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How does Tooling U-SME handle its data and IT

The short answer is we take it seriously.
The long answer is detailed below.
Tooling U-SME is located in a state-o-the-art data center eaturing !obust "ower # "ower Monitoring$
En%ironmental Systems$ &ire "rotection Ser%ices$ '()*)+,- Security$ "hysical .onstruction$
Telecommunications$ S/S *0$ and ".I 1SS com2liance.
/ll Tooling U-SME hosting e3ui2ment is ully redundant and load balanced. This includes clustered web ser%ers$
S/4$ database ser%ers$ irewalls$ routers$ and switches. !eliability$ a%ailability$ security and scalability are
ensured by the use o 2ro%en$ state-o-the-art technologies rom EM.5$ 6M7are5$ 1ell5$ and .isco5. 8acku2s
are automated and taken osite to a secure location.
!obust "ower # "ower Monitoring
9ur ser%ers and hardware rest on an anti-static$ :;-inch raised loor su22lied by an Uninterru2table "ower
Systems <U"S=. The U"S is redundantly su22lied by di%ersely distributed utility 2ower and backed u2 by a '.:
Megawatt diesel generator with a uel ca2acity o ,$>00 gallons. 1ue to our 2ro)imity to ;:: emergency ser%ices$
our data center beneits by being a 2riority location or emergency reueling. "ower le%els and distribution are
monitored '()*$ allowing network engineers to ad?ust 2ower consum2tion as need to ensure o2timal 2ower
a%ailability and usage.
En%ironmental Systems
The data center@s tem2erature and humidity le%els are controlled %ia a '(0 ton H6/. cooling system distributed
by a 2ressuriAed downdrat system located under the raised loor.
&ire "rotection Ser%ices
The data center utiliAes a state-o-the-art laser air sam2ling detection system which is '000 times more sensiti%e
than con%entional smoke detectors. The detection system is backed by a 2re-action$ double interlocked dry 2i2e
ire 2rotection system.
'()*)+,- Security
/n onsite$ around-the-clock 4etwork 92erations .enter monitors security and %ideo systems '()*)+,-$
2ro%iding access control or 2hysical security that 2atrol the 2remises on a regular basis. Uniormed guards
control the lobby$ and no access is granted to the data center during o hours without an escort.
/ state-o-the-art 1SB security system 2ro%ides access control to authoriAed 2ersonnel %ia a 2ro)imity card and
key 2ad at all entrances to the data center. /ny %iolation o the security 2rotocols triggers an alert that is sent to
two redundant and geogra2hically di%erse monitoring locations.
6ideo sur%eillance is in 2lace at all entrances to the data center and throughout key locations within the data
center. 6ideo sur%eillance recordings are maintained or a minimum o ;0 days.
"hysical .onstruction
The .le%eland$ 9hio .ollocation 1ata .enter 2erimeter is constructed with two 2hysical layers o concrete
reinorced material. There are two 2hysical layers o doors to the data center consisting o hea%y gauge steel
security grade construction.
&iber and telecommunications connecti%ity is di%ersely routed %ia se2arate 2hysical building entrances and
di%erse conduit 2aths into the data center itsel. /ll o the ma?or global carriers with large regional network
oot2rints are iber terminated directly inside the 1ata .enter.
/ll network ser%ices are distributed %ia an o%erhead multi-tier ladder rack system.
/merican &iber Systems Elobal .rossing
6eriAon 8usiness
Third &rontier
S/S *0
The Statement on /uditing Standards 4o. *0F Ser%ice 9rganiAations or S/S *0 is an
auditing statement issued by the /uditing Institute o .ertiied "ublic /ccountants
</I."/=. S/S *0 deines the 2roessional standards that a ser%ice auditor uses to
assess the internal controls o a ser%ice organiAation when issuing a ser%ice audit
There are two ty2es o re2orts$ both o which the Tooling U-SME data center is com2liant withF
Ty2e I includes the ser%ice auditor@s o2inion regarding the airness o the 2resentation o the ser%ice
organiAation@s descri2tion o the controls that ha%e been 2laced in o2eration and the suitability o the design
o the controls to achie%e the ob?ecti%es o the control.
Ty2e II includes e%erything rom the Ty2e I re2ort but also the ser%ice auditor@s o2inion regarding whether
or not the controls where o2erating eecti%ely during the time o the re%iew.
".I 1SS
".I 1SS is a security standard that includes re3uirements or security management$ 2olicies$ 2rocedures$
network architecture$ sotware design and other 2rotecti%e measures. 1e%elo2ed by ma?or credit card
com2anies$ ".I 1SS is a guideline designed to hel2 organiAations 2rocess credit card inormation. The Tooling
U-SME data center is ".I 1SS com2liant.

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