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2014 Season

Student Workbook
Lessons 1-12


About Technovation

Mission: Our mission is to promote women in technology by
giving them the confidence and skills they need to succeed in
computer science and entrepreneurship

Vision: Our vision is to empower every young woman who
wants to have a career in technology entrepreneurship.

Goal: Our goal is to teach young women the basic skills that
will allow them to understand the opportunities in technology
and entrepreneurship.


Table of Contents

Lesson Content Pages
1 Task List for Lessons 1 - 6 4
1 Judging Rubric 5
Activity Brainstorming App
3 Example Surveys 7-8
Activity Brainstorming
Survey Questions
Activity Design Survey and
Activity Usability Testing of
Competitor Apps
4 Plan for Completing Prototype 12
Activity Build Your Paper
Activity Test Your Paper
Prototype with Another Team
6 List of terms 18
6 Business Model 19 - 20

Lesson 1 - 6 Task List

This is your syllabus for the first half of the course. The tasks for each week can
be started with your mentor and finished up as homework, as long as they are
finished by the time she arrives the next week. Determine your class meeting
schedule and write the dates in below. You will find the student workbook for
lessons 7-12 on the Technovation curriculum page.

Lesson Date Tasks !
! Learn about App Inventor and complete and hack
! Complete Mole Mash 2 before lesson 2.

! Brainstorm your app idea with your team.
! Complete the Videowall2 tutorial before lesson 3

! Create a survey and ask 20 friends to take it.
! Outline a plan for completing prototype.
! Complete the ColoredDots tutorial before lesson 4

! Analyze competition by testing usability of similar
! Finish paper prototype and bring to class next week.

! Test your paper prototype and incorporate feedback
from peers.
! Finish skeleton of screens in App Inventor.

! Complete business model worksheet in Student
! Continue to work on app prototype-- implement all
transitions in the blocks editor to help the user move
from one screen to another.

2014 Final Deliverables
! Screenshot of at least 3
screens of your app prototype
! Presentation slide deck
(please use Power Point if
! Pitch Video on YouTube under
4 minutes (+/- a few seconds)
! Demo Video on YouTube
under 2 minutes (+/- a few
! Business plan typed and in
PDF format
! 100-word app description
! Source code of your app

Week 1


Judging Rubric

DIRECTIONS: Evaluate these items objectively to the extent that you can. It is ok for every team to
gain the highest score in each of these items. In fact if the team completed the entire
Technovation curriculum, they should receive a perfect score on every item in this section.

Objective items




Did the girls identify a real problem
in their community?
No It somewhat, but not
fully, addresses a
local, real problem
Does the app solve the problem
that they identified?
No It somewhat, but not
fully, solves the
Is the prototype they submitted fully
functional? (It should contain at
least 3 screens with all buttons and
links functional and no obvious
Mostly, except for a
few minor issues. I
can still get the
general idea.
DIRECTIONS: Evaluate these items according to your expert, subjective judgment. These items
should be measured relative to the quality of the other apps you judge in your pool. Every team
should not be capable of receiving the highest score- these items should rank the different entries
from ones that just fulfill the requirements to ones that are truly extraordinary.

Subjective items





Overall Pitch Quality. Is the Pitch
compelling, and would you invest
resources in this team?
Not at


, I would
Top of my

2 3 4 SCORE
Business Plan. Do they have a
sound business plan? (thorough
market analysis, viable marketing
plan, etc.)
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


Future Vision. Do they have a
practical vision for extending the
capabilities of their app beyond the
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


Dynamic Functionality. Does the
app go beyond static content and
include dynamic functionality?
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


User Interface. Is the app's
interface intuitive and easy to use?
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


Bonus Points! Does the App include the following? 0 2 SCORE
External Data Integration (calls data from an external API) No Yes

An Especially Creative Design No Yes


Week 1


Brainstorming App Ideas

1 User: _________________________________________
1 Verb: _________________________________________
1 Object: _________________________________________
1 Noun, Adjective, Adverb, or Verb: ____________________________________

Index card stories:
1. Write a 2-sentence story using the 4 index cards you picked:

2. Write a 2-sentence story, using the 4 index cards, about how someone
would use your app

Design your app box:

1. Whats it called?_______________________________________________
2. Whos it for?__________________________________________________
3. Whats its tagline/slogan?_______________________________________
4. What are its most compelling features and benefits?_________________
5. What imagery would make it stand out?____________________________

Week 2

Survey Questions:
The goal of this survey is to find a group of people that can give you
information about your idea/ product / market opportunity

1. Do you enjoy listening to music? (yes or no) _______
2. How satisfied are you hearing music you like but you do not know
the title of? (1= not satisfied, 10 = very satisfied) ______
3. How can we contact you to talk further about this? ____________

Example Surveys

Shazam is a mobile app based music identification service.

