Qualitative and Quantitative Analyzing

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Qualitative and quantitative analyasis

To better understanding and using qualitative analysis is important to know nature of analyzing.
Qualitative analysis is descriptive, not as exact answer. That is essential things in qualitative
analysis. The purpose qualitative analysis is to understand target group, his attitude, motivation,
behavior. In contrast qualitative, quantitative analysis based on numbered data and short answer
#orm quantitative analysis is like huge statistic and general theory while qualitative analysis is
appear from philosophy and sociology.
The main differences between them are$
Qualitative analysis$
% understand motivation and reason
% small, non%representative
% unstructured, can be done both individually and with several responds
% none statistical
% understanding
Quantitative analysis$
% quantify data and pro&ect it into universe
% large, representative,
% structured, always individual respondents
% statistical
% final recommendations
Qualitative analysis usually function as exploratory studies. 'nd it correlated with question$
(hat is being sad) or not"* (hen)* +ow) (hy) In which way) (ithout question yes!no.
Questions are usually posted indirectly, because we rather interested for a wider answer.
The report is often like written report. The interviews in qualitative analysis is in the mostly
cases has been recorded in order to make opportunity to show what respondents sad".
Qualitative analysis is used in$
% when researcher is not familiar about issue topic, quastion"
% when we need to develop new product
% when is used as introduction in quantitative analysis
Tools of qualitative analysis$
% world association
% comic%bubbles
% sorting of pictures
% third person technique
% collages, drawings
Technical implementation of focus group$
% #, is conduct as a round table discuss between respondents and moderators
% ' number of respondents are from - to ./ or ./%.0 divided in subgroup
% +omogeneity of participants
% 1uration is about ..2h, or 0%0.2 for extended group
% The #3 is usually conduct with not less than two group with the same group of question
'dvantages using focus group$
% The group create synergy and motivation of respondents
% The group can provide a filing of comfort and security necessary for a respondent to
speak freely and voluntarily
% In focus group we can simulate many situation such is displaying product, situation,
% #, groups provide opportunity to monitor the and attend interviews
% ' study based on focus group can be conducted relatively quickly
% 4isunderstanding responders and moderators
% (e can easily be led to believe that a focus group gives all answers
% 5normous task for moderators to manage the process
6eporting has the following purposes$
% The 7hysical evidence from the study
% 1istribution of results to stakeholders
% ' way to answer the original marketing issues
% The case is closed , when reports puts an and to the analysis process
% The reports can lead towards new issue and needs
The reporting process$
% Introduce the issue, initial reason
% 4ethodology design, data analysis, implementation"
% Interpretation of result and conclusion
The analyze must be able to answer question such as$
% 're preference in the market strong)
% Is there a high level measured of awareness of a brand in relation to the volume of
advertising )
% (hat are the option indicate in the study to increase customer satisfaction)
% In the percent of the target group who believe that certain tv advertising is goof or large
The general reporting format$
% Title page
% ,ontents
% 5xecutive summary!management summary
% 7roblem statement
% 4ethods and data analysis
% 6esults
% ,onclusion and recommendations
% 8imitations and reservations
% 'ppendix questionnaire, descriptions of sampling and fieldwork, etc."
7resentation of results$
% 5lectronic data
% 1etailed tables,
% 3raphic presentations
% ' written conclusive summary

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