has been changed or not.
You can confirm that the data path is correct by clicking Tools on the main toolbar and viewing
the path listed next to Change Datapath.
General Assistance
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Knowledge Base
Verify Chemistry on Filler Metals
Why do some filler metals display "Verify Chemistry" in the A-No. field?
ProWrite uses the filler metal's chemical composition from Section IIC in combination with
Section IX, QW-442 to verify the A-No. When the A-No. of a filler metal is unable to be verified
by the software, the "Verify Chemistry" flag alerts the user to do so.
In some cases, a procedure may qualify to be welded using any filler metal that has the same
A-No. If the chemistry is not verified, the software must limit the procedure to the filler metal
that was used to qualify that procedure.
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Knowledge Base
WPS Processes: Minimum Deposit Thickness
The minimum deposit thickness for each WPS process is displayed as 0.0000. The minimum
weld metal thickness for welding procedures is not calculated and is not essential within
Section IX. Consult the tables in QW-451.
Methodology: Automatic WPS Number
ProWrite automatically assigns a WPS number when the form is entered. You can change this
number to any alphanumeric value with a maximum length of 16 characters, or you can leave
the automatically generated number. This article explains how ProWrite determines that
Detailed Information:
The automatic WPSnumbers reference multiple aspects of the WPS. In the examples above,
the numbers have been broken down into their separate parts.
Process Category
If the WPS is for a standard weld, nothing will appear in this section, so the WPS number will
begin with the "Process Type" section. The following codes will appear for other welds:
l Fw - Fillet Weld
l Ov - Overlay
l Hf - Hard facing
l Stud - Stud Weld
l Brz - Braze
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
12 | Page
Knowledge Base
Process Type
Up to three symbols will appear for Process Type - one for each process. They will appear in
order of process.
T - GTAW S - SAW TB - Torch Brazing
M - SMAW P - PAW FB - Furnace Brazing
G - GMAW O - Oxy-fuel IB - Induction Brazing
F - FCAW EG - EGW RB - Resistance Brazing
DB - Dip Brazing
If the P-Numbers are different, there will be two numbers separated by a dash (-), otherwise
there will be a single number.
Impact Testing
If impact testing was performed, g will appear in this section. It will be followed by a Group
Number or two Group Numbers separated by a dash (-) if the Group Numbers are different.
Post Weld Heat Treatment
If PWHT was performed, H will appear in this section.
Base Metal Thickness
One of the following characters will follow a dash (-) at the end of the WPS number. This
indicates the base metal thickness.
l a - Less than 5/8 inch
l b - 5/8 to 1-1/2 inches (inclusive)
l c - Greater than 1-1/2 and less than 2-1/2 inches
l d - 2-1/2 inches and over
Tutorial: Creating a Preliminary WPS
This document will take you through the process of creating a Preliminary WPS in ProWrite.
Detailed Information:
To open the Preliminary WPS user interface, click the New button on the main toolbar and
select "Preliminary" in the WPS category on the Create New Form dialog.
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
13 | Page
Knowledge Base
Complete the fields on the Properties tab, including the number and type of processes. A joint
image can be added in the Joint Design section. ProWrite includes a number of images or you
can use an image of your own design.
On the Base Metals tab, click the browser button to open the Metals Browser. Selecting a
base metal from the browser will automatically complete many of the fields on this tab. These
values can be manually adjusted if necessary. Complete the rest of the fields on this tab. The
notes fields are optional.
The number of processes selected on the Properties tab will determine how many Process tabs
are present; the type and method of each process will determine which fields appear on the tab
for that process. Similar to the Base Metals tab, clicking the browser button will surface
the Filler Metal Browser. Again, selecting a material from this browser will complete a number of
fields on the tab.
There are multiple button tabs on each Process tab. After selecting the material(s)from the
browser(s), complete the necessary fields on these tabs (Position, Current/Polarity, Bead Type,
and Passes per side). Notes and additional filler metals should be completed if they apply.
Click the Save and Close button to complete the Preliminary WPS creation process.
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Troubleshooting:WPS Creation
This article aims to address any issues you may experience while creating a WPS in ProWrite
Detailed Information:
No PQRs found for these parameters
When attempting to create a WPSfrom a single PQR, this error may appear because
there is no PQRavailable or because the code checking has been disabled on the available
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
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Knowledge Base
To correct or avoid this error, create a PQR that matches the WPS specifications. Code checking
cannot be turned back on once it has been disabled, so any PQR on which code checking has
been disabled must be recreated with code checking enabled before it can be used for a WPS.
View the PQR help files for more information
When attempting to create a WPS from multiple PQRs, this error may appear for a
number of reasons.
n It may occur because there is no PQR available. If this is the case, create PQRs that
match the WPSspecifications.
n If the error occurs after the first or second PQR has been selected, it may be caused by a
specification in QW-200.4(b): when joining PQRs with a base metal thickness equal to or
greater than 1/2", the proceeding PQR base metal must be greater than the one prior if
using GTAW, SMAW, GMAW, PAW, or SAW processes.
To work around this error, select the first PQR, click the first PQR button again and click
cancel (instead of selecting a PQR), and then select the next PQR as normal.
n If the error occurs after the first or second PQR has been selected, the PWHT types on the
PQRs may be different. To correct this, select PQRs with matching PWHT types.
You must pick a standard test PQR
This error occurs when the selected PQR is an Impact Test Only PQR. These records only
consider supplementary essential variables. In order to create a WPS from an Impact Test Only
PQR, a standard PQR must also be used.
If the impact tested PQR was performed with both the essential and supplementary essential
variables, change the "Test requirements" field on the PQR Properties tab to "With
supplementary". The PQR can then be used to create a WPS.
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Knowledge Base
Tutorial:Creating a PQR from a Preliminary WPS
This article will take you through the process of creating a PQR from a Preliminary WPS. The
steps for creating a Preliminary WPSwere covered in this article. More information about the
PQR fields can be found here.
Detailed Information:
To open the Preliminary WPS browser, click the New button on the main toolbar, select "From
Prelim. WPS" under PQR, and click Ok. Select the desired Preliminary WPS and click Ok. The
information in the Preliminary WPS will be used to populate many of the fields in the PQR,
though this information can be manually adjusted once the PQR has loaded.
Enter a WPS number on the PQRProperties tab. Review and adjust the data transferred from the
Preliminary WPS if necessary. Enter the minimum preheat temperature and the maximum
interpass temperature on the Base Metals tab and the move on to the Process tab(s).
Review the fields on the Process tab(s) to determine what information is still needed for the
PQR. Most of the filler metal information should be completed as well as the fields on the
Position/Gas button tab. The Electrical side of the Electrical/Weld Details button tab will be
populated, but the Weld Details must be entered manually. After selecting the passes per side
on the Technique button tab the Process tab(s) will be complete.
The information on the Test Results tab will need to be entered manually. This includes Guided
Bend test information, Tensile test information, and information about any other test that was
performed while qualifying the PQR test coupon.
Complete the fields in the Signature Block to record information about the PQR preparation and
the laboratory that performed the tests. Welder information is also reported in this section. The
Welder can be entered manually or selected from the Welder browser . Information about
entering a Welder can be found in this article.
Click the Save and Close button to complete the PQR.
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to view the related video
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Knowledge Base
How To: Adjust the Continuity Reports
My welders appear to be expired in my Continuity Reports even though I'm sure they are still
qualified. How can Ichange this?
To fix this issue, check the Welder Defaults. On the Welder tab of Tools > Defaults, there is a
section titled "Logs and Reports." If the "Use Qualification Expiration Date" box is selected, the
welder of the processes on expiring WPQs will also be marked as expired. Clear this box if you
want to decouple welder and WPQ expiration dates.
Tutorial: Entering a Welder
This document will take you through the process of adding a welder to ProWrite. More
information about the fields can be found here.
Detailed Information:
To open the Add New Welder Information screen, either click the Welders button on the main
toolbar and select New Welder, or click the New button on the main toolbar and select Welder
under the Other category.
Enter the information requested in the fields. The Stamp Number will also act as the Welder's
unique IDnumber. The Social Security Number and Hourly Rate fields are optional. The Hourly
Rate field integrates with CEI's Weld Estimation software.
Once the top section has been completed, the welder can be saved and the tabs can be
accessed. Continuity will not be available until a WPQ has been created for the welder. Refer to
the file linked in the Summary of this article for definitions of the fields.
