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British Forum for Ethnomusicology

Front Matter
Source: British Journal of Ethnomusicology, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2003)
Published by: British Forum for Ethnomusicology
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Accessed: 06/01/2009 19:49
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British Journal of Ethnomusicology.
1 2 / 1
2 0 0 3
British Journal of
f ootsteps
f r a gme n t s
Editorial policy
TheBritish Journal of Ethnomusicologyis a ref ereedjournal publishedbiannuallybythe
British Forumf or Ethnomusicology(BFE). Membershipof BFEis open to all without
restriction. Likewise, the Journal welcomes all scholarlycontributions, regardless of the
author's countryof originor residence. Manuscripts shouldnot havepreviouslyappearedin
print, nor shouldtheyhavebeen simultaneouslysubmittedf or review to other journals. If
material f eaturingcentrallyinthemanuscript relates closelytopapers bytheauthor already
published, or acceptedf or publication, elsewhere, this shouldbebrought totheattentionof
theeditors. Further inf ormationf or contributors will bef oundontheinsideback cover. For
details of past issues andother current inf ormation, seeour web site: http:/ /
Membership subscriptions arebycalendar year. Members will receivetwo issues of the
Journal andtwoissues of theBFENewsletter each year. Members mayalsoreceivespecial
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Newsletter carries news of events andinstitutions, reports on conf erences, inf ormationon
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Back numbers of the Journal are availableat the f ollowingprices: 1 5 f or individual
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For back numbers of the BFE/ ICTM(UK) Newsletter, enquiries shouldbe addressedto
BFE, c/ o Department of Music, SOAS, Thornhaugh St, LondonWC1 H OXG, England;
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Reviews correspondenceshouldbe sent to Dr KevinDawe, School of Music, Universityof
Leeds, Leeds LS2 , W. Yorks, England; e-mail:
All other correspondenceconcerningtheJournal shouldbe sent to the Editors, Dr Janet
ToppFargionandDr CarolineBithell (f or addresses seeinsideback cover).
British Journal of
Volume 1 2 / i 2 0 0 3
Fieldwork impact
Special Issue Editor
TimothyJ. Cooley
CarolineBithell Janet ToppFargion
Reviews Editor
Editorial Board
Richard Middleton Micheal 6 Suilleabhain
Suzel ReilyHenryStobart
JonathanStock MartinStokes
British Forumf or Ethnomusicology
f ormerlyInternational Council f or Traditional Music
Published byBritish Forumf or Ethnomusicology
The publishers wish to thank the OpenUniversityResearch Development
FundingSub-Committee f or their f inancial support.
Enquiries regardingannouncements and advertisingshould be addressed to
theEditors, Dr CarolineBithell and Dr Janet ToppFargion(f or addresses see
insideback cover).
Enquiries regardingreviews, and review copies of publications, should besent
totheReviews Editor, Dr KevinDawe, School of Music, Universityof Leeds,
Leeds LS2 , W. Yorks, England;
TheBritish Forumf or Ethnomusicologyis theUKNational Committeeof the
International Council f or Traditional Music.
British Forumf or Ethnomusicology, 2 0 0 3
ISSN 0 968-1 2 2 1
Cover illustration: with thanks toChloeGrant f or thehandprints.
Copy-editingand pagelayout Special EditionPre-press Services, London
Printed byHobbs thePrinter Ltd, Totton, Hampshire, S0 40 3 YS.
Pref ace
Theorizingf ieldwork impact: Malinowski,
peasant-love, and f riendship
Experiencingpeople: relationships,
responsibilityand reciprocity
Followinginthef ootsteps of agiant
Ethnographicref lections
Ontheplayingf ields of theworld
(and Corsica): politics, power, passion
and polyphony
Fif teenf ragments onmy(f ield)work
Fieldwork incommonplaces:
anethnographer's experiences in
Theageof consent: traditional music,
intellectual propertyand changing
TimothyJ. Cooley
Ruth Hellier-Tinoco
Gof f redoPlastino
Lillis 6 Laoire
attitudes inthe People's Republicof China HelenRees
Perroneand Dunn(eds) Brazilianpopular
musicand globalization
Cooper (ed.) ThePetriecollectionof
theancient musicof Ireland
Classicmountainsongs f rom
SmithsonianFolkways * Classicbluegrass
f romSmithsonianFolkways
Editorial policyand subscriptions
Notes f or contributors
Suzel AnaReily
Insidef ront cover
Insideback cover
1 9
3 5
1 1 3
1 3 7
1 73
1 75
1 78

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