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International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Communications

(ICITEC-2012), March 3 4, 2012, Bangalore, India

International Academic and Industrial Research (IAIR) 66

Autonomous, Self-Learning, Electronic Blending Machine for Manufacture of Energy
Crystals from Nano Colloids


Department of EEE
Sona College of Technology
Salem, India.
Founder and CEO
Bangalore, India

ABSTRACT This project is all about creating a tray with vibrators at different distances from each other. The tray is used
for blending different Nano-colloids to form a new type of alloy which when crystallizes, forms a different crystal which emits
vibration. The tray fitted with vibrators at different points will receive the different NANO colloids from the ingredient
containers. Blending will happen depending on the magnitude of the motors vibration. Thus for each type of vibration, different
colloids can be formed. The sequence of activation of vibration and the magnitude of vibration will be tough only once to the
machine. Thereafter the machine will act autonomously and activate the motors in the same sequence as taught to it. The
machine can be re taught to work for different sequence and magnitude of vibration, so that the same machine can be used for
producing different alloy.
Key Words - Micro-controller, Flash Memory, Arduino, Blending of Nano-Colloids, IDE, Vibration Motors, Modes of
Operation, Energy Crystals.


(a) Why Energy Crystals?

The greatest value of energy crystals is their use in healing.
They have been known for their curative effects when used in
preparation of tinctures; for their protective characteristics
when worn as amulets and talismans. They are also known for
their ability to enhance the energy fields of the body as they
emit uniform vibrations. They have the power of a living
Although it is said, that there are no powers whatsoever in
the crystal because it is a neutral object, its inner structure
exhibits a state of perfection and balance. When a crystal is
cut to the proper form, and the human mind enters into a
relationship with its structural perfection, the crystal emits a

vibration which extends and amplifies the powers of the
healers mind.
Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent and highly
concentrated form, which may be transmitted into objects or
people. [9, 10, 11]

(b) Elucidating the colors of transition of materials:

The crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) is the
stability that results from placing a transition metal ion in the
crystal field generated by a set of ligands. It arises due to the
fact that when the d-orbitals are split in a ligand field, some of
thembecome lower in energy than before with respect to a
spherical field known as the barycenter in which all five d-
International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Communications
(ICITEC-2012), March 3 4, 2012, Bangalore, India

International Academic and Industrial Research (IAIR) 67

orbitals are degenerate. Crystal Field stabilization is
applicable to transition-metal complexes of all geometries.
Indeed, the reason that many d
complexes are square-
planar is that very large amount of crystal field stabilization is
produced with this number of electrons.[ 9 ]
(c) Few issues to be considered for the future
development of Nano materials:

i) Development of synthesis and/or fabrication methods
for raw materials (powders) as well as for the
NANO structured materials.
ii) Better understanding of the influence of the size of
building blocks in NANO structured materials as
well as the influence of microstructure on the
physical, chemical and mechanical properties of
this material.
iii) Better understanding of the influence of interfaces on
the properties of Nano structured material.
iv) Development of concepts for NANO structured
materials and in particular their elaboration. [ 5 ]

Here we have made an attempt to correlate the
improvements in the material properties that are achieved due
to the fine microstructures arising fromthe size of the grains
and dimensionality in the manufacture of energy crystals,
using an autonomous blending machine.


The entire equipment is placed in an isolated chamber,
wherein, we have the hexagonal crystallizing unit. The tray is
fitted with vibrators on four sides, named as UP, DOWN,
LEFT and RIGHT. It is placed on a flat surface as shown in
figure 1. There are four nozzles that are above the tray, near to
the vibrators. These nozzles face downwards, directing into
the hexagonal tray. They transfer the NANO colloid solution
into the tray. Each nozzle pours out different colloid. The
crystallizing tray receives them into it. Depending on the
magnitude of vibration of the vibrators, the colloids will blend
in the crystallizing block, at the centre. After that the crystal
formed is checked for its properties. Here, they have only one
regulator to vary the magnitude of vibration for all the four

Now the problemis that when we have to activate the
motors in sequence and decide the magnitude of vibration, for
each blending process, we have to find the existing property
of the trail crystal more accurately. Moreover, when we want
more than one crystal exactly of the same quality, we cannot
remember the sequence and magnitude of vibration every
time, we repeat the process. Even if we do remember, we
cannot be so accurate.

