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Pre - Listening.

Schema Activation. Introducing Questions

a) What is the most correct address that you can give from the college you
b) What were the places inside the college (buildings) that you liked the
c) Do you remember where they were located?

Main - Activity.

Part 1. According to the audio you just listened, mark with a T/F(True or
False) the correct answer.

1. The entrance to the college is on the north side of the campus.
2. Across from the students Services Center is the Learning
Resources Center.________
3. The snack bar is on the left, across from Theater Arts. _______
4. The Music building is between Physical Science and the
Humanitys building. ________
5. In the humanitys building there are classes of chemistry,
anthropology, sociology and political sciences. ________
6. The college garden is a great place to play with your friends.

Part 2. Based on the audio The City College, fill in the blanks with the correct word
in the text below.

The City College
Hi! Im Cassy Lee, and Ill be your guide on this tour of city college. Welcome! Ill show
around and then Ill tell you a little about one of my favorite places.
Here you see a map of City College. Please follow along with me, right now we are at
the entrance to the college, its on the south side of the campus. Go north on college
way, just a little on your left you see the____________________. This is a good place
to start; this is where new students get information about the college. A across from
the students Services Center is the Learning Resources Center. Then next to the
Learning Resources Center, is the library, its a beautiful new building. Across from the
library, on your left you see the bookstore. The _________is next to the bookstore is
between the bookstore and Theater Arts. Now, if you continue north, youll come to
the corner of college way and valley walk, on your right is the Arts Center, I love that
place! Next to that is a___________, and then on your right is the Social Science
building, classes and psychology, anthropology, sociology and political sciences are in
here in the Social Science building. Now, lets go left or west a little, across college
way, on your left, is the_________________, here there are classes of chemistry,
geology, and engineering. The Music building is between Physical Science and the
Humanitys building .Do you see it? Students get wonderful concerts in the Music
building every month.
In the humanitys building there are classes, and languages, history and film. Across
from Humanities on valley walk, is the Automoto Technology Center, here students
learn to repair cars. Next to_______________ is the Life Science building, here in Life
Science there are classes and subjects like biology and food science. Lets move of
college way to the north side of the campus. Here is the PE building. Do you see it over
there in the corner? Of course the gym is here in the PE building, and you see the
tennis core and track and there next to the PE building is a wonderful place, the
college garden, its a quit place to sit and_______________, spring is the best season
in the garden! Its full of flowers then. So thats our campus! I hope you can come and
visit it in person.

Part 3. Fact Sheet. Complete the chart above with the correct information from the
audio The City College.

The City College

The entrance of the college is __________ of the campus.

Its a beautiful new building ___________________

In the Social Science building you
will find classes of
- anthropology
- political sciences

In the Physical Science building you
will find classes of
- geology

Students get wonderful concerts
_____________ building

The college garden its a quit place
- Sit
- Meditate

Post - Activity

Critical thinking

Based on the audio, collect information of the location of every building is
mentioned. Locate every single building or classroom in your own
university and locate them in a specific way.

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