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DCS-932L Firmware Release Notes

Upgrading Instructions:......................................................................................2
New Features:...................................................................................................2
Problems Fixed:................................................................................................3
Known Issues:..................................................................................................3
Related Documentation:.....................................................................................
Firmware Version: !".#$%b2
Prom Code Version:
Published Date: 2#"3&"2&2'
DCS-932L Firmware Release Notes
Revision History and System Requirement:
Firmware Version Date odel !ardware Version
(".#$%b2 2#"3&"2&2' D)*+,32- ."
(".#'%b 2#"3&2&2# D)*+,32- ."
(".#/%b/ 2#"2&""&", D)*+,32- ."
(".#%b/ 2#"2&,&3 D)*+,32- ."
Upgrading Instructions:
Follow t0e steps below to upgrade t0e 1irmware:
". Download t0e latest 1irmware 1ile 1rom t0e D+-in2 website. 30e 1ile is in .bin 1ile 1ormat.
2. -og+in camera web UI and enter setup&4aintenance&Firmware upgrade
3. )lic2 5rowse6 and speci17 t0e 1irmware 1ile.
3. )lic2 Upgrade. 30e camera starts to upgrade and will reboot automaticall7 w0en t0e
upgrade completes.
New Features:
New Features
!".#$%b2 1. Add schedule feature for motion detection function.
2. NTP source port chane to port 12!
!. Add user can confiure interval settin for motion detection of mail"ftp.
#. $ser account name is limit as: %&'( a&)( A&*( +.,( +&+( +-,.
.. $pdate /ydlin0 aent to v2.%.11&2!1
3. 4imit +Auto, 5TP imae frequency not over . frames"second.
!".#'%b Firmware V1.06_b4 is only supported by wiard !1.0".10 or abo!e.
1. 6hane ma7imum admin pass8ord lenth( from 9 characters to !% characters.
2. 6hane PPPo: retry timin( retry connection on !% seconds interval till connect.
!. Ne8 Active; to support lon admin pass8ord.
#. <efault time chane to 2%1!&%1&%1
.. 6hane =R 4:< Niht to <ay s8itch timin to 1 seconds.
!".#/%b/ 1. Add mydlin0 aent version displayed on >e2 $=.
DCS-932L Firmware Release Notes
2. $pdate ?ava proram to support ne8 m@pe streamin format
!. 6hane NTP request timin
(".#%b/ 1. $prade ne8 mydlin0 aent to v2.%.13&2#
2. Secure the confiuration file 8ith the ne8 chaned encryption method.
!. Remove t8o >e2A$= Hidden Paes for R< develop usin.
#. Remove the Telnet <aemon 8ill 2e activated a2out . seconds 8hen the <evice is
.. Remove the hidden 5TP server.
#roblems Fi$ed:
Problems Fi"ed
!".#$%b2 1. 5i7ed ip tas0 8ill 2e restarted issue on <H6P rene8 time.
2. 5i7ed :&mail"5TP cannot 2e started issue if motion detection is ena2led first.
!. 5i7ed $pnP issue 8ith <=R&9234 router
#. The ma7 lenth of Admin pass8ord chane to !2 characters
!".#/%b/ ". Fixed ios' li(e (iew 0ang issue 8 modi17 m9peg streaming 1ormat
2. Fixed sometimes startup 9a(a (iew 1ailed on :in $ ; I<,
3. Fixed li(e (iew issue i1 0ttp port is c0anged to "23/.
. Fixed li(e (iew streaming cannot pass t0roug0 router=s (irtual ser(er.
/. Fixed e+mail loss issue w0en li(e (iew t0e camera.
(".#%b/ 1. 5i7ed the live stream canBt display 8hen usin the https connection.
2. 5i7ed 2ad audio streamin on !A internet access.
%nown Issues:
#nown $ssues
DCS-932L Firmware Release Notes
&elated 'ocumentation:

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