Fig.1. Experimental set-up.

Thus we need a device wherein,
1. We will teach only once, on how to activate the motors
(what sequence and what magnitude).
2. Once we ask the machine to replay, it should reproduce
what it was taught.
3. We may re-teach the machine when we want to
manufacture a different crystal.


When we have to satisfy all the above needs, there
requires a need to retrieve the data fed before once the user
feels the output obtained fromthe previous version is perfect.
So there emphasis a need of a memory storage device, to store
and retrieve data when required. So we had to design a system
as shown in figure 2. Thus this project is all about creating an
autonomous blending machine.
We have come up with a solution to produce many
crystals with different Nano-colloids of same manufacturing
process. Here there are four vibration motors mechanically
coupled to the tray as already discussed in problemstatement
earlier. Each motor is to be activated by a corresponding
Thus, the machine will act in two modes, LEARN
and REPLAY. There are four buttons, which will activate the
four vibration motors. These motors are responsible for the
blending action. These motors are actually mechanically
International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Communications
(ICITEC-2012), March 3 4, 2012, Bangalore, India

International Academic and Industrial Research (IAIR) 68

coupled to the ingredient containers. The magnitude of
vibration of the motors vibration decides the proportion of the
ingredients blending.
As long as the switch is pressed the motor will be
activated. When the machine is put in learn mode, it will learn
the sequence in which the motors are activated, for that
duration and magnitude it should vibrate, and it will store the
same data in the EEPROM. Once it is put in replay mode, it
will automatically exhibit all the activities that it has learnt in
the learn mode.

Fig.2. Architecture of Embedded System.
To re-teach the machine, the clear button can be
pressed and the total memory can be cleared. Then again the
machine can be re-taught the working. Thus the machine can
be easily re-programmed by the user itself, as required.
The software used here is Arduino. Arduino is a
hardware platform built around ATMEGA series micro-
controllers fromAtmel. Here the circuits are open source, so
anybody can build an Arduino board and market it for free.
The IDE needed to programthe Arduino board is also open
source software built on java. Arduino can take inputs,
compute them and give outputs that are meant for any
embedded system.
The Arduino comprises of two major parts;
(i) The Arduino board, which is the piece of hardware
we work on when we build our objects.
(ii) The Arduino IDE, the piece of software we run on
our system. We use an IDE to create a sketch
that is to be uploaded on the Arduino board. Te
sketch tells the board what to do.

There are three different kinds of versions in Arduino. They
(ii) Arduino NANO
(iii) Arduino MEGA

In this project, we have used Arduino UNO, which has
14 Digital IO pins, 6 Analog Input pins and 6 Analog Output
pins, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power
jack, and a reset button. The ATMEGA328 has a flash
memory of 32 KB. It also has a 2KB of SRAM, and 1KB of
EEPROM. [1,2]
Arduino hardware is programmed using an Arduino
software where in the coding is written in simple basic C
language, as shown in figure 3. It is then uploaded to the
board via the USB cable.

Fig.3. Firmware Development using Arduino IDE.