Resulting Metrics (data we received):
Divide the number of people who responded in a selected way by the
number of people who took the survey.
1. 45/50 said yes, they enjoy listening to music
2. 22/30 reported a satisfaction level of less than 4
3. 40/50 included at least one way to contact them
What we learned:
There is a large market size for our product
Most people are not very satisfied listening to music that
they dont know the title of
People are interested in talking to us about it
Week 3

Survey Questions:
The goal of this survey is to find a group of people that can give
you information about your idea/ product / market opportunity

1. Do you enjoy puzzle games? (yes or no) _______
2. How satisfied are you with your options of mobile phone
games? (1= not satisfied, 10 = very satisfied) ______
3. How can we contact you to talk further about this? _________

Example Surveys

Angry Birds is a mobile app game

Resulting Metrics:
Divide the number of people who responded in a selected way by
the number of people who took the survey.
1. 30/50 said yes, they enjoy puzzle games
2. 12/30 reported a satisfaction rate of less than 7
3. 40/50 included at least one way to contact them
What we learned:
We have a good market size for our app
Most people are fairly satisfied with their options of mobile
People are interested in talking to us about it
Week 3


Market Research Survey

When creating your survey think about the following:
! What do you want to know about your target user?
! What problem does your app solve?
! What groups of people have these problems?
! How big is this group(s) of people (i.e. your market)?
! Where is there a need for your app?
! What currently fills that need?
! If your app existed, would people use it? How often?
! How much would people pay for it?
! Which features are most important for your app to have?
! Does your target audience have the problem that you think they have?
! Is your solution (your app) the only solution to the problem?

Brainstorm Survey Questions
Tip: If you had your customer in front of you, what questions would you ask them
to find out what they need from an app, how they would use it, etc. List your ideas
and questions here. Make sure your final survey is typed when you give it to

Week 3


Write your Final Survey Questions and Results Here:

Survey Question Summary of Survey Results







Week 3


Usability testing of competitor apps

Name of
What does it do
What could it do
How will your app
be different?

Week 4


Plan for Completing Prototype:

Create a plan for how you will complete your prototype. Figure out what basic
features or components your app will need (text-to-speech, accelerometer, lists,
etc.) and then research videos or tutorials that will teach you how to implement
those features. Finally, make a plan for when you will work on each component.

Feature Resources to learn how to use feature Timeframe

Week 4

Sketch Your Paper Prototype

Draw your screens out here or use index cards. Think about how your screens will interact
with each other, and draw arrows to indicate the flow of your app.

Week 4





Test your paper prototype with another team:

Take notes on the feedback you receive here. Answer the Usability Testing
questions and add some of your own before you begin if needed.

Questions Notes Changes that need to be
made by your team
Is there anything that is
unclear or confusing in
the user-interface?

Would your user prefer
the app look or behave

Which features of your
app interface and usability
are of highest value to
your target market?

Are there any missing
buttons or other content
from your app?

Did the users
expectations differ from
the intended functionality
of the app?

Week 5

List of Terms

User-Centered Design: Designing with the user in mind (Remember, you are not
necessarily the user!)

Interface: A common boundary or link between two things.

User Interface: Interface between person and thing, especially in software.

User Interface Design: Designing things that will make sense for the end user, by
thinking about how the user will interface with the product.

Market Research: Figuring out what your market wants. What problem is your
customer interested in solving and does your product/service solve this problem in the
customers eyes?

Lean Startup Methodology: Talking to your customers early and often, testing your
product with potential customers as early as possible even if the product is imperfect, and
learning as much as you can about your market and business quickly, before pouring
resources into it. The Lean Startup Methodology was developed by Eric Ries.

