Social Media Marketing Strategy

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The number-one reason consumers interact with brands on social

media is to get coupons and promotions (78 percent of consumers),
but they also want to learn about the latest news and new products
from brands (65 percent). Encourage fans to share the coupons, news
and promotions to spread the word. (SmallBizTrends)
1.) Participationinvolve your followers in your content. Pose questions to them, get
feedback from them to allow for a more socially active platform for your brand.
2.) Anticipationet them e!cited about your brand. Post short video clips that lead up
to a big announcement, add teasers for upcoming events or products, to get the
momentum going for your followers.
".) Coordinationetting followers. fans, likes is great but if your not giving other
people in your market shine then its pointless. #hink of this strategy as one hand
scratching the other, if you are a designer and have an awesome stylist who puts
together your lookbook or fashion show them give them a shoutout and have other
people follow them and so forth. $n return you are getting your brand e!posure as
well as helping others and the cycle will %ust continue.
1.) &a!imum #raffic ' (eaching &ultiple #ime )ones**Post your articles, videos, etc
more than once. +opefully you have followers all over the world and if you are on
,ast -oast time and post something when most of your followers in that time .one
are heading to work checking their phone that/s great but those that are on the 0est
-oast are still sleeping and probably wont see it. 1on/t flood peoples timelines with
the same information but put it out there to increase traffic to what you are posting.
2.) 2ew 3ollowersif you have a lot of new followers, share some of your old articles,
posts, videos, etc so they know what your brand is about. 4se this cool tool to track the growth of your followers on #witter.
+ost a #witter chat, if used effectively and getting your audience to participate you can
make your brand6business a trusted voice and encourage your followers to return and
spread the word to their followers about you.
4sing key word trends to help people find your chat or participate will allow new
opportunities for your business to e!plore with your followers.
3ill in those bios7 &ake sure you use keywords that you want to be associated with how
people can find you. 8lso use key words for people who you want to follow you.
9EXAMPLE5 3ashion ,nthusiast. :38;+$<20<(=1. 1esigner. ,ntrepreneur.
;tylist, 3ollowed by ,ditor in -hief of >ogue, ' ?eyonce ;tylist #y +unter)
#weet away7 (etweet as well. ;tudies have shown that the more you tweet, the more
followers you/re likely to have 9users who have written under 1@@@ tweets typically have
fewer than 1@@ followers, while those who have tweeted more than 1@,@@@ times usually
have followings of between 1@@@*A@@@ people). #witter will help bring in new customers,
by a margin of BCD according to 3orbes users are more likely to buy from brands they
follow on #witter.
Connctin!" when using #witter make sure you connect with people that can connect
you with other user, and amplifiers 9term used for twitter users who constantly share
content of others, retweeting)
1o live tweetsne!t time you are at an event, hosting a show, doing a tradeshow
whatever it is =ive tweet it7 $t shows real time events and engages your audience.
?uy twitter advertisement to get traffic to your page and increase followers
0ant to get people to ElikeF your page, 8;G7 ;end those invites to get people to like
your page and to tell a friend to like it to.
Hoin facebook communities that relate to what you are marketing towards. $f you are a
local fashion designer in the 2I- area they have 3? pages for that, %oin those groups and
connect with others in those online communities.
Post e*deals, you ever see those ElikeF this page and get an automatic 1@D off for like
?ath ' ?ody 0orks, whatever company you have give stuff away to get traffic to your
?uy a facebook ad 9like #witter) to increase traffic to your 3? page and get the word out
there on those google searches, search engine optimi.ation, etc.
0hatever you post on $nstagram should be consistent 9as far as photos go) with that you
have on your 3acebook page. Posting cool photos, video clips etc should be connecting to
your facebook page so that way people see that you are engaged on all social media
platforms, and they can also know to follow you on those other pages.
#he most popular channel is 3acebook, where AA percent of consumers engage with
brands, followed by #witter 921 percent) and Pinterest 91@ percent).
W'at() Trndin!" everything deals with hastags now a days and staying relevant on all
social media topics is key, so this website allows you to tracks whats trending in real time
by topics or hashtags5
+ave photo contesthaving people regram a photo that talks about your brand will
increase followers
1o a paid advertisement
;hare interesting photos often5 3rom inspirational quotes, cool facts, places, behind the
scenes videos, upcoming pro%ects or events, etc.
#ag6mention your followers in your postings5 people love to get notifications that
someone mentioned them
3ind influential social media EcelebritiesF in your industry and follow them, a lot of times
they have in their bios for inquiries or for a shoutout email such and such, that/s a great
way to get your brand6product in front of their thousands of followers and now gain more
followers for you
8ccording to 3orbes, $nstagram is handily beating Pinterest in terms of user engagement
and J of daily users.
-ame out on 2@11 but already has seen a 2AD increase in users. $f ;earch ,ngine
<ptimi.ation 9;,<) is important for you, like if you have a store front then getting on
oogle Plus will be another way to use social media for your business. 0hen you
actively post on oogle K you will essentially receive free ad space when users search for
you on oogle.
;hare relevant content through your oogle Plus account to increase your search ranking
and make your business more visible to your target market. 1oes your small business
have a physical address and do you want to draw in local customersL $f so, then you
should consider setting up a Places listing, along with your oogle Plus account.
oogle +angouts is part of oogle K it allows Eface to faceF meetings with staff,
potential clients to EseeF you, meetings on the go etc. $t adds to the customer service
factor of your brand to a world so connected to technology.
Particularly with the recent changes to 3acebook/s 2ewsfeed 8lgorithm and their
statements about marketers needing to pay for traffic, the ad free environment of oogleK
is a breath of fresh air.
#ruly organic platform where brands who create and promote the best quality content
will be the winners. 8lso, unlike 3acebook, where currently only BD of brand posts ever
make it into your audience/s newsfeed without paid promotion, every oogleK update
makes it into your follower feeds
$dentify groups with members who are prospective clients or influencers in your industry
and then create content such as articles, how*toMs, guides and blog posts that feature
sub%ects relevant to that group.
=inked$n is the who knows who that can help me get to where $ want to be, 9Hohn may
know Gatie who owns her own boutique and is looking for someone like I<4 so she can
be a potential buyer and feature your stuff in her store.)
4pdate your status daily, a few times weekly or as often as possible. Iou can share
quotes, interesting links to articles and websites, and ask questions. #his positions you as
a resource and keeps your business visible.
Geep your =inked$n profile updated7 Post videos and photos on your page to show people
what you are about and what you offer.
?uilding your connections and keeping your account updated, you can get the attention of
potential clients and customers
Iour followers6customers obviously are always on their phonesN the new wave of
retail6sales is te!t messaging. +ow cool would it be to get a coupon or notice about a sale
from your favorite brandL #here is an app that small business owners can use called
#e!t&arks http566www.te! it lets you reach your customers quickly and
o ,) #e!ting has the same effect5 http566www.e.te!ting.com6sms*marketing*small*
#here is an app called ?elly that keeps track of your customers purchases and sends them
free rewards after O amount of purchases, if you reward
loyalty it gets customers to shop &<(, and they will #,== their friends and so forth
that you get rewarded for shopping with your company. 0ord of mouth is still one of the
best forms of 3(,, advertising when it comes to getting the bu.. out about your

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