There are four vibration motors that will be activated
according to a key press in the keypad. A regulator decides the
magnitude of vibration. There will be a switch named
LEARN. When this switch is ON, the device will learn the
key press.
International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Communications
(ICITEC-2012), March 3 4, 2012, Bangalore, India

International Academic and Industrial Research (IAIR) 69

Fig.4. Appearance of Control Panel.
The control panel is as shown in figure 4. We have
the learn, re-play, clear buttons. In learn mode, the device
records the sequence in which the motors are to be activated
and the duration for which each motor is activated. There is
another switch called REPLAY, through which the device
activates the motors automatically, in the sequence and
duration as recorded in the LEARN mode. On the whole, we
are to make a device that will activate the four motors
depending on the key press in a four switch keypad. There are
four keys in the keypad, if we press key one, motor one will
be activated and similarly the other motors. The magnitude of
vibration is decided by a regulator. This is MANUAL mode.
The second mode is LEARN mode, where the
sequence and duration of key press is recorded into a memory
location. This is done when the LEARN switch is kept ON.
The third mode is the REPLAY mode, where the
stored memory locations are read where the sequence and
duration of activation of motor is recorded in LEARN mode
which will be automatically replayed.
Finally there is one button named CLEAR, when
pressed all the stored/recorded data will be erased at once.
Thus using this machine we will be able to activate
the motors manually and also to teach the machine a
sequence, in which the motors should be activated. Once the
machine has been taught the sequence, it will be able to
activate the motors on its own. Hence it will act

All the status details like which motor is activated,
magnitude of vibration, duration of activation, the modes like
MANUAL, LEARN, REPLAY and CLEAR will be displayed
on an LCD screen.
The circuit is very simple, handy, convenient to use
in the isolated chamber and here its simulation is shown in
figure 5, using the software Fritzing.

Fig.5. Simulation Using Fritzing.
Various trails have been taken, entering different
input values, sequence of vibration and in different time
intervals, and it is been found that this method is 20% efficient
than the conventional system.

Fig.6. Trail Report.
In this paper, we have designed a machine which will
be able to activate the motors manually and also to teach the
machine a sequence, in which the motors will be activated,
only once. Once the machine has been taught the sequence, it
International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Communications
(ICITEC-2012), March 3 4, 2012, Bangalore, India

International Academic and Industrial Research (IAIR) 70

will be able to activate the motors on its own, i.e. reproduce
what is taught. We can re-teach the machine when required.
Hence it will act autonomously.
We are trying to enable the user to send message to
the manufacturer about the mode at the end of each process,
using the GSM module. We have also planned to control the
systemby voice commands and also interface it with a touch-
screen. Thus the list of modes and data, as input will be
displayed on the touch screen. The mode needed is selected
and once the data is fed, the particular nozzle valve opens,
hence making our circuit more user-friendly.
[1] E:\project work\Arduino - ArduinoBoardUno.htm

[2] E:\project work\Arduino - Wikipedia, the free

[3] Christine Banaszek ,article - application engineer for
Charles Ross & Son Co. in Hauppage, N.Y. , ceramic
industry, - article- Mixing of Nano materials,
November 1, 2010 ,

[4] Aharon Gedanken (2004): Using sonochemistry for the
fabrication of nanomaterials, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry
Invited Contributions, 2004 Elsevier B.V.

[5] J.Dutta and H.Hoffman.- Book on Nano Materials

[6] N. Taniguchi, 1974, On the basic concept of
nanotechnology, Proc. Int. Conf. Prod. Eng., Tokyo,
Part 2 -(Tokyo: JSPE) pp. 18-23.

[7] TitaniumDioxide Nanocrystals: Simple Industrial Scale
Manufacturing Process Revealed by Chines Academy
of Sciences Researchers- Nano Patents and Innovations-
May 4,Tuesday,2010

[8] A novel bottom-up process to prepare drug nanocrystals
- The art of the soluble-Waard , Hans de, -University
of Groningen

[9] Crystal field theory-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.htm

[10] High Crystal Energy Stones Use High Vibration
Crystals and Put This Powerful Energy to Work in Your

[11] Adapted fromWTEC Panel on nanostructure science
& technology- a worldwide study,1999,,

[12] Llewellyn Worldwide Encyclopedia, Uses of Crystal.

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