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Volume - 1 Issue 2 - Mumbai

May 2014
Koli Kulbi Kumbhar Aagri Vanloka Bhimkar Adivasi East Indian
Pages - 12 Price - 7/-
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Planning Commission committing Genocide - Indigenous Habitat removed from
n a new ploy to push the In-
digenous outside the city, the
planning commission of Mum-
bai has removed the Gaothans,
Koliwadas, Agri Padas, Bheem
Padas, Kumbhar Wadas all Indige-
nous traditional Habitats protected
by the United Nations under the
Heritage Protection Act. Displace-
ment of the Indigenous by any
Government Migrant or Foreign,
is a crime and can be fought in the
world courts if the Indian Supreme
court fails to deliver justice.
Development Planning in
Bombay has always been done at
the behest of the Mafa and the
builder community who are em-
bedded in counter state activities.
These City Development Plans do
not cater to the indigenous popu-
lations. They are a playground for
the market forces that allow mi-
grants to own 4 to 8 homes in the
city as a business venture renting
them out to migrants at high prices.
Gaothans, Koliwadas,
Bhim Padas, Adivasi Padas, Agri
Padas are protected Indigenous
Habitats with an objective of pro-
tecting the indigenous community.
The Government with all
its sub bodies like the UDRI, De-
velopment Planners, BMC, MMR-
DA, MHADA etc. are in the pock-
ets of the moneyed builder class
and the Baniya & Marwadi class.
The City planners have deleted the
records of existing Gaothans and
other Indigenous Habitats in their
recent DP plans. The Indigenous
communities must come together
and resist and acquisition of land
by the government or its corrupt
corporate bodies.
Bombay / Mumbai /
Mobaim has more than 200 Gao-
thans, 80 odd Koliwadas, 50 odd
Bhim Padas, 30 odd Adivasi PA-
das, and 30 odd Agri Padas. Where

contd. on page 3.
=e =|+|a| m|4 i4+|a |na|= +|z|=
az+|zn| q+ n4|n a|=
a|=|=. -|n| |n| ||m-|
am|a| m|4s|, +|e|4|s|,
|z||s|, a|= |s|, |i:4|a|
|s| n +a|z 4|s| s|.|. .
i4+|a |n| =n|| vn| a|+|=.

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-| i:= n, az |=r| :in-|
+|e|n a=|z |= t|+a.
i4+|a ||n| a|za|a ms n
ivesz-| ir||v|n| vni4a|n. r
ms n ivesz :||a n+a|n +za|n
n a|a|a| +|:| via|n.
r| t|rz i4+|a |n| =e
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=|+|-| +|:a|s| aa. r| va
=|+ n a :o z +a a|n n
a||4z va =|+|n| :a|n.
=e =|+|n| a|a|e|a|s| | =e
m|4|n| aa|e|=.
az+|za| t||a+| i4a|m - v|.
q=. a|., .s|.|z.|., =r|s|,
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ms =|+|vz|vz i+4| vin| n
=|z4|s|-| ia|||n r|n.
t|rz i4+|a |nn r| n|
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|n =n|| vn| e|+|=|.
=e =|+|n| q+|e zn
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-|n| a+= r|4|=| :4|a| n.
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m|4s|, no e|| |=a
+|e|4|s|, so e|| |=a a|=|.
s|, ,o e|| |=a |i:4|a| |s|
contd. on page 3.
May issue.indd 1 16-05-2014 06:51:51
Advertisement Rates:
B&W 250/- per cc
[centimeter column].
Colour 500 per cc.
|=a| =|a|
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May 2014 page 2
RAN, a fshing village-
turned special economic
zone, will acquire a new
status soon that of a city. As a
part of its plan to decongest Mumbai
and Navi Mumbai, theMaharashtra
government proposes to develop a
third city in Uran, 50 km away from
Mumbai in the Raigad district.
The plan is still in the pre-
liminary stages, but the state gov-
ernment wants to build the city over
100 sq km of land (10,000 hectares)
with private sector participation. A
beginning has already been made
with the state-run Maharashtra
Housing & Area Development Au-
thority (MHADA) initiating a blue-
print to build housing projects and
other infrastructure over a 10 sq-km
area (1,000 hectares of land).
Uran, situated east of Mum-
bai across the Dharamtar Creek, is
connected by road and a boat ser-
vice. A project to link it with Navi
Mumbai by rail has already been
planned. Uran also houses the Jawa-
harlal Nehru Port, two private ports,
a 672-Mw gas-based power project
of MahaGenco and an onshore ter-
minal complex of ONGC.
The proposed city will be
one-fourth the size of Mumbai and
one-third of Navi Mumbais. The
Navi Mumbai Municipal Corpora-
tion, however, has an area of 162 sq
km under its supervision.
Maharashtras minister of state for
housing Sachin Ahir told Business
Standard that the development of
a third city in Uran was being con-
sidered in view of the constraints
faced by Mumbai and Navi Mum-
bai. MHADA will put in place the
necessary infrastructure along with
other government agencies over 10
sq km, but the private sector would
have to come into the picture to
make the 100-sq km city a reality.