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to view the related video
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 1
PQR Selection 1
WPS Properties 2
Base Metals 3
Joint Design 4
Process 6
Stud Process 9
Notes/Signatures 10
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) 11
PQR Properties 11
Base Metals 13
Process 14
Stud Process 19
Test Results 20
ASME Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) 23
WPQ Properties 23
Base Metals 24
Process 24
Test Results 26
Welder Information 28
Welder 28
Personal Information 28
Continuity Summary 29
Inspection Data 30
Continuity/Inspection History Log 30
CEI Integration 31
- ii -
ASME Brazing Procedure Qualification Record (BPQR) 32
PQR Properties 32
Base Metals 33
Process 34
Test Results 35
ASME Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS) 37
BPQR Selection 37
WPS Properties 38
Base Metals 39
Process 40
Notes/Signatures 41
Appendices I
Appendix I: Inspection Data Filter I
Group Results By I
1 | P a g e
Field Index
(return to Contents)
PQR Selection 1
WPS Properties 2
Base Metals 3
Joint Design 4
Process 6
Stud Process 9
Notes/Signatures 10
PQR Selection
WPS Configuration
Weld type: Select the type of weld.
Construction code:Select the Code that will be used for the Weld Procedure Specification. Section IX is a
reference code and should be used in conjunction with another Code section.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
Impact tested: Select this box if impact testing is used.
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.
PWHT: Select one of the post weld heat treatment options. The available PQRs will be filtered in
accordance with this selection.
PQR satisfies PWHT exceptions: Select this box to indicate that PWHT values have been updated to
adhere to governing construction codes that may supersede Section IX.
Base Metals
ASME Rated:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 2), this field will only allowP-
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
2 | P a g e
Field Index
Group No.: Anumber assigned within a P-Number to ferrous base metals that have specified impact test
requirements. This is an essential variable when the P-Number or S-Number is between 1 and 11 and the
WPS is impact qualified.
UNS No.: An alloy designation system widely accepted in North America. The UNS number consists of a
prefix letter and five digits designating a material composition. This is an essential variable when welding
non-ferrous base metals and the WPS is impact qualified.
Process Selection
PQR number: Select a PQR from the PQR Browser.
Process/Type & Maximum Weld: The data from the selected PQR will be used to complete these fields.
PWHT:Select the heat treatment that was performed subsequent to welding. UTT refers to Upper
Transformation Temperature; LTT is Lower Transformation Temperature.
Minimum/Maximum base metal thickness:Enter the minimum and maximum thickness in the
appropriate fields. If the PQR selected was for a groove or fillet weld and the base metals had two
different P-/S-numbers or they were not the same thickness, there will be two sets of
minimum/maximum thickness fields.
WPS Properties
Certain fields will be visible, but disabled. These fields contain data that has been transferred from the
PQR (See page 1).
WPS Information
WPS number:Enter a unique number for this WPS. Important variables in the test may be encoded in
the WPS number, depending on the classification system used.
WPS date:The date the original WPS was created.
Revision number: QW-200.1(c) allows a WPS to be changed provided the changes are documented by
revision. Each revision to a WPS should be documented with a revision number.
Revision date:The date of the latest revision.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.
Construction code:Select the Code that will be used for the Weld Procedure Specification. Section IX is a
reference code and should be used in conjunction with another Code section.
Weld type: Select the weld type allowed with this WPS.
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
3 | P a g e
Field Index
Include Optional notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allowfor the inclusion of additional
information with the WPS. These pages will print just before the test results and will be numbered as part
of the permanent document.
Impact qualified:This box will be automatically selected if the WPS is impact qualified.
Code Assistance: Selecting any option other than Full code checking will disable code checking for this
WPS. This cannot be undone.
Supporting PQR(s): The PQR(s) that support this WPS. If the WPS is created from an existing PQR, the
number will be automatically inserted into this field. Code checking must be disabled to edit this field. To
enter more than one PQR, the numbers must be formatted PQR##1 , PQR##2 and so on. Be sure to
enter a space on both sides of the comma.
Process Information
No. processes: The number of processes will be automatically completed based on the PQR(s) used to
create the WPS. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only one process will be allowed.
Process: The processes will be automatically completed based on the PQR(s) used to create the WPS. The
first process is for the root pass or passes, the second is for the intermediate or cover passes, and
subsequent processes are for tertiary passes. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only one process
type of STUD will be allowed in this field. If the number of processes is reduced after data has been
entered, data for the extra processes will be lost.
Base Metals
Base Metals (QW-403)
ASME Rated:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 2), this field will only allowP-
Group No.: Anumber assigned within a P-Number to ferrous base metals that have specified impact test
requirements. This is an essential variable when the P-Number or S-Number is between 1 and 11 and the
WPS is impact qualified.
UNS No.: An alloy designation system widely accepted in North America. The UNS number consists of a
prefix letter and five digits designating a material composition. This is an essential variable when welding
non-ferrous base metals and the WPS is impact qualified.
Materialdescription:If the material is not ASME rated, describe it here.
Minimum/Maximum thickness:Enter the upper and lower limits for the base metal thickness range.
The qualified range is shown under "Allowable."
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
4 | P a g e
Field Index
Notes:Enter any notes about the base metals.
Preheat (QW-406)
Minimum preheat temperature:The minimum temperature in the weld joint preparation immediately
prior to the welding; in the case of multiple pass welds, this refers to the minimum temperature in the
section of the previously deposited weld metal immediately prior to welding.
Max. interpass temperature:The highest temperature in the weld joint immediately prior to welding; in
the case of multiple pass welds, this refers to the highest temperature in the section of the previously
deposited weld metal immediately before the next pass is started.
Preheat maintenance: The practice of maintaining the minimum specified preheat temperature - or
some specific higher temperature - for a required time interval after welding or thermal spraying is
completed, or until post weld heat treatment is initiated.
Notes: Enter any notes about the preheat process.
Post Weld Heat Treatment (QW-407)
Type:Select the heat treatment that was performed subsequent to welding. UTT refers to Upper
Transformation Temperature; LTT is Lower Transformation Temperature.
Temperature: Enter the temperature of the post weld heat treatment.
Holdingtime: Enter the actual post weld heat treatment time. This should be expressed in hours and
decimals; for example, record a PWHT time of 4 hours and 15 minutes as 4.25.
Notes: Enter any notes about the post weld heat treatment.
Joint Design
Select whether to print joint descriptions, joint drawing, or neither. This selection will determine the
content of the tab.
Joint Design
Printing Joint Descriptions
Groove Type: Use the drop-down list to select the Groove Type to be used in this procedure.
Backing: Use the drop-down list to select the backing to be used in this procedure.
Root Opening: Enter the area at the joint root between the pieces of metal being joined together.
Groove Angle: Enter the total included angle of the groove between work pieces.
Root Face: Enter the portion of the groove face within the joint root.
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
5 | P a g e
Field Index
Groove Radius: Enter the radius used to form the shape of a J- or U-groove weld.
Fillets: Triangular welds joining two surfaces approximately at right angles. Describe any fillet welds in the
joint design.
Retainers: Describe any retainers included in the joint design. Note if the retainers are nonmetallic or
Notes:Enter any notes about the joint design.
Printing Joint Drawing
This image is dependent on the Image Database. If the image in the database is changed, it will
change on this WPS as well. The image is stored in the Database until print time.
Use the buttons to load an image into or remove an image from the WPS. Click the
WT CAD button to launch the CADprogram. This allows the creation of custom joint
images; these may then be imported into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not
installed, this will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser.
Backing: Use the drop-down list to select the backing to be used in this procedure.
Backing Material:Enter the material used for backing.
Fillets: Triangular welds joining two surfaces approximately at right angles. Describe any fillet welds in the
joint design.
Retainers: Describe any retainers included in the joint design. Note if the retainers are nonmetallic or
Stud shape:Enter the shape of the stud.
Ferrule Flux description:Describe the ceramic ring used to concentrate the heat generated, prevent
oxidation, and retain the molten metal in the weld zone.
Notes:Enter any notes about the joint design.
Printing Neither
Backing: Use the drop-down list to select the backing to be used in this procedure.
Backing Material:Enter the material used for backing.
Fillets: Triangular welds joining two surfaces approximately at right angles. Describe any fillet welds in the
joint design.
Retainers: Describe any retainers included in the joint design. Note if the retainers are nonmetallic or
Notes:Enter any notes about the joint design.
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
6 | P a g e
Field Index
Initial/Interpass cleaning: Enter the method of cleaning (e.g., with a wire brush).
Method of back bouging: Enter the method of removing weld metal and base metal from the weld root
side of a welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration upon subsequent
welding from that side.
Filler Metal
Minimum/Maximum weld 't': The weld thickness range is generated during the creation of the WPS.
