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Boiler Erection

Surendra Singh Kushwaha
Date: 13/01/2007


Column erection

Pressure part erection


The boiler presently in use are hanging type.

The column are broken up during manufacture

into several pieces and transported to site

Where it is pre assembled in two or three pieces

and erected.

Utmost care is taken in the preassembly stage

to maintain the matching of the of the column
end faces and to achieve vertically well within
the tolerance limit
C!"UM# $%$CT&!#

'erticality is single most important factor

and is given top priority

The ma(imum column verticality is )*mm.

!nce the column erection is over up to the

full height cross beams are placed
securely over the column which supports
the main boiler
C!"UM# $%$CT&!#

&n order to carry out this +ob special

erection tool like cranes with e(tra long
boom to carry heavy loads at that height
are used.

,fter cross beam erection- entire structure

is ade.uately braced to achieve sufficient
C!"UM# $%$CT&!#

%!ESS&!E %'!#

3( 'd)antage and *ea+ness o, "onstruction -ethod
Moduli/ation 0 Concurrence Moduli/ation 0 Concurrence
Construction Methods Construction Methods
Many years of e(perience and 1now2ow
To utili/e standard data 03ata base
%eduction design M02
Curtailment of 404 materials
%eduction manufacturing0installation cost
"ong time for completion
$arlier completion through Moduli/ation
0Concurrence Construction

Competitive time for completion
&ncreasing $.uipment 0 Construction "abor
"ong duration for 404 design
and Complicated design
&ncreasing Module temporary material and
404 materials 5about 6*7 8
2igh risk of safety accident due to lots of
at the high elevation
"ay down ,rea need for preass9y at site
Typical Construction Method Typical Construction Method

2( "o0.arison o, "onstruction -ethods
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod #y.ical "onstruction -ethod
-oduli1ation / "oncurrence -oduli1ation / "oncurrence
"onstruction -ethods "onstruction -ethods
:oiler installation after completion of 404
Concurrent construction of 404 and :oiler
Unit "ifting and installation
4ite assembly of :oiler e.uipment
;round assembly < =*7-
,ssembly after installation < >*7
Using ordinary construction lifting device
4eparate installation of 404 ?Tier @ 6 Tier
with :ottomUp method
Core Arame- 4ubsidiary 404 and :oiler
installation at the same time
"ifting after Moduli/tion on the ground- $rection
Using special "ifting device <
2ydraulic +ack to be able to lift Module
Planning and scheduling for concurrent
construction se.uence Planning
404 Moduli/ation on the ground
4ite assembly of :oiler e.uipment
;round assembly < )*7-
,ssembly after installation < D*7

660MW x 2 Units 660MW x 2 Units
Moduli/ation 0 ConcurrenceConstruction Methods Typical Construction Method
Boiler weight Boiler weight
Main Proper 5,643tons Main Proper 5,643tons
15.5 Momth 15.5 Momth
Dration Dration
!"#" at site$%iring& !"#" at site$%iring&
"#" ',1'1tons "#" ',1'1tons
(6m x 41m x 41m (6m x 41m x 41m ) x W x D ) x W x D
560MW x 2 Units 560MW x 2 Units
Boiler weight Boiler weight
Main Proper 5,103tons Main Proper 5,103tons
1''0.0(.16$1''2.0*.14 1''0.0(.16$1''2.0*.14
!25 M& !25 M&
Dration Dration
!"#" at site$%iring& !"#" at site$%iring&
"#" 5,200tons "#" 5,200tons
(6m x 3(m x 42m (6m x 3(m x 42m ) x W x D ) x W x D
Compare to Main Erection Process

i,ting S/S a,ter .re2'ss3y "ore 4ra0e
on the ground
%re2asse05ling %ressure %arts
Se.arately li,ting S#/S#!
%ressure %arts un,urnished
',ter Starting ',ter Starting
Work 4tand 1+ier
6 6
6 6
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

',ter installation o, S/S "ore 4ra0e to install
%ressure %anel and su5sidiary2S/S at the sa0e ti0e
"oil -oduli1ation on the ground
"o0.letion S/S 2 tier
2 0onth a,ter 2 0onth a,ter
starting S/S starting S/S
6 6
6 6
6 6
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