Pivot: Changing your business strategy/app idea to suit either a new customer or the same
customer for example, making your app a solution to a problem that your customer indicates
as a problem, rather than the one you originally intended to solve.

Customer development: Understanding your customers needs even better than they
do, and making sure customers will use your product.

Value Propositions: What value do we deliver to the customer? Low Price/

Distribution Channels: How are you reaching your customers? Which method works
best? Which are the most cost-efficient?

Cost Structure: What are the important costs in your business?

Market Size: Who are all the people and organizations for which you are creating value?
There must be enough people who would buy your product/service to make a profit.

Revenue Streams: To be a business, you have to make moneyfrom whom and how?
Paid apps? Advertising? In-game purchases?

Profit: The extra money that you have made, subtracting any costs incurred, at the end of
the day. Profit = Revenue Cost.

Week 6

Business Model

What problem in the community your app is solving?

How are you defining your community (similar to market):

Describe your app in 3 sentences max.

Value Propositions: What value does your app idea add to a customer? Why is your app idea
something that people will want to use? What stands out about your app idea from others?
What is special about your app idea?

Market Size: Who are you trying to sell your app to? How many people do you plan to sell your
app to? There needs to be enough people who will buy your app to make $.

Revenue Streams: What are the different ways that you will make money? Will you charge
people to use your app? If so, how much and how often (monthly subscription, yearly, or daily)?

Week 6

Cost Structure: What are the expenses for your team? Where would you work out of if you
started your own business and how much would it cost? Do you have employees? Who will
you need to hire, if anyone?

Distribution Channels: How are you getting your app to customers? How are you increasing
your market size? Will you use social media, sell to people in person, sell your app to schools
or other business? Where will you advertise?

Is there anything that your team will have to find out (or needs more information on) in order
to build your app? What would you ask investors for to take your app to market?


Table of Contents

Lesson Content Pages
7 Task List for Lessons 7-12 22
7 Logo and app color scheme 23
7 100-word app description 24
7 Business plan template 25-26
8 Career exploration tips 27
9 The pitch worksheet 28
9 The PowerPoint Slide Deck 29-30
10 Final deliverables review 31
10 Judging rubric 32
10 Dressing for success 33
11 Pitch feedback and reflection 34

Student Workbook: Lessons 7-12


Lesson 7-12 Task List

This is your syllabus for the first half of the course. The tasks for each week can
be started with your mentor and finished up as homework, as long as they are
finished by the time she arrives the next week.

Lesson Date Tasks !
! Complete Business Plan template draft
! Update your personal brand on social media
! Logo and color scheme for your app
! 100-word app description
! Collect feedback on your app description

! Finalize your Business Plan type it up
! Show at least 3 functional screens of your app
! Beautify your app look
! Send thank you notes to your mentor panel or reach
out to mentors in the videos

! Complete 50% of your PowerPoint slide deck
! Plan for your pitch presentation
! Test your app with a user and make adjustments
! Collect evidence/images from social media
promoting your app for your presentation

! Work on final deliverables
! Assign a team member to each deliverable that
needs to be completed. Make sure the team is in
agreement on who is working on which deliverable.
! Come dressed for success next lesson

! Insert at least 3 functional screen shots of your app
prototype into your presentation
! Practice your pitch and record feedback

! Finish remaining tasks
! Make a plan to upload final deliverables by May 2

by 5pm PST/ 8pm EST

Logo and App Color Development

Thinking about the colors you use on your app screen and in your logo can set
the mood for what people will feel when they interact with your app. Different
colors can create different mental and physical responses from your consumer.
Take some time to strategically think about what colors you want to use
depending on what you plan your app to do for your consumer.

Color Wheel:
! The first color diagram was developed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666.
! 12 colors on the color wheel:
! Primary: red, yellow, and blue (no other colors can be mixed to make these
! Secondary: green, orange and purple (created by mixing the primary
! Tertiary: yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, and
yellow green

Color meanings:
! Red: is one of the top two favorite colors of all people. Approximately 77%
of all flags in the world contain red in them. Red is the international color
for stop.
! Yellow is the most vibrant of colors and represents happiness and
creativity. Generally, yellow captures our attention more than other colors.
! Blue is the favorite color of most people. The shade of blue can change the
feeling you get from something. This is often the most over-used color so
be careful with placement.

