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School Users

Guide to eDevelopment
December 2008
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 1 of 36
Logging into PeopleSoft
From the MPS pps p!ge select PeopleSoft"
#ith PeopleSoft $pen enter %our MPS Login !nd MPS P!ss&ord !nd select Sign 'n"
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Select St!ff Development in the MPS 'tem Folder"
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 4 of 36
(he follo&ing Menu &ill !ppe!r)
D!t! entr% into eDevelopment is ! four step process)
*+, -re!te -ourse.s
*2, 'dentif% 'nstructor.s
*/, -re!te Session.s
*0, 1nter St!ff 1nrollment
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 5 of 36
Step +) -re!ting ! -ourse
Select -ourses in the -ourse M!inten!nce Folder"
(he follo&ing screen &ill !ppe!r)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 6 of 36
Select the dd ! 2e& 3!lue t!b"
1nter ! -ourse -ode !nd 4our Schools Dep!rtment number then select dd"
-ourse -ode) (he course code is %our schools /5digit PeopleSoft 6 follo&ed b% 00+" s %ou enter more
courses %ou &ill ch!nge the course code se7uenti!ll%" For e8!mple 22/00+9 22/0029 22/00/ etc:
Dep!rtment) 4our Dep!rtment number is %our school site number in PeopleSoft" 'f %ou !re unsure of
%our dep!rtment number clic; on the m!gnif%ing gl!ss !nd se!rch for %our school"
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 7 of 36
(he follo&ing screen &ill !ppe!r)
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(o cre!te ! course %ou must complete !ll of the <fields in e!ch of the four course t!bs) -ourse Profile9 Description9
-h!r!cteristic9 !nd 'nstruction!l re!" #hen %ou h!ve completed !ll re7uired fields in e!ch t!b %ou &ill
then select S!ve"
M!n% fields throughout eDevelopment &ill h!ve ! lin;" (his lin; &ill provide definitions rel!ted to
the options !v!il!ble for selected fields"

Sever!l d!t! entr% fields h!ve ! spell chec; fe!ture" (o spell chec; %our entr% clic; on the icon ne8t to field"
18!mple -ompleted -ourse Profile)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 9 of 36
18!mple -ompleted Description)
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You must select a Theme, Capacity Builder and High
Performing Classroom for the
corresponding dropdown menu. Click on
Detailed description for more
information on each possible selection.
teacher standard, administrator standard or pupil
ser!ices standard must also be selected.
You may select only one standard after
clicking on the hyperlink.
18!mple -ompleted -h!r!cteristic)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 11 of 36
'nstruction!l re!)
Click on the magnifying glass and
select the most appropriate Category
Code. "epeat the process for
#ubcategory Code.
$hen you are done click on #a!e"
Select Loo; Up !nd choose the most !ppropri!te code"
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 12 of 36
18!mple -ompleted 'nstruction!l re!)
Select S!ve"
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Step 2) ssigning -ourse 'nstructors
Select the 'nstructor h%perlin; in the -ourse M!inten!nce Folder"
Select dd ! 2e& 3!lue t!b" 1nter 'nstructor 'D or
clic; on the m!gnif%ing gl!ss to loo; up !n
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 14 of 36
(he follo&ing Loo; Up 'nstructor 'D screen &ill !ppe!r)
1nter the L!st 2!me of the instructor !nd select
Loo; Up" Se!rch =esults &ill !ppe!r" Select the
!ppropri!te person !nd clic; 1nter on %our
;e%bo!rd" (he select dd"
$nce %ou h!ve identified !n instructor %ou must identif% their 7u!lific!tions !nd !tt!ch
them to the course" (he follo&ing 'nstructor Profile screen &ill !ppe!r)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 15 of 36
18!mple -ompleted 'nstructor Profile)
There are three data fields that must
be completed including%
&nternal'()ternal, rea of ()pertise,
and Description. *nce you ha!e
completed those fields you should
mo!e to +ualification tab.
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 16 of 36
1nter the -ourse -ode !nd select S!ve" 'f %ou do not remember the course code select the
m!gnif%ing gl!ss to loc!te the course code" #hen %ou select S!ve the follo&ing screen &ill
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 17 of 36
Step /) -re!te ! Session
Select Sessions in the -ourse M!inten!nce Folder"
(he follo&ing -ourse Session Setup screen &ill !ppe!r)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 18 of 36
18!mple -ourse Session Setup)
'n the dd ! 2e& 3!lue t!b enter the -ourse -ode !nd ! -ourse Session 2umber then select
dd" -ourse Session 2umber should begin &ith the number one" For e8!mple +929/9 etc
2o& the follo&ing -ourse Session Profile screen &ill !ppe!r)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 19 of 36
18!mple -ompleted -ourse Session Profile)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 2 of 36
18!mple -ompleted Loc!tion9 'nstructor)
-lic; on the m!gnif%ing
gl!ss to select !
Session Loc!tion"
Select !n 'nstructor
h%perlin; !nd select the
!ppropri!te instructor"
#hen %ou select !n
instructor the follo&ing
screen &ill !ppe!r" -hec; the instructor !nd select o;!%" 2o& %ou c!n move to the
Description t!b"
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 21 of 36
The course description
will appear in the
Description te)t bo).
"e!ise the description
to reflect the specific
session focus. Click
on to spell check.
$hen done spell
checking, mo!e to the
#ession Type tab.
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 22 of 36
#elect the #ession Type that most closely describes the staff de!elopment session.
Click on a link to !iew session type definitions.
18!mple -ompleted Session (%pe)
(he (!rget
udience t!b h!s
components" 'n the
(!rget udience
bo8 %ou need to select
the t!rget !udience
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 23 of 36
for the st!ff development session" 'n the Gr!de Level bo8 %ou &ill chec; the t!rgeted gr!de
levels !nd dep!rtments if !pplic!ble" Fin!ll%9 %ou &ill !ns&er the t&o ctive P!rticip!tion
7uestions" #hen %ou !re done move to the l!st t!b9 SD 18penditure"
18!mple -ompleted (!rget udience)
n% time %ou select 4es in the SD 18penditure t!b9 %ou must !ll select ! Funding Source"
(he Funding Source drop do&n menu is pre5popul!ted &ith %our schools budget codes
!ppropri!te to the 7uestion" (o ensure d!t! 7u!lit%9 %ou m!% need to spe!; &ith %our
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 24 of 36
school le!der in order to determine the most !ppropri!te budget code to select"
18!mple -ompleted SD 18penditure)
This e)ample occurred on a
Banking Day and did not
re,uire any additional
&f you answer Yes to
needing substitute
teachers, you must identify
the number of subs
re,uested in addition to
the funding source.
$hen done entering data in
this tab select #a!e.
Step 0) 1nroll
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 25 of 36
You ha!e now reached the final step, enrolling session participants. $ithin the #taff De!elopment
folder select #taff (nrollment, (nroll by -P# Department.
(o m!;e d!t! entr% e!sier9 %ou &ill find th!t 1nroll b% Group h!s.&ill be lo!ded &ith three groups)
(-> *te!chers !nd !dministr!tors,9 'D *educ!tion!l !ssist!nts !nd p!r!profession!ls,9 !nd M12
*te!chers being supported b% %our school5b!sed mentor,"
#ithin the 1nroll Group t!b9 select the m!gnif%ing gl!ss to loc!te the Group 'D9 !nd then
enter the -ourse" Select the m!gnif%ing gl!ss to loc!te the course if %ou do not remember"
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 26 of 36

