Basic Principles of Physics

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Basic principles of physics[edit]

Physics, along with mathematics and chemistry,[citation needed] classes as one of the
"fundamental sciences" because the other natural sciences (like biology, geology etc.)
deal with systems that seem to obey the laws of physics. ccording to physics, the
physical laws of matter, energy and the fundamental forces of nature go!ern the
interactions between particles and physical entities (such as planets, molecules, atoms or
the subatomic particles). "ome of the basic pursuits of physics, which include some of the
most prominent de!elopments in modern science in the last millennium, include#
$ %escribing the nature, measuring and &uantifying of bodies and their motion,
dynamics etc.
$ 'ewton(s laws of motion
$ )ass, force and weight
$ )omentum and conser!ation of energy
$ *ra!ity, theories of gra!ity
$ +nergy, work, and their relationship
$ )otion , position, and energy
$ %ifferent forms of +nergy, their intercon!ersion and the ine!itable loss of
energy in the form of heat (,hermodynamics)
$ +nergy conser!ation , con!ersion, and transfer.
$ +nergy source the transfer of energy from one source to work in another.
-inetic molecular theory
$ Phases of matter and phase transitions
$ ,emperature and thermometers
$ +nergy and heat
$ .eat flow# conduction, con!ection, and radiation
$ ,he three laws of thermodynamics
$ ,he principles of wa!es and sound
$ ,he principles of electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetism
$ ,he principles, sources, and properties of light
Basic principles of astronomy[edit]
stronomy is the science of celestial bodies and their interactions in space. /ts studies
includes the following#
$ ,he life and characteristics of stars and gala0ies
$ 1rigins of the uni!erse. Physical science uses the Big Bang theory as the
commonly accepted scientific theory of the origin of the uni!erse.
$ heliocentric "olar "ystem. ncient cultures saw the +arth as the centre of the
"olar "ystem or uni!erse (geocentrism). /n the 23th century, 'icolaus 4opernicus
ad!anced the ideas of heliocentrism, recogni5ing the "un as the centre of the "olar
$ ,he structure of solar systems, planets, comets, asteroids, and meteors
$ ,he shape and structure of +arth (roughly spherical, see also "pherical +arth)
$ +arth in the "olar "ystem
$ ,ime measurement
$ ,he composition and features of the )oon
$ /nteractions of the +arth and )oon
('ote# stronomy should not be confused with astrology, which assumes[citation needed]
that people(s destiny and human affairs in general correlate to the apparent positions of
astronomical ob6ects in the sky 7 although the two fields share a common origin, they are
&uite different8 astronomers embrace the scientific method, while astrologers do not.)
Basic principles of chemistry[edit]
4hemistry, built upon concepts from physics, addresses phenomena associated with the
structure, composition and energetics of matter as well as the changes it undergoes. 1ften
known as the central science, chemistry connects the fundamental laws of physics to
engineering and other natural sciences such as biology, earth science, astronomy
andmaterial science
4hemistry, the central science, partial ordering of the sciences proposed by Balaban and
Physical chemistry
$ 4hemical thermodynamics
$ 9eaction kinetics
$ )olecular structure
$ :uantum chemistry
$ "pectroscopy
,heoretical chemistry
$ +lectron configuration
$ )olecular modelling
$ )olecular dynamics
$ "tatistical mechanics
4omputational chemistry
$ )athematical chemistry
$ 4heminformatics
'uclear chemistry
$ ,he nature of the atomic nucleus
$ 4haracteri5ation of radioacti!e decay
$ 'uclear reactions
1rganic chemistry
$ 1rganic compounds
$ 1rganic reaction
$ ;unctional groups
$ 1rganic synthesis
/norganic chemistry
$ /norganic compounds
$ 4rystal structure
$ 4oordination chemistry
$ "olid7state chemistry
$ Biochemistry
nalytical chemistry
$ /nstrumental analysis
$ +lectroanalytical method
$ <et chemistry
$ 9edo0 reaction
$ )aterials chemistry
Basic principles of earth science[edit]
+arth science is the science of the planet +arth, as of =>2? the only identified life7bearing
planet. /ts studies include the following#
$ ,he water cycle and the process of transpiration
$ ;reshwater
$ <eathering and erosion
$ 9ocks
$ grophysics
"oil science
$ Pedogenesis
$ "oil fertility
$ +arth(s tectonic structure
*eomorphology and geophysics
$ Physical geography
$ "eismology# stress, strain, and earth&uakes
$ 4haracteristics of mountains and !olcanoes
$ 4haracteristics and formation of fossils
tmosphere of +arth
$ tmospheric pressure and winds
$ +!aporation , condensation, and humidity
$ ;og and clouds
)eteorology, weather, climatology, and climate
$ .ydrology , clouds and precipitation
$ ir masses and weather fronts
$ )a6or storms# thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes
$ )a6or climate groups
$ 4a!e

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