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The Mysterious

Death of Anna Garcia

Anna Garcia Timeline, causes of

By: Morgan

14 Months Old
Medical History Diagnosis:
Sickle Cell Anemia: Positive
Severe Anemia: Positive
RBC count reduced levels
WBC count increased levels
Splenic sequestration: Enlarged spleen
from sickled blood build up.
14 Months Old
Symptoms: Feels fatigue and the inability to
complete her normal activities without
needing to rest. Always feels thirsty.
Abdomen is tender to the touch. Patient is in
a lot of pain.

14 Months Old (continued)
Human Body System Affected:
Cardiovascular: can cause death due to myocardial infarction and
induced rhythm disturbances. There may also be a problem with the bone
marrow structure, and the future breaking of bones.
Immune: Directly affected when the germ immune cells can not reach
full potential when fighting off bacteria.
Respiratory: Acute Chest Syndrome
Urinary: UTIs are more easy to get
***Digestive: Bilirubin Gallstones (forms of bile build up)***
14 Years Old
Medical History Diagnosis:
Annas diagnosis is Type 1 diabetes because her
glucose test levels are not starting and finishing at a normal
level. Type 1 diabetes was discovered when her insulin
levels appeared to be at 100 every time, concluding that
she is not able to produce her own insulin. Routine
urinalysis shows glucose in the urine.
14 Years Old (continued)
Symptoms: Still feels thirsty, uses the
bathroom more often, lost almost 10 pounds
since her last visit even though her diet and
exercise levels have not changed, and
occasional tingling sensation in lower legs/
14 years old (continued)
Human Body Systems Affected:
Urinary: glucose in urine, bacteria
growth, damaged kidneys, damage to
nerves that control the bladder
Digestive: Gastroparesis
Cardiovascular: shortness of breath,
chest pain, or feels fatigue
37 Years Old
Medical History:
Patient is tachycardic
Slight Heart murmur
Family Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Triglycerides high

37 Years Old
High Blood Pressure
Hypertrophy (Left Ventricle)
Poor Diet
Minimum Exercise

37 Years Old
Human Body Systems affected:
Cardiovascular: Can cause dramatic
death due to lack of nutrition and exercise,
as well as family history of heart disease.
Digestive: Ulcers and damage to
digestive tissue
38 Years Old
Medical History:
Urinary Tract Infection: bacteria
causing was Serratia Marcescens.

38 Years Old
Frequent urination, extreme pain in her
extremities, fatigue, urine was cloudy and
appeared pink.
38 Years Old
Human Body Systems Affected:
Urinary: UTI was caused by Serratia
Marcescens. Bacteria growth from 5 days in
the hospital and a catheter. Patients who
have sickle cell anemia are also more prone
to bacterial infections.
Final Cause of Death
Anna Garcia dies of ketoacidosis. The
ketones in her body are a build up byproduct
of her fat being used as energy instead of
sugar because there is no insulin.
What Anna Could Have Done...
In order for Anna to prevent ketoacidosis,
long term Anna could have kept up on her
type one diabetes insulin injections to keep
her blood sugar at a normal level, then she
would not need to use up as much fat
byproduct to give her energy. In short tems,
Anna could have given herself more insulin
that she needed.
As this fatal crime scene comes to a close, Anna Garcia has died of
ketoacidosis. As Anna is a type 1 diabetic, and has missed insulin injections,
has had infection, and serious illness; can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis which is
Annas final cause of death. When arriving at the crime scene, there was vomit
on the floor near Annas mouth, Annas skin appeared pale and flushed, and
smell of fruitiness in her breath, probably because she had drunk orange juice,
that was an empty bottle found at the crime scene. Putting all the evidence
together, Anna proved that she died of ketoacidosis when testing her blood
glucose level (higher than 240 mg/dL) and inflammation in the brain which
caused her to experience vomiting, skeletal muscle weakness, and her falling
to hit head on the table and the lamp and the crime scene.
Conclusion Questions
2.) Annas human body systems malfunctions: Digestive
System: Annas digestive system was poor because her
pancreas did not produce insulin to cause her to use fat for
energy. Cardiovascular System: Annas cardiovascular
system malfunction when she had a hard time breathing
causing her to panic and with high blood pressure, her life
would have ended sooner rather than later.
3.) Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, Dizzy, thirst, frequent
urination, nausea, feels tired, confusion
Conclusion Questions Continued
4.) The EMT could have saved Annas life
potentially because they could have helped
her get energy into her body systems and
could have given her an IV to keep her
hydrated to help her skin stay hydrated as
well with her body systems.
Conclusion Questions Continued
5.) Two careers that interest me are the Medical
Laboratory Technicians because I would enjoy testing and
evaluating specific test results for a cause. Another career
that would interest me would be a Medical Examiner
because I would enjoy studying medical history, evaluating
crime scene statement evidences, and working for many
different contracting places.

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