1nter the Session 2umber !nd then select or deselect Subscribe ll" (he select Lo!d St!ff"
18!mple -ompleted 1nroll Group)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 27 of 36
The following screen will include a list with check bo)es for teachers and administrators. $hen
you select #ubscribe ll the check bo)es will all be checked. You can then uncheck any bo) where
the staff member did not participate in the session. The ttendance drop.down bo) defaults to
&f #ubscribe ll had been unchecked, then when you loaded staff, none of the check bo)es ne)t to
staff names would ha!e been checked. &n that case, you would check all of the staff who who
participated in the session. $hich option you choose depends on the number of staff who
participated in the session.
18!mple Lo!d St!ff Subscribe ll)
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 28 of 36
#electing the #ubscriptions tab will show you the list of staff you enrolled in the session. #ee the
ne)t page for screen shot of
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 29 of 36
18!mple of -ompleted Subscriptions%
=esources !nd Support
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 3 of 36
eDevelopment -oll!bor!tion =oom in (L-
/isit the eDevelopment coll!bor!tion room to find self.directed tutorials, eDe!elopment tip
sheets, information about upcoming training opportunities, and eDe!elopment user forums for
discussions about how to use eDe!elopment and how data collected can be used to support
data.based decision making, accountability and impro!ed use of resources at your school.
To access this room go to http%'' 2ogin using your% -P# 2ogin and -P#
Password. #elect *pen Communities and then eDe!elopment. The first time you login to the
collaboration room you will be asked if you want to enroll in the course. #elect yes and you will be
directed to the eDe!elopment Collaboration "oom.
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 31 of 36
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 32 of 36
?uic; 1nrollment
(ntering staff enroll is step four in the eDe!elopment four.step process. -ost of the time you will
use the Enroll by MPS Department feature. There is howe!er, another way to enroll staff.
The Quick Enrollment feature allows you to search for staff by name and then enroll them directly
into a session. The three pieces of data you need to use Quick Enrollment is the staff member3s
name, the course number's and the session number's they participated in.

You can only search for staff assigned to your building. nyone participating in staff
de!elopment that you are unable to enroll re,uires an email to the #taff De!elopment
"egistrar at &nclude in the email the staff member3s full
name, course number and session number. "egistrar will complete the enrollment process
for those indi!iduals.
*+, Select the ?uic; 1nrollment lin; in the St!ff 1nrollment folder"
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 33 of 36
*2, 1nter the l!st n!me of the st!ff member %ou need to enroll in the !ppropri!te bo8 !nd
select Search"
*/, (he st!ff members n!me no& !ppe!rs on the screen" t this time %ou c!n enter the
course number" 'f unsure of the number select the m!gnif%ing gl!ss to se!rch for the
course" Press enter once %ou h!ve entered or selected the course number" 2e8t %ou
need to enter the session number" g!in9 if unsure use the to loc!te the number"
Press enter once %ou h!ve entered or selected the session number !nd then "
eDevelopment Users Guide Page 34 of 36
18!mple -ompleted ?uic; 1nrollment
Sh!nnon Gordon9 St!ff Development =egistr!r
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