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(119 votes, average: 4.45 out of 5)

Long ago
Just like the hearse you died to get in again
We are so far from you
G Em B G
Burning on !ust like a mat"h you start to in"inerate
# $ B
%he lives of everyone you kne&
'(re $horus:)
G # $
#nd &hat*s the &orst to take, from every heart you +reak (heart you +reak)
#nd like a +lade you stain
Well ,*ve +een holding on tonight
E B(-)
What*s the &orst that , "ould say.
%hings are +etter if , stay
/o long and goodnight
/o long and goodnight
G Em
$ame a time
B G #
When every star fall +rought you to tears again
$ B
We are the very hurt you sold
'$horus) '(ost "horus:)
E B(-)
But if you "arry on this &ay $an you hear me.
$ #re you near me.
%hings are +etter if , stay 0o &e deserve
$ to leave the earth.
/o long and goodnight 0o &e learn
/o long and goodnight B(-)
When +oth our "ars "ollide.
Intro : A
A G D C 3x E
A F#m
Mari berlari meraih mimpi
Bm E
Menggapai langit yang tinggi
A F#m
Jalani hari dengan berani
Bm E
Tega!an "ara hati
#"at!an diri dan $anganlah !a" rag"
Ta! !an ada yang henti!an lang!ahm"
%e&& :
A F#m
'a((ya((!ita !an ter" berlari
Bm E
'a((ya((ta! !an berhenti di ini
A F#m
'a((ya((larilah meraih mimpi
Bm E
'a((ya((hingga na&a telah berhenti
Interl"de : G
A F#m
#" a!an bertahan hadapi rintangan
Bm E
)erlahan*lahan dan menang
A F#m
Jalani hari dengan berani
Bm E
Tega!an "ara hati
#"at!an diri dan $anganlah !a" rag"
Ta! !an ada yang henti!an lang!ahm"
Bali! !e %e&&
Ta! ada yang ta! m"ng!in
Bila !ita ya!ini
)atilah eng!a" dapati
Interl"de : A
A D F#m E Bm E
Bali! !e %e&& +x
Coda : A G D C ,x
Wel"ome %o %he Bla"k (arade
(109 votes, average: 4.57 out of 5)
G 0
When , &as a young +oy,
Em 0
1y father took me into the
#m $ 0 (0sus o2tional)
"ity to see a mar"hing +and3
G 0
He said, 4/on &hen you gro& u2,
Em 0 #m $ 0
&ould you +e the saviour of the +roken, the +eaten and the damned.5
G 0
He said 4Will you defeat them,
Em 0 #m $ 0
your demons, and all the non +elievers, the 2lans that they have made.5
G 0
Be"ause one day ,*ll leave you,
Em 0
# 2hantom to lead you in the
#m $ 0
summer, to !oin the +la"k 2arade35
,6/%781E6%#L: (G,0,Em,0,#m,$,0) (L#9 :/% ;E7/E #G#,6
;E7/E -: /%781 <#/%
G 0 Em 0
/ometimes , get the feeling she*s &at"hing over me3
#m $ 0 (0sus)
#nd other times , feel like , should go3
G 0 Em 0
#nd through it all, the rise and fall, the +odies in the streets3
#m $ 0
#nd &hen you*re gone &e &ant you all to kno&3
G 0
We*ll "arry on,
Em 0
We*ll "arry on
#m $
#nd though you*re dead and gone +elieve me
9our memory &ill
G 0
"arry on
Em 0
We*ll "arry on
#m $
#nd in my heart , "an*t "ontain it
%he anthem &on*t e=2lain it3
G 0 Em 0
# &oman sends you reeling from de"imated dreams
#m $ 0
9our misery and hate &ill kill us all3
G 0
/o 2aint it +la"k and take it +a"k
Em 0
Lets shout it loud and "lear
#m $
0efiant to the end
We hear the "all
G 0
%o "arry on
Em 0
We*ll "arry on
#m $
#nd though you*re dead and gone +elieve me
9our memory &ill
G 0
$arry on
Em 0
We*ll "arry on
#m $
#nd though you*re +roken and defeated
9our &eary &ido& mar"hes
Em #m
>n and on &e "arry through the fears
>oh oh ohhhh
Em #m
0isa22ointed fa"es of your 2eers
>oh oh ohhhh
$ 0
%ake a look at me "ause , "ould not "are at all
0o or die
9ou*ll never make me
Em 0
Be"ause the &orld, &ill never take my heart
#m $
9ou "an try, you*ll never +reak me
0 0
9ou &ant it all, you &anna 2lay this 2art
, &on*t e=2lain or
/ay ,*m sorry
Em 0
,*m unashamed, ,*m gonna sho& my s"ar
Give a "heer, for all the +roken
Listen here, +e"ause it*s &ho &e are
G 0
,*m !ust a man, ,*m not a hero
Em 0
,*m !ust a +oy, &ho*s meant to sing this song
,*m !ust a man, ,*m not a hero
0 0 0
, ? don*t ? "are
G 0
We*ll "arry on
Em 0
We*ll "arry on
#m $
#nd though you*re dead and gone +elieve me
9our memory &ill
G 0
$arry on
Em 0
9ou*ll "arry on
#m $
#nd though you*re +roken and defeated
9our &eary &ido& mar"hes on
We*ll "arry on
We*ll "arry on
We*ll "arry on
We*ll "arry
We*ll "arry on
G 0
(0o or die 9ou*ll never make me
Em 0
Be"ause the &orld, &ill never take my heart
#m $
9ou "an try, you*ll never +reak me
0 0
9ou &ant it all, you &anna 2lay this 2art)
@(<,6,/H >6 0)@

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