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Chapter 12 - The ruler of Hastinapur

During the times when Bhishma ruled the kingdom of

Hastinapur as the regent, the kingdom was made up of
Kurujangala and Kurukshetra.
After the birth of the three children, the kingdom of
Hastinapur knew some genuine peace.
The crops grew well and trade flourished. Nature was
extremely magnanimous towards the kingdom and everything
was perfect. The kingdom prospered to almost unprecedented
heights. It was said that during this time, the kingdom was so
rich and prosperous that there were no robbers anywhere in
the kingdom.
It was in these happy circumstances that Dhirdarashtra, Pandu
and Vidura grew under the guidance of Bhishma.
Losing his two brothers Chitrangada and Vichitraviryan,
had made Bhishma love the children even more and he
brought them up like his own sons. Bhishma taught them
everything, right from the Vedas to the use of weapons.
It is said that Pandu excelled in archery like no other person.
As predicted by his father, Dhirdarashtra was phenomenally
The quiet Vidura possessing neither the brute strength of
Dhirdarashtra, nor the prowess in weapons like Pandu,
immersed himself in the studies of Vedas and the Puranas.
Vidura became the wisest among people, even at a young age.
As the princes came of age, Bhishma and Satyavathi had a
'Mother! There is a matter regarding the kingdom! I want your
advice on it!' Bhishma said frowning.
The aging Satyavathi nodded her head as Bhishma started. 'I
have been ruling this kingdom for the past few years! I have
been doing so as the regent of Hastinapur! Because Pandu and
Dhirdarashtra were young minors! However now the time has
come for me to shed this responsibility! Both the princes have
come to age!' Bhishma smiled tightly as he looked at
Satyavathi. 'In fact, that is what I wanted your advice about...'
Satyavathi frowned as Bhishma continued. He was never a
man who minced words. And with Satyavathi, he knew that
he could speak his mind freely. She would understand..
Bhishma took a deep breath as he continued. 'Dhirdarashtra
was born a day before Pandu! That makes him the elder
prince. Customs demands that he be given the throne! But.....'
Bhishma hesitated for a second and then continued. 'I do not
think that is a good idea! Though I was the one who trained
Dhiradarashtra and I know that he is a very good warrior and
a good student of the Vedas, I do not think he should be the
'Because of his blindness?' Satyavathi asked as a quiet wind
blew into the room.
Bhishma smiled sadly nodding his head. 'We cannot have a
blind man as the king! One of the many duties of a king is to
lead his armies to battle at the time of war! Unfortunately,
Dhirdarashtra may not be able to carry out that duty!'
Satyavathi thought for a long time. Finally she nodded her
head. 'Considering that Dhirdarashtra is blind and Vidura is
not from the royal line, I suggest that Pandu, though he is
second born...he be crowned as the king of Hastinapur!'
Bhishma smiled as he looked at Satyavathi.
So that was another decisive moment in the Mahabharatha
story. The throne which belonged rightfully to Bhishma was
taken from him. And bound by his vow, Bhishma, ignoring
custom, decided to hand over the throne to the pale Pandu,
though he was not the eldest of the family. All because
Dhiradarashtra was born blind...
The coronation took place is great pomp and the people were
happy - for now the kingdom had a real king. Pandu also
relied heavily on Bhishma for ruling the kingdom.
It is said that Pandu was an excellent military general and
during his times he fought plenty of successful battles and
increased the borders of the Hastinapur to great lengths.
Bhishma continued to rule the kingdom and peace and
prosperity flourished in the vast kingdom.....

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