Ahir said the government
might bri ng the proposed city in
the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
so that its state-of-the art trans-
port infrastructure could be further
strengthened. He, however, said
the success of the project would
depend on the development of the
Navi Mumbai airport and the Nha-
va Sheva-Sewree, popularly known
as Mumbai Trans Harbour Link.
Tansukh Jain [a Migrant], a
leading architect from Uran, said de-
velopment of transport infrastructure
would give a big boost to the real es-
tate sector in Uran and its adjoining
areas. The prevailing land prices in
the area are Rs 40-45 lakh per acre.
Sunil Mantri [a Migrant],
president, National Real Estate
Development Council, termed
the proposal an innovative idea.
all about money and they
dont care about us.
Mumbai is Raped - Now their eyes
are on Uran - By Luke Gabriel Mendes
Clean and Beautiful URAN
=|v|| so i+=|=|ez =|v zz|
z|ms ier|n =-e|=|z| ve
=|v n n4| =|v r| m:|a t|rz
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=+. i+=|i=ez i=n|4z r|||z r|.
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=|. i+4| :ooo r+ez i=n|4z
z v|||a| |n| +=. r| |n|
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zz|, z4 =|va i:|n |z=a|z
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a= +=|.
|a zz| =n| 4|rz=|= nr=
v:z, :|n |4e v:z n :; =m|
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z=| a|ima= +| i4+|a iaaz
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n n4| =|v4z a| sa| r|n.
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;4a| :oo =+. +|.=|. =| -|z
+z|a =4n z r|=.
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|i+e+e 4|ra+|a i4+|a||| zz|
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=|a| za| q+z=| +|a|n.
an|= =| |n| a|ima= + r|
i4+|a|a |n a|a n4|n r|.
|=a| 4ia|z r| + az+|z iv|
|m-| i4+|a +=| +za n
v-| =|+|-| m|4|n i4+|a
+=n va =|m =|v=n| 4|a v|
|=r| =e zir4|||a| |m| n
=|=|a| va =|+|=| +=| :=
=|va| a|+-|n|| +=n |a a
ae az+|z, va =|+ n ivesz
=|+ |=| zz|4z s|e| |=n
-|a ia||| az|a |s| =|me|n.
-|n| =e =|+|a ||=a| n. r
ame i4+|a +e a||=| ||
a|s| r|.

Article By Luke Gabriel Mendes
=|v=| =e= az+|za s|e |a
May issue.indd 2 16-05-2014 06:51:51
May 2014
page 3
=||a |=|
Contd. From Page 1.

have they all gone, why are they
not on the DP plan. What is the
Government up to. Displacement
of the Indigenous is a grave crime
world over. They cannot put in-
digenous as property belonging to
Corporates on the Share market.
From Page 1.
n =o e|| |=a |z||s|
r|n, r| ame| +=| me|n. r|
s|.|. |n| =n| +=| n |
+||za az+|za| +| a|= r|
r| ivesz =|+ |=| m|4 t||z
v||z4z |=a|n v+|:||z
|| +|-a|a |e|=, q+ o
4a|a| =|va| +|e|| r|, ia=|
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=.,.;o:= =| z==z|| m=|. n
n a| =e|n4z a| a| vza z=|.
i:, ;: . : . ;o:: |
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amn=a||| m|4+|z|- i4z|||=| n
=|n|=| ia-| z|4z ia+z=| +=.
+a|a i|+a :|a|=| n a|ma| iaa z
v|, q=. a|. n a|= +=.
an|=| n +za| z|-| i+=a|
4=a , +zinaz, e| vn| +|z=|.
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|=|. m|4|-| =|+|n vz|a |||z i:=|.
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=|+e i+za|n.
r| o 4a|a| s|+z| v|+|
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=n| q+|e z=| n m|4+|a| =|n s=|.
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:r|a 4|si4=.
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|=a| =|a| |=| =||a |=r|
ivesz-| r|a|n n :4|a.
=e|=+|| -| i== n
- 4aa |e|=
Even After Death there is no Justice
ozy Patil, a 90 year old koli
living in her indigenous house
at Sion Koliwada resisted the State
Government and the Builder Sud-
hakar Shetty in her fght for jus-
tice. She was preventing the State
machinery from demolishing her
She died on 4th March
2014. Even after her death she re-
mains homeless.
On 27th Jan 2011 her house
was attacked by the Builder, Police
and corrupt people in her koliwada.
She opposed them while her house
was being attacked. Without any
proof or documentation the BMC
sealed her house. Her valuable ar-
ticles, furniture and her utensils
were removed forcibly from her
house. The other residents sup-
ported her in every way. On expe-
riencing this stress and chaos, she
got an heart attack.
On 5th Nov 2012, her
house was demolished with a bull-
dozer without showing her any le-
gal documents. All this was done
by the BMC with the supervision
of the 350 policemen and goons.
