RR INFRA Questionnaire-V1.0

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End-to-end Design Solution

Requirement Capture document
[For RR Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd]
Requirement Capture Document
Document Control
Reference No: 233546160.doc
Security Classification: Confidential
Issue Date: November 06, 2013
Author: S!it" #rvindn, C-Senses, $nglore
Issuer : #nind $su, C-Senses, $nglore
Distribution: %rveen, RR Infra Tech Pvt. Ltd, India
Requirement Capture Document
Not many people enjoy filling out questionnaires, but for your project to be successful, we need some bacground
information about you and your !isions. "lease complete all fields w#ere possible.
Logo Requirement Capture Questionnaire
! "our full name an# Designation$%itle:
&! 'mail a##ress:
(! Company name) bac*groun# + short #escription of ser,ices:
-! Do you ha,e a ,ision statement. /ission statement. If yes) please pro,i#e!
0! Current 1eb a##ress 2if a,ailable3:
6. Who is your target audience? What are the demographics of the audience (age, geography,
interests, etc.)
7. Who are your main competitors? Please list their wesites if possile.
Requirement Capture Document
&. In 1hat 1ay #o you #iffer from your competition. 2%lese t'(e " )or 'our c"oice3
"roduct %%% &'pertise %%%% (ears in business %%%
)ocation %%% Customer ser!ice %%%
*t#er + please describe,
4! 5hat is your tagline if applicable. Do you 1ant this in the logo.
A tagline is a word or phrase that identifies and explains a product's or company's benefit to the consumer in
a meaningful way. for example PHILIPS uses Sense & Simplicity
6! Do you ha,e specific images or icons that you 1ish or #o not 1ish to be in your logo.
! Do you ha,e any color preferences or any e7isting colors you 1ant in your logo.
&! Do you 1ant your logo to ha,e flat color li*e Sapient or Dell or (D li*e Sony 'ricsson etc
13. 5hat attributes of your business 1oul# you li*e your logo to reflect. 2e.g. *m(ressions+ ,orml
or Csul- ,riendl' or Serious- Cool or .rm- /odern or 0rditionl-3
-! Do you ha,e any 9u::1or#$%heme$;ey1or#2s3 in min# that you 1ant your logo to portray.
15. 5hat is the most important application for your logo. 1ie. $usiness Crd, .ebsite, Signge,
0-S"irt, etc2
Requirement Capture Document
<! Do any e7isting logos appeal to you + 1hy. If so) please pro,i#e a lin* to a picture of each
Lin* to the logo 5hy you li*e it 5hat 1e 1oul# li*e to see for our o1n logo
=! >lease supply a brief #escription of the #esign you ha,e in min# an# any other information
that 1oul# be useful!
Requirement Capture Document
Website Requirement Capture Questionnaire
!arget "udience
! 5hat *in# of customer base$type are you targeting for this site.
2. >lease #escribe the #emographics of the target au#ience 2ge, geogr("ic loction, etc.3.
Wesite Purpose
#. What is the $I%&L' most compelling idea to communicate?
(. Why should the target audience elieve it?
). *ow do we want the target audience to feel+,o after the communication?
-. *ow do you measure the success of this wesite?
Requirement Capture Document
Wesite ,esign ,etails
3. >lease list at least ( ?RLs 24eb ddresses3 of high quality sites that you li*e the loo* of 2t"ese
do not "ve to be sites 4"o5s business is similr to 'ours. *t ids us in determining 4"t 'our
design st'le is.3 Consi#er layout) colors) na,igation) graphics) font$print! @eel free to point
out specific #etails you li*e or #onAt li*eB! %he more information pro,i#e# here) the better!
5eb Site 2?RL3 5hy you li*e it 5hat 1e 1oul# li*e to see for our o1n site
&. 5hat type of loo* are you trying to achie,e. 1e.g. "ig"-tec", conservtive, 4rm, )ls"', etc.2
4! Are there any other comments$specific i#eas 1e shoul# *eep in min# 1hile #esigning your
6! 5hat colors or color schemes 1oul# you li*e. If you #o not ha,e any Color schemes then 1e
can #efine that for you!
! Do1 frequently 1ill you 1ant to up#ate your 1ebsite.
12. Do you ha,e the follo1ing resources: 1delete t"e o(tions 4"ic" re not ((licble2
Copy writing?
0 (es + you or someone in your company #a!e t#e time and sills
0 No + you would #a!e to outsource
Photography/ Illustration?
0 you or someone in your company #a!e t#e time and sills to pro!ide t#e p#otograp#s.
0 (ou #a!e t#e time select p#otograp#s from stoc p#otograp#ic website
0 C-1enses to select pictures for you from stoc p#otograp#ic website
Graphic design?
0 (es + you or someone in your company #as t#e time and sills
0 No + you would #a!e to outsource 2C-1enses will do it3
Requirement Capture Document
Wesite *osting ,etails
(! Do you currently ha,e hosting for your site.
-! If so) can you pro,i#e the name of the hosting company an# the login information.
0! Do you alrea#y o1n the #omain name 2?RL3 for your site.
<! If you alrea#y ha,e a ser,er 1hat technology is it. '7ample 5in#o1s) Linu7!
Requirement Capture Document
Contct *n)ormtion
SaCith Ara,in#an
Director, $usiness Develo(ment
Emil+ sajith@ csenses.in
/obile+ 671 7702611&24 8 77&065&136
Anin#a 9asu
Cretive Director
Emil+ nind9csenses.com
/obile+ 671 7&&6633363
Arup ;anti Dey
Cretive Director
Emil+ ru(.d9csenses.com
$nglore - 56000&
:rnt;, *ndi
Requirement Capture Document

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