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For Immediate Release

June 11, 2014

Contact: Patricia Cole

Catholic Charities USA Announces Appointment of Senior Vice President of Social Policy
Brian Corbin joins CCUSA after nearly 30 years working in the Diocese of Youngstown
Alexandria, Virginia Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) announced today that Brian R. Corbin will
join the organization on August 4
as the Senior Vice President of Social Policy. He will oversee
CCUSAs social policy team and manage the organizations advocacy and government affairs efforts.
Brian is no stranger to our membership, said Father Larry Snyder, President of Catholic Charities
USA. He has been a trusted leader within the Catholic Charities movement in many areas and
brings with him the credibility and respect of his peers.
In 2003, Brian led the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops National Advisory Council as
its chairman. He was elected to the National Board of Trustees of Catholic Charities USA in 2004
and served as its Secretary until 2011. In addition, Brian chaired the Catholic Charities USA Task
Force on the Code of Ethics, its Committee on Catholic Identity and the Editorial Board of Catholic
Charities USA 100th Anniversary 2010. He is currently the Chair of the Catholic Charities USA
Advisory Group on Theology and Ethics.
I am honored and humbled by this appointment to work for Catholic Charities USA, a national
organization that I have been involved with for over 27 years, said Brian. During my time in the
Diocese of Youngstown, I have applied the principles of Catholic social doctrine to help alleviate
poverty by providing quality social services, advocating with low income families, and convening the
Church and others of good will to do the same. In this capacity as the Senior Vice President of
Social Policy for Catholic Charities USA, I plan to continue the amazing work done by others before
me, with the entire national staff and network of Catholic Charities agencies throughout the U.S.,
promoting and applying the Churchs teachings to work to reduce poverty in our land, following the
lead of Pope Francis, who calls us to give a voice to the cry of the poor.
Brian has worked for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Youngstown since 1987, serving for the
past thirteen years as the Executive Director for Catholic Charities Services and Health Affairs and
the Corporate Secretary/Treasurer for the Diocese of Youngstown Catholic Charities Corporation
where he has been responsible for providing leadership to and coordination for the health and social
ministries of the Church and creating opportunities for Church and community leaders to
understand and be formed in Catholic social doctrine. Brian studied philosophy and politics at
Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, political economy at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in Cambridge, MA, and most recently Organizational and Educational leadership at
Youngstown State University. Brian has taught MBA level ethics and leadership classes in the
DeVille School of Business and various graduate and undergraduate courses in Christian Moral
Living/Catholic Social Doctrine in the Department of Theology at Walsh University in North
Canton, OH, for the past ten years. In 2013, Brian became a member of the Papal Equestrian
Order of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Both Brian and his wife Dr. Donna M. DeBlasio are
active members of St. Columba Cathedral Parish in Youngstown.
About Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is leading a national movement to end poverty in America. In
communities across the country, Catholic Charities member agencies are helping individuals and
families in poverty achieve their full potential. Together we are dedicated to creating a life of
opportunity and self-sufficiency for each of the 46 million of our brothers and sisters who live in
poverty. CCUSA was founded in 1910 on the campus of Catholic University of America in
Washington, D.C. as the National Conference of Catholic Charities. For more than 100 years,
CCUSA has guided and supported the vast network of Catholic Charities agencies nationwide in a
common mission to serve, advocate, and convene. For additional information, please

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