The program will allowan alternate range to be entered providing it does not exceed that which was
automatically created. If code checking is turned off, the entered values may exceed the range.
AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.
AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through
the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.
SFA number: Enter the SFAnumber of this filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler
Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.
F-Number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if a filler
metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser.
A-Number: Indicate the A-Number of this filler metal. In some cases, a chemical analysis must be
performed to determine the actual A-No.
Product form: Describe the product form of this filler metal. This only applies to GMAW/FCAW, GTAW,
EGW, and PAW processes.
Trade name: Enter the trade name for this filler metal. This field is essential if the filler metal is not AWS
Flux trade name: Enter the trade name for the flux. This field is essential if the flux is not AWS classified.
Flux type: Indicate the type of flux used in the SAW or ESW process. Achange in the type of flux or
composition of the flux constitutes a requalification of the procedure.
Other: Enter any other information that may be necessary for this filler metal.
Weld Pass > 1/2" (or 13.0mm): Select this box if the weld pass is greater than a half inch or 13 mm. This
field only applies to SMAW, SAW, EGW, and GMAW/FCAW groove and fillet welds.
Consumable insert:The filler metal that is placed at the joint root before welding with the purpose of
becoming completely fused into the root so it is part of the weld. If a consumable insert was used,
describe it here. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds.
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
7 | P a g e
Field Index
Flux: Material used to dissolve, prevent, or facilitate the removal of oxides or other undesirable surface
substances. It may act to stabilize the arc or shield the molten pool, but it may not evolve shielding gas
by decomposition. If a flux was used for weld penetration, enter the flux name here. This field only
applies to GTAW, 2001 code or later.
Supplemental filler metal: If a supplemental filler metal was not used, enter None in this field.
Otherwise, enter the trade name or the chemical analysis of the supplementary filler metal used. This
field only applies to GMAW, FCAW, and SAW processes.
Guide type: For ESW processes, select whether the guide type is a consumable guide - in which the filler
metal is supplied by a welding wire held by a consumable stationary metal tube - or a non-consumable
Flux from recrushed slag: For SAWprocesses, indicate whether or not the flux was from recrushed slag.
Position (QW-405)
Welding Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source
during welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.
Progression: For vertical welds, select the direction the welding was performed.
Notes: Enter additional notes about the position.
Gas (QW-408)
Gas & Flow rate:Enter the shielding gas, backing gas, and trailing gas and their appropriate flowrates in
the respective fields. The gas can also be selected from the drop-down menu. PAW processes will also
have fields for plasma gas; PAW hardface and overlay processes will have additional fields for powder
feed gas.
Weld Details
Layers or Passes:Indicate the pass or layer numbers.
AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through
the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.
Electrode/wire size:Enter the electrode or wire sizes actually used for this process. If the electrode or
wire size is not an essential variable, enter a value in these fields and place comments about the
electrode on a note line. Anote about the size may also be placed in these fields. For example, 1/8 (2.4
mm) may indicate the use of either a 1/8-inch or a 2.4-millimeter electrode.
Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight
(electrode negative)or reverse (electrode positive).
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
8 | P a g e
Field Index
Amperage Range: Enter the desired amps for this electrode size.
Wire feed speed: For semiautomatic, automatic, or machine processes, enter the speed of the wire feed
used in the test.
Voltage Range:Enter the desired voltage for this electrode size.
Travel speed:Enter the travel speed of the test in inches per minute (ipm) for English units or millimeters
per minute (mm/min) for metric.
Technique (QW-410)
Peening:The mechanical working of metals using impact blows.
Bead type: Select the bead type. Astringer bead is made without appreciable weaving motion; a weave
bead is made with transverse oscillation.
Passes per side: For groove and fillet welds, select single pass, multiple pass, or a combination of the
Single/multiple layers:For hardface and overlay processes, select either single or multiple layers.
Nozzle/gas cup size: Agas cup is the device at the exit end of the torch or gun that directs shielding gas.
Enter the actual size of this device used during the weld test.
Weld environment:Indicate whether the welding was performed in a closed chamber or performed
outside without a closed chamber. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds on P-
No. 51 through P-No. 53 base metals.
Orifice diameter: Enter the diameter of the plasma torch-arc constricting orifice. This field only applies to
PAW processes.
Contact tube to work: Enter the contact tube to work distance recorded during testing. This field only
applies to SAW, EGW, and GMAW/FCAW processes.
Supplementary device used:For SAW overlay welds, select this box to indicate that a supplementary
device was used to control the magnetic field acting on the weld puddle.
Melt-in to keyhole:Indicate whether the Melt-in or the keyhole technique was applied. Melt-in is a
technique in which the intensity of the concentrated heat is adjusted so that a weld pass can be
produced from filler metal added to the leading edge of the molten weld metal. In Keyhole welding, a
concentrated heat source penetrates partially or completely through a work piece, forming a hole
(keyhole) at the leading edge of the weld pool. This field only applies to PAW processes.
Number of electrodes: For hardface and overlay welds, enter the number of electrodes.
Single/multiple electrodes:For machine and automatic groove or fillet welds, select single or multiple
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
9 | P a g e
Field Index
Oscillation: An alternating motion relative to the direction of travel of welding, brazing, or thermal spray
device. This field applies to machine and automatic processes.
Electrode Spacing:For machine and automatic processes, enter the spacing of the electrodes.
Electrical (QW-409)
Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight
(electrode negative)or reverse (electrode positive).
Maximum Heat Input:Arelative measure of the energy transferred per until length of weld. The heat
input calculated from the PQR may be lowered, but any increase requires requalification when impact
Tungsten type: For GTAWor PAW processes, indicate the type of tungsten electrode used.
Tungsten size:For GTAW or PAW processes, enter the size of the tungsten electrode used.
Transfer mode:For GMAW/FCAW processes, select the transfer mode.
Pulsed current: For GTAW processes, enter the current for the pulse of the arc.
Enter any notes about the process here.
Stud Process
Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint members, and the welding heat source during
Shielding gas: Aprotective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination. The shielding gas
may be selected or entered manually. Custom gases and their compositions may be entered into Tools >
Support Database > Gases; doing so will add them to the options available.
Flow rate: The rate at which gas is being administered into the system.
Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight
(electrode negative)or reverse (electrode positive).
ASME Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
10 | P a g e
Field Index
Power source model: Enter the model of the power source.
Stud gun model:Enter the model of the stud gun.
Notes: Enter any notes about thestud process.
Setup Chart
Used to set the equipment to the desired range/levels required to perform the weld to the qualified
Stud Size:Enter the size of the stud.
Ferrule/Flux Designation:Enter the type of ferrule or flux.
Arc Time (sec.): Calculated from the PQR and given a 1/10 sec. range.
Amperage: Calculated from the amperage of the PQR. This value may be changed as long as it falls in the
range acceptable by Section IX.
Voltage: Dependent on the amperage. This is not an essential variable.
Lift: Calculated from the PQR and given a 1/32 in. ( 0.8mm) range.
WPS Notes
Enter any additional notes about the WPS in the space provided.
Select an electronic signature. Once a signature has been added to the document, the data cannot be
changed until all signatures are removed.
11 | P a g e
Field Index
(return to Contents)
PQR Properties 11
Base Metals 13
Process 14
Stud Process 19
Test Results 20
PQR Properties
PQR Information
PQR number:Enter the identification number to associate with this PQR. This number will be displayed
on all pages of the PQR document.
Test date:The date of the test may be manually entered or selected from the calendar.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
WPSnumber:AWPS number is not required on the PQR. When the WPS number field is left blank and a
WPS is printed with supporting PQRs, the WPS numbers are automatically inserted into the space
provided on the PQR. AWPS number may be entered if it is required by the inspection agency or
company standards. Once the WPS number is entered only that WPS number will be printed on the
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code used in the test.
Weld Type:Select the weld type used in this test.
Test requirements:If impact testing is performed, select With Supplementary to apply the
supplementary essential variables to the WPS. Without Supplementary is often selected for AWS
procedures. Impact Only PQR is used when qualifying a WPS for impact requirements when its original
PQR was qualified without impact requirements; in this case, only impact test results will be entered as
the other required mechanical tests were done on the original PQR. To record other types of test results
(hardness, macro, etc.) that were not done on the original PQR, select Supplemental Test PQR.
Applicable code: Select the Code(s) that will be used for the Weld Procedure Specification.
Include Additional weld details:Select this box to add more weld details to this PQR.
