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Busy winter,

a case study of 3 sites in the UK in 2014.

Case study in numbers
Projects: 3
Total capacity: 20MWp
Panels: 40,000
Cables: 400,000
Trenc!es: "#2 iles $%0 &
Co''ee: appro(# 3,)2* cups +or so y wi'e says,
-'ter success'ully copletin. 2 /0 solar sites t!e year be'ore, -cti1ia was !ire2 a.ain, by t!e sae
client, to 2o all 3C an2 trenc!in. wor&s 'or 3 solar 'ars in 4n.lan2 in 5ebruary an2 Marc! 20%4#
Copletin. all 3 sites by t!e en2 o' Marc! was essential because o' t!e 67Cs ban2in. c!an.e#
4arly one 8atur2ay ornin., 9 !a2 a eetin. wit! y site tea# 9 e(plaine2 t!at our client
re:ueste2 t!at our copany !an2le all eart!in. wor&s, inclu2in. about " & o' trenc!es an2
eart!in. cablin.# T!ey 2i2n;t e1en blin& an eye an2 siply as&e2 'or a 2ea2line +9 lo1e y tea,#
Mon2ay at noon 9 replie2# T!is .ot t!e blin&in.# T!ey actually lau.!e2 out lou2, t!in&in. 9 was
jo&in.# 9t was only w!en 9 e(plaine2 it a.ain, in 2etail, t!ey to .rasp t!e situation# Mon2ay
at noon was t!e sc!e2ule2 tie 'or t!e re:uire2 site eart!in. test to classi'y our site as col2#
7b1iously, 'ailin. t!is test was not an option#
9t was a 1ery busy wee&en2 wit! e1eryone easily wor&in. %4 !ours a 2ay# But we 2i2 it< Mon2ay
a'ternoon 9 saw t!e eart!in. test results# We were ;col2;# T!e .uy w!o per'ore2 t!e tests sai2 it
was one o' t!e sa'est sites !e !a2 seen#

9n less t!an * wee&s, we !a2 connecte2 close to 40,000 panels, installe2 o1er 2,000 in1erters,
cobiner bo(es an2 strin. bo(es, pulle2 about 400 & o' cable an2 2u. about %0& o' trenc!es
'or 3C cables, -C cables, CCT= an2 eart!in.# -ll o' t!e contracte2 wor&s were coplete2 by Marc!
# 9t was a 1ery c! tas& an2 was only possible because o' t!e resources we !a2 at our
2isposal# 5irst o' all, we !a2 t!e ri.!t e:uipent 'or t!e job inclu2in. tools an2 plants# 8econ2ly,
+an2 ost iportantly, ore t!an %00 e(perience2, !ar2 wor&in. people# 5inally, 'inancial
resources allowe2 'or obili>ation o' people an2 e:uipent#
T!e 2ay a'ter t!e site was connecte2 e1eryone arri1e2 to 'inis! inor t!in.s suc! as site cleanin.
an2 pac&in.# 41eryone, inclu2in. ot!er contractors an2 t!e client;s site ana.eent, 'elt
accoplis!e2, rela(e2, an2 success'ul# 9t was t!e best 2ay o' t!e project# We e(perience2 a nice
taste o' 1ictory#
Mic!al Bacia, ?ea2 o' Projects ic!al#bacia@acti1ia.roup#pl
-bout -cti1ia 8olar At2
5oun2e2 in 20%0, !ires over 100 people, coplete2 over 220 Mp o' solar projects locate2 in t!e
/0, Bel.iu, Berany# 4(perience2 wit! rooftop 'ro 3&Wp an2 !round ounte2 'ar as bi! as
1"Mp. Main 'ocus on hi!h #uality $C cablin!, e(pertise inclu2e .roun2 wor&s, construction,
'ences, installation o' structures, panels, in1erters an2 electric cabinets# Pro1i2in. maintenance
an2 repair ser1ices 'or solar p1 systes# ?a1in. necessary financial and technical resources.

-cti1ia is a reliable, e(perience2 contractor capable o' !an2lin. coercial an2
utility scale projects#
%ortfolio o' projects a1ailable on line: !ttp:$$acti1ia.roup#co$en$p!oto1oltaics
&eferences an2 sites 1isit a1ailable on re:uest: solar@acti1ia.roup#pl

-cti1ia 8olar At2
T!e -pe(
2 8!eri''s 7rc!ar2
C=% 3PP Co1entry

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