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Living up to Abortion

Abortion involves terminating a pregnancy by the removing or expelling of a fetus or

embryo from the uterus. (The Abortion Debate) There has been a lot of discussion on abortion. Is
it moral or not? One can assume that an embryo, even though it is only a cluster of cells, is potential
life. Abortion is believed to be immoral by most as it is considered taking someones chance at life
away. It has been a controversial topic because it is becoming more common now. There are also
religious and cultural beliefs that go along with it.
Women of all ages have abortions. About 50% of them are under 25, 64% are single, and
45% of them already have children. One of the reasons that women choose to have an abortion is
their age. Most women who become pregnant at a young age choose to have an abortion due to
their fear of lacking responsibility. Another reason is the mother not wanting to leave her studies
incomplete. Financial and relationship instability also play a key role in the decision of an abortion.
While all these are some reasons that women resort to an abortion, rape and sexual assault are also a
key cause.
While some are ok with it, others believe that abortion is inhumane. The idea of life starts at the
moment of conception reinforces the idea of abortion being evil. (TFP Student Association) It
is also considered to be one of the most unsafe procedures.
Sex selective abortions also add to the growing statistics of abortion rates. This is due to
societal pressure. For example, Chinas one child policy makes it more common to have an abortion
if the family is looking for a child of specific gender. Another reason is female infanticide.
Prominent in the South Asian community, where female infanticide is seen quite commonly, is
where sex selective abortions also take place. These societal pressures add to the growing numbers
of abortion around the globe. (Abortion,
Religion also has its views on abortion. Abortion is not merely limited to a physical thing.
The emotional stress and spiritual guilt that comes along with it can be overwhelming. Abortion can
be seen as something as simple as thou shalt not kill from the Commandments. One of the
earliest Christian writings, the Didache states: "You shall not kill the child in the womb or murder a
new-born infant." Religion holds its standpoint as abortion being a potential murder hence using
words such as kill.
Every year there are an estimated 40 50 million abortions, meaning 125,000 abortions a
day on average. (Abortions, WorldOMeters) Abortion is predominantly seen in Asian countries but
is still common around the world.
While there are some laws against abortions, there are still illegal procedures that take place.
Most abortion clinics that are run illegally do not use the proper hygienic techniques causing more
harm to the woman.
The aftermath of an abortion can also be life changing. From nausea, vomiting, and bleeding
to permanent damage to the cervix, scarring in the uterus line, to death. The minor effects like
bleeding and vomiting is normally stay for two to six weeks. The mother should also be aware of the
complications, such as death. (Possible Physical Side Effects, The American Pregnancy Association)
So after all this talk about abortion, is the unborn fetus actually a child? Some would argue
that the fetus is living. The cells have the potential to develop into a child. It is living. Other would
say that the fetus cant really feel what an actual child can feel. It cannot feel pain. It is not even an
independent child that can be separated from the mother and still survive. An independent human
has mind of their own. Come to think of it, a newborn child isnt any different. A newborn would
not survive long without its mother, nor can it take care of itself. A new born baby is very much like
a fetus because it needs its mother as well. So the answer would be yes. The fetus is living even if it
is dependent on its mother.
No the question also goes back to the woman herself. Some claim that a woman should be
in complete control of her body. She should choose if she wants to continue bearing the child or
not. It is also argued that the fetus depends on the woman; the woman does not depend on the
While abortion can be explained in some cases such as sexual assault, it is still immoral. As
repeated many times the embryo and fetus have the ability to develop into a child. Whether it is
religious views or political views all would agree to some extent that abortion is unethical.

History and Debate of Abortion. (n.d.).Abortion Debate. Retrieved June 8, 2014, from

Abortion. (n.d.). BBC News. Retrieved June 8, 2014, from

10 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil & Not a 'Pro-Choice'. (n.d.). TFP Student Action. Retrieved June 7,
2014, from

10 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil & Not a 'Pro-Choice'. (n.d.). TFP Student Action. Retrieved June 7,
2014, from

Abortion Statistics - Worldometers. (n.d.).Abortion Statistics - Worldometers. Retrieved June 8, 2014,

Abortion Physical Side Effects | American Pregnanc. (n.d.). American Pregnancy Association. Retrieved
June 7, 2014, from

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