Include Optional notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allowfor the inclusion of additional
information with the PQR. These pages will print just before the test results and will be numbered as part
of the permanent document.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
12 | P a g e
Field Index
Use code assistance:Clear this box to disable Code checking for this PQR. Once Code checking is turned
off, it cannot be turned back on for the current PQR. AWPS or BPS cannot be created from a PQR that
has Code checking disabled.
Process Information
No. processes: Select the number of processes for this PQR. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only
one process will be allowed.
Process: Select the processes for this PQR. The first process is for the root pass or passes, the second is
for the intermediate or cover passes, and subsequent processes are for tertiary passes. If Stud weld is
selected in "Weld Type," only one process type of STUD will be allowed in this field. If the number of
processes is reduced after data has been entered, data for the extra processes will be lost.
Joint Design (QW-402)
Groove/Fillet/Joint type: Select the type of groove or joint used in the test.
Product form: Select the material form that will be used for the PQR test. For Pipe, the size and schedule
can be selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser on the Base Metals tab (See page 13).
Backing Used: Select the backing (if any) used during the test.
These input fields are for nonessential or additional information variables. The Code does not
require the user to document these variables on the PQR and these variables are not listed on the
suggested format for PQRs. If the input field is left blank, the label and output location for this variable
will not appear on the PQR document.
Root Opening: Enter the area at the joint root between the pieces of metal being joined together.
Groove Angle: Enter the total included angle of the groove between work pieces.
Groove Radius: Enter the radius used to form the shape of a J- or U-groove weld.
Root Face: Enter the portion of the groove face within the joint root..
Notes:Enter any additional notes about the groove or joint.
Retainers: Describe the type of retainers used. This field only applies when EGW is selected as a process.
Stud shape:Enter the shape of the stud.
Stud size: Enter the size of the stud.
Ferrule/Flux designation:Enter the manufacturer's designation for this ferrule/flux.
Description:Describe the ferrule or flux.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
13 | P a g e
Field Index
Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but
locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.
Click this button to launch the CADprogram. This allows the user to create custom
joint images and import them into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not installed, this
will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser.
Insert an image into the PQR.
Remove the image from the PQR.
Base Metals
Base Metals (QW-403)
ASME Rated Metal:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
Stud Material:Enter the material used for the stud. Most related fields will be automatically completed if
the material is selected from the Material Browser.
Base Metal: Enter the base material used in the test. This is the metal or alloy that is welded, brazed, or
cut. Most related fields will be automatically completed if the material is selected from the Material
Browser. Selecting a material as the "Base Metal 1" or "Stud Material" will select that material for "Base
Metal 2" as well. However, another material may then be selected or entered independently for either
field. The material with the lowest P- or S-Number should be entered first, as should an unrated metal.
The second set of Base Metal fields is only applicable to groove and fillet welding. Stud welding will have a
set of Stud Material fields and a set ofBase Metal fields.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 11), this field will only allowP-
Tensile Strength: Enter the tensile strength of the base metal. This field will be automatically completed if
the material is selected from the Material Browser.
Thickness: Enter the coupon thickness used in the test. If a pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser,
the nominal thickness of the pipe will be automatically inserted into the base material thickness field.
Diameter:If Pipe was selected as the "Product Form" (See page 11), enter the diameter of the pipe in this
field. If a pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser, the diameter will be automatically inserted.
Base Metal notes:Enter additional notes about the base metal.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
14 | P a g e
Field Index
Preheat (QW-406)
Minimum preheat temperature:The minimum temperature in the weld joint preparation immediately
prior to the welding; in the case of multiple pass welds, this refers to the minimum temperature in the
section of the previously deposited weld metal immediately prior to welding.
Max. interpass temperature:The highest temperature in the weld joint immediately prior to welding; in
the case of multiple pass welds, this refers to the highest temperature in the section of the previously
deposited weld metal immediately before the next pass is started.
Preheat maintenance: The practice of maintaining the minimum specified preheat temperature - or
some specific higher temperature - for a required time interval after welding or thermal spraying is
completed, or until post weld heat treatment is initiated. This field is nonessential and will not appear on
the PQR if left blank.
Preheat notes:Enter additional notes about the preheat process.
PWHT (QW-407)
PWHT type:Select the heat treatment that was performed subsequent to welding. UTT refers to Upper
Transformation Temperature; LTT is Lower Transformation Temperature.
PWHT temperature: Enter the temperature of the post weld heat treatment.
PWHT holding time: Enter the actual post weld heat treatment time. This should be expressed in hours
and decimals; for example, record a PWHT time of 4 hours and 15 minutes as 4.25.
PWHT notes:Enter additional notes about the PWHT that should be included with this PQR.
Each process selected in the Process Information section (See page 11) will have its own tab. The type of
process selected will determine which fields will be present.
Filler Metal (QW-404)
AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.
AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through
the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.
SFA: Enter the SFAnumber of this filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler Metal
Browser, this will be entered automatically.
F-Number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if a filler
metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
15 | P a g e
Field Index
A-No.: Indicate the A-Number of this filler metal. In some cases, a chemical analysis must be performed
to determine the actual A-No.
Weld Thickness: Enter the actual deposited weld metal thickness for this process.
Pass > 1/2" (or 13.0mm): Select this box if the weld pass is greater than a half inch or 13 mm. This field
only applies to SMAW, SAW, EGW, and GMAW/FCAW groove and fillet welds.
Trade name: Enter the trade name for this filler metal. This field is essential if the filler metal is not AWS
Product form: Describe the product form of this filler metal. This only applies to GMAW/FCAW, GTAW,
EGW, and PAW processes.
Consumable insert:The filler metal that is placed at the joint root before welding with the purpose of
becoming completely fused into the root so it is part of the weld. If a consumable insert was used,
describe it here. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds.
Flux: Material used to dissolve, prevent, or facilitate the removal of oxides or other undesirable surface
substances. It may act to stabilize the arc or shield the molten pool, but it may not evolve shielding gas
by decomposition. If a flux was used for weld penetration, enter the flux name here. This field only
applies to GTAW, 2001 code or later.
Position (QW-405)
Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source during
welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.
Progression: For vertical welds, select the direction the welding was performed.
Position Notes:Enter any special notes regarding the position of the coupon.
Gas (QW-408)
Gas & Flow rate:Enter the shielding gas, backing gas, and trailing gas and their appropriate flowrates in
the respective fields. The gas can also be selected from the drop-down menu. PAW processes will also
have fields for plasma gas; PAW hardface and overlay processes will have additional fields for powder
feed gas.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
16 | P a g e
Field Index
Electrical/Weld Details
Electrical (QW-409)
Use Instantaneous Power: As used for waveform controlled welding, this method is the determination
of power or energy using the product of current and voltage measurements made at rapid intervals.
These capture brief changes in the welding waveform.
Select the box to use this method to calculate the
value for the "Heat input" field.
Current/polarity:Enter the current type and polarity. This may also be selected from the drop-down.
Transfer mode:For GMAW/FCAW processes, select the transfer mode.
Tungsten type: For GTAWor PAW processes, indicate the type of tungsten electrode used.
Tungsten size:For GTAW or PAW processes, enter the size of the tungsten electrode used.
Pulsed current: For GTAW processes, enter the current for the pulse of the arc.
Heat input: Calculated using either Instantaneous Power or an equation
that requires the inputs of
voltage, amperage, and travel speed. This field is only essential when impact testing is selected.
Weld Details
Electrode/wire size:Enter the electrode or wire sizes actually used for this process. If the electrode or
wire size is not an essential variable, enter a value in these fields and place comments about the
electrode on a note line. Anote about the size may also be placed in these fields. For example, 1/8 (2.4
mm) may indicate the use of either a 1/8-inch or a 2.4-millimeter electrode.
Amperage used: Enter the amps recorded for the electrodes or filler metals used with this process.
Voltage used: Enter the voltage used in the test.
Wire feed speed: For semiautomatic, automatic, or machine processes, enter the speed of the wire feed
used in the test.
Travel speed:Enter the travel speed of the test in inches per minute (ipm) for English units or millimeters
per minute (mm/min) for metric.
Weld Details IP
These fields will appear when "Use Instantaneous Power" is selected in the Electrical section.
Weld Bead Length
(Power * Arc Time)
Weld Bead Length
(V * A * 60)
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
17 | P a g e
Field Index
Calculate Energy: Select this box to enable the "Power" and "Arc Time" fields; values in these fields will be
used to calculate energy. When this box is cleared, the "Energy"fields will be available for input instead.
Power (J/s or W): Used to calculate "Heat input." This is required when using Instantaneous Power and
when energy is not determined.