Want more color wheel and strategy information?
Google the colors you are thinking of using or check out these websites:,,

Color tips:
! Look to nature for inspiration of
colors you want to use
! Check out your competition and how
they use colors
! Ask yourself what you want the
colors you use to do for the

Week 7

100 Word App Description

Use this space to brainstorm your 100-word app description. You got a start on
this in your Business Model when you created your 3-sentence description. Now,
take description and refine to be 100-words. This description should be fun and
catchy, and entice someone to buy your app. Have fun! Remember to type up
your final draft, count the words, and have it saved and ready to submit by April

Brainstorming Questions:

1. What is unique about your app?

2. What problem do you think your app is solving?

3. How are you solving the problem?

4. Who is your target consumer and why would they want to use your app?

Final Description:

Week 7

Business Plan Template

Use this space to outline your basic ideas. The final business plan you submit should be typed
and submitted as a PDF.

! Team Name
! App Name
! Logo

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The executive summary is like an abstract or
introduction in a scientific report it tells the reader what theyre about to read.
It should summarize the major points from the rest of the plan. It should clearly
state the goals of the business and the vision of the business that is, what do
you want to do and how will that change the world?

! Opening Paragraph:
o Description of the problem you are addressing (1-2 sentence)
o Description of how the app solves the problem (1-2 sentences)
o Team member names
! Market description (1-2 sentences)
! Product description
! Competitive edge
! Mission of your company
! Your companys keys to success
! Objectives of your company

! 1-2 sentences about your company
! Start-up summary: what will you need to be successful?
o Would you develop the app yourselves, or hire professional
o How many developers does that get you and for how long?
o How much would you spend on advertising or promotional materials,
and what kinds of materials would you make?
o Would you do any of the PR/marketing yourselves?
o What else would you spend it on?

Your logo should be one
of the first items on
your business plan.

Week 7


! More specific description about what your product will do:
o What is the product or service?
o What does it do?
o How will it benefit customers?

! Overview of what your market is and who your consumers are
! Describe who the customer is and what their needs are.
! Describe any competitors and how you plan to differentiate yourselves
from them.
! What is your market size and is it broken up into segmentations?
! Use proof in the form of a table to show how your app stands apart.
! Financial Analysis
o How much does your product or service cost?
o How much money will you make?
o Pricing scheme for your product: you can use your market size to
gure out how much money you will make.

! How will you bring the product or service to the market?
! How will you build awareness of it amongst your consumer base?
! List the actions you will take to launching your product or service
! Highlight how you will draw customers to it.
! Growth and user adoption plan
! List any future features you envision in your plan

! List any articles or sources you used in your plan
! Make sure your fonts are consistent and clear: use Times New Roman,
Arial, Helvetica, or another clear font
! Margins at are 1 inch all around
! Bold or highlight any title sections or headers

Week 7

Career Exploration

A major step in career exploration is an informational interview of people who
are in the field that you are thinking of entering. Here are some questions you
can ask the mentors on your career panel.
Describe a typical day at work.
How many hours do you normally work in a week?
What do you see as the potential for growth in this field?
What can I do now to help me find employment in this field?
What do you like about your career and what don't you like about it?

What other questions would you ask of the mentors? List them here:

Q. ___________________________ A:_________________________________
Q. ___________________________ A:_________________________________
Q. ___________________________ A:_________________________________
Q. ___________________________ A:_________________________________
Q. ___________________________ A:_________________________________

*If you dont have a career panel take a look at the What is it like to work at
videos here:

NETWORKING: Did you meet or learn about anyone you want to follow up with?
Write their name and email here.

Name:_________________________ Email:______________________________
Name:_________________________ Email:______________________________

FOLLOW UP: sending thank you emails or cards is a great way to let people know that you
appreciate their time. We encourage you to stay connected with your mentor panel or reach
out to the mentors in the videos so you can build your network of female mentors. Here is a
sample email or card you can send. Put your own touch on it and personalize the thank you!

Dear Ms. _____________________,

Thank you for attending our Technovation Career Panel. I am interested in the field of
__________________ and appreciate your time sharing your experiences with our team. I
hope we can stay connected in the future.

