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Hybrid wind system is a combined system of wind and solar power generation
system. Aero turbines convert wind energy into rotary mechanical energy. A mechanical
interface, consisting of a step-up gear and a suitable coupling transmits the energy to an
electrical generator. The output of this generator is connected to the Battery or system
grid. The battery is connected to the inverter. The inverter is used to convert DC voltages
to AC voltages. The load is drawn current from the inverter.
enerator, !ains haft with "eafs, ear #heel Arrangement
#ind power ratings can be divided into three convenient grouping, small to $%#,
medium to &' %# and large ('' %# to megawatt frame si)e.
*olar energy means all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun. +t provides
daylight ma%es the earth hot and is the source of energy for plants to grow. *olar energy
is also put to two types of use to help our lives directly solar heating and solar electricity.
*olar electricity is the technology of converting sunlight directly in to electricity.
+t is based on photo-voltaic or solar modules, which are very reliable and do not re,uire
any fuel or servicing. *olar electric systems are suitable for plenty of sun and are ideal
when there is no main electricity.
#ind energy offers another source for pumping as well as electric power
generation. +ndia has potential of over (',''' !# for power generation and ran%s as
one of the promising countries for tapping this source. The cost of power generation
from wind farms has now become lower than diesel power and comparable to thermal
power in several areas of our country especially near the coasts.
#ind power pro-ects of aggregate capacity of . !# including / wind farms
pro-ects of capacity 0..& !# have been established in different parts of the country of
which 1 !# capacities has been completed in $2.2 by D34*. #ind farms are operating
successfully and have already fed over $&' la%es units of electricity to the respective state
grids. 5ver (& !# of additional power capacity from wind is under implementation.
6nder demonstration programmer (/$ wind pumps have been installed up to 7ebruary
$2.2. *i8ty small wind battery charges of capacities 1'' watts to 9 %# are under
installation. "i%ewise to stand-alone wind electric generators of $' to (& %# are under
The ma-or advantage of this design is that the rotor blades can accept the wind
from any compass.
Another added advantage is that the machine can be mounted on the ground
eliminating tower structures and lifting of huge weight of machine assembly, i.e. it
can be operated close to the ground level.
*ince this machine has vertical a8is symmetry, it eliminates yaw control
re,uirement for its rotor to capture wind energy. A dual purpose and relatively
simple shaft a8is support is anticipated as well as ground level power output
delivery due to presence of vertical shaft. This may in turn, allow easier access
and serviceability.
Airfoil rotor fabrication costs are e8pected to be reduced over conventional rotor
blade costs.
The absence of pitch control re,uirements for synchronous operation may yield
additional cost savings.
The tip speed ratio and power coefficient are considerably better than those of the
*-rotor but are still below the values for a modern hori)ontal-a8is, two-bladed
propeller rotor.
:otor power output efficiency of a Darrieus wind energy conversion system is also
somewhat lower than that of a conventional hori)ontal rotor.
Because a Darrieus rotor is generally situated near ground pro8imity, it may also
e8perience lower velocity wind compared to a tower mounted conventional wind
energy conversion system of comparable pro-ected rotor disc area. This may yield
less energy output.
Direct e!t !""#ic!ti$%&
!echanical motion derived from wind power can be used to drive heat pumps or
to produce heat from the friction of solid materials, or by the churning of water or other
fluids, or in other cases, by the use of centrifugal or other types of pumps in combination
with restrictive orifices that produces heat from friction and turbulence when the wor%ing
fluid flows through them. This heat may then be stored in materials having a high heat
capacity, such as water, stones, eutectic salts, etc.,
A home heating system that uses a wind powered pump and a restrictive orifice to
derive direct heat for a building, without first generating electricity also has been
E#ectric Ge%er!ti$% A""#ic!ti$%&'
#ind power can be used in centrali)ed utility applications to drive synchronous
A.C. electrical generators. +n such applications the energy is fed directly into power
networ%s through voltage step-up transformers.

By the use of tube light we can save about 9'; of energy more than that of
discharge lamps and it is possible to get a better illumination at the street and this energy
can be utili)ed at re,uired hour and due to this there are following advantages.
By the use of tube light the colour determination will be better.
By the use of this light the hard beams would not be there so that accident
due to this is avoided in the road.
+t has comparatively longer life than others.
The energy consumption comparatively lesser than the other.
+t can be placed for illumination at any position.
it<s construction is simple and re,uires less maintenance.
*ince it is not a point source, the illumination level will be higher i.e., the
illumination is throughout its length, and the si)e of the tube is $.(m.
*olar modules are a good source of electricity because they are reliable simples to
operate and do not re,uire fuel.
The main application for solar electricity is in remote sunny areas that have no
main electricity and the supply of fuel for generator is unreliable or e8pensive.
!any appliances in homes and small institutions can be run on solar electricity.
Here is a list of energy=
>$? *olar power calculator.
>(? *treet lamp.
>1? @ac% pumps that lift water from a depth of 11'm.
>9? *oldering iron.
4lectric drill, sewing machine, high voltage fly %iller, science laboratory apparatus, slide
pro-ector and

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