Energy (J): Used to calculate "Heat input." This is required when using Instantaneous Power.
Arc Time (s): Used to calculate "Heat input." This is required when using Instantaneous Power and when
energy is not determined.
Weld Bead Length: Used to calculate "Heat input." This is required when using Instantaneous Power.
Technique (QW-410)
Bead type: Select the bead type. Astringer bead is made without appreciable weaving motion; a weave
bead is made with transverse oscillation.
Nozzle/gas cup size: Agas cup is the device at the exit end of the torch or gun that directs shielding gas.
Enter the actual size of this device used during the weld test.
Contact tube to work: Enter the contact tube to work distance recorded during testing. This field only
applies to SAW, EGW, and GMAW/FCAW processes.
(QW-410.64) Thermal Processes used in fabrication: Select this box if Thermal Processes are to be used
during fabrication.
Number of electrodes: For hardface and overlay welds, enter the number of electrodes.
Single/multiple electrodes:For machine and automatic groove or fillet welds, select single or multiple
Oscillation: An alternating motion relative to the direction of travel of welding, brazing, or thermal spray
device. This field applies to machine and automatic processes.
Electrode Spacing:For machine and automatic processes, enter the spacing of the electrodes.
Filler metal delivery method: Enter the method of filler metal delivery to the molten pool (e.g., from the
leading or trailing edge of the torch, from the sides of the torch, etc.). This field applies to PAW overlay
and hardface processes and to GTAWoverlay and hardface processes for Code year 2003 and later.
Closed to Out Chamber:Indicate whether the welding was performed in a closed chamber or performed
outside without a closed chamber. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds on P-
No. 51 through P-No. 53 base metals.
Passes per side: For groove and fillet welds, select single pass, multiple pass, or a combination of the
Weld environment: Indicate whether the welding was performed in a closed chamber or performed
outside without a closed chamber. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds on P-
No. 51 through P-No. 53 base metals.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
18 | P a g e
Field Index
Single/multiple layers:For hardface and overlay processes, select either single or multiple layers.
Supplementary device used:For SAW overlay welds, select this box to indicate that a supplementary
device was used to control the magnetic field acting on the weld puddle.
The following fields are unique to PAWprocesses.
Melt-in to keyhole:Indicate whether the Melt-in or the keyhole technique was applied. Melt-in is a
technique in which the intensity of the concentrated heat is adjusted so that a weld pass can be
produced from filler metal added to the leading edge of the molten weld metal. In Keyhole welding, a
concentrated heat source penetrates partially or completely through a work piece, forming a hole
(keyhole) at the leading edge of the weld pool.
Orifice diameter: Enter the diameter of the plasma torch-arc constricting orifice.
Constricted arc type: For hardface and overlay processes, indicated the type of constricted arc used.
The following fields are unique to OFWprocesses.
Flame characteristics: Describe the characteristics of the flame.
Welding technique: Indicate the welding technique used for this test.
Tip size: Enter the size of the torch tip.
Torch type: Enter the type of torch.
Notes/Additional Filler Metal
Process Notes
Enter any notes about the process.
Additional Filler Metal
Supplemental filler metal: If a supplemental filler metal was not used, enter None in this field.
Otherwise, enter the trade name or the chemical analysis of the supplementary filler metal used. This
field only applies to GMAW, FCAW, and SAW processes.
Guide type: For ESW processes, select whether the guide type is a consumable guide - in which the filler
metal is supplied by a welding wire held by a consumable stationary metal tube - or a non-consumable
Flux type: Indicate the type of flux used in the SAW or ESW process. Achange in the type of flux or
composition of the flux constitutes a requalification of the procedure.
Flux trade name:Enter the flux trade name used in this test. This field only applies to SAW and ESW
processes. Achange in the flux name constitutes a requalification of the procedure.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
19 | P a g e
Field Index
Flux from recrushed slag: For SAWprocesses, indicate whether or not the flux was from recrushed slag.
The following fields are unique to PAWoverlay or hardface processes.
Powdered metal -- Type:Enter the type of powdered metal used in this test.
Feed rate: Enter the feed rate of the powdered metal.
Particle size: Indicate the particle size of the powdered metal.
Stud Process
Position (QW-405.1)
Position of joint: The relationship between the weld pool, joint members, and the welding heat source
during welding.
Gas (QW-408.2)
Shielding gas: Aprotective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination. The shielding gas
may be selected or entered manually. Custom gases and their compositions may be entered into Tools >
Support Database > Gases; doing so will add them to the options available.
Flow rate: The rate at which gas is being administered into the system.
Eletrical (QW-409)
Power source model: Enter the model of the power source.
Amperage: Enter the amps recorded for the electrodes or filler metals used with this process.
Arc time: Enter the length of time the arc was maintained.
Current type/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight
(electrode negative)or reverse (electrode positive).
Voltage: Enter the voltage used in the test.
Technique (QW-410.22)
Stud gun model:Enter the model of the stud gun.
Lift: Enter the position of the lift. There may not be a change of more than 1/32 in (.79 mm).
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
20 | P a g e
Field Index
Enter any notes about the process here.
Test Results
Guided Bend
Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list;
select None if no guided bend test was performed.
Result: Enter the result of the selected test.
Tensile test type: Choose the type of tensile test performed.
The report will expand dynamically to accommodate up to 45 test results entered in the grid.
Specimen: Describe the specimen for this test.
Width: For reduced section tests, enter the width of the test specimen as defined in QW-462.
Thickness:For reduced section tests, enter the thickness of the test specimen as defined in QW-462.
Diameter:For turned specimen tests, enter the diameter of the test specimen.
Area: This field is calculated and not normally changed. However, the user can change this value to
match that provided by a testing laboratory.
Load: Enter the load of this specimen.
Ultimate stress: Enter the stress of this specimen.
Failure type and location: Enter the location where the coupon failed and the type of failure
The report will expand dynamically to accommodate up to 45 test results entered in the grid.
Specimen: Describe the specimen for this test.
Location: Select the location of the failure. The impact test specimen, notch location, and orientation
shall be as given in the section requiring such tests.
Notch Type: Select the notch type.
Test Temp:Enter the test temperature.
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
21 | P a g e
Field Index
Impact Value:Ameasure of the energy absorbed during the fracture of a specimen.
Shear %:The percentage of the total specimen area fractured in shear mode (rather than cleavage
mils/mm: Enter the lateral expansion. This is a measure of the ductility of a steel as a result of the impact
testing specimen examination.
Drop Weight Break: Select Yes if the specimen broke, No if it did not break, or - (a dash) if a drop weight
break test was not performed.
Hardness test type: Select the type of hardness test performed.
Location:Enter the location the test was conducted on the coupon.
Readings: Enter up to nine readings on this line.
Fillet fracture test: Describe the fillet fracture test.
Length and percent of defects: Enter the amount of defects in length and percentage.
Macro-etch results: Enter the results of the macro-etch test.
Fillet leg size: Enter the size of the weld leg.
Other Tests
Visual examination results: The accessible surfaces of the welds should be examined without
magnification for this test.
Liquid penetration results: The liquid penetrant examination shall meet the requirements of the
pertinent sections and articles listed in Section IX.
Macro-examination results:Ametallographic examination in which a surface is examined using no or low
Notes:Enter any notes about additional tests to include with this PQR.
Chemical Analysis
Information entered into the chemical elements fields will be used to describe the chemical analysis in
the first two lines.
Common chemical elements: Enter common chemical types found during analysis. Click the symbol to
change it. ( = ; > ; < ; > ; < )
ASME Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
22 | P a g e
Field Index
Other chemical elements: Enter any other chemical types found during analysis. Click the symbol to
change it. ( = ; > ; < ; > ; < )
Signature Block
Prepared By: Enter the name of the document preparer and select an electronic signature. Once one or
more signatures have been added to the document, the data cannot be changed until the signatures are
Title:Enter the job title of the preparer.
Witnessed by: Enter the name and title of the representative that witnessed the test. The label for this
field can be changed in the PQR defaults found in Tools > Defaults > PQR/WPS.
Tests conducted by: Enter the name of the company that performed the laboratory test.
Laboratory test number:Enter the number of the lab test.
Welder's name: Enter the name of the welder that qualified the procedures. If a welder is selected from
the Welders Log, the name, ID number, and stamp number will be inserted into the appropriate fields.
Manually entering a welder in this field does not add that information to the database.
Welder ID: Enter the ID number of the welder that welded the PQR coupon.
Stamp: Enter the stamp number of the welder that welded the PQR coupon.