Thank you,

Week 8


The Pitch

Your Hook (quote, statistic, photo, skit, question, etc):







Remember that all team members must speak in the pitch. Assign team
members to the different parts of the presentation:

Hook: _____________________________________________

Beginning: _________________________________________

Middle: ____________________________________________


Week 9

Slide Deck Draft
Use this space to outline what you want to put on your slides and the order you
want the presentation to be presented

Slide 1 Title slide

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Week 9

Slide 7

Slide 8
Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

Slide 12


2014 Final Deliverables
Your team will be judged on the following items. Assign a team
member to finish anything that still needs work. Due May 2
5pm PST/8pm EST.

! Screenshot of at least 3 screens of your app prototype
o Team member responsible: _________________________
! Source code for your teams app (show at least 3 functional
screens of code for your teams app)
o Team member responsible: _________________________
! Presentation slide deck (please use Power Point if possible)
o Team member responsible: _________________________
! Pitch Video on YouTube under 4 minutes (+/- a few seconds)
o Team member responsible: _________________________
! Demo Video on YouTube under 2 minutes (+/- a few seconds)
o Team member responsible: _________________________
! Business plan typed and in PDF format
o Team member responsible: _________________________
! 100-word app description - typed and in PDF format
o Team member responsible: _________________________

Other deliverables:
! Team photo
! Survey in week 12

Week 10


Judging Rubric

DIRECTIONS: Evaluate these items objectively to the extent that you can. It is ok for every team to
gain the highest score in each of these items. In fact if the team completed the entire
Technovation curriculum, they should receive a perfect score on every item in this section.

Objective items




Did the girls identify a real problem
in their community?
No It somewhat, but not
fully, addresses a
local, real problem
Does the app solve the problem
that they identified?
No It somewhat, but not
fully, solves the
Is the prototype they submitted fully
functional? (It should contain at
least 3 screens with all buttons and
links functional and no obvious
Mostly, except for a
few minor issues. I
can still get the
general idea.
DIRECTIONS: Evaluate these items according to your expert, subjective judgment. These items
should be measured relative to the quality of the other apps you judge in your pool. Every team
should not be capable of receiving the highest score- these items should rank the different entries
from ones that just fulfill the requirements to ones that are truly extraordinary.

Subjective items





Overall Pitch Quality. Is the Pitch
compelling, and would you invest
resources in this team?
Not at


, I would
Top of my

2 3 4 SCORE
Business Plan. Do they have a
sound business plan? (thorough
market analysis, viable marketing
plan, etc.)
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


Future Vision. Do they have a
practical vision for extending the
capabilities of their app beyond the
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


Dynamic Functionality. Does the
app go beyond static content and
include dynamic functionality?
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


User Interface. Is the app's
interface intuitive and easy to use?
Not at

A little

Quite a lot


Bonus Points! Does the App include the following? 0 2 SCORE
External Data Integration (calls data from an external API) No Yes

An Especially Creative Design No Yes


Week 10


Dressing for success

As a young professional you will start to build the first impression that
future mentors, employers and reference will remember. Within 5
seconds, a first impression is made and you want to make sure that
youve put out an image of confidence and professionalism. When
attending or presenting, wearing business professional attire is
recommended. The image you project will also impact your team
members. You want to look cohesive and show a united front. Here
are some tips to think about for your own dress and also your teams

Womens Professional Attire:
" Suit (pant or skirt) in a solid color with no extreme slits, necklines, or
" Limit jewelry and accessories
" Clean nails and no chips if polished
" Closed-toe shoes and match stockings to suit

Team Attire:
" Do you want your outfits to be color coordinated?
" Are you planning to have shirts with your companys logo?
" Is everyone wearing a similar outfit or type of outfit (ex: suit jackets,
collared blouses, etc)
" Are you video taping from the waist up or the entire length of the
body? If you are videotaping from the waist up then you may not
need a full suit and dress shoes for the taping.

What other factors about your teams attire are you considering?

Week 10


Pitch Feedback Reflection
Record feedback you received from your practice pitch here.

What cool feedback did you receive? (Things you need to improve on)

What warm feedback did you receive? (Things you did well)

How can you change the temperature of your presentation? (what
suggestions did your audience have that can help you improve?)

Week 11

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