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5 Agree

A : Do you guys agree to go to the beach with us this weekend?

B : ................ because beach will be the perfect destination for summer season
C : Guys why don!t we "ust go to the park instead?
D : #t!s summer$ %hat would be better than playing with water in this hot summer?
A : &es beach is the best.
A. Don!t think it!s a good idea
B. # didn't agree with you.
C. (orry #!m busy
D. I do agree with you
A : Are guys agree about )ina's action in the e*am yesterday?
B : ................ because cheating in the e*am is not a good beha+iour for a student.
C : &es it was a bad beha+iour.
D : # hope )ina will learn from her mistakes
B : ,et us hope so
A. #!m not agree with you
B. # didn't agree with )ina's action
C. #!m absolutely agree
D. # think )ina!s action was fine
A : Do you agree to take an e*tra course this semester?
B : &es it will be great for your transcript.
C : #'m sorry mom dad. ..... this time. # already ha+e a lot of courses in my schedule.
A : )hat!s okay. %e appreciate your decision.
A. I cant agree with you
B. # agree
C. #!m definitely agree
D. #t!s okay
A : Class are you agree if we hosting a farewell party for our headmaster on (unday?
B : %e!+e already decided mam. ....................
C : &es. After all -r. .adi were our fa+orite headmaster / 0nglish teacher.
D : %here the party will be held mam?
A : )he party will be held at my house. 1rom 23:33 A.- until 24:33 5.-.
A. &es # agree.
B. %e!re not agree.
C. Yes, we agree.
D. %e think it will be awesome.
A : Do you agree if this time we watch Ama6ing (piderman 7 instead of 1ro6en?
B : ......................
C : # ha+e the same thought because sometimes we ha+e to switch our mo+ies genre.
D : &es so we don!t get bored easily.
A : 8kay Ama6ing (piderman 7 it is.
A. 1ro6en was a mo+ie for a chilldren.
B. (ure we agree with you
C. 9o we think Ama6ing (piderman 7 was o+errated
D. Yes, Im agree.
5 8pinions
A : %hat's your opinion about the newest criminal case on kindergarten in :akarta?
B : ................. because the kids will ha+e traumatic memory about what already did to them.
C : &es it must been scary for the kids.
D : ,et!s "ust hope the +illain will get a proper punishment.
A. I think it's horrible
B. # think it!s awesome
C. # don!t know
D. )hought it was fine
A : #n your opinion who will win #ndonesian #dol this season?
B : # don!t know. %ho do you think will win C?
C : ........................ because he really attracting many attentions since his first audition.
D : &es # agree with C
A. # don!t really care
B. #ndonesian #dol were broadcasted in ;C)#
C. In my opinion, Husein will win this competition
D. %hoe+er win they!ll get a contract from (ony -usic
A : #n your opinion which city will hosted Asian Games 732<?
B : # don!t e+en know what Asian Games is.
C : Asian Games is 5ancontinental multi=sport e+ent held e+ery four years among athletes
from all o+er Asia
D : ....................... because that city already held some spectacular e+ent since 7322.
B : ;eally? )hat!s gonna be awesome
A. I think alembang will hosted Asian !ames in "#$%
B. )hat!s not a good idea
C. %ow # "ust know what Asian Games is
D. #t already been held in (outh >orea ? times
A : %hen do you think #ndonesia will free from corrupt politician?
B : .......................................
C : 9ow there!s >5> who will handle all the corruption case
D : # really hope corrupt politician will +anish from #ndonesia
A. # don!t know when
&. I think Indonesia will 'ree 'rom corrupt politician when (( do its )ob harder
than now
C. 8ur country already ha+e >5> right?
D. # don!t ha+e any idea about that.
A : %hat's your opinion about Di+ergent mo+ie that will release ne*t month?
B : ............................... because they really want this no+el to be +isuali6e.
A. Di+ergent is a no+el by (u6anne Collins
B. ;eally? Di+ergent mo+ie will released ne*t month?
C. I think Di*ergent mo*ie will e+cite a lot o' no*els reader
D. #!m not a big fan of mo+ies

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