23 | P a g e
Field Index
(return to Contents)
WPQ Properties 23
Base Metals 24
Process 24
Test Results 26
WPQ Properties
Welder Information
Select a welder from the Welder Browser to automatically complete these fields. This information can
only be changed by editing the welder record. The "Location" and "Foreman" fields are informational
only and are not printed on the WPQ.
Supported by
Select a WPSor PQR to automatically complete related fields in the WPQ, or select a WPQ Template to
transfer the fields from the template into the WPQ.
WPQ Information
WPSnumber:The Welding Procedure Specification used to guide this welder test. Select a WPS under
the Supported by section or enter the data manually.
Rev. number: The revision of the WPSthat is being used to guide the welder test.
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.
Test date:The date of the test may be manually entered or selected from the calendar.
WPQ No: Differentiates between separate WPQs based on the same WPS.
Weld type: Select the type of weld.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
Product Form: Select the form of the material that was welded.
Process Information
No. processes: The number of processes will be automatically completed based on the WPS used to
create the WPQ. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only one process will be allowed.
ASME Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)
24 | P a g e
Field Index
Process: The processes will be automatically completed based on the WPS used to create the WPQ. The
first process is for the root pass or passes, the second is for the intermediate or cover passes, and
subsequent processes are for tertiary passes. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only one process
type of STUD will be allowed in this field. If the number of processes is reduced after data has been
entered, data for the extra processes will be lost.
Base Metals
Joint Type and Base Material Information
Types of joints qualified: Lists the type of welds the welder is qualified to perform based on
ASMESection IX.
ASME Rated:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
Basemetals welded: Enter the base material used in the test. This is the metal or alloy that is welded,
brazed, or cut. Selecting a material as the "Base Metal 1" will select that material for "Base Metal 2" as
well. However, another material may then be selected or entered independently for either field. The
material with the lowest P- or S-Number should be entered first, as should an unrated metal.
The note will depend on the kind of weld being tested.
Welding Variables
The Range Qualified column will display the values according to the ASME Code or the defaults
selected in Tools > Defaults > WPQ. For Base Metal Thickness Range Qualified, this will showWPS limits
or Unlimited depending on the value set in that tab.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 23), this field will only allowP-
Diameter:If Pipe was selected as the "Product Form" , enter the diameter of the pipe in this field. If a
pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser, the diameter will be automatically inserted.
Base material thickness: Enter the base material thickness used for the test.
Machine Welding Variables (QW-360)
Direct/remote visual control: Select the type of control used.
Automatic voltage control: Indicate whether or not auto control was used.
Automatic joint tracking:Select either manual or automatic tracking.
ASME Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)
25 | P a g e
Field Index
Welding Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source
during welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.
Consumable insert:The filler metal that is placed at the joint root before welding with the purpose of
becoming completely fused into the root so it is part of the weld. If a consumable insert was used,
describe it here. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds.
Backing: Indicate whether backing was used.
Single/multiple pass per side: For groove and fillet welds, select single pass, multiple pass, or a
combination of the two.
Welding Variables
Backing: Indicate whether backing was used.
AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.
Filler metal classification:This is an informational field; it is not required and has no standard
corresponding range qualified. Avalue may be entered to restrict a welder to a specific range. Selecting a
filler metal from the Filler Metal Browser will automatically complete this field and the "Filler metal F
number" field.
Filler metal specification:Enter the filler metal used for the weld test.
Filler metal F number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if
a filler metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser.
Filler metal product form:Describe the product form of this filler metal. This only applies to
GMAW/FCAW, GTAW, and PAW processes.
Consumable insert:The filler metal that is placed at the joint root before welding with the purpose of
becoming completely fused into the root so it is part of the weld. If a consumable insert was used,
describe it here. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds.
Weld deposit thickness: Enter the deposited weld metal thickness.
Backing gas:Specify whether or not backing gas was used in the test.
Welding Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source
during welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.
Weld Progression: For vertical welds, select the direction the welding was performed.
Welding Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be
straight (electrode negative)or reverse (electrode positive).
GMAW/FCAW Transfer mode:For GMAW/FCAW processes, select the transfer mode.
ASME Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)
26 | P a g e
Field Index
STUD Welding Variables
Welding Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source
during welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.
Test Results
Enter any notes to include with the WPQ. In some cases, notes will automatically be inserted in an effort
to showlimitations that would apply per ASME Section IX (e.g., "Pipe with O.D. 24" limited to flat
rotated only").
Test Results
Groove Weld
Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list;
select None if radiography testing was performed.
Result: Enter the result of the selected test.
Volumetric test results:If radiography (x-ray) testing was performed, enter the results in this field.
Visual examination results: The accessible surfaces of the welds should be examined without
magnification for this test.
Fillet Weld
Visual examination results: The accessible surfaces of the welds should be examined without
magnification for this test.
Fillet fracture test: Describe the fillet fracture test.
Length and percent of defects: Enter the amount of defects in length and percentage.
Macro-examination test:Ametallographic examination in which a surface is examined using no or low
magnification. Enter the results of this test.
Fillet leg size: Enter the size of the weld leg.
Corrosion Resistant Overlay
Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list;
select None if radiography testing was performed.
Result: Enter the result of the selected test.
ASME Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)
27 | P a g e
Field Index
Volumetric test results:If radiography (x-ray) testing was performed, enter the results in this field.
Liquid penetration results: The liquid penetrant examination shall meet the requirements of the
pertinent sections and articles listed in Section IX.
Hardface Overlay
Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list;
select None if radiography testing was performed.
Result: Enter the result of the selected test.
Macro examination results:The macro examination shall meet the requirements of the pertinent
sections and articles listed in Section IX.
Liquid penetration results: The liquid penetrant examination shall meet the requirements of the
pertinent sections and articles listed in Section IX.
Bend/Hammer test: In order to pass the Bend/Hammer test, each of the five stud welds and heated
affected zones shall be free of visible separation or fracture after bending and return bending or after
hammering. This field will automatically be populated by stating that the visual examination is
satisfactory per QW-302.4 and QW-194, but this can be manually changed by the user.
Signature Block
Prepared By: Enter the name of the document preparer and select an electronic signature. Once one or
more signatures have been added to the document, the data cannot be changed until the signatures are
Title:Enter the job title of the preparer.
Welding test by: Enter the name of the company that performed the mechanical tests.
Laboratory test number:Enter the number of the lab test.
Mechanical/Volumetric tests conducted by: Enter person or company that performed these tests.
Organization: This will display the company information.
28 | P a g e
Field Index
(return to Contents)
Welder 28
Personal Information 28
Continuity Summary 29
Inspection Data 30
Continuity/Inspection History Log 30
CEI Integration 31
Name: Enter the welder's first name, middle initial, and last name into their respective fields. Include any
applicable suffix (e.g, Jr., Sr., III) in the "Last Name" field.
Stamp Number: Enter the welders Stamp number.
Welder SSN: Enter the Welders Social Security Number.
Current Status: If a welder temporarily stops working ,change the status to Inactive or Unavailable.
Doing so will keep the welder from appearing on Inspection Reports, Welder Qualification Reports, and
WPS Qualification Reports. Toggle the display of inactive welders on the Tools > Defaults > Welder tab.
Welder ID: This is a required field. Each welder record must be unique so that the proper record is used
throughout the program, therefore each record must have a unique Welder ID. This information may be
automatically completed depending upon the settings on the Tools > Defaults > Welder tab.
Hourly Rate: This is not a required field. This field integrates with the Weld Estimation software. Visit the
CEI website for more information.
Personal Information
Enter the Welder's address in this section.
Current Status
Active Date:Enter the active date of the welder.
Inactive Date: Enter the inactive date of the welder. By default, inactive welders are not listed in reports.
This can be changed in Tools> Defaults > Welder.
Welder Information
29 | P a g e
Field Index
Location: Enter the welder's location (e.g., the site name, the city name, etc.). This field can be used to
filter and sort the welder data. The label for this field can be changed in Tools > Defaults > Welder.
Foreman:Enter the welder's foreman. This field can be used to filter and sort the welder data. The label
for this field can be changed in Tools > Defaults > Welder.
Union Local:Enter the local union number. This field is not required and will not be applicable for all
Common Arc: Select this box to list the welder as a common arc welder. This will allowthe welder to be
viewed when running the Common Arc Continuity Report.
Welder Notes: Enter additional notes about this welder.
Welder Image: Awelder image may be added to the documentation. The image must be added here on
the welder information tab before the image can be attached to the document.
Load an image into the welder record.
Remove the image from the welder record.
Continuity Summary
Information about a welder's qualified processes is displayed here. This information is drawn from a
welder's WPQ records and history log.