The residents who opposed this
injustice were beaten and arrested
on various charges. Nelson Fer-
nandes and Madhuri Shivkar were
arrested and were in the lockup for
42 days. The charges against them
were 307, 326, 323,324, 34. All
these false cases were put on most
of the villagers. Once they were
arrested, it was easy for the BMC
and builder to carry on their illegal
work of demolitions.
90 year old Rozy Francis Pa-
til approached the State for justice,
but justice was denied. She did not
approach the crooked builder, she
remained united with the villagers.
Not a single political leader came to
visit the area. These same leaders
claim that Mobaim is ours, we
are Mobaimkars. Then as In-
digenous Kolis are we outsiders?
The corrupt Government
and its machinery wants to destroy
us indigenous and our heritage
and fll their pockets with ill got-
ten wealth. We want development,
but self development. We want
self rule too. Therefore all Kolis be
very warned, stay away form the
builder lobby. We must preserve
our Indigenous Community.
by Vasant Patil
*** We are looking for Funds for a Documenta-
ry on the Indigenous of our land. We would like
all contributors to contact us immediately. You
will feature in the documentary as a well wisher.
emai l :aamchi maati mansa@gmai l . com ***
May issue.indd 3 16-05-2014 06:51:51
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
page 4 May 2014
Borivali East Indians celebrates 19th
Ekot Sola at I.C. Church.
q+|e a|e|a| a| - |.a|. aa=n|
a|z| +=|
q+|e a|re| :z 4za| : =. =| a|z
+za|n. r| 4za| : 4| a| r|a|.
+|:z |=+z =s|a| r|n| =|a +=.
-|-| az=|4=n| a v|== + a|z||
q+|e|| n =rna |e| =|+|n|
+|:n s4||z. =|a|=+|| a|=+a|+
+|+= r|a. r| +|+=|a =a|
|r| +|:z v|=||= vze| r|a. i:4|
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z|s |n n +=. =z|s| m n q+ vz
m|| m|=, +|e| - +ev| - |mz|,
+|a|4 =|z=|a +m|a |=r|.'
z|ez|e| | |eve |e|= n
v|z+| a:| i:=|. r| =n| a v|==
+ |e|=| a|=|i+ +||=n|
|=a| e|= :|=| |. +|+=|-|
az4|a|=| :|n |z zz| 4|s|=n|| =|
r| +|e|' r| m||4z n|a=. |a|n|
a| a: |=. r| a==|n
a|., qa. qa. a|. :4|:|z :; |z|n|
ae|i++e n ae i:=. +|:z i4iaen
q+|e a|re|a +|+=|=n| zz| 4|s|a|
|z, +|= is==| n na isiae4|n
m|| m|=|. +|+=|-| t|4e| +|:z
s|m|n| 4|-| z |=|n| +=|. a
v|== ==|=| am| =|a|a|, +=|=|
am| =|a|a| |i| q+|e a|re| am|
| i+aa|4a|.' n|a m|| a|= r|a,
+|+= a+= |=|.
KOT SOLA celebrated every
year on the 1st of May 2014
by the East Indian Associa-
tion Confraternity.
Fr. Oscar in his sermon gave
a beautiful message on Unity, Hon-
esty and Work is Worship. This was
followed by cultural programme
and get together. The Chief Guest
being Rev. Fr. Barthol Baretto and
the Guest of Honour for the evening
was Fr. Fitzerald Fernandes, who
could not make it due to unavoid-
able circumstances.
This was done by Rev. Fr.
Barthol, Fr. Vincent, the President
of the Confraternity Mr. Albert Pa-
til, Vice President Mr. Peter Rodri-
gues, Mr. Domnic Vaity and Secre-
tary Mr. Stephen Dsa.
This was followed by the
Prayer Dance beautifully enacted by
the youth of Holy Cross Road zone.
The Marathi Choir sang the East In-
dian opening chorus Koli, Kunabi,
Bhandari, Aagari, Kosav Mavaliche
furgis aami. Performances from
Pereira Wadi, a solo song by Ms.
Kim Dmello giving the message of
a Mother and Son relationship and a
solo song by Ms. Agnes Dsilva was
SSC, HSC and Graduation students
were felicitated.
By Peter Rodrigues.
Buddha Purnima
vr: |||=|
By Blossom Ferreira
he 14th of May is celebrated
as Buddha Purnima. This
day celebrates the birth of
Lord Gautam Buddha 2560 years
ago. His teachings on spirituality
included that of oneness to the uni-
verse through meditation and self
realization. He also taught that every
living being was created by the Cre-
ator and everything has a purpose in
this world. No one nor anything is
lesser in this world.Gautam Buddha
was from Nepal. His dissatisfaction
with the Aryan Hindu religion and
their crusades got him to a think and
meditate on his purpose. He was
enlightened and vowed to destroy a
regressive religion.
His reign was spread
throughout Asia. His teachings were
revered and the religion of Bud-
dhism was born. Today Buddhism is
followed the world over. Christian-
ity has borrowed a lot of its philoso-
phy from Buddhism.
In India, Buddhism per-
forms as a tool of social upliftment.