7ea)y 8irder 7ea)y 8irder
i,ting i,ting
S/S 7ea)y 8irder installation
9&sing "rane:
; 0onth a,ter starting S/S
In the .rocess o, -oduli1ation o,
Boiler 4urnace < Bac+ %ass on the ground
S/S 7ea)y 8irder installation 9&sing "rane:
2 0onth a,ter Starting S/S
2eavy ;irder
Module ,ss9y
on the ;round
6 6
2eavy ;irder
6 6
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

D!&- D!&-
i,ting i,ting
=(> 0onth earlier in co0.arison with #y.ical -ethod
?Dru0 li,ting .oint@
S/S "ore 4ra0e design ,or Boiler load su..ort
-odule wor+ on the ground and concurrence installation
o, S/S and Boiler
',ter co0.letion o, S/S 1A> tiers
starting .ressure .arts installation
7(> 0onth a,ter starting S/S
',ter S/S "ore 4ra0e / 7ea)y 8irder co0.letion
starting su52S/S installation and
20B o, %ressure .arts installation
3 0onth a,ter starting S/S
"ifting using
2ydraulic Eack
Pressure Parts
assembly on the
6 6
6 6
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

',ter Dru0 ',ter Dru0
li,ting li,ting
"o0.letion o, S/S installation
Se.arate installation o, Boiler %ressure
.arts 9&sing *inch:
Bac+ %ass 0odule asse05ly on the ground
i,ting a,ter Boiler "oil -odule wor+
9&sing 7ydraulic Cac+:
i,ting a,ter Su52S/S 0odule asse05ly
6 6
)/3rali2 4a25
6 6 ,oil Mo3le
Ba25 pass Mo3le
assem0l/ on the
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

Bac+ %ass Bac+ %ass
i,ting i,ting
"o0.letion o, S/S installation
Se.arate installation o, Boiler Bac+ %ass
9&sing *inch:
1;(> 0onth a,ter starting S/S
>0 B co0.letion o, total S/S installation
"oncurrent i,ting Boiler Bac+ %ass and
S/S Su..ort 9&sing 7ydraulic Cac+ Syste0:
D(> 0onth a,ter starting S/S
)/3rali2 4a25
6 6
6 6
Ba25 pass
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

7ydro #est 7ydro #est
E 0onth earlier in co0.arison with Sa0chun.o
?7ydro test .oint@
Installation S/S 'uF( a,ter 7ydro test
8round -odule asse05ly and S/S < Boiler concurrent construction
"o0.letion o, S/S installation
"o0.letion o, Boiler .ressure .arts
1E 0onth a,ter starting S/S
;0 B co0.letion o, total S/S installation
100B co0.letion o, Boiler .ressure .arts
10 0onth a,ter starting S/S
6 6
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

4irst 4iring 4irst 4iring
E 0onth earlier in co0.arison with #y.ical -ethod
?4irst ,iring .oint@
8round -odule asse05ly and S/S < Boiler
concurrent construction
"o0.letion o, S/S installation
"o0.letion o, Boiler installation
2=(> 0onth a,ter starting S/S
"o0.letion o, S/S installation
"o0.letion o, Boiler installation
1>(> 0onth a,ter starting S/S
#y.ical "onstruction -ethod -oduli1ation/"oncurrent Erection -ethod

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

&nstall 2eavy
;irder after
Panel $rection
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

-ssem0le ;) %inal <
") %inal +0e Mo3le
-ssem0le ;) %inal <
") %inal +0e Mo3le
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Jack for
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

pipes !6ea&
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Assemble Back Pass Module
(Hanger rods, roof panel, !"H#
Prepare the
-ssem0ling o7
") D:?. Mo3le
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

6i7t the "01
assem0le3 ")
D:?. Mo3le
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Install the Jack
for SHP & RHP
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Install the Jack
for Back Pass
Module Lifting
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Install the Wire
for Back Pass
Module Lifting
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

$%st ifting
Back Pass
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

-ssem0le the
Ba25 Pass
Wall Panel
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

42 tube
"ower panel lifting
,rch lifting
,ssemble :ack
Pass "T%2
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

-ssem0le @2o
+0e, @2o )ea3er
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Back Pass
&inal ifting
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

Install the
Burner windbox
Low water !anel
Ho!!er !anel
Water inlet header
Suction inlet !i!ing"
"e8en2e o7 Mo3li9ation # ,on2rrent :nstallation

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