Process:Displays the process and type this welder is qualified for.
Continuity Code: The qualification will be supported by either an ASME WPQ or an AWS WPQ.
Original Date: The date of the welder's original qualification for this process and type. For ASMEand
AWS records, this will be the test date for a WPQ. For Exact Match records, this is the weld date of the
earliest history record for this process and type.
Weld Date: The weld date from the most recent qualifying history record. For ASME records, Manual and
Semiautomatic types will update together, as will Machine and Automatic. For AWS records, all weld
dates for each process will update regardless of type. Exact Match records will only be updated when the
exact process/type pair is used.
Expiration Date:The amount of time allowed between welds before a welder's qualification on each
process expires. The default value for this field is 6 months, but this can be adjusted in Tools> Defaults >
Job: The job number from the most recent qualifying history record. This field is optional and is used for
tracking purposes only.
Witness:The individual signing off on the review. This field is optional and is used for tracking purposes
Welder Information
30 | P a g e
Field Index
Inspection Data
Displays information about inspection results for each welder
Adjust the display of the inspection log. The results can be grouped by process,
inspection type, and date (See page I).
Click this button to remove the currently applied filter and display all fields for each
Process:The process and type that was inspected.
Inspection Type:The inspection method used.
Date: The date of the inspection.
Job: The job the welder was working on at the time of the inspection. This field is optional and is used for
tracking purposes only.
Inspection length:The total weld length inspected. The label for this field can be changed in the
Inspection defaults found in Tools > Defaults > Welder.
Inspection defects:The weld length that failed the inspection. The label for this field can be changed in
the Inspection defaults found in Tools > Defaults > Welder.
Percentage of Failure: This is calculated by dividing the "Inspection length" by the "Inspection defects"
and multiplying the result by 100.
Continuity/Inspection History Log
Process:The process and type that was welded during the Performance Qualification of the welder.
Weld Date: The date of the Performance Qualification of the welder.
Job: The job the welder was working on at the time of the inspection. This field will be automatically
completed with the WPS number shown in the WPQ, however this value can be manually adjusted. This
field is optional and is used for tracking purposes only.
Witness: The individual signing off on the review. This field is optional and is used for tracking purposes
Inspection Type:The inspection method used.
Inspection length:The total weld length inspected. The label for this field can be changed in the
Inspection defaults found in Tools > Defaults > Welder.
Welder Information
31 | P a g e
Field Index
Inspection defects:The weld length that failed the inspection. The label for this field can be changed in
the Inspection defaults found in Tools > Defaults > Welder.
Operator Factor: The ratio of actual welding time to total work time. This field integrates with the Weld
Estimation software. Visit the CEI website for more information.
CEI Integration
Process:The process and type that was welded during the Performance Qualification of the welder.
Operator Factor: The ratio of actual welding time to total work time. This field integrates with the Weld
Estimation software. Visit the CEI website for more information.
32 | P a g e
Field Index
(return to Contents)
PQR Properties 32
Base Metals 33
Process 34
Test Results 35
PQR Properties
PQR Information
PQR number:Enter the identification number to associate with this PQR. This number will be displayed
on all pages of the PQR document.
Test date:The date of the test may be manually entered or selected from the calendar.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
BPS number: ABPS number is not required on the PQR. When the BPS field is left blank and a BPS is
printed with supporting BPQRs, the BPS numbers are automatically inserted into the space provided on
the BPQR. ABPS number may be entered if it is required by the inspection agency or company
standards. Once the BPS number is entered, only that BPS Number will be printed on the BPQR
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code used in the test.
Weld Type: For a BPQR, the weld type will be locked to Braze.
Include notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allowfor the inclusion of additional
information with the BPQR. These pages will print just before the test results and will be numbered as
part of the permanent document.
Use code assistance:Clear this box to disable Code checking for this PQR. Once Code checking is turned
off, it cannot be turned back on for the current PQR. AWPS or BPS cannot be created from a PQR that
has Code checking disabled.
Process Information
Process: The Brazing Processes consist of Torch Brazing, Furnace Brazing, Induction Brazing, Resistance
Brazing, and Dip Brazing. Select the process for the BPQR and whether the method used was manual,
semiautomatic, machine, or automatic.
Joint Design (QB-408)
Joint type: Select the type of joint used in the test.
ASME Brazing Procedure Qualification Record (BPQR)
33 | P a g e
Field Index
Product form: Select the material form that will be used for the PQR test. Selecting Pipe will allowthe
opportunity to select the size and schedule from the Pipe/Tube Browser on the Base Metals tab (See
page 33).
Joint clearance:Enter the distance between the uniting surfaces of the joint as illustrated in QB-461.2.
Overlap length: Enter the overlap length as illustrated in QB-461.2
Notes:Enter any additional notes about the joint.
Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but
locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.
Insert an image into the PQR.
Remove the image from the PQR.
Base Metals
Base Metals (QB-402)
ASME Rated Metal:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
Base Metal: Enter the base material used in the test. This is the metal or alloy that is welded, brazed, or
cut. Most related fields will be automatically completed if the material is selected from the Material
Browser. Selecting a material as the "Base Metal 1" will select that material for "Base Metal 2" as well.
However, another material may then be selected or entered independently for either field. The material
with the lowest P- or S-Number should be entered first, as should an unrated metal.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 32), this field will only allowP-
Tensile Strength: Enter the tensile strength of the base metal. This field will be automatically completed if
the material is selected from the Material Browser.
Thickness: Enter the coupon thickness used in the test. If a pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser,
the nominal thickness of the pipe will be automatically inserted into the base material thickness field.
Diameter:If Pipe was selected as the "Product Form" (See page 32), enter the diameter of the pipe in this
field. If a pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser, the diameter will be automatically inserted.
Base Metal notes:Enter additional notes about the base metal.
ASME Brazing Procedure Qualification Record (BPQR)
34 | P a g e
Field Index
PBHT (QB-409)
PBHT type: Indicate whether any post brazing heat treatment was performed. For P-No. 101 and P-No.
102 base metals, indicate the type of PBHT used.
PBHT temperature: Enter the temperature of the post brazing heat treatment.
PBHT holding time: Enter the actual PBHT time. This should be expressed in hours and decimals; for
example, record a PBHT time of 4 hours and 15 minutes as 4.25.
PBHT notes:Enter additional notes about the PBHT that should be included with this BPQR.
Torch Brazing/Manual - Filler Metal (QB-403)
AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.
AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through
the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.
AWS specification:Enter the specification number of the filler metal used in this braze test.
F-Number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if a filler
metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser.
Trade name: Enter the trade name for this filler metal. This field is essential if the filler metal is not AWS
Filler metal product form: Enter the product form of the filler metal or select a product form from the
Filler metal size:Enter the size of the filler metal.
Method of applying filler:Enter the method used to apply the filler metal to the joint (e.g., manually
force fed, preplaced, molten metal bath, etc.).
Brazing temperature:Enter the temperature at which the brazing was performed.
Flux, Fuel Gas, or Atmosphere (QB-406)
Flux AWS classification:Select the AWS classification of the flux used from the drop-down list.
Fuel gas: Agas - such as acetylene, natural gas, propane, or stabilized methyl acetylene propadienem -
normally used with oxygen in one of the oxyfuel processes and for heating.
Flux trade name: Enter the trade name for the flux. This field is essential if the flux is not AWS classified.
Furnace atmosphere:Enter a description of the furnace atmosphere used during the brazing operation.
ASME Brazing Procedure Qualification Record (BPQR)
35 | P a g e
Field Index
Flow Position (QB-407)
Flow position: Select the position used from the drop-down list.
Flow direction:If a vertical position was selected, indicate whether the direction was upflowor
Notes:Enter any notes about the flowposition.
Technique (QB-410)
Prebraze/Postbraze cleaning: Enter the method of cleaning.
Flame type: Describe the characteristics of the flame.
Brazing torch tip size: Enter the size of the torch tip.
Process Notes
Enter any notes about the process.
Test Results
Guided Bend
Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list;
select None if no guided bend test was performed.
Result: Enter the result of the selected test.
Tensile test type: Choose the type of tensile test performed.
The report will expand dynamically to accommodate up to 45 test results entered in the grid.
Specimen: Describe the specimen for this test.
Width: For reduced section tests, enter the width of the test specimen as defined in QB-462.
Thickness:For reduced section tests, enter the thickness of the test specimen as defined in QB-462.
Diameter:For round specimen tests, enter the diameter of the test specimen.
Area: This field is calculated and not normally changed. However, the user can change this value to
match that provided by a testing laboratory.
