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Claudia Serrano

AP English, Block 5
May 26, 2014


Animal Testing: Right or Wrong?
I ntroduction
The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk, but rather, Can they
-Jeremy Bentham
Animal testing has become a common topic discussed throughout the world,
where some people argue against it and others for. It all started in the 19
century when
scientists began to experiment their medicines and procedures on animals. However,
during the late 19
century and the early 20
century, there was a boom in animal testing
leading to new developments in science as well as new movements for animal rights.
Different views on the practice flourished, inquiring whether it should continue or not.
Animal research contributes immensely to the science world, but in order to reach a
balance between medical findings and animal experimentation certain restrictions and
procedures to mitigate animal suffering should be meet.

What animal testing brings to the world of science?
Animal testing has proved to be beneficial for scientific development and hence
for human health. Because of the similar complexity in the body, such as the cardiac and
the nervous system, that animals and humans share, scientists have been able to use
animals as replacements of humans for their experiments. Eventually, this use has
expanded the knowledge of the science world. For example, two scientists, Allan Lloyd
and Andrew Huxley, were able to discover the basis of the nervous transmissions by
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experimenting on a squids nervous system. Similarly, another scientist, John Eccles,
proved the nature of the synapse through his work on a cats spinal cord. (Pycroft, L. and
Marston, H. 2011) Besides that, animal experimentation has become so broad nowadays,
that it even gives the possibility for scientists to choose the specie that better suits and
represents the concept they wish to study, facilitating their work and making it quicker. It
has also lessened the limitation that experiments might bring with them, by allowing
researchers to carry out studies that could not be done in humans. Nevertheless, in
gratitude to animal research, humans have learned and discover more in depth
characteristics of diseases that have wide effects on people: Alzheimer is one of those
diseases. Alzheimer affects large numbers of people worldwide by being the prevalent
form of dementia that the human race experiences. However, in the quest to find the
reasons behind this disease, animal testing has had immeasurable participation. Mice
and monkeys have helped scientists to identify molecules and mutations that contribute to
Alzheimer as well as factors such as obesity and inactivity that increase the risk of
developing the disease. (Understanding Animal Research, 2014) Aside from that, animals
have had a tremendous impact on saving lives. Animal testing did not only mark the
beginning of many medical processes such as MRIs, organ transplants and chemotherapy
but also marked the ending of human experimentation by replacing them.

When is animal testing wrong?
When researchers and scientists are found in the dilemma between testing on
humans or animals for a specific medical finding, this is when animal testing should be
done. However, there are many cases in which animals have been used for experiments
Claudia Serrano
AP English, Block 5
May 26, 2014

without valid medical value or for beauty treatments like in the cosmetic industry; this is
when animal testing should not be done. There have been certain cases in which animals
have been only used in order to validate or nullify questions or doubts of whether
animals could live in and survive specific conditions, leading scientists to physically
manipulate animals by removing body parts. In this case, there is no valid and beneficial
reason behind the experiment. Moreover, it is known that cosmetic industries use animals
in order to test their products; China is a country that requires animal testing in the
cosmetic industry. Due to the fact that these products are used specifically to augment
beauty rather than for health issues, there should be no reason to experiment on animals.

Regulations and laws
Animal research has brought many benefits to scientists allowing them to expand
their knowledge in a variety of concepts, through mimicking the complexity of the human
body. However, animal research can also bring disadvantages both to the science and the
ethical world if there is no control over it. Due to this reason, many countries have
created agencies and organization to supervise animal testing and eliminate as much as
possible the suffering of the animals being used. These organizations demand laws that
researches and scientists should follow regarding the living conditions that laboratory
animals should have. Animal Welfare Institute, a well-known American organization,
focuses in endorsing comfortable living conditions and better treatment to animals in
research. For example, this organization funds as well as encourages laboratories to build
cozy environments where to keep the animals that will be used for testing. These
environments should meet certain characteristics in order to be considered appropriate;
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there should resemble as closely as possible the habitat in which animals live in order to
allow animals to keep with their ordinary behaviors as well as should consist with the
assistant of veterinaries to treat the animals. Aside from this organization, the United
States has other laws that should be follow when conducting animal experimentation:
strict laws and procedures, laid down by the National Institute of Health and a number
of other public and private organizations, ensure ethical and sensitive use of animals for
research (Columbia Encyclopedia, 2013, pg. 1). This educated approach towards animal
testing can be seen throughout the globe nowadays, where countries require laboratories
to follow certain guidelines. All the cases that involve animal testing should meet these
regulations in order to grant the science world the benefits that animal testing might bring
but also grant animals the treatment they deserve.

Case violating laws
This year, Georgia Regent University was accused of maltreatment towards
laboratory animals. Investigation showed that due to a lack of attention and sensitivity
from the personnel, the living conditions of animals in research were exacerbated,
negatively affecting their health. Chimpanzees were found to be living in unhealthy
conditions that lead them to pull their hair out, drink their urine and spin obsessively in
their cages (McManus, T. 2014). Besides that, mice were also found in unbelievable
negative conditions; wounds caused both by mice themselves and other factors were
found untreated and infected. Similarly, Harvard University, one of the most prestigious
schools in the United States, has been fined large amounts of money after investigations
discovered that the school had violated various acts stated in the Animal Welfare Act, an
Claudia Serrano
AP English, Block 5
May 26, 2014

act affirming the regulations and requirements that should be meet in order to conduct
animal research. (Grant, B, 2013) Animal cages where in ominous conditions, with no
drinking bottles for water and with chains and other parts of the cage destroyed. Due to
these reasons, many monkeys suffered from health conditions, leading them either to
natural death or to be euthanized. In cases like these harsh punishments should be placed
on the violator, such as high fines or closure, in order to ensure that in the future the
rights of laboratory animals are respected.

The real reason behind animal testing is that its alternative is worst, human
experiment. Animal testing is acceptable when the research has a valid scientific reason
and when there exists no other alternative aside from using animals. However, animal
experimentation should follow certain rules and regulations in order to decrease its
negative impact on the ethical side and provide the best conditions possible for the
animals being used. Not a single animal, even animals that are specifically raised for
manipulation and scientific alteration should live under unfavorable conditions, first
because of ethics and secondly, because the negative treatment towards laboratory
animals might cause misleading effects on experiments and research.

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