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Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Jakarta 2010!resent
Master of Business Administration "on scholarshi!#.

Uni$ersity o% &n'onesia School o% Hu(anities, Depok 1)))200*
Bachelor of Arts in French studies with emphasis in linguistics.

Professional Achievements
E++onMo,il, Jakarta No$e(,er 2012 - !resent
Government Relations and Issues Management Advisor
Spearheads strategic communication and productive working relationship processes with government
Strategies! plans and e"ecutes relationship management with top government leaders.
Administers senior e"ecutives#management meetings and engagements with top government officials.
Directs advocac$ plans and efforts to ensure %""onMo&il views are communicated effectivel$.
'oordinates issues management process(advising management on emerging issues and relevant current
events with potential impact to the &usiness and advocating ke$ messages#compan$ positions towards
the issues or events(and provides thorough anal$sis and assessment.
Manages intelligence gathering on matters of interest as well as on influential ke$ contacts.

U.S. /e!art(ent o% State, ).S. %m&ass$ Jakarta January 2011 - No$e(,er 2012
Public Affairs & Strategic Communication Advisor
Advocated ).S. *overnment! through its mission in +ndonesia! in strategicall$ promoting and pu&liciing its
works in and contri&utions to +ndonesia! there&$ assisting ).S. Mission in achieving its diplomatic goals.
Managed numerous high,level pu&lic affairs events of the ).S. Mission! including press conferences and
media roundta&les which most of the time involved strategic engagement with ministers and other top
rank officials.
-ed the strategic communication front in ever$ visit &$ ).S. *overnment high rank officials! making sure
the purpose and results of their visit are well communicated and pu&licied to the +ndonesian pu&lic.
.ota&le e"amples/ visits of 0resident 1&ama and Secretar$ of State 'linton.
'oordinated strategic relationship &etween the ).S. diplomats and the +ndonesian media &$ organiing
outreach programs! meetings! discussions! workshops and lectures with the media communit$.

Princi!ia Mana0e(ent Grou!, Jakarta 2 Singapore Se!te(,er 2001 - July 2010
0rincipia Management *roup is consulting,arm of the largest 34)SD1 &illion5 private,e6uit$ fund in +ndonesia!
that originates! e"ecutes! and e"its investment deals across industries in +ndonesia! Singapore! Mala$sia and
Advised Managing 0artners in pre,investment phase through due diligence and research to help their
investment decision.
Structured! documented and e"ecuted investment deals worth more than )SD17 million! working with a
team and reporting to the Managing 0artners.
Administered corporate secretarial 3one the most critical5 part of the investment deal! reporting directl$
to the 'orporate Secretarial Director.
Spearheaded strategic relationship with the pro8ect9s stakeholders! such as the e6uit$ partner! the ke$
suppliers as well as the local government and parliament.
Supervised the corporate social responsi&ilit$ program e"ecution! chairing the 'S: team of 1; people! at
the re6uest of senior management.
0iloted the first,ever emplo$ee suggestion program of which results were used &$ the management to
improve working environment.

< of 3 pages
Directed the first! structured recruitment program! in liaison with the =uman :esources Department.
1versaw translation and editing works which were re6uired in certain pro8ects! &eing the onl$ individual
with translation skill.

House o% Re!resentati$es o% the Re!u,lic o% &n'onesia "/PR R&#, Jakarta January 2001 - Se!te(,er 2001
Foreign Relations Advisor
Managed strategic relationship with foreign part$ 3foreign em&assies! international agencies! foreign
figures! delegates! researchers! speakers and e"perts5
Fronted strategic cooperation and programs with foreign em&assies and international agencies.
'haired a committee that conducted seminars! meetings and discussions to facilitate interfaith! cross,
cultural dialogues &etween +ndonesia and the international communit$.
=eaded a team that conducted translation! editing! interpreting! and liaison works.

Benny H. Hoe', Pro%essor E(eritus o% the 2aculty o% Hu(anities
at Uni$ersity o% &n'onesia, Jakarta Au0ust 200* - Se!te(,er 2001
Assistant Professor
Managed the development and distri&ution of 0rof. =oed9s papers! &ooks! and lecture materials for use in
national and international seminars! workshops! and conferences.
Supervised the research team.

3ranslation 4enter o% the 2aculty o% Hu(anities, Uni$ersity o% &n'onesia, Jakarta July 200* - January 2001
Translator and Editor
1versaw the center in a&sence of the =ead of >ranslation 'enter on da$,to,da$ &asis.
%"pedited translation su&mission da$ &$ improving the coordination with the outsourced translators.
=eaded the administration team! making improvement to the s$stem.
:evived the pu&lication and circulation of Lintas a!asa! a scientific 8ournal which had &een dormant for
'reated the first,ever +ndonesian,%nglish glossar$ of current social! economic! and political terms.

Professional translator, interpreter and editor 2002 - Present
>ranslate! edit and proofread te"ts in +ndonesian! %nglish and French and interpret 3in international events5 for
renowned clients such as/ ?warnas *erakan 0ramuka 3+ndonesian Scout Movement5! ).S. %m&ass$! '+A9s 1pen
Source 'enter! Ministr$ of >ransportation of the :epu&lic of +ndonesia! 0> .issan Motor +ndonesia! 0> San$o
+ndonesia! national >@ stations! prominent e"patriates! post,graduate students! etc.

Other Qualifications
+ndonesian 3native fluenc$! internationall$,certified! admitted translator and interpreter5! Javanese 3native
fluenc$5! %nglish 3advanced! internationall$,certified! admitted translator and interpreter5! French 3advanced!
internationall$,certified! recognied translator 2 interpreter5! Ara&ic 3&eginner5! 'hinese 3&eginner5! Dutch
3&eginner5! *erman 3&eginner5! +talian 3&eginner5! Spanish 3&eginner5.

Bloo(,er0 ter(inal
'ertified user of Bloom&erg s$stem.

Microso%t 7in'o8s
'ertified user of Microsoft 1ffice.

S ) : J 1 * A . % S = A

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Social and Community Contributions
Junior 4ha(,er &nternational "J4&# - Jakarta 'hapter January 2010 - 2011
"ice President
J'+ is international organiation of $oung leaders. See www.8ci.cc5.

Research 4enter %or Syste( an' /e$elo!(ent "R4S/#, Jakarta January-/ece(,er 2001
Communication #irector

Policy an' 5a8 &nstitute %or Goo' Go$ernance "Poli00#, Jakarta 2009 - Present

Hi(!unan Pener:e(ah &n'onesia "&n'onesian 3ranslators Association#, Jakarta Au0ust 200; - Present

A?ritik >er8emahan Artikel Dwi&ahasaB 3'ritical :eview of a Bilingual Article5 in Lintas a!asa! Jakarta 200*
Lintas a!asa is a 8ournal pu&lished &$ the >ranslation 'enter and is widel$ known among professional

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