Report Writing 1

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Report Writing

The word report is derived from Latin word reportare which

means to carry back. Reports are the result of careful thinking,
sound investigation, logical organization and clear writing.
" report is a formal document written for a definite purpose. #t
contains a description of a problem, its analysis, conclusions drawn
on the basis of analysis and recommendations if necessary.
The task of a report is to present a case. #n order to do its $ob well
it must be!
Types of Reports
Reports are either oral or written. "n Oral Report is a face to face
communication. 'ence, it lacks validity and authenticity. There is
always an element of e(aggeration or misinterpretation involved in
the nature of this report.
" written report in contrast, is more accurate and permanent. The
facts and ideas presented are e(act. There is no scope for
e(aggeration, as the facts and data can be verified by anyone. "lso,
it can be referred to again and again. This type of report is formal
in nature and is written as per a fi(ed format.
)ormal Reports can be classified as!
*+,%rogress Reports
*-,Laboratory Reports
*.,#nspection Reports
*/,#nventory Reports
*0,"nnual 1onfidential Reports on 2mployees. *1.R.,
Progress Reports
These reports are written to give information on long&term pro$ects
or work.
)or eg!
The pro$ect of construction of flyover.
Layout of a residential colony.
Report on the progress of the work, resources spent, time available
or re3uired is taken care of in progress reports. " student
undertaking a research pro$ect has to submit a periodic report!
*a,4ame of the work or pro$ect
*b, Total work to be completed
*c,5ork completed to date
*d, 5ork to be completed
*e,%ossible date of completion
*f, Remarks
*g, 6ignature of person submitting the report
Laboratory reports
"s students of science and engineering, you have to perform a
number of e(periments in the laboratory. 7ou have to select the
right e3uipment, arrange it appropriately, observe and record the
processes, reactions and readings in a correct manner. This is
necessary to arrive at right inferences. The observations and
findings of specific investigation and e(perimentation have to be
recorded in a logical manner. 5ithout this the validity of the work
will be under 3uestion. The information is presented in the
following way!
*ii, 2(periment 4o.
*iii, ate
*iv, 6tatement of ob$ects
*v, "pparatus used
*vi, 8ethod or %rocedure used
*vii, 9bservations
*viii, 1onclusions
*i(, %recautions
*(, 6ignature
Inspection Reports
There are two types of inspection reports!
*a, The inspection of a machine or e3uipment to check the
functioning, repairs:replacement re3uired are the concern of this
report. This is done either as a routine or upon the receipt of a
*b, #n order to maintain 3uality of products, the 3uality control
section or department in a company inspects the various products
manufactured there.
Inventory Reports
2very organization whether it be an office, institution or an
industrial organization has to take stock of the e3uipment,
furniture, stationary etc. either at regular intervals, or before the
end of the annual calendar. The person inspecting then enters the
findings in a prescribed form.
Annual Confidential Reports of Employees (CR!
"ll the organizations make a periodic evaluation of the
performance of the general behaviour of their employees. These
assessments form the basis for increments, promotion, transfer etc.
The $udging may parameters include!
6pecial achievements etc.
The steps you need to follow while writing a report are!
1ollect the material
%lan the report
"rrange the material in order
raft the report
2dit it
8ake a final copy
" report has three main parts. #t may include four or more
elements depending on the purpose of writing it and the intended
'eading *Report on <,
%art + should contain
+. "n introduction
-. the ob$ective:the terms of reference: the procedure
%art - should contain
+. the body of the report
-. the findings
%art . should contain
+. the conclusion
-. the recommendations if asked for
Reports should preferably be written in the third person. #t is good
to use the passive form of the verb where the process being
described is more important than the person carrying it out.
There are four main kinds of reports you might have to write more
+. " newspaper Report
-. " report on an event or function
.. " report on a science e(periment or lab procedure
/. " business report
The checklist for each of these reports is mentioned as under!
"e#spaper Report
*a,5hat happened
*b, 5here it happened
*c,5hen it happened
*d, 'ow it happened
*e,The people involved in the event
*f, The comments of the people:evidences from people
*g, The conclusion
Event or $unction
*a,The nature of the event
*b, The occasion
*c,The date:the time:the place
*d, The chief guest
*e,The programme description
*f, The comment on the programme
*g, The conclusion
%usiness Report
*a,The heading
*b, The name and designation of the person to whom it is
*c,The name and the designation of the person who is
submitting it
*d, The date of submission
*e,The terms of reference
*f, The procedure& collection of data or research
*g, Recommendation
*h, 6ignature and designation of the reporting person
*i, The appendices or procedures if any.
Sample: Newspaper Report
8umbai, +-
"ugust -==>
elayed trains and heavy traffic were the seasons greetings for the
8umbai people on Tuesday, as the first showers of the monsoon
poured down on the city.
Trains on the 1entral Railway, including the 'arbour line, were
delayed by +0 to -= minutes through most of the day, but 5estern
Railways were on time. )looding was reported in +/ areas of the
city including %owai ?unction, @ikhroli Link Road. 1hronic spots,
like 8ilan subway, the Aandivili subway, Aings circle and 4ana
1howk, remained unaffected, but the subway near "ndheri was
flooded by early morning and had to be kept closed for most of the
"t least B= cases of fallen trees and circuits were reported from
across the city, said fire brigade officials. "lso, a wall collapsed at
the 6ewri crossroad, in$uring two people who were admitted to
A28 hospital.
Times "e#s "et#or*
&ample+ ,
Template: Newspaper Report: generic example
The Task: Write a newspaper report about an imaginary
event involving the heroic deed of a school student.
Wren Rescues Ringtail
Ollie -ones in %risbane
Twelve year old student, ?illy
5ren climbed .= feet to rescue a
Ring&tailed %ossum today.
Tree loppers had been removing
trees at 5est ;ank 6chool to
create a new concrete play area.
uring morning tea, students
spied the possum peering out from
a lopped hollow branch.
C?illy $ust shimmied way up the
tree with her school bag and came
down with a little possum
thumping around inside it,D said
school mate, ?ack Aomninos.
%rincipal, 8s "nne 5atson,
alerted National Parks and Wild
Life. 5ith the help of the tree
loppers, the wild life officers
rescued si( more ring&tailed
possums from hollows in trees
lopped for felling.
"ll the possums are reported to
be in good condition and are
being cared for at the ;risbane
)orest %ark. " suggested plan to
relocate the possums in the school
environs will involve refashioning
of the hollowed tree trunks as part
of an environmental sculpture
8r 'arry ;ean, who was on play
ground duty when ?illy 5ren
climbed the tree, fainted and is
receiving medical attention for
concussion and stress.
?illy 5ren used a coconut tree
climbing techni3ue know as the
frog to rescue the possum.
The young heroine was
unavailable for interview.
"ccording to ?ack Aomninos, ?illy
was on detention for being in a
strictly out of bounds area.
Sample: Event Report
4ew elhi, -
8arch -==>
7esterday a seminar on CThe #mportance of ;lood onationD was
organized by "ll #ndia 8edical 6cience 4ew elhi. 4ear about .=
delegates of good repute from different states and /== doctors
attended the seminar. The Enion health 8inister pointed out the
importance of blood for our life. 'e revealed that a single drop of
blood can save the precious life of a dying man. The 8edical
6uperintendent stated that by donating blood they were not inviting
any ailment or deficiency of any kind in the body. #t is the mental
or psychological whim that a donor possesses in his:her mind
about some weakness. The seminar concluded that masses should
be educated to donate blood.
8r. Ravindra

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