Dr. Ambedkar, a soldier of Bud-
dhism and the downtrodden, used
this platform to unite and uplift the
Dalits from the clutches of the caste
system. Buddhism has provided
spiritual guidance to its followers.
=. =| v |i|=| m|a=
va -= i:a a|z| +=
|a. -|a |i-=+ i|e||,
iaan n a|a|a| iza| r|.
-|n| i|+4= + -+
|4|=| :4|n vni4= n |
:n|=n| ame|a =| aa.
v n|ea r|a.
a ir: |=|a| v+|:| ||
a=|||n r|a.
a m|n| r|a n t|a r|a=| +
|=|a| -| n|| +za|n.
-|a z| a| qi|| =n|
r|a. | v |= :n|n =|.
sa| =|n|=|n| r|.
i=a| |=|n v |=|=|||
a-4m|n r|a=.
+||za|n z|z|a|s| v |=
=|+|n| =:a +za.
s|. |vs+z|| v |=|a|
|m +=n =|+|n| +|e
May issue.indd 4 16-05-2014 06:51:51
* For Authentic Bottled Masala
contact CONRAD & JUDITH on
9819602562, 9920370488.

* Stella Catering - East Indian
Cuisine for Parties, Speciality is
Pig Suckling. 26049324.
* For East Indian Cooking,
Malvani and Mughlai food, Bottle
Masala contact Ms. Monica
Dmello on 24080685.
* For wholesale Fresh Fish in
bulk orders contact Roysten
Fernandes on 8108310720 and
Thelma Pujari.
* Real Estate and Worldwide
Travel Consultant contact Mr.
Neal Nazareth Mendes on
* Artistic Cakes and confection-
ary contact Gidget Pereira on
Advertise with us, kindly email
us on
We would like you to send in
stories that will inform and educate
the community at large. If you do
have any services to
offer that the Indigenous people
could use, kindly email us on ;


We would like YOU to be part of our
We need your: Name:________
Family Size:_______________
Age group of each family member:
1. ___
2. ___
3. ___ etc.
Each family member Skill-set / pro-
1.___ _____
2._____ ___
3._____ ___ etc.
Interests lie in:
1. Guitar, Piano, Violin etc.
2. Engineering, fabrcating
3. Science and Medicine etc.
This information will be part of the
Indigenous Directory.
Get your Book, Novel, Art & Poetry Pub-
lished with Amaya Publishers.: 09820249257
Blossom Ferreira
B.Com & LLB
Insurance Consultant
Life Insurance Corporation of India
Offce: LIC, Br. 931, Oriental Bldg.
2nd foor, Hutatma Chowk, Mum - 400001,
We have received a good re-
sponse with regard to the Survey
on the bottom left of this page.
We urge more people to send in
details so we can collate a data-
base to build and promote indig-
enous communities in Develop-
ment. Also for Legal aid / advice
on Property matters email us.
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
page 5 May 2014
For Great Holiday Pack-
ages in Gorai, Manori,
Uttan, Dharavi Beth,
Raigad, Uttan, Thane,
Kindly Email us on
May issue.indd 5 16-05-2014 06:51:52
LIC Consultant
Mr. Vasant F. Patil
Contact: 9822528806
LIC Consultant
Blossom Ferreira, B.Com & LLB
Guitar Lessons
Mr. Alban Vaz
Real Estate Agent
Mr. Suresh Bhoir
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
May 2014 page 6
hile Mumbai has a sur-
plus of wealth got only
by oppressive policies
on the indigenous, this has not only
fattened the migrant population,
criminal wastage of food is a com-
mon scene here. Thanes Indigenous
/ Tribals after having secured special
status are going hungry, thanks to
the insensitive government and op-
portunist migrant populations.
Everyone is chasing wealth
in Mumbai, the MNCs are stationed
here making Mumbai / Mobaim one
of the biggest contributors to the In-
dian economy. Yet only a few kilo-
meters from Mumb ai/ Mobaim, the
indigenous of Thane are starving.
One such story of
Jaanvi Phuphaney comes to the fore-
front. Tears well up as the trembling
75-year-old Warli tribal struggles
to ease her emaciated body out of
her hut in Ghivanda-Pimpalpada,
14km from the Jawhar tehsil town
in Thane district. My
husband Sohni and I have not eaten
in two days, she says with folded
hands. Both her daughters are settled
in neighbouring Mokhada tehsil.But
son Pandu, 38, lives barely a stones
throw away with his wife, Muli, 32
and daughter Poonam, 9.
When he can afford it, he feeds us.
Other times he has to think of his
family, says Sohni, 78.
Pandu says the nearly Rs5,000 per
year he earns as a labourer on a
sand-dredging boat is hardly enough
to make ends meet for himself. We
are landless. I grow some paddy on
an encroached forest plot but that
and my earnings hardly suffce. We
ourselves go hungry so often, he
Jaanvi and Sohni are not alone. At
least 29 of the 82 families in the vil-
lage have built separate huts for the
elderly, many of who are undernour-
ished. A better part of these huts is
barely tall enough for a person to
Kamlibai Phuphaney, 68, is all skin
and bones. Diagnosed with protein-
energy malnutrition and weighing
27kg, she was taken to the rural
hospital at Jawhar, 20km away, on
a motorcycle. I felt my end is near.
