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Choreography of the Camera

Slow pans
Reverse/changes in temporality
Speed changes
Shifts of perspective
Camera angle

Camera work terms
Long shot: Camera showing everything, or the stage
Close up: Focuses on a particular thing. Camera choose where to look for you
Cut: Changes from one shot to another (sorta like a transition)

What can the televisual apparatus do?
It can fragment and abstract the dancing body in a way different than live performances. We
are suppose to gure out whos eyes we are seeing the performance through.

Mawby Club Scene (by Dodds)
See silhouette of dancer on whole stage
Meant to be in the POV of men
Closeup on feet: play on sexual imagery
Fragmentation of body silhouette is common in pornography
Shot switches to dancers face with thick, red lips as she gazes the audience
This fragmentation of the erotic body (showing the body, rather than the whole person)
Achieved from close-ups of certain body parts
Water coming down is like ejaculating
Also shows a power and gender dynamic between dancer (Alex - light skin African American)
and her boss Nick
Feminists: constructed as a site of erotic spectacle and is subjectto a male gaze.
Other feminists: Alex is an independent heroine who uses her sexual and laboring body as a
form of empowerment

Maniac routine (by Cheryll Dodds)
We never really see dance, but closeups of thighs, head, and feet
Camera is playing the dancing body within the realms of sexuality
High impact, repetitive exercise
Head: Driven body wanting to succeed
Buttocks: Sexual body
Feet: Sporting body; rigorous and regimented drill
Dance is about driven, sexual, and sporting
You dont get to see her dance, but

Diegetic sound: Sounds body makes moving
Non-diegetic: Engineered sounds that are put on top to set the mood
Slim, youthful
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Dancing Body Inscribed w/Popular Discourses
Skilled movement content
Dancing body as sexually unleashed
Ballet as the pinnacle of aspiration
Fetishized female body as a site of erotic spectacle

Mass Appeal/Commodication
Conventionalized dancing body (available to wildest audience)
Commodied to allow for commercial reward (easy to sell to audience)

Dance On Film

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Tewa Dance

According to Sweet
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Tewa Dances Effects
Descriptions to Analysis
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Ballet/European Aesthetics
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Ballet: Political/Religious Structures of Europe

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Facing the King (Gerald Jonas)
Frontal Orientation, Turn Out
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Hierarchical Structure

Courtly and Christian Ideals
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Vs Africanist Dance Idioms

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Invisibilized African Contributions
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Balanchine brought Ballet to America
Political relations embodied in dance: Ballet

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Political relations embodied in dance: Tewa Dance
Africianist Dance Idioms
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BDGs First Premises of an Africanists Aesthetic: Characteristics

Earl Snake Hips Tucker
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Africanist Aesthetics

Embracing the Conict

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High-Affect Juxtaposition

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The Aesthetic of the Cool

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Earl Snake Hips Movement

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Dance Situation and Surroundings

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Earl Snake Hips Analysis
Dance Intention/Narrative
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Dixon Gottschilds Argument

Poking fun at people with power

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Ironic playing out of power structures

I could play you and play me

The historical and societal environment around the dance
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Snake Hips History

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Sally Ann Ness
Dancing in the Field: Notes from Memory

Constant Monitoring
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Strategies of other-oriented tuning
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Dance made for learning about
What is Cahuilla Bird Singing

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Knowing And Performing Your Connection
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Historical And Societal Environment
Period of Decline

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1970s to Today

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Growing Support for Bird Singing

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Situation And Surroundings

Bird Singing At And Around UCR
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Music, Number, Attire, Age, Lighting, Etc.
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Dance Movement

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Mens Movement
Womens Movement
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