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Ftima Lourdes Duran Vsquez

Universidad Gerardo Barrios Usulutn

This teaching portfolio describes the development of my teaching techniques
and style. It aims to present my overall teaching approach and philosophy as a
product of continual reflection, on success and feedback from teaching
practice, guided by theoretical knowledge about the learning process. The
sections on my teaching history, together with my reflections on particular
aspects of past assignments, show the range of teaching, how I have employed
them in practice, and how I have tried to enhance their effectiveness. The
composition and continual revision of this teaching portfolio has proved
immensely useful for me. It supports a reflective approach and has helped me
in becoming aware of my strengths, improving on existing weaknesses and
constantly monitoring my own development as a instructor; Taken part in
blended-learning materials.

E- Porpholio
She made a compilation of all that she went to teach, and with methods and
techniques that promote education, with the syllabus; what were the
objectives. In class is occupied the elements necessary to teach the class, with
procedures, to motivate each student to learn more about the content. Through
a portfolio is given to collect everything that need in the lesson plan with the
plan distribute; that she taught content, with the required time and know the
materials, and how the class was developed. This is collect the experience, she
have evidence of what was done, with techniques that favor teaching the
English language.

Personal Teaching Philosophy

I believe that the education is one significant way to make our world a better
place. My teaching methodology main objective is to inspire learning of
content as well as developing the skill necessary for students to explore
content and draw intelligent conclusions independently. I am committed to
inspiring this critical exploration through, stimulating aware of different
learning styles teaching.

Fatima Lourdes Duran Vasquez is 22 years old, I lives in Usulutn. I studied
in the school of Concepcion Aleman Cordova of Usulutn; most later I was
studying in the high school of liceo Britanico from 2007 and 2008 high school
of Espiritu Santo. I been studying in the Gerardo Barrios University Usulutn,
from 2009 to 2011. I graduated as Technical Bilingual; while she is continuing
studying bachelor degree in English.


Professional teaching practice
The social hours were made in the Instituto Nacional de Jucuarn from 2010.
From 2014 she did the practiced in the Instituto Nacional de Usulutn. She
used the methods for recollected into framework; for my successful
participation in the learning environment. She implements multiple techniques
to assess student learning over the course of the semester. Particular
assessment measures it was in based about the developmental level of the
course. This courses specifically, she used papers and point assessments were
taking on a basis of check. Such measures implemented so that she may
receive frequent feedback on students comprehension of course and contents.
She could apply in the assessment through techniques such as reading journals
was reviewed in order to relevant points and guide class discussions.

Education technology resources
Technology and education have definitely come a long way, she used the
Social media really changed the way in could teach English in the classroom,
she did diversity activities with social media; is a free site called Facebook.

Through of this resource the students could obtain by encourage and achieve
a combination of words, which could see the steps of as it is developed to be
able to process the information that is acquired, where they could improve
their English.

Students in Space:
She used this for that the students had to learn and practice their English
skills. Students earned points for accuracy and speed. As they progress
through the game of English to interactively explore with Activities to test
reading, writing and listening; they could improve their English at the same




Thorne, K. 2003, Blended Learning: How to Integrate Online and Traditional Learning,
Kogan Page, London

Carol y CLELAND Janell, (1995) the portfolio as a learning strategy,
Boynton/Cook publishers, United States.

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