I came back because I wanted to
be with my own people, she says,
Contd. on page 7
Mumbai Feasts while Tribals of
Thane go Hungry and Die.
By Luke Gabriel Mendes
=|va |n :|=a mz+|nn|
|:a|n +=i4= r|. r|
=|+ =e =|+|n| +a4n |4|=
|e|n. r| |4|= =|+|n|
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a|a|a 4n =|s| =|||n
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=e =|+ . |i:4|a|, az+|z||
i4|| +e| a= az| a a+
=za|n. az+|za| |n| -|
=|+|n| +|r| +|=|a n.
=|v=n| ame =|+ |n-:|=a
+=4|=| =|me|n. v-|
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:||a |n=| 4|z|=. az| q+|
+=|+|a az|4z s||| an,
s||a =|+ a+ =za|n.
r|-4| |na| +r.
|n| qi= =ir-|a ;o:= =n|
a=|z |=. iaa s|e |a4|||
az== r|a. iaa t|z|z =|z=|za
r|a. ir :s 4za|a| 4|z=|
|i:4|a|' iaa n|+ n
+=|z t|z|z z|-| vn|
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4za|a| |e| v|+| n a|+z|
vz|vz za.
a| v|==| 4 -|=| z4za
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via.'' qa :n 4za|a|
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(40/- = z|-||):;oo/- =
=r|-|a +=4|a|. a| n:|=n||
za| +z|a +|= v|a
+|=m|zvz|vz +za|. ir =|+
iv|a| t|a |a|n, az| a a|a|
a+ aa|n. r|-4| r| q+e|a
q|| n n; +ev|=n| ;
+ev|n| 4|=| |z| |e|
Contd. on page 7
=|va =|+ q|||z|= +za|n, s||a
|i:4|a| a+ =za|n
May issue.indd 6 16-05-2014 06:51:52
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
May 2014 page 7
From page 6

gasping for breath.
His neighbour Dhavalibai Sutar,
70, is small hut in which she has to
crawl in. She walks for over three
hours through the forest to Jawhar
town to beg at the Thursday weekly
market. I have no BPL ration card
and Im forced to buy expensive
grains with whatever money people
give me.
The two schemes Indira Gandhi Old
Age Pension Plan and the Sanjay
Gandhi Niradhar Anudan Yojana
(destitute benefciary will get Rs600
a month and family with more than
one benefciary will get Rs900 a
month) supposed to take care of ex-
actly this demographic dont seem to
have reached here let alone the for-
mulation of the worst ever policy.
Shiraz Balsara of the adivasi advo-
cacy group Kashtakari Sanghatna
says the vicious cycle the tribals
fnd themselves in is a result of the
governments faulty approach. The
elderly who die of hunger are passed
off as age- or sickness-related. Un-
less the district administration makes
an effort to revitalise the schemes,
the deaths and their acceptance will
continue to be seen as normal.
With all this development in
the name of progress and GDP, are
we becoming machines without a
heart for the indigenous on whose
very soil the migrants have secured
for themselves and their progeny
a secured healthy future here and
abroad, while the marginalized are
going hungry. Its not surprising that
a bigger revolution is underway and
the mainstream politicians who are
busy securing for themselves and
their mistresses a future of fortune
and comfort will face a time when
none of their wealth and power
would buy them a second life.
St. Francis Zone, St. Anthony Zone, St. Teresa Zone, St. Bonaventure Zone, St. Patrick
Zone, Manori East Indian Association Presents;
Aamchi Maati Aapli Mansa
Chala Ekot Vaha !
Rally (Morcha) Sunday 18th May 2014, The First Ever East Indian Rally In Manori.
A Rally to Voice the injustices by MMRDA, BMC, SRA, the Collector and the Politicians.
Rally will start at 6:00 pm Opp Manori Talathi offce / Manori Rickshaw Stand followed
by a Cultural and Dance program in East Indian Marathi.
Music by: Maxi Caskar & Wendy Dsouza.
Contact: Ambrose Ferreira - 9867968877, Support the East Indian Cause - Join
Venisha Bendoamar - 9619347064 us in our fght against Injustice.
Lincia B. Kinny - 9833114389 Donations & Legal Advice is welcome.

s|+| |a-|an| vni4e|n.
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+|==|v| |n| n 4za|a|
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=|n| =r|m ||- +a 4|a
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|: -|n |n| n a m|||
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ame az+|z-| :e|n |i:4|a|
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r|=| =i+= r|=.
=|n| 4|ea i+ =| |a
May issue.indd 7 16-05-2014 06:51:52
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
May 2014 page 8
. Youre more in touch with
your spiritual foundations
through transformative med-
itation: You realize, as Jung noted,
that the experience of the Self is
always a defeat for the Ego. And
through the seven primary chakras
you are becoming one with the cos-
mos, receptive to stimuli to which,
in the time before, you were insen-
sate. Youve felt the powerful kun-
dalini energy rising up from your
roots, passing through the sacred
waters of the sacral, basking in the
fre of the solar plexus, breathing in
the vital breath of the heart, absorb-
ing the ethereal voice of the throat,
pouring through the dissolution of
the Third Eye, and spilling up and
out like a mighty fountainhead into
the greater cosmos.
