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Commercial and utility scale solar pv installation

How to pick the best ones and why it's
Why is it important to pick the best ones?
The Pareto principle (also known as the 8020 rule) states that for many events, roughly 80% of
the effects come from 20% of the causes !n the case of solar pv pro"ects, the installation phase is
clearly part of the 20% that generates 80% or more of the results The cost of the installation
accounts for a#out $0% of the pro"ect #u%get &et, the results of the construction phase
%etermines whether the pro"ect is a success or a failure
There %oesn't have to #e a massive construction %isaster, with fire an% e(plosions, for the pro"ect
to fail !t can #e something as su#tle as connecting to the gri% on )pril $st instea% of *arch +$st
This is why you shoul% really focus on the construction phase an% choose the #est people to work
with on this
The best solar pv contractor for you: ,ho is the #est- ,hat %oes 'high .uality' mean in terms of
solar installation-
High uality.
/#viously, you want to complete construction as soon as possi#le to start generating energy an%
revenues )n% you want to make sure you generate as much energy as possi#le to ma(imise
revenues 0igh .uality construction means the plant is commissione% as soon as possi#le an% the
operational efficiency is $00% (meaning actual generation e.uals %esigne% generation) 1o, all of
your panels are installe%, wire% an% connecte% to the gri% &ou ma%e the %ea%line2 3ut how is the
efficiency- !t %oes you no goo% to have a solar farm complete% within the %ea%line #ut only
operating at 40% efficiency #ecause a wrong transformer was installe% or ca#les have a #roken
There are key factors essential to the successful completion of a solar plant's construction The
contractor nee%s the right people The people nee% the right resources There has to #e goo%
communication esta#lishe% #etween everyone involve% in the pro"ect, inclu%ing the contractor
an% you
The best solar pv installer?
,hen looking for the #est solar pv installation su#contractors, verify whether the company you are
talking to meets the criteria of 5the #est contractor6 !n other wor%s, you want to make sure the
company has the right people, the right resources an% can communicate
)sk for an% check references 7earn a#out the installer's e(perience 8very soli%, successful
company loves to give references 9ontractors love to talk a#out their successes an% complete%
pro"ects They will #e more than happy to show you their last or current "o#
,hen it comes to resources, it's all a#out money &ou want to work with a contractor that has
enough cash in the #ank to pay e(perience% people, #uy goo% tools an% e.uipment an% hire
re.uire% plants !f a company is an(ious for your %own payment that shoul% raise a flag :un a
cre%it check to see if they are cash poor The last thing you want is a %esperate company
) goo% way to know the communication style of your potential contractor is to ask for things that
you know are impossi#le, an unrealistic %ea%line for e(ample The response the installer gives tells
you a lot a#out his communication style &ou want to work with people who will present their
perspective #ase% on their #est knowle%ge as they are suppose% to #e e(perts in their fiel% ;uring
the pro"ect construction phase, you want to have all the information a#out the process, even the
#a%, uncomforta#le ones <oo% fee%#ack has nothing to %o with a military style '&es 1ir2' reply
Comparing commercial or utility scale solar pv offers.
7et's say you have short=liste% potential installers you think are goo% enough to work for you >ow
it's time to compare the offers Please keep two things in min%?
@irst, check the scope of works in the offers *ake sure you are comparing apples to apples #y
making sure you an% the contractors are talking a#out the same scope of works The %etails a%% up
an% can #e significant @or e(ample, who is responsi#le for unloa%ing an% han%ling material- !s the
contractor suppose% to hire plants or will you have them on site-
1econ%ly, when comparing prices, remem#er that the cost of construction is typically less than
$0% of the entire #u%get ) 20% %ifference in the cost of installation is a less than 2% %ifference in
the pro"ect #u%get *oreover, the price in the offer is only the agree% upon cost for certain tasks
an% therefore, might not #e the complete cost There might #e e(tra works or a nee% to fi( an%
repair something The cheapest way to #uil% a solar plant is to %o it correctly the first time with
%iligence Then you know the plant is an% will #e working an% generating cash for you
Things you might want to consider when building a solar farm.
!t's going to #e a #usy year in the AB for the large solar farms construction The time pressure is
huge an% connecting a pro"ect larger than 4*,p in )pril 20$4 is not an option ;ownloa% insights
from the front line of a solar construction site that might #e useful when %esigning an% #uil%ing
your pro"ects that will save you time an% money
)#out )ctivia 1olar 7t%
@oun%e% in 20$0, hires over &'' people( complete% over ))' *Wp of solar pro"ects locate% in the
AB, 3elgium, <ermany 8(perience% with rooftop from +k,p an% ground mounte% farm as big as
&+*Wp. *ain focus on high uality ,C cabling, e(pertise inclu%e groun% works, construction,
fences, installation of structures, panels, inverters an% electric ca#inets Provi%ing maintenance
an% repair services for solar pv systems 0aving necessary financial and technical resources.
5)ctivia is a relia#le, e(perience% contractor capa#le of han%ling commercial an%
utility scale pro"ects6
-ortfolio of pro"ects availa#le on line? http?CCactiviagroupcomCenCphotovoltaics
.eferences an% sites visit availa#le on re.uest? solarDactiviagrouppl
)ctivia 1olar 7t%
The )pe(
2 1heriffs /rchar%
9E$ +PP 9oventry

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