Load: Enter the load of this specimen.
ASME Brazing Procedure Qualification Record (BPQR)
36 | P a g e
Field Index
Ultimate stress: Enter the stress of this specimen.
Failure location: Enter the location where the coupon failed.
Other Tests
Peel or Section Tests
Test Type: Select the type of test from the drop-down list.
Result:Select the result of the chosen test.
Notes:Enter additional notes about the tests.
Signature Block
Prepared By: Enter the name of the document preparer and select an electronic signature. Once one or
more signatures have been added to the document, the data cannot be changed until the signatures are
removed. The label for this field can be changed in Tools > Defaults > Signature.
Title:Enter the job title of the preparer.
Brazing of test coupon supervised by: Enter the name and title of the representative that witnessed the
Tests conducted by: Enter the name of the company that performed the laboratory test.
Laboratory test number:Enter the number of the lab test.
Brazer's Name: Enter the name of the brazer that qualified the procedures. If a brazer is selected from
the Welders Log, the name, ID number, and stamp number will be inserted into the appropriate fields.
Manually entering a brazer in this field does not add that information to the database.
Welder ID: Enter the ID number of the brazer that brazed the PQR coupon.
Stamp: Enter the stamp number of the brazer that brazed the PQR coupon.
37 | P a g e
Field Index
(return to Contents)
BPQR Selection 37
WPS Properties 38
Base Metals 39
Process 40
Notes/Signatures 41
BPQR Selection
BPS Configuration
Weld type: For a BPS, this field will be locked to Braze.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.
Base Metals
ASME Rated:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 38), this field will only allowP-
Process Selection
PQR number: Select a BPQR from the PQR Browser.
Process/Type: The data from the selected BPQR will be used to complete this field.
Minimum/Maximum base metal thickness:Enter the minimum and maximum thickness in the
appropriate fields. If the PQR selected was for a groove or fillet weld and the base metals had two
different P-/S-numbers or they were not the same thickness, there will be two sets of
minimum/maximum thickness fields.
ASME Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS)
38 | P a g e
Field Index
WPS Properties
Certain fields will be visible, but disabled. These fields contain data that has been transferred from the
BPQR (See page 37).
BPS Information
BPS number:Enter a unique number for this BPS. Important variables in the test may be encoded in the
BPS number, depending on the classification system used.
BPS date:The date the original BPS was created.
Revision number: QB-2001(c) allows a BPS to be changed provided the changes are documented by
revision. Each revision to a BPS should be documented with a revision number.
Revision date:The date of the latest revision.
System of units:Select either English or Metric units.
Code year:Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.
Weld type: For a BPS, this field will be locked to Braze.
Code Assistance: Selecting any option other than Full code checking will disable code checking for this
BPS. This cannot be undone.
Include notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allowfor the inclusion of additional
information. These pages will be numbered as part of the permanent document.
Supporting PQR(s): The BPQR(s) that support this BPS. If the BPS is created from an existing BPQR, the
number will be automatically inserted into this field. Code checking must be disabled to edit this field. To
enter more than one BPQR, the numbers must be formatted PQR##1 , PQR##2 and so on. Be sure to
enter a space on both sides of the comma.
Process Information
Process: The process will be determined by the supporting BPQR. Unlike on the BPQR, more than one
method (Manual, Semiautomatic, Machine, Automatic) can be selected.
Joint Design (QB-408)
Joint type: The joint type will be determined by the supporting BPQR.
Product form: Select the material form that will be used for the PQR test. Selecting Pipe will allowthe
opportunity to select the size and schedule from the Pipe/Tube Browser on the Base Metals tab (See
page 39).
Joint clearance:Enter the distance between the uniting surfaces of the joint as illustrated in QB-461.2.
ASME Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS)
39 | P a g e
Field Index
Overlap length minimum/maximum: When applicable, the minimum overlap length will be the overlap
length of the PQR. The maximum can be no more than 25%of the BPQR's overlap length.
Notes:Enter any additional notes about the joint.
Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but
locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.
Insert an image into the BPS.
Remove the image from the BPS.
Base Metals
Base Metals (QB-402)
ASME Rated:Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.
Base Metal: Enter the base material used in the test. This is the metal or alloy that is welded, brazed, or
cut. Most related fields will be automatically completed if the material is selected from the Material
Browser. Selecting a material as the "Base Metal 1" will select that material for "Base Metal 2" as well.
However, another material may then be selected or entered independently for either field. The material
with the lowest P- or S-Number should be entered first, as should an unrated metal.
P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically
completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code
after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year" (See page 38), this field will only allowP-
Tensile Strength: Enter the tensile strength of the base metal. This field will be automatically completed if
the material is selected from the Material Browser.
Minimum/Maximum Thickness: Enter the minimum and maximum coupon thickness used for Groove
and Fillet. If a pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser, the nominal thickness of the pipe will be
automatically inserted into the base material thickness field.
Diameter:If Pipe was selected as the "Product Form" , enter the diameter of the pipe in this field. If a
pipe is selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser, the diameter will be automatically inserted.
Base Metal notes:Enter additional notes about the base metal.
PBHT (QB-409)
PBHT type: Indicate whether any post brazing heat treatment was performed. For P-No. 101 and P-No.
102 base metals, indicate the type of PBHT used.
PBHT temperature: Enter the temperature of the post brazing heat treatment.
ASME Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS)
40 | P a g e
Field Index
PBHT holding time: Enter the actual PBHT time. This should be expressed in hours and decimals; for
example, record a PBHT time of 4 hours and 15 minutes as 4.25.
PBHT notes:Enter additional notes about the PBHT.
Torch Brazing/Manual - Filler Metal (QB-403)
AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.
AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through
the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.
AWS specification:Enter the specification number of the filler metal used in this braze test.
F-Number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if a filler
metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser.
Trade name: Enter the trade name for this filler metal. This field is essential if the filler metal is not AWS
Filler metal product form: Enter the product form of the filler metal or select a product form from the
Filler metal size:Enter the size of the filler metal.
Method of applying filler:Enter the method used to apply the filler metal to the joint (e.g., manually
force fed, preplaced, molten metal bath, etc.).
Brazing temperature:Enter the temperature at which the brazing was performed.
Flux, Fuel Gas, or Atmosphere (QB-406)
Flux AWS classification:Select the AWS classification of the flux used from the drop-down list.
Fuel gas: Agas - such as acetylene, natural gas, propane, or stabilized methyl acetylene propadienem -
normally used with oxygen in one of the oxyfuel processes and for heating.
Flux trade name: Enter the trade name for the flux. This field is essential if the flux is not AWS classified.
Furnace atmosphere:Enter a description of the furnace atmosphere used during the brazing operation.
Flow Position (QB-407)
Flow position: Select the position used from the drop-down list.
Flow direction:If a vertical position was selected, indicate whether the direction was upflowor
ASME Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS)
41 | P a g e
Field Index
Notes:Enter any notes about the flowposition.
Technique (QB-410)
Prebraze/Postbraze cleaning: Enter the method of cleaning.
Inspection:Specify any inspection required after production brazing is complete. For example, checking
for braze metal at all edges of the joint.
Flame type: Describe the characteristics of the flame.
Brazing torch tip size: Enter the size of the torch tip.
Process Notes
Enter any notes about the process.
BPS Notes
Enter any additional notes about the BPS in the space provided.
Select an electronic signature. Once a signature has been added to the document, the data cannot be
changed until all signatures are removed.
I | P a g e
(return to Contents)
Appendix I: Inspection Data Filter I
Set criteria to limit the number of records shown on the Welder Inspection Data tab (See page 30).
The filter criteria will not change until the Welder Information screen is navigated away from or until
the Clear Filter button is clicked.
Select from Process: Select this box to choose the processes to include in the filter.
Select from Inspection Type: Select this box to choose the type of inspections to include in the filter.
Group Results By
Only welders who have inspection information will showon the final listing. For all summaries other
than Inspections by Entry, only those records that have both length inspected and length defective
information will be included.
Entry: Lists all inspection entries separately.
Month: Groups inspections by month. Sums the length inspected and length defective and displays the
percentage of failure for each filtered group.
Quarter: Groups inspections by quarter. Sums the length inspected and length defective and displays the
percentage of failure for each filtered group.
Year: Groups inspections by year. Sums the length inspected and length defective and displays the
percentage of failure for each filtered group.
Inspection Type: Groups inspections by inspection type. Sums the length inspected and length defective
and displays the percentage of failure for each filtered group.
Select Dates: Choose a range of dates to include in the filter.

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