2. You are beginning to
want more freedom and less stuff:
Your heart is not heavy with ma-
terialistic burden. You understand
that ownership-based love can
never be true love. You realize like
Osho said, Love is not about pos-
session. Love is about apprecia-
tion. And although there are some
people in the world who are so
poor all they have is money, you
continue to love without expect-
ing anything in return. You have
frequent, overwhelming episodes
of appreciation for the abundance
the natural world has to offer. Like
Gandhi, you live simply so that
others may simply live.
3. You realize that the
door to your prison cell is wide
open (and always has been):
Rumi, Why do you stay in prison
when the door is wide open?
You have a growing propensity
toward breaking mental para-
digms, stretching comfort zones
and thinking outside of the cur-
rent box. You have a tendency to
think and act spontaneously rather
than from fears based on past ex-
periences, and you are constantly
attempting to recondition any and
all preconditions. You enjoy each
moment, relishing, in carpe-diem-
ecstasy, your bountiful freedom.
It was Rumi who asked, Why do
you stay in prison when the door is
wide open?
4. The world is a play-
ground, and you are on recess:
You dont take yourself too seri-
ously. You realize that, though hard
work is necessary, sincere play is
paramount. You understand that
play is the only way that the high-
est intelligence of humankind can
unfold. Your sense of humor has
become your safety net. You un-
derstand that sincerity is primary
and should always trump serious-
ness. Like Nietzsche wrote, The
struggle of maturity is to recover
the seriousness of a child at play.
5. You have acquired the
counterintuitive practice of relish-
ing in your mistakes: We all make
mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes
we make are huge, like overeat-
ing, or putting all our eggs in one
basket. Sometimes the mistakes
we make are small, like eating too
many beans, or making a wrong
turn at Albuquerque.
But you appreciate the strange
fukes and foibles that knock you
off course or lead you astray. These
can be setbacks or stepping stones.
Its up to you which. But you have
discovered the capacity to use them
as stepping stones.
6. You have an overwhelm-
ing feeling of being connected with
others and nature:
You realize, as Aldo Leopold did,
that The land is not a commodity
that belongs to us; its a commu-
nity to which we belong. You are
becoming more aware of your con-
nection to the community and cos-
mos. Your ego-centric tendencies
are fast dissolving into eco-centric
magnanimity. You realize, as Dar-
ryl Anka surmised, that, Every-
thing is energy and thats all there
is to it. Match the frequency of the
reality you want and you cannot
help but get that reality. It can be
no other way. This is not philoso-
phy. This is physics.
7. You understand that the
journey is indeed the thing:
Youve discovered that most of
your pleasure comes not from your
achievement of a goal, though
there is some pleasure that comes
from that, but from the process of
achieving that goal. Its not just
that you are on a journey; its that
you are the journey. You are not
simply crossing the bridge from
animal to Over-man (Nietzsches
bermensch), you are the bridge
itself. Indeed, you understand
from balls to bones, ovaries to
marrow that the glue that binds
fnitude with infnity is the human
torn between being both an animal
and a god.
8. Youd rather be slapped
with the truth than kissed with
a lie: You embrace the pain that
comes from knowledge and laugh
at the bliss born out of ignorance.
You accept that pain is a side effect
of doing what you love, knowing
that pain is merely the hard cen-
ter of love that must be embraced,
softened and transformed into wis-
You have an appreciation for truth
that trumps any amount of pain
or suffering thats necessary to
achieve it. Like the Dread Pirate
Roberts says to the princess in the
Princess Bride, Life is pain, prin-
cess. Anybody who tells you other-
wise is selling something.
Eight Signs You May Be Experi-
encing a Spiritual Awakening
* Esoteric
(* Knowledge specifcally
hidden from you)
Source: Collective Consciousness - Luke Gabriel Mendes
May issue.indd 8 16-05-2014 06:51:52
Rag Pickers to clean up the Beaches.
What is the BMC for then?
f the corporators suggestion
is to be implemented by the
Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation (BMC), then we
might see ragpickers cleaning
the chowpatties across the city.
In an interesting suggestion,
The BMC has demanded that
the beach cleaning works should
be handed over to ragpickers in
the city.
The civic administration
has tabled a `11 crore propos-
al for the cleaning of fve city
beaches Versova, Madh, Mar-
ve, Manori and Gorai for a
period of seven years before the
civic standing committee. As the
proposal came up for discussion
on Wednesday, the corporators
slammed the BMCs mode of
appointing contractual labour-
ers for the cleaning of beaches.
Speaking on the issue, the Con-
gress corporator Sheetal Mhatre
said, The civic body is wast-
ing crores of rupees by allotting
beach cleaning works to con-
tractors. This has been done to
favour particular contractors. In-
stead, they should offer this job
to ragpickers, who collect gar-
bage on city roads. They would
carry out the work earnestly and
even at half the amount the con-
tractors have quoted.

