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Discuss Issues of equality and diversity and ways to promote

inclusion with your learners. Review other points of referral

available to meet the potential needs of others.
Explorations into the needs and goals of each individual learner are at the forefront of any
successful strategy for achieving inclusivity, equality and diversity in a training situation.
From this they should understand the equal value of themselves and others as individuals,
that access to your course should be open to all, irrespective of sex, race, age, religion,
sexual orientation, mental aptitude or physical impairment.

Identification of a student’s personal assets (things that will help them succeed such as
supportive peers / family, being well motivated, having library and computer access, prior
knowledge of the subject and their best learning styles) and barriers (things that will prevent
success like physical access difficulties, disruptive or unsupportive peers / family, lack of
motivation, financial difficulties, poor core skills, tiredness, fear and a lack of confidence)
should be made when they make initial contact with the training provider. This means that
even before they start training, both positive and negative issues can be addressed, and if
necessary passed to other areas of the institution for financial, health, access and learning
support. The needs and goals of the learner should be continually examined during their
time with the provider through direct and indirect feedback through testing, themselves, their
peers, you and any other departments involved in their welfare. This should lead to the
individual feeling supported and valued which in turn should provide a happy and inclusive
training environment.

If training sessions use adequate amounts of differentiation, the accommodation of different

learning styles and ability levels, their very structure, should create natural inclusivity and
points of referral, using the spectrum of visual, aural, oral and kinaesthetic learning and
techniques such as buddying up, snowballing, group work, team learning, peer teaching, etc,
(Geoff Petty – Teaching Today 3rd ed.) enabling learners to support each other and see that
the cumulation of the groups skills, experiences and backgrounds is what makes it better as
a whole, allowing all to understand the value of difference and its positive aspects.

Feedback from your own observations, self testing, peer review, formal testing and
assignments completed alone can all be used to assess a student’s areas of strength and
help them work on their weaknesses, creating new targets and an improved learning plan,
revising your own your lesson plans and if necessary, making provision for suitable
interventions from other departments, so that you can allow the student to fulfil their

Teaching Today Geoff Petty 3rd ed.

Adult Learning Adult Teaching John Daines 4th ed.

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