Her suggestion was sup-
ported by majority of the corpo-
rators in the standing commit-
tee. The BJP leader Dilip Patel
said, The civic offcials have
no control over the contractors,
who have failed to clean up city
chowpatties. You will fnd lot of
trash left behind even after the
contractors men cleaning the
beaches. There is no harm in al-
locating this job to ragpickers.
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
May 2014 page 9
ia| a+4||z| =||a v:z
a|+ +z|=| r|n, =m v|.
q=.a|. +|||a|s|
z nmza4+|a
aan| =|n= |=, az v|.
q=.a|. ia| a+4||z|
=||a||| aa| t|rz|n v:z
a|+ +za i:aa|n. v|.q=.
a|. n aa4= r| + v:z
a|+ +z|a +|= ia|
a+4|||n| i:= |.
nmz i4|+ +|za|zn ::
+|e| = r| +|=|=|
v|=| si4e|n. r|
+|=|=| 4a|4|, =s, =|4,
=|n|z| n m|z|, a|a 4za|
a|s| v:z a|+ +z|=|
size|n. +| r |n|
=|n a|z| a|s| a|z
+za|n +
v:z a|+ +z|a| |
=a|4 |e|4z nmz
ai4+|n| v|.q=.a|. a
r| -| :a|a +|=
| v-| +n|n| +|=
i:= |a n |a| n||
r|a. t||a= =r| v|==|,
v|.q=.a|. +|e| +|e|
= n|| +za. =r|n
r| +|=|a|s| iar|
a+4||z| =na|n| +|=
ame|n| =4|+|z=|. v|..
|. +|+a| i:=| e=
v|==|, v|.q=.a|. a
+|=m|z r +|ne

+|r| i|+|z nae|n a4
a v:z a|+ +za n.
ia| a+4||z| =||a|n|
+|= i:= az +|r|r|
n+a|n r|||z n.
ia| a+4||z| =||a v:z a|+ +z|=|
r|n, =m v|.q=.a|. +|||a|s|
Should we not look after
the welfare of the desti-
tute instead of seeking
cheap labour from them
- Activists
May issue.indd 9 16-05-2014 06:51:52
We are going to start a FM radio Channel, but we need your help. We need
volunteers, partners, dedicated interested people to help and assist in getting
our voice to our people. We need Most Importantly are FUNDS and
committed people.
email on
*** Advertise with Us -
email on, ***
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
May 2014 page 10
OBC, Schedule Caste & Schedule
Tribe - Why are we Separated
eservation is the most
debated subject in
India. We at Aamchi
Maati Aapli Mansa [AmAm]
too feel reservations in a so-
ciety will create a lower qual-
ity of individuals, since they
wont have that competitive
spirit of survival or excellence.
In India religion and
bigotry go hand in hand. Spe-
cial privileges and attention is
given to a small class of peo-
ple of that specifc religion or
caste. This nature of social
structure prevents equal op-
portunity. This is rampant in
any sector, education, govern-
ment jobs, corporations etc.
Hence reservations are neces-
sary. But again looking at the
demographics of India where
the OBCs, Schedule Tribes
and Schedule castes are a ma-
jority when combined, yet
they are given a very small
percentage of reservations.
This goes to show how bias
the government of India is to-
wards this population.
The Minority com-
mission too is unfair. Since
muslims have a religious
obligation to increase their
populations, they are the ones
who usurp all the benefts
from the
Contd on Page 11
|ze|| a|za|n =|s| i4
r|. |=r| |=a| =|a|
|=| =||a' a+n qa
4|ea + |ze|| =||a|=|
|=| a|+: n +v|e|a
=|ira| ||z n. a|za|n
|= n |e||| q+|e
r|n. i4|| =|n ir:
|==| i:=| |a |
,.s % a|za|a| aa|
|e| :||n a|=|.
i+ ;4==|| ame|n| vz|.
vz ir||v|n| +|=, it|e||
n az+|z| n|+z| i==
n. r| +|z||n |ze||
=|+|n| z|m a. a|za|a
|.v|.a|. naiaa |a|,
naiaa =|a|a| aa|
|=a| r| az| =||za ir=a|
|=rn| i=ea. |ze||a|
r| +|:| |=r|n| :|a|4a|
+ a|za az+|z =e
=|+|4z +|4z -|
eaa|a +||=
a| a| -| +za.
=a==|n|a| ||zi=+
v|n v|=a +| -|
=|+|a| aa| 4|z|a|. a|a
Contd on page 11
|.v|.a| naiaa |a|, naiaa
=|a| - | 4|=| +=| r|4
By Luke Gabriel Mendes
May issue.indd 10 16-05-2014 06:51:53
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
May 2014 page 11
allocated minority resources.
2013 -2014 had a budget allo-
cation of 4500 crores for mi-
nority affairs, how much did
the Christian OBC, Tribals
and the Schedule Castes gain
from this, ZERO.
Minority communities
must keep on applying for
funds from the minority com-
mission for the sake of edu-
cation and cottage industry.
This will allow a legal pro-
cess atleast to ensure delivery
of resources to the deserving
minority community.
OBC, Schedule Tribes &
Schedule Castes are a sepa-
rated lot by ideology and
religion. The East Indians
[OBCs] are the frst Indig-
enous Tribes from the Kokan
to be Europeanized. Though
this community chose Chris-
tianity, since ideologies
evolve, they retained their
tribal rituals, Hindu rituals,
Buddhist Rituals and fnally
they absorbed Christianity
which was brought to them
by the Portuguese Clergy.
The Indigenous never treated
the Portuguese as invaders,
they treated them with rever-
ence. The Portuguese gave
the indigenous population a
way out of the Bitter Hindu
Caste system which was the
main reason in fuelling riots,
allowing loss of lives and
property to those vested
interests in the hierarchy of
the Hindu religion.
Today OBCs have for-
gotten their roots of being an-
cient tribals who have become
developed yet immersed in re-
ligion and divisive politics. It
takes only a person from any
background to get enlightened
and look beyond religion. Un-
fortunately, monetary gains
and privileges have made the
tribals and OBCs to migrate
to religions of privilege. Little
do they know that they will
never be considered as one
of them and they will never
grow if they do not organise.
Hence, as a united body
of OBCs, SC & ST, we can
secure for ourselves the rights
and privileges that was given
to us by Mother nature herself.
We would not need to depend
on migrant populations who
rule the indigenous.
=|+ eaa-| ||a
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-||= =n| r| i4|
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|e| |z|-v|e|n| =|s
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i=e t|+a|. | r++
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4 =|+|n| i:==| r|.
|=r| v-| az+|z4z
|=a i4|4|a s4|a n.
a|a|a r++a|s| q+|e
zn =s|=| |.

Precious Moments
Memories are made
of these ..
Photography &
Lloyd Mathews
May issue.indd 11 16-05-2014 06:51:53
May 2014
|=a| =|a|
=||a |=|
Owner, Printer & Publisher Luke Gabriel Mendes. Printed at The New Millenium Printers, 314 Mathurdas Mill Compound, N.M. Joshi
Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013.
Editor: Luke Gabriel Mendes Title Code: MAHBIL06777
Page 12
Indigenous Personality
Indigenous Personality of
of this Month
r. D. A. DMonte is one
of the founders of the
Bombay East Indian As-
sociation, has actively identifed
himself with it throughout the past
ffty years and has several times
been elected President, a position
he occupies now in this golden ju-
bilee year.
Dr. DMonte is a gradu-
ate of the Bombay University and
has got European qualifcations,
namely - M.D. [Brux], L.R.C.P.,
[London], L.R.C.S., L.M. [Ed.],
F.R.I.P.H [London], F.C.P.S., L.M.
& S. [Bombay].
He had at one time represented the
Medical Faculty on the Syndicate
and has been the head of that Fac-
ulty as its dean. He has been the
member of the Senate of the Bom-
bay University for more than 30
He was presented by the
secretary of State for India at the
Levee of Her Majesty Queen Vic-
toria at the Court of St. James on
monday the 15th March 1886.
Dr. DMonte was a member of the
Municipal Corporation of Bombay
for over 35 years. He was the frst
non-offcial President of the Mu-
nicipality of Bandra and was again
elected President in 1933.
He has rendered profes-
sional services for free of charge
to various charitable institutions
for over 20 years, to ST. Josephs
Convent Bandra, St. Stanislaus Or-
phanage, Mahim and Mount Mary
Convent, Bandra.
Dr. DMonte was created
a Knight of St. Gregory the Great
by his Holiness Pope Pius XI in
the year 1925. He was the frst
East Indian member in the legisla-
tive Council of His Excellency the
of Lord Sydenham from about
1911 to 1916.
During the Great War
both Dr. DMonte and Dr. Mrs.
DMonte spent considerable time
and money in rendering such ser-
vices as required of them. During
the 1930 Riots in Bombay he ren-
dered timely and most valuable
Dr. DMonte was the Pres-
ident and Trustee of Dr. Antonio
Da Silva High School, Dadar, and
a member of the St. Anthonys
home co-operative Society, Chem-
bur, and Salsette C.C. Agricultural
Society. He is an Hon. Secretary
and Trustee of J.N. Wadia Chari-
table Dispensary, Mahim, Director
and Chairman of the Bombay Mu-
tual Assurance Society Ltd., and
Chairman of the Modern Insurance
Company ltd.,
Dr. DMonte is a member
of several Institutions of London.
His services to the common man
has given him a place in the His-
tory books of various renowned in-
stitutions abroad, sadly in India his
name is not mentioned in History
books, since History in India is of
r| =irn|a| =e ;+a|,
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e| vn= n -|n| :,,

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Assistance in Shifting residence,
Travel companion to the Holy
Land or else where with Senior
Citizen Kindly call: Joshua on
09769427014, 24442153
By Luke Gabriel Mendes
May issue.indd 12 16-05-2014 06:51:53

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